delectablyalicee · 5 years
Nick Jonas’s New Assistant (Part 8)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part7
You get a call one day, someone asking you to fill a personal assistant job. They give you little information as to who for, but when you found out, things get a little more interesting.
*RING RING RING* I groan at the loud sound penetrating into my ear drums. I toss and turn attempting to ignore it, but it is incessant. I finally, reluctantly, open my eyes and turn toward the sound, it's my cell phone ringing, but without looking at who is calling I turn it off. My head is pounding, and my mouth is dry, the last thing I want to do is answer the phone. I turn my head to look at Nick, somehow still sleeping peacefully beside me. He looks so calm and relaxed; his hair is disheveled but he still looks so fucking cute. The blanket is barely covering his naked body.
I remember what happened last night, and I wish I could be laying here so stoked about it, so excited that it happened, but I can't be. I fucking told myself I would stop at flirting, but I just couldn't help it. Almost every day for 6 months I have been with this man and every single day I fall more and more in love with him, how long did I think I was going to be able to pretend I didn't have these feelings? How long did I think I could put off these feelings? The problem is, all this doesn't change the fact that I don't know if I can do this with him. If I can make things ever go past being his assistant. I don't know. Everything is just too fucking much right now and my head is throbbing.
Plus, what is Nick going to say when he gets up? I know he will remember, he isn't one to ever black out, but still. Just the thought of having to have this talk is sending my anxiety through the roof and being hungover is definitely not helping. I don't want to regret what happened. I want to cherish it forever, think about it all the fucking time, but my brain won't let me not hate myself for it. I am going to have to figure this out and figure it out quick.
I need to pee, so I try to gently move off the bed. I don't want to wake Nick, but the second my feet hit the floor I feel a hand grab gently at my wrist.
"Please don't tell me you are running away." the words come out with sleepiness and sadness dripping from them.
I take a deep breath and turn toward him, I look at his face, tired from just waking up but still so handsome. I want to grab a hold of him and never let go. "I'm not running away." I stand up, his hand falling from my wrist. "I'm just going pee, I promise." I speak as I make my way toward the bathroom I hear him call out my name quietly, but I am already in the bathroom before he can say anything else. I shut the door behind me and lean against it for support. I bury my face into my hands. Fuck fuck fuck, I am so fucking fucked. Taking yet another deep breath I pull myself together. I can do this. I can handle this, I am an adult. I shake off some of my anxieties and actually go pee. As I'm washing my hands there is a knock on the door.
"Please don't avoid me, you know we have to talk about this Y/N." Again, his words sound sad and it almost rips me in two. I would never want to make such a wonderful human being so sad, yet here I am, doing it. It hurts so bad.
I open the door and nick is standing there, only his boxers on his body. I go to speak but before any words are able to leave my mouth there is a loud knock at the door, before either of us can react, its swinging open. My eyes widen, realizing I am still naked I retreat behind the bathroom door, closing it quickly. I then hear Joe's voice echo loudly through the room.
"Ah, good morning beautiful people. It's a wonderful day, isn't it?"
How does he sound so cheery after last night? There is no way he isn't hungover, it was /his/ birthday party after all.
I'm listening for Nick's response it takes him a second, but he finally answers. "Dude, can you quiet it down, some of us don't have freak bodies like yours and actually get hangovers. Seriously, how are you not dying? You were more drunk than I was last night."
I hear Joe laugh. "I don't know dude, I just woke up feeling..." he stops. "Wait, where is Y/N?"
Nick answers more quickly than I expected to, "the bathroom, we woke up about 2 seconds before you so rudely barged in."
Nick seems annoyed, but Joe is currently my life saver. I had no clue what I was going to say to Nick, and this stalling is working perfectly in my favor, but I can't hide in here forever, so I grab a towel, wrapping it around my body before opening the door with a smile.
"Hey Joe" is all I say. I try to sound as sweet as I can, I don't want him to get any sort of hint of the tension going on right now.
"Ah, beautiful, sweet, wonderful Y/N!" He grins. Breakfast is being served downstairs, so you two better get to it before it gets cold. He turns to leave, shoots me a wink, and is gone.
Nick looks at me, I look back at him but stay quiet. He sighs before finally speaking. "There are spare clothes in here, hold on." He walks over to a closet, grabbing a t-shirt and what looks to be basketball shorts. He hands them to me. "They might be a little big."
"It's okay, thank you." I say as I take them from him. He looks away from me now, putting his own clothes back on, as he is doing that I slide on the clothes he gave me, they are big, but at least they're comfortable, better than having to put back on that dress. I finish before he does, so I start to make my way toward the door.
"We can't avoid this forever." This time his words sounds more angry.
I turn and look at him, but he isn't even facing me. "I know." Is all I say before I'm out the door.
The smell of food hits me as soon as I leave the room, I pull in a big breath of what smells like pancakes, or waffles... or maybe even crepes? Whatever it is, it's calling my name. I head down the stairs and am greeted by probably 20 or so people, they all look like they had a lot of fun last night and are shoveling food into their faces. Joe comes over to me, handing me a glass of water, I take it, practically chugging half of it right away. "help yourself to whatever you want" Joe says. I grin and thank him, taking a seat at the large dining table and grabbing a plate of food. I grab a strawberry from my plate and as I'm taking a bite I see Nick walk into the room. He looks at me but looks away quickly. I frown. There is no avoiding this, despite how much I wish we could.
It's time to go. Nick had gone up to the room and grabbed our things as I called for a ride. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when it wasn't George who answered, I knew he would know something was up, and despite how much I love him, that is not what I needed right now.
"Ready?" I turned to Nick once he got back downstairs. He just nodded and started to walk toward the door. I wanted to grab him. To stop him from walking away from me, to kiss him until my lips were numb, but instead I let him walk away. I trailed slowly behind, sliding beside him in the back of the car.
It was silent the whole ride. The only noise was the radio, which thankfully the driver had turned up to cut the silence. Once we got to Nicks house he was out of the car and inside before I even had a chance to collect my things. I could've had the driver take me right to my apartment, but I owed Nick more than that. So, I got out and went inside. I saw him making his way up the stairs.
"Nick." I said loud enough for him to hear me. He stopped, and I could see him hesitate, like he was deciding if he should ignore me or not. "Like you said, we can't avoid this." This made him turn around.
"We can't, but I also don't know if I can listen to you telling me how much you regret it and how big of a mistake it was, while I would have to sit there thinking about how amazing getting to be with you like that was. How just thinking about you, there, naked in front of me doesn't just fill me with lust, but pure joy." His words come out in a mix of anger and frustration, sadness trailing behind them.
His words are making me want to scream at him that I love him, that I want to be with him for the rest of my life, that I want us to run away and never look back, but I can't. "I don't regret it." I speak sternly, I want him to believe me because it's true. I take a deep breath before continuing. "I don't regret it, but it wasn't smart. I love this, all of this, I love being your assistant, I love my job, I enjoy every second we spend together and doing whatever this is, is only going to lead to bad things for both of us. Right now, as things are, I get to see you every day while doing my dream job. We move forward with this and it goes south, I lose my dream job and my best friend, and I don't think I can handle that."
He just stares at me, he is silent for what feels like forever, but then he straightens up and nods his head. "Okay, fine."
What? What did he say? Okay fine? What is that supposed to mean? I look at him, confused. "Okay, fine?" I repeat back.
"Fine." He says. "Fine, we'll keep it how it was," he pauses, "but, if I make you crack, If I make you realize that you want more from me than what you're saying you want, have to promise me you will give it a try. Scared or not, if I can crack you, we have to try."
I take a second to process what he just said to me. I guess I don't have much of a choice at this point, do I? I continue to hide my true feelings and get to keep my dream job and my best friend. "Okay, deal." I say.
"Great. The game begins." He grins and turns away from me, disappearing up the stairs.  
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bitchyem · 4 years
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Just posted 3 new chapters please go check them out hope you enjoy
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delectablyalicee · 5 years
Nick Jonas’s New Assistant (Part 4)
Part One  Part Two  Part Three
You get a call one day, someone asking you to fill a personal assistant job. They give you little information as to who for, but when you found out, things get a little more interesting.
Note: This chapter takes place after you have already been working for Nick for 6 months, I wanted to jump ahead a little bit to move things along. I hope you all like it!
I fall down onto the huge, soft bed in front of me. Landing onto my back as I check the time. 3:34 am. The mattress moves a bit with the addition of another body beside me. Nick. His head is turned to see the time displayed across my phone screen.
"fuck, is it really that late?" He asks, the smell of alcohol hitting me as he speaks.
I probably smell the same. We went to an album release party tonight for one of Nick's friends, and we both had a few more drinks than expecting.
"It looks to be" I said, clicking my phone off and laying it down on the bed in between us.
This isn't the first time I've found myself in Nick's bed this late at night. I've been working for him for 6 months now, and things have gone so surprisingly well. We really work well together, having the perfect connection to really make sure this works. Over the 6 months we have grown pretty close, since we spend almost every single day together, but it is still a professional relationship. Nick is amazing, and handsome is an understatement, but this job is important to me, and I would never want to do anything to mess that up. So, despite getting close with him I need to make sure to keep it as professional as I can, but its hard, its really really hard. He's just so fucking charming! It also doesn't help that we've spent many a late night together, really getting to know each other. We've had so many 3am talks just about anything and everything. I really feel like I know him..like he knows me but every time things start to take a turn past professional I squash it. I don't want to but I need to. It's so hard every time I do, almost seeing the disappointment painted on Nick's face when I leave after the talks we have instead of staying like he asks, or telling him to stop his flirting comments. It pains me just as much as I think it pains him, but I can't let it get personal. I just can't.
This late night is like most others, except this time we are both drunk so are talk gets personal. I love personal talks with him. He just has so many amazing things to say, the way he thinks about some things is just surprising.. in a good way. It feels like we've been talking forever and I can barely keep my eyes open, but I don't want it to end...
"What time is it?" I ask Nick, sleep dripping from my words.
I feel him move a bit to click my phone on, it still being between us. "5"
My eyes open wide when I hear what he says. "Are you joking? Holy shit I have to go." I say as I sit myself up on the bed and going to slide myself off but I am stopped by a gentle hand grabbing my wrist, I look to see Nick.
"Don't go (y/n).. Just stay this once.."
His words send a shiver down my spine, I want to stay so bad, but I can't. I know I can't and he knows I can't, but the way he said that made me almost break. I want nothing more than to lay myself back down in this bed and let him wrap is arms around me and just pull me into his chest and keep me safe and warm and never let me go, but.. I can't. So I shake my head.
"Nick, don't do that to me.. you know I can't stay.. I'm sorry" I say as my feet hit the ground. Gathering up all my things and sliding out the door without saying another word.
In the morning I say my typical hello to George as he picks me up from my apartment, same as every morning. I'm dragging my feet a little this morning, not only being hungover but just simply tired since I really only slept for about 2 hours. George and I make our small talk on the way to Nick's house, checking the agenda for today. It's not too bad, thankfully. 9:30am meeting with Paul to go over scheduling add on's and changes. This is really a meeting for me, but Nick likes to be there so he at least kinda knows what going on. I move my eyes up to look at the time, 8:45. Running right on time. I continue to look at the schedule, lunch is open, we'll play that by ear. 6:30 dinner with the head of a local L.A. magazine to talk doing a spread, and lastly 9:00 Joe's birthday party. Fuck. I completely forgot about Joe's birthday. I hadn't gotten the chance to meet him yet, as he's been about on tour but Nick warned me how big this party was gonna be, which was him, in short, telling me to take the "company card" and get something nice to wear and a present to bring. Fuck, fuck, fuck I totally forgot. I take a deep breath, its okay I'll go over lunch and get what I need...hopefully.
When we reach Nick's house I say a goodbye and a thank you to George and head on inside. Starting the coffee pot up right away as usual and calling out Nick's name. Sometimes he surprises me with being awake, but usually he's still sound asleep. So, like usual I make my way up to Nick's room, knocking once before swinging the door open as I call out his name again.
"Niiiickkkk wakey-wak---"
You're cut off by the view of a girl, completely naked laying beside him in bed. He his covered by the blanket from the waste down but only her lower legs are being covered. I immediately lift my hands to cover my eyes in shock, my heart dropping. He had to have called her right after I left.. I know I shouldn't be this hurt by that but I am. I know he hooks up with girls, I mean why wouldn't he? Especially after I always shoot down his advances, plus he's single and famous and so, so attractive, but over the past 6 months he's always made sure the girls were gone before I got here. I think he knows it hurts me, but maybe he's just done trying to hide it, but I really didn't think after last night he would let me find him like this..
"Oh..I...I am so sorry I did not expect.."
 You stammer out, but are cut off again, this time by Nicks voice.
 "(y/n)? Shit! I'm sorry I didn't.. shit I'll be right down" He says, you can hear the regret and embarrassment ringing from every word that leaves his mouth.
I just stepped back and quickly shut the door. I dropped my hand from my eyes and took a small breathe.. why is this hurting me so bad? Ugh, I need to suck it up. I can't be with him anyway, he has every right to be with whoever he wants. With that I made my way downstairs and poured my coffee, as usual. Taking a seat at the breakfast bar and pretending to look over the schedule in my phone, but really I'm trying to listen to what is happening upstairs. I can't hear much, just muffled voices and then finally, the door to his bedroom opening. I hear Soft, delicate foot steps heading down the stairs, not Nicks. I can't see the girl since my back is to the stairs but I finally catch site of her as she passes in front of me to head out the front door. Her hair was disheveled and her clothes looked to be thrown on, fuck I hate this. I need to get myself out of his thing I have with him. I do everything I can to not egg on my feelings but I just can't help it, but its time. I need to stop this, now. I'm pulled out of my thoughts with the ding of my phone. Its a text from Nick
"Getting in the shower, be down soon...I'm sorry"
I ignore his sorry and type back quickly. "Paul will be here at 9:30 for the meeting." I take a deep breathe as I hit send. I can't let this get to me. I have a job to do.
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delectablyalicee · 5 years
Nick Jonas’s New Assistant (Part 5)
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four
You get a call one day, someone asking you to fill a personal assistant job. They give you little information as to who for, but when you found out, things get a little more interesting.
I set my phone down beside me on the counter and start the coffee, just as I have done almost every day for 6 months. Again, I cannot let this get to me. I love my job, I love being Nick's assistant and allowing it to get any further than professional will just completely ruin everything, and I can't let that happen. I just need to stay focused on what we have planned for the day and continue on like normal... I just wish that was easier than it is proving to be.
As the coffee brews I lean against the counter, grabbing the planner from my bag and looking through it. The meeting this morning with Paul is to discuss schedule changes, so I want to familiarize myself with what is already going on. Before I know it, a small beep comes from the coffee maker and I turn to see the coffee pot full. I need this, not only am I running on barely any sleep, but this morning was just a little...much. I grab two coffee mugs from the cabinet and fill mine, as I am adding in the cream and sugar I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs, they are a little slower than normal, giving me a second to take a deep breath. I've got this. I am okay, and things are fine. I let the breath fall past my lips and grab the empty mug beside me, filling it and leaving it black before turning to nick with a smile and handing it over. He takes it but doesn't smile back. His mouth opens as if he's about to say something, but I stop him.
"I don't know what you're about to say, but it's fine. In fact, I hope you had fun, we have a long day, so a little relief is always good." I try and let the words come out as confident and smooth as I can, even adding in a small joking tone, pushing back every bit of hurt inside of myself. I don't want him to think I can't do this. I'm keeping it professional whether either of us like it or not.
He sighs, taking a sip of his coffee. I think he gets the hint that the subject needs to be squashed because he just sits at the bar stool across the counter from me and stays quiet. I continue to look over the planner a little bit before the sound of Nick's voice finally breaks the silence.
"It's 9:25"
I look up at him. 6 months I have been here and for 6 months every time I look at him, every time our eyes meet I fall just that much more in love with him.
This is so fucking bad...
Thankfully, before I get a chance to say or do anything I hear the front door open, immediately taking my mind off of Nick and to focus on whoever is at the door. It's Paul. He greats us both with smiles and I walk over to meet him half way, we hug tightly before walking back over toward the kitchen, Nick stands, and they hug as well before we all make our way into the dining room. This is usually where we have our meetings. I love this room of Nicks house. There are huge windows lining the walls, allowing for the beautiful natural light to wash over the entire room. I come in here just to relax a lot of the time, it has a weird calming effect.
We sit down and thankfully get right to work.
"Sorry we have to skip right to the boring stuff," Paul says "but I have another meeting in about an hour"
Fuck, that I was not hoping to hear. The less time I spend alone with Nick right now the better.
"It's okay, I totally understand" I say with a smile, opening up the planner and laying It out in front of me.
The meeting is quick, Paul was only there for about 30 minutes before he had to head out. Nick and I both say our goodbyes to him and find ourselves alone once again. I know we have no lunch plans so this is the perfect time to slip out, even If it is a little early, and get everything I need for Joe's party tonight. So, as soon as Paul is out the door I start packing up my things.
"You don't have any lunch plans you would need me for, and I still need to pick a few things up before tonight, so I am going to head out, if that's okay?" I ask, as I am sliding my purse strap on my shoulder.
He looks at me for a second, quiet.
Ugh, I fucking hate this.
"Yeah, that's fine." Is all he says, turning to walk away from me. I grab him gently on the arm to stop him, he turns to me and I can see the hurt plastered on his face. This is killing me.
"I still have to get a dress, and a present. It's nothing fun you would want to tag along for. We have dinner at 6:30 with that magazine editor, I will be back way before then, I promise." I let sincerity coat my words. I am trying to show him that I am really okay, that this is all really okay.
He smiles with a nod and I step forward, so I can wrap my arms tightly around his body. Relief washes over me when I feel his arms engulf me in his usual, overly tight hug. We hug all the time, but this hug I have never been more grateful for. We sperate and I flash him a smile before stepping out the door, George waiting patiently for me outside.
George and I have also become close during my time working for Nick. We spend a lot of time in the car together, alone and with other people. He has a gorgeous wife named Louise and 3 of the cutest kids I've ever seen. I love the mornings when he picks me up and I get to see a video of his daughter singing the ABC's or his son showing off his newest drawing. Anytime I am stressed out from work or just life in general he always has a way of calming me down. So, when I got into the car and was quieter than normal he knew immediately something was up.
"Everything going okay?" he asks, turning toward me. Whenever we are in the car alone I always sit up front.
I tell him about a lot of my problems, but this one needs to stay between me and Nick, so I just give him a small smile and nod. "Yeah, I'm okay, life is kind of crazy right now, but It's okay, really. I appreciate you asking though." I speak sweetly and with confidence, needing him to believe I'm okay so he doesn't continue to ask questions.
He must have believed me because we continued the ride without another question about me. We spoke about his kids being on spring break, and how he and his wife have a date planned for tonight, so he won't be driving Nick and I later. It was honestly such a relief to have my mind taken off of everything that was going on that I barely even noticed when we pulled up to the clothing store. It was one I have never heard of, but it looked beautiful from what I could see.
"My wife told me to take you here, she said they have beautiful dresses." George says with a smile, sliding out of the car. I grin at him, "Well she is beautiful, so I am certainly going to take her word for it." I say, making my way out of the car as well.
I told George he didn't have to come in with me, but he insisted, he told me his wife wanted to facetime, so she could help me pick out my dress. We have met a few times, she is such a sweet woman, so I'm not surprised she wanted to help. We spent a few hours picking out the perfect dress and jewelry to match. It sounds weird, but it was just so much fun. My mind was so occupied that I didn't spend any time at all worrying about Nick and I really needed that.
After shopping, George dropped me off at my apartment. It has been weird not talking to Nick for this long, even when we weren't together were usually texting. I really meant it when I said we had gotten close, he is my boss, and I do see him that way, but we just click together so well that he is also honestly my friend. Unfortunately for me, he's my boss and my friend that I am falling madly in love with.
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delectablyalicee · 5 years
Nick Jonas’s New Assistant (part 6)
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
You get a call one day, someone asking you to fill a personal assistant job. They give you little information as to who for, but when you found out, things get a little more interesting
I promised Nick that I would be back way before we had to go to dinner, and despite everything going on I wasn't going to break that promise. I showered at my apartment and threw on some comfortable clothes. Just bringing everything I needed to get ready with me in a bag. It was only a little after 3, so I didn't want to show up all ready for dinner. I also brought with me everything I needed for Joe's birthday party tonight. George had helped me pick out a present for him, since I don't really know Joe I was pretty lost on what to get, but thankfully George had been around him for years and knew the things he loves.
I also had secretly snagged George and his wife a few gifts while we were out to thank them for all they did for me today. I got George a tie I saw him looking at and picked out a beautiful diamond necklace for his wife, so when he came to pick me up I handed them both to him with a grin. "sorry they aren't wrapped up or anything, but I wanted to thank you both for today." I said as he took the bag with the gifts inside from me. When he sees what's inside I see a wide smile spread over his face, he thanks me and gives me the best hug he can while we're in a car before we head off to Nicks house. I'm not sure what I expect when I get there, but I really hope things are just back to normal, that's what I really need right now.
I say goodbye to George once we get to Nicks place, and he thanks me again and even gets out of the car to give me a proper hug. I squeeze him tight before we part ways and I turn to face Nicks front door. Okay, you got this. I walk up to the door, using my key to open it. Once I step inside I hear noise coming from the living room, it sounds like the TV.
"It's just me" I called out.
"Hey, I'm in the living room" he calls back to me.
I slip off my shoes and set my stuff down on the counter before making my way toward the living room. There is a movie playing on the TV, nothing I recognize, and Nick is sitting on the couch. He turns his head to look at me and flashes me a smile. Relief fills me up. It's back to normal and I couldn't be happier. I grin back at him before falling down into my usual spot beside him on the couch.
We spent the next few hours sitting on the couch, watching movies just like we always did in our free time. Everything felt so normal, I couldn't be happier. The only problem is that... I'm still falling in love with him. It felt like this was more than him just being my boss, or him just being my friend, but it wasn't until I saw that girl in his bed this morning that I knew it was really true, but am I willing to give up my dream job? Am I willing to give up my best friend? I don't know... I don't know if I can do that. If I let it go past what we have now, and it doesn't work out, everything I love about my life will come to a screeching halt. I just don't think I can handle that.
I checked my phone, it was 5:30. Shit. I didn't realize it was that late.
"Fuck. We really should start getting ready, I don't want to be late, this is a huge meeting for you." I said, getting up from the couch. "Do you need to shower? Do you know what you are going to wear? Oh, also, do you have your present for your brother ready? I can get someone to get it together if not while we are gone" I let the words fall carelessly from my mouth as I make my way to the kitchen, Nick is notorious for putting things off, so I've gotten used to asking these questions. I can hear him chuckle from behind me, as he follows me to the kitchen, helping me with my bags. I turn around with a small laugh "What? It's literally my job to make sure of all those things." "True." He says, following me up the guest bedroom.
I had basically made the guest bedroom my room. There's been plenty of nights I just crashed here after getting home late or accidently falling asleep while we were hanging out. He sets my bag on the bed and immediately shewed him out of the room. "please go get ready, don't be late!" I speak sternly yet jokingly, closing the door once he is out of the room.
I step in front of the full-length mirror hung on the wall beside the closet and double check how I look. I smooth out the blouse I have on then pull on a cute, but casual pair of heels to top it off. I'm topping my hair off with some hairspray when I hear a knock on the door followed by Nicks voice "It's almost 6" I grab my purse off of the bed and open the door to greet him. "I know, and George is already outside waiting so let's get a move on."
Dinner went well. Nick always does great in interviews and thankfully the head of the magazine wasn't a complete asshole. Unfortunately, during my time working for Nick we have definitely run into a few of those. Although, he always impresses me with the way he handles them. Always smooth and graceful. We got back from dinner with a good amount of time to spare before we had to head to Joe's party. We both go our separate ways to get ready.
I step in front of the full-length mirror once again, I made my hair into tighter curls and added some volume. I have on the dress I picked out earlier today. It's a tight lacy black dress that hits me right in the middle of the thigh. It's perfect, not too long, not too short, but definitely sexy for sure. I have a cute pair of black pumps to top it off and some beautiful jewelry Louise picked out for me. The dress hugs my figure in all the right ways, and I really do feel great. All finished getting dressed I open the door and step out of the bedroom, greeted by Nick who looks as though he was just about to knock. His eyes immediately dart down, taking a glance at me from head to toe. I can't help but blush at his reaction.
"Wow... I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude and stare, but you really do look amazing..." he speaks but his eyes are still on my body. He's seen me dressed up for things before, but I usually keep it still pretty lowkey. Louise told me I needed to have a little fun with my outfit tonight, and I guess she was right. My cheeks are still burning and the fact that Nick cannot keep his eyes off my body is not helping anything. I playfully hit him in the shoulder with my purse.
"Okay okay, calm down pervy McGee. We have places to be... Oh, and you look wonderful yourself." I say as I start to make my way down the stairs. He really did look good, but then again, he always looks good. That's another thing that is impressive about him. It doesn't matter where we are going or what we are doing he looks great.
When we stepped outside it was weird not seeing George there, but I remembered he had plans with his wife. The man picking us up is named Nicko, he has driven us a few times before and is always a very nice guy.
"Wow, you look beautiful miss (Y/L/N)." he says as he opens the door for me. I thank him with a smile and slide into the backseat, Nick following right behind me.
"I guess I am going to have a lot of competition tonight." Nick says jokingly
I laugh, shaking my head.
Nick and I talked the whole drive, apparently, since we barely talked all morning we had a lot to catch up on that we didn't get through when we were watching movies. The drive seemed to go by quickly because before I knew it we were pulling up to a gorgeous house. It was a little more rugged and modern than Nick's and there were people flowing into the huge front doors with gift bags in hand. I did see a few familiar faces, as well as a lot I didn't know. I knew the birthday party would be a big deal, but people were coming in droves, and I really did not expect that. Although, I am excited to have some fun. I am here tonight as Nick's friend and not his assistant, which will make having fun a lot easier. Nicko stops the car and gets out to open the door for us, Nick steps out and thanks him and I follow doing the same. He offers me his arm as usual and I take it, walking up to the doors.
We are almost immediately greeted with hellos, I'm sure Nick knows most of the people here tonight, so I expect it to be filled with a lot of mingling. As soon as we step inside we are handed drinks which we both take graciously. Nick politely steps us away from the people we were talking to on the way in and keeps our arms locked tightly together so we don't lose each other in the crowd. He leans in close to me before he speaks so I can hear him.
"I want to find Joe, I texted him before we came and made him stay put so we don't end up never seeing him tonight. I want him to meet you."
His last few words spread goosebumps over your body. He is really making this whole "trying to remain professional" thing almost impossible. I am honestly surprised I haven't broken sooner. The things he says to me come out of his mouth like butter. Smooth and warm. Like if you were able to touch them they would melt instantly against your skin. Just the simple words "I want him to meet you" have me swooning and considering Nick flirts with me any chance he gets, tonight should be interesting.
Note: I promise things are going to get a little more fluffy, and romantic and steamy ;) here soon lol I hope you guys are enjoying! I always love feedback too!
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delectablyalicee · 5 years
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Nick Jonas's New Assistant (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/lTx18u8P61 You get a call one day, someone asking you to fill a personal assistant job. They give you little information as to who for, but when you found out, things get a little more interesting.
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bitchyem · 4 years
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Hey everyone chapter 3 is now up hope everyone enjoys it
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bitchyem · 4 years
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Chapter 2 to Happiness Begins is up go check out the book I hope you like it. ♥️
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bitchyem · 4 years
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A new Nick Jonas book on Wattpad I hope you like it
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