#he hates to admit it but he respects Rex for that move
gospelofme · 7 months
Since everyone liked the custody battle between Rex and Hunter over Echo, here’s a blurb
“Why do you always get Echo? He’s part of our squad ya know.” Hunter finally blurted out. Rex had arrived on Pabu to pick up the ARC Trooper for another mission.
“Okay, I didn’t want to have to say this but. I found Echo first. Okay? On Rishi’s moon. Waaaaaaaay back in the day.”
“Okay? So?” Hunter asked, giving a shrug.
“So, finders keepers,” Rex gave a mocking sad face and pretended to rub his eyes, “loser’s weepers.”
Hunter’s jaw dropped. He was aghast. There was no better term. The Captain actually said “finders keepers” and called him a loser. The Sergeant didn’t know how to respond to that.
Echo walked out of the Marauder, slinging a backpack over one shoulder.
“Everything okay out here?” He asked, seeing Hunter’s slack jaw and Rex casually scrolling through his datapad.
“Huh, oh yeah everything’s great. You got your stuff?” Rex replied, Echo giving a nod.
“Yup. What’s wrong with Hunter?”
“Beats me, let me get that for you buddy.” Rex said, pushing Hunter’s mouth closed with a fingertip.
Echo shrugged and walked past the two, towards the waiting shuttle. Rex followed and boarded after Echo, turning to give Hunter one last look.
The stunned Sargent watched the Captain give him a little wave as the shuttle’s door closed up.
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oh-three · 6 months
There's the Teth trailer shot.
Ahhh, Mr. Assassin's looking a bit worse for wear.
Ayyy, escape route!
Lmaooo, Rex relying on Echo for backup, as if our guy's not booked on getting Gregor. Really does have a full schedule, doesn't he?
Glad to see that Wolffe's still in there. And being his usual self.
Ooh, the assassin's got no comms.
LMAO, the assassin just fucking jumped down there, like, "hey, I'm not letting you finish what I was told to do."
Rex, your flashlight 😭
They're gonna get shot down, aren't they.
"Don't worry, she only bites half of the time." 🤣
Yepppppp, and there's that. Saw that one coming. No way it was that easy.
Me trying to decide if it's Rex or the Batch that has a habit of crashing, or whether it's just them being together:
Wolffe really does hate the assassin right about now. Which, fair, he's literally doing things the exact opposite of them. That would be annoying for anybody.
"You're as bad as Hunter." / "Oh, I'm much worse." LMAO. Cross is in full dad mode and fully aware of it, and now he's turned it into a whole thing. I love him. These boys can't not compete about anything.
Howzer reluctantly admitting that this Crosshair is different from the Crosshair that he blames for getting his squad killed. 👏
"The operative's gone rogue." Saw that coming, too. I want to say it's further confirmation toward it being Tech, but that voice was definitely a modulated reg's.
Wolffe, your team sucks.
Nemeccccc 😭
"I'll draw his fire. Get to the rendezvous." Brainwashed sniper vs malfunctioning sniper 😬
Oh, thank god, he survived that. We're still short a couple of Cross trailer shots.
Howzer saving Cross from going over the second waterfall and actually drowning (holy fuck, a drowning attempt in Star Wars) despite his reservations toward him. 😭
"Wolffe?" / "Rex?" Ayyy, mutual shock.
Wolffe just putting his blasters away and going, "I thought you were dead." 😭
"As your brother, I'm asking you to do the right thing." 😭
Ayyy, Wolffe telling the men to stand down because he can see the truth in Rex's words, and he can't keep going forward without at least looking into it.
"But, sir, they're traitors." / "Perhaps. But they're clones. We owe them that." The way they all just accept to respect their fellow clones despite the sides of the newfound war they're in 😭
"Rex, you can't win this fight. The Empire is too strong." 😭
Dark-toned Omega theme.
Fuckkk, I want to watch another episode. Is it next week yet.
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titanicfreija · 13 days
Making Up
"How is she?"
That she waited until they were face to eye was a sign Sunny took as respect, and the first thing she asked a sign of caring, but she wasn't sure. "Why."
Caiatl lowered her tusks. "I am concerned for her well-being, generally but especially now that I am responsible for its deterioration. You do not have to share this information if you do not wish it."
Sunny hated when she got stiff like that. "We're still friends," she huffed. "I'm mad at you. But we're still friends."
"I am glad to hear it," the empress mumbled, leading Sunny down a corridor. "Will you tell me the condition of your Guardian?"
"She's…" Sunny couldn't decide if she wanted to say 'fine' and nothing else or go off on her. "How much do you want to hear?"
"Is she sleeping? Eating?"
Sunny held in a bubble of rage she didn't know about. "Yeah, now. Thomas helped when he noticed. He's a good guy."
"The Guardian of Rex. They are a good match."
Sunny dropped several feet. "What?!"
"The pair of them are a fit. This often means that parts of the personality will not match. Rex is forceful and angry where your Thomas is patient and calm."
"Don't count on that. Old as they are, they've changed a few times for sure."
"Hmph. How are the nightmares?"
"She has ones of other people now."
Caiatl grunted again and heaved a sigh. "How are you?"
"I'm still feeling betrayed."
Caiatl nodded slowly. "I understand that it will take time for you to trust me again, if you ever do. I am willing to try and earn it back."
Sunny sighed and flew in an uneasy spiral. "Freija's been nicer than me about it. She said you probably didn't know the difference between punishment and torture."
"My lines are thin and depend on intention," Caiatl conceded. "I agree that some of what I did was torture. Specifically the ways in which I inflicted the damage."
Sunny turned to glance at Caiatl several times, then spun as she drifted lower. "I wish I had stayed."
Caiatl looked away. "I did not distract you with intention. I did take advantage."
Sunny flew around again. "I appreciate the offer. I shouldn't have taken you up on it. That was stupid and wrong of me. She scared me, too."
Caiatl sighed, too, and she sat on her bed. Sunny didn't realize they were in private quarters until now, and she looked around. "Your room is really big," she observed. 
"I am really big," Caiatl chortled, and she put her helmet on a table next to her neck piece and her leg guards. "I am ashamed."
"You should be," huffed Sunny, but she landed on Caiatl's knee and balanced there.
"I have learned much about Guardians. The fear is not of death, but of helplessness. Hopelessness. I treated her to it. I assume this was my greatest offense."
"I don't know. I only heard what she told Thomas, and that all by itself was really messed up. What I saw on her corpse was messed up."
"I… trapped her. Twice."
"Trapped?" demanded Sunny flatly.
"Pinned her. It is a trick to find the weak points of humans, but I have learned them."
Sunny didn't move, didn't even blink. 
"I am ashamed," Caiatl said, voice down to a whisper.
Sunny didn't comfort her immediately, but she did eventually nudge Caiatl's head. "You messed up," she said. "We mess up. It happens. I'm still not okay with this. This wasn't okay." She landed again and met Caiatl's eye. "I don't want you near my Guardian again. Not for a long time. If it's not work, I don't want her near you either."
"This is acceptable," Caiatl murmured. 
"She really admired you, you know."
Caiatl didn't respond, simply watching the floor in front of her feet. 
"She was always jealous that I had a friend that wasn't her, and she did her best to make sure I could see you whenever I wanted, if I ever asked. She liked you. She thought you were great.
"She probably still thinks you're great," the Ghost admitted. "She probably still thinks you're one of the strongest, greatest warriors in the galaxy. And she might even still think you're a good leader.
"But she doesn't like you anymore. She doesn't want to be like you anymore. And she doesn't care if you like her anymore."
All of it was true, and Sunny wanted it to hurt her to hear, and she wanted Caiatl to know because it hurt Freija to have her world shifted like that, and she was still so angry.
"Thank you, Sunny."
Sunny didn't know what she was being thanked for, and she only sort of cared. 
Caiatl rested on her bed, which looked more like a mattress made of gel once she pulled back the cover, and she slid into bed. "I was afraid."
"I'm still your friend," Sunny huffed. "I even still like you. I'm just mad at you."
"This is acceptable. And reasonable. And I am sincerely sorry. I will not approach your Guardian for any reason outside of command."
"Good. I'll talk to you later when I'm not so mad that I can't think."
"I look forward to hearing from you."
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hedgiwithapen · 2 years
Prompt: Given Sylvester's explanation of his resurrection, theoretically it would work both ways and he and Cosmo could bring Courtney back if she died. They have to put this to the test.
 Sylvester didn’t hang his head, though he was tired enough to. It would have been defeat, and even bleeding out, he has never been one to admit defeat. A grim not-quite-smile touched his lips before fading. “And that’s it. That’s all I know. Hurting them won’t get you different answers.” “You’re awfully calm about this, Starman,” his interrogator said, saying the alias with an  uncomfortable mix of respect and mocking. “Climbing out of your own grave changes your perspective on things,” Syl replied steadily. “The staff won’t work for you or your people.” “No, only you and Miss Star over there.” “Stargirl,” Courtney muttered, the bright bruise covering half her face muffling the words more.  Syl kept his eyes on their captor, not on Courtney, bound like he was to a chair, not on the door that led deeper into the maze of tunnels. The Burman girl was here, somewhere. With this place being what it was, and her abilities, maybe more than one somewhere. Sylvester did not like that thought, even knowing he owed nothing to Dragon King’s daughter…nothing except what every hero owed anyone in peril.  She hadn’t been the only one with them when the trucks had pulled up and JSA practice had been canceled on account of mass abduction.  It wasn’t the first time he’d been kidnapped, or then third, or the tenth. The plan was always the same, even a decade after his death. Stall. Run the clock.  Once it had been wait for a ransom to be paid, then wait for a teammate. Now he counted on the young midnite, and his best friend’s robot. They’d arrive. They always did. They’d save them, Courtney and Syl, Rex’s kid and the Dragon’s…child. Just hold on a bit longer, kids. For the first time in more than ten years of lived time, he counted himself one of the ‘kids’. “That’s right,” Syl said evenly. “Only us. I can show you.” He needed to hold the staff, for comfort more than anything else. If he or Courtney could only get it away from that man-- Eiling, the embroidered patch surrounded by medals and insignia read--they could… well, they could try, even with the hostages. Burman could heal. Rex’s boy couldn’t but… but he was a tough kid… “I’m sure you can,” Eiling agreed, drumming his fingers along the staff’s unlit point. Courtney and Sylvester both winced, feeling the shudder that went through the staff in their bones. They needed it, for its comfort, for theirs, if they were going to hold out long enough for help to come. The general stepped closer, looming really, while a few uniformed men stood in the doorway and observation window, watching too closely.  The staff was still out of reach. “ And if you attack me, or my people, or try anything cute, I will have the entire Dugan-Whitmore family eliminated, the rest of that little team too.” Courtney flinched, “No!” Eiling glanced at her. “Then you two and your little glow stick behave.” “You don’t have to threaten them,“ Syl repeated himself, old sharpness in his voice. He hated bullies. He’d never wanted to kill anyone, not even poor Bruce Gordan, a dead man walking.  He knew he couldn’t do something like that again. But maybe,  he thought, darkly, having the Crocks for neighbors will have a use. “Fascinating hunk of metal,” Eiling said, feeling the heft of it. “Pity you’re not the maker, but still, you know all its secrets. Energy blasts. Flight. Bringing its ‘chosen ones’ back from the dead…” The smirk on his face was calculating, calculated. “Let's see how all that works.” They all realized at the same time, a heartbeat before Eiling moved. “No!” Sylvester shouted, true panic in his voice. Courtney only managed a scream, wordless. The staff, still caught in enemy hands, manages one weak, desperate flare, a vain attempt to protect. Eiling’s knife flashed, and Courtney's scream died. “Let’s see it, Starman.  Bring her back.” Eiling  got to the safety of the doorway before tossing the staff into the room, locking the door tight before going to stand in the observation window. The staff rested in a pool of its wielder’s blood for the second time.
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clonecyare · 3 years
I Can Handle Myself
Summary: You were perfectly capable of handling yourself when it came to matters of your safety. But that would never stop Fox from doing his part.
Pairing: Commander Fox x senator!reader
Tags: assination attempts, protective fox, senator!reader, republic gala, canon typical violence/shenanigans, banter, secret relationship, kissing, suggestive ending,
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: The 2nd instalment of my outfit series. This one is based on this outfit submitted by @murdertoothpick for Fox. Each fic in the series can be read as stand-alone fics.
1st instalment: Playing a Dangerous Game - Captain Rex x medic/!reader
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“I am going to say this one more time, Commander. I do not need a babysitter for this Gala, I am more than capable of handling myself.” You said matter-of-factly as you walked through the halls of the senate, datapad in hand, tapping perhaps a little passive-aggressively on the screen.
Commander Fox chuckled under his bucket, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“With all due respect, Senator, you were the target of an assassination attempt 4 days ago.”
“And I survived. Nobody would be stupid enough to try a second attempt at Republic Gala, not with the Senate present.”
Fox chuckled and fell in step with you, bumping shoulders with you as you walked. “Maybe so, but it’s the wishes of the Chancellor that you have a member of the Guard escort you, while the rest patrol the Gala.”
You stopped outside the entryway to your office and put one hand on your hip, datapad and a stack of flimsi files clutched under one arm and pointing accusingly at Fox with the other from behind the death grip you had on your caf. “You’re enjoying this.”
You nodded politely to Hound who had been standing guard at your office, and he saluted with a polite, “Ma’am.” He took his leave as Fox took his place, leaning against the doorway with his head tilted as you punched in the keycode. The doors slid open, and he followed you inside, removing his bucket with a gentle hiss and holding it under his arm against his hip.
You couldn’t help but stare a little, just briefly. He was sporting a few soft grey hairs at the sides of his neatly trimmed hair. It made him appear just a slight bit older and more sophisticated, the neat locks of loose hair framing his handsome face.
“Perhaps a little. I do get quite the kick of you not getting your own way.”
His smug comment brought your attention back to the present and you muttered something in response with narrowed eyes. Dropping the stack of files and the datapad on your desk, you hopped up to sit on the edge and crossed one knee over the other. The lightweight fabric of your skirt sported a high slit, exposing the skin of your legs and upper thigh.
You sighed, resigned to your fate and leaned back on one palm, swirling the steaming caf in your paper takeaway cup.
“Who will be my knight in shining red armour, then?”
You asked as you blew on the hot caf and took a sip.
Fox, whose eyes has been previously occupied following the slit of your skirt up to your thigh, snapped out of his daydream and plastered a handsome smirk on his face.
“Oh, that would be me. I’ll pick you up at 7 sharp, mesh’la.”
“Wha-” You did a rather ungracious spit take withyour coffee, as the Commander slid his helmet back on and moved through your office doors with one final look back at you.
“Oh, and don’t be late.”
Leaning into the mirror you carefully applied the deep crimson red lipstick, treating the task with the utmost delicacy, lest you waste your look entirely. You stepped back once you were through and took a moment to admire your handiwork.
Dressed head to toe in deep, rich red tones and soft fabrics, you felt you had outdone yourself this time. If you were to be on your Commander’s arm all evening, the least you could do was make an effort, right?
You smirked softly, tilting your head in the mirror. Yeah, this would show him.
You had decided to go for an elegant gown for this evening, floor-length and a deep wine red in colour. The upper portion was a bodice lined with velvet and fitted to your body, with sleek black linear detailing down the front. Around the upper edge and over the shape of your chest was lined with intricate gold detailing.
In the centre of your chest, just under the hollow of your throat, sat a delicate golden brooch, which held from each side 2 long strips of the same wine-red material from your dress, draped prettily back over your shoulders, accentuating your chest and neck.
You had chosen several simple gold jewellery items, and tied your hair up into an intricate bun, completing your look and signature red lip. You were just touching up the corners of your lipstick when there was a firm knock at your door.
You headed for the door, opening it with a smile.
“Good evening, Commander.”
You smiled, voice sweet like honey. Your Commander, to your delight, was stood frozen in the doorway looking at you. In one hand he held the cap of his dress greys and in the other, a bouquet of Queen’s Heart flowers.
You smiled softly and reach a hand out to touch his forearm. The gentle touch broke him from his stare and he quickly cleared his throat, offering you the bouquet with a bow. “For you.”
You smiled and took them with a courtesy, “they’re beautiful, come in, let me find a spot for them.” You stepped aside to let him in, finding the perfect spot for the flowers on your table.
When you turned back, Fox was watching you again, though this time he was smiling handsomely. You smiled back, “well, how do I look?”
“Mesh’la. Truly mesh’la.” He smiled as he offered his arm. Your cheeks flamed a pretty pink, bringing a satisfied smirk to the Commander’s face as you slid your arm through his own.
You locked up the apartment and made your way strangely quiet Senate District. The air was crisp against your skin, cooling the warmth you felt where you were brushing arms with the soldier lightly.
“You know, you clean up pretty well outside of all that plastoid.”
You smiled playfully, looking up at him. He smiled back, chuckling and shaking his head lightly, hair bouncing lightly in the gentle breeze. “Is that so?”
“Mhmm. I would go so far as to say a 10/10.”
Fox groaned deeply in his chest, head hanging sightly. You swore it was to hide his smile.
“I hate you.”
You smiled fondly and pressed into his side, free hand resting on his arm that was holding yours.
“No, you don’t.”
Perhaps you may have been wrong about the Gala. Fox had his reputation for being a little… prickly, at the best of times. But, as the over the top affairs go, the Commander had proven himself quite the charmer.
He has stayed dutifully by your side most of the evening, So, having a bodyguard was, as it turned out, a blessing in disguise - though you would never admit as much to anyone else. Far fewer senatorial aides tried to approach you upon spotting the head of the Coruscant Guard on your arm. Even several of the more conservative senators passed you by upon receiving his death glare.
At one point, towards the end of the evening, you had even managed to convince the stoic Commander to join you on the ballroom floor to dance. Well, sway, would be more accurate. The two of you moved around the room in a gentle sway, you humming softly along to the tune while Fox rested his cheek atop your head.
You raised your glass of Algarine wine to your lips in an almost mini toast, “Well Commander, it seems we had noth-”
Your words died in your throat as the glass suddenly shattered in your hand. The blaster bolt that has cause it clipped your right cheek, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. A roar of commotion suddenly filled the room, with several masked individuals pushing through the crowd. Most of the shots were trained on you, but you now noticed a group of them firing off into the guests as a distraction.
“Get down. Now!”
Fox barked, crowding you to the floor. Thire and Thorn were already pushing through the crowds, firing at 2 of the intruders and calling in backup.
Hound threw Fox’s blasters towards him and took off after one of the assailants, Stone calling for backup. The leader of the group was faster, though, taking another shot that you managed to dodge as Fox tackled him, throwing himself between you and the hitman, and knocking his blaster from his hands. The pair wrestled for the single DC-17 that had fallen between them, each landing several punches.
In the end, the hitman got the upper hand. Blood rushed to your ears, cancelling out the commotion behind you. As soon as he pulled the pistol on the Commander, you were behind him, panting heavily, pistol to the back of his head.
“Drop it. Now. I promise I’m faster.”
Fox looked at you with wide eyes, before the dropped to your exposed thigh and the small holster secured around your upper thigh, soft brown irises slowly darkening. Discreet, made for a small pistol like an ELG-3A.
The man dropped the blaster and Fox grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, binding his wrists and looking over his shoulder at you with a chuckle as he pushed the man towards one of the Corries that had arrived.
The room was emptying now, only a few shaken aides left milling around, and few vod who were cleaning up and securing the room. Fox lifted a hand to brush a few hairs back behind your ear, and you smiled.
“I told you I could handle myself.”
Fox laughed, holding your cheek as his calloused thumb swiped over your cheek, wiping away the trail of blood. “Yes, you most certainly did, cyar’ika.”
You turned your cheek into his palm and pressed a light kiss, looking up at him.
Fox took one precursory look around the ballroom and bent down, kissing you hard. It wasn’t soft or sweet like you knew they could be. It wasn’t careful and quick, like so many of your kisses had to be in order to remain a secret.
It was rushed, and desperate. You could practically feel the adrenalin rolling off him in waves. It was an oddly comforting feeling, one you had grown to know only too well. The kind Fox radiated after gruelling sessions guarding the Senate. Or after the occasional run-in with the cesspool of Coruscant’s underworld.
But it was most notable in these moments. When you had found a way to put yourself in the firing line again. When he couldn’t let his mask slip, when he couldn’t treat you as more than a senator under his protection. When all he could do was his job.
It was these moments afterwards that he needed you the most, that you needed him. It was in these moments, you knew exactly what you both needed.
You broke away, eyes never leaving his own as you took his arm.
“Take me home, Fox.”
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gwaean · 3 years
The Rescuers 
 Part Two: "I see it for the first time - There’s no cry in being kind”
Part One: Old acquaintances meet again
Warnings: Mentions of blood, implicit mentions of sex.
Words Count: 1,633
Notes: This part continues right where the other ended but this time we've two povs! Also, we have a bit of howzer and some flirting happening. And I've made a playlist for the fanfic, if you wanna listen while reading it's here: Spotify | Apple Music
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“What the hell?” - He sits on the stretcher.
“What… What have I done? What…”
 “Hey, hey. You’re okay now.” - You say. “They no longer control you.” 
 “How… How did you do it?” 
 “So, Rex told me that the kaminoans put these inhibitor chips on all of you guys. All clones have one of these in their heads. And somehow it makes you obey orders and you just loose control of yourself. I think?” 
 “Yeah. I was there all the time. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t help it. I just had to obey and do everything I was told to. Not matter how hard I tried to fight it….” 
  “I know, I know. This isn’t your fault. These bastards made you do it. But now, you’re free and you gonna be ok.” 
  He looks at you. His expression is carrying so much emotions that he doesn’t even need to say anything. You know he’s broken. But he does gives you a little smile like he’s silently thanking you for helping him.
 “Shouldn't we go?” He breaks the silence.
 “Indeed. Before the get suspicious. But… do you have a plan or something? Like, they can’t know you’re without your chip or you’ll be considered a traitor.” 
 “Yes, I’m aware of that. I’ve got to pretend I’m still loyal to them. And you… If anyone asks, we’re dating.” 
 “Hmmm…. Ok?”  You answer. “I mean, what else could’ve I said?” You also think.
 “So, shall we go, Cross?”
 “Yes. But first, I need to do something.” He says taking your hand and forcing you to move. When you’re at the corridor he speaks again to you loud enough so the others can listen too:
 “Darling, wait for me in my room, okay? I’ve got some things to take care of before I’m all yours.”  He winks at you. It takes you a phew seconds to process what he meant with that then you finally go do what he asked you to.
 That was easy. Too easy. Crosshair always knew how to be mean and look scary. He learned soon enough that he needed to be like this or the others would never respect him. Or so he thought. But this reg speech earlier… It had somehow made him listened. This Captain Howzer put himself at risk in front everyone just so he could help his squad. He just spoke out like that in an empire base and some of those clones actually heard him. Cross had to admit, that was really brave specially to a reg. So maybe this guy was worth saving. 
 He entered the cell. It was just like the others: small, rather empty, clean enough and with just a seat for the prisoner. Howzer was sitting looking down but when he entered the room he looked up right at him.
“Now, what do you want?”  The captain said looking like he was done with all this already.
“I want…” Crosshair checked the surroundings again. No one was around. Good. 
“I wanna help you.” 
“What?” That seemed to catch the captain off guard.
“Yes, you heard it right. I want help you. I gonna set you free from here.” 
“Really? And how do you plan to do that?”
“Oh, please, cut the sarcasm. I’ll find a way to take your chip off first.” 
“My what?” 
“I'm sorry, this gonna hurt a bit.” Poor Howzer looked at him even more confused.
 Crosshair hit him hard. He passed out with a little cut on his head. The poor guy probably would have a bit of a headache later but at least with a real injury no one would get suspicious, right? Crosshair then carried Howzer all the way back to the medical bay. Some soldiers looked at them however none of them were brave enough to ask any questions. They all knew it was better not to question the commander decisions. And they could see a bit of blood on the other clone.
 Crosshair had seen the imperials using the equipments before a few times. Even on him once. So he kind had his way and got it done quickly. Howzer got up soon after, still confused and a bit angry maybe?
“What the hell was all of that?” 
“We don’t have much time. We have to leave.” 
“Whoa, slow down. I’m not getting. Why you’re doing this? And why do we have to leave? And why… Why do I suddenly feel… I don’t know…” 
“Free?” He nods in agreement. “The voice is gone, uh?”
“Yes? I guess?” 
“Look, I saw what you did there. The way stood up to them, you didn’t have to do that. You could’ve left and save yourself. But you went back and spoke in front of everyone. You didn’t abandon your men. And…” Crosshair looked down. “That’s something I can admire…” He was thinking about his team then.
“I just did what I thought it was right. These guys have been with me for years, they’re my brothers. I can’t just leave them behind. That’s why I can’t just leave now too.” 
“But you must. I know you cared about them but you can’t do anything if you’re just a prisoner or dead. You have to save yourself before you can save others, you know?”  The captain looks down. 
“You're probably right…” He takes a moment. “I just wish I could do more for them.” 
“I get it. Though right now, I don’t think there’s much you could do anyway.”
“So, I’m gonna pretend we’ve got to move you to another base. I’m gonna say I don’t want anyone on your team having ideias of breaking you out. They saw you speech out there, so they might believe having you here could have a bad influence on these regs. These soldiers aren’t very bright anyway.” 
“Right. Seems like a plausible plan. Anything else?” 
“Look angry. I’m gonna send you back to cell so I can prepare some things and then be ready to leave, ok?”
“Let’s go.” 
 Crosshair handcuffed him and started pushing him. Howzer acted out like he was angry and fighting him. The commander them curse him and threat him and so Howzer pretend he was fighting back. They made a whole scene all the way back to the captain scene and everyone kept staring at them curious and whispering stuff. Crosshair finally throw him at the cell and they both cursed each other.
“We're moving to another base. He’s too much trouble for us here.” Crosshair informed the guards. They nodded in agreement.
“Agreed, sir. We don’t others getting ideais from his little speech back there.” 
“Exactly my thoughts.” He pause for a second. “I just have some things to take care of before.” They seemed to understand what he was talking about.
“Have your time, sir.” 
 The commander walked back to his room trying not to think too much about anything. Because whenever he did it was a rollercoaster of emotions and evasive thoughts and he hated. He hated not being able to control a part of him. And lately, he hasn’t being able to have a lot of control of anything at all. It sucked. 
  He opened his door to find you sitting on his bed reading one of his books while looking so comfortable, liked you owned the place. He wasn’t sure if he liked or was a bit jealous of your calmness. Probably both.
“Hey there, booknerd.” You almost jumped.
“Oh, sorry, did I bother you?” He joked.
“Haha. You’re so funny. You should be a comedian, you know?” 
“I know.” 
“Now, what do we have to do, commander?” Oh, he really liked to be called commander. Probably more than you’re anticipating.
“Actually, right now nothing.” 
“Oh, really?” You smiled. “And after that?” 
“You're gonna keep up the act for a little longer. I’m gonna pretend to have Captain Howzer moved. I’m plan on taking you plus two guards.” 
“Alright. What else?” 
“You gonna have to pretend you like to be shown around by me. Or not. And do you happen to know how to shoot well?” 
“Not sure about the first part.” He smirked like he was saying “Yeah, sure. We’ll see about that.” And you continued:  “But yes, I can handle myself pretty well with a blaster.” You showed him your holster where your blaster was kept. 
“Good. This shouldn’t be so hard then.” 
“You know, I thought as observant as you are, you’ve assumed that before.” 
“Oh, sorry, sweetheart. I was too busy thinking planning stuff, fighting the chip and looking at other things…..” He looked at you up and down. You almost felt naked. 
“Holy…” You started. “Well, now I get how you used to have quite a reputation…” 
“Did I?”
“Please, don’t be an ass.” 
“That’s an impossible request.” 
“At least you know. Now can we go?” He moved and sited right next to you on his bed. Then he whispered on your ear:
“Why? Scared of being alone with me?” That sent shivers up your body. And you quickly moved.
“No! Oh, please no!” You shouted.
“Then why are you shouting, babe?”
“Because I can.” You continued shouting. “Now shall we go or what?” You now spoke quieter.
“Hmmm… Five more minutes. Now sit here and keep reading your book. I promised I’ll be quiet.” You couldn’t help but obey him while you rolled your eyes at him. You kept reading and he support his chin on your shoulder and appeared to be reading with you.
“Now shall we start moving? It’s been like 10 minutes already.” 
“Yes. And looked tired but at the same time happy. Like you just had a really damn’ good time.” 
“And why?” 
“Well, I don’t wanna loose my reputation.” You rolled your eyes at him again.
“Let’s just go, commander.” 
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crystal-moon-101 · 4 years
Y and U? For the unnamed ask?
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?: I familiar with shows like Troll Hunter & Miraculous Lady Bug through a friend of mine, and I have been meaning to get into them, just a little busy and have a lack of energy 😅. I am also familiar with Yugioh (At least the earlier series), mostly because of the abridge and because I’m really into Season 0 stuff, as it’s more my kind of thing.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites: Given you gave me three, I think it’s only natural for me to pick from The Secret Generator 10 trio, as I always up to talk about these three and what they mean to me. Of course, they’re hardly perfect character, but they all are special in their on way for me, and I thought I’d discuss why.
Rex: My favourite out of the three, with his show being my all-time favourite. Development, interesting background, mystery, angst, tragic, fun to watch, mostly consistent, amazing powers, and gets so much found family stuff going on, he hits a lot of marks of what I love to see in a character, and the same does do good enough of a job with him. Rex is a character that plays well with the concept of being a child soldier, having amnesia, and being the key to the larger story at hand, and the show still treats him like a real person, living and breathing, and not just a means to screw over every time they want to plot to work. 
He has many layers to him, at the start seeming like a cocky, daredevil, rule-breaking and rebellious teen, who you sometimes question he understands the weight of what is happening to the world and himself, but then you learn that he does understand, so much more than he lets on. While he is naturally charismatic and a jokester, you can tell he often puts up this mask of joy and playfulness just to make a dark world around him feel a little lighter, along with hiding how alone and scared he actually feels. Because well, who wouldn’t be when placed in a role like that? He knows very well he has powers tied to saving the die, even if he doesn’t fully understand them. He knows the danger the nanites and EVOs pose, but also knows the danger that humankind can pose if they’re not willing to listen to reason. When things do get tough, he knows when to cut the crap and be serious. He’s someone who knows the world isn’t black and white, even if he hates to admit it at times.
While we didn’t get to see much of it, I’ve always seen Rex as a part of three worlds. He works closely with normal humans, like Six and Holiday (As normal as you can be at Providence), and he understands how scared the world is, how scared every day people are that any second they or someone they love could turn into a monster and go on a rampage. And sometimes that hurts for Rex is that he often tries to connect to this part of the world, because he knows he was once part of it, and he thinks it can make him happy, but the obstacle blocking him is that he isn’t human anymore, and that many people are scared of him, even if he saves them. And yet despite all the harsh things people have said or done to him, Rex always comes back to be the hero, because he knows he can help and that there are people that need his help, and it’s commendable that he’s willing to put aside those issues to save the day, even if he doesn’t get a thank you out of it.
His second ties are, of course, to his EVO world. It’s interesting that, at the very start of the show, Rex use to have this view that everything EVO was wrong, most likely something he picked up at Providence, despite being one himself. He’s hesitant around them, and while he’s not one to kill, he’s often quick to think they’ll be a danger. And while he can be right about that most of the time, he does start to learn it’s not all that it seems. His Hong Kong friends, Circe, Breach, even someone like Biowulf eventually. He even eventually learns that, while he’s not normal, he’s not a bad person for being something not human. And it’s an interesting thought that while he’s one of the most human-looking EVOs, he can be considered one of the most dangerous, even more so than EVOs that look like overgrown monsters. His ties to the EVO world are what make him start to see the world isn’t black and white.
And then his third ties, kind of, are to his nanites and history. Despite how human looking Rex is, and that he is an EVO, he’s very much something different to both sides, a middle ground thanks to his connection to the nanites. It’s always fascinated me that something about him, out of anyone in the world, he has this tie to nanites that no one else has. That can be explained by a number of things, but I also like to think it’s also because of the person he is. I mean, you get someone like Black Knight who got similar powers to him, but you never see her have a level connection with them like Rex does. And that can be explained by poor writing, but again I like to tie it back to who he is as a person, and how the nanites have evolved to be around him. And with how long he’s been tied to him, they just feel like a natural part of him, even if he may reject it sometimes. And to have him be once part of the past that involved how the nanites came to be, it adds a whole another layer to this boy. I will admit the writing can get to him at times, sadly, especially around season 3, and we don’t get certain answers to question about him, but he’s still a great character in my eyes, with so much potential for the stories and ideas you can play around him. I respect him for his hope for wanting to do things a better way, and yet knowing that sometimes you have to do the hard and logical things to do good, even if it’s not easy to do. I could ramble on more, but I got to move onto the next one. 💙
Zak: Ah, my sweet cryptid boy, have season 2 gave you crippling anxiety. Zak I would say, out of these three, is the most consistent with his writing. He’s still the same cryptid loving, cool kid, with a passion for his job back at the start of things, but he also grows in a believable way over time, especially when learning what he really is. The twist with making Kur adds such a spin on who he is and how he feels in a great way that I love, because he was someone who was building up to be the hero of the story by everyone around him, only to learn that the supposed villain he was meant to fight was himself. I think one of the interesting things that The Secret Saturdays does is that it never really answers the question if destiny is real, and if Zak is meant to kill all humans. It’s a question left up in the air, and while there seems to be facts that say otherwise, the idea that this boy could kill all humans makes people scared or eager, making everyone say that his destiny is real, even if there is no proof. And because of this, it makes Zak fear and believes that it’s real too, that he is bad just by simply being Kur’s reincarnation, even if he hasn’t done anything that makes him bad. And yet, as easy as it would have been for Zak to just accept this, he doesn’t, he still plays the hero and goes out of his way to help those that need it. Because whether or not destiny is real, Zak is willing to fight it, and that makes a noble character. And while we don’t get clear answers about destiny and Kur, many of us get to play with the idea of what it means for Zak and this world he’s in. I personally thing that Kur’s history is more complicated than him being ‘evil’ as I’ve written before, but Zak is his own character, his own person, and it’s fun to see who he is, how he reacts and how he grows. I also love that, while he’s pitched as one of those classic kid/teen boys during the 2000s action cartoon eras, he does things you wouldn’t expect. While he can get into fights and combat and have fun with it, if he knows the fight endangers someone or a cryptid, he will always take it seriously. Like when they found the cryptid fighting ring, he was always disgusted by it and keeps repeating the notion that he wanted to stop it as soon a possible, even hating to have to put Fisk into the fight just to stall and get info. He clearly as a loving passion with cryptids and the world he’s in, and is always out there looking to see more to the story than others may see. He’s not quick to label someone as a monster unless he’s 100% certain that’s what they are.  And his family relationships are just golden, I love the Saturdays. It’s adorable how, instead of calling them pets, he treats Fisk, Zon and Komodo like his siblings. He respects them as equals, and while he can argue with them, he’s willing to listen and understand that they have their own needs and wants, and the four of them are always by each other’s sides. Drew and Doc, being one of my favourite couples of all time, have different relationships towards Zak, but both love and respect him very much. Even when they find out Zak is Kur, not once do they ever turn their back on their own child, and do everything they can to help him see he’s not a monster. Zak clearly looks up to them, and it’s great to see the growth they have by letting Zak spread his wings, and stop trying to be over-protective with him. And, of course, Uncle Doyle is great, in that he’s always respected Zak, even if he’s a child. He’s willing to be level with him, and push him when he knows Zak needs it, and the fact that Zak was the one in the family to be so quick to have him join is just so well done, as he never had a doubt that Doyle could be a better person. Zak love the world he’s in, and the beings and secrets that lay within it. Despite how it might push and hurt him, he’s often willing to get back up and show who he really is, that the labels that people put on him don’t define who he is. Despite how his world turned upside down with one sentence, he’s doesn’t give up.🧡
Ben: Oof, right...*Cracks knuckles* Time to get into the more iffy ones of the trio. Right away, I have no trouble saying that Ben has a lot of issues and flaws as a character. I have no issue denying that he can be an ass, and has done many dumb things. However, I’m not one to hate or fault characters when it’s the writing that screws them over. Because at his concept and core, the person he was meant to be, Ben is quite an interesting character. He’s not the standard hero with a cape, he’s very much flawed, can sometimes be a jerk and cocky often, and has been shown to be young and naive. But that doesn’t make him a bad person, in fact he adds an interesting element to the normal hero archetypes. When written well, he’s quite fun to follow and has quite the concept to play around with. Despite his outgoing and witty outside, Ben does go through a lot of crap ever since he got the watch. His teen years and parts of his childhood are mostly just dealing with the foes he’s made, and the troubles that comes with being the main hero of the galaxy, which is defiantly not an easy task to take. And yet he does it, he goes through all the dangers just to help people and the worlds around them. He’s often willing to stand back up and crack a smirk because he’s not one to give up. He sees hope, he sees potential and light beyond the darkness, and he wants to give others the chance to see that. And while his cocky nature can get in the way when written wrong, I do think it’s a trait that makes sense. People across the galaxy praise him since he was young, which can cloud his judgement, it’s a natural flaw that fits him as a character, and it has been shown he acts this way to hide how scared he really is. Cause I mean, with all that he has to fight, it is actually quite a struggle, so it is amazing to see just how much he takes and never backs down. He’s not a boring character to watch, he’s not a perfect hero that gleams in a golden light, he’s flawed and hows so many issues to tackle, but have a noble and bold side to him that you can respect. He’s been shown to bring people up, to teach and to guide, to take on the hassles of others just so they can get by in life. And while he does like the praise he gets out of it, you know deep down he does this because it’s good to just do good, even if it doesn’t benefit you always. He could have easily given up the watch and hand it back to Azmuth, but he never does. And his connection with alien and the watch have always been a personal interest with me, even if canon doesn’t delve much into it as they should. The thing with Ben is that he’s perfect for the watch, because he has no problem shaping into another being. And while it’s still Ben underneath, he does change parts of himself for the time being. And the reason he’s fine with this is because he sees life and potential with all the aliens he can be. He sees the different powers they hold and wants to show just what they can do to help, what the galaxy could build if they worked together. It’s funny that the omnitrix was build for peace purposes, and while Ben took it a different way than what Azmuth wanted, he found a way to make it work. I know other characters wouldn’t be able to handle the watch like this the way Ben does, even Albedo proves this by how he acts with his aliens, seeing them as nothing but tools while treating himself as the higher being, while Ben accepts what he turns into, and understands what makes certain aliens special.  Sadly, Ben is a tragic character when it comes to the poor writing and constant switch in series, as Cartoon Network can’t seem to understand what to do with him. But that does make him a fun character to work off of and write, and I’ve seen some amazing things in the fandom with what they’ve done with him. So I've seen hated Ben, because I often see his as wasted potential for the character he could have been, and he does have great moments that are canon that I love. 💚
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makerkenobi · 4 years
this can’t happen obi wan x reader
a/n: yay!! first post on this blog!! this will probably have a part 2 bc it needs one! my inbox is open for requests- welcome everyone! i’m so excited to be here! ignore typos i didn’t proofread
join my taglist!
warnings: cussing, battle scene, grief, lots of angst, reference to passing out, i’m not sure what else- if i missed anything please let me know
word count: 2421
Being a Jedi was quite difficult, actually. You were constantly going on missions, and never had time to make connections with the people around you. You traveled planet to planet, but you could never take time to appreciate the beauty. You had a mission on each and every one, and you knew you would never be able to settle down somewhere for the rest of your life. You were okay with this though, you were prepared to commit your entire life to being a Jedi, this is who you are. You understood why Jedi’s are not allowed to form attachments, because nothing is certain for them. Correction, nothing is certain for you. You often forgot your role as a Jedi, you have been training your whole life, and yet sometimes you would forget; this is your reality.
You loved being a Jedi, or maybe you hated it- just a little bit. Your whole life was spent training to protect others, and not grow attached to others. Your identity was based on this fact, that you could love, but not too much. You could be friends, but nothing more. Maybe this was selfish of you, but you couldn’t really agree with this part of being a Jedi. You did your very best to not form an attachment, to not fall in love with him, but your efforts were in vain.
“Master Y/L/N, what do we have here?” Obi Wan asked as you attempted to mediate in the Jedi temple.
“Master Kenobi, I’m sure you know better than to disturb a Jedi while they’re mediating,” You replied, opening your eyes to look at him.
“I am aware of that, y/n,” He paused. “However, I sensed you weren’t actually mediating. Do you want to discuss why that is?”
He put his arm out to you, and you placed your hand into it as he helped you up from the ground. You tried to wipe off the creases that were made from sitting in your cross-legged position.
“I have a lot on my mind,” You whispered. “I can’t seem to focus on anything.”
Obi Wan nodded his head in understanding as the two of you walked out of the room, and down the hallways of the temple.
“Perhaps we should discuss what in particular you have on your mind?” He prompted. “May I?”
He was of course referring to using the force to reach out to you, to read your thoughts.
“Another time, Master,” You responded rather quickly. “I have to prepare for a mission.”
Obi Wan nodded, you knew he sensed your hesitation, yet never questioned it. You started to walk away from him, heading towards your room to prepare before you heard him call out.
“Y/N,” His voice gentle. “May the force be with you.”
You gave him a smile, and nodded your head before walking to your room. When you entered, your room was dark and quiet. You sat down on the couch, taking a breath to prepare yourself for what you were about to walk into. Your heart was aching, a cloud of sadness followed you wherever you went these days. Maybe it was the weather, you thought. That’s what’s making you so blue right now. Only, it wasn’t the weather- it never is.
You changed into your uniform, clipping the belt on, and adding your lightsaber to it. You did a couple jumps to make sure your belt would stay, you even whipped out your lightsaber and practiced moving it back and forth to get your head back to what really mattered; the mission.
You made your way to the transport dock, conversing with the other clones coming with you. You were leading the mission, everyone was counting on you to call the shots during this. You were concerned, this mission was particularly difficult. You were providing aid to an air attack happening in the outer rim of the galaxy, Anakin was already there but requested assistance.
The fact that Anakin was requesting more people did concern you, because he was never the best at deciding when to call off an attack. So, you really had no idea what you were walking into.
You walked into the ship, getting seated down next to the pilot as the clones went onto the other ship, and prepared for take off.
“You didn’t think you’d be going alone, little one?” A familiar voice called out from behind you.
You smiled, shaking your head as you turned around to be met with Obi Wan’s piercing blue eyes.
“Should I be worried that the council is sending you, Master Kenobi?” You questioned. You hoped you didn’t do anything to make them doubt your abilities to lead a mission.
“Actually, y/n, the council isn’t sending me,” He admitted. He sat down beside you, strapping himself in while talking. “I decided to come on my own.”
“Had nothing else going on?” You joked. He let out a small laugh, then stroked his beard while he looked over at you.
“I needed to see Anakin’s shenanigans for myself,” He responded, half joking. Obi Wan had discussed his concerns over Anakin’s recklessness with you on more than one occasion, and you agreed with him every time. Anakin was reckless, but an excellent Jedi.
You filled Obi Wan in as the ships made their way to the location of the attack. Anakin was facing a separatists ship with only a few star fighters. Anakin had requested you and your clones’s presence for reinforcement, but you weren’t sure if this would end in contributing to the battle, or convincing Anakin to leave.
“You okay?” Obi Wan whispered in your ear. You looked up at him, and nodded.
“Yeah,” You responded. “Just thinking about the mission.”
“You’re worried,” He pointed out. You were about to answer “yes” but you were interrupted by seeing the battle in front of your eyes.
You immediately unbuckled yourself, and started talking to the clones through the comm link, discussing plans on how to help. You ordered the clones to use the clone Z-95 star fighters that were aboard their ship.
You felt useless, you essentially were only here to overlook the battle, and help the clones with where and how to attack. Obi Wan being there made it a little less stressful, he could help you during the attack.
“Finally!” Anakin yelled over the comm link. “What took you so long, y/n?”
You rolled your eyes before you spoke, “We came as fast as possible, Anakin. The clones are coming towards you right now.”
Obi Wan shook his head, then went back to stroking his beard. He was deep in thought.
“Anakin,” He spoke. “Be smart about this, know your limits.”
“Master Kenobi!” He yelled. “What are you doing here? Master Y/L/N, you are a traitor for this!”
You and Obi Wan laughed while watching the clones head towards Anakin to help him. You had hoped to get on to the Separatist’s ship yourself, and take it down from the inside, but you were now realizing that idea was not going to work. Your eyes widened as you started to watch your clone’s ships get blasted by the Separatist ship.
“I don’t know about this, Obi,” You let out. You were shaking your head, thinking of what to do next. He looked at you with great concern, he was realizing this attack was getting out of hand as well. The Separatist ship started releasing fighters as well, and they just kept growing in numbers.
“I’m calling it,” You announced, and Obi Wan nodded his head in agreement. You voiced your concerns to the clones over the comm link, begging for them to retreat.
“What? No! We can get them!” Anakin yelled back. “Don’t retreat!”
“Anakin, please!” Obi Wan screamed. Your eyes widened, as his voice was right next to your ears. You had never seen him this angry before.
“Yes, Master,” Anakin groaned, and began to retreat.
“With all due respect, Master Y/L/N, we’re not going to retreat,” Rex said over the intercom. You slammed your hand on the empty space of the control center.
“And why the hell not?” You yelled back.
“We can take them,” He replied.
“No, you can’t, Rex” You shot back. “Please come back.”
There was silence, and you looked at Obi Wan, his face just as concerned as yours. You let out a sigh, and ran your fingers through your hair. He put his hand on your shoulder, his eyes gently catching yours. You placed your hand on top of his own, acknowledging his effort to comfort you. Anakin had reached the other ship, retiring his star fighter for the night. You and Obi Wan stood next to each other as you watched the battle unfold in front of you.
There was a lot of shooting, and you were glad Obi Wan was beside you as you stood there in such a helpless position.
You felt it before it even happened, the force was calling out to you, warning you. One of the Separatist fighters had hit Rex’s fighter, and you screamed in agony. You saw his ship go down, and you cried out after him. You fell to your knees, one of your best men had just fallen. Everything was such a blur, but you think you remember Obi Wan yelling for the rest of the clones to retreat now.
He picked you up off the ground as sobs consumed your entire body. He took you to the med bay in the ship, sitting on the bed as he continued to hold you. Get it together, you thought. You needed to be stronger than this, your men needed you.
“It’s okay, y/n,” Obi Wan reassured. “It’s okay, Anakin’s got your men. Don’t worry.”
You nodded as you started to collect yourself, and brought yourself off of Obi Wan. You sat next to him, your head in your hands as he placed a hand on your back, rubbing it gently. You sat up to look at him, his blue eyes sparkled in the light of the room. You sniffled, then placed a hand on his cheek. His beard felt rough against your calloused hands. You couldn’t look away, you couldn’t even take your hand off of his face.
“What are you doing?” He questioned while putting his hand over your own, and brought it off of your face.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Attachments are strictly forbidden,” Obi Wan said sternly. He stood up, leaving you on the bed alone.
“I know,” You agreed, nodding your head. You looked at him as he stood in front of you. He looked confused, like he was processing what had just happened.
“What were you thinking?” He ordered you to answer as he ran his hand through his hair.
“I wasn’t,” You responded. You shook your head, then looked down. You couldn’t stand looking at him, how disappointed he was with you.
“You’re smarter than that, Y/N,” Obi Wan continued. “I’m quite shocked at your actions.”
“Master Kenobi, it was just a hand on your cheek,” You defended yourself. “Nothing happened.”
You looked back up at him, and he shook his head. You could feel tears start to swell as you have started to realize he does not feel the same way. He doesn’t think about what it would be like to kiss you when he’s trying to fall asleep, the way you do with him. His heart doesn’t ache every time you are apart, like your heart aches. You were realizing this, and you couldn’t dare be in this room anymore. You just lost your best Commander in a battle you didn’t want to be apart of, and now you’re about to lose your best friend.
You stood up, not saying a word as you walked towards the door. Your hands at your side, you tried not to look back to see Obi Wan one last time. You were certain he was going to turn you over to the council, and you couldn’t bare the thought of that. Before you could reach the door though, his hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you back.
You spun around to face him, your lips only inches apart. You felt his breath on your face, he was breathing so heavy. Your eyes widened in shock, looking down at the hand around your arm then back at his eyes. He stared at you, as if he was contemplating his next move. You went to open your mouth to say something, but he stopped you.
“Not another word from you,” He demanded.
You nodded your head, and he dropped his hand from your arm. Your bodies were so close, you were almost touching him. One small step, and you were his. You inhaled sharply as his hand met with your lower back, his actions startling you. Your hands were still at your side, you couldn’t decipher what his next move would be.
Obi Wan parted his mouth open, as if he was going to say something, but didn’t. The hand that was on your back pushed you gently, so your bodies were touching. You were on fire, the anticipation was killing you. Your stomach filled with butterflies, his beard gently scraping your face. You couldn’t take it anymore, you threw your hands on his neck.
He placed his other hand on your jaw, and pulled you into him. His mouth tasted like salt and mint. Your lips moved together in sync, as if you’ve done this a hundred times. His beard scratched against your skin, and you loved it. The two of you stood in this room, kissing just as you had imagined it. Your lips tangled with one another as the passion and lust encapsulated the entire room. You were aching for more an-
He pulled away from you, putting his forehead on yours and breathing heavy.
“That can’t happen again,” He let out, then walked out of the room, leaving you all alone. You brought your hand to your mouth, and your eyes searched the room for answers. You turned around to look at the door he just walked out of, then put your hand on the wall beside you as you felt dizziness rush over you. You then leaned your entire body on the wall, and your legs gave out beneath you. The last thing you remember was calling out for Obi Wan, then the room went black.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
Commander Cody x Reader: Baby Troubs
Author’s Note:  Wow, so sorry that I couldn’t be more creative with the name XD.  This was what I called the document when I was writing it, and I’m too lazy to think of a better one.
This was inspired by my niece who is currently a smol baby that I get to go home to every day.  She is a lot sassier than this fictional baby, though.  My niece cries a lot, bruh.  But she does smile much more nowadays, and it makes me melt every time.  
So enjoy your serving of Cody fluff because I sure am.  I need some good Clone Wars content in my life since that finale.  Oyyyyy.  What does a gal gotta’ do for some awkward Cody being awkward around a baby and secretly crushing on a jedi?  Well, here we are. 
  “It’s...a youngling, sir.”
  Cody sighed at the obvious statement.  He shot the trooper a look through his visor before turning his attention to the bundle in front of him.  The baby lay there quietly, swaddled by someone before being left behind amongst the rubble.
  “Poor thing,” the trooper spoke up again.  “Parents must’ve been taken away by clankers in the raid.”
  “So it seems, Graf,” Cody nodded.
  “The question is,” Graf paused. “What do we do with the kid?”
  “I’m trying to figure that out myself.  Maybe pick her up?  Probably not good for her to be laying on the ground like that… But, how?  Is there a certain way to do it?”
  Graf shrugged.  “Never picked up a baby before, sir.”
  “What’s the hold up, gentlemen?” you walked into the remains of the civilian structure that had been destroyed by Separatist droids.  Your eyes went from Cody’s visor to the trooper’s, and then found the baby on the ground.
  “Oh my goodness, is that a baby? Aw, the poor darling,” you gasped.  As if on cue, the baby burst out crying, attempting to tell you of her woes.  “Why is this baby still on the floor?”  You knelt down and carefully picked the child up, gently supporting the head, and brought her to rest against your chest.
  “We weren’t exactly sure how,” Cody mumbled.  “I’ve never dealt with an infant before.”
  “It’s not too difficult,” you smirked.  “It’s nothing a big, strong commander like you couldn’t handle, I’m sure”
  Graf snickered, but straightened up after a look from the commander’s visor. 
  “Let’s set up camp in this area for the night.  This way, the troopers can rest, and I can tend to this little one.”
  “Good idea,” he agreed.  Cody started barking orders to the men, and they got to work on getting the camp set up.  You walked around, gently rocking the youngling. The group medic came forward and checked her for any injuries or other health issues.
  “She’s in good health,” he concluded.  You couldn’t help but notice the look of adoration on his face.  “However, she may be hungry. I’ll go fetch some formula from the emergency supplies for civilians in need.”
  “Wonderful.  Thank you.”  You nodded.  “I’ll keep an eye on her for a bit.”  After the medic left, you continued talking to the youngling and even resorted to making silly faces to get her to smile.  She flashed you several toothless grins, making you laugh.
  “We should probably start working on a strategy for moving forward,” Cody spoke up behind you.  He had removed his bucket and held it against his side.
  “I’m a little busy right now,” you replied, not even looking up.  Then, you smiled and said in a baby voice, “Commandew Cody is being too sewious.”  The baby giggled.
  He raised a brow.  “I’m just trying to be practical.  One of the medics can keep an eye on her.”
  “No, that won’t do.”  You shook your head.  “I’m not going to kiss this opportunity to be around a baby ‘goodbye.’  I never get to be around them.”
  “But, _________,” he protested.  
  “Cody, relax.  We’re going to work on a strategy.  I just want a little time with her, that’s all.”
  At that, he went silent.  Several minutes passed by as you hummed to the baby.  You figured Cody had given up and left.  To your surprise, he approached and looked at the infant over your shoulder.  He simply watched as you booped her on the nose, and it wasn’t long before you caught him smiling.
  “Isn’t she cute?”
  The smile faltered at the realization you saw him, but he couldn’t keep it hidden for long.  “Yes, she is,” he admitted.
  “Would you like to hold her?”
  At that, his eyes widened and he stepped back.  “I don’t know about that.”
  “Oh, come on.  It’ll be fine.”  You looked at the baby.  “That’s Cody.  He’s a handsome one, isn’t he?”
  The baby cooed in response, as if she agreed.
  Cody was trying very hard to hold back a smirk.  “That’s hardly appropriate.”
  “We’re just having girl talk.  Don’t pretend that you don’t find me attractive too.”
  “W-what?” he sputtered, and it was amusing to see him suddenly get so flustered.
  “A little bird told me you admitted to some of your troops that you find me attractive.”
  “That was a while back,” he defended quickly, looking absolutely mortified.  “We were off duty, playing cards, and someone asked me, and- It does not change the respect I have for you.  I can assure you-”
  “Cody,” you chuckled.  “I’m flattered, not at all disrespected.”
  The baby was smiling her toothless smile as she watched the exchange, completely oblivious to what was being said, but entertained nonetheless.  You rocked her gently and took a stroll around the debris.  
  The commander’s eyes followed you, but he was still too flustered to say another word.  If he was being honest, it was more than just attraction that drew him to you.  You were one of the most light-hearted and understanding jedi he had ever met, but no less skilled and dependable.  You were kind, compassionate, hard-working, and ever hopeful.  He admired you.  He more than admired you.  You two had served together many times and even become close friends, hence your playful banter earlier.  If that were anyone else, he wouldn’t stand for it in front of his troops.
  Seeing you walk around with the baby in your arms wasn’t helping him push away these forbidden feelings. 
  The war raged on.  You were a jedi, and he was a soldier.  There could be no relationship, let alone a family.  Even so, there was no way you felt the same way about him, right?
  You looked up from the baby, a dazzling smile on your face.  You picked up her hand gently and made her wave at him, and he internally face-palmed when he found himself automatically waving back.  You laughed.
  “So, Commander,” you spoke up, smile faltering.  “A deal’s a deal.  When that medic gets back, he can take over with her so we can work on strategy.”
  He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a twinge in his chest.  He hated to be the one who caused that smile to leave your face.
  “Er, I was getting a bit ahead of myself before.” Cody cleared his throat.  “You know how I am sometimes.  We have plenty of time to strategize.  Why don’t you keep an eye on her for a while longer until we locate her family?  She seems to like you.”
  “Are you sure?”
  He nodded.
  There was that smile on your face again.
  “And, um, __________?” he asked.
  “Can you show me how to hold her?”  He cleared his throat again.  “In case I ever come across a baby again, that is.”
  “Of course.  Good thinking.”  You approached and showed him how to support the baby’s head.  Cody’s eyes widened as he held her.  
  “She’s so small,” he murmured.  “I’m holding a little person in my hands.”
  “Isn’t it something?” you mused, running a hand over the blonde peach fuzz that was growing on the top of her head.  “She’s sporting a Captain Rex look.”
  At that, Cody burst into laughter.  The baby giggled in response, still not sure what was happening but thought it was funny for some reason.  “You need to take a holo-pic and send it to General Skywalker,” he told you.
  You held up the device, grinning.  “Already on it.”
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obwjam · 4 years
the tiniest jedi: the hidden enemy, part 2
a/n: part two is here!!! i completely lost my focus in the middle of this but i finally was able to crank it out lmao this was originally going to be three parts but it’s gonna be four now or else this chapter would be like 8k words and uhh no thank u sir
>> part one
Rex had never felt this awkward in his short life. He did trust General Skywalker. He was programmed to follow orders. And despite the shock of seeing someone so small, he believed that the Jedi wouldn’t send someone to the front who wasn’t fully capable of handling themselves.
And yet, doubt nagged at the back of his mind. It didn’t really compute how someone so tiny could fight like Anakin. Or Obi-Wan. Or… any Jedi, really.
But above all, Rex had a duty to lead his men. If this General Nor’al was their commanding officer for the day, then he was going to respect it. Even if the rest of the 501st griped about it, he knew they would ultimately fall in line and do their duty.
He just hoped he wouldn’t have to bring back any bad news.
Briefing his ARC troopers went about as well as he expected it to. They were a little confused at first, wondering why Rex was pinching his fingers in such a way when he described the new general, and there were skeptical faces when he went over the plan.
“So you two will be on standby here and here, laying down cover fire while I get her as close to the tank as possible,” Rex explained. “At my word, we rendezvous here and Hawk will pick us up with the gunship.”
“Sounds like a good plan,” said one trooper. “But the catch is…”
“...she’s about as tall as a kriffing Zilkin,” another finished.
Rex cleared his throat, snapping his men back to attention. “Look, I know it’s a bit of a… strange situation. But General Skywalker is counting on us to make this work, and the information we get from that droid will save countless lives. It’s important that we execute this plan flawlessly.”
As Rex went to meet Obi-Wan and Jayla, he could only wonder how Cody was handling it all. Even though he wouldn’t be part of the stealth mission, he was no doubt aware that this tiny Jedi existed. Well, if Cody can look past the obvious, Rex thought, then I can too.
“Well, that went better than I was expecting.”
Jayla rolled her eyes at Obi-Wan’s comment as she stretched out on a small section of the table in a break room. Cody was leaning against the corner of the wall, helmet off. Obi-Wan insisted he be there while they wait.
“Are you kidding? That might have been the most awkward interaction I’ve ever had in my life,” Jayla sighed. “That’s saying a lot, you know.”
“Aw, cut him some slack,” Cody shrugged. “He was caught off-guard.”
Obi-Wan cracked a smile. “We owe that one to Anakin.”
“As much as I love blaming him, you did the exact same thing when I first met Cody,” Jayla tutted, standing up. “Remember that, Cody? It wasn’t that weird, was it?”
Cody snickered. In his mind, it was that weird, but he wasn’t going to admit it. It was sometime after the Battle of Geonosis, he couldn’t quite remember when. He didn’t participate, but he could feel the pain in the quavers of his brothers’ voices whenever they discussed it in passing.
It was strange that Obi-Wan wanted to meet him outside of the battlefield, and even stranger that their meeting place was the Jedi temple. Did he want to discuss battle strategy? Expectations? Requirements? He wasn’t made for small talk.
He glanced nervously around the halls as he knocked on a door he hoped was the right one. He could hear mumbling.
“Do come in,” a prim voice called out from the other side. Oh great. He’s one of these Jedi.
Cody walked in cautiously, unsure of who and what to expect. Obi-Wan was sitting cross-legged on a pillow with his back to the door. There was a knee-high table in front of him with two cups on either side. Obi-Wan was talking, too softly to make out, and presumably, to himself. Cody raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, sir, if this is a bad time…” he stared, but Obi-Wan held his hand up.
“Not at all. I should have warned you that we might have a guest.”
Cody was about to open his mouth when he caught something in the corner of his eye. Something was moving on the table.
Cody’s hand flew to his blaster and he cocked it up in seconds. “Sir, don’t move. There’s something--”
“Commander!” Obi-Wan huffed as he stood swiftly. Cody’s eager eyes darted from Obi-Wan to the table, where… where a very, very small person was standing being a cup, wielding a lightsaber. Looking like a deer in headlights, Cody lowered his blaster.
“Sir--” Cody started, taking a step forward. He stopped when he saw the tiny figure flinch.
“Jay, it’s alright,” Obi-Wan said softly, taking a knee beside the table. “I asked him here.”
“That’s one of the clones?” the tiny girl asked warily, glancing up at Cody, whose face was bright red.
“This is Commander Cody, my new second-in-command,” Obi-Wan stated. “He’ll be leading the 212th Attack Battalion.”
“Oh.” She put away her lightsaber as Cody put his blaster back in its holster. “I-I’m Jayla Nor’al. I’m Master Yoda’s padawan.” She took a few shaky steps from behind the cup. “I’m sorry for the scare.”
Cody blinked. “It--it’s alright. Sorry about the blaster.”
Obi-Wan smiled. “Well, now that that’s all out of the way. Why don’t you take a seat, Commander. I hope you like tea.”
Cody smirked at the memory. “You Jedi sure have a thing for surprises,” he said cheekily. “Just give Rex some time. He’s a good soldier. He’ll get over it quickly.”
“I just hope he trusts me out there,” Jayla mumbled.
“Oh, I have no doubt he will,” Obi-Wan reassured. “The question is, will you trust him?”
Jayla’s eyes fell to the table. She hated the way Obi-Wan seemed to read her mind at the most inopportune times.
She didn’t get a lot of time to dwell on it as the door whooshed open and Rex cantered in. He first noticed Cody before his eyes fell right to Jayla. I should probably stop staring now.
“Captain,” Obi-Wan smiled as Rex removed his helmet. “Thank you for joining us.”
“Of course, sir,” Rex said stiffly. Seeing him with his helmet off, Jayla wasn’t sure what to make of him. If they were all, well, clones… why did this one look so different? Maybe it was the blond hair, or how worn down he looked. Or maybe it was the slight wideness of the eyes and the small pursing of his lips.
“I thought it would be beneficial for us to go over the plan once more in a quieter space,” Obi-Wan started. Rex, who was deliberately staring at the wall ahead of him to avoid looking down, broke his concentration when he could feel the heat of Obi-Wan’s gaze on him. “Captain, do you have a map of the terrain?”
“Yes sir,” Rex said, pulling the holoprojector from his belt. Without thinking, he set it down on the table. His eyes flashed down in concern, but Jayla calmly took a few steps back and found her way to Obi-Wan’s hand again.
“Well, the tac droid will be in this tank here,” Rex pointed. “It’s always the most heavily guarded, but we suspect they’ll be more clankers around it than usual.”
“My battalion and the rest of the attack squad will be over here, pushing through on the main road to the city,” Cody said as the map widened. “They’ll be hundreds of us. The chance of them noticing a few men splitting off is low.”
“General Nor’al, you’ll be with me,” Rex said. “I, uh, I don’t know exactly where you’d like to, uh, ride… but once you finish getting the information we need, meet me at the extraction point here. Hawk will come down with a gunship and we’ll be on our way.”
Jayla cleared her throat as Obi-Wan handed her a comically large piece of tech. “When I get in, I have to disable the tac droid first or else it’s gonna be impossible to do anything. Its weakness is in its neck, so as long as it’s engaged, I’ll be able to scale it without it noticing.” She heaved up the piece of tech, which was about the size of a rotary blaster to her. These were the moments that Obi-Wan tried hard not to smile and Jayla tried hard not to get flustered. “I’m going to plug into the droid at the base of its head. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes for the download. I’ll cut a hole out the back of the tank and meet you for extraction,” she finished, glancing up at Rex. His face was stoic.
“Well, I think we’ve got a good grasp on this,” Obi-Wan said with a smirk. “Must be a nice change of pace for you, Captain. You hardly ever get the chance to follow a plan.”
“Whatever I need to do, General,” Rex replied. He jumped a little when Cody appeared next to him and put his hand on his shoulder.
“If you don’t mind, Generals, we’ll head down to the hangar for our equipment check,” Cody said. Obi-Wan nodded.
“Thank you, sirs,” Rex said, his gaze lingering on Jayla for a few extra seconds. Rex didn’t need the powers of the Force to know they were both thinking the same thing about each other. The signs of apprehension were universal. But for him, at least, the moment he stepped onto the battlefield was the moment his mind went blank and he was only concerned with achieving one goal. If she had the respect of both Kenobi and Skywalker, then what was the source of his unease? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about her, staring at her, worrying about her?
He was glad Cody got him out of there.
“So,” Obi-Wan said when the two clones left. “Where are you going to ride?”
“I was really trying not to think about that,” Jayla groaned. “You know, you didn’t have to bring him in to go over the plan again. I’m the one who came up with it.”
“You can never be too prepared.”
Jayla took a shaky breath. “And do I really have to go on the gunship with everyone? I don’t want anyone to stare.”
“How else are you planning on getting down to the planet’s surface? A free fall?”
“I think I’d rather,” she mumbled. “Well, do I have to--”
“--you can stay with me until we reach the ground,” Obi-Wan assured, his face softening. “It’s alright.”
Jayla released a breath she had been holding and plopped down, leaning against the curl of Obi-Wan’s fingers.
“Rex is one of the finest,” he said in a hushed voice. “He’ll take good care of you out there.”
“I’m not the one who needs taking care of,” she snapped. “I’m fine.”
“I can sense your worry.”
Jayla sighed. There really was no fooling Obi-Wan. “I just… I don’t want to mess up. I don’t want to… I want to make sure everyone gets back alright, you know? This is my mission. I’m responsible.”
Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. He figured the completion of the mission would have been her main focus. Gently, he raised the index finger on his free hand and stroked Jayla’s back. She flinched at his touch, but quickly melted into it. “As a Jedi, you are more than capable. As a leader, there are few who can inspire people like you do.” He paused to let her smile. “There are things in war you can’t control. Casualties are one of them. The men you lead in battle today will not be the same as the ones tomorrow.”
Jayla couldn’t find anything to say.
“You’ve gone over this one plan more times in the last thirty minutes than Anakin has with any plan his whole life.” That one earned a full laugh from her. “And when things inevitably go wrong, you will adapt. You are ready for this.”
Jayla looked up and met Obi-Wan’s clear blue eyes. In them, she only saw admiration. In him, she only felt confidence. She cracked a small smile, sat up and folded her legs criss-cross. She closed her eyes. The Force pulsed excitedly around her.
She was ready.
“How’d’you know her so well, anyway?”
Rex and Cody were just about at the hangar bay, and Rex was eager to know why she seemed to trust being around Cody but shied away from him.
“General Kenobi does a lot of negotiating in addition to his fighting,” Cody laughed. “She’s with him quite a lot on those trips. I imagine it’s deliberate on his part. Gets her used to being around clones and all that.”
“Well, that explains why I’ve never met her before,” Rex snickered. “General Skywalker never negotiates.”
Cody smirked. “But I wouldn’t say I know her well. She… doesn’t take to people very easily. Still has never let me take her anywhere, despite my plentiful offers. I’ve only ever seen her with Kenobi or Skywalker.”
“Must be a Jedi thing,” Rex snorted. Of course she has a thing against clones.
“Well, if the Jedi are all she’s ever known, I can’t say I blame her,” Cody countered. He could easily see Rex’s irritation in the form of his clenched fists. “The galaxy is not built for people her size. Especially a galaxy at war.”
Rex hummed. He had… never really thought of it that way. “Have you seen her in action before?”
“A few times, when negotiations went south. She moves quicker than anyone I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure. And if she gets scared, she doesn’t show it. I don’t think I’d be able to do what she does if everyone towered over me like a kriffing building.”
Rex pursed his lips, trying to visualize for the first time what it might look like if his brothers stood a hundred feet taller than him. He shivered at the thought.
“Rex? You alright, vod?”
Cody had stopped walking. They were at the hangar. Red swallowed.
“I’m… I guess I’m just surprised someone so small could be such a powerful Jedi.”
“Trust me,” Cody said, slipping his helmet on, “you’re not the only one.”
Rex humphed as he followed suit, joining his small group of ARCs near the larger 501st. Close by were Obi-Wan and Anakin, chatting amongst themselves. He almost didn’t notice Jayla on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, legs swinging as she laughed at something Anakin said. Well, she certainly looks happier.
“Just hang on tight, and you’ll have nothing to worry about!” Anakin said as they climbed into the gunship.
“There’s a reason I’m trusting Obi-Wan instead of you here,” Jayla snipped, regaining her balance as Obi-Wan reached his arm up to grab a handle. “He wouldn’t jerk his shoulder really hard to make sure I was secure enough.”
“Are you telling me he’s not preparing you properly? That’s interesting.”
“Tell me why they stuck me on this mission with both of you,” Obi-Wan groaned, pinching the brim of his nose.
Jayla grinned. “Maybe it’s punishment.”
“No crime is worth this.”
Rex sniffed a laugh under his helmet. She’s just like a mini Anakin.
With a ferocious whoosh, the gunship doors sealed shut and the engine fired up. As quickly as the jokes had come before, any semblance of lightheartedness was gone now. Jayla tightened her grip on Obi-Wan’s robe, Obi-Wan cupped his free hand in front of her, and Anakin stood alert, keeping a close eye on their surroundings.
Rex couldn’t keep his eyes off her, either. When the gunship lurched forward as it took to the air, even he could see how white her knuckles were. She kept her eyes trained on a single stationary item in front of her, trying to stay steady and ignore the small glances she was getting from the 15 other clones packed inside. She stayed fairly still through it all, but every jerk of the ship as it picked up speed and entered the atmosphere caused her face to contort into a sick grimace. Rex could only imagine how many of his other daily experiences were like a nightmare to her.
Jayla could feel Rex’s gaze on her. Something about that was comforting as they rumbled toward the surface. Even over the wind, she could hear the sharp pitch of blaster fire. There was a lot of it.
Her stomach keeled when the gunship made its slow descent to the ground. It was time.
“Jayla?” Obi-Wan spoke as soft as he possibly could over the noise. “I’m going to give you over to Rex now. Are you ready?”
Jayla could only nod as Obi-Wan moved his hand in front of her and she stepped on. She wobbled when Obi-Wan took a few steps forward to meet Rex, who was trying not to seem so flustered. Anakin’s hand was resting on his lightsaber.
Obi-Wan made the split-second decision to place her on Rex’s shoulder pauldron. There wasn’t a whole lot to grab onto, so a wide surface would make it easier for her to stay steady. He knew she wasn’t going to like being in Rex’s hand, and he could sense Rex’s unease with that possibility.
With a little bit of hesitation, she leaped off Obi-Wan’s hand and onto the pauldron, taking note of how it felt like walking on a training mat instead of the hard plastoid she assumed it was. Rex turned his head as best he could not only to make sure she was secure, but to get a better look at her. It was hard to see what she looked like from so far away, but she was mere inches from him now. He didn’t really know what he was expecting, but he was still surprised to see she looked… human. Her long hair was pulled into a loop, like a ponytail but the end was tucked back into its elastic. Her ears were slightly pointed, but almost by a negligible amount. With the sleeve of her tunic blowing around in the wind, he could barely see the tiny markings of a tattoo on her wrist. She was definitely fit to fight — her arms were toned and her face looked battle-hardened. Well, save for the way her wide eyes seemed to tremble as she stared at the ground from her new vantage point.
“Are you okay, General?”
General. It took a moment for Jayla to realize Rex was addressing her.
“Hm—yeah— yeah, I’m good,” she said, staggering her legs for better balance. There was absolutely nothing to grab onto. If all else failed, there was always the ammo box pinned to his chest. “Just—try not to make any sudden movements. Or lean forward. Or fall.”
“Can’t make any promises, General,” Rex replied, dead serious. He splayed his fingers and held his palm out flat. “You sure you don’t want to—“
“I’m fine here, Captain,” she grumbled. “Let’s get going.”
She wasn’t sure what to expect when the doors to the gunship opened, but never in a thousand years could she have been prepared for it.
The towering buildings of Christophsis merely faded into the background for her; like mountains too far off in the distance to properly understand their size. The whole planet had a green hue to it, but the air was thick with red and blue blaster bolts whizzing by in either direction. Jayla could barely get a sense of where she was by eyesight alone. When she finally snapped out of her entranced state, she shut her eyes and let the Force tell her what she needed to know. Droids to her left. Hundreds of them. Thousands. Battle droids, destroyers, super battle droids. All arranged in an impossibly precise formation. To her right, the GAR. Hundreds of clones with heavy breath and piercing shouts in organized chaos. Every few seconds, she felt a sharp pain, like the poke of a needle on her back. Someone got shot. Someone got back up. Someone didn’t.
Through it all, Jayla was still able to hear Anakin's upbeat voice. “Good luck out there, General!”
Jayla managed a laugh, watching with a small smile as Anakin and Obi-Wan ignited their sabers and jumped head-on into the oncoming fire. Rex hopped out of the gunship with two other troopers with the same swooping shoulder pauldrons. Jayla immediately fell to one knee and threw her hand down for extra support as Rex charged forward, finding shelter behind what appeared to be a large piece of metal.
He turned to his troopers and pointed across the way, where there was an elevated structure along the main road. “Positions!” The two ARCs nodded and sprinted over. “That’ll be a good place to lay down some cover,” Rex said to himself as he flipped down his HUD.
“There.” He pointed to a row of tanks several hundred yards away. “The tac droid’s in the middle one.”
Jayla nodded, forgetting that Rex couldn’t see her. She quickly began carving out the best path to get them there safely, which unfortunately required a lot of places where they would be fully exposed.
“I hope those guys are a good shot,” she called out. “Or else we’re toast.”
“There are a lot of clankers out there... stay low and hold on tight, sir,” Rex said, giving her a moment to adjust her position. He flinched at the sudden sound of a small whoosh. Her lightsaber.
“Let’s go, Rex.”
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shouldntcryoverit · 4 years
the art of discordance
captain rex x jedi fic during clones wars era...
Pure chaos resonated as the small team fought to overcome the controls. The panic bubbling over from the separatist attack didn’t diminish as the smaller ship shot through lightspeed, leaving three half crazed jedi, a few clones, and one injured general.
“Turn the power back on! Turn it on!” Jaida yelled into the cockpit. The victory of avoiding the burning sun they were previously on course to crash straight into was short lived as they swerved dangerously close to another planet.
“I’m... trying!” Aayla groaned, hand outstretched to the lever. It clunked downwards and Jaida, Rex and Aayla fell to the floor with a heavy thud.
The ship plummeted towards the ground, having lost all control over the engines. Smoke encased them through a straight course at least an inch into the growth, leaving a scorched dent in their path. The clones and jedi scrambled to get out the burning wreckage of the ship, though when they all collapsed in relief, they found their situation to be no better.
Anakin was in a bad condition, one that looked to be deteriorating quickly. Ahsoka and Jaida carried him to rest under a makeshift tent, but the young padawan didn’t move as he lay unconscious. Jaida watched with concerned eyes, for her friend yes, but also for the young togruta that shuffled anxiously. The pair hadn’t spoken much; Ahsoka had spent her time training or at the temple whereas Jaida remained very much rooted in battle rooms, but the times they did spend with each other Jaida found the kid’s attitude refreshing. She knew why Anakin spoke so highly of her.
“he’ll be okay kid” Rex reassured. Ahsoka nodded solemnly and sighed, walking forward to talk over her master.
“Jaida and Rex will watch over you, be strong master” the togruta uttered, before resuming her position beside the knights.
The two watched as the rest of the group ran off into the tall grass, leaving them to stand in silence.
Jaida let out a shaky breath as she folded onto the ground, Anakins feet in front of her.
Rex spoke first “he will be okay, sir” it was an attempt to reassure her, though she had not admitted she was worried.
Her response was another huff of breath, followed by a hand running through her hair.
“Anakin has always had the ability to bounce back from injuries, it seems even his body is too stubborn to stop fighting” her words fell heavy as she watched her friend’s chest rise and fall slowly.
Rex’s smile settled “you care more than you let on, don’t you?”
Her eyes lifted from Anakin’s form and met his in a rigid glare. Rex regretted his boldness instantly, but her eyes softened in admission.
“i saw your order” he continued bravely “the men wondered were it all came from” he was referring to the extra order of cotten blankets she had placed a week previously. Rex assumed it was out of compassion as she realised the coldness of the Resolute.
“good, men work better if they actually manage a decent night sleep” She got up and brushed herself down, peaking her head around the corner to check for any signs. Rex felt a twinge in his stomach of her disregard; her kind act now seemed tainted as nothing more than a battle strategy, and it left a bad taste on his tongue.
Rex took a moment actually size up the new general. Her robes were similar to Skywalker’s, but they fitted her form more. She wore black boots and gloves up to her elbow, her collarbone hidden with the same material. Her hair was lighter in the sun, but Rex could still see the way it framed her face and fell loosely from its plaited hold. Her face was still set in that expression of neutrality, though it broke slightly as the hint of serenity curved her alluring lips. Her eyes were young and bright, full of a mixture of gold and blue.
Before she could say anything else, a roar broke the silence, followed by the pounding footsteps of two animals.
Rex shot up, blasters ready, and Jaida ignited her duel blade. They shared a look of panic, before they each dove away to block or attack whatever strike came at them.
After quite some struggle, the pair had overcome their attackers, and the two animals lay dead on the ground. Before the interruption, Jaida had felt a new sense of gratitude towards the captain. That maybe she had misjudged his professionalisms and could enjoy his company further than what protocol dictated. It was when Rex propped himself up that Anakin groaned awake. At the noise, Jaida hurried to his aid.
“Anakin! You okay?” she helped him sit up. He groaned once more and faultered against his injuries.
“this mission- sucks” he managed. As he came to, the surroundings became clearer. “you look like hell”
“always a charmer” she grinned as he helped him up.
“what happened to the others?” Skywalker quizzed
“the went to look for help, actually they should be back soon.”
“so we don’t have a ship, communication or supplies, great” Anakin grumbled
“negativity doesn’t suit you”
“you got a better outlook?” before Jaida could reply to his question, the rest of their team stumbled out of the grass, along with a new companion.
By the time it took to take Anakin back to the village, his condition had deteriorated. Jaida couldn’t budge the irrational feeling in her stomach, but held face as Ahsoka trudged next to her.
“I understand staying neutral, but really? i mean you gotta have an opinion at least!” she ranted
“some people just don’t care about what doesn’t involve them” Jaida countered absentmindedly
They made it to the village, and despite the old chief’s disgruntled disagreement they were allowed to seek refuge. It was no retreat, that was for certain, but Ahsoka for one felt entirely more secure knowing that her master was getting the medical attention he so desperately needed.
He was whisked away by the village medic almost as soon as they arrived, and the three Jedi left remained cautious of theyre situation.
Time passed, with Ahsoka helping a few villagers carry out daily tasks, and Jaida scouting the near area; it actually felt like time had stopped. There was a peacefulness that none of the visitors had experience in such a long time, for clones maybe never. Rex had never been able to sit and watch as children laughed and played, without thinking about how he should escape if need be. It was tranquil and calm, and it made Rex think.
When Jaida returned, she returned quickly.
“Ahsoka! Tell Aayla we’re gonna have company!” her shouted alerted the relaxed captain into a far more rigid standing.
“who is it?” Bly questioned with furrowed brows
Everytime she looked his way there was something that sparked, or snapped maybe - he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t anything good, but he doubted that it was hate. Rex just couldn’t stand the feeling he gave her. So he figured he couldn’t stand her.
It was no different now as the pair waited behind the stacks of nut pods for the enemy to near. A plan had been formulated after they left the village so quickly, and by seeing the extent ifthe seperatist forces it was no wonder they had scrambled to do so. Jaida had already irked him today, by seeming so unbothered by the idea of a new ion canon, one that was able to wipe out all organic matter.
His distractions dissipated when the first shot flew past his head. That was certainly enough to wipe his mind. He ducked behind a pod and began shooting, knocking droids down like a pin ball game at 79s.
The disctractions, those that humanised into the form of a woman standing of few metres to his left, seemed to have a mind of their own. Jaida slunked away from her position, and walked straight out into the battlefield. Rex grinded his teeth as she put away her lightsaber. He had to remind himself that yes she was putting herself in unecessary danger, and that no, that wasn’t what he was angry about.
“im sure your a smart man” Jaida called out, hands calmly behind her back “there’s certainly a more pleasant way to deal with situations” the words fell fruitlessly off her tongue.
“what’s she doing?” Bly muttered with spite, though Aayla dismissed his question with a wave of her hand.
“don’t try to trick me, jedi”
“there is no trick. You are the one with canon of course” she smiled coldly at the separatist, patronism seeping through her tone “although, if we do manage to reach an agreement, your day might just turn out swell”
“was that a threat?!” the hast in his voice caused a loud clunk to be heard as the droids aimed they’re guns once more.
“nope” Jaida said, popping the ‘p’, just before a clankers took a shot, and she dodged it. Perfectly.
It looked like some sort of game on the holonet, Jaida avoiding each bullet carelessly and without struggle, as if they bent around her path instead. She reached a safe distance, and smiled pleasantly, reaching into a pocket behind her back and drawing a small explosive. She threw it into the canon opening, and the problem was solved with a rattling boom.
Her solution did work, but Rex still kept a stern look. Even when the support ships finally rescued them.
He kept it until she rested beside him, both standing against a wall bored and tired.
“you look tired” he commented
“hm” Jaida’s eyes never left the datapad she was staring at. “you should get some rest too, it’s been a long few days” she deliberated carelessly. When the captain didn’t reply she turned her head to face him.
“what is it?”
The captain tittered antagonisingly “why is it that you always have to go off script?”
Jaida looked at him with a more confused look than anger.
“i saved those villagers, you know that was my only intention?” her tone was clear, informative.
“you do never fail to keep battles interesting” Rex quipped
“i think i’ll take that as a compliment” she grimaced
“perhaps you should”
She spoke after a moment of pregnant silence. “captain if there’s something you have to say i suggest you say it”
“with all due respect, you ought to realise that you have a responsibility to your men, to yourself even” he began after a beat.
“it isn’t something i’ve failed to notice”
“you brash, careless- you act like you have nothing to loose”
“we’re fighting a war” Jaida countered
“and we don’t need anymore casualties than we already have” Rex’s voice was no longer as angry as it began, now growing colder as exasperation clawed at his tired mind.
Rex paused, taking a deep breath of his own and trying to rid himself of his own irrational and unprofessional nags.
“i am not a liability, you need to trust me” she was stern now. It wasn’t that the captain had irked her, his anger came from a very real place, but she was just annoyed that she couldn’t find the words to calm it.
“and you need to trust that we know what we’re doing, even without your last minute strategies”
Silence. Jaida clicked her tongue, acceptance though Rex didn’t know to recognise it.
“goodnight general”
She locked eyes with him once more. A second passed, before he left her in silence.
He didn’t hate her. That he knew for sure.
hope you liked this let me know if you want to be tagged in next chapters! :))
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colehasapen · 4 years
Rex lost everything when Order 66 went live. He lost his sense of self, his purpose, his men - he lost brothers, and sisters, and siblings. He killed them himself, put them down to protect Ahsoka, and then he lost Ahsoka too as soon as the ashes settled and the dead were buried. She said it was because they were too identifiable to travel together, that they’d catch the wrong sort of attention, but Rex suspects it was a different reason that had her walking away again.
She couldn’t look at him, not after what his brothers did. She couldn’t look at him without being reminded of it all, of what she lost, and Rex couldn’t blame her. He wouldn’t hold it against her for leaving, but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see her go.
Over the following months, he had managed to establish contact with Echo and the Bad Batch, and working with them had managed to chase away the aching loneliness that had settled into his bones. No clone took well to being alone - they were supposed to be constantly surrounded by others, they were decanted together, they died together, and the survivors kept marching together. Having someone around made him feel like he was fighting for something again after being aimless and alone. They do what they can to hinder the Empire; they raid supply lines, blow up depots, and break into so many buildings that Rex actually starts to lose count, stealing away with anything that hadn’t been bolted down.
The Empire thinks they’re pirates, and they do nothing to hinder this belief.
It’s not long into their self-imposed mission to be as much of a pain to the newly formed Empire as possible when they find Gregor and Wolffe on separate planets, bothing having made it out of the fall of the Republic and the murder of the Jedi with only partially-active chips. They go under for the surgery and come out with most of their minds intact, heavy with grief and a desperate desire for revenge.
Having Wolffe near - a broken, quiet shadow of the fierce Commander he had been, but still Rex’s older brother - makes him miss his brothers even more. It brings back the fear that he had tried so hard to bury, wishing that he knew what had happened to Cody after the Republic burned. He knows that Cody was on Utapau when the Order went live, but he has no idea what had happened to his ori’vod after the fact. By the time he had made it to Utapau, back before he had met up with the Bad Batch, Ghost Company had already moved on, and Rex hadn’t stuck around for long to try to investigate. Neither Wolffe, a fellow Commander, or Gregor, a former member of the 212th, knew what had happened to Cody, and the lack of knowledge had begun to grate on them all - not even the combined slicing abilities of Echo and Tech could break through the newly upgraded and ever-changing firewalls the Empire employed to find Cody’s position.
They have no leads. None, that is, until they find a familiar clone balancing on the brink of death, abandoned with a sizzling lightsaber wound in his gut to die slowly and alone, a curse no clone would ever want. Wolffe had held his brother as he struggled for breath, begging Fox to pull through.
He doesn’t, but enough of Fox managed to shine through the haze of the chip to give them the authorization codes they need to get into the Empire’s systems. It took them longer than any of them wanted to admit to convince Wolffe to let go of his batchmate’s body to let them burn him, and Rex hadn’t been able to look anyone in the eye as Wrecker had carefully lowered the former Commander onto the unlit pyre. As the fire blazed, he felt numb. He hadn’t been close to Fox since Kamino, back when Cody would smuggle him into his batch’s bunks and hide him in his pod. Even then, he and Fox hadn’t been what others would consider friends, and after Fives - well, their relationship had been well and truly broken, and Rex is less than proud of his inability to feel saddened by Fox’s death beyond his sympathy for Wolffe’s agony.
It’s never easy to lose a brother, especially when they slip away in your arms, and Rex hates how often it had to happen.
Fox’s codes had helped immensely, and Rex passed what he could onto Ahsoka for her to disperse among her contacts. They continue combing through the Empire’s systems, picking apart what they can, and that’s when they find the internal bounty; Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had survived Order 66. It’s not very promising for Cody’s continued well-being.
Rex couldn’t imagine General Kenobi being able to kill Cody, not knowing what he did about his brother and his relationship with the General, but he can’t guarantee that Kenobi wouldn’t fight back like Ahsoka had when the clones turned on him. He didn’t want to think of General Kenobi cutting Cody down when his Commander turned his blaster on him, never knowing why his partner - in more ways than one - would turn on him when they were so close to the end of the War. So close to the chance to build the future the two of them so desperately wanted together. His dreams are haunted by the image of Cody on the ground, a lightsaber wound through his chest, or his brother being Force thrown into a raging inferno to burn alive. The sounds of screaming makes his head hurt even when he’s awake.
Not knowing makes it all worse.
It’s Echo who finds the security footage; it’s grainy and soundless, and someone had made an attempt to delete it, but it’s easy for Rex to see the scar curling around the temple of the clone in officer grays. He’s standing at the base of the Emperor’s throne, with a hulking figure in all black standing a few steps away. It’s Cody - Rex nearly screams when lighting leaps from Sidious’ fingers to strike his brother in the chest and throw him back. Wolffe snarls like a wounded beast, the others going still and quiet in a way that shows their readiness to throw themselves through the footage to protect their Commander. They’ve all seen too many men killed by weaponized electrical currents to not feel the choking fear that they’re witnessing Cody’s death months after it had happened. When Cody goes down, Rex feels his heart rate spike until the grainy footage shows his brother stirring and pushing himself to his feet to stumble to Sidious’ enforcer’s side.
He's still alive, and with the information they have on them now, they find proof that TK-2224, formerly CC-2224, had been demoted and reassigned to some unimportant moon outpost. While the disrespect aimed towards his brother's skills and talent leaves a sour taste in Rex’s mouth, he's overwhelmingly relieved that it’ll make rescuing his brother so much easier.
The moon is small, with only small mining colonies scattered across the surface, and scouting reveals that the Imperial garrison is manned by natborns who barely pay the single clone among them a second look. Watching Cody go about his duties leaves Rex with an immediate feeling that something is very wrong with his brother, beyond just the chip in his head. He lurches when he walks, stutters slightly on the rare occasions he talks, and the natborns call him defective. The snatches of conversations they manage to catch between the Imperials tells of an impending decommissioning if Cody continues to spiral. Sometimes they joke about putting the clone down themselves.
They need to get him out of there.
It's disturbingly easy to coax Cody away from the Imperial base and into their trap, especially because the Cody they had known was so much more cautious and would never have walked into such an obvious trap, unless it was while he was chasing after his reckless Jedi. The Cody they knew was a deadly fighter and a sharp tactician, while also being crazy enough to have won the respect of the Bad Batch. He had been one of the best, trained personally by Alpha-17 and had been one of the first ARC Program graduates - hells, a whole new rank had been created just for him because he was just so frighteningly competent. It had only been his status as a clone that had stopped him from being promoted to a general on his own merit.
The Cody serving the Empire - TK-2224 - is clumsy, easily distracted, and easier to take down. All it takes is Wrecker hoisting the white-armoured figure up by the armpits and pinning him against his chest in a parody of a hug. Cody squirms, thrashes, but it almost seems like his limbs aren't properly responding to him, and it makes Rex fear that, like Gregor, the chip in his brother's head had done more damage than he could see.
Rex steps forward, the others following his lead, and Cody goes limp at the sight of the familiar armour and patterns, making an odd choking noise that’s muffled by the blank helmet he wears, stripped of any and all personality. For so long, Rex had been imagining seeing his brother again, but now that he’s in front of him, Rex finds that he doesn't know what to say. Would Cody even recognize him , or would he just be CT-7567 to him, like he had been to Jesse and his men?
Cody gurgles something, twitching in Wrecker’s arms, and the giant of a man makes a quiet noise of worry that's broadcast across their comm channel, all-but hugging Cody to him as the former Commander's head lolls. The sight makes Rex’s heart leap into his throat, and he steps forward, pulling off his helmet and letting it drop to the ground, uncaring of where it would land in comparison to his spasming brother.
“ Rex ?” Cody’s voice is a garbled, pained moan that has Rex picking up his pace, Wolffe hot on his heels. “Wolffe?” He twitches again, head jerking to smack the back of his unpainted helmet against Wrecker’s chest plate, squirming away from Tech and his scanner. He's mumbling something unintelligible under his breath, gasping like he couldn't get enough air in his lungs.
Rex is in front of his brother in a heartbeat, grasping for the seal on Cody’s bucket with shaking hands - he hadn't managed to stop them from shaking since he had found Jesse's dying body on that moon, buried under the rubble and face twisted in a mask of bloodied hatred; the shaking has only gotten worse since then - and he peels the helmet off his brother's head. Cody’s face is waxy and wane, dark bags under his bloodshot eyes and scar standing out an angry red against his flushed, hollow cheeks. His eyes are rolling and darting, pupils two different sizes and dilating wildly, and most alarming of all is the steady drip of blood from his nose.
“ Cody .” He breathes like a prayer, as Wolffe makes a sound so wounded he’s almost afraid someone had gotten stabbed. “Shit vod , what did they do to you?”
Cody wheezes, head drooping towards his chest, and Wolffe reaches out to grasp his batchmate’s face in his hands, nearly desperate to touch. Cody’s lips part, letting out a stuttering breath, and the steady drip of blood turns into a stream. “C-chip.” Cody finally manages to gasp wetly, face screwing up in agony. “C-can’t - no more - follow orders - Good soldiers -” with every word, the twitches shaking his body grow more intense, and Echo makes himself known at Rex’s side, pressing a sedative into his hands, “- Please -” Cody chokes out, eyes meeting Rex’s with a desperate kind of madness to them, “- get it out .” He begs.
Rex doesn't need to be asked twice, burying the hypo in the side of his brother's neck. Cody goes stiff for a second, almost shaking out of his armour, before the tension leaves his limbs in a rush, and Wrecker gently releases Cody’s limp frame into Wolffe’s protective hold. He watches, heart pounding, as Wolffe clings to his batchmate, wiping the blood from Cody’s face with a gentleness he wouldn't offer just anyone. Cody’s eyes flutter as Wolffe speaks to him, gruff voice quiet and soothing, and he seems to just melt into the other Commander’s arms.
Finally, Cody’s eyes drift shut, coaxed into unconsciousness by the drugs in his system and Wolffe’s gentle touches, and something twisted and aching in Rex’s chest relaxes.
Nothing in the Galaxy has been fixed, but it still makes everything feel a little bit better.
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powered-by-paranoia · 4 years
our fallen heroes | Rex
pairing: captain Rex x admiral!reader
summary: after Umbara, the last thing on Rex’s mind is datawork, but it has to be done. fortunately, the Admiral is a good friend of his and cannot bear to watch him beat himself up for what happened. reader might also have a crush on our lovely Captain... that they will never admit to. but good thing they don’t mind giving out classified intel just to take his mind off things!
word count: 3033
warnings: none
a/n: this is my first time writing in 2nd person (and second time posting this bc tumblr did me dirty), so please don’t hate me if I f’ed up. it was more of a writing exercise but I ended up getting really invested, so here it is. unrequited love ahoy. I thought the idea of someone with a high rank having high school level crushes was adorable. I took a lot of liberties and probably exposed my utter lack of understanding for military/navy protocol and whatever. enjoy!
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Unfortunately for Captain Rex and his mental state, Republic bureaucracy waited for no one. Following the battle of Umbara, he found himself four hours late in delivering his report, but figured late was better than never. You wouldn’t hold it against him, he knew it, although he felt guilty even for taking advantage of your lax behaviour when it came to protocol.
It was something you were known for, but as an Admiral in the Grand Army of the Republic, there were few who could scold you about it as long as your track record was impeccable. In a way, these two things went hand in hand, because the people under your command ended up valuing quality over quantity, and most of them felt at ease with you. It allowed them to voice concerns that perhaps had slipped your mind, or gave them the courage to point out different ways to approach a situation.
At the same time, they knew to respect you, because you always had the last call. And battle after battle, you showed nothing but respect for your people, always looking out for them and praising creativity and innovation.
He admired that about you, too. And although he hated to admit it, he enjoyed your presence more than he should have. Usually, he was eager to report to you when you had to work together, even when he didn’t have to - he’d sometimes drop by just to deliver a second opinion ‘if needed’.
This time, however, nothing could get him out of the pit of desperation he had allowed himself to fall into following what had happened on Umbara.
Rex nearly dragged his feet across the corridors, stopping to regain his composure once he approached the corner from where he would be able to see the doors to your office. When he turned it, however, he spotted you just as you were exiting and locking up, telling the guard he could return to his quarters.
The guard nodded and turned to walk towards where Rex was standing. You followed him with your gaze, and Rex figured you would spot him eventually, so he started walking in your direction. He was right - your eyes landed on him the moment he started moving again, and you turned to face him, hands clasped behind your back.
“Admiral,” he saluted, and you responded with a faint, tired smile.
“Captain.” You nodded. “What can I do for you?”
You never addressed clones by their numbers, unless it was what they preferred. With Rex, however, you addressed each other using only your ranks. It was a jest from back to the first time you had worked together and neither of you were sure what the other’s name was. You had ended up confessing you hadn’t caught his name, and he had done the same, to save himself a database search later.
He extended his arm towards you, revealing a datacard. “I, uh… I was supposed to give this to you. My report… on what happened on Umbara.”
“Yes, you were...,” you trailed off as you took the datacard from his hand gently. You looked at it as if it could reveal any information without inserting it into a datapad. He shifted uncomfortably as you kept examining the card, turning it around to inspect each side. Then, you tucked it in your pocket and looked at him, that failed attempt at a smile back on your lips again. “...four hours ago.”
The Captain stiffened and lowered his head. You secretly wished you could see his expression, but then caught yourself and instantly felt bad for being so cruel. “I know, Admiral. I apologize for the delay. I-”
“I know,” you interrupted him.
The two of you stood in silence for a while. It was uncomfortable, you were well aware of that, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to dismiss him. Of course, you didn’t give a bantha’s ass about the report, but he undoubtedly thought you did. You could tell your silence only added fuel to the fire. But you couldn’t just let him go like that. Not because of the late report, but because you already knew what had happened on Umbara and it was clear it had taken a toll on him.
“Let’s go over it, then,” you concluded, as you reached for your code cylinder and unlocked the door to your office.
“I thought you were leaving,” he said, looking between you and the now open door. “I wouldn’t want to disrupt your schedule. I’m sure it can wait - I’ll be available whenever you need me.”
You held back a smile at that last phrase. “My schedule should be the last of your concerns, Captain. Please,” you insisted and took a step back, motioning with your hand towards your office. “Unless you are the one with other plans,” you then added. It earned you another sudden straightening of his back, although you had intended it to come out more playful, to ease the tension.
“Certainly not the case, Admiral.” Rex walked in, and the lights turned on automatically as he stepped further inside. You followed him, closing the door behind you and then quickening the pace to make it to your desk before he could.
“Take a seat,” you invited him, and he chose one of the two seats that waited in front of your desk. He sat down, his back straight and his hands resting in his lap, avoiding your eyes. “You can take the helmet off, if you wish,” you added, and he complied, placing it in his lap and now staring at it instead. Again, to avoid your gaze.
Instead of walking to sit behind your desk, you went for a table at the side of the office, retrieving a clean glass from it. You turned to look at him, but he hadn’t moved a bit.
Seeing his face, you realized how bad it was. To say your heart was breaking was an understatement - the Captain you had worked with so many times, fearless leader of the 501st Legion, sat at your desk and looked as if all his ships had sunk.
Your first assignment as an Admiral had required you work closely with the 501st, offering air support and coordinating the attack from above. You had reviewed the tapes from the debriefing, since you’d had a feeling that he would look at you strangely when you weren’t paying attention to him. It had been a weird thing to do, but you couldn’t help but examine his various expressions as you spoke. He had obviously been concerned about something.
Later, you had taken him by surprise by asking him directly what his problem was. The mission over, and the takeover having been a success, he felt embarrassed to confess that he had thought you were too young to deserve your rank.
You had laughed at that, especially at his attempts to make sure you knew he was convinced of your competence following the mission. He had shown great determination, fighting until the very end for his men and the Republic. You couldn’t help but feel proud you had been chosen to work with such great men as him, General Skywalker and Commander Tano.
Many assignments later, you had ended up forming a close sense of camaraderie with the Captain, who you were able to easily distinguish from the rest of the clones. It had scared you at first - the idea of working with clones - but you had soon come to realize most of them were so blatantly different from each other.
You never shied away from praising the Captain of the 501st at the end of your missions together, even if you barely interacted with each other on the battlefield. Some of these moments would turn into casual conversation, or even strategy planning, and you often found yourself late for meetings or reports because you stayed behind to talk to him.
It had been one late night in that very office that you had realized you were actually falling for him. Soon after a surprise clash with the Separatists that you had barely managed to save your fleet from. You were done filing the necessary reports when the urge to punch in Rex’s holotransmitter code and tell him all about it had made your stomach drop.
You could have blamed it on having used a tactic to evade the Separatists you had previously discussed with him, but deep down, you knew. You wanted to talk to him because you enjoyed it. Not only the exchange of ideas, but the feeling it gave you. Some kind of strange safety (as if you needed protection!) and warmth… of being understood and seen as something more than just a high rank in the Navy.
“Tea? Caf?” you inquired, your mind back in the moment, but he simply shrugged and shook his head slightly. “I insist,” you added.
He still wouldn’t look up at you. He seemed lost in thought, his thumb trailing over the markings on his helmet. “Same as you.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, but didn’t wait for his answer. You retrieved a second glass and walked back to the desk, placing them both between the two of you. Then, you circled around the desk and produced a bottle of Corellian brandy from one of the drawers.
He watched you pour the alcohol, but didn’t reach for the glass until you handed it to him. Neither of you brought it to your mouths.
“I don’t need to read your report to know what happened on Umbara,” you said, your tone as soft as you could make it. “I took the liberty to file one in your name and sent it together with mine.”
He looked up at you, a confused expression on his face. “Then… why am I here?”
Because I want to make sure you are alright.
“Did anyone ever tell you how I got my promotion to Admiral?” you switched the subject, purposefully ignoring his question as you sat on top of the desk in front of him.
“There were some… rumours,” he muttered, not wanting to sound like he believed them.
You knew exactly what he was referring to. “That I killed my superior to get his place, I know.” You leaned forwards, holding the glass of liquor with both your hands and looked into it. “I was his second in command, and he insisted on escorting the two troopers personally. They were retrieving vital information on a vulnerability discovered concerning the first series of Venator-class Star Destroyers.”
Rex’s brows furrowed slightly. This was new information.
“He always did this - got too involved in missions. In a way, it was a good thing he did, because this war could have taken a horrible turn if it hadn’t been for his personal intervention.” You shook the glass a little, and only continued speaking once it settled and showed your reflection again. “He managed to send me a coded message that the shuttle he was on had been hijacked by the Separatists. They were two hours away from boarding our ship, but their plan was to get out of range of our scanners and scramblers so that they could transmit the information to their base. That, or they would jump to hyperspace the moment they exited the planet’s gravitational field.”
You looked at him and saw that you had his full attention. Good, because you weren’t going to risk breaking down in front of someone whose mind was elsewhere. “It was too late to prepare a boarding party. Our pilots would never be ready in time. There was a chance they had already transmitted the data. We had to move quickly. He told me-”
A lump in your throat prevented you from continuing. You hadn’t even noticed when it had started to form, but you swallowed it down and regained your composure.
“He told me I knew what I had to do. I went over the situation a million times in my head. There were at least three full-on battles going on in different regions. If that information reached the Separatists, the Republic risked losing them all. There was so much at stake, and it was all so sudden.
“Still, I hesitated. I ordered so many simulations, my officers could barely keep track. Five minutes later, I feared I had stalled too much. I gave the order.”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, leaning back. “Everyone knew it was the right call, but no one had the heart to insist. They were all ready for it - the attack was swift, and the shuttle was destroyed in a couple of seconds.”
After a few seconds of silence, you found the strength to meet his eyes and felt your heart crumble the moment you did. His expression was a combination of both shock and sadness. You painfully recalled having a similar look when you were witnessing the shuttle being torn to pieces.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, before looking back down at his helmet.
“For days, all I could do was turn the situation over in my mind. Think of what I could have done differently. I could have insisted on going instead. I could have assigned more men to the shuttle. I could have made sure our men were ready and standing by, but no one expected this. It was just… a routine mission, a task we picked up on the side.”
He sighed, knowing exactly why you had decided to share this with him. Although he felt somewhat flattered, his thoughts raced right back to his own issues. He could not imagine the day he would not be haunted by the sight of his brothers being shot down as they had. “I shot my own men…,” he said, before clenching his hand into a fist and closing his eyes shut.
“And I killed my Admiral,” you added, but with less sadness to your tone. “We are at war. We have to make decisions that thousands of lives might depend on. We might not always make the right choice, or face situations that will go easy on our conscience. But we make them in good faith, and we bring all our experience and knowledge into them.”
You leaned over and covered his fist with your hand. “And sometimes our knowledge isn’t enough. Sometimes our experience is lacking. But we’re the ones in charge, and, sure, maybe we later think that we could have done better. But that’s only because we later possess knowledge we didn’t back then.”
He opened his eyes only to look at your hand covering his. “I should have seen it coming. I should have been more assertive.”
You squeezed his fist. “You would have been court-martialed and sent away. Someone else would have taken your place - someone who might not have acted the same as you.”
Rex looked up at you, those amber eyes making it harder and harder for you to form coherent sentences. “Or they might have done what I should have done so much earlier.”
“You don’t know that,” you said, looking away for a split second. Your hand was still on top of his, and you wondered whether he was still aware of it. “But you will have to live with the facts as they happened. They’re the only things you can be certain of. Not the what-ifs, not the situations you’re creating in your head. Just because you didn’t personally shield them from blasters doesn’t mean you haven’t saved thousands of lives with what you did on Umbara.”
You took a deep breath, wondering whether what you were about to say could even make a difference, or if you were arrogant to think so. “For what it’s worth, I think no one could have handled it better than you. I’ve known you long enough to be sure of that. I have never seen a commander as dedicated to their men as you are.”
His fist relaxed a little, and you were sent back to reality from your speech. He made no move to push you off. “Still, I can’t help but wonder… all those lives lost in vain. My brothers, people who were ready to die for the Republic, no matter what…”
“They didn’t die for nothing. They died fighting for what they thought was right...,” you began to say, but then whatever words you had prepared vanished from your mind as his fist loosened completely and he turned his hand so that his fingers could wrap around yours.
“I know,” he replied, not realizing that you had planned on saying more. He took in a sharp breath and released your hand. “I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s alright,” you interrupted him and refused to move your hand away. “I wish I had someone to hold my hand back then, both metaphorically and…” You glanced at the sight of your hands intertwined once again and it warmed your heart to see that he had relaxed. “No one should have to go through this alone. It’s okay to feel the way you do, and it’s okay to mourn, but you don’t have to do it alone, Rex.”
It was the first time you had used his name like that. For the first time in days, he managed to bring himself to smile, if only for a few seconds. You would have given anything to make it last longer, but you were content with only that for now. It was enough.
You used your free hand to bring the glass in front of you. He did the same, thinking you wanted to clink the glasses, but you tilted your glass so that part of the liquor spilled on the floor instead.
“For our fallen heroes,” you declared.
He poured one out as well.
“For our fallen heroes.”
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 years
Everyone Wished to be Close With the Marshal
I need to write about Cody. So uh. This is a softer piece so ya'll don't have to be scared.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Commander Cody was used to the affect his presence had on his brothers. For he wasn't just a commander. He was a Marshal Commander. Along with his brother, Bacara, the two were on a pedestal like no other. Though this party was for both of them, Baraca was caught up moving along a siege. So there was Cody, alone with all eyes on him.
The Jedi had met with the senate, their soldiers deserved a celebration for their efforts. But of course, the senate would only agree if the party was in honor of the best of the best, Marshal Commanders Cody and Bacara. So Cody found himself shoved in an orange military uniform like no other, Bacara's displayed beside Cody. The man felt like a doll, stuck in the same place listening to politicians talk and talk about him though none of them even knew him, only doing so for publicity.
Cody realized they weren't there for him. He was there for them. He should have known, but things like this didn't even affect him anymore. After he played fake gratitude and he was able to walk around, he felt the eyes on him. Another thing he was used to. The Commander was constantly stopped by others, talking and telling him how much they appreciated him. Oh, how much he didn't care.
This was the ocean, he told himself. That's what he always told himself. He was a great whale swimming among fishes. Everyone admired the man, wanted to see him up close, but as soon as he did, they moved back, hesitent to approach him. Perhaps that's why he'd grown so uncomfortable in the public eyes. He was trapped in an ocean, to others, he was mighty, but to himself, he was drowning.
He couldn't keep his head above water, no matter how much he tried. He couldn't swim. People watched him, their eyes glued on him, scanning his every move, word and breath. What would the Marshal do next? Imagine what the man could get away with. Cody hated so many people talking about him.
He wasn't fighting this war for them, not for the Jedi or the Republic. He was fighting this war for his brothers. But, even they were weary around. Cody admitted, he missed when he could make jokes and people would laugh because he was funny, not just because he was a Marshal. Everyone assumed they knew him, so high and mighty, but they didn't know anything.
They didn't know he fought to stay alive, that he fell out of the sky. When he crashed on the hot planet of Geonosis, how he was trapped under metal. They didn't know he stitched his forehead with a burning metal wire and the glove of his dead brother. He never talked about running for miles while he bled internally and upon making it to the ship, he passed out because he'd been drowning in his own blind. They would never know how Cody spent so many nights alone because his closest brother was so angry at him. They would never know how loudly Cody cried for his brother, not understanding why he wouldn't come, unless he was dead. Those are things people don't mention about a hero.
When he posed for a photo, they didn't know how part of him froze because the flash reminded him of a bomb exploding and all those memories came flooding back. Not knowing what to do besides shoot and march ahead. Cody didn't speak of the horrors the loud chatter caused him, how he was terrified with every step, afraid to move in case the talking was a gun shot. These are a few things Marshal Commander Cody wouldn't dare mention.
When asked to talk about his childhood, he doesn't explain how Kamino isn't really his home anymore. Just the planet his little brothers were on. He doesn't talk about the day Kamino was attacked, or how that's all he connects the planet to. No, he doesn't dare speak of pulling his dead brothers from rubble or reaching out his hand to a man he really cared for, or how he had to fight himself to not run to protect that man, because Rex would never recover.
Cody didn't talk about how his little brother Rex was only reason to keep breathing. But even then, they drifted away slowly. They all seemed to drift away. Brothers no longer ran up and tackled him in a hug, they asked. Until no one ever hugged him. Or how Rex was never afraid to fight with Cody, but now, his brother holds his tongue, as if he didn't want to upset him. Even General Kenobi, respectful of Cody's position, but forgetting Cody could have a normal conversation, not just about war.
Then when people tried to socialize, something always turned them away. Was he really that untouchable? That no one wished to upset him? It suffocated the man. He felt suffocated, yet he was all alone. On an iceberg with water splashing but never sinking him. Cody looked down at his hands then around the party. People had been approaching him and talking to him all night, but he couldn't remember any of it.
Cody needed Rex, and when he spotted Rex across the room, he caught his brother's attention. And Rex saluted him. Rex, saluted him. Then walked into the crowd. Cody felt his face become hot and he wanted to get out of here. But the people keep trying to approach him. The man knew he couldn't leave his own party. Even if it wasn't actually his. So Cody went back to his pedestal. Alone. He sat down and sighed, sitting proper, as a soldier does. He stayed like that all night, letting people approach him and try to impress
What Cody didn't know was how people wanted to be worthy of his presence. Cody could easily cast anyone aside and there was nothing anyone could do. So everyone tried to be a favorite of Cody, to grow close to the man. It never occurred to anyone that a Marshal could want to be someone else. To fly away from this life and be a normal soldier. No one knew that Cody would give anything to just be someone else. No, no one noticed at all. Not even Rex.
Because who would give up a position so high and mighty as Marshal Commander? Cody earned that title, so he must be proud. He was, of course he was, he was just tired. So tired that no one actually tried to be his friend. Not a single soul tried. Even if they really wanted to be his friend, well who didn't? Everyone wished to be close to the Marshal,
but perhaps he felt alone
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 8
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
Clad in a strawberry pink dress, Tori tightened her brown combat boots as she tied her white ribbon above her curly locks. With permission from Riyo, she applied a darker pink blush to her cheeks and glossy lipsticks, highlighting her beauty.
Throughout her entire career as a clone commander, she never got to dress up nicely, and this mission allowed her to feel what it was like wearing civilian clothes. The strawberry dress originally belonged to Riyo, but thanks to her sewing skills, it fit perfectly well for her height.
She twirled in front of her mirror and played with her hair, smiling at her outfit. I am keeping this outfit after this mission.
“Mama, you look pretty,” Frieda praised her, sitting on the dresser. Tori could only smile as she grabbed a hair ribbon and tied her hair into a small ponytail.
“You’re a pretty girl too,” she complimented her, as she dusted off her matching dress. “Do you want a kiss on the cheeks?”
The little girl shook her head. “No, thank you, mama.”
“Alright then,” Tori respected her boundaries, as she put on a white shoe for her child. “Now come on, Uncle Fox, Uncle Dipper, and Aunt Riyo are waiting for us.”
“Yes, mama,” she said, as Tori walked out of Riyo’s quarters and headed towards another ship, where she found the others in the cockpit, with Commander Fox in the pilot’s seat, dressed in a tuxedo.
“Took you long enough,” he scolded her. “We’ve been waiting for you for almost 20 minutes.”
“Oh, yeah?” Tori rolled her eyes, holding her child in her lap. “Well, try dressing up for two. You know it’s difficult being a mother these days, especially when you’re fighting in the frontline.”
“That’s not an excuse. Every minute we waste, Senator Amidala is closer to danger. Now come on, we should leave right now.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” Dipper said, his eyes glued to his datapad. “By the way, where’s Riyo? It’s been a while since we’ve waited for her.”
“I’m here,” Riyo walked into the cockpit, dressed in her salmon pink beret and blouse. “Sorry I’m late. I had to deal with my period.”
“No worries, dear,” Fox’s lips curled upwards, passing her a heating pad. “Period can be painful and exhausting for women. I hope you pack your menstrual cup though.”
Tori squinted her eyes at her brother with exasperation. A few minutes ago, she was chastised for being late. But when his partner was late, he showed his concern to her. What a sly fox.
“So, shall we get going?”
“Of course, senator,” the Marshal Commander winked, as the ship took off from the Raxus base, heading into space. Frieda felt her ears pop when she was above ground, but then cooed when she saw the enormous amounts of stars surrounding her.
Even though she had followed Tori into battles many times, the little girl never got bored with the colourful galaxy she saw with her eyes. Everything fascinated her, even when it was the same object. “Mama, stars,” she pointed with her fingers.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Tori responded positively, holding her hands. “How many stars can you count right now?”
As the child counted, Fox placed his hands on the gear and was about to jump into hyperspace, but observing Frieda’s curiosity made him delay his actions. He was once like her as well, except he counted raindrops instead of stars.
It was always raining on Kamino, so he never had the same privilege to enjoy the wonders in the sky. But it was fun though. Fox enjoyed watching the raindrops on the window racing against each other, wondering which one would win. Come on, Lenny, you can do it. You can win this race this time.
He wished he could experience something like that again, where everything was simple and less terrifying. “So, how many stars did you count, Frieda?”
“There are 150 stars in the galaxy,” she answered, much to his amazement.
“150 stars? That’s a lot of stars you counted, kiddo.”
“150 is a big number,” Riyo chimed in. “I only reached that amount when I was 8 years old. You’re such a clever girl.”
“What can I say?” Tori shrugged, proud of her daughter’s accomplishments. “Frieda is a smart kid.”
Pulling the gears, their ship jumped into hyperspace, prompting him to turn around and face his crew members. “Alright team, we’re on our way to Coruscant and I’m only going to explain this plan once, so pay close attention.”
Dipper bobbed his head as he put away his datapad, his gaze focused towards his superiors.
“So, when we arrive at Coruscant, we will stand by for inspection by the patrols, along with our chain codes. So make sure we all relax and act naturally, like what normal people do.”
“That’s not so hard for me,” Riyo stated. “I can act as natural as possible.”
“I know you can do it, Riyo, but I’m not sure about those two,” Fox gestured to Tori and Dipper on their outfits. “I mean, you both stick out like a sore thumb.”
“Choerry said that ripped jeans and neon green hair are a trend,” Dipper defended his style choice. “Plus, I look handsome as hell.”
“I like your hair,” Riyo praised him. “I thought you looked like a rockstar.”
“See, she agrees with me. You’re just jealous that you can’t pull off this style.”
Fox shook his head. “We’re going on a stealth mission to help Senator Amidala, and you both look like you’re going to a Moachella instead.”
“That’s the whole point, Foxy,” Tori raised her eyebrows. “We’re dressed like average citizens of Coruscant. But you look overdressed. I mean, who wears a tuxedo on a normal day?”
“First, it’s Fox,” he corrected her. “And second, every secret agent in movies wears a tuxedo, and it makes me look smart too.”
“But you’ll get caught easily,” Dipper gave him a reminder, which irritated him. “I mean, isn’t a tuxedo inconvenient, especially since you’re running and all?”
As much as Fox hates to admit, the ARC Trooper made a good point. But it was too late for him to change clothes, as he’s already in hyperspace. Besides, Riyo was the one who suggested that he wear a tux. She told him it highlights his good looks.
“Whatever, do you remember to bring our chain codes, Dipper?”
“Yes, sir,” he said, as he took out five chain codes from his backpack and passed it around to the others. “These are from General Brinks. She was the one who taught me how to make a fake one.”
“These chain codes looked genuine,” he praised his efforts. “The Empire will easily be fooled. Well done, vod.”
As Tori received two chain codes for her and Frieda, she read the names on the card. Rina and Lara Young, well, that’s a pleasant way to remember Lira and Eva Bella Young. They would have loved to go on a stealth mission as well.
“So what are these for again?” she scratched the side of her head.
Fox turned to her with a scorned look on his face. He couldn’t believe that Tori wasn’t listening. “In case you forgot, the Imperial used these as IDs. Not having one is illegal and could face two years in prison.”
“That’s harsh,” Riyo gasped at what she heard. “But it’s also an efficient way to keep track of their citizens.”
“And outlaws too,” Dipper growled, remembering the plot to one of his favourite novels, where Big Brother was watching everyone’s moves, even if they’re innocent.
“Anyway, so what happens once the Imperials allow us to enter the planet?” Tori asked another question.
“Once we got in, we parked our ship at Level 1312,” Fox continued, explaining his plans. “From there, we’ll have to take a taxi to Senator Amidala’s place.”
“Wait, why can’t we land near her penthouse?” Riyo wondered, seeing that was rather difficult.
“That will make us more suspicious, and that’s the last thing we want.”
“Okay, so what do we do once we make it to the senator?” Dipper raised his hands.
“We’ll help her with the investigation of the Chancellor’s death, and then we get her out of here,” Fox finished his briefing. “Now, do we have questions about this mission?”
Tori, Dipper, and Riyo exchanged a glance of confidence within themselves, determined that their mission will be successful. Things will go just as planned, the Pantoran was sure of herself.
“No questions, Uncle,” Frieda spoke, shaking her head. Her response brightened the cockpit as Fox chuckled and ruffled her hair, when the panels were beeping rapidly, signalling to them they had arrived at Coruscant.
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Stories from a Secret Garden
Collab with @jinkouuart​ for @codywanweek​ day 6, fairytale! Be sure to check out her amazing companion piece! 
Cross posted on AO3
Rey will be the first to admit that Finn and Poe's kids are great. They're smart, funny, and respectful. They don't fight and they know how to clean up after themselves. Her friends are great dads; that's evident every time she babysits. 
The one problem is bedtime. 
The minute she remotely mentions the b-word, all hell breaks loose. Damrus starts begging for one more round in his game. Shara hides in the cupboard. Leia tries to negotiate. Even Annihea, who is too young to understand a word anyone says, starts wailing. The babysitter is supposed to love bedtime; Rey can't help but detest it. 
Tonight is no different. Damrus sulked as he brushed his teeth. Leia hugged her teddy and demanded a thirty minute delay. She had to drag Shara out of her hiding place. Even Beebee seemed upset with her. Beebee is never upset with anyone.  
"My final offer is twenty more minutes," Leia stated, holding out her hand. 
"Or," Jannah, her co-babysitter for the evening, said, "you can get in bed now and Auntie Rey will tell you a bedtime story." 
It was like those four words flipped a switch. The kids perked up and hurried to their bedrooms. Rey looked at Jannah, stunned. "Why did you say that?!" She whispered, "I can't tell stories for the life of me!" 
Jannah shrugged and continued to rock and feed Annihea. "It always works when I have to watch them." 
Rey put her hands on her hips. "You, my love, are an excellent storyteller. I, on the other hand-"
"Will be fine," Jannah interrupted, "if you can't think of one, use a story from your life. They're only going to be awake for half of it; no need to panic if you aren't the next Emily Dickinson." 
Rey still frowned. "Why can't you do it?" 
"Because this baby is almost asleep and there's no way I'm risking waking her up." Jannah moved the bottle to the table and shooed Rey off to the bedroom. 
The brunette flipped her girlfriend off before calling the kids to Damrus's bedroom. The three sat in the eldest's bed and eagerly waited for their aunt to begin.
Rey sat across from them and smiled awkwardly. "What story do you want to hear?" 
Shara and Leia shouted their ideas one after the other. Damrus simply shrugged. "I like flowers," he mumbled. 
An idea came to Rey's head quickly. "Okay, here goes.
"A long time ago, in a kingdom far, far away…" 
It really doesn't surprise Cody to learn the prince is missing. 
Everyone was frantically preparing for that night's dance. Soon, dignitaries were arriving from all over to meet the king to be. In a few short months, Prince Anakin would formally take his late father's place as monarch of their young country. Cody wasn't concerned: he'd seen the young man grow into a fearless and noble ruler. He didn't have the most conventional way of doing things, but Cody had to admit his methods were effective.
Most agreed that Anakin would settle down and conform to tradition once he was married. Cody thought that was ludicrous; marriage wouldn't change Anakin's foundation. Regardless, a dance was being held with the secondary hope of finding a spouse for the future king. The young man must have hated the idea as much as Cody if he'd been missing since dusk. 
Good luck finding him, Rex, Cody thought to himself. At least my prince isn't missing.
He walked the cobblestone path to a small, secluded place in the Queen's Garden. The sun wouldn't be up for another hour, but the humidity was already uncomfortable. He hated being outside in his formal wear. The armour encasing his legs and right arm made him sweat. The straps on his shoulders made certain movements difficult. The white uniform underneath was thick and stiff. His sword was positioned in an unfamiliar way. Cody understood that it protected and looked better than his usual outfit, but the dance wasn’t for hours! Did he have to wear it now? 
He would only endure this discomfort for one person. That person was currently sitting on a bench and rereading the same book for the fifth time. Cody would never understand why- he already knew all the words by heart. 
Cody was sent to retrieve him for some final inspection, but he couldn't help but take a moment to admire the prince's beauty. The long cape was swept into his lap, creating a pillow for his book. The golden shoulder plates and buttons glistened under the lamp light. The tailor must have modified the suit recently; Cody didn’t recall ever seeing the golden accents on his right leg and left sleeve. He also couldn’t help his slight jealousy: the prince’s outfit looked much more comfortable than his own. 
"If you stand there any longer the birds will mistake you as stone", the prince said, interrupting Cody's thoughts.
He smiled slightly. "I was allowing you to finish."
"Hm, yes," Obi-Wan turned the page of his book, "and I am oblivious to the fact Anakin is currently with the Queen of Naboo."
"Ah, well…" Cody cleared his throat. "The Duke has requested your presence in the ballroom. He would like your opinion on some things."
 Obi-Wan met his gaze, amusement twinkling in his blue eyes. "It is a shame I cannot be found, then."
"Yes, Sir, it is."
They shared a smile before Obi-Wan stood. He put his book in the bench's hidden compartment. How the prince managed to find these hidden places, Cody would never find out. 
He looked back at the Knight and smiled. "Would you care to escort me around the garden before I must see the Duke?"
Cody offered his arm. "It would be an honor, Your Highness."
Obi-Wan took his arm and they began their stroll. It was easy to get lost while surrounded by the beauteous flowers. The path diverged into three different sections: one leading to the castle, one to the stable and the last to the gates. Cody didn't need direction before heading down the path to the gates. 
"The roses are breathtaking this year," Obi-Wan said, breaking their silence. 
Instead of speaking his thoughts, Cody nodded. "Hevy has been working with Ninety-Nine to ensure the garden is ready for the summer. My suspicion is that he wants to show up the Alderanian gardeners."  
Obi-Wan chuckled. "I will never understand their competition." 
"It's a thing between brothers. Cutup did well for King Bail's wedding; Hevy wants to do better for the prince's coronation." Cody replied with a shrug. 
Obi-Wan put a hand on his own and stopped in the centre of the path. "Do you think he's ready?" 
"Oh, I'm sure Hevy is. Ninety-Nine is a great teacher." 
Obi-Wan shook his head fondly. "I have no doubt in that. I meant do you think Anakin is ready? He's still so…" 
" Young. At his age all I had to do was smile and nod. He is going to be running a country." 
"You did a little more than smile and nod, Your Highness." 
Cody recalled the prince’s marriage with the late Queen of Mandalore. Prince Obi-Wan had just turned seventeen. He proclaimed the union would unite their two countries for years to come. Cody, a teen himself, couldn’t help but feel bad for the elder. For years, it appeared the prince was stuck in a marriage of convenience. 
Later, he learned this was only partially the case. Yes, the marriage was arranged, but Obi-Wan had quickly fallen in love with the Queen. Years later, the couple had a son. Soon after the prince’s birth, King Qui-Gon passed away. Obi-Wan was forced to return to his home country to take over Anakin’s teachings and the role of acting monarch. For Mandalore to maintain its political position, it was agreed the best course of action was to dissolve Prince Obi-Wan and Queen Satine’s union. This was all before the prince had turned twenty-five.
So, no, Obi-Wan did not just "smile and nod" when he was the age of the young prince. 
Obi-Wan continued, "I had years of learning under Father before I was expected to lead, not to mention what I’d learned from Satine. Anakin-" 
"Anakin has known his duty since he was born," Cody interrupted. "He has watched and learned as you acted in the role he was born to take. You fail to give him enough credit, Your Highness. Anakin will be a fearless and noble ruler, just as you taught him." 
It was no secret Obi-Wan was treated unjustly by the former king. As the child of a non-traditional union, Obi-Wan held no place in line for the throne. Qui-Gon still educated him, but all his attention turned to Anakin when he was born. The younger son was the first born to the King and Queen. The throne was his right, not Obi-Wan’s. 
When Qui-Gon passed away, it was agreed that Obi-Wan would temporarily act as monarch. He was to educate his younger brother so one day, when he turned twenty-three, he may take the throne. Several protested this arrangement, arguing that a bastard should have no such power. By the time anyone cared to listen, Obi-Wan's reign was coming to an end. Now their attention is on the king-to-be and his courtship status. 
"I know you do not want to be king," Cody said softly. "But even the moonlight doesn't hide your worry. What is bothering you?" 
"Many things keep me up at night, my dear. You'll have to be more specific." Cody simply tilted his head and waited until the prince sighed. "I know he is ready, but I still feel Anakin is too young for such responsibility. I fear that his and the Queen from Naboo's courtship will be denied. I worry that my son resents me for leaving when I had no choice. I fear…" He looked to the ground for a moment. "I fear that once Anakin ascends to the throne, he will no longer need me." 
Cody gently tilted the prince's head to meet his gaze. "There is no doubt in my mind that he will always need you. You are his brother, his mentor, his beloved friend. He may not need an advisor anymore, but he will always need you." 
Obi-Wan put a hand over the knight's own. "What would I do without you?" 
"Not have a knight to cover your sorry arse." 
Obi-Wan shook his head. He waited a moment more before speaking again. "I've been thinking of moving upstate." 
Cody recoiled slightly in surprise. "Oh?" 
"Yes, once Anakin is crowned and married to Padmé. Nowhere too far: just somewhere to get away from the politics and so-called royal life." 
"Really?" Cody tried not to let his hope build. 
"Yes. I may invite Krokie to stay. It depends how he'd get along with my fiancé, however." 
"Fiancé?" This is the first time he'd heard the word out of the other's mouth. 
"After the coronation I will have no ties to the throne. I will be able to marry whomever I want." Obi-wan smiled cheekily. "Perhaps you've met him; he is in the guard, after all." 
"There are thousands of men in the guard. You must be more specific." 
"Well, this knight is loyal. He is always two steps behind me. Regardless of my rankings and status, he has never feared to speak his mind." Obi-Wan took a step closer. "He is also quite charming. Handsome too, if I say so myself, especially in his formal wear." 
Cody grimaced. He'd almost forgotten about the uncomfortable garments. "He'd only wear them for you, Sir." 
"Soon he may never have to dawn them again." 
"I love you," Cody admitted, tired of the banter that kept them apart. 
Obi-Wan kissed his cheek and pulled him close. "And I you, cyare." 
Soon, dignitaries would be arriving, Rex would arrive with the upset prince, and someone would pull Obi-Wan away for one reason or another. Cody tried to forget about that; right now it was just him, his beloved, and the stars. 
Rey broke out of her story-telling trance and smiled. "The end!" She said gleefully. 
All three children were fast asleep. Rey looked to the door frame and frowned when Jannah laughed. "How long have they been out?" She asked. 
Jannah shrugged. "Leia fell as soon as you said the first sentence, Shara followed after Cody found the prince and Damrus was out not too long ago." Rey sighed before getting up and gathering Shara in her arms. Jannah came in and followed suit with Leia. "You did well," she continued, "I quite enjoyed your story." 
"Oh, that wasn't a story," Rey called as she exited the room. "That was simply the beginnings of my grandfather and his husband." 
… Well, maybe she had taken some creative liberties, but Jannah didn't need to know that. 
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