#jojos listen to stuff
thistledropkick · 10 months
After Desperado told Hiromu about his eye condition, Hiromu repeatedly said that he wanted Desperado to give him detailed updates on his health situation, and it seems like he meant it. He brought it up immediately on the first day of the current tour and hasn't given up yet.
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"The backstage comments are getting stupid again"
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Hiromu in the QRT said: "El Desperado, can you hear me? Your eye, your eye surgery, please tell me if it has been completed successfully and safely. ....Yeah, this part of my backstage comment will probably be put onto "X" I think. So please quote it and comment, Desperado-senshu."
Desperado quoted it to say: "You know that if you tell me to do something, I will absolutely never do it."
Undiscouraged, Hiromu continued in the next day's backstage comments:
"First things first. Desperado! Thanks for the comment! But I still want to hear how your eyes are doing, and what % of normal vision you're at right now. Please reassure me! I want to hear the words "I'm 100% healedpiii~!" directly from your mouth, please. I think this part of what I said today will be put onto 'X'"
Desperado didn't respond directly to Hiromu, but he did post an update:
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"It hasn't even been a week since my surgery so I'm having terrible double vision, even worse than before the surgery
When I have both eyes open, even if I'm somewhere flat, my balance feels weighted backwards, and the visuals make me nauseous
So I've been wearing an eyepatch everywhere, and traveling by taxi and train instead of driving
But that narrows my field of vision so much that I keep crashing into things and getting in peoples' way...
This suuuucks"
Still not getting the answer he requested, Hiromu escalated.
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His wrist tape for today's match read "Despe" "are your eyes" "okay?"
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And in his backstage comments, he said that since Desperado isn't talking to him about this on twitter, he wants Desperado to reach out to him directly on the Japanese chat app LINE.
Desperado QRTed a reply, but to the NJPW World account instead of directly to Hiromu.
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"My eyes aren't the problem, it's the muscles that move my eyes that are the problem
The muscles that move my eyes are still warming up and getting used to working
I've still got total double vision
I see two people, like the distance between a stand and their stand user"
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"So basically, after the muscles that move your eyes are done warming up, you'll intensely train those eyeball-moving muscles so you'll become even stronger than before, okay 🙆 ? "
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"I will not do anything to train those muscles after they're done warming up"
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"Why did you suddenly start replying to me on X after I said on my backstage comment "Tell me your LINE"?
Ah, whyyy whyyy?"
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kittyplushiezz · 1 year
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this is what jjba and vkei at once does to a person >_<
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wienners · 5 months
okay for a guy who entirely missed out on emh when it happened. Is there still a way to actually experience it as a complete thing still. seeing as so much of it was hosted on so many different platforms and idk how many of them still exist to be looked at im INTIMIDATED... but i miss slenderman i want to see it. how useful are the nightmind videos on it... help
the nightmind videos are basically the best way to start the series because he compiles all the blog posts and tweets explaining what happened in between each early video, and the highlights of the early livestreams. AND he explains the trials and the packages that got sent out. That includes the highlighted parts of the books in the packages and what that meant for the series. Basically analysis that the fans were doing at the time it was coming out. THAT BEING SAID! There's some videos that he just briefly summarizes or brushes over, and theyre still fun to watch even if theyre less relevant to the overall story.
So tbh i recommend watching the Nightminds, and watching the subsequent videos as he's covering them. I would say from... this video onward ish (its a little bit into part 4 of the explanation videos. watch that for yourself)
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The twists and scares are better experienced that way without nightmind over your shoulder explaining whats up. and if youre confused, just go back to the explanation vids! (especially before jim thorpe. there's a lot of shenanigans to explain there) Also once u watch the later vids, you can skip around the explained parts 5-7 bc NM puts a lot of just the full videos in so it goes by faster
ALSO! this playlist is the most complete one ive seen, it has not just the series itself, but the videos of the fans opening the habit packages, the crossover episodes with the other SV series, and the really long discovered audio tapes from the end of the series (which i was there for the discovery of, super cool! :D)
EDIT EDIT EDIT! someone linked me a playlist thats even MORE comprehensive!!
here it is
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platykool · 2 years
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yeah dude, are you listening to him telling the same story over and over again ?
I was supposed to draw the rest of the background but I realised that I’m too lazy to do it, so I’m posting it like that 
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shoechoe · 1 year
You know, speaking of music, last school year I took a class that was supposed to be about studying and appreciating a wide variety of music genres, but a thing that bothered me was that the teacher really obviously hated metal music. Like, she would talk about learning to appreciate all genres but make very backhanded comments about metal specifically (and saying stuff like "every time I listen to metal I think 'oh, doesn't the screaming hurt?'" when scream singing does, in fact, not hurt your voice if you do it correctly... in a class where we learn about different singing techniques for different genres...) That class was pretty awful for a lot of reasons but that in particular got on my nerves as someone who knows a lot of metal fans.
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4arconinoma · 1 year
Listen to me listen I sont even know how to convey this right at all I just think Yoshikage Kira is one of the absolute best fucking villains in absolutely everything with rhe Coolest most fuckinf satisfting final battle and demise ive ever seen in my entire entire ENTIRE godforsaken life I am soooooooo
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My friend texted our groupchat to tell us she watched RTC but instead of telling us like “I just watched Ride The Cyclone” or anything normal she texted us:
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Which honestly slay of her
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starocide · 2 years
i got two more but take your pick: foo fighters, palette 15, emoji e1 or gwess, palette 19, emoji b1
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Are you really going to scroll by without saying howdy
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actual-haise · 2 years
Doctor Who is like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for British people
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dahldahlbills · 1 year
juggling three different writing projects in my head rn i feel like im going insane
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missingcastle · 1 year
I really want to draw the part of the Stone Ocean cast in a Bass Pro Shop. Like Anasui, Ermes, and Jolyne are goofing around playing with stuff Jotaro and Emporio are enjoying themselves talking about fish and different boats and ATVs. The only reason they went in is Jotaro needed some new equiment for work and only wanted to take a second but then Emporio saw a boat and started talking about boat facts and how he wants to drive one. Those 2 would be great friends. 
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gales-boyfriend · 2 years
im probably going to make spn x jjba stuff and put so much effort into it for no reason except i think it will be fun <3
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soothinghymn · 10 months
5, 15, and 25 for your spotify wrapped? 😊
Why are spotify embeds so chonky now... oh well. Enjoy 5, 15, and 25 in that order
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diamantefangs · 1 year
Please let me rewrite Beastars I can fix it
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Giorno be like 'You come to me...on the day that I am so sleepy...’
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coollyinterferes · 1 year
When it comes to your muse's voice, do you prefer the original or dub voice actor for them?
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unprompted asks 【always accepting】
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//I'm gonna be very real here, nonny: I have never watched the dub in its entirety, but I have watched some clips from the US dub over the years (which I assume this question is about? If not, please correct me!). While I can appreciate the efforts of the voice actors involved in the dub, the reality is that.... the dub feels pretty butchered to me, especially in PB, as far as I could see. Between fake British accents and a very posh manner of speech even for characters who have slangy, sometimes actually vulgar, speech in the original (Speedwagon, namely, but not exclusively), and just.... being toned down overall with the cussing and the overall intensity (along with the shit talking between Spw and Zeppeli getting completely taken out, though that seems to be a translation mistake as most translations miss it, too for some ungodly reason), and this is something the dub actors have sometimes commented they did. Heck, Spw's dub VA has even joked about how the original VA probs died during the recordings due to how intense he was, lol. It's a decent dub and all, but the original dub in Japanese is leagues better imo. Plus, I feel like the dub lacks the "unspoken feel" they tried to show in the og for some of the characters through their voices (Jonathan's sweet/gentle side, Speedwagon's -sometimes over the top- intensity, Dio being terrifying and imposing even with words alone, Zeppeli's quirkiness, etc).
All that said, I totally favor the Japanese voices. As chopped as the PB anime is, there is a good reason DP spent so long doing the cast for its voice actors (months in most cases, iirc? Speedwagon being one of the characters that took them the longest to find "the right voice" for), and it shows!
So, yeah! I think I also mentioned it somewhere in the About pages, but my voiceclaims for Speedwagon (as well as the side muses) are their og voice actors for the anime and later games! So....
Spw: Youji Ueda
Jonathan: Kazuyuki Okitsu
Tattoo: Hiroaki Tajiri
Li (Kenpo Master): Itaru Yamamoto
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