#john x michael x francesca
crazychicke · 5 months
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francesca bridgerton & michael stirling in when he was wicked
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rantingisalifestyle · 4 months
Kicking my legs, twirling my hair, giggeling like a teenager with a crush:
John Stirling, earl of Kilmartin, you are a freaking cutiepie. Oh! I can’t wait for you to die!
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
I’m going to go feral if people pit John/Frannie and Michaela/Frannie against each other SHE IS BI AND LOVES THEM BOTH AND REAL cause like they’re both insanely hot
Leave my girl alone!! Let her be loved by two people!! Her love for both of them is real and I won't accept anything else. Just like in the book. The whole point of her book was she loved both John and Michael. She loved them differently but love them nonetheless. Now that I think of it... Michaela fit her story so well!!! OMFG
We really have to protect them because I can see it clearly the hate they're going to get!! We have to protect both Masali and Victor because 1) Bridgerton fandom is know for being racist 2) and being homophobic!!!
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laremsworld · 4 months
Can you guys imagine the pain that Violet Bridgerton must have felt when she found out that her daughter - and not only any daughter, the most sensitive one, the one who could never open up, the one who was so hurt after her father‘s death that she never really dared to let anyone near her after - has lost her husband while being pregnant?!
Can you imagine Violet, Anthony and Benedict on their way to Scotland, crying ugly tears for the whole journey, because they remember vividly how they felt after Edmund died?
Can you imagine Anthony trying to comfort Francesca and telling her that they will get through this together, just like they helped Violet to recover from loosing her husband?
Can you imagine Violet just unconsiously shaking her head because she never really got over Edmund dying?
Can you imagine Violet telling her daughter that she must be strong for the baby in her? That this baby is going to be her rescue just like Hyacinth has been hers?
And finally, can you imagine the day were Fran looses that baby? The day were Benedict, Anthony and Violet look helplessly at each other and realize that the only chance that Francesca haf for a fast recovery is gone now?
Oh Francesca‘s story is going to destroy us all 😭
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freeshavocadoooo · 4 months
Whoever they cast as Michael has to have an ungodly amount of chemistry with Hannah because how will they top Fran and John
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lady-margaret · 4 months
how dare they make me fall in love with john stirling 🥹 i am already crying
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darklinaforever · 3 months
It kills me how many people think that the gender of a fictional character doesn't matter.
We are in fiction, where the characters have arcs, or they embody themes. Obviously for some characters gender matters.
Michael is literally named the new heir and freaks out about becoming a new John /basically taking everything he had.
Michaela can't really have this arc... Unless we strangely learn that the laws in Scotland are extremely different from England located in the Bridgerton universe (and I speak for the universe of the series, where we have no idea if they will stick to reality where women in Scotland could inherit), and I doubt it for the moment.
So no, Michaela couldn't necessarily have the same arc as Michael.
I'm not even sure she could be a Merry Rake. Can a woman be called Rake in show Bridgerton universe ?
The fact is that Michaela will necessarily differ at certain times from Michael.
Already there are always drastic differences between the show and the book, this time I think it will be even more emphasized. (I even doubt that we will have as many nods to the book as season 3 dedicated to Polin's story did)
In any case, the very basis of Francesca's story is that despite the loss of true love you can always have a second chance, which is a clear originality compared to the other romances in this series of books ; well, is already changed with the way the end of season 3 happened.
It seems that the marriage to John was a mistake, that the physical aspect of their relationship will not prove pleasant in view of the Fran's reaction to their kiss, and worse, that Fran doesn't feel true love for John.
True love in Bridgerton often results in great passion and similarities to the story of Edmund and Violet, and Francesca literally matches Violet's reaction when she first met Edmund, but this time when she meets Michaela.
Whereas Fran is never supposed to have this kind of reaction around Michael / Michaela as long as John is alive. Because she normaly truly loves him.
So how could the story be the same after such a change to the very heart of the story ?
It's not just the gender change from Michael to Michaela that makes the adaptation of When he was Wicked complicated and uncertain for some viewers, including me too, it is above all a whole.
But for some obscure reason people refuse to accept it.
Beyond that, I repeat, Michael Stirling is a fictional male character who has been around for years.
That people are disappointed, including me, not to see this character, as he is basically on paper, be adapted to the screen is not necessarily homophobic, assumed or internalized.
Yes, some are, but not everyone. Some of us are part of the LGBTQ+ community and no, we do not all suffer from internalized homophobia so as not to 100% validate such a change !
We're talking about an attachment to an image that we have formed in our mind about a FICTITIOUS character for fucking years !
Besides, I didn't even say that I was fundamentally against it, because I have already explained several times that a part of me was happy to see a main romance between two women on screen in the television universe for Bridgerton (and the actresses are magnificent and on top of that, I'm sure, will have very good chemistry). Once again, representation is always cool, but, is this really the right place to do it ? I'm not so sure.
And contrary to what some say, I'm not saying that LGBTQ+ relationships should systematically be secondary in fiction. No way. I'm simply saying that transforming one of the main canon ships of the books without which the Netflix adaptation would not exist is perhaps not the right thing to do, since there is already a community attached behind these characters...
And seriously, if the creators really wanted a main LGBTQ+ romance dealing with the Bridgerton universe, they could easily make a spin off dealing specifically with this part of society and how they live.
I'm sure many, including me, will watch such a spin-off ! And damn I would love for something like that to happen !
You see, the opportunity to have an LGBTQ+ romance at the forefront without changing the kind of characters mostly beloved by an audience that already exists. Not very complicated though.
Do you realize how inappropriate it is to insult someone homophobic for that things ?! I don't know what kind of fucking bubble these people live in...
And it's scary to say that you can be insulted by a community of which you are a part, simply for not conforming to everything that is judged 100% morally correct for them.
If you have the misfortune of delay, sometimes there are those who unleash themselves on you to insult you for things that you don't have, simply for a fictional character...
"You don't 100% validate that a fictional male character who has existed for years and whom you have loved for years, with a fairly precise image in mind as a result, becomes a woman in his adaptation ? Well obviously, it's is that you are, at worst, a homophobe, or at least worse an internalized homophobe, and in any case that is not tolerable and you are not a true ally and you are problematic who deserves to be hated."
I don't know if you realize how STUNNING this is ! There really are people on this app who need to get fucking treatment...
And anyway why am I racking my brains ?
There will always be stupid people to come and tell me that what I say is always homophobic because if I have a problem with the change of gender of a fictional character through an adaptation well I'm the real problem.
As they say, you can't change idiots.
So stay stupid if you want, but at least leave me alone.
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maggotssmichael · 3 months
guys it is just as harmful to the community to go about and scream how francesca bridgerton is lesbian. she's very clearly still in love with john, erasing bisexuality for your headcanons is not the right way to go about this. biphobia isn't cute, cut it out <333
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mytimetooutshine · 3 months
For a show where one of the main appeals is the racial diversity, it’s shocking to me that a lot of Bridgerton fans show blatant racism toward the characters/actors. I’m lucky that the fans I follow aren’t (so far from what they’ve said), but I recently stumbled across a side of the fandom trashing John Stirling, saying his actor (Victor Alli) wasn’t attractive (which is a flat out LIE, that man is HOT and his kindness to Fran makes him even HOTTER) and they hope they cast someone “actually hot” for Michael, and then proceeded to show a bunch of light-skinned and straight-up WHITE actors as examples of who would be “actually hot.” Like, if you don’t think people of color are attractive, maybe don’t watch a show where people of color are the main love interests??? Where they get to be hot and sexy and fall in love??? Maybe seek therapy???
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corporalicent · 4 months
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when he was wicked | chapter one
michael stirling, sinner.
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existential-queeer · 4 months
Book fans watching TV fans fall in love with Francesca and John
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
The fact that Frannie gets the slow easy soulmate love and the tongue tied instant spark hard fought passionate love oh my god bi people WON
Honestly did you see the way Francesca gulped and was so lost in her eyes she forgot her name altogether? GOD I LOVE THEM
The way she kept looking back and forth between John and Michaela was hysterical lmaoooo
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laremsworld · 4 months
Francesca had promised her father that they’d practice the pianoforte together. However, playing outside with Eloise was more fun. Edmund tried to be strict, but everyone knows that out of all his children, Francesca is the one who has him wrapped all around her pinky.
“Please father, tomorrow is a good day for piano, too”; the five years old pouts and he’s gone. “Fine”, he smiles, “tomorrow.”
Three hours later Edmund is dead. There is never going to be a tomorrow for him.
Francesca knows, she just knows that this is her fault. No matter how hard Benedict tries to comfort her, even at the age of five she knows that Edmund wouldn’t been outside if she had agreed to practice with him.
“Father might not be here physically, but he can still see us and hear us you know“, Benedict explains to her, trying to hold back his very own tears. „You can still play the piano, and father will listen to you.“
And that‘s what she does. She closes her eyes and played the piano and every sound seems to heal her heartache a little bit.
So that‘s what she does the next 15 years: whenever she feels lonely, she sits on a piano, closes her eyes and plays her newest music to her father.
John is the only one who she ever tells this - oh and Benedict knows of course, it was his idea after all, but John is the only one she speaks about it. The Earl of Kilmartin then makes sure to have a portrait of Edmund hanging in the music room, just like there‘s one in the house of the Bridgerton‘s too (he asks Benedict to draw one and the Bridgerton brother already had one ready, lile he suspecter John might ask for one.)
So even in marriage Francesca sits in this room and closes her eyes and plays for her late father, while John proudly watched her from the doorframe.
Francesca never touches the piano again after John dies. Neither Benedict nor Michael can make her reconciliate with music again.
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funemployed-fangirl · 4 months
Which couple elopes in your modern AU?
What is Violets reaction?
Technically speaking, none of them. But...
Anthony & Kate, Colin & Penelope, and Daphne & Simon all have nice, traditional society weddings.
They're big, but not excessively so. Tasteful. With Daphne being Violet's first to get married and Anthony being the oldest, they would never get out of doing big society affairs. And Colin & Penelope kind of like the spectacle of it all. Plus, Penelope's mother would never pass-up the opportunity to show off the family's new connection to the Bridgertons.
Benedict & Sophie and Francesca & John/Michael have small affairs.
Benedict & Sophie don't want to wait to do a full society affair. And besides, Sophie doesn't have any family or really that many friends doesn't know that many people, and Benedict doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable at her own wedding.
Francesca & John are just out of college, so its a respectably sized event, but nothing huge. When Francesca & Michael get married, they decide they don't want to make a huge deal of it, but still want to do something special, so they have everyone fly out to Cabo and do a beach ceremony.
Eloise & Phillip and Gregory & Lucy come the closest to eloping.
Eloise & Phillip have been living together for awhile, and one day decide they should just make it official. They set a date for a courthouse wedding, and inform the family. Anyone who can make it up is welcome to be there, but they aren't changing the date.
Gregory & Lucy go to the court house not long after the whole "crashing Lucy's first wedding" incident. They decide that a full wedding so close to the incident is probably in poor taste, but they don't want to wait. Like Eloise & Phillip, they tell people they're going, though that message may have gone out the morning they went to the courthouse...
Hyacinth & Gareth go BIG.
There are big society weddings. And then there's Hyacinth & Gareth's wedding. With both Bridgerton and Danbury money going into the event, and Hyacinth's personality making decisions, it's an over-the-top event that people are talking about for years. The bride and groom have multiple outfit changes. The reception goes for hours. The couple and their friends go bar hopping until 4 AM.
The weddings don't really matter to Violet, as long as her children are all happy.
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mantequillabooks · 3 months
Listen, to each their own, however, I just wanted to talk about one of the few things I enjoyed (while it lasted) in season 3 of Bridgerton.
I absolutely adored Francesca’s character in Season 3 part 1. The level of introverted-ness and anxiety relating towards meeting new people and just interacting with others in general is the most relatable thing I’ve seen on Bridgerton and on screen. Her sole interest in piano forte and that being the only answer she had to most questions she was asked…again RELATABLE.
Then they added her quiet romance with John and I just ADORED her and them even more. I absolutely loved that the point they were trying to make with that was how not every love has to be loud and boisterous. Just because someone isn’t being Bold and declarative with their feelings, it doesn’t negate what they feel and it doesn’t mean their love isn’t as strong. It can be expressed differently and still be something so worth while. I felt like this was such a beautiful point to make and wish they allowed that to sit with the audience a little longer. I haven’t read the books so personally I don’t have much to add in the Michael vs Michaela debate going on, however, what was the point in them going out of their way to state how not all love has to be instant and all consuming to be considered real love and then they just kind of negate that by having Fran have love at first sight and fall for someone else in the same season?
To each their own I guess.
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lady-margaret · 3 months
genderbent michael (michaela) gives the producers the perfect opportunity to get and use an orchestral version of “good luck babe” by chappell roan for frannie’s season, since we’re gonna get that after 3-4 years probably lol
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