#joe went to the bar to george to flirt
balladofthe101st · 4 months
i know joe went up to the bar just to flirt with george with the classic, "you come here often?" but george, seeing joe walk towards him, looking so handsome and lean in his class a's, panicked, and before joe could use his line, george blurts out, "corporal toye, there will be no leaning in my company. are those dusty jump wings? how do you expect to slay the huns with dust on your jump wings?" joe, bewildered and flustered, plays along, straightening up and dusting off his jump wings, just to see that sweet smile on george's face. that night didn't go as joe planned but between a couple glass of beers, sharing a smoke, and spending the rest of the evening until the next early morning with george and that goddamn sweet smile of his, joe wouldn't have spent the night any different. next time, he thinks wistfully, next time maybe he'll get a kiss
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Band of Brothers Masterlist
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Dog Tags:  Dog tags. You didn’t know why, but something about them made them seem safe and secure, just like the man wearing them.
Wounded: Being wounded in war is inevitable and could happen to anyone at any moment. But when it’s you or the love of your life that gets wounded, how will either of you handle the pain and suffering.
Richard Winters:
Everything Was Red: Lewis Nixon was after your heart, but Winters wanted it first. In the end, though, you’d surprise them both with who you would choose. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Really?: You always thought it was funny that Richard was shaving in the middle of the winter, so you decided to distract him. (Captain!Reader)
Um, Excuse You!: Eindhoven was fun until a woman kissed Richard in front of you which caused Richard to have to kiss you to stop you from murdering the woman. (Captain!Reader)
Liar:  Lewis Nixon lied to you. He told you he wasn’t married, even went so far to tell your mutual best friend Richard Winters that same lie. When you find out, though that he was lying to you for over 2 years, is when you find out who truly loves you. (Captain!Reader)
Forever and Always: He was working too hard, you saw that. The regiment didn’t. By the time you got him pulled away from the typewriter, he was still reeling over the events. All he wanted, was for you to just hold him. (Major!Reader)
Copycat: Showing up to Toccoa with a strong head on your shoulders, you were determined to make your company, Easy Company, the best in the 506th. You were bold and unshakable, but Sobel still seemed to try and knock you down. But he was nothing but a Copycat, and with Richards help, you saw that as true. (Captain!Marshall!Reader)
Mama And Her Babies (3 Parts; Continuing): Being a medic for Easy and married to the Captain are no easy feats. Luckily, no one knows about your marriage to Dick other than the higher-ups so the men treat you no differently. Will the secret come out? (Medic!Marshall!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
(More parts will be added as I continue this series. Check Back for Updates)
My Secret: Hiding your relationship from your father was harder than you both thought. But could you do it successfully?? (Captain!Sink!Reader)
I Want You: He looked so good under these lights with the little bit of scruff that dusted his jawline. His whole appearance made you want to jump him, and you normally could. But your father was across the table. (Captain!Sink!Reader)
Lewis Nixon:
Aim For My Heart (15 Parts; Will Not Continue): As a Female Snipper for Easy company, you certainly do get a lot of attention, but the only attention you want is from Lewis Nixon. In the deadly mix called love in a war in which you had no business being in, will you and Lew make it out alive (A love story I mean come on!) (Sniper!Marshall!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
(More parts will be added as I continue this series. Check Back for Updates)
Warmth: You just wanted to get warm, and the only warmth you could get was in Lew’s arms. (Captain!Marshall!Reader)
Sick: You’re sick so Lew cuddles with you.
Drunk: As a first-time drinker, you get very drunk before all of you ship out. You get so drunk to the point where Lew has to take you away so you can rest. Drunk tears ensue. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Lipstick: Aldbourne had everything. Food, beer, pretty women. You liked 2 of the 3 things, and when Lew starts to notice your mood going south, he steps in to reassure you that you’re the only girl he wants. (Lieutenant!Reader)
A Lie:  The drinking was getting too much. You tried to make him stop, but in the end, he just drifted farther and farther away. Lucky for you, Ron was there for it all, but will it stop your bleeding. (Captain!Reader) (Features Speirs)
When I Was Older… (3 Parts; Finished): Working side by side with the man you secretly love but openly hate is hard work. He tells you that your plans aren’t smart, but he knows deep down that they are indeed lifesavers. But when he doesn’t take your word and it winds up in 100 dead men, you two have an explosive fight, and words are said. Some were hurtful… Some were what you wanted to hear all along. (Captain!Intelligence!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Drunken Words Are Just Sober Thoughts: One night of you being drunk with Lew at a bar causes you to be sillier than your normally serious self. But then you mutter out some words, and he questions who you really are when you aren’t in charge and if you really meant it. (Captain!Reader)
Exhaustion: After a long day on the field all you wanted was to be in Lewis’s embrace. He gives you just what you need.  (Captain!Reader)
You’re So Far Up My Ass: Eindhoven scared you. All the people suffocated you which made you stay close to Lew. What was truly bad, was seeing the woman being sheared like cattle. That’s what made you cling onto Lew for dear life.
I’m Not Sick: You told him you weren’t sick and kept on commanding the men while in Bastogne. But your sniffles and sneezes didn’t go unnoticed in the little town of Foy and that’s when Lew put his foot down. (Sick!Captain!Reader)
British Bastard:  Ever since you walked into that office to talk to your father the British Colonel had his eyes on you. Lew and you weren’t yet dating, but would flirting with the British man push that train along? (Captain!Sink!Reader)
Fire on Fire: You loved him, you really did… But the drinking became too much and with the predicament, you were in, things had to change. You didn’t know if the change had to be from him or you… But you knew it would be bad. (Captain!Winters!Reader)
Ronald Speirs:
Cigarette?: You had heard stories about the ruthless Speirs, but when you hear how someone taking a Cigarette from him will die, you try to show the men that you aren’t afraid.
Idiot (2 Parts; Finished): Ronald Speirs had always gotten on your nerves. Whether it be fighting the biggest person at the school or running through open fire on the battlefield. He was your best friend, but you hated him when he acted like such an idiot. (Medic!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Promote Me, Love Me (12 Parts; Will Not Continue): You have one goal in this war, to rise faster in the ranks than Ronald Speirs from Dog Company. The only problem, you’re hopelessly in love with the crazy man. Will it mess up your chance to be better than the arrogant careless man, or will it make you realize that ranks aren’t everything when it comes to love? But when you find out that your best friend Carwood Lipton has been hiding feelings for you, what will you choose in the end? Speirs, Lipton, or that Golden Rank you’ve dreamt of since you were just a little girl, only war will make that decision. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Silent Affairs: No one knew about you and Ron sneaking around and you liked it that way. But when he gets moved to Easy Company, things get difficult. (Lieutenant!Reader)
Despicable: He needed you to leave him… So he pushed you till you did. And it was absolutely despicable. (Medic!Reader)
Bad Guy: Who was the bad guy? You or him? You liked him when he was mad and unlike others, you weren’t scared of him.
Guilt: You were tired of the back and forth that Ron played with your fragile heart. He liked you one minute and then ignored you the next. So you decided to make his life a living hell. (Sergeant!Marshall!Reader)
Tomorrow Is Another Day (Will Not Continue; Sequel to Old Memories, Same Crush): After George Luz finds out that you are the same girl from high school, he’s heartbroken from your lies. Confiding in Ronald Speirs, you find love again and this time, it feels correct. However, a moment in the woods sparks feelings between you and George that you wish would just go away. Will you stick to your guns and stay with Ron? Or will George’s persistence win you back? Only time will tell. After all, Tomorrow Is Another Day. (Medic!Reader)
Part 1
Celebration?:  Your hair was everything to you. Partly because it took you so long to grow it out, but mainly because it made you feel feminine when surrounded by men. So losing it, would be devastating. (Medic!Reader)
Mean: Most times Speirs could be mean and most times you stayed quiet. Sometimes you spoke up. (Shy!German-American!Reader)
Carwood Lipton:
My Sick Baby: Carwood was sick with Pneumonia, as you checked up on him you soon realized he needed to sleep so with some force, you got him to do just that. (Medic!Reader)
Scars: Ever since Lip got blown back by the tank shell, he’s been ashamed of his scars, but you reassure him you love him either way.(Medic!Reader)
Eindhoven: When a lady kisses Lips cheek, your jealousy sparks and he has to put out the fire.
Cuddle: You just want to cuddle with Carwood, it doesn’t matter to you whether he is upset with you, freezing his ass off or sicker than a dog, you just want to touch him 24/7.
You’re Being Naughty:  when you got drunk, you got naughty. But you didn’t think it would bother your best friend until he snapped at you in the middle of the bar. (Sink!Reader)
Sick Kisses: He didn’t want to kiss you when he was sick, but you didn’t care. (Medic!Reader)
Please Kiss Me:  Not now, not when he was sick. You were a medic, you should know better but you didn’t care. You couldn’t even remember what he tasted like, something that frustrated the life out of you. Would he cave in? (Medic!BabySisterSpeirs!Reader)
Joseph Liebgott:
In Denial: Joe and you always got on each other’s nerves, but how long will it take before you both realize how in denial you are about how much you love each other.
Showers: As a female soldier, you never really get to shower alone and in private. When two men have wandering eyes and nasty words, it makes you a little self-conscious and your boyfriend a little hot-headed.  
Hot Head: Joe’s jealousy really does get the best of you sometimes, but when it turns into pure rage that makes him ignore the fact that he’s hurt is when you have enough. (Medic!Reader)
Jealous Hearts and Wounded Bodies: (Sensing a theme?) Joseph is always jealous of something, but you two aren’t even dating, so what gives? When you push the limits and flirt with David Webster in front of him, all hell breaks loose. When you are wounded, though, that’s when the real truth comes out.
Ich Liebe Dich: Just Joe bugging you in English, so he says I love you in German to make you swoon.
Wicked Game: It was a wicked game, really. He made you fall in love with him with his sweet words when you were alone. Yet his sour remarks when you were around the others made you shut down and second guess it all. But you were falling madly in love with him… And it really was all just a wicked game.
Get Off: He didn’t enjoy you hanging off of him like a monkey. But when you start hanging off of Webster to get Joe riled up is when all hell breaks loose.
Taxi Ride: After the war, you and Joe went your separate ways. You became a Nurse and married a wealthy man. He became a taxi driver and prayed that you would cross paths. One late night you take a taxi home, and after you find out who will be driving you home, you decide your life needs to change. (Nurse!Married!Reader) (BoB!AfterWar)
Moved On: Joe thinks you moved on to a replacement when really, the replacement was coming onto you much to your dislike. When the replacement finally corners you in the bar, you don’t know who will snap first. You… Or Joe. (Medic!Reader)
Shut Up: He was getting on your nerves talking all that smack from those perfect fucking lips of his. You finally had enough, but you didn’t know what would happen after.
Pink Lips: Pink Lips… Those stupid fucking pink lips of yours had him hypnotized, even to the point of not being able to talk to you because he would be too busy staring at them. He finally has enough after nights and nights of nothing but dreams about you and those stupid, beautiful pink lips (Sink!Medic!Reader)
Jealousy Looks Good On You: Joe got jealous very easily and to you it was embarrassing. But when a girl hits on him in a bar, Joe likes what he sees. 
Bill Guarnere:
Protection:  Bill was always protective of you, and you were always in love with him. When push comes to shove, how long will it take for you to cough up your love for him, and for him to explain his motivations to protect you? (Medic!Reader)
Female Captain:  Entering boot camp later than everyone else has its downsides. You don’t have a similar bond with one another like the originals did and you certainly feel like an outsider. Entering as their new superior has a different sort of challenge, instead of feeling unwanted from the men, you felt it from Sobel. When the inferior NCO pushes you around, who will stand up to him first, you, or would someone else? (Captain!Marshall!Reader)
George Luz:
Shave: Geroge needed to shave, and you wanted a candy bar, so you found a way to get what you wanted.
Don’t Touch My Girl: George didn’t like how Liebgotts arm was on you during the ride to the next spot. Frustration ensues.
War Is No Place… (9 Parts; Will Not Continue): You had your eyes on George Luz since day one. Quickly, you fell in love with one another, but you soon realized that war is no place for a lot of things. Mainly, though, its no place for love. (Medic!Marshall!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
(More parts will be added as I continue this series. Check Back for Updates)
Don’t Be Stupid (2 Parts; Finished): When George comes back from the bar drunk and proclaiming that you were cheating on him with your best friend Lieb, you find out who told him such lies. And you go to confront them.
Part 1
Part 2
I Thought I Lost You: You were stationed in Bastogne because they needed extra hands. When George finds out about the bombings though, he falls into a depression because he thought he lost you. (Medic!Reader)
Clingy Lover: When in Aldbourne right before Operation Market Garden, you start to feel lovey-dovey and very clingy. Luckily for you, George loves when you are like this. But when Cobb says something that makes you shut down, you question whether being clingy is a good thing.
Old Memories, Same Crush (3 Parts; Finished): You knew George Luz from Rhode Island where you both went to high school. You had a major crush on him, but being the nerd and him being the class clown made it seem impossible. You got over your crush once you joined the Airborne, but then you run into him again. Something blooms.  (Medic!Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Eugene ‘Doc’ Roe:
Touch: Being a medic really put a lot on you, but then you learn that your touch heals people, or so Doc tells you, kisses ensue. (Medic!Reader)
Medic Band: When you’re holding onto dear life, you also realize you’re holding onto Eugene’s medic band. With your blood all over him, he confesses how he feels.
Mon Ange De Neige: In the darkest part of the war, Eugene realizes how he is slowly falling in love with you, his Mon Ange De Neige, Angel of snow. (Lots of French. I have no regrets) (Medic!Reader)
Boo-Boo: It was a boo-boo. The graze on your shoulder didn’t put your life at stake. Doc didn’t care though, a wound was a wound. All you wanted though, was for him to kiss it and make it feel better
Red Nose: He was so cold and his nose seemed to be permanently red. While in the town of Foy, Winters mentions to you that Eugene needs a break to warm up and relax from the hell he just went through in Bastogne. You couldn’t agree more and you make it your mission to fix the broken and frozen man in your arms. (Medic!Reader)
Accent: You always found the way that the Louisianan talked to be amusing. You just didn’t expect it to make your heart race either.
Stars: You were seeing stars after the bullet hit your shoulder, but you didn’t realize the stars were just Roes eyes shining in the moonlight as he hovered over you. (Medic!Injured!Reader)
Floyd Talbert:
Two Can Play At That Game: You and Floyd split in fear of losing one another. When you come to the town of Eindhoven and see him kissing a girl just to get you riled up, you finally snap and decide that two can play at that game. (Sergeant!Reader)
Stabbed And Dazed: You were still new to the whole, Medic thing, and the only way to get better was to practice on wounds. You just wished it wouldn’t be a stab wound from someone you liked, and when the morphine kicked in, his words would make your head spin. (Medic!Reader)
Joe Toye:
Joey Baby, I Love You: When you get clipped in the jaw by Liebgott while trying to break up the fight between him and Bill, Joe comes up to show you some love and promises you that no one will hurt you.
You Wanna Repeat That?: You were just trying to do your job, but when one annoyed private complains to the wrong man, your boyfriend, a heated argument results. (Medic!Reader)
Buck Compton:
Lost Without You: Buck was your everything, your rock, your love. Your life. So when he’s pulled off the line for witnessing Toye and Guarnere being hit, how will you survive in the hell without him?
Donald Hoobler:
Surviving: When Don shoots himself with his Luger and his life rests in your hands and Docs, will you be able to save him? (Medic!Reader)
Edward Heffron:
Don’t Be So Smug: He was so smug and handsome at the same time… You wanted to hate it… But that only made you love him more.
My Baby: While his nickname was ‘babe’ to everyone else, ‘baby’ was his nickname from you and you alone. So when some of the men catch on to the pet peeve of yours when someone calls him baby, they do all they can to push your buttons. Possessiveness ensues. (Sergeant!Reader)
Just Kiss Me: He was being cheeky by not giving you a kiss. Which leads you to become clingy and needy. But don’t worry, he likes it.
You’re Adorable: You think he looks adorable in the lighting and then you just gather the courage to tell him how you really feel.
No Warmth: Julian. While Babe hated sharing your guys’ foxhole with him, you could see the love that he had for the younger boy. The problem was, that you mainly saw that love after Julian died and when Babe seemed too broken to heal.
Hurt: You were shot, it wasn’t deep and it was just in your shoulder, but it made you rethink everything. While the bullet hurt you, your absent demeanor hurt Babe. (Medic!Reader)
Drinks: Babe had just dumped you and you were getting drunker and drunker by the minute. Lucky for you, there were a bunch of British soldiers who couldn’t keep their hands off of you as they kept you well… Hydrated (aka Drunk). You didn’t see the issue, but Babe certainly did.
Get Me Sick: It was so cold, you were sick, and you were being so stubborn. The perfect mixture that made you distance yourself from your lover only because you didn’t want to get him sick as well. But he was having none of it. (Medic!Reader)
Donald Malarkey:
I Lost You: Donald Malarkey was always in your dreams, some were better than others, and then there were those that paralyzed you in fear. You couldn’t lose him, and the only way to calm you from those dreams were him himself. Luckily, he was always there for those scary nightmares.
Freckles: Seasons may come and go. His freckles may fade and appear. But through it all, your love for him never changes.
Protection: The Replacement was drunk and you were frozen in fear. When Don saw the whole predicament, he wouldn’t go easy on the man that touched his girl. Oh no, the newbie would pay.
You’ve Got A Lot To Learn: You were trying to be nice and courteous to the new Lieutenant. Meaning you made sure Don didn’t completely rip into him with sarcasm. While you are sweet and generous, the kid’s got a lot to learn. The first thing to learn is not to mess with you or he’s gonna a very nasty realization. (Major!Sink!Reader)
Six Feet Under: You didn’t know how to fix it. Fix any of it. His friends dying killed him, but him not opening up really put your relationship six feet under.
Giggles: Even when you’re upset, whether it be with him or another person, he always found a way to make you giggle. (Sergeant!Reader)
Mine (2 Parts; Finished): Don had called off the relationship, yet it felt wrong to make out with Joe right in front of him. You lied to yourself by saying you did it because you liked Joe, but all you wanted was Don back. And what you wanted, you got.
Part 1
Part 2 (SMUT)
So Goddamn Beautiful:  To him, you were always so beautiful. Whether you were covered in someone else’s blood or fresh out of the shower. It didn’t matter to him, you were just always so goddamn beautiful. (Medic!Reader)
In Your Place: You were talking back and doing things to rile him up. You knew what you were doing… You wanted him to put you in your place.
You’re Clingy, Big Deal: After someone makes fun of your clinginess in the bar. No one makes Don’s girl feel bad, especially when it’s about something he adores.
Watch: Sad Angst… No real synopsis and it’s short… so???
Fallen: You have always been pushed around for being Sinks daughter, but when you actually hit the ground is when you finally break. Don is there to catch you, but its not just you that he catches. He catches the love bug as well. (Sink!Reader)
Johnny Martin:
Watch Your Mouth: No one talked back to his girl. No one. So when one replacement gets a little mouthy towards you when you were simply trying to patch him up, Johnny steps in and puts him back in his place. (Medic!Reader)
In This Mess?: Martin was struggling, you could see that. When you find out that you’re pregnant, you think things will go smoothly. But he is not one happy daddy. (Wife!Medic!Reader)
David Webster:
Leave Him Alone: You had enough of your best friend teasing and bullying poor Webster. Partly because you wanted everyone to be kind, partly because you liked David.
Where Were You?!:  When David comes back from the hospital after you lose everything, he questions why you of all people are giving him the cold shoulder. The reason is, you needed him, and he wasn’t there. (Medic!Reader)
I Love You: Richard Winters, Lewis Nixon, Eugene Roe
Confessing Feelings: Ronald Speirs, Carwood Lipton, George Luz
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geniedocroe · 5 years
Hii! I'm sorry I have no clue how to use this and if it's the right place to write the BoB requests you asked for, so I hope it gets to you ❤️ I was thinking about one of the boys, probably Joey Lieb getting jealous bcs the girl he likes is flirting/talking/dancing with someone else? Hope it's okay or something you're getting all the time and your requests are still opened... anyway you're such a sweetheart, sending my love ❤️
(joe liebgott X reader)
aww okay i love you so much. you’re an angel. i’m still taking requests and i’m sorry this took so long. i went back to school today and i was just trying to appreciate the time i had off. i’m in french class as i’m writing this 👀 also i kind of love george luz so i’m def using him heavily in this request. sorry for any spelling mistakes. i hope you like it 🥺 also if anyone can find my little one direction and friends easter egg then please tell me 😭
language & angst
wc: 1086
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joe never hid his feelings for you. everyone seemed to know that you had a special place in his heart . . . everyone but you. joe was your best friend and you always said it was nothing more. it hurt him but he had so much respect for you that he couldn’t push himself onto you. it just wasn’t right and it wasn’t fair.
you truly loved joe. some part of you was truly madly deeply in love with him. for some odd reason, you just couldn’t admit it. you didn’t even know how you felt. you were too focused on the war. and war was a difficult thing to comprehend when you were the only female paratrooper. war was difficult in general.
as of right now you were dancing with george luz and you were having the time of your life. you were spinning fast. your hands were on his shoulders and his were on your waist. this was the most fun you’d had in years. austria was going great for you.
joe sat across the room with malarkey, webster, nixon, heffron, and roe. it seemed as if everyone in the room was watching you and george dance. the two of you slowed as the song changed and george hugged you tightly.
“one last dance?”
“of course.”
you both swayed from side to side. your head rested on george’s shoulder. it was a pretty intimate moment but you could never have feelings for george and he could never have feelings for you. it was merely a mutual respect. the two of you loved one another dearly but only as best friends. after guarnere and toye each lost a leg you couldn’t really function. it affected you both greatly. you couldn’t live with out bill guarnere. george might’ve been your best friend but bill was definitely your soulmate.
from the corner of your eye you could see joe stand, blow cigarette smoke, and exit the bar. the song slowed and you separated from george. you jokingly curtsied before returning to the corner that joe previously sat in.
“what happened?” you asked, sitting down quickly.
“no clue. he just up and left.” webster shrugged and you immediately stood back up.
the men called after you as you left the bar, looking for joe. you found him outside with the same cigarette. he seemed like he had been crying. his eyes were red and there was definitely rivers down his cheeks. it hurt you to seen him like this. i mean, you had only seen him cry a handful of times.
“joey? what’s wrong?”
he quickly turned away from you, wiping away tears. he didn’t say anything as he moved away from you. your heart nearly broke in your chest. it had so many cracks in it. you could tell it wasn’t going to be able to survive much longer. someone would have to help you rebuild it from scratch. your mother didn’t spend nine months trying to form your heart for it to be broken in a matter of seconds.
“joe —“
“get lost, y/l/n.”
joe never used your last name. not unless he was angry with you and again that was only a handful of times. joe was giving off negative vibes and you just weren’t around for that. he was tense and you knew it. however, you knew how to stay calm and collected.
“well, could you tell me what i did? i’d like to make things right.”
joe whirled around to face you. “what you did . . . hm? i’ve been chasing after you for years. i’ve been in love with you for so godamn long. and for what? for you to be oblivious? for you to flirt with luz? for you to dance with him like that? i know i have no right being jealous when you aren’t even mine but seeing you with someone like that . . . i wish it was me. i wish i was the one that you were dancing with because you never take a second look at me. i know it’s not right to fall in love during a war when so many people are suffering but i just can’t help myself. you’re just too fucking lovable. we’re gonna go home after this war is over and i know some lucky guy is gonna marry you. he’ll get to have an amazing wife forever. he’ll get to share a house with you. he’ll get to have kids with you. he’ll get to share his life with you. i’ll be at home wondering why that couldn’t have been me. you wanna know what you did wrong and the answer is nothing. it’s not my place to be jealous but i am. i’m sorry. i love you, okay?”
“jesus joe. you should’ve just said something.” your stomach felt like it had just joined the olympics. you couldn’t tell if it was butterflies or alcohol. and if you were being honest . . . no one had ever confessed their feelings to you like this. you couldn’t believe joe was jealous of george.
“why should i have said something? it would’ve have changed a godamn thing. just forget this ever happened, alright? let me finish this cigarette and i’ll be back inside.” you opened your mouth to speak but joe interrupted you. “no hard feelings. i hope this doesn’t change anything between us.”
“joseph liebgott, will you listen to me please. for some reason i’ve tried to hide it. i’ve tried to push it away. it’s always been pushed deep down inside of me. i’m not in love with george. i could never be. he’s one of my best friends. when i was dancing with him, i wished it was you. i don’t wanna go home and get married to some veteran that doesn’t understand what we’ve been through. i want to go home with you. i want to buy a house with you. i want to marry you. i want to have a bunch of baby liebgotts. i want to wake up everyday and you be by my side. when i cry i want to have your shoulder to lean on. no one could ever comprehend what we’ve been through together. in all my life, i never thought i could be so lucky. it’s you joey. it’s always been you. it’ll never stop being you. i’m in love with you too.”
joe stared at you. “i can say that i was definitely not expecting that.”
you gave a short laugh before smiling at him. “just kiss me already dumbfuck.”
and he did.
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eddiemxnsons · 4 years
hello! could i get a ship? i’m 5’6”, w short brown hair and blue eyes. i love music and play several instruments. i like to draw and run also. i’m pretty laidback and goofy, but can be a bit overly nice sometimes, like it takes a lot to make me mad. but when i do get mad i’m kinda scary. i fidget a lot and can be kinda hyper. im also a bit of an airhead sometimes. i’m kinda extroverted. i love dogs and just having fun and being spontaneous! thx sm! :)
I ship you with .....
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• the pair of you met at basic training in Toccoa; you were the sole female soldier amidst the company but had made a remarkable name for yourself despite the gender prejudice set against you, and he couldn’t stop himself from admiring the cordial leadership you carried yourself with
• however, you initially kept a distance from him, aware of his reputation as a notorious flirt with any woman and his distinguishment as Easy’s sex symbol — you hadn’t joined the military to fool about with men
• BUT he was relentless, odd for a man with his tendencies — you had managed to resonate something different within him; your constant cordiality with the men, cracking jokes with George Luz, plucking smiles from the bitterest of the company, your nervous fidgets when you were contemplating something, and the hyper-ness that would erupt when it came to encouraging the men up Currahee or through a training course
• he admired your keenness for running, the scanty doodles you’d draw on your clipboard between training sessions, and how your blue eyes seemingly always glistened with mischief
• he’d tease you constantly, more so just to arouse a smile from you when you would became irate with Sobel or another soldier
• Floyd had attempted numerous times to provoke a conversation with you, something that frustrated you as the attempts neared a desperate number and presented that you weren’t entirely goofy and all smiles — just another thing he liked about you oddly enough
• nevertheless, this boi persisted
• this inevitable conversation occurred when the company had collectively gone to a local bar on their weekend passes, juxtaposing celebration with complaints over pints of beer
• a piano was arranged in the corner of the bar for utilization by whatever band was scheduled that evening, and it was vacant as there was no band to play that evening, so you sat down at it after sneaking away from a tipsy George Luz and Joe Toye
• it had been months since you sat before the keys of a piano, longing for home and the instruments that you had to leave behind upon enlisting
• you nonchalantly started to play, fingers sweeping across the keys and the emitted sound barely reaching above the chatter of the crowd
• Floyd heard, though, as he was sat at a booth adjacent to the piano with Chuck Grant and a few other soldiers teetering on drunkenness
• he listened to you play whatever tune was abuzz in your mind, disregarding his warm beer and the loud chatter of his pals
• yet, Grant regarded the stare of admiration Floyd was casting towards you, and obnoxiously shouted in his drunkenness towards you “Floyd is in love with you!”
• you halted your playing and Floyd halted his stare, you now gazing at Talbert whilst he glowered at a tipsy Chuck Grant
• you were the one to approach the table of laughing soldiers, irritated and a demand to shut up sour on your tongue, only to be hindered by Floyd standing up to confront you, face as flushed as ever and an indication that it wasn’t a lie
• he was serious
• you couldn’t even get a word in edgewise as Floyd interjected and requested a date from you, nearly pleading and completely different from his typical egotistical mannerism
• you reluctantly accepted, only because you had no other plans for the following weekend
• this boi went all out
• he had the kitchen staff aid him in packing a picnic that would be brought to a meadow he had walked past one day in town, he purchased a bouquet of flowers with what money he could scrounge up from his footlocker, and a set of sketching pencils and a notebook of canvas paper (with some money also being contributed by Grant)
• you were beyond bewildered at the extent of dedication he had infused into this date, as it was fairly uncharacteristic of Floyd Talbert to do so much to impress a woman
• when he gifted you the sketchbook and pencils, you were astonished and buzzing with hyper-ness as you strained for a response
• you started rambling giddily whilst chuckling lightly because you didn’t know he had seen your doodles on your clipboard
• he halted your rambles by a fleeting kiss, one you could tell immediately was long overdue for him
• after that, the pair of you would go on weekly dates, your interpretation of him shifting as he wasn’t entirely that notorious flirt
• Floyd asked you to be his girlfriend on your sixth date and you accepted
• throughout the war, the pair of you were inseparable even as you ascended through the ranks
• one day, he found a dog wandering amidst the town they had just seized, abandoned from either a fleeing owner or a dead one
• you loved dogs and this one interpreted as much, adoring you as much as Floyd did
• the pair of you decided on naming the abandoned dog Trigger
• it was following the capture of Eagle’s Nest that Floyd proposed to you, in a meadow you had encountered on an evening where you needed to decompress and release the stress of the war
• you said yes because how could YOU SAY NO TO THAT HANDSOME MAN
• after the war, the pair of you returned together to his hometown of Kokomo, accompanied by Trigger and getting married a month after your return home
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delectablyalicee · 5 years
Nick Jonas’s New Assistant (Part 4)
Part One  Part Two  Part Three
You get a call one day, someone asking you to fill a personal assistant job. They give you little information as to who for, but when you found out, things get a little more interesting.
Note: This chapter takes place after you have already been working for Nick for 6 months, I wanted to jump ahead a little bit to move things along. I hope you all like it!
I fall down onto the huge, soft bed in front of me. Landing onto my back as I check the time. 3:34 am. The mattress moves a bit with the addition of another body beside me. Nick. His head is turned to see the time displayed across my phone screen.
"fuck, is it really that late?" He asks, the smell of alcohol hitting me as he speaks.
I probably smell the same. We went to an album release party tonight for one of Nick's friends, and we both had a few more drinks than expecting.
"It looks to be" I said, clicking my phone off and laying it down on the bed in between us.
This isn't the first time I've found myself in Nick's bed this late at night. I've been working for him for 6 months now, and things have gone so surprisingly well. We really work well together, having the perfect connection to really make sure this works. Over the 6 months we have grown pretty close, since we spend almost every single day together, but it is still a professional relationship. Nick is amazing, and handsome is an understatement, but this job is important to me, and I would never want to do anything to mess that up. So, despite getting close with him I need to make sure to keep it as professional as I can, but its hard, its really really hard. He's just so fucking charming! It also doesn't help that we've spent many a late night together, really getting to know each other. We've had so many 3am talks just about anything and everything. I really feel like I know him..like he knows me but every time things start to take a turn past professional I squash it. I don't want to but I need to. It's so hard every time I do, almost seeing the disappointment painted on Nick's face when I leave after the talks we have instead of staying like he asks, or telling him to stop his flirting comments. It pains me just as much as I think it pains him, but I can't let it get personal. I just can't.
This late night is like most others, except this time we are both drunk so are talk gets personal. I love personal talks with him. He just has so many amazing things to say, the way he thinks about some things is just surprising.. in a good way. It feels like we've been talking forever and I can barely keep my eyes open, but I don't want it to end...
"What time is it?" I ask Nick, sleep dripping from my words.
I feel him move a bit to click my phone on, it still being between us. "5"
My eyes open wide when I hear what he says. "Are you joking? Holy shit I have to go." I say as I sit myself up on the bed and going to slide myself off but I am stopped by a gentle hand grabbing my wrist, I look to see Nick.
"Don't go (y/n).. Just stay this once.."
His words send a shiver down my spine, I want to stay so bad, but I can't. I know I can't and he knows I can't, but the way he said that made me almost break. I want nothing more than to lay myself back down in this bed and let him wrap is arms around me and just pull me into his chest and keep me safe and warm and never let me go, but.. I can't. So I shake my head.
"Nick, don't do that to me.. you know I can't stay.. I'm sorry" I say as my feet hit the ground. Gathering up all my things and sliding out the door without saying another word.
In the morning I say my typical hello to George as he picks me up from my apartment, same as every morning. I'm dragging my feet a little this morning, not only being hungover but just simply tired since I really only slept for about 2 hours. George and I make our small talk on the way to Nick's house, checking the agenda for today. It's not too bad, thankfully. 9:30am meeting with Paul to go over scheduling add on's and changes. This is really a meeting for me, but Nick likes to be there so he at least kinda knows what going on. I move my eyes up to look at the time, 8:45. Running right on time. I continue to look at the schedule, lunch is open, we'll play that by ear. 6:30 dinner with the head of a local L.A. magazine to talk doing a spread, and lastly 9:00 Joe's birthday party. Fuck. I completely forgot about Joe's birthday. I hadn't gotten the chance to meet him yet, as he's been about on tour but Nick warned me how big this party was gonna be, which was him, in short, telling me to take the "company card" and get something nice to wear and a present to bring. Fuck, fuck, fuck I totally forgot. I take a deep breath, its okay I'll go over lunch and get what I need...hopefully.
When we reach Nick's house I say a goodbye and a thank you to George and head on inside. Starting the coffee pot up right away as usual and calling out Nick's name. Sometimes he surprises me with being awake, but usually he's still sound asleep. So, like usual I make my way up to Nick's room, knocking once before swinging the door open as I call out his name again.
"Niiiickkkk wakey-wak---"
You're cut off by the view of a girl, completely naked laying beside him in bed. He his covered by the blanket from the waste down but only her lower legs are being covered. I immediately lift my hands to cover my eyes in shock, my heart dropping. He had to have called her right after I left.. I know I shouldn't be this hurt by that but I am. I know he hooks up with girls, I mean why wouldn't he? Especially after I always shoot down his advances, plus he's single and famous and so, so attractive, but over the past 6 months he's always made sure the girls were gone before I got here. I think he knows it hurts me, but maybe he's just done trying to hide it, but I really didn't think after last night he would let me find him like this..
"Oh..I...I am so sorry I did not expect.."
 You stammer out, but are cut off again, this time by Nicks voice.
 "(y/n)? Shit! I'm sorry I didn't.. shit I'll be right down" He says, you can hear the regret and embarrassment ringing from every word that leaves his mouth.
I just stepped back and quickly shut the door. I dropped my hand from my eyes and took a small breathe.. why is this hurting me so bad? Ugh, I need to suck it up. I can't be with him anyway, he has every right to be with whoever he wants. With that I made my way downstairs and poured my coffee, as usual. Taking a seat at the breakfast bar and pretending to look over the schedule in my phone, but really I'm trying to listen to what is happening upstairs. I can't hear much, just muffled voices and then finally, the door to his bedroom opening. I hear Soft, delicate foot steps heading down the stairs, not Nicks. I can't see the girl since my back is to the stairs but I finally catch site of her as she passes in front of me to head out the front door. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes looked to be thrown on, fuck I hate this. I need to get myself out of his thing I have with him. I do everything I can to not egg on my feelings but I just can't help it, but its time. I need to stop this, now. I'm pulled out of my thoughts with the ding of my phone. Its a text from Nick
"Getting in the shower, be down soon...I'm sorry"
I ignore his sorry and type back quickly. "Paul will be here at 9:30 for the meeting." I take a deep breathe as I hit send. I can't let this get to me. I have a job to do.
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thevampsnhcimagines · 5 years
Drunken Nights | Brad Simpson
Requested by: @gamechanging97
Prompts: 2 and 12
 Brad Simpson had always been a flirt, and you knew that. Being his best friend was fun because you got to travel to some parts of the world you had never been to and other times it was hard to watch him flirt with other girls because you knew you liked him more than a friend. Today was George from New Hope Club’s birthday and he invited you all out for a night out in London, you were excited but dreading it because of how Brad sometimes acts on nights out.
It was 5pm and you decided to start getting ready as pre-drinks started at 7pm at Brad and Tristan’s flat. You rummaged through your wardrobe to find something suitable to wear, something that would catch Brad’s eye but not to short or skimpy. You pulled out a red dress that was just above the knee, slightly low cut and had sleeves that were lace. You started putting makeup on that would suit the dress and curled your Y/H/C hair. It was 6.45pm and you checked yourself in the mirror to make sure everything was right. You wanted Brad to notice you and only you. You walked down the stairs of your flat to be greeted by Kirstie and James who both complimented you on your look and you all got in a taxi to Brad and Tristan’s.
You arrived at the flat and could hear music before you entered through the door. You were greeted by Tristan who led you through to the kitchen and living space where you saw George, Blake, Reece, Connor, Lucie, Joe, Dean, Tanner and a few other crew members that you had recognised whilst going to see the Vamps on tour. You headed straight towards George to wish him a happy birthday.
‘Happy Birthday, George!’ you smiled and hugged him.
Y/N! Thank you so much, you look great’ you smiled back and went to join Kirstie and Lucie and got a drink. You kept looking around to see where Brad was but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
‘Looking for lover boy?’ Kirstie asked and laughed. Her and Lucie were the only ones who knew about your secret crush on Brad as you had blurted it out once at a drunken sleepover. You rolled your eyes and laughed back. You carried on with the conversation you had before when you heard a familiar voice
‘Party can start now I’m here’ everyone turned around to see Brad and laughed. ‘Happy Birthday George!’ he said and held up his drink and everyone followed, raising a toast. You looked at him in his tight fitted shirt and jeans which made you slightly flustered. You didn’t realise how long you had been staring until Lucie snapped you out of your thoughts.
‘Y/N! Stop staring’ she giggled and you turned back around to face the two girls.
It was 10.30pm and you were all starting the feel the effect of alcohol take over so decided that it was the best time to head out into town.
Once you had arrived you and a few others made a B-line for the bar to grab more drinks and down a few shots. You immediately started to feel fuzzy as the alcohol took over and headed over to the dance floor with the girls and Reece, Blake and George.
In the corner Brad noticed you getting close to Blake whilst dancing and he couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous. He always thought that if he flirted with other girls that it would somehow get your attention, but this time he felt that he needed to do something else to get your attention so that you wouldn’t end up with Blake. He downed a couple of drinks for extra encouragement and headed over to your group.
You noticed Brad walking towards your group and started feeling a bit nervous when you saw he was just looking at you. He grabbed your hand and walked you over to another booth, away from the group. You looked behind you at the others and they just smiled with encouragement as you started to feel more nervous.
‘You look amazing’ Brad said, rather close to your face. He smelt strongly of alcohol so you weren’t sure whether he meant it or whether it was him being drunk. Your hand was still in his and you began to blush slightly.
‘Y-you look great too’ you stuttered, unsure whether it was because of the alcohol or whether it was because you felt nervous around him and had never seen him be this close to you.
‘If I make a move are you down with that?’ Brad asked and before you could reply he smashed his lips onto yours, his hands finding your waist as yours went to the back of his neck. The kiss lasted a while before you both pulled away and looked at each other. You slowly realised that you shouldn’t have done it, what if it ruined the friendship? What if he’s only doing it because he’s drunk? You grabbed your bag and ran to the toilets, Lucie and Kirstie followed you.
‘Y/N, what’s wrong? Didn’t you want that to happen?’ Lucie asked you, you had tears streaming down your face which slightly ruined your makeup.
‘I don’t know, it’s exactly what I wanted. But I just… I just feel like he’s only doing it because he’s drunk and what if he wakes up and it’s just a mistake to him’ you replied as Kirstie and Lucie helped you tidy up your makeup and make you feel better. ‘I think I’m going to go home’ you said and you all left the toilets. Waiting outside the toilets was Brad and you tried to avoid him but he took your hand and led you outside so that he could talk to you properly without having to shout over the music. The fresh air felt good and you both found a spot where you both could talk.
‘I’m sorry if that was too much. Probably not the best place to do it’ Brad said and you realised he had sobered up a little.
‘It’s okay, I think I was just a little shocked and being drunk didn’t help’ you managed to laugh a bit.
‘Man, it’s boiling out here’ Brad began to take his shirt off and your eyes widened.
‘Put your shirt back on!’ you giggled as Brad pulled his shirt back down. He looked at you and smiled.
‘Well maybe I can take it off later at mine’ he winked at you and grabbed your hand. You just laughed again and blushed slightly. You started heading back over to the club as you didn’t want to ruin George’s night by going home early. Brad stopped you just outside of the of the club, ‘Y/N, I really like you. I mean it, I’m not saying it because I’m half cut.’ You giggled at his comment, ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ you smiled.
‘I might just take you up on that offer’ he grabbed your hand and you both headed back into the club.
A/N: if you’d like to request anything there’s a prompts list in my description, you can pick up to 3 numbers and any New Hope Club/Vamps boys.
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
Tricks or Drinks
@idabbleincrazy For Dabble’s anniversary, Supernatural, Debriel, warnings-none
Song: Faith, George Michael
Line: “Look, all I know is that I was not groped by an angel.”
Find me at AO3
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The bar was really nice, woods well kept and paint nicely applied, an old cuckoo clock hanging at the middle of a wall between some other old fashioned artifacts. Nothing fancy but you could tell the owner cared for it like their newborn baby. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he wouldn’t have been able to hook up with a nice girl even with the best of lucks in there, Dean would have stayed a night. What the hell, maybe he would stay just for some drinks and enjoy the place.
The patrons themselves were also quite better dressed than the guys where they usually hanged, it was early but most were already enjoying their second drink. The barwoman addressed them immediately.
“Hello ma’am, I’m agent Collins and this is my partner Rossington”
Dean mimicked Sam’s motion and flashed his fake FBI badge towards the woman.
“We’re here to talk with the manager about the couple of bar fights that have been going on.”
“Aw, and here I thought for a second you had just rendezvoused from work.”
Both Sam and Dean sent the woman a set of awkward smiles while they asked once more for the manager.
“Down that tiny hallway you can get to his office, he should be there, hadn’t seen him going out of his hole.”
The brothers moved towards the hallway the bartender had signalled them.
“I swear to God Sammy...”
“It’s a gay bar Dean, it’s kind of easier to make assumptions in this place”
“Right, like not being in a gay bar had stopped other people from making assumptions on us before.”
“I’m telling you Dean, that’s your own fault.”
Dean glared at his brother but kept his thoughts to himself, they had reached the end of the hall the bartender had mentioned and looked into the tiny office. Because of the impression of a dingy hole in the ground the office gave, Dean was surprised to see that the owner didn’t look like a tiny little mouse but was simply the average joe.
They introduced themselves and began questioning him. What had brought them here had been almost an accident, they were just passing by the relatively big town in between jobs but overheard a pair of nosy neighbours talk about how the bar fights had started once more at the the ‘cursed’ bar. Sam, intrigued, began a small chat with the women and found out that despite being in a well located area the local establishment was constantly changing owners. Things always began to go sour after a week or two from reopening. Many different things could be marked as the culprit but it was still odd to see that while the rest of the bars around downtown were thriving, this well located place barely survived, no matter what name the business had.
This time, it had been a series of bar fights what was starting to give the bar a bad reputation. The owner was lumped over his desk chatting with the guys, you could tell he was feeling distressed about it but obviously didn’t know how to fix it. It hadn’t been one person or accident in particular the one that started the fights but they always started on Friday night around midnight. He could hold up his watch and see it happen, f it wasn’t a spilled drink it was a leering patron or someone slipping or a bad choice of words. Considering it was Friday, Sam and Dean asked the owner if they could come back later.
“Sure, no problem... You can also stay around now if you like, there’s not much buzz on this early anyways, could do some help to have you guys on display. First round’s on the house.” Despite the obvious objectification in the sentence, Dean could tell the guy was not trying to flirt with them. Something was odd and it took him just a moment to guess.
“Wow, wait a second, you’re not gay?”
The guy looked at him and chortled.
“Is it that obvious?”
Sam was now looking at the man surprised.
“Why would you have a gay bar if you’re not gay?”
“Well, to be honest, the gay bar was not my idea, it was my brother’s. He’s the one with the queer and the money, I’m just holding the front while he earns the big bucks at the big city to pay the mortgage.”
The guy signaled the bartender from the hallway and the woman immediately pulled two beers out for Sam and Dean while they parted with the owner, now demoted to caretaker.
“Well I gotta tell you man, a bar fight every week on the clock? There’s definitely something odd going on here.”
“So what do you think? Spell? Curse? Cursed object?”
“Ha! If it’s a cursed object then the whole bar should have to be cleansed. Good luck on finding a priest that will bless a gay bar.”
“Don’t be like that Dean, I’m sure we can find one. Not everyone in the church are against gay people.”
Dean just shrugged and gave a sip to his beer, after a moment he turned back to his brother once more.
“Something doesn’t add up.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, all we know is that it happens in the bar but cursed objects only work one way, heck, even ghosts always have a MO. You heard the owner, it never is the same person or the same kind of accident.”
“If they are accidents… But yeah I get you, also no one has died. It’s just been small sleight of hand stuff.”
“Sleight of hand huh?”
The eyes of both brothers lit up with an idea.
“Like a trick, or a joke?”
“Do you think we could be dealing with a Trickster?”
“Maybe more of a prankster but it’s a start… What should we do? Do you wanna go back to the hotel and do some research?”
“Dude, we’re two hours from the thing, whatever the hell the thing is happens. I don’t want to stay an entire week if we miss our chance.”
“Well yeah but what can we do then? This is just a hunch Dean, we need to do some proper leg work.”
“OR… We could call an expert.”
Sam frowned a second before he realized what his brother meant.
“Dude, no. I don’t trust that guy. Besides, who knows if the idiot’s gonna show up?”
“Oh he’ll come alright, you just need to give him a good enough prayer.”
“He’s been gone for six months now, doing whatever the hell it is he’s supposed to do in Heaven. What makes you think he’ll show up now?”
“Oh come on Sammy, let’s call him, I bet you fifty he’ll come.”
Sam eyed suspiciously at his brother’s shit eating grin.
“Spoilsport. Alright! Twenty it is.”
Dean joined his hands and lent over the counter in silent prayer. A moment later, the front door swung open and in came Gabriel; dark polished shoes, tailored burgundy pinstripe pants and a tight oxford grey vest with a chain hanging from it towards an actual pocket watch, hair carefully brushed into perfect waves. Every head turned towards him the moment he stepped inside.
Gabriel looked around until he found Dean waving at him from the bar. Sam’s mouth was actually open in surprise, was this really the same asshole he had to deal with about the sugar intake at the bunker on a daily basis months ago? Frustrated, he pulled out his wallet, took a couple of bills and smashed them in Dean’s hand.
“Well colour me surprised, if I didn’t know you better I’d have sworn you were just trying to fool me when you told me to dress up and join you at a gay bar.”
“Seriously Dean!? You prayed to a goddamned archangel just to ask him to come hang around with you at a bar? A Gay Bar?”
“Well, if he had a phone I’d have called him.”
Sam turned his full bitchface on, it was more than enough time that he had given up the idea that his brother should leave at least some things sacred. Gabriel and Dean just laughed out loud. Soon enough, Gabriel was sitting by their side enjoying a beer and began to chat with them, about how everything was going on in Heaven, with Dean mostly but Sam was not complaining.
“I gotta admit Dean-o, your timing couldn’t have been better, I was this close of dumping everything and leaving for the Bahamas. Everyone is still so stiff I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the stick up their asses off in less than a century...”
The last couple of hours went by in a flash, the place slowly but surely filling up. Gabriel’s conversation was so entertaining even Sam had forgotten everything about the case. Almost by midnight, Gabriel spotted the juke-box and beelined through the now considerate amount of people towards it to select a song. A moment later, the chords of an organ that sounded really out of place in their current location was interrupted by the strings of a guitar. Dean realized quickly what song it was and began snorting. He liked Gabriel’s sense of humour.
Well I guess it would be nice
If I could touch your body
I know not everybody
Has got a body like you, uhh
Dean leaned towards Sam to tell him something when out of the blue he felt a hand behind him sliding down to grab his ass. Sam immediately realized something was wrong starting at his brother's features but he couldn’t see what was going on because of the angle he had in relation to Dean.
“Oh for the love of… Dude! Hands off!”
A guy that had apparently mixed his shots and was quite drunk leaned over Dean, oblivious to his complaint.
“Ssssthe problem baby? 'At ass needssssome attention...”
Dean was struggling to be civil about it but the moment the asshole groped his rear like he owned it he saw red and swung a fist towards his face. In a matter of seconds everything went downwards. Two of the drunk guy friends, most likely just as drunk as he was, went forward to punch Dean back only to be met by Sam and Gabriel throwing them back with equally closed fists. The last friend, about to charge all three of them in a rather adorable act of camaraderie was stopped on his tracks when the bartender slammed a baseball bat on the counter between both parties.
“Knock it off right now or I call the police!”
Dean, Sam and Gabriel stood there while the group of five was thrown away from the establishment by the security guy and the owner. The poor guy seemed bummed.
“I am so sorry agents, I really don't know what to do to make it up to you.”
“I know what you can do.” Interceded Gabriel quickly. “I want you to give us that Cuckoo clock”
Sam and Dean changed sights puzzled, the owner also looked funny at Gabriel.
“That old thing?”
“You got a problem with it?”
“No, no, it's alright. My brother's gonna missed it but there's no real attachment to it. You can take it.”
The owner quickly went to pull it off the wall and place it in Gabriel's hands thinking it would be better to act before he could back out of the offer. Once outside with a brand new Cuckoo in hand, Gabriel asked the guys to take them to any empty parking lot at the outskirts where he could work.
Soon enough, he was standing in a chalk circle, surrounded by some runes and proceeded to smash the clock against the concrete. And to the brother's surprise, out jumped a small man-like creature dressed in dark green.
The thing tried to run away as soon as it took hold of the ground but crashed against an invisible wall when he reached the chalk trace, falling backwards on the floor with a soft thud.
“And what kind of manners are those, running away from your saviour, O’Leary?”
The figure stood up a bit startled and turned around to face Gabriel with a face full of surprise.
“I cannae believe it… Loki? Is that really you?”
“The one and only. My fellow folk.”
O’Leary smiled from side to side and approached Gabriel with open arms.
“Loki my man! I had not heard from you ever since we parted ways a hundred and twenty years ago!”
Gabriel, currently posing as Loki, and O’Leary exchanged greetings and began to chat about what had been of them recently. This way, the brothers found out how the miniature man had been in that clock.
The clock, made with an iron frame, had actually worked as a trap. Constantly draining his energy and not allowing him to do more than a couple of tricks like making an object fall or place small illusions on people’s minds. Boldened by the lack of faith humankind had developed, he had been careless around a human years ago and next time he noticed the human had thrown him in there, asking for his gold. He used to come everyday to the attic where he had storaged his captive.
Every day this man came and asked him to give him all his gold, every day he answered no. For O’Leary it all turned down to a matter of time. Either the man got fed up or he got bored. Unfortunately for O’Leary, a third option appeared out of nowhere.
The man suddenly died. And meanwhile O’Leary waited. He waited a day, then two then a week, a month, five months. More than six years passed when he finally felt the presence of more humans in the basement. His jail-clock moved, he heard the conversation of these two people. The clock was going to be sold, along with many of the other items of the diseased.
O’Leary found himself in shock. He had been forgotten just like every other item that had belonged to this man. Before he could make himself known, the clock where he was trapped had been moved from a cart, to a train, to another cart to a ship. And from there all the way to the USA, where a random person had bought it online.
He tried to call out to someone, anyone but apparently no one knew his tongue and he eventually gave up. Then, after years of depressed silence, he made a plan. He’d use what little energy he could gather and make some chaos. Hopefully someone would catch up. Thankfully, it had been the boys and Gabriel.
As a token of gratitude, the Leprechaun gave each Sam and Dean a charm for good luck and a safe passage note in case they ever wandered into fae territory while Gabriel prepared a fae portal towards Ireland. Once the rift that O’Leary had used to go back home closed Dean sighed content.
“Well, that went quite different from our normal gigs but I really can’t complain.”
Sam chuckled. “Yeah, it’s actually refreshing for once… So what now? Wanna go back to the gay bar?”
“Are you kidding me? I’m not risking any of my body parts any more.”
Both Sam and Gabriel laughed at Dean’s expense.
“Oh come on Dean-o, that poor guy was hit straight in the face with a fae confusion spell. You cannot really blame him on his actions.”
“Look, you can say whatever you want but all I know is that I was not groped by an angel.”
Gabriel lifted up a hand while leering at him.
“That could be easily arranged.”
Dean glared at the archangel while Sam bursted out laughing.
“Don’t you even think about it. And you, you stop laughing and get on the car before I leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere.”
Sam was still chuckling when he stepped onto the car. Gabriel already at the backseat. Dean was still up for another round of drinks but he was adamant on finding a different bar this time, one where his ass would not be under immediate peril, thank you.
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Hi, love your blog it's awesome, could you do a preference for the BoB guys on them falling for a nurse or Women's Air Corps member and asking them to marry them, please and thank you.
BoB Falling for a Nurse: 
Bill Guarnere: Bill would have been so overprotective of you right from the beginning of the war and he would constantly be taking care of you. If he ever thought things during the war were beginning to take a toll on you, like if you couldn’t help save someone and beat yourself up over it, he would be the first person by your side comforting you. You two would always be joking around together and it would be obvious that you guys cared for each other, he would always tell you that when the war is over he would take you to the Philadelphia Zoo for your first official date because awwwwww little baby. When he gets hurt though you would immediately become overprotective of him and you wouldn’t want anyone else near him because you would just need to make sure he was okay, also because you wanted to make sure he gets away safely. He wouldn’t want you to see him though because he didn’t want you to worry about him but you wouldn’t leave and would probably be in tears while holding his hand, he would reassure you that he would be there for your first date which would bring a small smile to your face.
Eugene Roe: He would know better than anyone else the stresses and hardships of being a nurse. I mean, we all saw how he was with Renee. If you ever lost it after not being able to save someone he would try to comfort you, even if this meant just sitting next to you in silence. You two would always have each others backs. Also, you would have to chase him around all the time to make sure he’s okay and to make sure he’s eating enough and sleeping enough, he would do the same for you. It’s safe to say that you guys would be a really great duo together, except when he would want to borrow your scissors and you would say no because I mean lets face it, he’s so cute when he’s angry/ sassy. You two would share a foxhole and even though he was freezing he would wait until you fall asleep before draping his jacket over you to make sure that you stay warm.
Buck Compton: Once he sees Toye and Guarnere on the ground after the bomb shell went off next to them he would be so just not okay. You would follow him to the small medic station, refusing to leave his side. At first he wouldn’t talk to you because he didn’t even talk to Malarkey when he went there to visit him but you would always bring him whatever you thought he would need/ want like any extra Hershey bars, blankets, etc. He would start to open up to you after a while and before he leaves he would confess his feelings for you and he would thank you for always being there for him through his hardest times. He would promise you that he would come back for you someday.
Warren Muck: Okay so personally, I think you and Muck would be best friends. This is only because he’s pretty much in love with Faye and he’s running out of people to talk to about her. When he realizes that you’re willing to listen he never leaves your side and this begins his long journey of talk about his sweet love and the long journey of your friendship. He would also ask you if you thought any of the guys were cute and he would try to set you up with them. When the two of you actually go off to war and you have to be more serious about your nursing duties, he would not talk about Faye as much as he used to but late at night in your foxholes you would secretly love it when he brought her up because it would take you back to the days at training which was really comforting to you. Whenever you were stressing out, he would try to joke around with you because he would just want to see a smile on your face. If that didn’t make you feel better he would find whatever food he could and attempt to cook it for you before he sat besides you in silence and made sure you ate. You would probably be close by when the bombshell hit his foxhole and you would be emotionally unstable because he was your absolute best friend and he was with you since the beginning so living without him was going to be hard and you’re a nurse so all you wanted to do was make sure everyone was okay. I believe this would tighten your bonds with Malarkey however because you both lost him.
Donald Malarkey: He pretty much loses all of his friends and I feel like you would want to help him because that’s your job but you just wouldn’t know how and you wouldn’t want to be overbearing so you would kind of just watch him from a distance to make sure that he was okay. At night you would walk over to his foxhole and you would ask him how he’s feeling even though you know the answer already. This would lead to you guys talking all night and it would take his mind off of things and make him feel better. Also, you guys would talk about all of the times you spent with Skip which would make you both start laughing a little before probably crying again. You two would be pretty much inseparable after that and would always be together. After the war is over and Winters talks to him about leaving you would be so upset because it’ll be the first time that the two of you are apart since Skip and you wouldn’t know what to do if you lost Malarkey too but he would promise you that he would find you one day.
Carwood Lipton: Right from the start you and Lipton would get along. You two are the glue that holds together Easy company, especially during their hardest struggles. He would admire you for how much you care about the men and how you would do anything to help them. I feel like he would always have a little crush on you but would never admit it because he wouldn’t want anyone to know and because he wouldn’t want you to get weird around him. When you fix up his cheekbone from his shrapnel wounds you would try to be really gentle with him, trying not to hurt him further and he would just glance up at with a little smile on his face. This would make you blush a little bit and you would ask him what he’s looking at but he would just shake his head a little bit and not say anything. I guess it would be pretty obvious to others that the two of you liked each other but you guys were oblivious to it.
George Luz: He would flirt with you endlessly but you would return his actions and flirt with him right back. At the same time though you guys would always be joking around with each other. You two would never be apart from each other and would most likely never be mad at one another because you just have so much in common. He would be lowkey protective over you. He knows that you can handle being a nurse but he just cares about you so much and he knows that if there is ever something bothering you, you would keep it to yourself because you wouldn’t want to annoy anyone else. Even though you two joke around all the time, he knows when he would have to be serious around you. This would usually only be if you were in a bad mood though. He would stay up late talking to you and anytime their was bomb shell droppings in Bastogne he would pull you down into a foxhole and hold you so close to him that it hurt.
Frank Perconte: Thank you to @lovingunderratedcharacters for helping me with some background of Perconte! Okay so he was one of the first four soldier that were assigned to Easy so this would have been the first time you guys meet. He would be confused at first as to why there’s a girl there but he would take this opportunity to talk to you before more people were assigned to the company. You two would get to talking before realizing that you have so much in common. After this you guys would always be next to each other. He would get really pissy when another guy would flirt with you and he didn’t understand why at first but when you flirted back with them then he would realize that you were never just a friend to him and that he’s always had stronger feelings for you. He would avoid you a little bit because he didn’t want to admit that he had feelings for you, he thought it would jeopardize your relationship. You would confront him though about how he’s been ignoring you and there would probably be a small argument between the two of you. This would lead to him blurting out that he likes you and you would just smile a little bit because you like him too.
Joe Liebgott: Joe would give you so many problems. He would constantly remind you of how the war is no place for a lady and he would be constantly told by the guys to shut up anytime he opened his mouth about you. Further in the war when someone you are close to is killed and you tried everything you could to save them you would kind of just sit there holding back tears because the last thing you want is for all of the guys to see you crying over someone. Joe would probably make a remark about how the person could have lived if it was Doc Roe or someone else trying to save them. This would kind of just push you to the edge and you would most likely be in his face screaming about how you’re sick of him and how rude he is. Little do you know, your little moment of screaming made him fall for you and he was crazy for thinking that you were just another girl. Later that night in your foxhole you would be kind of dozing off before you heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Lieb standing above you. He would just look at you for a minute and would sit down besides you, ignoring you when you yelled at him to go away. For a couple of minutes he would sit there in silence before gathering his courage to apologize. After this night though he would be making sure you’re okay, not through you directly but through the other guys. Whenever you helped someone he would watch you in awe before just smiling to himself.
Joe Toye: So Joe is like a big tough guy but he would have a giant weak spot for you. If you were nervous about jumping from the plane he would reassure you that you would be okay and that he would find you when you get to the bottom. This, of course, he does. On the way down he didn’t take his eyes off of you and right when he hit the ground he ran to wherever you were to make sure you were okay. He wouldn’t leave your side once but when he and Guarnere are hit you almost lose it and you would have lost it if it weren’t for Toye telling you, like always, that you were going to be okay.
I’m sorry I left some people out, I think it was only Speirs but I was really excited to publish this :) 
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londontheatre · 7 years
Nurse Brown – Tamar Broadbent ‘Miss Nightingale’, Miss Nightingale the musical 2017
Before 1933, Berlin was the place to be. There were bars, clubs and parties to satisfy every taste. Unlike most of Europe at the time, it was possible in this pre-WW2 city to be openly homosexual and enjoy a relatively normal – whatever that is – life. However, things changed in 1933 when the Nazi party under Adolph Hitler, took control. Bars, clubs, cabarets were shut down in droves and hedonism was discouraged by extreme measures. If you happened to be a poor Jewish homosexual man, then your options were very limited and the best move was to get out of Germany and seek more friendly skies. Welcome to the world of Miss Nightingale which is currently enjoying a successful run at The Vaults, Waterloo.
London 1942 and the war is at its height. The Americans have finally turned up to join in and London is awash with people who realise that as they could be dead tomorrow, they really need to live each day as if it’s their last. Aristocratic war hero, Sir Frank Worthington-Blythe (Nicholas Coutu-Langmead) is looking for an act to top the bill at his cabaret club. Luckily his alcohol provider, local spiv Tom (Niall Kerrigan) knows just the team for Frank’s club. Tom introduces Frank to his girlfriend, down to earth northern lass Maggie Brown (Tamar Broadbent) and her composer friend George (Conor O’Kane). Maggie sings one of George’s irreverent comedy songs and Frank is instantly won over. Re-naming her Miss Nightingale, Frank hires her and George on the spot. Maggie is an instant hit and everything in the garden seems to be rosy. However, things are not always as they appear. Maggie is worried about her brother Harry (Matthew Bugg) and Tom is up to his ears in nefarious goings on, while Frank, a stalwart of society has a secret, he is homosexual. As befits a man of his position, Frank has to hide this aspect of his life from the world, a task that is difficult enough under normal circumstances. Normally, he is restricted to picking up ‘trade’ in the blackout but when he begins a proper relationship with George, everyone’s life is changed beyond all recognition.
In this, the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of Homosexuality, Miss Nightingale is a timely reminder of what it was like to be a gay man before this date. During the show, there is a radio news bulletin about twelve gay men being arrested in Wales – an event that actually occurred with two of the men committing suicide rather than facing British justice. Gay men that thought they had escaped persecution by the Nazis by fleeing to Britain soon had their illusions shattered. Although we didn’t put them in concentration camps or experiment on them, they were still persecuted and this show really brings the constant fear that these men lived under into focus with its story of forbidden love and secret passions. Writer/Director Matthew Bugg has put together a really interesting story that links the characters together really well. Some of the dialogue may not be authentic 1940s idiom but, on the whole, it works well as do the various songs that run through the show. There is a range of music from the sultry ‘Meine Liebe Berlin’ to the rather raunchy ‘Sausage Song’ and all of them feel very authentic for the time. Designer, Carla Goodman’s stage works beautifully to create various locations and, even though there are a lot of items on view, the stage never seems too full as the cast move around, acting, singing and playing all the instruments – oh yes this lot are the proverbial ‘quadruple threat’. I think my only issue really was that seemed to be some minor sound issues sometimes which meant that I lost some of the words to songs – this was particularly true of the ones such as ‘Understudy’ in which different lyrics are sung by each character.
Moving to the cast though, a quick shout out to Tobias Oliver who was lovely as Stage Manager Clifford. It’s a small role but Tobias really made Clifford such a sweet loveable character I wanted to see more of him. Moving to the main cast and Tamar, Nicholas and Conor were excellent in the three main roles. Tamar really knows how to deliver a cheeky double entendre-filled song and at times seemed to be channeling both Max Miller with a lovely dose of Mollie Sugden thrown in. Nicholas made Frank everything you would expect a repressed upper-class Englishman to be. Born with a belief in his right to rule, Frank is arrogant but also very vulnerable and never more so than when he is with George. Supremely confident in knowing who he was – even if in fear of being found out – George is an outrageous flirt who really puts his wonderful accent to good use when seducing Frank and the audience. All told, there was a lovely chemistry between the three leads and when they sang ‘together at the end, you really got the feeling that they would survive the war and end up together in the same old folks home enjoying a well-deserved retirement.
Summing up then, it’s pretty obvious I enjoyed Miss Nightingale. Yes, there were problems with some of the dialogue and the sound quality but ultimately, Miss Nightingale is a really lovely story of love in the most unlikely of places as the world went to hell in a handcart. Given events happening in the world towards gay men today, it’s a timely reminder of how bad things can get.
Review by Terry Eastham
Miss Nightingale is set in London during 1942. A smoky, underground cabaret club opens in the heart of a war-torn city. As a saucy new singer is thrust into the spotlight, two men struggle to bring their love out of the shadows.
A deeply touching and raucously funny tale of prejudice, passion and debauchery during the dark days of World War Two. Miss Nightingale brings the scandals, satire, and spunky spirit of the Forties sensationally to life.
Miss Nightingale champions a woman’s fight for her voice to be heard in a world of men. At the same time it reclaims the forgotten fate of gay men castigated as ‘the enemy within’ during the Second World War. Set against ‘Miss Nightingale’s’ dramatic rise to stardom and self-empowerment is the romance between two of the men in her life – George, a Jewish composer, and Sir Frank, an upper-class impresario – at a time when society refuses to recognise their love and violently rejects their right to be together.
2017 sees the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of male homosexuality in England and Wales. As parts of the ‘Free World’ seem to be turning their backs on homosexuality, Miss Nightingale is a timely – yet disarmingly entertaining – reminder of the progress we’ve made but the steps we have still to travel.
The show features 20 original songs by Matthew Bugg, from innuendo-laden Music Hall style numbers to tender ballads and complex trios and quartets, which wonderfully capture the soaring spirit and biting wit of the 1940s.
CAST: Miss Nightingale (Piano) – Tamar Broadbent Sir Frank (Banjo, viola, violin, ukulele) – Nicholas Coutu-Langmead George (Piano, percussion) – Conor O’Kane Tom (Drums, percussion) – Niall Kerrigan Harry (Saxophone, clarinet, piano, ukulele, violin, accordion) – Matthew Bugg Clifford (Double bass) – Tobias Oliver
CREATIVE TEAM: Writer & director – Matthew Bugg Creative consultant – Joe Harmston Designer – Carla Goodman Lighting designer – Callum Macdonald Original lighting design – David Phillips Sound designer – Drew Baumohl Technical stage manager – Robb Mookhoek Producer – Mr Bugg Presents
http://ift.tt/2p8vKnV LondonTheatre1.com
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tragicbooks · 8 years
5 things the writers of 'Will & Grace' should consider before the upcoming reboot.
"Will & Grace" is returning to TV for a limited 10-episode run.
The show debuted in 1998, near the end of what Entertainment Weekly dubbed "The gay '90s." It was another effort for NBC to capitalize on what Miami University media professor Ron Becker dubbed "the Slumpy class" — socially liberal, urban-minded professionals. Through eight seasons and more than 180 episodes, that's exactly what "Will & Grace" did.
Image via VoteHoney/YouTube.
If you missed "Will & Grace" the first time around. Here's a refresher.
Will (Eric McCormack) and Grace (Debra Messing) are a former couple turned best friends turned roommates. Will is gay and an attorney. Grace is straight and an interior designer. The cast is rounded out by Jack (Sean Hayes), their flamboyant friend who dreams of stardom; Karen (Megan Mullally), who is technically Grace's assistant but usually gets intoxicated and hangs out; and Rosario (Shelley Morrison), Karen's loyal maid. They laugh, they cry, shenanigans ensue, they fall in and out of love, the audience laughs really, really loudly: It was sitcom gold.
The cast of "Will & Grace," from left, Eric McCormack, Sean Hayes, Debra Messing, and Megan Mullally. Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Though the show was campy and silly, it was pretty groundbreaking at the time.
When the show began, Will was the only gay character leading a show on prime-time TV. His sexuality wasn't mentioned in early promotions for the show (apparently even promoting to "the Slumpys" had its limits), but as the show went on, it broke new ground not just for having a gay lead but for the issues it raised.
From the episode "Whatever Happened to Baby Gin?" in Season 8. Photo by Chris Haston/NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
In the first season episode,"Will Works Out," Will has to deal with his own homophobia after calling Jack a fag at the gym. Later in "Acting Out," Jack and Will go down to the "Today" show to protest a gay kiss being cut from an NBC show, and they end up kissing each other. Will gives boyfriend Matt (Patrick Dempsey) the boot after he won't come out of the closet at work in "Brothers, a Love Story."
For every affirming, innovative moment, there was camp. After all, it was first and foremost a screwball comedy. There were Cher and Madonna walk-ons. There were jazz hands. There were constant reminders for viewers that they were, in fact, watching a "gay show," even if the representations were mostly "safe" and unthreatening to the general public.
GIF via "Will & Grace."
It's been over 10 years since the show ended its eight-season run, and needless to say, a lot has changed.
Three-dimensional gay characters, while still short on lead roles, are more common than they were in "the gay '90s." In 2015, GLAAD found 35 gay, lesbian, or bisexual characters on prime-time broadcast television. That's around 4% of all characters on prime-time broadcast TV.
Since we last saw the "Will & Grace" gang, gay marriage has became legal, bathroom bills have made their way across the country, and we've elected a president whose early appointees already have a lackluster track record on civil rights.
So if "Will & Grace" wants to remain as edgy, relevant, and frankly funny as it used to be, here are five things the reboot needs:
1. Get some friends of color in the mix.
They live and work in New York City. How hard is it for Will and Grace to have some black friends? This doesn't mean they should pull a "Gilmore Girls" and flood the background with black and brown actors. I mean real speaking parts with some character development. People of color can hang with the gang too, and it doesn't have to be stunt casting. (But the writers will have to get rid of cheap shots about confusing Mexicans and El Salvadorans.)
The white background is really just overkill at this point. Photo by George Lange/NBC.
2. Can we move away from food-shaming Grace?
Grace loved to eat. It was kind of her schtick. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying food, but Grace's fondness for food was played up as a character flaw. She was portrayed as an almost gluttonous, emotional eater, unable to resist any snack sent her way, especially when she was down in the dumps. Yet, she remained slim and trim because while "Will & Grace" was considered envelope-pushing TV, a fat woman was considered a bridge too far. It was an infuriating aspect of the show.
Episode "Forbidden Fruit" from Season 8. Photo by Chris Haston/NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
As Sadie Stein wrote for Jezebel, "It says, 'I may look glamorous, but I have the mind and soul of a fat person! And this is hilarious!' Not incidentally, this also plays into that old male fantasy: the un-neurotic guy's girl who can chow down on a steak and still look like a centerfold."
3. More representation from the LGBTQ community, please.
In the late '90s, it was enough to just have gay characters on TV. The bar has been raised. Time for "Will & Grace" to move beyond the one-note representations of Will and Jack and include more diverse portrayals of the LGBTQ community. A gender nonconforming yoga instructor? Can Grace date a bisexual guy? You see where I'm going. And ideally, those actors would be gay, trans, or nonbinary in real life. One can dream.
The show can still be silly and funny, but let's up the inclusivity and think about the types of people falling in and out of love or being the butt of the joke. AV Club writer Joe Reid said it best in his piece on the show's legacy, "For any show about gay men in a world that is steadily allowing them to exist outside the closet, it’s important to investigate the self-policing that was (and still is) happening regarding butch, 'masc,' and femme portrayals."
GIF via "Will & Grace."
4. Let's let Jack and Will be sexual beings.
On a similar note, gay characters can kiss, flirt, make-out, have sex, hook-up, enter long-term relationships, and in general have sexual agency. Too often, Will and Jack were essentially neuters with punchlines. If the character is gay, let them be gay and give their romances and relationships the time and weight they deserve.
Eric McCormack and Sean Hayes in Season 6. Photo via NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
5. The gang can (and should) challenge President Donald Trump and his agenda.
To be fair, they've already kinda started. The cast reunited for a mini-episode last fall all about the election, but they're in a unique position to go further. In the late '90s, people saw "Will & Grace" as irreverent and subversive. If there's ever a time to resist the status quo, it's now. The 10-minute video should serve as a comedic warning shot to Trump and his ilk: If you insist on appointing, hiring, and amplifying voices of hate, then no place will be safe for you. Even prime-time network comedies.
GIF via Vote Honey/YouTube.
So welcome back, "Will & Grace." I await your reboot with an open mind.
I just hope you're coming back with a story we haven't heard before. Otherwise, stay just what you are: A lighthearted, irreverent, sometimes boundary-pushing sitcom that was just fine where we left it ... in 2006.
Photo by George Lange/NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
0 notes
socialviralnews · 8 years
5 things the writers of 'Will & Grace' should consider before the upcoming reboot.
"Will & Grace" is returning to TV for a limited 10-episode run.
The show debuted in 1998, near the end of what Entertainment Weekly dubbed "The gay '90s." It was another effort for NBC to capitalize on what Miami University media professor Ron Becker dubbed "the Slumpy class" — socially liberal, urban-minded professionals. Through eight seasons and more than 180 episodes, that's exactly what "Will & Grace" did.
Image via VoteHoney/YouTube.
If you missed "Will & Grace" the first time around. Here's a refresher.
Will (Eric McCormack) and Grace (Debra Messing) are a former couple turned best friends turned roommates. Will is gay and an attorney. Grace is straight and an interior designer. The cast is rounded out by Jack (Sean Hayes), their flamboyant friend who dreams of stardom; Karen (Megan Mullally), who is technically Grace's assistant but usually gets intoxicated and hangs out; and Rosario (Shelley Morrison), Karen's loyal maid. They laugh, they cry, shenanigans ensue, they fall in and out of love, the audience laughs really, really loudly: It was sitcom gold.
The cast of "Will & Grace," from left, Eric McCormack, Sean Hayes, Debra Messing, and Megan Mullally. Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Though the show was campy and silly, it was pretty groundbreaking at the time.
When the show began, Will was the only gay character leading a show on prime-time TV. His sexuality wasn't mentioned in early promotions for the show (apparently even promoting to "the Slumpys" had its limits), but as the show went on, it broke new ground not just for having a gay lead but for the issues it raised.
From the episode "Whatever Happened to Baby Gin?" in Season 8. Photo by Chris Haston/NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
In the first season episode,"Will Works Out," Will has to deal with his own homophobia after calling Jack a fag at the gym. Later in "Acting Out," Jack and Will go down to the "Today" show to protest a gay kiss being cut from an NBC show, and they end up kissing each other. Will gives boyfriend Matt (Patrick Dempsey) the boot after he won't come out of the closet at work in "Brothers, a Love Story."
For every affirming, innovative moment, there was camp. After all, it was first and foremost a screwball comedy. There were Cher and Madonna walk-ons. There were jazz hands. There were constant reminders for viewers that they were, in fact, watching a "gay show," even if the representations were mostly "safe" and unthreatening to the general public.
GIF via "Will & Grace."
It's been over 10 years since the show ended its eight-season run, and needless to say, a lot has changed.
Three-dimensional gay characters, while still short on lead roles, are more common than they were in "the gay '90s." In 2015, GLAAD found 35 gay, lesbian, or bisexual characters on prime-time broadcast television. That's around 4% of all characters on prime-time broadcast TV.
Since we last saw the "Will & Grace" gang, gay marriage has became legal, bathroom bills have made their way across the country, and we've elected a president whose early appointees already have a lackluster track record on civil rights.
So if "Will & Grace" wants to remain as edgy, relevant, and frankly funny as it used to be, here are five things the reboot needs:
1. Get some friends of color in the mix.
They live and work in New York City. How hard is it for Will and Grace to have some black friends? This doesn't mean they should pull a "Gilmore Girls" and flood the background with black and brown actors. I mean real speaking parts with some character development. People of color can hang with the gang too, and it doesn't have to be stunt casting. (But the writers will have to get rid of cheap shots about confusing Mexicans and El Salvadorans.)
The white background is really just overkill at this point. Photo by George Lange/NBC.
2. Can we move away from food-shaming Grace?
Grace loved to eat. It was kind of her schtick. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying food, but Grace's fondness for food was played up as a character flaw. She was portrayed as an almost gluttonous, emotional eater, unable to resist any snack sent her way, especially when she was down in the dumps. Yet, she remained slim and trim because while "Will & Grace" was considered envelope-pushing TV, a fat woman was considered a bridge too far. It was an infuriating aspect of the show.
Episode "Forbidden Fruit" from Season 8. Photo by Chris Haston/NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
As Sadie Stein wrote for Jezebel, "It says, 'I may look glamorous, but I have the mind and soul of a fat person! And this is hilarious!' Not incidentally, this also plays into that old male fantasy: the un-neurotic guy's girl who can chow down on a steak and still look like a centerfold."
3. More representation from the LGBTQ community, please.
In the late '90s, it was enough to just have gay characters on TV. The bar has been raised. Time for "Will & Grace" to move beyond the one-note representations of Will and Jack and include more diverse portrayals of the LGBTQ community. A gender nonconforming yoga instructor? Can Grace date a bisexual guy? You see where I'm going. And ideally, those actors would be gay, trans, or nonbinary in real life. One can dream.
The show can still be silly and funny, but let's up the inclusivity and think about the types of people falling in and out of love or being the butt of the joke. AV Club writer Joe Reid said it best in his piece on the show's legacy, "For any show about gay men in a world that is steadily allowing them to exist outside the closet, it’s important to investigate the self-policing that was (and still is) happening regarding butch, 'masc,' and femme portrayals."
GIF via "Will & Grace."
4. Let's let Jack and Will be sexual beings.
On a similar note, gay characters can kiss, flirt, make-out, have sex, hook-up, enter long-term relationships, and in general have sexual agency. Too often, Will and Jack were essentially neuters with punchlines. If the character is gay, let them be gay and give their romances and relationships the time and weight they deserve.
Eric McCormack and Sean Hayes in Season 6. Photo via NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
5. The gang can (and should) challenge President Donald Trump and his agenda.
To be fair, they've already kinda started. The cast reunited for a mini-episode last fall all about the election, but they're in a unique position to go further. In the late '90s, people saw "Will & Grace" as irreverent and subversive. If there's ever a time to resist the status quo, it's now. The 10-minute video should serve as a comedic warning shot to Trump and his ilk: If you insist on appointing, hiring, and amplifying voices of hate, then no place will be safe for you. Even prime-time network comedies.
GIF via Vote Honey/YouTube.
So welcome back, "Will & Grace." I await your reboot with an open mind.
I just hope you're coming back with a story we haven't heard before. Otherwise, stay just what you are: A lighthearted, irreverent, sometimes boundary-pushing sitcom that was just fine where we left it ... in 2006.
Photo by George Lange/NBC, courtesy of the Everett Collection.
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