#joint custody of the arc trooper is a tense subject
gospelofme · 7 months
Since everyone liked the custody battle between Rex and Hunter over Echo, here’s a blurb
“Why do you always get Echo? He’s part of our squad ya know.” Hunter finally blurted out. Rex had arrived on Pabu to pick up the ARC Trooper for another mission.
“Okay, I didn’t want to have to say this but. I found Echo first. Okay? On Rishi’s moon. Waaaaaaaay back in the day.”
“Okay? So?” Hunter asked, giving a shrug.
“So, finders keepers,” Rex gave a mocking sad face and pretended to rub his eyes, “loser’s weepers.”
Hunter’s jaw dropped. He was aghast. There was no better term. The Captain actually said “finders keepers” and called him a loser. The Sergeant didn’t know how to respond to that.
Echo walked out of the Marauder, slinging a backpack over one shoulder.
“Everything okay out here?” He asked, seeing Hunter’s slack jaw and Rex casually scrolling through his datapad.
“Huh, oh yeah everything’s great. You got your stuff?” Rex replied, Echo giving a nod.
“Yup. What’s wrong with Hunter?”
“Beats me, let me get that for you buddy.” Rex said, pushing Hunter’s mouth closed with a fingertip.
Echo shrugged and walked past the two, towards the waiting shuttle. Rex followed and boarded after Echo, turning to give Hunter one last look.
The stunned Sargent watched the Captain give him a little wave as the shuttle’s door closed up.
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