#Hunter is still trying to think of a good comeback
gospelofme · 7 months
Since everyone liked the custody battle between Rex and Hunter over Echo, here’s a blurb
“Why do you always get Echo? He’s part of our squad ya know.” Hunter finally blurted out. Rex had arrived on Pabu to pick up the ARC Trooper for another mission.
“Okay, I didn’t want to have to say this but. I found Echo first. Okay? On Rishi’s moon. Waaaaaaaay back in the day.”
“Okay? So?” Hunter asked, giving a shrug.
“So, finders keepers,” Rex gave a mocking sad face and pretended to rub his eyes, “loser’s weepers.”
Hunter’s jaw dropped. He was aghast. There was no better term. The Captain actually said “finders keepers” and called him a loser. The Sergeant didn’t know how to respond to that.
Echo walked out of the Marauder, slinging a backpack over one shoulder.
“Everything okay out here?” He asked, seeing Hunter’s slack jaw and Rex casually scrolling through his datapad.
“Huh, oh yeah everything’s great. You got your stuff?” Rex replied, Echo giving a nod.
“Yup. What’s wrong with Hunter?”
“Beats me, let me get that for you buddy.” Rex said, pushing Hunter’s mouth closed with a fingertip.
Echo shrugged and walked past the two, towards the waiting shuttle. Rex followed and boarded after Echo, turning to give Hunter one last look.
The stunned Sargent watched the Captain give him a little wave as the shuttle’s door closed up.
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sydsaint · 10 months
*frantically drops this on the TL and runs away* The Pepsi man is fucking haunting me.
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Summary: The reader has a jaded past with Punk and never thought she'd have to see him again. Until Survivor Series.
"Thanks for the assist, Y/N. Good looking out." Randy pats your arm gently with a friendly smile. 
"When it comes to Rhea? No problem at all, Randy." You nod as the rest of your Wargames team files out of the cage. 
You mingle with the team while laughing at the misfortune of Judgment Day still lingering in the cage. Then it happens. 
Cult of Personality blasts through the arena speakers and you choke on your laugh. Your eyes snap to the top of the ramp and you watch in disbelief as a figure walks through the curtain as the crowd screams at the top of their lungs. 
CM Punk. 
The arena becomes almost deafening as Punk runs around and enjoys his comeback with the crowd all cheering his name as loud as they can.
"You alright, N/N?" Jey sets a hand on your shoulder making you finally look away from the top of the ramp. 
"Fine. I'm fine." You nod. "Come on, let's head backstage. I'm sure that Hunter will want us for the media scrum in a bit." 
The group nods and everyone starts moving up the ramp toward the curtain. You wedge yourself between Sami and Jey and try to look as inconspicuous as possible. The group all pass Punk as he makes his way down the ramp and you do your absolute best to avoid his gaze. Because you know that if you do catch his eye then it's all over for you. 
Luck isn't on your side tonight, because as soon as you happen to glance to the side to smile at a fan holding a sign for you, Punk walks by. Your gaze meets a pair of enticing blue eyes and you curse under your breath. 'fuck' You whisper. 
"You sure that you're okay, Y/N?" Jey checks on you again once everyone is backstage. 
"I'm alright, Jey." You insist with another nod. "I'm just surprised is all. Just like everyone else is." You assure him. 
Jey nods and drops the subject for the moment. Everyone mingles around some more while waiting to see if anyone is needed for the media scrum. Jey and Cody get called to answer a few questions, and Seth wanders off to find Becky. This leaves you with Sami and Randy. 
"Hey, I just remembered something." Randy turns to you while you're talking to Sami. "Didn't you and Punk used to date before he left the company the first time?" He asks you. 
"We weren't dating!" You grind your teeth. 
Randy's eyebrows widen a bit at your outburst and he nods. "Right, sorry." He apologizes. "You knew him though, right? You were just starting out as a trainee if I remember right." 
"Yeah, I just got hired." You nod. "And now I'm a 5-time champion with absolutely no interest in CM Punk." You insist. though it's more to yourself than Randy and Sami. 
"No interest at all huh?" A familiar voice sounds behind you and you can already feel a headache coming on. "Well, I don't know about that, Y/N. Saying  you have zero interest in me is a little harsh, don't you think?" Punk comes sauntering through the curtain, still obviously high off the hype from his return. 
You lock eyes with Punk again but feel more confident in meeting his gaze this time. "Read my lips, hypocrite. Not interested." You answer him firmly. 
"Hypocrite?" Punk laughs and your stomach does a flip. "Sounds to me like you're overcompensating for something, sweetheart." He winks at you. 
"Oh you'd know all about overcompensating, wouldn't you?" You fire right back at him. 
Punk lets out another laugh and you know that you're starting to lose the battle. "Come on, sweetheart. We both know that just ain't true." He flashes a smug smile at you. 
"Alright!" Sami breaks up the dick-measuring contest with an awkward laugh. "Y/N, Randy and I are gonna head back to the locker room." He informs you. "You want to come with?" He offers you an easy way out of this whole situation. 
"Awe, leaving so soon, Y/N?" Punk flashes a fake frown. "But we were just getting to the fun part." 
Your mouth twitches and you turn to Sami. "I'll be there in a minute." You inform him. "I've got one final demon from my past that needs to be taken care of." You turn back to Punk with a scowl. 
"Oh, so I'm a demon now?" Punk teases you. 
"No." Yo, turn back to Punk. "You're a manipulator and a hypocrite." 
Another chuckle falls from Punk's lips as Randy and Sami walk off. "From what I remember, you didn't really mind being manipulated, sweetheart." He reminds you. 
"That was 10 years ago." You remind him right back. "I'm not some starstruck little girl fawning over the great CM Punk anymore. When you compare careers? You should be the one on your knees begging for my attention." You add. 
"You want me on my knees, sweetheart? All you have to do is ask." Punk taunts you. 
Your face heats up a smidge and you bite the inside of your cheek. Punk smiles as you wrack your brain for a comeback to his lewd remark. 
"Still speechless when it comes to me, huh, Y/N." Punk doesn't let up on his teasing. 
"Big talk coming from the main fired from two major companies for acting like an entitled brat." You fire back at him. 
"Oooo, ouch." Punk laughs your insult off. "And what have you been up to while I've been gone, Y/N?" He asks you. 
An opportunity presents itself and you don't hold back. "Main eventing Wrestlemania in front of hundreds of thousands of people." You remind him. "While you were doing what? Sitting on your couch with your dingy ass dog watching me be better than you? Or what? Getting into fights with kids that used to worship you like a hero?" You make a jab at his short-lived AEW career. 
Punk bows his head with a smile, acknowledging the burn. "Touche." He puts his hands up in defeat. "I'm staying at the same hotel as you tonight. Room 413." He steps towards you. "You talk a lot of game sugar, let's see if you can still back it up." He leans in and whispers in your ear before walking off with a self-satisfied smile. 
You remain in place as Punk walks off. "Fuck me." You groan when you think he's out of earshot finally. 
"Oh, I plan to, sweetheart!" Punk answers from across the room followed by a sinister laugh. 
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heyclickadee · 4 months
I know I’ve been very down on the TBB finale, and I’m trying not to be, I’m glad that Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Crosshair, and Omega made it out okay, this is still my favorite show (last episode excepted), I’ll be sinking myself in a fix-it I’m working on, but—I’m actually going to need Tech to come back in canon eventually. Whether there’s something more planned right now or not. I don’t like sitting on the idea that he’s the only one who never got to choose what kind of life he wanted to live, never got to stop being a soldier, never got a hug from his little sister. I’m haunted by the implication that Tech sacrificed himself, survived, went through something unimaginably horrific but lived, and might have been able to be saved but ended up pinned to a wall for his trouble because Hunter didn’t know. I hate the idea that this little family was never able to put itself back together, because as happy as the ending we’re presented with is, it feels a little like the Empire won.
The thing is, though, I still don’t actually think Tech’s gone for good, I don’t even think he was intended to stay gone. The man has a whole barrel of potential callback and foreshadowing lines said either to or about him ready to go off, and I don’t think there’s any other presumed main character death in Star Wars, the inexplicable resurrection franchise, that’s this ambiguous or this easy to write around without changing a line of current canon. He’s a fan favorite character with unrealized potential and that’s a recipe for a comeback even if one wasn’t already planned.
So, yes, I reject the idea that Tech’s dead. According to every rule of fiction, he’s alive and in someone’s back pocket waiting to be let out. And yeah, I’m going to be reworking that last episode.
But I’m also going to need canon to fix this.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
As a castlevania lover
Can u do alucard, Trevor, Dracula,Issac, hector what they will do if their life partners go on a holiday for a month and they have to be alone for the mean time
Oh the yearning and the pining! I love it
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Automatically feels your absence the second you’re gone. What, no comeback? No snarky remark? Trevor stop pouting or you’ll get worry lines. He’s not his usual self and Sypha, Alucard and Greta notice it. Maybe he’ll scoff at the realization that the feared monster hunter he is now is reduced to a pining man. The day you return is when you are tackled by such a burly man
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Can’t even make it past day one. As soon as you’re gone, he’s misty-eyed and that first night without you is torture. Even after some time, the separation anxiety still amps up Alucard’s nerves. Maybe drawing you may soothe his sore heart or writing a letter to spill his thoughts. As soon as you return, good luck trying to leave his iron right grip.
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He’s moody, just a hovering tower of agitated nerves. Traveling has been good to you both, but on your solid trips, King of Vampires and Lord of Shadows can’t help but feel extra worried about you. Are you safe? Should he scry for you? The castle feels so cold and empty now without you and it’s telling to Dracula. Upon your return, Dracula hopes you never have to go far again.
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He does miss you immensely and the Night Creatures pick up on it with his ever-changing moods. Sometimes Isaac will let your mind wander to where you are, what you’re doing. Or maybe on some of the tougher days, that sharper firm tone of voice comes out more often. Luckily, as soon as you come back home, Isaac feels the weight that unknowingly gripped his heart fade away.
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Sometimes he waits by the window(s), hopelessly wandering when you’re coming back. Thinking the longer he stares outside, the quicker you’ll return back home to him. Even the little pet Night Creatures have sad whimpers when they look for you. “See them yet, little Ceasar? I know..I miss them too.” But when you come back home, it’s the happiest day of Hector’s life.
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madameminor · 1 year
In More Ways Than One, Part 9 - Bad Batch x F!Reader - Wrecked
Summary: Everything seems perfect the morning after - until Wrecker starts acting strange.
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Tags: 18+ smutty mcsmutterson, porn with plot, basically, all the good stuff
Warnings: Dom drop, aftercare, breeding kink, shiny's being jerks.
Notes: I'm experimenting writing more with less, since sometimes I get too caught up in the words - I may or may not like it. Regardless, please enjoy Wrecker being a sweet boy.
Word Count: 5k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 5.5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 9.5 Part 10
The bliss of a truly rested sleep is really second to none. Waking slowly from the comforting embrace of peace, you feel the necessary rest down to your soul.
That is - until you shift to stretch - and feel the full effects of yesterdays ‘punishments’.
Your stretching squeal becomes a mournful moan as you ache in places you’ve never ached before - and are met with a soft chuckle and a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Mmhmm. The lesson continues,” Crosshair smirks, kissing your nose from where he stands by his bed. You squint open your eyes and pout at him before turning your back to him, showing your disdain for his teasing. He chuckles again and gently spanks you, making you turn to pout at him again as he scoots in behind you. 
“Don’t be like that. It’s your own fault anyway,” he murmurs into your neck, kissing gently as his hand gently rubs over your hip, your thigh. 
“Hmph,” you pout away from him, too sleepy to think of a comeback.
He lightly nips along where Hunter bit you the night before, making you gasp at the light pull of memory. 
“Nnnn Crosshair, don’t get me going this early I’m so SORE.”
He smirks in your ear. “You want to stay here then?”
“Hmph, alright. We’re going to the mess for whatever serves as breakfast out here. You want us to bring you back something?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod in affirmation, eyes still closed, voice sleepy. “Y’s please.”
Another chuckle by your ear. “Its a good thing you’re cute.”
“M’super cute.”
“You are. We’ll be back.”
The rest is like hazy background noise as you drift in the peaceful stream of ‘sleepy’.
“So she is staying?” Tech, quietly.
“Mmhmm.” The sound of a toothpick between teeth. 
“Hmph. Can’t say I’m surprised.” Hunter, smirking. Various armors being put on. Echo’s chuckle, the sound of blasters finding holsters, its all starting to fade as you slip back into-
Hunter’s voice is just above a whisper.
 “Hey Wrecker,” a little louder, trying not to disturb you, but obviously working to get attention. “Come on, we’re headed to the mess. Grub time.”
You don’t hear any movement, just a voice, facing towards a wall - just above a whisper, and very, very guilty.
“U-uh you guys go ahead, I-I’m not really hungry.”
Everything stops.
You’re up and by his bed before you know you’ve thought about it, pulling his shoulder towards you to make him look up, the scanner you whisked from your pack blinking readings as you draw it down his face.
He freezes like a porg in headlights as you finish your scan. You set it down in confusion, hand to his forehead. 
Hunter is just over your shoulder.
“What’s wrong with him?”
You scan again for anything, anything. “His vitals are fine. There’s no fever.”
“None of the side effects from the inoculations mentioned lack of appetite?” Tech muses quietly.
“Even if it did, Wrecker always has an appetite. He defies the odds,” Echo says firmly.
A small spark of worry in your chest has you on your feet. “I’ll take him to the infirmary and do some more tests to see if it’s anything -”
A hand grabs your wrist as you turn to get dressed. You look to where Wrecker waits, his eyes panicked instead of surprised.
“NO, no, I’m fine, really. Just… just not hungry, ok? I don’t need to… uh, go with them to the mess.” He looks down and away from his brothers.
You almost kick yourself.
You turn to the others, “Alright my dears, I’ll take it from here. Out.” You shoo them towards the door, ignoring the fact that you’re giving orders while completely naked.
Hunter raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure-”
“BIP bip bip bip, go. Out. Bring back food for two, please. Don’t hurry back.”
The door whisks closed so fast it almost catches Echo’s kama.
You turn back to Wrecker, sitting on the bed beside him. “They’ve gone, honey.”
He looks over at you, briefly meeting your eyes before looking off to the side- he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. His eyes meet yours again, pleading for help with whatever he needs to say. Your heart melts a bit for him - your gentle giant, in unknown territory. You scoot closer to him, putting your head to his, your hand on his cheek.
“I’m right here, I’m listening. Take your time.”
He sighs in relief, closing his eyes and breathing with you. He wraps his arms around you and rolls onto his side, pulling you over him so you’re the closest to the bulk head. He buries his face in your neck - aw, he’s hiding. You stroke his bald head to soothe him, letting him find the words he needs.
You don’t have to wait long. “Are you….ok?” 
Something in his tone sets off your mental alarm bells.
“I’m wonderful. A little sore, but its a good sore. Why, honey?”
“I didn’t… hurt you, right? You aren’t… mad at me?”
“Oh darling, no,” you say, fully turning to face him, your hand cupping his face. He leans into it, still avoiding your eyes. “No no no. I’m so grateful to you. I loved last night. I feel so lucky that all of you gave to me like that. I’m the happiest woman alive this morning.”
He finally looks up at you, still looking guilty. “Really?” 
“Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes,” you say quietly, smiling. “All the things we did last night were things I’d talked to Crosshair and Hunter about enjoying - I may have seemed like I was upset, but it's what I wanted.”
“So I’m… I’m not a bad person for liking it?”
“No,” you say firmly, still staying quiet so it doesn’t sound like a reprimand. “I like those things being done to me. And you can like doing those things to me because I’m saying yes. If you liked those things and I was screaming my safe word, that would not be ok, but that’s what a safe word is for - to tell you when I’m not ok.”
“I… w’ll, I know that. But I still feel like what I did was wrong. I don’t understand, I liked it at the time, but… I started thinking about it, and now…Whats wrong with me?”
“Nothing, babe, nothing at all. This happens sometimes, and it means you care about me, and you would never hurt me if I asked you to stop. This proves you’re a good person, not a bad one. This happens, a lot of people in your position can feel like this after they do some of what we did last night. It even has a name. It’s called ‘dom drop’.”
“It… it is?” Understanding and relief start to show on his face. You start to breathe again.
He’s relaxing, slowly, but steadily. “Did the others feel like this?”
You trace along his face scar. “I don’t know. They may have at some point, either last night or before, but if this isn’t their first time they probably have ways to care for themselves.” He nods, thinking. You stroke the side of his face, being sure to meet his eyes. “Babe, I’m sorry. There are things to watch out for, and I didn’t think of you in the moment at all. It was your first time, I should have checked in with you. I’m so sorry, and I’ll work to communicate with you so much more, starting right now.”
He looks at you, still hesitant, but nods before burying his head into your shoulder again.
You mentally kick yourself, feeling the gravity of your responsibility settle on you - this is the second time you left him in the dust. If you were going to make this work with all five of them, you needed to up your game - to make sure you took care of those who needed you at those junctures. And Wrecker needed you to pay more attention to guiding him - he was new to all of this.
No use beating yourself up. You didn’t know who would need what before, but now you do.
Time to make it right.
You kiss his head, willing his worries away. “What do you need right now, darling? Snuggles? Kisses? Closeness?” He nods, snuggling closer. You smile, settling into the security of his strength around you.
The silence is peaceful. You feel him breathing, heart slowing. You stroke his head, trailing kisses every few strokes. You feel him relax against you, tension releasing… but there’s still a sadness. Something isn’t quite right yet. You let your mind wander over what past lovers have liked, have asked for in their care.
 “Do you want to hear about what I liked last night?”
He looks up again in surprise - and nods. Good.
You smile, settling into him and the pillow while thinking back. “Hmm…I liked having you in my mouth while the other two were inside me.” He grins. 
You continue. “I liked when you spanked me - it felt so good to have you so big in me and spanking me at the same time. I want to do that again, if you do.” His eyes spark in interest, and you can feel something near your pelvis firm. 
“I like hearing you lose yourself and go hard with me - using me to cum like that. I liked how you didn’t let me cum, but you really wanted to. I always love feeling you cum inside of me, and what you said about wanting to push so far inside of me was SO hot.”
He gets bashful again. Interesting. “Yeah?”
You prop yourself up on one elbow, fingers tracing along his shoulders. “What did you like about last night?”
He swallows. “How hot you looked tied up like that. It was really… kriffing hot.”
You giggle in response. He smiles.
“When you choked on me because Echo fucked you so hard. That felt so good.”
“Oooo, I remember that. The look on your face was very attractive.”
He smiles. “I’m glad the boys made me wait, cause I really wanted to feel you cum, but then watching you cum so hard was really hot.” 
He pauses, then glances away while finding the words, rubbing the back of his neck.
“A-Also, uh… there was…uh… there was a moment where I thought something kind of weird, but it was really hot to think about?”
“OOooo, tell me,” you smile, shifting closer.
He keeps rubbing the back of his head. “It…um…”
He’s so kriffing cute. “I’m listening, darling, I want to hear about all the things that you like.”
He swallows, still not meeting your eyes. “I uh… I wanted to cum so hard in you that you… got pregnant.”
Your core tenses in excitement. Oh, say it isn’t so. “Oh really?”
“Y-yeah…” he looks back at you, words suddenly spilling out in a rush. “I’d never do that, I know you have, like, that thing that stops you from having babies, but the thought just popped into my head and it was really hot at the time and-”
Ooooh the Gods are good. “I think so, too.”
He blinks. “You do? It’s not weird?”
Your smile is coy. “No, it's something a fair amount of people like. Including me, at times.”
He gulps again - you feel the firm grow firmer. His voice sounds mildly strained. “But you can’t have babies right now.”
“That’s true,” you flirt, a finger tracing along his collar bone, “but we can pretend. You can fill me up so full and imagine what I look like when I have your baby growing in me. A cute little wrecking ball.”
Firmer still. You can feel his heart thumping in his chest. “Babe… thats…”
You smile, leaning in closer to him. “Do you want to try now? Want to try and cum in me so hard that you get me pregnant?”
He reflexively grips your hips, where his hand rests, bucking involuntarily. “Kriff yeah…"
His fingers trail down, pulling your leg up over his hip before moving behind your leg to trace over your slit, groaning as his fingers come away wet and sticky.
Your breath catches at the need in his eyes. “See how much I like the idea?”
He groans again, bucking up, fingers eagerly returning to push inside your entrance.
You wince at the sudden intrusion. “Gently, love, You all worked me over really well last night.”
He lightens up immediately. He slides one finger inside your slippery slit, thick and firm, curling against your walls, stroking your g-spot delicately. You clench around him, savoring the feeling of his loving care in your pleasure. He groans as he pulls his finger out again.
“FUCK babe… I’m sliding in so easily.” He pumps again, watching your face fastidiously. “Can you… take another?”
“Yes, oh yes.” Your hips buck, begging for more of him inside of you, thoughts running through your head of what you’re about to do. You start to ride his fingers while he moves inside you, meeting each other with each thrust. You hold behind his neck for support, eyes meeting his, begging him not to stop.
That sets something off in him, moving forward to latch his mouth onto where neck meets shoulder. “Kriff, that’s right mesh’la, ride my fingers. Want you so ready to take my cock. You want it so bad, don’t you?”
You whimper out a cry, riding his fingers as he pumps them into you. “Can’t wait to feel you fill me…”
He involuntarily bucks against your leg. “Fuck I’m going to cum so far into you. Can’t wait to fill you up till you’re leaking, make sure it takes.”
Fuck it’s so hot to hear him say that. “O-One more, Wrecker, I c-can take another.”
He slides in a third finger, finally giving you the same girth as he is, sliding himself down to suck pulses into your clit. 
“WRECker…” Your eyes fall back into your head, your head falls back between your propped arms, and you fuck along him for all your worth, riding the wave of the pleasure cresting from his pulses. 
“Oh babe I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”
“That’s right babe, cum for me, cum for me real good.” 
You feel yourself start to seize, riding his tongue as he pushes you through, eagerly licking up everything you’re releasing like its frickin’ candy.
You’re left panting - but still craving him. You whine a bit, bucking as he pulls his fingers away. You want so much more. You want what he said he’d give you.
Wrecker starts running your slick on his fingers over his hard length, already weeping precum. He bites back a groan, looking down at you with need, with… worry? Aww, the darling is checking in. Your heart swells.
“Babe, can I…”
You reach up to cup his cheek.“Yes, please yes. But kiss me when you push in? I’m afraid I’ll moan too loud…”
He kisses you deeply, sliding in so gently, both of you swallowing the other’s groans. HIs head falls to your chest as he breathes through the moment. 
“So kriffing tight. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.”
“It's cause I want your cum, babe. I want it so bad.”
He groans, hips stuttering into yours, making you gasp, eyes rolling back.
“Can’t wait to give it to you,” he says, slowly starting to fuck into you. He puts his head to yours, one hand coming up to cup the side of your face. “Fill you up so good with my cum. Want to get you so big for me, kiss your belly, talk to our strong baby while you bounce on my cock. Tell them how beautiful their mom is.”
“Oh Wrecker…”Your voice comes out a moan, unable to think around his giant cock fucking into you.
His head falls to your shoulder, hips moving faster. “NNNnn I’m gonna cum, mesh’la. You ready for me? You ready for me to fill you up?”
You can barely form a thought, but the words just flow out of you. “Yes Wrecker, please. Please. Pump your cum inside me, honey, I want it so bad.”
He grips under your shoulder, holds your thigh against his hip, driving his full length inside your throbbing hole. “KRIFF. Take it then. Take it all. Nnn... NNN.”
He growls a groan as his hips stutter, releasing his seed what seems like an unnatural amount of times deep inside you, using his leverage to push in as far as he can.
He doesn’t stop, even as you feel him start to soften.
He groans. “Fuck, babe. FUCK. I want to keep going so bad, I don’t want to stop I’m still so horny.” 
You’re so on fire with need that you don’t skip a beat.“Then come here, big boy, and let me help you with that.”
He moves up the bed, offering you his slowly softening cock. Karking hell, you’re so hungry and desperate for more, you immediately take him as far as you can with one swift move. He cries out a swear - he’s so sensitive, but he wants it so bad, SO BAD. He fucks your mouth gently, watching his cock disappear down your throat. 
“Fuck, babe. That’s it. Just like that, getting me so hard again. I wanna fill you up more. So much more. Gonna make you cum this time too, so you strangle all my cum out of my cock, fill you up so good.”
You look up at him, watching him take you in, his eyes transfixed where your lips wrap around his cock.
“NNnnn could cum down your throat, fill you up from both ends,” he murmurs, almost to himself. You moan around him at the thought, making his hips stutter with a groan. “You’d like that, huh?”
You purposefully moan a yes, smirking internally as his eyes roll back.
“B-But I wanna make you cum too, feel you cum around my cock. Kriff, fuck I need to feel you cum on my cock.” He pulls out and away, clamping around the base for a moment while he breathes. As you sit up, wiping spit from your mouth, he picks you up and places you so your head is towards the other end of the bed, hooking your legs up with his elbows. He pushes into you hungrily, ravenous to feel you around him again, moaning along with your feverish cry. He starts to slowly fuck into you.
“WRECKer! Oh honey you feel so good.” You bring your hand down to play with your clit. “Wanna cum. Wanna cum while you’re fucking a baby into me.”
His hips speed up, spurred on by your rapturous cries. “That’s right mesh’la. Kriff. Milk me dry. Gonna be so full I put TWO babies in there. Gonna see you get so big. So big cause of me…”
Stars, you can FEEL how aroused he is, he’s so hard, so needy in his thrusts. “I’m so close, Wrecker, I’m so close. Fill me up while I cum for you. Give it to me, please.”
“Whatever you want, babe, anything you want.” His voice is desperate, his eyes feverish with need and arousal. “Fuck I’m gonna cum again. Take it all. Cum for me while you take it all. Kriff, kriff, KRIFF.”
You swear he pushes in so far he’s in your cervix. You feel each spurt of his spend coat your walls, fill your womb, leaving you sated and full, wishing, on some level, that this was real.
Wrecker falls to one elbow, panting, still propping himself up so as not to crush you, still shivering every few seconds as his orgasm racks him anew.
“B…Babe… that was… that was so…”
You put your head to his, your hand to his cheek, panting from the intensity of your orgasm. You feel your breath slow, leaning in and kissing him slowly, sensually, bringing him down on top of you. Your hands rove over his bald head, feeling the smooth skin under your fingertips. You pull back after a moment, laying back to look up at him while your fingers continue along his scar.
“Yeah,” He sighs in relief, head dropping to your shoulder as you giggle. “I’m gonna pull out, ok?”
“Ok.” You gasp a little as he gently pulls out, leaving you emptier than you were - but not by much. He turns towards the bathroom, presumably to get a towel - you gently grab his hand before he can.
“Wait. Don’t you want to see how full I am first?” You can’t help the mischievous smile dancing across your face.
He looks back at you, confused.
“Look,” you smile, laying back along the sheets, spreading your legs, hand trailing down to your lower lips - and parting them.
His widening eyes tell you he’s watching his seed brimming at your entrance, slowly trickling out of you. You clench, partly to emphasize the flow, partly because its so hot, watching him watch you like this.
He gulps, eyes glued to your pussy. “Babe, can I… do somethin’?”
“Yes,” you lilt, pulling your fingers away from your entrance.
He slides his thumb carefully over your slit, gathering some of the slick between your thighs. Eyes alight, he leans over you - and holds his thumb up to your lips. 
You smile at him, propping yourself up on your elbows, and without taking your eyes from his, you take his thumb into your mouth, tasting your combined juices, sucking him clean.
“You’re gonna get me hard again,” he groans, almost reluctantly.
You release his thumb with a smile.
“Good,” you purr, nuzzling against his hand, “because I think you promised to cum down my throat next? ‘Fill me up from both sides’?”
You see the shiver run through him.
“Kriff, babe. You’re gonna be the death of me,” he groans - right before climbing back on to his bed. 
A half hour later finds Wrecker between your thighs with a damp cloth, cleaning up the substantial mess he’s made after cumming twice more. He can’t bring himself to look, he really shouldn’t look, he’ll just get going again - and hes not sure he could take another round before his brothers come back, and they’d been nice enough to leave them alone this long. There would be - he shivers - more chances another time.
Besides, he wanted to hold you after that. 
Throwing the rag toward the end of his bed, he finds you snuggling extra close into his chest, filling him with warmth as he wraps his arms around you. Yeah, this was what he wanted.
“Mmmmm… that was everything.” You look up at him. “How are you, babe? How did you like that?”
“Great,” he grins - before his face falls into uncertainty. “Though I, uh, didn’t expect that to happen, you know…”
“I know, but I just loved the idea soooo much…” you nuzzle against his nose, his grin returning. Kriff, you made him feel like a cadet again, getting his first detonator. “Did that feel like what you needed?”
“Uh…” he thinks for a moment, trying to remember where he started. “Yeah… I think I… I just wanted to know you weren’t mad, or hurt or… somethin’ else. I liked feeling… like feeling close to you.” He (very) lightly squeezes you. “I like this.”
“Then lets do this if we try something intense like we did last night. I’ll make sure to come be close to you, and tell you how happy I am. Yes?”
He kisses the top of your head, feeling a knot unclench in his chest. “Yeah. I like the sound of that.”
He’s silent for a moment, taking it all in, thinking about last night, this morning, just now… comparing it to every other moment of comfort in his life. Were there any?
He looks down to where you’re snuggled against him. “Babe?”
He can feel your answering hum through his chest. “Hm?”
“Thanks… for taking care of me.”
You look up at him with those beautiful eyes and beautiful smile, the greatest gifts of all.
“Of course, honey,” you say quietly, kissing his chin. “It’s my pleasure.”
“Do you ever think about it? Having kids?”
The question seemed to come out of nowhere - you had spent the time waiting for the squad cuddling and talking about what other things you wanted to try together or with the others, making sure to listen for his wants and needs. A comfortable silence followed, each of you breathing in the other, until…
“Sometimes. Not a lot, since there’s no call for it right now, but I’ve thought about it.” You look up at him. “Why? Have you?”
“W’ll. Not, uh… not til now. But I… I really liked the idea of having a kid with you.” He won’t meet your eyes, he’s so bashful. Such a sweetheart. “Never thought of anything other than hanging with my brothers, but the thought was kinda… I dunno, nice.”
You smile up at him and kiss his nose, about to answer - and are suddenly overtaken by a huge yawn, your body relaxing into the warmth surrounding you. 
He grins. “Tired, huh?”
You grimace in embarrassment as you finish your yawn. “Mmm… yes. You aren’t?”
“Naw, too hungry. You go ahead and sleep, mesh’la.” He strokes your head and kisses your crown. “I’ll take care of you.”
You can’t help but smile into his chest, enjoying the warmth blooming in yours, letting your heavy eyelids close. “Wrecker…”
“I’m really happy.” You breathe him in and sigh out relief.
His hands pause midstroke, but his body stays relaxed.
“... me too, babe.” You can hear the beaming smile in his voice. “I’m really happy too.” He continues his stroking, gentle fingers lulling you to sleep…
-until the door slides open.
“Are you two done?”
Crosshair’s slithery voice is as sardonic as ever. You smirk, your eyes staying closed.
You feel a shift next to you as Wrecker twists to whisper over his shoulder. “Shhhh - yup. Feelin’ much better.”
“Good.” Tech’s voice is, of course, matter of fact, even while quiet. “We have brought food. There is a fair amount-”
“AlRIGHT.” Wrecker whispers in joy, jumps up out of bed, doubles back to pull the blankets over you and kiss you on the head, making you giggle, then heads to the table. “I’m STARVING!”
Hunter’s whisper is sharp. “You di’kut, put on some clothes before you eat.”
You slip off into sleep with a smile, listening to your boys doing what they do best, your heart full of gratitude for every single one.
Yours to care for, as long as you have them.
Earlier - The Mess Hall
“So where’s your medic?”
The four batchers look to the end of their table - where two clones with freshly painted armor stand, sneering. 
Tech adjusts his goggles, looking them up and down. “Tending to one of our teammates. He was not feeling well this morning, potentially due to our inoculations yesterday.”
“Why does it matter?” Crosshair’s hiss is sharp, but not quite dangerous. Yet.
The two smirk at each other before looking back to them. 
“Does she happen to be doing that on her back?” asks the one on the left with a mean grin.
All of their heads whip around, Crosshair, Tech, and Hunter tensed. Hunter’s eyes flash in warning. “Care to say that again, trooper?”
The left chuckles. “I think you heard me.”
The right elbows the left, indicating the group with his head. “Probably is. Probably needs it, if she was sniffing around our boys yesterday.” He looks back to the seething squad. “What's the matter? Your squad can’t keep one woman satisfied?”
“That’s enough.”
Echo stands where he is, staring down the other two. In this moment, the others can see his power shine through - this man was an ARC trooper, decorated for his many exemplary missions, a survivor from behind enemy lines, and back out in the field for brothers and Republic. 
And he was irritated.
“I don’t know why you weren’t taught any manners back on Kamino. Maybe you were too distracted by your own insecurities that day.”
The two clones stiffen, slowly bristling- but Echo isn’t done.
“It doesn’t kriffing matter what she does in her private life,” he continues, eyes daring them to interrupt him. “What matters is she’s a trooper, like all of us. She puts her life on the line; fights the same battles we do, without enhanced abilities. She shows up, she works hard, and she cares for a bunch of clones like us, treats us like people,” He punches the table for emphasis, making the regs jump into a defensive stance, “so what else do you really need to know about her?”
The two regs stand, stunned, glancing at each other to think of a comeback- but there isn’t one.
“We all care about her as a member of our squad- so if you’re here to cause her trouble, then we have a problem. Now.” Echo leans forward, hand on the table, his voice getting very low.  “Is there something else you would like to say to us, vode?”
“Oh I think they’ve said enough.” Squad and regs turn to see Captain Case, helmet on, arms crossed. The two reg troopers jump to attention. 
“Mel. Felbourn. Not really showing our battalion in the best light, are ya? I think you owe their medic an apology.” His voice sounds dangerous through the vocoder. “After you finish scrubbing all the public freshers on the ship. Top. To. Bottom.”
“Sir yes sir!” The regs say in unison, stiff as boards.
“Dismissed,” the Captain waves, the two clones hurrying off and away with nary a mumble.
Hunter sits back at the table, turning to face Case. He looks over the Captain with a suspicious gratitude. “You didn’t need to do that.”
They can hear the Captain’s smirk. “I did, actually. They’re my men- and if no one has ‘taught them manners’, well, I’d better start now.”
He takes off his helmet and tucks it under his arm, shaking out his hair a little. “So, did I hear your medic isn’t feeling well?”
“No,” Tech corrects, of course. “Our demolition’s expert was not feeling well, so naturally our medic stayed behind to monitor any potential complications.”
Captain Case winces. “Ah, sorry to hear that. Though I’m not surprised, those inoculations are still new enough. Never know the side effects-”
“Why did you step in?” Crosshair interrupts, voice low and suspicious, glaring over at the reg Captain. “If you’re expecting to get to her through us, you’re wrong.”
Case blinks a few times, then chuckles. “Is that what you think that was?” He shakes his head, saying almost to himself. “You’ve all been hanging around the wrong vode.” 
He looks back up at them, meeting all of their eyes. “Rex and Cody speak highly of you boys, and they don’t do that lightly. Anyone who has earned their respect… well, is definitely worthy of mine.”
He turns to leave. “I’ll leave you to your breakfast. Just know…” he flashes a cheeky grin at them, making eye contact with Hunter. “A girl like that? Make sure to take good care of her.”
Hunter smirks. He supposes he likes this reg after all. 
“You can count on it.”
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eriexplosion · 8 months
Bad Batch Season 3 Episode Title Predictions
Okay, so I've poked at the trailer enough that I think I can do a series of predictions that is likely to topple like a house of cards immediately but hey what else is this month of waiting for? Here is my very rough outline of what I'd love to see in season 3 based on nothing but the trailer and Vibes.
Episodes 1-3, "Confined" "Paths Unknown" & "Shadows of Tantiss"
These three seem pretty obvious, we'll likely catch up with Omega and Crosshair first in Confined, which is likely where we'll see these clips from the trailer:
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As well as probably the (SAD AS HELL) discussion between Omega and Crosshair shown in the Celebrations trailer. Mix their scenes in with catching up on Hunter, Wrecker, & Echo - I'm actually really attached to the idea that Echo is searching for Tech, having not given up on him. This also parallels to Omega talking to Crosshair, about not giving up - I think that's going to be a theme this season. Can't run away, can't give up. But if Echo is searching for Tech then it might just be Hunter and Wrecker right now, likely giving us a few of their action shots together.
I do think that Omega and Crosshair's escape attempt is going to be relatively early in the season - either at the end of Paths Unknown or the very beginning of Shadows of Tantiss. I went into it more in this post and paired up a few shots of Tantiss' defense systems as well as the crashed ship with Omega and Crosshair. From the look of it, they likely don't make it off planet due to the damage and crash land and have to try to escape and, in the process, are split up and lose each other. Possibly they are able to contact the batch, who are on the way to try and get them when things go wrong.
My guess is that by the end of this three parter we'll have Crosshair reunited with the batch, or about to be, Omega on her own trying to evade Hemlock and his men, and somewhere along the line our reveal that Tech is alive because at this point I can't see them not aiming at a comeback with how hard they're trying to keep his 'death' on all our minds.
Episode 4 - "A Different Approach"
If Crosshair didn't meet up with the batch by the end of the previous three, then probably he does it here, I just get the sense that he's been gone for so long that we need to get him zipped up with the others early in the season, especially since we'll have several reunions to get to by the end of the series.
With Omega still separated but hopefully out of Tantiss at this point, they have to adjust how they plan to find her. She's now a moving target, because she's on the run still and likely unable to contact them. Echo will meet back up with them here, I think, maybe with info on wherever Tech is (my prediction: still on Eriadu in some fashion, either held with the good old pirates & smugglers or possibly by Tarkin himself, but I'm hoping the pirates & smugglers) and Rex will likely come too. I do think that they have their exchange about losing brothers here but rather than being about Tech, as the trailer implied, it's about Nemec or Fireball (or both) who possibly died getting the information. I just feel like those two are not long for this world, unfortunately.
We'll also follow Omega here, now completely alone for the first time. Previously she always had the batch, then she at the very least had Crosshair. Now she has neither and she has to try and figure out what to do. The title does dual work here, both the batch and Omega have to find a different approach in order to try and reunite.
Episode 5 - "The Return"
I feel like this is going to be a mostly Omega centered episode. Where is she returning to is the question, I still think that this refers to a place rather than a person returning. Pet theory - Cid put out several bounties on her to try and get her tracked down and rescued and she gets a blast from the past when she's grabbed by Bane a second time and taken to Ord Mantell. She of course is Not trusting Grandma Crimes anymore, but Cid is trying to redeem herself and fix what she broke.
While this is going on, the parallel return is the batch getting to Eriadu in order to set up the two parter.
Episode 6 & 7 - "Infiltration" & "Extraction
With the batch set up, they're ready to go get Tech from wherever he's been stuck! These two are likely more action oriented, with a little bit of Difficulty between Crosshair and the others after so long apart, but they find their footing well enough and begin to work together in order to get Tech out. They're 5/6ths of the way to a full family, they just have one more to get a hold of!
Episode 8 - "Bad Territory"
Getting fully into Pet Theories here but I think that this shot from the trailer
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is Batuu - going mostly from the distinctive looking spires here. Another possible Omega focused episode, Cid is taking her to Batuu to cash in a favor. Not one owed to her - one owed to Omega, by Roland Durand. (LISTEN HERE'S HOW INFESTED BEING RELEVANT CAN STILL WIN-)
Anyway the focus here is on Roland trying to link her up with the batch. This might be a good place for Fennec to make her reappearance too, working from the Batch's end.
Episode 9 - "The Harbinger"
I'll be real I have no idea, my ideas started getting thin right about here, but I will say the title sounds like a great place for Ventress and the Teth monastery to make their appearance (I'm assuming they'll be together) but how they would actually play into the plot if they appeared here is unclear. I do think that we'll finally get everyone together though or at least be on our way to it, in order to bring us to our next two parter.
Episode 10 & 11 - "Identity Crisis" & "Point of No Return
The team is back together and all is not well, because everyone is still suffering a severe case of the Issues. No one can agree on what to do, where to go, with the identity crisis being the batch unsure of how to move forward together. Omega of course gets immediately stressed out by it all because it seems like she finally got her family back together only for it to immediately start falling apart. Wrecker is probably right there with her. Tech & Phee have their moment together, Echo still thinks they need to fight and I think that Crosshair is going to tend towards that too. Hunter at least absolutely wants to retire to Pabu right now immediately, but as the show has been trying to demonstrate, avoiding things won't be an option because-
Point of No Return is the dreaded invasion of Pabu. The Empire followed them here in order to retrieve Omega, and they barely escape, evacuating as many of Pabu's residents as possible. Shep doesn't make it out and is imprisoned.
Episode 12 - "Juggernaut"
This is where like a full quarter of the trailer comes from because they can show us several exterior tank shots without showing who's in the damn tank. I think the point of this one will be to get Shep back, since it does look like him that Wrecker is carrying. We know that Crosshair, Hunter, and Wrecker at a minimum will go in, but I think likely Omega and Echo are there (likely together thus being why we don't see much of Echo in the trailer) and Tech might be with Phee.
Episodes 13-15 - "Into the Breach" "Flash Strike" "The Calvary Has Arrived"
Grouping these three together because I have no idea what happens here except that we're likely going to be mounting an attack to take down Hemlock and, hopefully, free all of the clones that he's been experimenting on. The time for hiding is over, they have to take a stand against the Empire. Not because they're soldiers, but because they're a family, and the other clones are still their brothers.
For the first time, we don't leave our own behind can get followed and they're going in.
The Calvary Has Arrived is not a title I can see going dark to be quite honest, it's more of a full circle moment, it's the Batch becoming who they're meant to be, a family that fights for each other and for the other clones, I will cling to the idea of a happy ending (hopefully one that sets up a continuation that might focus more on Rex and his clone rebellion) until it's ripped from my cold dead hands thank you very much. I think that after the family has spent two seasons absolutely torn apart, becoming increasingly fractured, the best ending is one that has them finally united, all six of them, for the first time.
Like Omega said. They're more than soldiers. They're a family.
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kybercrystals94 · 8 months
Grounded (Part 1)
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 3 | Prompt 3: “Bite down on this.”
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Broken Limb
Rated: T | Words: 911 | Summary: Crosshair is injured during a mission. [Character Focus: Crosshair, Hunter]
Blinding pain greets Crosshair’s return to consciousness, and a sharp gasp ejects from his lungs. A hand clasps hard over his mouth, pressing so tight that finger shaped bruises will certainly form. Crosshair struggles against his captor, writhing, shaking his head frantically, but an arm wraps around his chest, and hot breath whispers against his ear, ��We have to be absolutely silent, Cross, just a few more minutes.” The words are spoken on air, no voice, but Crosshair recognizes Hunter’s reg sounding cadence.
He sinks back into Hunter’s chest plate and nods. Hunter moves his hand, and Crosshair tries to breathe quietly, force himself to inhale and exhale steady, slow breaths. Agony stutters the attempt, making his breathing ragged.
An eternity and a lifetime goes by before Hunter’s grip around him relaxes. “They’re gone,” he says, voice still quiet, but present.
“What happened?” Crosshair manages to grit out. When he tries to sit up, his vision goes white. He barely suppresses the scream that tries to claw out of his throat.
“Don’t try to move,” Hunter warns.
Crosshair thinks of a choice comeback, but can’t make his voice form the words. He growls out a pathetic sound instead. He isn’t even sure where the pain is coming from, but it consumes him wholly.
“I’m going to lay you down,” Hunter says.
Crosshair offers a jerky nod.
In a few, excruciating movements, Hunter slides out from where he was holding Crosshair upright and lays him back on the ground. They are in a heavily forested area, evergreens looming over them, tops scraping an overcast sky. The underbrush is tall and dense, an excellent hiding place. Because they are hiding. Why are they hiding?
“What happened?” Crosshair asks again, more insistent, trying to ignore the pain induced nausea threatening to evacuate his stomach.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Hunter asks instead, turning to rummage through his kit.
“If I remembered what happened, I wouldn’t be asking,” Crosshair hisses.
Hunter casts him a sidelong glance. “Answer my question, then I’ll answer yours.”
Crosshair closes his eyes, willing himself to remember anything past the pain. “We split up…from Wrecker and Echo. Tech is with the ship. Radio silence after Tech discovered our comms had been compromised. I fell…” The sound of bone snapping is another memory that conjures up, but instead of voicing it, Crosshair lifts his head to look down at his leg.
“Don’t,” Hunter says, reaching out to stop Crosshair.
It’s too late. Crosshair chokes on a gasp at the mangled state of his left leg just below the knee. There’s blood. A lot of blood. And bone. There shouldn’t be bone.
His skin burns cold.
Hunter pushes him back gently. “Breathe, Cross, breathe.”
But Crosshair can’t breathe. His chest feels tight, compressed. No matter how hard he tries, the humid air feels impossible to drag into his lungs.
“--with me, breathe with me,” Hunter is saying, exaggerating his own breathing for Crosshair to follow.
A hand wraps around Crosshair’s, and he clutches it like a lifeline. Hunter leans into his space, making it where he can’t see his injury even if he wants to. He doesn’t want to. “Nice slow breaths. Good.” Crosshair knows he is not doing good with his shallow, gasping breaths, but the encouragement helps nonetheless. His breathing begins to steady. “Good job, just breathe. In…out…good.”
Crosshair closes his eyes again, willing himself not to panic. Panicking won’t do them any good. He knows this. He focuses on his breathing.
“I’m going to stabilize the wound so that we’ll be ready for when the extraction comes,” Hunter says after several long moments of letting Crosshair regain his composure. “I have a hypo for the pain, but it’s probably going to only take the edge off…under the circumstances.”
Crosshair’s stomach turns, but he gives Hunter a tight nod without opening his eyes.
Hunter lets go of Crosshair’s hand, and the loss of physical grounding is more alarming than Crosshair will ever admit out loud. He fists his own hands together, hoping the action will be comforting, but it isn't the same.
He can hear Hunter rummaging through their med kit again, then Hunter says, “Hypo,” before a needle prick bites into the soft flesh of his neck. The relief is small but immediate, a numbing warmth coursing through blood.
“I need to stop the bleeding. Wrap the wound to prevent any more contamination,” Hunter begins to explain. He sounds like Tech a little, the words he’s using. It’s strangely reassuring.
Crosshair feels the foliage by his head move as Hunter shifts closer. “It’s going to hurt,” he says. “I’m going to have you bite down on something so that…you know.”
Another stiff nod is the only affirmative he can give, and some kind of knotted cloth is put in his mouth. Crosshair bites down on it hard, teeth sinking into the coarse fibers of fabric.
When Hunter begins to staunch the wound, it takes every ounce of resolve Crosshair can muster not to cry out, although he does cry. He can feel pain induced tears manage to escape, mixing with the cold sweat that begins to track down the sides of his face. His hands, still knotted together, unlatch to claw at the ground. He tries not to move, but his body writhes slightly of its own volition.
“Almost done, vod,” Hunter says, voice barely breaking through the agonized haze.
Everything goes dark.
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trigunwritings · 1 year
Names and Things
Rating: General
Relationship: Fem!Reader/Vash/Wolfwood
Summary: On the way home, Vash and Wolfwood argue.
Written by @blood--hunter
Note: A continuation of Bad Habits, but it’s not necessarily canon unless you, the reader, want it to be. The reader is married to Vash and Wolfwood. Implied to be pregnant. Never shown.
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“Can’t believe you forgot the car…” Wolfwood grumbled, adjusting the rope over his shoulder. It was one thing to have to carry his weapon, but something else entirely to drag a man halfway across the desert.
Vash has the decency to at least look a little ashamed.
“Well, forgot is a strong word.”
“You got it fucking stolen. Didn’t you?”
His husband reamains quiet and Wolfwood can only shake his head. “You’re the reason I need to smoke.”
The leader of the Glass-Gang is still passed out, so there’s that. His luck wasn’t all bad today and there was the thought of returning home to their wife with full pockets and a job well done. That—at the very least—lifted his spirits.
“So,” Wolfwood says, trying to focus on something other than the near unbareable heat, “I was thinking Leon D. Wolfwood.”
Vash bulks, swinging his blond head around to look at him. “Who says he’s gonna get your last name!”
“Because I’m the only one who has one! Dumbass!”
“Well!” Vash stalls, obivously trying to think of a comeback as he pouts, “What about Kevin the Stampede?”
“Kevin? Really.”
His husband nods resolutely, “Or maybe—maybe something like Colton!”
“You just really want a hard ‘K’ sound, don’t you?”
“Yeah! I think it sounds cool!”
Wolfwood rolls his eyes and looks back as the man he had been tugging across the sand begins to stir.
“Looks like our bounty is waking up.”
Vash eyes the man as well before looking at Wolfwood with a smile, “Why don’t we ask him? Hey! Do you like Leon or Kevin?”
“Huh?” Is all the gang leader says.
Nicholas shakes his head, passing the rope to Vash.
“I’ve been dragging him for half a mile now. You take him.”
“No way!”
“You’re the one that lost the car!”
Vash takes the rope, pouting. Nick can only watch him, one brow raised. He didn’t dare slip a cigarette into his mouth, knowing that it would just end up flying into the desert like a piece of paper. Though, his fingers did itch for the lighter in his pocket.
“And if it’s a girl?” He asks, not thinking.
Vash gets that far away look on his face, the look he gets when he or their wife accidentally trips on something from his past. She’s always better at soothing him, but Wolfwood doesn’t know what to do in these situations, too used to being “tough” and not letting these things get to him.
“Rem. We’ll name her Rem.”
He’s silent for a few moments more, letting the sun beam down on the back of his neck. “Yeah. I think I like that.”
“I think Kevin sounds good.”
Both Vash and Nick swing their heads around, staring at the man half unconcious in the sand, a rope firmly around his middle.
“Yeah, maybe Leon isn’t so bad…” Vash murmurs, beginning to walk once more, the gang leader slowly being dragged after him.
“Told you … Do you think she’ll like it?”
“Ask her and find out! But I don’t think she’ll go for the middle initial.”
“D is not that bad!”
“…What does it even stand for anyways?”
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Oh i got a good one inspired by one of your asks.
The moments leading kyle to catching feelings. Lets do the beginning.
Basically during the whole cat arc. Kyle and the rider get into a fight basically of kyle distrusting young ratha and the rider snaps back that “they are their only family how would you feel if someone constantly told you not to trust your family” which is the beginning as kyle discovers the rider is doing this on their own no support unlike him with his family as he questions about the rider basically being raised by the village and having no parents or siblings.
Sounds good!
Part 2
Catching Feelings (Part 1)
An altercation in Pomore Garden leads Kyle to discovering some things, and then questioning a whole lot more.
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The atmosphere of Pomore Garden was light and cheerful, like a piece of heaven has fallen to earth. The coral birds were flying about with some other endemic life scuttling about. One could even hear the Crimson Quropecos making their calls, and if one looked closely, a Green Nargacuga could be seen disappearing into the underbrush. Even the Lagiacrus out at sea were surfacing to breath now and again.
It was truly beautiful and elegant...except for the bustling activity outside the Felyne Shelter.
Right now, a young hunter and a young rider were in the middle of a spat. Kyle, the hunter, and Y/N, the rider, were on a mission to investigate the coast of Pomore. However, even while bickering was common between the two of you, it got to the point where even the predators of the land went to hide. Heck, even Navirou and Tsukino decided to walk on ahead.
"That was so unnecessary!" You shouted at him, each step you took had more force than intended. Kyle just huffed.
"I meant what I said...I don't trust that Rathalos." The hunter growled, side eyeing the monster as it stomped behind you guys, keeping closer to you.
"You aren't touching him." You growled, stopping in your tracks to properly face him. Everyone else stopped as well.
"Buddy-Hmph!" Navirou went to try and intervene, but Tsukino came and put her paws around his mouth to shut him up.
"This is between them." She said in a hushed tone whilst backing them both away. With his mouth still covered, Navirou could only nod and watch.
"How can you have such trust to a monster that nearly destroyed an entire village?! Rathalos are nothing but dangerous beasts! Do you want lives to be lost?" Kyle growled. You seemed to think of no one else but you and that monster.
He didn't understand. To Kyle, you have officially lost your mind.
And oh you have, just not in the way he was thinking.
You curled your fists by your sides until your knuckles turned white. Your face was red from anger as you did everything in your power to keep yourself from cussing him out. So many thoughts were in your mind, so many comebacks. Kyle, thinking he won this argument, just smugly huffed and turned on his feet to keep walking.
But you were quick to grab him by the collar and spun him around to face you. You had your hands on his shoulders, you guys were practically nose to nose, and Kyle would be lying if he wasn't a little bit scared by the look in your eyes.
But your voice...was surprisingly soft.
"Ratha is the only family I have...all I got since my grandpa passed...and you're telling me not to trust him? Trust is all a family has in the end to keep them together. All I can do is trust him...wouldn't you trust your family? How would you feel if someone told you that your family was cursed? Wouldn't you defend them?" You said, and before he could say anything, you let him go and walked on with Ratha right behind you.
For the first time since he met you, Kyle was speechless.
You really don't have parents? Kyle could've have sworn that he heard them mentioned before. Or was that someone else? Kyle was left with nothing but questions, and you had apparently left him in the dust.
"Nicely done Kyle." Tsukino's voice came out of nowhere and Kyle whipped around to see her standing behind him with her arms crossed, whiskers twitching in irritation.
"What did you want me say?" He asked her, annoyed.
"Nothing would have been preferable." She said with a shrug before walking in the general direction you went. Kyle stood there, alone, for a few moments before deciding to drag his feet and follow.
But his mind was swarmed with thoughts.
You really had no family, huh? No parents, no siblings, and no grandparents. Well, not anymore. All you had was the whole village to raise you. Maybe that's why that village was so important to you, they were the people who raised you. To riders, monsties are a part of that family. So for you, Ratha was all you had with you right now. You had no support right now, and here he was being an absolute jerk to you.
It made a guilty blush come to his face and he frowned.
But why? Why did he feel guilty? It made him feel bad that you were on your own, but it doesn't affect his life. He still had his family, and he should be grateful for that. In all honesty, he didn't know what he would do if he had no one.
Kyle tried to imagine facing Guardian Ratha alone that night.
It made his blood run cold.
His feet were heavy as he dragged himself to the coast where you were no doubt waiting with the others. Kyle still didn't understand why this was affecting him so. Hunters and riders will always have differences, so why was this any different from usual?
"So, you finally made it?"
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see he was already at the coast. The sun was setting as the waves lapped against the rocky shore. You were standing there with your arms crossed, Ratha beside you.
"Yeah. I..." His voice trailed off a little as he glanced up at you. The way the sun glistened off your hair. The way droplets of seawater made it glow even more. The way the cold sea breeze made your cheeks a little red. The way your eyes...your skin...
Kyle felt his face heat up a little.
Oh no...
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Something about the 6min clip of season 3 👀👀
ONE WEEK!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE???? I’m assuming this was a prompt because it prompted me because you know I’m manifesting Huntlow content 👀
Willow was obsessed with the camera Camila had given her. With their scrolls not functioning in the human realm, Willow wanted a way to show her dads everything they had been up to when they were finally reunited. So Camila had dug her husband’s old camera out of storage to give her the chance.
“It’s pretty old,” Camila said as she blew the dust off. “Nowadays, everything is fast and digital but I think vintage is making a comeback. I’m surprised to still works but it’s all yours mija.” Camila had said. Willow held the little black box like it was her greatest treasure and proceeded to bring it everywhere.
The adjustment had its ups and downs. It seemed that just when they felt one way, something turned everything around. When they’d be enjoying themselves at the mall, laughing and trying human food they’d remember their families on the Isles and feel guilty. When they were in the middle of worrying and feeling like things were hopeless, Gus would find something else amazing about the human world that would distract them and inspire them to try again. It was as though there was no right way to feel so they had no choice but to feel everything.
This was a chance that may never come again, they didnt know how things would play out. So they had to make the best of it and she wanted to remember it. Every part of it.
“The photos are in!” she announced as she entered the living room. Even thought the photos printed automatically, Willow liked to save them to show everyone when they were together so when she entered, everyone jumped from where they were sitting and crowded around Willow as she placed the envelope on the kitchen table. This had become their weekly routine, reliving the week through Willow’s lens, commenting on the moments she captured and picking their favorites.
“Oh, look! Here’s one of me when I got stuck inside the claw machine!” Said Gus, picking up the photo with glee. In the photo he was indeed hugging a giraffe plush that now rested beside his pillow. Camila was seen beside the machine, looking concerned and trying to figure out how to get him out. The claw hadn’t been able to grab the long neck and Gus decided to take matters into his own hands.
“And there’s the fireman cutting you out,” said Vee fondly.
“And there’s security escorting you off property and banning you from the store,” said Hunter.
“Aw, Eda would be so proud.” Luz said, wiping away a tear.
“Oh! Here’s me and Luz before we went on our first human realm date!” squealed Amity, admiring the photo. They were by the door preparing the leave and Willow had caught the moment when Luz had whispered something to Amity and she had thrown her head back laughing as Luz helped her put her coat on.
“Oh! So cute! That’s going on the fridge for sure!” Exclaimed Luz, holding the photo to her heart.
A few of the photos were posed, but most of them were candid action shots. Willow had a gift for spotting the perfect moment.
“Willow, why are so many of these of Hunter?” asked Amity, raising her eyebrow as she flipped through the stack.
“What do you mean? There’s pictures of everyone.” said Willow, confused.
“Yeah, but percentage wise they are mostly Hunter,” laughed Amity. “Look, here’s Hunter in your garden, here’s Hunter showing off his haircut, Hunter reading, Hunter putting away groceries, Hunter... watching a sunset?”
“I guess I spend a lot of time with Hunter,” Willow shrugged, not seeing the issue as Hunter attempted to hide his bright blush her words summoned.
“Yeah, you could open a Hunter gallery with all these,” teased Gus with a whistle. “I didn’t know you were so photogenic dude.”
“The Captain is simply a gifted photographer,” said Hunter, clearly flustered by the proof her attention. “She takes good photos of everything. I mean, here’s a stunning photo of the orchid she grew in the flower box outside, she found the perfect lighting even in the rain!”
“I can see you in the reflection of the window holding the umbrella over her,” said Gus, squinting at the image. He smiled at how happy he looked to be with her, helping her.
“Well I... didn’t want the camera to get wet,” he muttered as he pulled a photo from the pile of him and Flapjack, the Palisman sleeping happily atop his head as a Hunter wore a silly expression Willow had prompted him to make. He smiled at the memory of the day, as though the photo brought it back to life.
“He’s been smiling more,” said Willow plainly, looking at her photos. “It’s nice. I wanna remember it.”
“He’s been smiling more because you spend so much time with him,” said Gus quietly just to her.
“Well maybe that’s why I keep doing it,” she whispered back, wearing a smile of her own as she admired a photo of Hunter covered in mud as Vee and Gus sat on the ground, laughing beside him. In the background, Luz and Amity swayed in the rain. The photo was a little blurry and the exposure wasn’t great, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Willow kept all the photos in a photo album for safe keeping, like a little comic documenting their time here. As she added the newest photos to the album, she noted that they were mostly of Hunter. She did want to gather evidence of his smile, but maybe the camera was a tiny excuse to explain why else she looked at him so much.
The others had gone back to their usual activities as she sat at the table admiring her work and writing the dates they were taken in the white portion on the bottom.
“You don’t have to keep wasting so much film on me,” a voice said sheepishly from the doorway. Willow looked up and saw Hunter leaning against the doorframe.
“I’m not wasting anything, “ she countered, motioning for him to sit beside her. “I like having picture of my friends to remind of good times when I’m sad. Look, I love this picture if you and Gus eating ice cream, you were so nice to give him yours when he dropped his. I might not have remembered it without a photo.”
She knew that was a lie as she passed him the picture of sitting beside Gus on the bench and handing him his cone. There was no way she’d ever forget how soft his voice got when he said “here” and gave his shoulders a squeeze as he proceeded to clean up the fallen treat. The way he didn’t think twice about helping Gus made Willow’s heart flip, how helping him was second nature. Willow knew Hunter didn’t think twice about this kind of thing, and didn’t do them for praise which is why it’s memory mattered even more.
“It reminds me how lucky I am to have such kind people in my life,” she said, but Hunter didn’t seem too convinced.
“It’s just that...I know that your families on the Isles wil appreciate the pictures to see what they’ve missed while you were away but... there’s no one who would want to have my picture.”
“What about Darius?”
“He... maybe,” Hunter admitted. “But even then he’d maybe want one or two at most, I’m sure mostly to criticize what I’m wearing. I don’t think he’d approve of my chosen human fashion.”
“Well then I’ll keep them.” she said simply.
“You? W-Why would you want p-pictures of m-me?”
“Because they’re nice pictures, why wouldn’t I want to keep them?” Willow laughed. “I like spending time with you and I like having these pictures to remember the time we spend together. Even though being here can be hard and scary sometimes, you’re always there when I need you. You make me laugh and you care about me and you’re sweet... but if you don’t want me to take your picture, I can stop-.”
“No! No, it’s not that at all,” he chuckled nervously. “I... don’t mind. You really are a great photographer so it’s a honor to be photographed by you.”
She laughed and brought her camera to her eye and snapped at photo of him, his chin resting on his fist as he stared at her with wide dopey eyes.
“Plus, I’m documenting the disappearance of the bags under your eyes,” she added playfully. “You can see the longer we’ve been here, the most rested you look. I think it’s important to commemorate , because you’re important to me.”
“Well... then,” said Hunter, reaching for the camera. “There’s one important thing you’re missing.” He mimicked her motions and snapped a picture of her. Af first she looked at him with confusion, the photo captured her looking up with bright, wide eyes. The second one she smiled for and titled her head. Hunter blushed from behind the camera, attempting not to go too crazy taking photos of Willow. “When you have enough for your dads... I’d like to have a photo of you too, if that’s alright.”
“I think we can arrange that,” she smiled smoothing out her braid. “C’mon, let’s take a picture together.”
She walked over to his seat and rested her chin on his shoulder and angled the camera up to take a selfie. She wasn’t sure how to position it, since when she took them on her scroll she could see the photo as it was being taken but now she had no idea if they were in frame. When the photo spit out the front, it was slightly crooked but the image was still risky clear. Willow looked at the camera making a peace sign and a wide smile, while Hunter’s eyes were glued to Willow, his cheeks red but his smile just as wide as hers.
“Uh, here maybe I can try taking it,” offered Hunter, making note to look at the camera this time. “My arm is longer.”
“Oh good idea,” said Willow handing him the camera and getting up to to look through the lens to make sure the angle was right. “Okay, perfect!”
“So I just press the button?” Asked Hunter as Willow took advantage of having her hands free and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, their faces much closer together this time.
“Yup! And then the flash will go off.”
Just as Hunter found the button Willow turned her face and pressed firm kiss against Hunter’s cheek. His eyes widened in surprise, and Willow smiled as she pictured his reaction. She could blame her impulsiveness on the aesthetic the photo demanded. Hunter remained frozen as Willow leaned forward to take the picture from the camera, and shook it gently.
“You know, you’re actually not supposed to shake it, but I’m too impatient,” she whispered to him with a wink. “Aw! Your face looks so cute, I’m definitely gonna frame this one.”
“You look lovely, Captain,” Hunter said lightly, admiring the photo. It reminded him of the picture they had taken with the Emerald Entrails and reminded him how thankful he was to have her in his life. “Do you think, uh, I could have a copy as well?”
“Well it only prints one copy, but we can take another one!” she said cheerily, setting the photo down carefully as she reassumed her position with her arms around him. He lifted the camera again and held his breath as he prepared to take the photo again. Willow tightened her grip and kissed his cheek again, holding the position and waiting for the flash. Dedicated to the art of photography, she was willing to keep her lips pressed against his face as long as it took to increase their chances of a perfect photo. But Hunter was so focused on her choice of pose, that he didn’t have any brain cells left to focus on actually taking the picture.
But something told him he wouldn’t need a photo to remember this moment forever.
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ahamkara-apologist · 8 months
Some quick Aeris facts for y'all before I go to bed:
-Really likes lemon-flavored candies and lemon cake. Also a big fan of those fluffy donut holes with powdered sugar on top of them
-Very soft-spoken and usually mumbles when he talks, if he talks at all (yeah I based a lot of him off the Guardian in-game, but the Guardian's voice in game is super deep and that always takes me out LOL). He's also very blunt and has a hard time not sounding either deadpan or having a slightly off cadance to his voice, and most of his 'snappy comebacks' are from action movies or watching other guardians. Because his humour is extremely dry and he has a soft spot for puns, its sometimes hard to tell if this is deliberately done for comedic effect or copied because he's trying to come off as cool
-Will also infodump about his friend's interests and studies if prompted and in a good mood, and enjoys being infodumped to in turn. It gives him a starting-off point for him to engage in a conversation without Ghost's or Marcie's help
-Hates the popularity and 'placed on a pedestal' nature of being The Guardian(tm) and cares very little about fitting in socially, but also really wants to please those he looks up to/not upset people.
-Cannot sit normally on anything. He's a Hunter for a reason. He has to crouch-perch on everything and be on top of the tallest thing in the room. Half the time its just to see that he can do it
-Ghost is still officially named Ghost because he's got a Thing about names being special and also because neither of them can settle on one they like (I've called him Hoarfrost in the past but they are STILL debating on that). Also, he prefers to go by 'Guardian' because 'Aeris' is close to 'Eris' and in his reasoning, 'she had the name first so she gets seniority rights'
-Actually really likes tactile stimuli. He won't initiate physical affection much, but you bet your ass he's gonna cuddle if given the chance, though the person he usually only actively cuddles with is his sister, Marcie, or Ghost
-Has an apartment in the Tower that he never uses. Pretty much lives in the Eliksni quarter exclusively bc they don't pick up on the fact that he's autistic as fast as human people and he really likes that
-He's got Archer Muscles(tm) and is pretty pleased with it. He doesn't think much of his appearance often, but thats one of the few aspects of it that he's proud of
-Crow is one of his best friends, and while they had a whole tense thing with Crow having a crush on him pre regaining his memories that Aeris couldn't reciprocate and felt guilty for, they're still on pretty good terms (thats a whole other seperate thing I can get into tho)
-Actually hates fusion rifles, but was too polite to correct Saint when he said Aeris's favorite gun was a fusion rifle so
-Sexuality is like. Aro/ace/gay. He's aro for sure, and most of the time he barely thinks about or desires sex with people, but when he does it's only with men, his taste in which is...questionable, most of the time.
-(Misraaks. Taniks, if he had the chance. Drifter. You get the point.)
-Also, he's a bottom and likes to be shoved around bc of afformentioned 'doesnt like being treated like the Chosen One' shtick
-Pre death and rez: He's the result of a cocky, boastful human man getting frisky with an Awoken warrior. Said man married for power later, and was VERY unhappy when Aeris was dumped on his doorstep as a kid, esp. since he got his wife pregnant already (that was Marcie)
-Aeris's mother was named Iliya, he was brought to term, born in the Reef, and dumped on his dad bc his dad said they wouldn't need contraceptives bc Awoken and 'normal humans' couldn't interbreed. She pretty much birthed him out of spite
-He DID go back to the Reef a few times as a diplomat from Earth (his dad was politically savvy, if a douchebag), but I doubt his mom ever bothered with him much. Marcie was the only person he was close to, as he was her older brother and he ADORED her, and that was a bond that persisted even after their death and rez together
-she died in the Skolas Incident btw so no meeting her son again post-rez for her.
-This is something that Mara knew vaguely about, bc while Awoken/Humans are viable, they're really rare in the Reef. That she knew of his birth pre-death and who his mother was is part of the reason Aeris doesn't like her- it weirds him out. The only info that he got about himself pre-rez was from Marcie's diary (which was on her corpse when they were rezzed) was that the swearing woman underneath him in a rusted-out shelter in the cold of Old Russia was his half sister and that his father was a no-good whore, so the fact that someone out there knows of the other half of his family...it bothers him
-Despite that, he still has an instinctual connection to the Reef and a longing to fit in with it and gets really shy when Petra calls him 'cousin', since he's not quite right enough to stick in with Humans and too boring to be Awoken back on Earth, so it makes him feel included
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 4 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Age gap, language, sexual themes (used lightly) , physical abuse (Not by Dean).
Word Count: 1,125
A/N: This is my first story ever so please go easy on me. Also, this story is cross posted on Wattpad, I made a last minute decision to share it on here too. Happy reading! ♥️
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The next morning, Dean stood outside the dingy motel, sipping on a fresh cup of coffee, trying to shake off the fatigue from last night's hunt. His mind was still buzzing, mostly about Julia. She had come through, sure, but that didn't mean Dean was going to start cutting her any slack. He still couldn't shake the feeling that she was a ticking time bomb, too reckless, too stubborn.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open. Julia stepped out, glancing at Dean before making her way toward the Impala. She was trying to play it cool, but he could see the stiffness in her movements—probably sore from the throw the ghost gave her last night.
"Ready to hit the road?" she asked, her tone unusually neutral. She hadn't been her usual combative self this morning, which Dean found odd. She usually had some kind of comeback ready for him.
Dean gave her a once-over before responding. "You sure you're not gonna slow us down with that back of yours? Don't need you limping through the next hunt."
Julia's jaw clenched, but she forced a smile. "I'm fine. Ready for whatever comes next."
Dean grunted. "Good. Sam's still inside packing up. We'll hit the diner before we head out."
Julia nodded but didn't move to go inside or say anything else. She just lingered awkwardly by the car. Dean sipped his coffee, watching her out of the corner of his eye. She'd been trying harder lately—he could see that. Maybe it was Bobby's influence, or maybe she just had something to prove. Either way, Dean didn't trust it. She wasn't there yet, not by a long shot.
Julia took a deep breath, clearly trying to find the right words. "Look, Dean... I know we don't exactly get along—"
"Understatement," he muttered, cutting her off. He wasn't in the mood for another heart-to-heart.
She swallowed hard but pressed on. "Yeah, but... I'm not just some kid playing around. I get that you don't trust me, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this for the long haul. I want to help—really help."
Dean stared at her for a long moment, his face unreadable. "It's not about trust, Julia."
"Then what is it?" she asked, her voice tinged with frustration. "Every time I try to prove myself, you still treat me like I'm just some liability."
Dean's eyes hardened. "Because you are a liability. You haven't been doing this long enough to know what it really takes. One good night doesn't mean squat in the long run."
Julia's shoulders sagged slightly, but she didn't back down. "So what am I supposed to do? Just give up? Go home because you don't think I'm ready?"
Dean took another sip of his coffee, eyes narrowing. "You're Bobby's niece, and that's the only reason you're still here. You wanna stay alive in this life? Stop trying to impress people. Stop acting like this is some game you can win if you try hard enough. People die, Julia. Good people. People who are better than you or me. And if you keep pushing, it's gonna be you next."
Julia's face fell for a moment, the weight of Dean's words hitting her like a punch to the gut. But she quickly masked her hurt with a determined expression. "I'm not trying to impress anyone. I just want to do the right thing. Bobby believed in me—why can't you?"
Dean stared at her for a long moment, the mention of Bobby only adding to his frustration. He wasn't about to go easy on her just because she was family. Family didn't get special treatment in this life. They got tougher lessons because that's what kept them alive.
"Bobby's not here," Dean said, his voice cold. "And I'm not him."
Julia's eyes glistened with frustration, but she blinked it away. She was tired of fighting, tired of always feeling like she was coming up short in Dean's eyes. But giving up wasn't an option, not for her.
"Fine," she said quietly, her voice thick with emotion. "But I'm not quitting."
Dean didn't respond, just gave her a curt nod before sliding into the drivers seat of the impala. Sam settled into the passengers seat beside him, clearly picking up on the tension that hasn't settled. He gave Dean a look that said, Let it go, but Dean just shook his head, starting up the car without a word.
They pulled out of the motel parking lot, the familiar rumble of the Impala's engine filling the silence. The road stretched out in front of them, long and empty, and for a while, no one spoke. Dean kept his eyes on the road, his grip on the wheel tight. The silence between them wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it wasn't peaceful either.
Julia, from the backseat, finally broke the quiet. "So, what's next? Do we have any leads, or are we heading back to the bunker?"
Sam flipped through his notes again, always the researcher. "I was thinking we could check out the reports from that town in Ohio—possible werewolf sightings. But we don't have anything solid yet."
Dean grunted. "Could just be another wild goose chase."
"Maybe," Sam agreed. "But it's worth looking into."
Julia shifted in her seat. "I'm up for whatever. Just let me know where I'm needed."
Dean couldn't stop the eye roll that followed. There she was again, trying too hard. He didn't answer, just kept driving, the miles rolling by intense silence once more.
After a while, Sam closed his notebook and glanced over at Dean. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Dean muttered, though his jaw was set a little too tight. He wasn't about to get into it, not in front of Julia. The last thing he needed was for her to think he was the problem.
Julia stayed quiet after that, and the rest of the drive passed without much more than the hum of the engine and the occasional crackle of the radio. She looked out the window, her gaze fixed on the horizon. She wasn't sure how long it would take—or if Dean would ever really accept her—but she wasn't going to quit. Not now, not ever.
Dean might not trust her, might not even like her, but she wasn't doing this for him. She was doing this for herself. For Bobby. And for every other reason that had brought her into this life.
The road ahead was long, and Dean Winchester wasn't about to make it any easier.
But that was fine.
She was tougher than he gave her credit for. And one way or another, she was going to prove it.
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definitelynotgideon · 1 month
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This is a Genya Shinazugawa x OC (Gideon Azulyss) MLM Fic 🏳️‍🌈
A/N: Ayyyyy it's another chapter!!
I had fun writing this one just for the interactions and jokes. This one will have two parts at least. Maybe a third? I'm not sure yet.
CW: Slight suggestive language!
Word Count: 1,957
The Demons We Face | Chapter 18, The Wolf (Part 1)
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“That was annoying and I never want to do it again.”
“That's what a werewolf would say, to try to get someone off his trail.” Genya smirked as they walked.
“I don't know Genya. If I'm the wolf here you're the one *sharing a bed* with a dog so-”
“Well yeah, a good guard dog. You'll wake me up if there are demons. It's why I picked you.”
Gideon would never win this argument. Genya had several comebacks lined up. He'd been thinking of them since the first accusation.
There's a moment of silence while they walked. Genya laced his fingers in with Gideon’s. He couldn't help but drive one last dagger into the joke. He leaned in close to his ear.
“You're such a *good boy*, Gideon.”
The night fell on a sleepy village. The residents were restless, sleep deprived… on high alert. Because they were actively being hunted by what was reported to be some sort of werewolf. But the corps knew it didn't act like any such thing, and no one in the town could put a finger on who could have been transforming if that had been the case.
Genya and Gideon had arrived to frustrated, exhausted and angry farmers and their families. Not everyone knew about the demon slayer corps, and not everyone even believed demons existed… so it was a unique challenge to convince the townsfolk that they were not a threat.
Gideon hypothesized that the reason Genya was chosen for this mission was partly due to his marksman nature of fighting (in part). He was immediately able to convince the people that he was a hunter called to take care of a pest. But it took some finesse to convince them that Gideon was also a hunter.
“He's my hunting partner!! He helps slow the de- I mean the varmints, so I can get a clear shot the first time!” Genya was standing somewhat in front of Gideon while a few of the older men questioned them.
“Why doesn't he have a gun too? Yer really looking suspicious!! How are we supposed to trust that yer not the wolf?!”
“He has grey hair like a wolf too!! Unnatural!”
“Make him touch silver!!”
Gideon deadpanned at the woman who said for him to touch silver and placed a flat palm on the honed part of his hammer claw. Sure, it was nichirin metal… but maybe he'd get away with it. It was the *color* of silver…
“That's not silver it's iron!!”
God damn it.
Genya intervenes again. “So if he touches something silver and nothing happens, you'd be convinced he's not the wolf?”
The farmers nod. “Yeah. I'd be convinced.”
“Okay great! Do you have any silver that he can touch?”
They look around at each other. Pure silver was hard to come by. They were pretty convinced that it was why they couldn't fend off the wolf themselves.
Gideon groans softly. This wasn't going well.
Genya was still trying though. “Okay but think about it, why would I be traveling with a werewolf if I'm hunting them?”
“They're tricksters!! He's tricked you!!”
The people of the town began to grow even more restless. Night was fully upon them, and the slayers were losing valuable time on this argument. Genya pinches the bridge of his nose.
“...Fuck okay um… Listen, he and I share a bed. I would know. Okay? We've shared a bed for some time now. I'd know if my romantic partner was a werewolf.”
The old villagers were now… taken aback. But they stopped accusing Gideon of being a werewolf. Both of the traveling men are blushing, and the farmers are fairly convinced that it was not a fake confession just by that. They, at minimum, shut up about Gideon being the werewolf.
Just out of precaution though… the two men decide to camp instead of residing in the town. It was for the best.
Once they had wandered out of earshot Genya leaned in and kissed Gideon's cheek. “Gods, babe, stop being a werewolf already you're scaring people,” he teased. Gideon gave him a playful shove.
“That was annoying and I never want to do it again.”
“That's what a werewolf would say, to try to get someone off his trail.” Genya smirked as they walked.
“I don't know Genya. If I'm the wolf here you're the one *sharing a bed* with a dog so-”
“Well yeah, a good guard dog. You'll wake me up if there are demons. It's why I picked you.”
Gideon would never win this argument. Genya had several comebacks lined up. He'd been thinking of them since the first accusation.
There's a moment of silence while they walked. Genya laced his fingers in with Gideon’s. He couldn't help but drive one last dagger into the joke. He leaned in close to his ear.
“You're such a *good boy*, Gideon.”
He knows exactly what it'll do to the poor gay idiot by his side. He smirks as Gideons face and ears turn red in the lowlight of the night sky.
Gideon doesn't know whether to be mad or turned on by that. He blushes, a dusting of deep pink across his cheeks and ears tell Genya that he's succeeded in flustering his boyfriend. Genya was good at these games, and he'd had the upper hand all evening. So Gideon just leans into it.
“Yeah? What makes me ‘such a good boy?’” he asks, not letting go of his hand.
“So many things,” Genya says. But he doesn't expand on it, he just gives Gideon a smile. Mischievous sure, but also soft.
They come across a decent spot to set up their camp. Since they're out in the open, they'd need to share watch duty and carefully tend a fire. This may attract the threat right to them, but… less work in tracking it down if that happened. They start a fire for light, set up a sleeping area, and pull out rations to eat as they plan.
“We are still within earshot of the village, so if we hear a commotion I'll run up first to engage the threat. You can take your position easily to get shots off from a rooftop, while I distract it.” Gideon proposes.
Genya nods. “And if it comes here first, we can just engage it as we see fit.”
“Sounds good to me.” Gideon says, flopping down on the bedding. “Sucks we have to trade off watch duty. I want to cuddle you.” He pouts a little, but Genya smirks.
“Poor poor puppy,” he teases.
“I'm not a dog!!” he furrows his brow as Genya straddles him to play wrestle. He tries to sit up but Genya pins him down and he blushes *immediately.* It makes Genya laugh. He leans down to his ear.
“What's the matter? Flustered?”
“You're so mean, we are literally on a mission. And outside.”
Genya grins impishly. “I don't know what you're implying, baby…”
Gideon playfully strikes his chest. “Yes you do!”
Genya giggles at the play hit. “You're adorable when you're all worked up.” He reaches deftly for Gideons side and he squirms, but Genya already has a hold of him, pinning him at his waist. He starts tickling him and Gideon screams out laughing.
Genya decides to tease further while he tickles the living shit out of his boyfriend. “You're being so loud babe, gonna attract the wolf right to us at this rate.”
Gideon tries to get out a response amidst laughter. “If- Hhhhh!! If we die because of this!!! It's your fault!!!”
A rustle in the bushes grabs Genya's attention immediately and he stops. He freezes his emotions, eyes locked in the direction of the noise. Gideon immediately looks that way as well, trying desperately to breathe quietly after the horseplay.
A squirrel emerges and they both instantly relax. Genya huffs a little relieved laugh before leaning down to kiss Gideon's forehead, releasing him and allowing him up.
Gideon sits up and looks to Genya, who has gotten to his feet. The marksman looks around carefully, reassessing the area. Since they'd made noise, a lot of the smaller animals had fled. The squirrel was simply fleeing as well, it was just closer to them.
He can't tell exactly if it was because of them… or if a larger threat had driven everything away.
“...Gideon, you should rest. I'll take the first watch.” Genya looks to him. His silver haired boyfriend gazed back up at him in a small bit of concern, so Genya softens his gaze. They both know the danger is real… but it doesn't stop them from wanting to comfort each other.
Before Gideon can articulate a protest, Genya smiles at him gently. “I'll be fine. I'll wake you in an hour to trade. Okay? Rest for me.”
The threat was nearby, and Genya knew it. Gideon laid down, using his arms as a pillow buffer from the earth below. Genya stationed close to him, watching the darkened treeline with all of the awareness of a cat.
He knew if the wolf suddenly showed itself… he could shoot it quickly to avoid being completely ambushed. He held his gun on his lap, two cases had already been placed. The loaded shotgun made him even more careful and aware of their situation. He felt the weight every time he loaded his gun…
The cadence of Gideon’s breathing changes after ten minutes. Genya sneaks a warm glance at his sleeping form. Having him here alongside of him was a blessing… he was happy that he'd decided to come with him. He was confident that they could protect each other, and deal with the threat.
Time passed… an hour was quickly approaching. Genya was certain that the wolf would have made e itself known by now… but he begins to think of a backup plan as he tends the fire. He knows Gideon would be cross at him if he allowed him to sleep longer… so he gently runs his shoulder to wake him up.
“Hrrmm?” Gideon’s eyes peek open, squinting at the firelight.
“No sign of it… it's been an hour.”
Gideon sits up and rubs his eyes. “That's weird,” he says, mid yawn.
Genya looks to him as if thinking through a decision. “... I'm going to show you how to use my gun.”
“Hmm? Why?” He says, coming more to his senses.
“If the wolf attacks us here, a gun is our best bet. The quickest defense.” He looks to Gideon’s hammer. “You can pull a trigger faster than you can lift your hammer.”
Though he couldn't risk allowing Gideon a practice shot, he shows him how to hold it, allowing him to take it into his hand as he sits behind him and helps. “...For you, it might be easier to hold it with two hands. Don't place your finger on the trigger unless you are definitely ready to shoot.” Since he's so close to his ear, she speaks softly while he explains.
He lifts Gideon's arms gently up while he holds the gun out. “There will be kickback when you fire, so it's best to brace your arms… and right here in the center of the barrels is a little gap. Line that up with your target to aim before you fire.”
Gideon nods to each bit of instruction, taking it seriously. He can't help but shi er just a bit though, very aware of how close Genya is and the softened tone. He's still a little apprehensive about using a weapon that isn't his, especially a gun… but if it was for the best he'd do it.
Genya has Gideon carefully set the gun down, pointing away from them. Then he wraps his arms around him. “Only shoot once you see what it is. Okay? Wait until you see its eyes.” He presses a couple of kisses into the crook of his neck. “And remember I'm right here with you.”
Gideon turns to catch his lips in his own. Placing a hand over his, he presses his face against Genya's, touching their foreheads together. “I've got it down, I think. Thanks for showing me, love.”
Genya smiles and unwraps himself from Gideon, settling into a laying position so he can rest. “Of course.”
Gideon watches him settle, smiling and reaching to cup his arm affectionately. “I love you. I'll wake you in a couple of hours if there's nothing.”
Genya hums contently as he closes his eyes, settling in. “Love you too.”
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 7 months
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A Nonentity Turns 70
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Easter Sunday falls on my birthday this year. The last time that happened was in 2013. In my mind, it represents a kind of resurrection in my life. Maybe I’ll become famous—like Colonel Sanders or Grandma Moses—in my later years. Nah! That is one big pipedream of mine. This is the only life I have known and probably will be the only one I have. I hope that religion is wrong. I don’t want to live forever in bliss or in agonizing pain in hell. I embrace my mortality.
My past was littered in pain, struggle, humiliation, sickness, failure, lousy sex, poverty, and other negativities. However, I had moments of happiness, in 15-minute gradations. I was happy when I married Pamela on May 3, 1987. Plus, the time my song was on the radio in 1980. When I did have them, my periods of happiness were intense.
Before I fall asleep at night, I think about my past. I know it’s bad for my mental health, so I try to avoid reminiscing about the past. However, I don’t think about the bad times, only the good. I think about people I liked and wonder what ever happened to them. A lot of senior citizens like to bore younger people with long stories about their past—another thing I avoid. But the past can be informative to a new generation. There is that famous Winston Churchill quote: “Anyone who was not a liberal at 20 years of age had no heart, while anyone who was still a liberal at 40 had no head!” My head is attached to my torso just fine, thank you very much. My political views are to the extreme left at my old age. Why? Because, in my opinion, pragmatism is not a sign of maturity and creativity is a sign of happiness. Regardless, I have never wanted to be part of the two-party system.
So, what about the present? It consists of problems, more problems, and many more problems. I’ve got major health issues and, thanks to the untaxed one percent, we’ve got inflation. Yesterday I saw a single serving can of soup for $2.10. Jesus! The present sucks as far as G.O. politics, American politics, and religion goes. And thanks to the Likud party dropping bombs on Palestine’s innocent civilians, anti-Semitism has made a big comeback.
What about the future? At this point, I just don’t know. Pamela and I no longer like living here and want to move. The Catskill Mountains is a nice vacation destination, but we’ve come to find that some of its inhabitants are obnoxious white trash. We’ve got deer hunters, meth head Zoomers, MAGA dick heads, paranoid old ladies, and a gas station that sells over-priced junk food. Oh, and there are the Orthodox Jews who are a-social. Not a desirable location for us at all.
Being a nonentity is like being invisible. The way my life is going, I have zero influence. I am learning to control my ego. I am settling for less because I have no choice in the matter. I am going to be featured in two books, so I was told. My story will be in print if anybody cares. I do want to travel and see other lands before the grim reaper comes for me. Maybe death is just closing your eyes and never opening them again. I don’t know; I just don’t know.
And now, here come the 70’s. I could live to a hundred years old or die tomorrow.  When you are my age, you can go at any time. Life expectancy for males is now 73. Yeah, I am afraid to die, but I can’t stop it. It’s all about acceptance of physical law.
I wonder, who is going to die first? Biden or Trump? – Socrates said: “Be of good cheer about death and know this as a truth, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.
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nobodylikety · 9 months
Hello again loved the first fic thank you for writing it and am back with a new fic idea. What about a Momo fic where she is a college student and go’s a year below her girlfriend/partner (you can choose if it’s fem reader or Gn reader I don’t mind either) and Momo takes late night classes to and when she comes home to see her S/0 asleep on the desk studying for finals and knowing if she leaves them there they back going to hurt in the morning so she moves them to bed but it wakes them up and they say they need to study for finals but Momo doesn’t listen and sends them to bed.
Hope you have a good Christmas or holiday season btw
Hey, hello again! I'm happy that you like the previous fic <3 omg omg I love your ideas, they're really interesting! so here it goes, hope you like it ;)
ps: I hope you had a good Christmas <33
momo x gn reader! tags: college au! gn reader is very stubborn and doesn't want to sleep!
summary: It's finals week, and you're definitely not going to bed. Momo is trying everything she can think of to put those tired college neurons to sleep.
note: basically this gn reader studies archeology because, well, it's what I study and I think it's the only thing I master without having to resort to writing something probably inaccurate.
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It's finals week, which in university parlance means having the most memorable academic comeback in order to save the semester.
So given this forecast, your room in the student residence has been completely prepared for the almost apocalyptic days that lie ahead. The whiteboard hanging above your desk has been filled with your handwriting—which may be neat and legible, depending on factors like hand pain—presenting a meticulous to-do list organized according to schedules, with half-hour increments between each. Every available surface has been covered in cards and post-its; Even the shower, with worksheets neatly tucked into sheet protectors and taped to the curtain.
In turn, the kitchen has been stocked with frozen dinners and a delicious variety of canned goods, plus not necessarily very healthy snacks, courtesy of the mid-week trip to the supermarket.
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Now, back to the present, you were hunched over one of many notebooks, backlit by the dim fluorescent light of the IKEA desk lamp. You had a pile of textbooks next to him, as well as the pen in your hand and a half-written sheet of notes. “Robert Kelly (2003) prologue: Almost the entire world was initially colonized by people with an adaptation to foraging. Therefore, the adaptation of hunter-gatherers to “empty” landmasses is….”
However, before you could continue writing, you leaned your head against the desk, tiredly. You weren't going to take a nap, of course not, you were just resting for a moment. Yeah…,, just a moment. Lights out.
So while you're absolutely-not-napping, Momo comes to your room with the intention of hanging out after her night classes. However, you are practically spread out over a pile of books, the pen held loosely in your hand, and the freaking Robert Kelly note (2003) unfinished. It's not exactly a comfortable position, quite the contrary, but in the deep sleep you're in —that of a college student whose last night of decent sleep seems to have been in kindergarten—you don't realize it. But Momo does.
“God, their back is going to hurt tomorrow if they keeps this up,” Momo murmurs, leaving her backpack on the floor as she walks towards you, almost on tiptoe, as if she doesn't want to make a sound. She gently plants her hand on your shoulder, shaking it slowly, seeking a reaction from you.
A snore, and you change position. But it's still an awkward position, and Momo still knows that she'll hurt your back if you continue like this. She tries again. She shakes your shoulder, harder this time. There is no reaction, other than a grumpy complaint. That makes her giggle, because the truth is that when you're sleepy, you get grumpy. Like a baby with few hours of sleep.
“Okay, this isn't going to work,” she sighs, hands on her hips and staring at your sleeping form on the desk. Thinking.
Momo gives up on the idea of making you wake up. So she does the second most logical thing: take you to bed.
Which is fine in fact, great, with the slightest inconvenience that halfway through (she's dragging you, putting your arm over her shoulder, while her hand holds onto your side) you wake up. Kinda. Something like that. You're only 10% awake, but that 10% wants to study for finals, not sleep.
“Moguri, I have to continue studying…” You complain sleepily, between yawns. You try to move away from Momo's gentle grasp, the one who intends to take you to bed so that you can finally fall asleep.
“Oh, please,” Momo chuckles, rolling her eyes. “You're barely standing. How do you intend to study like this?”
“I'll have a coffee” You respond, more out of instinct than anything else.
“But you hate coffee.”
"Fair point. So, some kind of drink that TikTok recommends to me.”
“You're really stubborn, aren't you?” Momo wrinkles her nose in a tender gesture, before nuzzle your cheek with it. You only respond with an 'mhm', while nodding. “Also, you always say you don't trust someone whose source of information is TikTok.”
“I can always change my mind” Momo just laughs, dragging you to your bed. She doesn't get you to lie down right away, so you're both sitting, you resting your head on her shoulder.
She sighs, causing the shoulder you're leaning on to rise slightly, before returning to its original position. She gives you a fond look, using her free hand to tangle in your hair, rubbing it slowly. They are sweet, comforting caresses that could easily put you to sleep...
"I have to study. Seriously, I'm missing a lot about definitions of hunter-gatherers, and theories of American settlement…” 
“What you have to do is go to bed. Come on, I'll even snuggle you.” Momo's fingers continue to tangle in her hair, rubbing your head in soothing circular motions.
“Unfortunately, I can't” You are like a stubborn child. You get grumpy from lack of sleep, but you don't want to sleep either. It's like Shrödinger's cat paradox, you are asleep and awake at the same time, in a superposition of states according to how you don't want to sleep even when you are sleepy.
“Hun, I'm not sure what part of 'bedtime' you don't understand. 'Bedtime' is not me announcing what I'm going to do next. 'Bedtime' is a suggestion of something that might be beneficial to your overall health and well-being.”
“Damn my health and general well-being.” With an exaggeratedly cheerful tone, you stand up and prepare to return to your desk. “Why sleep when there is work to do?”
“Because you're going to reach a point where you won't be able to do the work and your body will force you to sleep.” Momo is basically a year below you, but since finals week started, she seems to be the one in charge. The responsible one. Because you, with a maximum of 4 hours of sleep during the day, can't do much. You are so focused on studying, that you would be negligent of yourself for the sake of studying.
You are very willing to return to your desk to work. Really. Totally willing. But when you hear Momo talk to you like this, so worried (about you), so comforting, and expressing affection so easily, you doubt your decision.
Because usually, Momo's praise washes over you like a warm bath at the end of a long day, or a steaming bowl of soup on a winter's night. Something welcome and comforting, that she warms you from head to toe. Maybe sleeping isn't so bad. Not if Momo is with you.
“...maybe I could take a nap,” You admit, slowly turning to Momo. She is still sitting on your bed, smiling softly. She knows that you put aside your stubbornness and came to your senses. “But only if you stay with me.”
Momo's expression softens, and she pats the space next to her, inviting you.
“Come, let's go to sleep. Tomorrow you will study.”
“Yeah, because I still have to study Binford, Schiffer, Kelly again…”
“You'll do that tomorrow, Alan Grant” Momo teases you a little, calling you in a loving tone by the name of the Jurassic Park character.
“Actually Alan Grant was a paleontologist, not an archaeologist…” Momo silences you with a small kiss on the lips, pulling you to lie down. “Oh, well, it doesn't really matter.”
Because the fact that Momo prefers to call you Alan Grant and not Indiana Jones, or that you still haven't finished writing that damn note that still lies on your desk, doesn't matter now. The most important thing is that it’s time to sleep.
And that studying for finals can wait.
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Watching and Dreaming Reaction
Almost a week late, but here is my eleven (and final) Owl House reaction!
Before the Special
I am so nervexcited about hitting play. This is it after all. Endings are very important; many pieces of media were ruined by a bad ending. I don't think they will drop the ball, but still.
Anywhere, predictions! Man, that was a great trailer, wasn't it? Luz is dressed as Belos? That giant heart is making a surprise comeback? Lyrics!? My guess, the Collector sent them all to different games (like the pacman thing), and then Luz is put into a Belos roleplaying thing. Did Belos convince the Collector to do this as a sort of forced empathy thing? Is this a manifestation of Luz's guilt? Luz trying to find out more about the Emperor's relationship with the Collector? The Collector makes Luz into the bad guy out of jealousy? Actually, that last one might be it. Whatever the case, it looks like Luz is forced to fight all her friends, but they will manage to snap out of it long enough to do the whole "you got to wake up" "how?" "you turn on the lights" thing. I just know that's going to be a good moment, I can't wait.
It looks there is going to be a sad Collector scene. Is he by himself, or is he talking to Belos/"Raine"? I'm still thinking that Luz is going to do one last "empathized with sad kid" routine to convince the Collector to start caring about others. And then they save Raine and kill Belos! Now that I think about it, Luz and co needs a plan to drive the plot until the Collector talk. She must be sneaking around as Belos for reason after all.
Wait duh, they will be trying to beat the Collector at his own game! And then Luz will try to change it to her own game.
Ok, enough speculation, on with the show!
Side note: I caught that unauthorized thumbnail of Willow. Some people are saying that it's likely from a post-victory montage. Does that mean that Willow will become a professional Flyer derby player? Good for her.
The Special
oh, we are picking up immediately after the end of For the Future
Luz is losing consciousness and blinking while everyone was taken
back here! wait, the subtitles are saying "Papa Titan", that's a spoiler
oh, we are meeting Belos!Luz sooner than I expected
"power noodle" never change Luz
ooh, Amity is mad. Luz needs to trust her friends more
ah, these are like nightmare dreams for the main trio
Eda fears being treated as a monster by her family, eh?
now it's King's turn. he gets to hang out with Bill!
back to Luz... in Willow's mind? oh, she is meeting all her friends individually
here's Hunter being jealous of Luz. does this mean that Luz is feeling guilty about her life being better than him?
here's Gus putting on a show
alright! time for a witch's... battle?
wait, they're fake puppet people!
no wait, they're real, just controlled
ah, the "wake up" scene. ngl, it's not as climatic as I expected
aww, we're done with that already?
Luz wakes up on a chessboard
time to wake everyone up
ray-ray? the Collector is too cute
this was an attempt to make the trio repent? Belos going back to the old playbook I see
oh no, Belos knows about titans being immune to Collector magic!
so powerful the heart still beats
"just fix them" huh, the Collector doesn't know what death is
Raine's fighting back! you go bard!
here lies the puppet squad. but what's this? puppet Amity is making a move? I've seen the fan theories, I think I know where this is going
oh, I got the order all wrong. in retrospect, I guess it made sense that the trailer only included scenes from the very beginning
games montage: Pacman, marbles, blocks
embarrassed Collector
ah! King is using "them" to refer to the Collector!
"can't last forever" yeah, but Collector boy here can outlive you I'm pretty sure
cool, some Collector lore. so their siblings are known as the Archivists?
play a game with the titans? ooooh.... the archivists used him as a distraction to trap the baby titans. or even killed them, considering that Collector is ignorant of death
Collector is willing to settle for a pretend friend, how tragic
ah, they are going to do an owl house livewatch, I see
come on Raine, stop him!
ha! take that Be- wait, no!
it's like a cancer spreading around the iles
puppet Amity managed to scratch out a light glyph, waking them all up
ah, Luz is showing them all the places in her memories
ha, grugby is nonsense
Collector is looking left out from the trio's banter
Collector calls it titan magic, but again with the "titan's favor" thing! I don't like this idea that Luz was "given", dare I saw "chosen", her glyphs
but bonding time is over now, Belos is making his move
ha, call back to when Tinella Nosa stole that rat's home
wow, a dragon transformation, real original Belos
kindness and forgiveness, not like that Collector
oh no, Luz did a heroic sacrifice
damn, do all protagonists need to die nowadays
this is a very unfortunate way for Collector to learn about death, considering Luz is almost definitely going to come back
King and Eda's going beast mode
Luz reformed in the in-between, time for a meeting for Papa Titan?
"I should have thanked them" oh Luz. a people pleaser to the end
! is that confirmation that Hooty is tied to the titan!
"both king and queen", ah, so like snails then? or do titans reproduce asexually?
he was watching over King from beyond the grave, oh no, I'm feeling things
Luz is talking about her guilt with the titan, finally, some therapy
Luz is getting her own power up, cool
first Amity now Collector, it seems all magic is failing
oh god, Luz is literally a light glyph
omg, furry Luz! The prophecy is fulfilled!
I'm disappointed in you Luz, you didn't prepare any lines?
aww, Eda finally gets to teach Luz some traditional witch magic
and King helps with the titan wahs!
what's with the grass
ah, Camila remembers her glyph lessons
wait, is that actual land off in the distance?
hooray, Raine is saved!
the inevitable Good Witch Luz speech, yes!
Wait, wasn't Bonesborough on the left arm? or, was it the right arm?
ha, typical, Belos is trying one last trick
haha, he's dead now
"I loaf you" sobbing, it's perfect
And that's the end of the episode! now's for the epilogue
Luz's friends reunited with their parents. oh, and Odalia was there also
Darius is there to be Hunter's guardian. but Camila is still his human guardian, right?
Lumity kiss!
Amity is still not used to Hooty, huh. something to bond with Camila over
Collector is going back to the stars
Titan magic is dead
Long live palismen magic!
time skip... to leaving for university
Vee with a nose ring!
god, they did a "goodbye to the magic" fake out - trice!
Hunter is now a full-blown palismen carver
Boscha sells sports equipment. ok
Matty has a real mustache now
magic sigal removal
aww, a baby slitherbeast. and a baby selkidomus! nature is healing
Gus got a human exchange program. does this mean that the Human Realm is aware of the Demon Realm?
Eda is the headmaster of a university now
King's looking a little older
King-ceanera! what a cute way to show a quinceanera while still having a multiyear time skip. I do gotta ask, however, is this culturally sensitive?
aww, it's cute how big King's glyphs need to be to make that small light.
that was delightfully meta, what with the saying goodbye to the camera and the fakeouts from earlier.
Reactions to Other Reactions
Dana signed Luz's scholarship lol
It was neat how the titan was kinda a father figure to Luz
someone called Future Amity a lesbian sky pirate. I can see it. but wait, now that I look closer, I see that I missed that Amity is a book-hunting adventurer now
Amity's undercut reminds me of the way a fanartist who I quite like draws her
Dana confirms that Hunter's new palismen's name is Waffles
8k notes on Tumblr baby! the Owl House's number one for almost a week!
Luz died and was reborn, it's an Easter miracle! this can't be a coincidence, Disney's schedulers must know what they're doing
yeah, it's both funny and sad that Luz can believe that Amity wouldn't misquote a book but not that her friends won't hate her. the biggest flaw imo of this season is that they never dedicated enough time to resolving Luz's guilt in a satisfying way
some people think that Belo's death scene was bad and anticlimactic? not every death needs to happen during the climax, god. he was defeated already, ok? him trying to hoodwink Luz one last time and failing is just a funny way to get rid of him afterward.
and why are Philip fans so disappointed in him being called ungenuine? the man literally tried to commit genocide. no one can believe that he was genuinely trying to save anyone, and the Titan was right to tell Luz that she is nothing like him. god, you have an unhappy childhood and suddenly people start believing that murdering the Other is a logical response...
yeah, the Collector leaving everyone to go to his family just doesn't seem right. let's pretend that he visits often
oh, the Disney channel broadcast put Weirdmageddon right after this one? that's very funny
Luz is wearing Amity's necklace omg
oh, I missed the other basilisks at the university! I'm so happy for them! this means that Vee can be reunited with them
yeah, I love how Titan Luz looks so evil. she continues to look dark and edgy while actually being sweet and nice. It reminds me of how Disney villains used to be queer-coded. now the bisexual is villain-coded! it's also why I find the fan-made personality of beta Luz to be very funny. I'm pretty sure most people are misunderstanding "Lucia's" character...
wait, Titan Luz had no fluffy tail, weak
Amity didn't get to see Titan Luz! biggest casualty of the need to focus on the main trio tbh
Luz really is the Titan's blorbo
apparently, the show notes call Titan Luz "Luzan"? and somebody on Reddit suggests calling her "Luzifer". both are fun suggestions, but I think I prefer Titan Luz just a little bit better.
What's Next?
I know a lot of people are sad that The Owl House is over, but I like to be optimistic. This is not an ending, but a completion! After 4 years of hard work, the animators have finally finished, they're free from their labor! We should all celebrate!
Myself, I plan to rewatch The Owl House yet again, so that's most of the year taken care of. And putting college!Luz into the Sims is definitely on the agenda.
Of course, Disney is still making other shows. I liked The Ghost & Molly Mcgee, and Moon Girl seems cool to me. Sure, they're both less serialized than Owl House, but tbh I think serialization is less important than people make it out to be.
And there are other shows out there. I have been meaning to finish Kipo & the Wonderbeast, Dead End: Paranormal Park, and SpyxFamily. And I never started Craig of the Creek, Big City Green, etc. Contrary to what some people say, animation ain't dead yet.
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