#john thorncress
Book names + authors under the cut
Arlo Jarsdel/Nausicaä Kraken- A Dark and Hollow Star (Hollow Star Saga) by Ashley Shuttleworth
Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein- Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
William Loxley/John Thorncress- The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
Loxley rose in stiff increments, clambering off him and wrapping the scarf back around his neck. Thorncress followed him up, not quite meeting his eye. Hesitantly, Loxley took his hand. "I love you, and I would miss you, if you went. I need you to know that." 
Thorncress made a quiet sound like a wounded animal. "I cannot promise what will happen come morning," he said, his throat working furiously, "but I will not leave you tonight. Wherever the hounds went, I won't follow. You have my word." Raising one hand, he traced the trail of tears from Loxley's eye to the line of his jaw. "Don't cry for me. Please." 
"I will cry for you," Loxley threatened, though he managed a shaky smile. "I'll cry for you every night and every day until you realize the depth of my feelings for you."
-  The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
He curled his fingers around a strand of Thorncress' hair, privately marvelling that he was allowed to touch it. "Perhaps, if I've slipped from God's attention, so too have I slipped from the eyes of the law. As if I'm fading from the world entirely." 
"Does that trouble you?" 
Loxley took a deep breath. "It should. But here, like this? I could be persuaded that it's not so terrible a thing." 
"Then let me persuade you some more." 
Their mouths joined again, hot and insistent, and Loxley threw himself into the sensation of it. He wanted to map the planes and angles of Thorncress' body, to feel his sweat-slicked skin. It was wild and it was reckless, but Loxley had been careful all his life, and it had earned him nothing but years of loneliness, and a fae enchantment he couldn't break. He smiled against Thorncress' lips.
-  The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
"Here we are again," Loxley murmured, too weak to move, his cheek pressed to the horse's rough mane. "What time is this? How many times have we . . ." 
"Are you awake?" 
"I don't think so. If I am, I would prefer not to be. How do you keep finding me?" He didn't expect a reply. Thorncress seemed to dislike speculation or straight answers, and Loxley was too tired to press him for one. 
"I can feel the magic on you." Thorncress sounded vexed, as if Loxley had pressed him after all. "It calls to me, all the way across the moors, as if it were a shining beacon I'm helpless to resist." 
"I'm dreaming," Loxley said certainly. "You would never admit to helplessness in anything. You are like a stone, sir: impenetrable." 
Thorncress huffed a laugh, sounding rueful. "Oh, I may surprise you."
-  The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
Loxley stirred, turning to blink up at him. "Are you sleeping here tonight?" 
"I don't have to." 
Loxley blew out a sigh of exasperated relief. That, at least, was familiar ground. "Don't be ridiculous. Even you cannot sleep comfortably in a kitchen chair." 
"I could," Thorncress retorted, though he didn't argue any further than that as he relegated his coat and boots to a neat pile on the floor, and himself to the side of the bed nearest the window. 
"It's too cold for that nonsense," Loxley said, carefully keeping his back turned as Thorncress stripped down to his underclothes. "I'd have been glad to have your warmth days ago." 
"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I hadn't realized I was meant to serve as your personal hearth."
-  The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
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June 2023: The Faerie Hounds of York by Arden Powell
England, 1810. The north is governed by a single rule. Faerie will take as it pleases. William Loxley is cursed. A pale and monstrous creature haunts his dreams, luring him from London to the desolate, grey landscape of his forgotten childhood. There, it will use him to open a door to Faerie—a fate that will trap Loxley in that glittering, heathen otherworld forever. His only hope of escaping the creature's grasp lies with John Thorncress, a dark and windswept stranger met on the moors. The longer Loxley stays in Thorncress' company, the harder it becomes to fight his attraction to the man. Such attraction can only end in heartbreak—or the noose. But Thorncress has his own bleak ties to Faerie. They come creeping in with the frost, their howls carrying on the winter wind. If Thorncress' past catches up with him before they can break the curse, then Loxley will not only lose his soul. He'll lose Thorncress, too.
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Well this is something a little different for a me pick. I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy, but while looking for a book I came across this and it just interested in me for some reason. So here we are. 
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