#jordan had been ranting for at least like 10 minutes
apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
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Daily Blog #2: August 9, 2021
I really don't have much to write about today; I suppose everything was pretty average.
I woke up at 7:00, accidentally passed out for 20 minutes, then woke back up and talked to my friends.
Had a fight with my mom as to why I actually need to get a shower in the morning and she doesn't, for I actually go to work and she stays at home all day, but she once again refused the idea that I should have any sort of shower priority.
I did end up getting a shower, brushed my hair, and put on my SHAPING UNDERWEAR!!! EEEEEEEE oh my FLUFF I love these things!!! It's so easy to feel confident in my sexy ass clothes that actually make me feel good.
I relaxed for a bit and talked to my partner because I didn't start work until later, 11:30 to be exact. I made breakfast at 10:45 and once again had a fight with my mom because she gets absolutely pissed off at me whenever I eat breakfast that late, despite the fact that I won't get home to eat dinner until 8:00PM and want to have my meals more evenly spread out so I won't be hungry all day.
It seems that no matter how hard you try, nor how good your reasons are, you can't defeat a narcissist with a "because I said so" attitude and a feeling of authority.
That's one thing: I don't give away respect. I don't believe my parents deserve my respect, and so they don't get any. Everyone else, including my teachers and boss, have always been nice to me and understanding, and so I'm nice and understanding in return, in addition to doing what they say. In fact, I'm automatically nice to people if I'm just meeting them; the only thing that will change that is if they show me that they're a bad person.
But yeah, work was fun, despite the fact that I was tired af all day lol. I basically just hung clothes, cleaned up, rotated stock, and helped customers.
I'd much rather be at work than be at home.
I got home and ate some pizza that was in the fridge and watched some Steven Universe. I then decided that I wanted to use the PlayStation 4, of which no one else was using and of which I had not touched in at least 5 months.
Here's a little backstory with that console:
We have absolute trash wifi range. Like, it doesn't reach more than 30 feet. So naturally, my brother wants to keep the PlayStation in the living room where not only does it bother everyone else if it's being used by one person, but, of course, the wifi doesn't reach. In addition to that, I've taken the time to buy and install a proper surround system in the room my brother and I share, and I have a 120hz 55" that I picked up and fixed myself. Not to mention the wifi actually reaches here and you can play games. But of course, my brother refuses to play it on anything other than the 40" in the living room for no reason other than he wants to.
And so, as my brother and mom get ready to use the TV to play Mario Kart on his Switch that my mom bought him, I go to grab the PS4, but I'm instantly told that I'm not allowed to use it unless it's in the living room.
"But I can't play anything out here; the wifi doesn't reach. Not to mention, you're using this TV."
"So wait until we're done and then play it."
"But I can't play it out here."
"Yes you can, the wifi reaches."
"No, it literally doesn't."
"Well then play it out here anyway"
And of course, that exchange went on for a stupidly long amount of time until my mom pulled the "JORDAN" card and screamed for my dad, just like she always fucking does. I got fed up with it and just grabbed it anyway and brought it back to my lair (which is referring to the shared room with my brother where I keep all of the electronics and distractions that keep me sane) and turned it on, only to be met by a 45 minute mandatory update for the game.
What the hell is up with consoles today and needing huge updates almost every time you turn the thing on? Xbox 360 occasionally needed updates, but those took like a minute half the time. Stuff like the PS2, Xbox, and Wii never needed that. Can't there just be a plug and play console anymore? That would be absolutely great.
On another note, now that I've finished that rant, I guess, I'm probably gonna go shopping tomorrow even though I want to buy a new Laserdisc player. Then again, looking good and feeling good in my own skin are way more important to me than a good LD player, sooooo...
Anyway, I guess that's all I have to talk about. Thanks for letting me blab.
Be good people.
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notwhoiwanttobeyet · 4 years
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NOTE: hi pLeasE don’t read this. this is just a way of coping with my mental illnesses. this is completely unedited, highly personal and i stRonGLy advise you look away. i hope you’re having a good day! happy holidays :)
also don’t mind the spotify links along the way; just some songs i almost or did cry to while writing this 
tw: suicidal thoughts, anxiety attacks, (breast) cancer
hey tumblr, 
it’s been a while since i’ve really vented. a lot of us use tumblr as a copying mechanism (me included) and i think it’s important i evaluate my current situation and break things down. 
exam season is over; i’m on summer break. and that’s great. no more school. no more exams and assignments and testing and all that FUCKING BULLSHIT THAT THE SYSTEM PUTS US THROUGH. i’m sorry, i’m trying to stay calm but it’s so fuckiNg hard. i’m literally going to cry i- so yeah, as we know, towards the end of the year school fucked me over and i really, reaLLY, REALLY wanted to die. so when school finished i was like “oh i must be all good now, right?” but i wasn’t. i was left feeling so numb, to be completely honest (and cliche).  
then i got sick which was soooo fucked. apparently a lot of people who went to our small friend kris kringle gathering got sick which sucks but because i spent so much of this year in isolation, i forgot what it felt like to be sick and oh bOY it fucking sucked. i over exaggerated because i’m sensitive and wanted to die. i was sick for like a week and my parents quarantined me because my mum is recovering from a breast cancer surgery and couldn’t afford to get sick so i was like locked in my room- on my own- which yeah, i do anyway but this felt sooo different. this felt like, completely fuckEd because my parents were wearing masks around the house and would leave food in my doorway, etc. i felt like a complete MONSTER to the people i love. i also obviously couldn’t hug them or anything, leaving me touch starved and ugh- it just wasn’t a great experience. 
also my mum is recovering fine and stuff but it’s an emotional fucking time for everyone and i’m so stupid i haven’t told anyone about my mum being sick and all. like people don’t ask why i’m acting up because i’m ALWAYS acting up. i’m always sensitive and angry and having mood swings. that’s just me, being mentally ill. so no one asks why i’m worried. my mum has/had BREAST CANCER- brooo. she’s had one surgery which went well and will most likely have to have chemo and/or radiation in the coming year. we get the results back after christmas. so that’s a thing. 
i have a secure group of friends which i’ve always wanted, but it doesn’t feel right. it never feels right. like today the three of us went shopping and THEY WENT CRAZY- i was so stressed and had literally like 6 different mental breakdowns in the 2 hours we were out. they were bumping into people, running around, trying on every item of clothing ironically in every store. that shit stresses me out. and there’s nothing wrong with that- they’re good people and they’re not doing anything wrong really - it’s just normal teenage stuff. but i’m note normal, i’m super anxious and everyone was looking at us and it made me sooo uncomfortable. like- i could elaborate more but thinking about it hurts. i felt like i was their mum or something, shepherding them around and making sure they didn’t break anything else. they- UGH// they broke a perfume bottle and rudely ran away from a teacher i have a good reputation with. like i said, they’re just normal teenagers but it fucks me up. it’s not them, it’s me. on the bright side i saw this same lesbian couple i saw the other day again :) i never see wlw or mlm couples in public really so it makes me soo happy when i see them :) i also saw this girl in an unnus annus hoodie and i was gonna say something but i’m too *anxious* so i just stared at her until she looked at me weirdly and i ran out of the store. oH and there was a girl in an mcr shirt ahh-- she was really pretty but i was too busy running it was a whole thing like my mum was coming to pick me up and i had 10 minutes so i ran up from one end of the mall to the other and then upstairs to this store to but this fucking wonderwomen shirt and then i had to run all the way back and i’m not the most athletic to say the least and i wanted to CRY but yeah. what did i learn today? people aren’t for me. friends aren’t for me. and again i know i’m built to be alone. 
i’m really thirsty. ew not like tha- i fucking hate society
cinnamon rolls not gender rolls. wait my friend got that on a poster let me see if i can find it,,,
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yeah here it is ^^^^
also: my hair. i’m so happy having it the length it is but mAn i just- i just- i hate myself lol. like i don’t know what else to say. i think i’m ugly and every time i look in the mirror i want to cry, and it’s going to be like that forever so i need to just except that. i am ugly, i hate myself. like- bro come on. it’s been like this forever and it’s going to continue to be like this forever so i need to stop fucking crying over it.
oh my god this song i’m about to cry. this is what i want. why can’t i just be- not me!!! 
these past few days i’ve literally been playing minecraft bed wars all day. like all day. and it was okay but now my eyes hurt and my head hurts and my hands hurt and i hate myself and everything hurts. 
also- music doesn’t feel right. it’s been like this for a while now, it’s getting better though. before i couldn’t listen to any music at all - now i’ve been listening to kid krow on repeat : ) 
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god bless you, conan. my number one song currently is *cough* E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE (which they are btw) which is- fucking terrifying and funny at the same time. i genuinely like CORPSE though- i’ve watched every among us stream and i love his songs- in the past i would have considered myself a simp (?) maybe (?) but i had a nightmare about it and i can’t awifjisenf simp no more. i still appreciate him, i just- had an awakening. 
sexuality crises also suck a whole bunch. there was a 1-2 day phase a few weeks ago where i was low key PRAYING to be a lesbian lmfao. like it sounds stupid but i was crying over that shit. background info: no i’m not one of those straight girls, i’m a bisexual female who’s almost a full on raging homosexual except i am attracted to men. and i wish i wasn’t, believe me when i say that. but i have realised i am bi so it’s okay. i thought i was a lesbian and awilfjnawr labels but no, i am slightly attracted to men sometimes. but to answer your question if i am lucky enough my future wife and i will be married and living in a cottage. 
ugh. life. bru h i’m actually a train wreck- i had an anxiety attack crying trying to find my childhood tinkerbelle and friends dolls the other night. and then to make matters worse, i found them in a box with a whole bunch of other dolls in the same box including StRawBerrY ShoRtCaKe doLLs and i smelt my stawberry shortcake doll hesitantly while crying and she still smelled like her strawberry scent and i was DEAD. 
ugh. so this has been my update so far. oh wait-
christmas. holy shit how is it christmas. i want dEatH like. reasons why i’m sad for christmas: it doesn’t feel like christmas so i feel like i’m not going to enjoy it, i’ve had no motivation to clean my room so the contents of my wardrobe is all over my floor because i was mid resorting the drawers when i got sick, i’ve wanted to ask for doc martens and my chemicals romance + other artists’ merch all year but i have SEVERE ANXIETY so of course i didn’t and now my parents have gone and bought me a new phone or something which of course i’m grateful for but my iphone 6s works just fine. it’s a waste of money which we need at the moment but because i’m too anxious i didn’t ask for anything this year so my parents have just chosen to spoil me and- aW SHIT! i can’t=
anyway so that’s my bullcrap life. i mean my bullshit rant. am i glad i did this? yes. do i feel any better? kinDa? i don’t know okay. what am i going to do now? i don’t know. probably lie on the floor and drown in self pity in hopes of melting into the abyss. i might read my book which i’ve yet to finish. maybe reading can be my knew things, seeing as i have zero hobbies. i read like once in a blue moon.
this is it for now, good luck, future me. 
jordan ♡
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adelaidecity · 6 years
'Piece of s***': Star explodes in savage rant
The Oklahoma City Thunders Paul George has unleashed a stunning tirade on the officials after his teams 118-110 loss the LA Clippers on the road. OKC trailed throughout the match but conceded a stunning 34 fouls through the match with George, Steven Adams and Russell Westbrook all fouling out of the match. George was going to tee off yesterday but stopped when he saw he had 20 free throws in the Thunders 129-121 win over the Portland Trail Blazers. However, there was no issue today as he went on a rant. Its just bad officiating, George said. We dont get a fair whistle, we havent got a fair whistle all year. It is what it is. Somebody got to look into this. Its getting out of hand. Theres nobody gets more contact than Russ going to the basket. Its just crazy, I dont understand it. Its a piece of s*** being on that floor. Were giving it everything weve got, were playing hard, were getting grabbed, we getting scratched, clawed, held, shoved, theres nothing for it. The officials get to walk out, theres nothing that penalises the officials for not officiating the right way. Westbrook was also unhappy with the result. Despite dropping 32 points, eight rebounds and seven assists, the Thunder star ripped into the opposition. A lot of those guys, they play to get fouls, Westbrook said of the Clippers. Thats how the game is these days. Its not playing basketball. Theyre just kind of playing to get fouls to see what happens. The Clippers win was their first four-game streak since November and were led by Lou Williams, who hit 40 points in his 34 minutes on the court as he nears the NBA record for points off the bench.
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media_cameraWestbrook wasnt happy either. The veteran guard passed former Clipper Jamal Crawford for second in bench scoring. Williams has his sights set on Dell Curry, who owns the record of 11,147 points. It means a lot, Williams said. Thats part of my legacy and what people will remember about me when I leave the game. Danilo Gallinari added 34 points for the Clippers, scoring 15 in the first quarter to help them get off to a strong start. with AP CURRYS INCREDIBLE RESPONSE TO LETTER Back in November, a nine-year-old girl named Riley Morrison sent a letter to Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry asking why there arent any of his signature sneakers for sale for girls. After her dad had share the open letter, it eventually made it to the NBA star.
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media_cameraGolden State Warriors' Stephen Curry had a big day off the court. He also teased something special in the works for International Womens Day on March 8th and invited Riley and her family to the game in Oakland. We now know what he was doing, changing his business to fix his mistake. He also got Riley to design a sock liner for the shoe. Under Armour announced the new Curry 6s will also raise money for a scholarship. Proceeds from the shoe will fund a scholarship from the Curry Family Foundation + Under Armour that will go to a young woman from the Oakland area pursuing an education in a STEM-related field. On the court, the Warriors had an incredible 122-105 win over the Denver Nuggets. Klay Thompson came back from a two-game absence with a 39-point game while Kevin Durant hit 26 points and six assists while Curry got 17. The two-time defending champions played with a purpose again, an edge that hadnt been seen much the past month. With the Warriors on a two-game home losing streak, they didnt let Denver get into the game for any significant stretch much like a 142-111 road win against the Nuggets in January. The Warriors held a 17-point lead at the break but the closest the Nuggets could get was nine points as Golden State ran away with the win between the leading teams of the Western Conference. with AP HARDENS MJ PLAY
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media_cameraJames Harden is continuing his incredible season. James Harden had 31 points and 10 rebounds and the Houston Rockets extended their winning streak to a season-high seven games with a 107-91 win over the Philadelphia 76ers on Friday night. It was Hardens 40th consecutive game with at least 25 points, matching Michael Jordan, who achieved the result twice. His 30-point streak may have ended last week, but James Harden now has 40 consecutive 25-point games, matching a pair of Michael Jordan streaks for the 4th-longest in NBA history. pic.twitter.com/XIgivNB3Up ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) March 9, 2019 The Rockets had a big lead for most of the night after a 37-point first quarter and were up by 22 entering the fourth. Philadelphiahad trouble containing Clint Capela with Joel Embiid out for the eighth straight game with a sore left knee, and Houstons big man had 18 points and nine rebounds. Enjoy selected NBA games live and on demand on Kayo Sports. More than 50 sports are available for streaming from just $25 per month for two devices at once. Click here to trial it free for 14 days. The victory came after Philadelphia won the first meeting this season 121-93 behind 32 points from Embiid. Tobias Harris had 22 points for the 76ers, who dropped their second straight. Ben Simmons played despite dealing with stomach flu and added 15 points, 10 assists and nine rebounds. AP Originally published as Piece of s***: Star explodes in savage rant https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/us-sports/nba/nba-briefs-paul-george-rants-on-officials-golden-state-warriors/news-story/742779a9041c7363ab5c955efaa57f8f
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filosofablogger · 6 years
If you could see my radar screen tonight … blips all over the place!  Oh yeah, 2019 is going to be the year that finally drives Filosofa to lose her marbles and do something crazy like streaking nude through Grand Central Station screaming, “Run for your lives – Puff the Magic Dragon is attacking!!!” Long story short, this morning’s hodgepodge are not snarky snippets, but out-and-out rants … mini-rants, but rants nonetheless.  Hold your ears …
Trump’s history lesson:
Yesterday, Trump called a cabinet meeting, apparently for no reason other than to brag about the things he says he has accomplished but hasn’t, to blame everyone but himself for everything that is wrong, and to give us a new view of world history.
“Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. So you take a look at other countries—Pakistan is there. They should be fighting. But Russia should be fighting. The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there. The problem is it was a tough fight.”   Anybody want to buy him a copy of World History for Dummies or The Idiots Guide to World History?
While it is true that the former Soviet Union was financially drained by its 10-year campaign in Afghanistan, and collapsed only two years later, there were many other long-term factors in the USSR’s demise. In addition, the Soviets didn’t invade Afghanistan because “terrorists were going into Russia,” as Trump said, but because they wanted to shore up their pro-communist puppet government there.  And by the way, Donnie … Pakistan is supporting the Taliban, not fighting them.
A few other preposterous statements he made at the meeting …
“I shouldn’t be popular in Europe. I want Europe to pay. I don’t care about Europe.” This one was apropos of nothing, other than to criticize Germany, repeating for at least the millionth time that they are not contributing what he, Trump, considers proper to their own defense.  There are reasons for this, but they require an explanation of the history of Germany, and … well, let’s just not go into history with Trump anymore, okay?
Trump now claims, falsely, that he fired General James Mattis.  Not even a shred of truth to this … Mattis resigned in response to Trump’s utterly asinine plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan without even consulting his military advisors or our allies.  Period.  Trump did not fire him.
And he has new justification for his abominable wall … that the Vatican “has the biggest wall of them all”. 
The meeting lasted 95 minutes, after which all cabinet members likely headed to the nearest bar.
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Another child is dead …
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The little girl in the picture above is Jazmine Barnes.  Correction … was Jazmine Barnes.  Jazmine was 7-years-old when she was murdered while riding in a car with her three sisters and her mother, LaPorsha Washington, in Houston, Texas.  The gunman has not yet been caught, even though the police know the vehicle he was driving.  Ms. Washington was also hit, albeit not fatally. Two things about this infuriate me.  First, that it happened.  Even though the majority of people in this nation are in favour of realistic and sensible gun regulation, thanks to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and corrupt politicians, we have almost none.  And so, little Jazmine Barnes is dead, and her mom, dad, and sisters are bereft.
LaPorsha Washington
The second thing that inflames me about this is that I only found this news on the BBC, three days after the fact!  The BBC!  British Broadcasting Corporation!  Where was The Washington Post?  Where was the New York Times? I had to cross the pond to find out that a child was shot to death in my own country! This should have been front-page news, but if it was even reported, it was tucked far behind all the Trump-related headlines.  I did find the news on a Houston news outlet, Heavy.com, and The Root.  Two days after the shooting, CNN finally reported on it.  C’mon, media!  Trump is not the only show in town!
What am I, chopped liver???
“Do the Dems realize that most of the people not getting paid are Democrats?”
This was a Trump tweet last Thursday morning.  Two days prior, he had told reporters that the furloughed federal workers were fully in support of Trump holding the nation hostage as he holds out for his abominable wall.  In just two days, the workers went from being on his side, patting him on the back, to being “just democrats” in his rhetoric.  Does this ‘man’ ever take time out to think???
The president, senators, representatives, governors, et al, are elected officials who are chosen by the voters to represent all citizens of the United States.  Their job is not only to represent the specific party with which they are affiliated.  Their job is not to represent only the people they like, or the people who approve of them or agree with them.  They are to represent We The People … ALL of ‘We’!  In addition to the aforementioned books, we should also send him a copy of U.S. Constitution Dummies!
As a member of We The People, I am calling for the immediate resignation or impeachment and removal from office of the ‘man’ occupying the Oval Office, for he is not representing all of us, but only the minority.  He is endangering the lives of the people he is tasked with protecting and he must be removed NOW!  Hear that, Mitchell McConnell?  Hear that, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and the rest of you in the House “Freedom” Caucus?  Get. Him. Out.
Okay, well … I had one more rant, but I got so worked up over these three that I have forgotten the other.  Consider yourself lucky, I suppose.  Yep, folks, welcome to 2019.  Have a lovely day!
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The Radar is Crowded Tonight! If you could see my radar screen tonight … blips all over the place!  Oh yeah, 2019 is going to be the year that finally drives Filosofa to lose her marbles and do something crazy like streaking nude through Grand Central Station screaming, …
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nikihawkes · 4 years
Title: Raised by Wolves
Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Series: Raised by Wolves #1
Genre: Teen Paranormal Romance
Rating: DNF
The Overview: Adopted by the Alpha of a werewolf pack after a rogue wolf brutally killed her parents right before her eyes, fifteen-year-old Bryn knows only pack life, and the rigid social hierarchy that controls it.  That doesn’t mean that she’s averse to breaking a rule or two. But when her curiosity gets the better of her and she discovers Chase, a new teen locked in a cage in her guardian’s basement, and witnesses him turn into a wolf before her eyes, the horrific memories of her parents’ murders return. Bryn becomes obsessed with getting her questions answered, and Chase is the only one who can provide the information she needs. But in her drive to find the truth, will Bryn push too far beyond the constraints of the pack, forcing her to leave behind her friends, her family, and the identity that she’s shaped? -Goodreads
Did you really give Raised by Wolves a chance?
Yes… after saving it for a rainy day for nearly 10 years, I made it to about the 85% mark before setting it aside.
Have you enjoyed other books in the same genre?
Kind of. I’ve certainly read others in the YA Paranormal genre that I thought were better. For the most part though, I tend to lose patience quickly with this type of story, preferring instead adult urban fantasy. These YA books tend to lack grit and are usually more focused on the love story than anything else. That said, they can be fun reads and I’ve read a few I really enjoyed:
Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Wings by Aprilynne Pike
Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Did you have certain expectations before starting it?
JLB is responsible for one of my absolute favorite YA series – The Naturals. I was nervous picking up some of her earlier works, but figured the same basic quality would be there… no comment.
What ultimately made you stop reading?
We all have a few things that drive us absolutely bonkers in books. Two of my most prominent ones are endless dialogue/explanations and characters who make stupid decisions solely for the sake of advancing the plot. This book had those two things in abundance, and they effectively killed any interest I had in the other components. You would think with all the time the character spent explaining to the reader and other characters how things work, she would be bright enough to reason through her own decision-making. But the removal of common sense would put her in danger and, as that’s the only thing the plot relied on, it had to happen or there would be no book. I thought her reasoning behind hunting for the killer felt contrived and didn’t have the proper substance behind it to drive an entire plot.
It also suffered from a consistent lack of forward plot progression. What happened overall could’ve been condensed into a short story (which might have actually been quite good). But instead it was a long, drawn out novel of endless dialogue and info dumps. I think I dropped it around 85%… that’s harsh. It probably would’ve only taken me another 20 minutes to get through it.
I’m not even going to start ranting about the whole “the boy is my everything” trope that was also present here because we’ll be here forever.
Was there anything you liked about Raised by Wolves?
Nothing. Usually I can set aside personal tastes and find some silver lining that might make it recommendable to certain types of readers, but not in this case.
Would you read anything else by this author?
An emphatic YES!!! All of the things I’ve criticized about this book were non-existent in her Naturals series. Nowadays, she’s such a proficient writer and so good at creating characters with substance and meaningful motivations that I’ll devour anything else she decides to publish. Every writer worth their ounce of ink improves on their craft with each novel. Quite frankly, the leap from this book to The Naturals is so extreme, I can hardly believe its from the same author. She teaches psychology at Yale (or at least, she did several years ago when I first discovered her), and her later works are always infused with fascinating tidbits from her field of study. It’s awesome.
*This nifty Q&A format is one I borrowed (with permission) from Nikki over at There Were Books Involved – thanks Nikki! 
by Niki Hawkes
DNF Q&A: Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes Title: Raised by Wolves Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes Series: Raised by Wolves #1 Genre: Teen Paranormal Romance…
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Sorting the NFL Playoff Pile: Handing out awards from a enjoyable Wild Card Weekend
Woo boy was Wild Card Weekend enjoyable. Not each sport was epic, however we knew that may be the case earlier than the weekend began. There have been too many dangerous groups concerned to see 4 high-level soccer video games. However every one was a particular little snowflake, offering enjoyment of a unique sort.
Titans-Chiefs gave us a surprising comeback/gag, relying on the way you take a look at it. Falcons-Rams was a reminder that have issues, with a facet of late-game drama. Payments-Jaguars was two homeless toddlers preventing with rocks; some folks in all probability discovered it pleasant and they’re in all probability sick puppies. Panthers-Saints was an epic shootout with a dramatic end. 
Underdogs went Four-Zero towards the unfold, with two of them profitable outright and the opposite two maintaining it shut. It was so enjoyable it impressed me at hand out some awards. Let’s get to them. 
Most Entertaining Recreation of the Week Award
This was Falcons-Rams … till Panthers-Saints swooped in and stole it away late on Sunday afternoon and night. The sport simply eclipsed the whole of 47.5 and was highlighted by Drew Brees and Cam Newton winging the ball round in precisely the way in which we wish them to. Defensive coordinator Steve Wilks, possibly quickly to be a head coach, introduced an impressive gameplan towards the Saints’ two-headed monster at operating again, serving to to lock down Alvin Kamara and Mark Ingram. The duo mixed for greater than Three,000 scrimmage yards in 2017 however had simply 68 yards mixed on Sunday night time.
That is the place the Saints are totally different: cease their high choice on offense they usually’ll put the ball within the palms of a Corridor of Fame quarterback in Brees. He added to his eye-popping dwelling playoff stats with the Saints, and he is by no means misplaced a house sport within the postseason whereas with New Orleans. 
Drew Brees profession dwelling playoff stats with @Saints (5 video games):
116/171 (67.eight%), 1529 yards (eight.9 YPA) 12 TD 1 INT
— Will Brinson (@WillBrinson) January 8, 2018
Brees’ lone interception of his dwelling postseason profession got here on a extremely controversial play by which Sean Payton determined to go for the jugular. With two minutes left and the Saints main by 5, Payton had the offense line up on fourth-and-2. Brees tried to onerous depend the Panthers offsides, however Carolina held regular. He known as a timeout and it was assumed Payton would punt, however he despatched the offense again out and put the ball in Brees’ palms once more. The end result was truly not that dangerous — Brees threw a decide, however it was a fast kick mainly due to the space right here.
Fast NFL officiating apart (and, spoiler, this may not be the final grievance): it is a turnover, so it ought to be routinely reviewed. And but, the NFL did not pause the sport to take an extended take a look at the state of affairs. That is absurd: Mike Adams clearly dropped the ball with out finishing the method of the catch, and it ought to have been an incompletion. The league has spent the higher a part of 9 months now going into excruciating element with these critiques; it selected two minutes left in a playoff sport between divisional rivals to kick it underneath the rug?
Critical query: was it even reviewed? As a result of FOX solely had time for a single replay on the reside telecast earlier than Carolina’s offense was on the sphere operating a play. It was price 25 yards or so of area place. It has nothing to do with it being the Panthers or the Saints, it has to do with the whole inconsistency that we see from sport to sport and week to week. It is maddening. 
A really low share of coaches have the huevos to go for that fourth down, and good luck discovering a consensus on the transfer. Pete Prisco and I debated it on the Choose Six Podcast Sunday night time (subscribe on iTunes right here for the newest episode) and he hated it. The analytics agreed with Pete, so watch out for those who’re venturing into Hell anytime quickly. Put on a coat.
WP mannequin truly favored the punt for the Saints on that 4th and a couple of at 2:00 to play.
— Brian Burke (@bburkeESPN) January 8, 2018
I personally favored it, for 2 causes. One, you are placing the ball in Brees’ palms to win the sport when your protection hasn’t slowed Newton down. And two, for those who polled 10 Panthers followers within the second, at the least 9 of them would have most popular the Saints punt. That is my litmus check. Regardless of the case, it backfired for Payton, as a result of the Panthers obtained the ball and pushed it up the sphere shortly, stepping into close to the crimson zone on this filthy move from Newton to Kaelin Clay:
That is the place you lose me with the narrative about Cam not being an elite participant or Cam not with the ability to carry his workforce. There are possibly 5 quarterbacks who could make that throw. Newton has to stroll a tightrope to maintain the Panthers in video games. Heck of a catch by Clay and toe drag too. 
Carolina had some pictures to get into the top zone however on the finish of the day, it was a unique Cam who took the sport over late — Saints defensive finish Cameron Jordan, lately named to the All-Professional workforce, was completely dominant within the trenches for the Saints. A lot so he gave Panthers offensive lineman Matt Kalil a fairly brutal nickname.
Cam Jordan is not shy about what he thinks of Panthers LT Matt Kalil: “Let’s name him Speedbump — Speedbump McGee.”
— Josh Katzenstein (@jkatzenstein) January 8, 2018
There was some controversy with Newton on a play the place the officers known as intentional grounding towards the Panthers quarterback. Ron Rivera obtained miffed, saying he obtained no clarification. That is a good grievance: at the least inform the coach what occurred and why the flag was thrown. However for those who watch the play, it is onerous to argue Newton was out of the pocket and it is onerous to discover a receiver within the neighborhood of the place Newton threw, even when he obtained it previous the road of scrimmage.
New Orleans’ protection stepped up in an enormous means on the greatest second, and the Saints transfer on to Minnesota, the place they will play a really harmful Vikings workforce who beat them in Week 1. The Saints swept the Panthers, the primary three-game sweep of a division opponent in franchise historical past, and will nonetheless probably host the NFC Championship Recreation, if they will beat Minnesota and the Falcons can topple the Eagles. Have a look at all of the groups within the playoffs and discover a extra full squad than the Saints. Carolina gave them all the things on Sunday, however they’ve so some ways to beat you. 
Jeff Triplette’s Gold Watch Award 
I already ranted fairly extensively on the officiating points that plagued the Titans-Chiefs sport. However we actually want some solutions about Jeff Triplette being allowed to referee a playoff sport. Was he one of many highest-graded officers this yr? Or did he get thrown a bone by the league as a result of he’s apparently retiring? If it is the latter, that is a shame, identical to lots of the calls from the Titans-Chiefs sport. 
For starters, Triplette dominated that Marcus Mariota had his ahead progress stopped on this sack from Derrick Johnson in the course of the second quarter. 
Like, what? His ahead progress? He was sacked. You possibly can’t simply magically cease a man earlier than he goes to the bottom. He obtained smoked by a freight practice, certain, however in no world does that make sense. The play is over when Mariota goes to the bottom. And the ball was clearly out earlier than he obtained there.
through NFL Recreation Go
After the sport, Triplette doubled down on his decision, saying that “the defender hit him and he was driving him again.” Sure, that is a sack. He additionally identified that ahead progress is “not reviewable in that state of affairs,” which is ok, besides any referee price his salt would not whistle Mariota down there. 
There have been a number of different points that occurred. An identical factor on a two-point conversion play the place the Chiefs recovered one other Mariota fumble however Mariota was, you guessed it, dominated down by ahead progress. And a Travis Kelce fumble-that-wasn’t when the Chiefs tight finish suffered a concussion that may knock him out of the sport that was dominated incorrectly. 
Sadly the officiating took a few of the blame away from Andy Reid, who managed at hand again one other Chiefs playoff dwelling sport in horrific, train-crash vogue. My son was born the day earlier than the Chiefs gave up a 38-10 result in the Colts within the wild-card spherical again in early January 2014. I bear in mind sitting in a quiet hospital room, surprised, watching the comeback occur, attempting to not shriek and wake him up. And this loss was extra unfathomable, as a result of the Titans did not have the firepower to return again. 
Mike Mularkey was on his means out the door, in all probability fired when the Titans had been down 21-Three at halftime. Kareem Hunt completed the day with 11 whole carries when the Chiefs had been main by 18 factors at halftime. It is inexplicable. Alex Smith, who is probably going going to get deposed as Chiefs quarterback for Patrick Mahomes subsequent yr (draft slot and potential nearly all the time win out in these conditions, particularly with Large Purple), deserved higher for the way in which he performed in 2017 and the way in which he performed within the first half of this playoff sport.
Reid’s an amazing coach, a man who has launched actually dozens of careers. However boy does he have some dangerous playoff losses on his resume. This is likely to be the worst one. 
Credit score Mularkey, who was formally given the nod for 2018, for lashing out on the rumors main as much as the week. The man is attempting to organize his workforce for a playoff sport and he is having to elucidate to his spouse why individuals are speaking about him getting fired regardless of making the playoffs and profitable 9 video games.
But when we’re being trustworthy … the Titans ought to actually transfer on. Josh McDaniels and Mariota can be an ideal combo, and the Unique Smashmouth appears to be like like a figment of our collective creativeness, a fever dream from a time earlier than issues had been they means they’re. I will preserve overdrafting Derrick Henry as a result of it is what I do, but when the Titans (+13) stroll into New England and get a 50-burger dropped on them, there ought to at the least nonetheless be some questions requested. 
As Jason La Canfora identified on the podcast Sunday night time, for those who’re excited about firing your coach, it in all probability means it is best to fireplace your coach. Nonetheless, Mularkey’s only one all-time stunner of an upset from enjoying in an AFC Championship Recreation. Little question my CBS bosses would like a Jags-Titans battle to Pats-Steelers Half Deux. 
Expertise Issues Award
It looks like Sean McVay and the Rams are getting a free move for resting their starters in Week 17, which seemed to be form of a factor in the course of the first half, when Los Angeles didn’t discover a rhythm on offense. Perhaps it is as a result of the NFL has a brief shelf life, and since there may be an Alabama-Georgia sport to scream about for a number of days, we’d not see lots of reflection from each single one in all these video games. Or possibly it is as a result of the Rams overachieved in such grand vogue — profitable 11 video games, capturing the NFC West division and internet hosting a playoff sport — that we’re not desirous to assault them in typical vulture-y media vogue after a tough playoff loss. 
The Rams ought to have lots of hope, anyway. The playoff loss harm, however Jared Goff continued to flash towards Atlanta, making some massive throws underneath duress. Two such examples:
Todd Gurley will not win MVP, however he higher win Offensive Participant of the 12 months. I’d, nonetheless, like an reason why he solely obtained 14 carries when he averaged over 7.2 yards per carry. Aaron Donald is just not human; he’s a Defensive Destroyer of Worlds (and higher seize DPOY). McVay is a straightforward decide for Coach of the 12 months and has a really vivid future in Los Angeles. There are defensive points to type out and Wade Phillips cannot coach there ceaselessly, however the future is vivid.
Plus, the Falcons had been simply higher. You may inform from the get go they’d been there earlier than and weren’t intimidated by the playoff stage within the slightest. They might be on the Saints’ stage when it comes to upside for the rest of the postseason, due to how briskly their protection is and due to the upside they get from Matt Ryan throwing to Julio Jones.
The connection between the MVP and essentially the most gifted receiver within the sport hasn’t been there all yr lengthy; Ryan and Jones nonetheless had good seasons however missed on some fairly massive throws all year long. They did not miss on this Rainbow Brite particular to seal the sport towards Los Angeles.
One other complaint-filled apart: how is the sphere on the L.A. Coliseum this horrible when it’s constantly 72 levels and sunny? Ryan practically blew out his knee throwing that move, and he is fortunate he did not break up his pants or shatter his groin. 
Jones caught 9 of his 10 targets for 94 yards and that landing whereas additionally choosing up a primary down on a speeding try. He appears to be like like he may be capable of take over some video games shifting ahead — he’ll draw the Eagles’ weak secondary this week earlier than, if the Falcons win, getting both Xavier Rhodes (revenge sport!) or Marshon Lattimore (rivalry hate!). Julio can take over any sport and he is a beast within the playoffs, having caught 80 percent of his career postseason targets with six touchdowns in seven profession video games.
Devonta Freeman did not run exceptionally properly towards the Rams, however he did sufficient. The Falcons’ offense has steadiness. 
And so they have a protection that’s coming collectively shortly. Takkarist McKinley picked up a sack towards the Rams and is beginning to contribute down the stretch. Deion Jones is a daggum freak and appears like he is shot out of a rocket launcher when he will get downhill attempting to make deal with.
There’s gamers at each stage right here. Grady Jarrett is a tiny little monster within the center and Desmond Trufant can lock down receivers. Bear in mind when Atlanta lit up the Patriots for the primary half of Tremendous Bowl LI? That protection is beginning to pop up once more, besides it is a yr older with extra expertise. Be careful for these Falcons. 
Take the Below Award
My in-laws popped by for the Payments-Jaguars sport and, properly, thank goodness as a result of they could have stayed for the complete Panthers-Saints sport. They obtained these taillights cooking round halftime of this scorcher, a Three-Three shootout between Blake Bortles and Tyrod Taylor after 30 minutes. The second half over-under was 18.5 and it did not come near getting touched. The 2 groups did not even mix to attain eight.5 factors, with the one factors approaching a fourth-and-goal Bortles landing move that required some main intestinal fortitude from Doug Marrone. 
This throw is an ideal microcosm for Bortles over the previous couple of weeks and a great instance of what you possibly can count on to see towards the Steelers within the divisional spherical. The Jaguars are just too scared to let Bortles throw anyplace however a clearly-defined learn. They’re going to give him a play-action play the place there is a operating again taking pictures out to the flat or they will let him throw a slant, however there may be clear concern within the playcalling.
How’s that going to work for them after they roll into Pittsburgh as a seven-point underdog towards a harmful Steelers offense with revenge on its thoughts? NFL devotees will recall Ben Roethlisberger’s five-interception sport earlier this yr, which induced Ben to query what number of rodeos he had left, which induced folks to query if he would preserve enjoying, which induced him to query folks for questioning if he would preserve enjoying. It was a complete factor. 
Antonio Brown will reportedly be 100 %, however do not be shocked to see the Steelers lean closely on Le’Veon Bell. The most important takeaway from the Payments’ offensive strategy was groups can beat the Jaguars by operating the ball successfully. McCoy ran for 75 yards on 19 carries; it may have been extra however for a questionable holding name that introduced again an enormous run and the truth that Shady was roughly 75 % in the course of the sport. Bell ought to be fully wholesome and he is an analogous operating again — rather less shifty, however actually simply as explosive and much more affected person. 
Bortles ran for extra yards (!) than he handed for towards the Payments. He ran for extra yards than Leonard Fournette. And he was pleased with it after the sport.
“After we obtained beat final week at Tennessee I did not run in any respect, so it form of felt like we obtained beat with out taking pictures all our pictures,” Bortles advised CBS Sports activities’ Tracy Wolfson.
It helped them win, little question, as a result of the Jaguars weren’t passing the ball towards the Payments in any type or vogue. If Bortles outrushes Fournette once more and has extra speeding yards than passing yards towards the Steelers, you higher be holding a Steelers -7 ticket, as a result of will probably be a blowout of gigantic proportions.  
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automatismoateo · 7 years
[Rant] I felt like a Jew who was suddenly in a Nazi rally + Mexican Abortion food via /r/atheism
Submitted December 04, 2017 at 04:23AM by dtabitt (Via reddit http://ift.tt/2kkpY57) [Rant] I felt like a Jew who was suddenly in a Nazi rally + Mexican Abortion food
Excuse me, this is gonna be a rant.
Went with the lady to some Christmas concert tonight. First half was fine and inoffensive. And then the second half.
First part was fine, but then the conductor says they're gonna play some music related to the reason for the season. And the Jesus related Christmas music begins. Alright cool. Fine. This is a thing, I accept it. I know it's a load of shit - pagans holiday adapted to help the Christianity spread it's virusness.
And then they started playing Hallelujah.
I was then in the most terrifying moment of my life. I've been more comfortable in a car spinning out of control on the highway. The entire building, 1,500 according to the conductor was the head count, began to stand up. It felt straight up Nazistic. All that they needed to do was start raising their fist and making the salute. I felt like a Jew who was suddenly in the midst of an unannounced Nazi rally. It was scary. It was disturbing. It was horrifying.
I used to go to Church, and even then, people didn't randomly stand up when people started singing a song. Let alone everyone in the building.
What is the difference between this and what ISIS is looking for is the thought drumming through my mind as they all sat down.
And then it got more insulting.
The conductor gives this speech about this time of year is all about being nice to people and kind and how our differences don't matter. MOTHERFUCKER YOU JUST HAD 1,500 PEOPLE SHOW A SIGN OF FORCE AND RISE UP FOR NO REASON IN THE NAME OF THEIR FAITH!
So fucking angry, so fucking disturbed. So terrified. This had to be what it was like in Nazi Germany. Rise in the name of the Fuhrer. Pledge your allegiance simply to show you're a true believer who will not question.
Now I'm in the Bible belt, and there's churches everywhere, but this was fucking nuts.
And now the Mexican Abortion food.
So after this debacle we went for some food. Found a Mexican place that had a good rating that was on the way home. Sure, cool, fine, whatever. Just food.
Michael Jordan is famous for saying something like Republican's buy shoes too. If you're gonna advertise your politics at a place that serves food, well, ok, but mentioning abortion is not the way I'd go about it.
So we walk in, place looks fine. And then I look to my left.
Holy fucking shit, a sign, plain as day, big blue letters, "Abortion is Murder."
What in the unholy fuck. Who in the hell wants to think about dead babies while eating a god damn meal? Like seriously. Never mind the politics, just the idea. Never mind your menu is probably full of dead animals. Or at least I would assume it was if we had actually gotten menus.
After getting your typical basket of nachos, we sat there and waited. And waited. And waited. No menus. No silverware. No drinks. And it wasn't like the place was popping.
Another group of people came in, got seated, handed menus. Fuck this shit, 10 minutes of lousy service and the next group walking in gets better service, you are not getting my business or money, on top of the fact you want to tell me your politics the moment I walk in the door.
Left and never going back.
Thanks for reading.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Friday Morning Roundup
Despite not having the dominance of Joel Embiid or the grittiness of T.J. McConnell for last night’s matchup against Boston, the second of a back-to-back, the Sixers did a decent job of making it a game. They did lose by 11, but you could argue they played better than their first meeting back in October, which they lost by 10.
Ben Simmons, fresh off the Hack-a-Simmons fest Wednesday night, had another good game, scoring 15 points to go along with seven assists, six rebounds, and five steals. He also had a sick reverse putback dunk in the fourth quarter:
15 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds and 5 steals for @BenSimmons25 vs the C's. http://pic.twitter.com/ncdf93zVEd
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) December 1, 2017
Dario Saric led the way with 18 points and 10 rebounds, and JJ Redick scored 17.
The Sixers continue to run the Eastern Conference gauntlet Saturday at home against the Detroit Pistons. That will begin a three-game homestand that also includes Phoenix and the LA Lakers.
As for McConnell’s left shoulder, he has a sprained AC joint and tests came back negative for any structural damage. He wants to play Saturday night, but the team did not give a timetable on his return. Jacob Pullen was activated for last night’s game, but did not log any minutes.
The Roundup:
But first, a shipping update on some of your holiday products from the Crossing Broad store.
The Eagles continue to prepare for Sunday night’s game out west against the Seattle Seahawks. Linebacker Joe Walker did not practice, while Derek Barnett and Jason Kelce were both limited.
The Seahawks’ “Legion of Boom” defense has been banged up throughout the season, and they’ll be without Cliff Avril, Richard Sherman, and Kam Chancellor for the game. However, they’ve still been one of the best defenses in the league, but LeGarrette Blount doesn’t see anything special with them:
“We’ll play them just like we play everybody else,” he said when asked how the Birds offense is preparing for Seattle’s D. “They’re not anything special or anything different from any other team.”
As for his own running game, Blount has been able to hold off Jay Ajayi from taking his spot as the lead back, with his snaps staying essentially the same since the acquisition of Ajayi.
The team is also preparing for an extended stay out west to focus on football instead of enjoying Los Angeles for the second time this season.
Malcolm Jenkins has been one of the faces of social justice in the NFL for the past two seasons, especially known for raising his fist in the air during the National Anthem. But on Sunday night, he won’t be demonstrating:
“I don’t anticipate demonstrating this week simply because I felt like when I started demonstrating, my whole motivation was to draw awareness to disenfranchised people, communities of color, injustices around the country, our criminal justice system,” Jenkins said by his locker on Thursday.
“And obviously through this year and talking with the league and what they’ve kind of proposed, I feel like has presented a bigger and better platform to continue to raise that awareness and continue to fluctuate positive change. Not only with the money that they’ve put up, because I think that’s probably the least important part of the deal, but with the resources and platform that they proposed to build.”
After the whole John Boruk tweet saga on Wednesday, it was back to talking about the Flyers on the ice. The team sent forward Danick Martel back to the Phantoms, which means forward Jordan Weal will be back in the lineup, and he hopes he can start fresh:
“I think he needs to hit the restart button a little bit and have a fresh start,” coach Dave Hakstol said about Weal, who was scratched in the previous two games, “and that’s exactly what this opportunity should provide for him. As I’ve said before, his work ethic, his passion, none of that is lacking – nor has it ever been.
“It’s a little bit of a restart for him so he can get back in the lineup and just have that fresh feel and fresh start.”
The 5-foot-10, 179-pound Weal has appeared off his game after getting hit in the head by Winnipeg’s 6-5, 260-pound Dustin Byfuglien on Nov. 16. Weal missed the next game, and he was unproductive and was used sparingly in the next three contests.
Meanwhile, Phil believes Dave Hakstol should be fired, but also wants to see change in the team’s front office as well.
One game in college hoops for the Philly teams last night, as Temple breezed by South Carolina at Madison Square Garden, 76-60. Sophomores Quinton Rose and Damion Moore led the way for the Owls. Rose paced all scorers with 24 points and Moore put up 20 points and a career-high 10 rebounds for a double-double. The Owls will be back in action Sunday as they take on George Washington.
Later today, Towson takes on La Salle at 2:30 in Belfast, Northern Ireland on CBSSN. Saturday, Drexel hosts Rider, and No. 4 Villanova takes on St. Joe’s in the “Holy War” on ESPN2.
In other sports news, the Cowboys defeated the Redskins 38-14 on Thursday Night Football, which means the clinching of the NFC East will have to wait a couple more days.
The San Francisco Giants met with Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton Thursday night, with the approval from the Marlins. Could a trade be on the way?
For the first time since February, Tiger Woods graced a golf course. He shot 3 under for a first round 69 (nice) and is three shots off the lead in the Hero World Challenge. He tees off at 11:43 today alongside Henrik Stenson.
The Tennessee coaching job is still open. After NC State head coach Dave Doeren declined, the Vols reportedly met with Washington State head coach Mike Leach yesterday. However, a deal is not yet imminent.
But Texas A&M may have their guy very soon. It might be Jimbo Fisher.
In the news, a 4.1 magnitude earthquake centered in Dover shook most of the region.
Howard Eskin was nominated for Deadspin’s Worst Tweet, read by Daniel Radcliffe:
Daniel Radcliffe once again joined the #DeadspinAwards to present Worst Tweet: http://pic.twitter.com/3lAO2Szplu
— Deadspin (@Deadspin) November 29, 2017
The King didn’t like it:
Hey #genius. Not sure how I made this list of worst tweets of 2017, but if you are going to do this at least know how to pronounce all the names. You’re a #nitwit. And BTW was not really a Harry Potter fan. #HappyChristmas @SportsRadioWIP https://t.co/vg2arxRu6q
— Howard Eskin (@howardeskin) November 30, 2017
A mini William Penn is back on top of the new Comcast Technology Center. The Eagles are definitely winning the Super Bowl now.
Comedian Bill Burr explains his Philly rant at a show over 10 years ago.
Martin Shkreli might have to forfeit his ultra rare Wu-Tang Clan album.
  Your Friday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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