azlanzaa · 9 months
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brunchcoded · 8 months
The first thing I made after watching trolls 😭 tried to post it to tiktok but it got copyrighted, genuinely cannot get over the VA choices for this godforsaken movie
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k-artistre · 5 months
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awkward-anxiety · 8 months
I drew Floyd. That is literally all I have to say.
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bloodylovely23 · 8 months
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First attempt at digital art <3
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hubcapcreatures · 9 months
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Today is going swimmingly 😁
#hubcapcreatures #reycledart #recycledsculpture #johndory
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poppy-love-3321 · 11 months
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Trolls Band Together 💝 Candy's Edits 🤟🏻 - WHICH IS CUTER? ≧▽≦ (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1390098293-trolls-band-together-%F0%9F%92%9D-candy%27s-edits-%F0%9F%A4%9F%F0%9F%8F%BB-which-is?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=CassandraSchlebusch&wp_originator=XGSt9wAYNbrLoCIU4DjuZcJp6Y64eeaunD8%2FebYAHUpDHU2d5ccCK%2FZ9CxaRjatzwvPhNJ0JP7jE6pkSDUftuSs925TWdFwRyl8yUQemCJDIzUwygfsPMJLL%2Bl4N3O1S These are just a bunch of edits I made from Trolls Band Together screenshots I captured 💗
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eggofthefish · 8 months
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BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH ANOTHER LETSPLAY, my children need fed so even if it's a silly doodle I figure I would release some onto you.
Mr. Bergen Slayer JD my beloved, a concept by the lovely @priestessofnox with her awesome fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/52871335/chapters/133734883
GAHHH I love the concept. I'm going to draw more but I need to post this or by golly I never will, I suck at posting stuff!
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echosong-87 · 6 months
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This is my attempt at drawing a hitman!johndory design… i still stink at drawing trolls especially their heads and facial features… but this was my best try. :|
Kinda do ship him with Miss Delta and i do like the rivals to lovers/hero liking the villain… sorta dynamic with the two. JD likes to tease and get on Delta’s nerves and make her mess up on the job and she would throw the biggest angriest fits swearing at him that she will have him jailed…. Which she never does…. Cause that boy be a slippery son of a gun. XD
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estelle-skully · 4 months
Relentless Revenge
A trolls tkl fic
Lee!John Dory
Lers!His brothers
summary: after years of being the tickle monster of the family, John Dory finally gets humbled by his bros as an act of revenge
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John Dory let out a dramatic sigh of relief as he entered his pod; he had just barely escaped a large group of fangirls who were desperate to get his autograph n shit, but he was not in the mood. All he wanted to do was to go for a little stroll, but apparently that was impossible, being as well known as he was. He knew his brothers went through the same stuff all the time, since they complained so much.
Who knew people would still care so much about us after disappearing from the face of the earth for so many years.. He thought. At least he knew he and his bros were successful. But god damn, the paparazzi could be unbearable sometimes.
Just before he could lazily plop down on his couch, he heard the sound of skittering behind him- a dark blur darted through his vision, and he instantly perked up. “Who’s there?” He asked loudly. Subconsciously, he hoped with every fiber of his being that it was some critter that had gotten in somehow and not an obsessive fan. The ones from earlier did follow him for a while…
With that thought in mind, he reached for the small pocket knife he had tucked away in his jacket. Sure, maybe he was overreacting a bit, but it’s never okay to break into someone’s house!
But as he was lost in thought, he was tackled to the floor from behind.
“ACK-!” Blindly he swung around his little knife.
“Jesus dude! Chill out! It’s just me!”
John Dory was shocked to realize that his “attacker” was none other than his brother, Clay.
“Clay, what the hell was that for? I almost stabbed you!”
“No duh. And uhh.. I can’t tell you”
“Can’t tell me what? What on earth is going on?”
“Now, guys!”
as if on cue, the rest of JD’s brothers- Bruce, Floyd, and Branch- leaped out of their hiding places and ruched to him, pinning him down or sitting around him.
Next thing he knew, John found himself laying on his back with his arms pinned above his head by Branch, Clay straddling his waist, Floyd sitting near his legs and Bruce sitting by his torso, all four of them smirking down at him.
“What the hell is this!?” JD exclaimed, too baffled to really fight back.
“Revenge.” Branch replied curtly.
“That’s not enough detai-ahahaAaahahAHAHAHAA WAHAIT-“
the poor troll was cut off when Branch wiggled his fingers into JD’s armpits.
ohhh fuck. Now he understood. All those years of wrecking his brothers was now coming back to him.
he should have seen this coming.
regardless, JD still tried fighting back, but his brothers were shockingly strong.
at this point the rest of the bros started their attacks too. Clay was squeezing his hips and lower sides, Bruce methodically poked at his stomach and ribs and Floyd scribbled his fingers on JD’s knees
already it was almost too much for the poor ticklish fucker to handle.
He threw his head back and cackled, unable to fight back, and really really wishing that he could get back at his brothers right now.
“How’s it feel being the victim for once?” Clay asked, and JD low key wanted to (kindly) punch that smirk off his face. He chose to ignore him and tried using his hair to throw them off- if he could just use it as a hand, maybe, to tickle one of them back, or to cover Clay’s smug as face-
“Oh no you don’t!” Bruce exclaimed, noticing. Branch trued shoving JD’s hair down. “Don’t worry guys, I’ve got this. Being a dad has given me lots of tickle monster experience.” And Bruce leaned down and blew a loud, sloppy raspberry on JD’s belly.
Their eldest brothers finally lost it.
“d’nawww, what’s wrong? Has the big bad tickle monster finally been defeated?” Bruce asked in a really fake sounding sympathetic voice. As much as he hated to admit his defeat, John Dory nodded.
The bros stopped their attacks and all looked down at him, satisfied with what they had done.
It took a minute for John to fully compose himself, laying there as he still giggled from the leftover tickly feelings. He finally sat up and wiped the tears that pricked at his eyes, still grinning.
“You’re all such dicks for that,” he said, “but I guess that was fair. I think I’ll let this slide.”
“Oh thank goodness,” Floyd replied. “I won’t lie, I was actually scared shitless of this idea.”
“Took a while to convince him.” Bruce added, nodding.
“So, Johnathan Dorathan, what did you think? Ut was really all Branch’s idea.”
JD glanced at his youngest brother. “It was… a clever idea, I’ll admit. Im impressed by your ability to stay hidden like that. But do not ever tickle me again, because I will obliterate all of you on the spot.”
“Whatever you say, bro” Clay teased, poking his side. JD yelped.
“What did I just say?”
“Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t help it-“
“No actually what did I just say” John said, standing up. He wasn’t genuinely angry with Clay- he knew his bro was just messing around. But he was not gonna let this slide!
“ohoho god-“ Clay slowly backed away, knowing exactly what was coming.
“oh shit dude, you’re in for it now” Floyd said, almost wanting to run away himself, fearing that JD might decide to wreck all four of them.
“You can’t escape the beast forever!” JD exclaimed, lowering his voice to sound more gruff, “you have just triggered the tickle monster’s prey drive!”
“noho wait-!”
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BFFs (Best Feral Friends)
Brotherworldly JD belongs to me
Feral JD belongs to @draco-after-dark
Fun fact I’ve actually been thinking about these to interacting before I even came up with Clay, Bruce, and Floyds original powers. Brotherworldly JD was originally going to talk to animals and I thought ‘oh they could talk to feral’ and I liked the idea of them being friends. Later on I rehauled the brothers powers (minus branch who has had the same power the whole time for some reason) to reflect their band names in canon and John Dory got changed to sound imitation (leader=voice of reason, voice=sounds). I was like ‘now how will they be friends’ so I decided Brotherworldly JD gets to be kinda feral too.
It’s kinda ugly and tumblr destroyed the quality but idc it was at least good background practice
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azlanzaa · 9 months
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John Dory doodles!!
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brunchcoded · 8 months
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Fuck you jd *eats him like a gummy shark*
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 4 months
John Dory and Sable ❤️
Short Story - One Shot
The night before the Met Gala John Dory visits Sable after one of her shows. He basically wanted to confront his childhood bully. He wanted to be an adult about it and get some stuff off his chest. He ends up blowing up at her. Sable is of course hurt, but lets him yell. John realizes he is basically yelling at her for every mistake that HE has made. He is suddenly embarrassed for directing his rage at her, clumsily apologizes and leaves.
The next night at the Met Gala, Sable has just finished performing for all the guests and John Dory has retreated to a huge, empty wing of the museum, filled with nature themed paintings.
John absentmindedly stared at a huge painting. His mind is somewhere else.
Sable appeared at a corner doorway “I didn't know you were a connoisseur of the arts, John Dory. I'm impressed.”
“I’ll have you know, I'm a regular one of those art ugh…consumers.”
They both look towards the huge abstract painting.
“‘East Meets West.” Sable begins to explain the painting in front of them “A portrayal of the end to a timeless conflict. Merging of cultures. Both to grow greater than ever seen before.”
Okay, he was a little impressed that she knew that off the top of her head “Wow, really?”
Sable snorts “I have no idea, it sounded pretty real though, didn't it?”
JD smiles a little before sighing “Sable. About last night. I was acting like a moron. I was taking things out on you. I shouldn'ta done that and I’m sorry.”
“You’re right, you are a moron.”
John deadpans.
“However, I think it needed to happen. It seemed like you had been holding that in for a while?”
“Does twenty years count as a while?”
“One would think so.” she shook her head.
They both stare at the painting again.
“I forgive you for your outburst. However, some of your anger wasn't misdirected, John Dory. I am aware that I wasn't kind in my youth. Try as I might, I can't change who I was then, but I'm trying to be a better Troll now. You don't have to forgive me, but I do sincerely apologize for the way I have treated you in the past.”
“Did you practice that?” he frowned.
“Unfortunately, due to my behavior I have had to make this apology to quite a few Trolls.” she sighed sadly.
John Dory considered her words carefully.
And he stuck out his hand.
Sable offered him a grateful smile and accepted his hand.
“Truce” They firmly shake hands.
“I would very much still like to make it up to you, John Dory. I would love for you and your wife to be my dinner guests.”
“Nah, you do have to make…hold on, me and my what?”
“You… your wife?”
“I don't have a wife” he laughed awkwardly.
“Then… who's Rhonda?”
John Dory suddenly understands the confusion and chuckles.
*cuts to outside, where all the critters are ‘parked’ Unfortunately the water from the Techno Trolls critters had turned the ground into a thick mud which Rhonda had evidently been rolling around in.*
JD whistles and a muddy Rhonda comes bouncing over to the edge of the pen.
John opens the pen gate before realizing his fancy gala cape will drag in the mud. He unties it, not quite sure where to put it. Without thinking he drapes it over Sable’s shoulders.
Sable is startled at first but quickly takes hold of the cape before it falls off.
“Look how muddy you are! Just couldn't resist, could you girl! No, you couldn't. Had to pay back Daddy for making you have a bath today huh?! Yes you did!” JD cooed to Rhonda as he scratched under her chin. It causes her back leg to twitch.
Sable smiled at the sweet sight.
John gestures between them.“Rhonda, Sable. Sable, Rhonda.”
“Good evening Rhonda, that is a lovely pink bow. Very elegant.”
Rhonda frowned, looking Sable up and down. She hadn't decided yet whether she liked Sable or if she should eat Sable.
“Sable invited us to dinner, Rhonda. Isn't that nice of her?” JD leaned his ear in. Rhonda did not make any kind of noise in response. “Rhonda says thanks for the invite, but gosh darn, wouldn’t ya know, she’s got plans.” John shrugged.
Rhonda frowned at JD. What in the world was he talking about?
“Oh Rhonda, what poor timing I have.” Sable reached out to stroke Rhonda’s face but Rhonda quickly leaned away from her touch and shifted closer to JD.
“Yah, regular party animal, she is.” he chuckled.
Rhonda side-eyed JD.
“Well, Rhonda with your permission, I request to borrow John Dory tomorrow night as my dinner guest.”
Rhonda frowned at her.
“In return, perhaps when your schedule opens up, you and I can schedule a mud bath together.”
Rhonda huffed.
“Rhonda, what has gotten into you?” John Dory raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
Rhonda raised an eyebrow at him as if to say “Me?”
“She's quite territorial of you.”
“Yah, she's a good one. Aren't ya Rhonda? Who's my best girl? Always looking out for meeeeee!” He cooed as he scratched her cheek.
Rhonda accepted the scratches but still kept one eye on Sable.
Rhonda pulled away from John Dory and stretched out her legs.
Oh no.
“Rhonda, don’t!” he warned.
Shake shake shake shake shake
Mud goes flying and lands on JD and Sable.
JD was horrified “Rhonda! We don't cover nice Trolls with mud! Bad Rhonda!”
Rhonda rolled her eyes and wanders off.
“What the… where is this attitude coming from, young lady?”
Sable giggled as she looked down at the mud covering her.
“I am so sorry about Rhonda, Sable” he pulled the cape off of her shoulders. “I do not know what her problem is but she will be getting a stern, talking to when we get home.”
Fancy cape be darned, he used it to wipe the mud off of Sable.
“No harm done. Rhonda is just protecting you. It's sweet really.”
“If you wanna cancel dinner, I totally get it.” he sighed almost sadly.
“A little mud won't scare me off but if you don't wanna have dinner with me you could have just said so. You didn't have to send your attack armadillo after me.”
He hesitated with the cape but then wiped the mud off her face “One look from a pretty Troll and she's immediately jealous.”
“Careful John Dory. You just called me pretty.” she smirked.
Oh sugar.
“What? No I didn't…I…I said that you think that you're pretty.” he blushed just a little bit.
She raised an eyebrow at him but let it slide.
He flicked out the mud from the cape the best he could and threw it over his shoulder “Ya sure you wanna be seen in public with me? Gossip magazines will be all over it.”
“I am fully prepared to risk such a scandal, John Dory.”
“Ya sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
“But are ya sure?”
“Jonathan Dorian!”
“Alright alright, you don't have to beg. I'll go to dinner with you.” he smirked. He offered her a hand to help her down from the stone they were standing on.
“Very well, it's a date then. However, I'll have to let you know the details later. They should be serving the entrees right about now.” She turned to make her way back to the Gala.
He smirked at the thought of food but suddenly stopped in his tracks, falling behind as she continued on.
Hold on, it's a what?
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awkward-anxiety · 9 months
Hey yall...so...uhm. I fell into the void and didnt draw for a HOT minute. Im not gonna be posting as much as I am taking a step back from the internet due to other stuff going on in my life. anyway. take some Trolls Art I did cause I was bored.
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He isnt perfect as I have never drawn branch or trolls before, but I think he turned out pretty decent.
anyway, thats all. Ill hopefully be active and posting again in march! (not just reposting as I have been doing) TTYL!
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gabeex7 · 8 months
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Tak dla zabicia czasu. Później jeszcze może poprawię.
Miłość, bliska przyjaciółka z młodości JD.
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