#jonathan 'precious cinnamon roll' harker
your-friend-bram · 8 months
September 30
I don't blame Mina for impulsively giving Quincey a friendly kiss. I think simple little kisses are his love language; they're like a vow of friendship. Personally, I think Quincey deserves another kiss— preferably one on the mouth, for being so alert and shooting at the bat on the windowsill.
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bidrums · 5 years
Lucy Westernra loved Mina Harker.
She also loved Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, and Dr. Seward.
She writes to Mina and says that she wishes that she didn’t have to choose between the men she loved because she wanted to marry all three of them and hated to be the cause of any sadness they’d have. 
Lucy Westernra was not possessive of Mina Harker, nor was she jealous of Mina and Jonathan’s relationship.
Lucy is overjoyed when Mina gets married and whenever the topic of their relationship is brought up- wether in conversation or in the few POV chapters we get from her- she is supportive of her best friend and talks of how well-matched they are and she’s so happy that she gets to see two of her best friends with someone they love.
I mean, Mina even says that Lucy isn’t jealous by nature!!!
Mina and Lucy obviously had a relationship closer than regular friendship, and closer than a “sisterly bond”. Mina says that she loves Lucy with “All the moods and tenses of the verb,” and also mentions several times how lovely Lucy is when she’s asleep with words that a lover would. Was it just super deep platonic feelings? Was it romance? Was it something different? Who knows? But the fact remains, they certainly weren’t two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart.
Mina Harker loved Lucy with all her heart.
She also loved Jonathan Harker.
Seriously, Mina and Jonathan are relationship goals and a perfect example of a power couple. They’ve known each other since they were children, they share interests, their strengths compliment each other’s, they’re supportive, they’re in love. Jonathan was literally willing to have Mina turn him into a vampire if they couldn’t stop her turning in time. When Jonathan made his escape from Castle Dracula, the last thing he thinks of is Mina. He was ready to rip Dracula apart with his bare hands on the spot after Mina got attacked. Mina told Jonathan not to share any information with her once the mental link happened because she didn’t want to hurt him or the rest of the Crew of Light. She memorized entire train schedules just because she wanted to help Jonathan out with his commute time. She tried to help him with every resource she got and begged Van Helsing to assist that effort. They literally don’t keep any secrets from each other.
A lot of this applies to her relationship with Lucy.
I’m here for Lucy being in love with Mina explicitly in adaptations of Dracula, but I think that recently people are forgetting that Lucy wasn’t jealous of Mina or hated Jonathan or anything of the sort. Lucy was the embodiment of a precious cinnamon roll who loved her best friend and loved all three of the men who proposed to her and gladly would’ve married Arthur, Quincey, Seward, Mina, and Jonathan if she could’ve. 
I just really don’t like that some portrayals of her it’s Lucy in the Closet who is in love with Mina and longs for her but unfortunately she’s in love with a Straight Man and in a Hetero Relationship where the man isn’t really that great of a guy for her- which is also mean to Jonathan because again, he would kill everyone in the room and then himself if anything happened to Mina and was just a nice dude In General- and can’t accept the fact that she’s got Romantic Feelings for Lucy so there’s a weird dance because Lucy Has To Be In The Closet Because Victorian Society Won’t Accept Her and Mina Is In Denial About Her Feelings For Lucy And Is Throwing Her Happiness Away For A Straight Relationship With A Jerk. It’s not very fair to any of them, and it actually ruins the driving force for the whole gang’s campaign against Dracula. 
The whole reason why they even came together was because they loved Lucy, Lucy loved them, and the monster who slowly and torturously killed her before turning her into a monster has hell to pay. Stop pitting wholesome relationships against each other and trying to make statements about Oppressive Victorian Society with characters who actually were counterculture in their own ways in the original material, and don’t forget that Quincey, Arthur, and Seward exist and were in love with Lucy and were loved by Lucy.
TL;DR Lucy Westernra was a sweetheart who was most likely plyamourous, and writing her as being jealous of Mina and Mina’s relationship due to some form of unrequited love and being Forever Alone is misinterpreting a deep and unselfish love for her friend as well as erasing her own romantic arc and relationships.
Idk I just noticed this sort of thing and it took me a while to understand why I fully support Mina/Lucy but didn’t like a good chunk of the Mina/Lucy content I’ve seen and wanted to make an extremely long and rambling post about it once it clicked.
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your-friend-bram · 9 months
August 12
Jonathan! My dear friend Jonathan! It's so good to know that he survived. However, I can't help but fear this good fortune will come at a cost. Like, for instance, Lucy being left to her nighttime wanderings and stumbling across Dracula again.
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your-friend-bram · 8 months
October 3
My heart! My heart! Oh, it's breaking for Mina and Jonathan and even Renfield. Dracula has gone too far. Stop the count!
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your-friend-bram · 8 months
October 2
Jonathan is out hunting down Dracula's safe-house; Arthur and Quincey are adopting and raising a menagerie of animals (terriers and horses); Dr. Van Helsing is looking up holistic vampire remedies in a library; Seward's favorite patient appears to be dead; and Mina is looking worse for wear with everyone still thinking it's because she's emotional and not at all vampire related.
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your-friend-bram · 8 months
October 1
I don't understand how all these men could praise Mina, and then in the next breath turn around and say she shouldn't be involved anymore. Even though they themselves admit that if it wasn't for her, then they wouldn't know what to do or who to look for. Not to mention that fact that none of them really noticed how she was suddenly starting to get a lot, if not all, of the same symptoms Lucy had after being fed upon by Dracula.
The only person who seems to be even slightly aware of Mina's distress is Jonathan; and he's chalked it up to an emotional distress, not a physical reaction to being fed up. It's horrible that Mina feels the need to hide her emotions and feelings from the men, lest they think she even more incapable, even though they've came to her and cried before her. Mina can't just be a good woman, she has to be perfect! And even then, that's not good enough. Poor thing. If only Lucy were still alive, then she'd have a friend to confide in and someone to freely share her sorrows.
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your-friend-bram · 8 months
September 29
So much is happening now, they're getting to the really juicy bits. I'm most excited about Mina and Jonathan's parts!
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
May 12
You need to leave, Jonathan. If a man is crawling down the walls on the outside of his castle, you need to leave! Why did you agree to stay a month? Why did you agree to write letters? Why, Jonathan? Where is your fighting spirit? For god’s sake man, you must have some fight in you! Think Jonathan; use that head of yours. Think of Mina. She thinks you’ll be back by the end of the week. She’s waiting for you!
Your friend,
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
May 31
Oh, Jonathan... The count really isn’t trying to hide his villainy anymore, is he?
Your friend,
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
May 19
Jonathan has always been a clever person. I fear sometimes too clever, for now he knows the day on which Count Dracula plans to get rid of him. Jonathan must be absolutely terrified out of his wits knowing his execution date. June 29— you have until then to use that cleverness of yours Jonathan to get out of there! Don’t die, and don’t keep Mina waiting. You’re supposed to get married remember?
Your friend,
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
May 16
Oh Jonathan. My poor dear friend.  Last night (or extremely early this morning) he seemed to be accosted my three women— either in his sleep, or in reality. I fear for him if it truly is the latter. He seemed to be saved from these visions of women by none other than the count himself; but the man was extremely wrathful and possessive. He told the visions that Jonathan belonged to him.
Count Dracula, my good sir, if Jonathan belongs to anyone then it’s to his fiancé Mina Murray. At the very least his hand is hers, and they will take vows one day to swear their lives to each other.
I pray that Jonathan gathers the courage to leave his room again, for he will need that courage if he is to ever leave the castle. Remember Jonathan, that room may seem like a sanctuary for now, but it’s really a prison. You’re in nothing more than a gilded cage, my friend, never forget that. And the count, though he may have helped, is still your jailer and will never let you go willingly; his possessive manner early only confirmed that.
Your friend,
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
May 15
My friend Jonathan may have a chance at escape. He’s found another room in the castle that looks like it used to belong to a former lady of the place. While exploring, he looked out the windows and took in the lay of the land. The castle— according to Jonathan, sits on a rock and is situated in such a way that there is only way one that is penetrable. A chance is chance, Jonathan, take it while you can.
Your friend,
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
May 28
Oh Jonathan! The letters you tried to send were a brilliant idea. Keep trying, keep thinking! We now know the count can’t read shorthand— that’s why he was so angry. He can’t control and manipulate you if he can’t figure out what you’re thinking, or where your heart lies. Don’t give up, Jonathan! I know you think you aren’t doing much, but the very fact that you keep resisting speaks volumes about your character and spirit. You are unbreakable thus far and will continue to be. I know you’ll figure something out— just keep fighting, Jonathan; in your own special way.
Your friend,
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your-friend-bram · 7 months
October 4
Professor, vampire hunter, surgeon, hypnotist; is there anything Dr. Van Helsing can't do?
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your-friend-bram · 9 months
August 24
My heart is so full and breaking all at once!
I'm so happy for Mina and her marriage to Jonathan. It was so wonderful to hear from him again, and yet so horrible seeing him as a shadow of his former self; knowing all the horrors he went through, and how the thing that inflicted them upon him is still out there somewhere.
Couple that with the bitter anxiety of hearing about Lucy not wanting to sleep alone— afraid of things she can't quite remember, but knowing that something isn't quite right— all while Mina is getting married to the love of her life, and being elated at finally becoming Mrs. Harker. It's just all too much.
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your-friend-bram · 10 months
August 3
You're right captain: It is nearly all over now. For you at least.
Mina, my dear, I miss Jonathan too.
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