#joseph prince healing sermon
roshanzion2023 · 11 months
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rainsmediaradio · 10 months
Joseph Prince Daily Devotional 11th December 2023 – What Spiritual Warfare Looks Like.
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TOPIC: What Spiritual Warfare Looks Like Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:45 “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
To show you what it means to engage in spiritual warfare, let me share with you the precious journey taken by Anna, who was part of our ministry team for my Grace Revolution Tour. While she was in Dallas, Texas, she went through a horrifying ordeal. She recounted experiencing a numbness in her legs that quickly progressed to her diaphragm. Unable to move, she was rushed to the emergency room where she underwent a five-hour emergency surgery for spinal cord compression caused by multiple lesions and tumorous growths along her entire spinal cord. Without warning, she found herself bedridden with stage-four cancer that had metastasized from the thoracic area to her neck and bones. Given a life expectancy of three years, this is how she described her battle: All that I, a frightened sheep, could do was to just stay really close to the Great Shepherd. During my entire thirty-three days of hospitalization, Jesus became my impenetrable “safe house,” protecting me from further assaults by the devil. I requested for visitors to be kept to a minimum, choosing to spend the time with the One whose very presence and words were now my very life and healing. Just hearing the way the doctors and nurses talked about my cancer caused the life and peace in me to leak—I felt that I had touched death. But I remained in my “safe house,” Jesus. I fed on God’s Word during my waking hours, often drifting off to sleep with Pastor Prince’s sermons playing on my iPad. Every time I took my cancer medication, and after undergoing each round of radiotherapy, I would also partake of the holy Communion. I believe that was the reason I didn’t experience any of the side effects, except for temporary hair loss, throughout my fifteen cycles of radiotherapy treatment. I just continued daily in the Word and in partaking of the holy Communion. The cancer was real, but Anna knew the true battle was a spiritual one. Of course, she was fearful. But she is a child of God and was not going to take the enemy’s attacks lying down or allow him to intimidate her. She fought back, armed with the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17), knowing that her God was backing her up all the way. Anna reminds me of how David refused to cow in fear before the giant Goliath as the other soldiers of Israel did. Rather, he got angry and demanded to know “who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Sam. 17:26). David was conscious only of how big his God was. The enemy may come against you with a sword, spear, and javelin, but when you come to him in the name of the Lord of hosts, that Goliath is no match for your God! Read the full article
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bkbro69 · 2 years
Healing And Restoration For Your Mind (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Go...
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jackiesarch · 5 years
A piece for the lovely @masastiy, who (too long ago) requested a scene with their deputy, Kutha, and Joseph, with  Joseph preaching something fervently and Kutha being mesmerized by his devotion, his passion, his body language.
I’m so sorry this took so long to get out to you! Thank you for being patient with me as I recovered from both physical and mental illnesses the last few months. I hope it’s everything you imagined!
On nights like these, Joseph often preaches.
At least, Kutha thinks it may be nighttime. Without windows, without the sun or the moon, it’s hard to tell whether it’s morning or night. All things considered, Kutha thinks that’s one of the things he misses most about the outside world – the sky. Some days, it’s the memories of wispy white clouds painted over red-orange sunrises that haunt him; other times it’s hazy thoughts of the inky black darkness scattered with constellations.
Whether it’s night or day doesn’t matter in the bunker, though, and as he lounges on the sofa in the living area, Kutha finds he’s more interested in the sound of Joseph’s voice anyway.
“Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.”
He recognizes the verse. The Book of Revelation has always been a favorite of Joseph’s. He reads from it often, sometimes carrying Dutch’s beat-up copy of the Bible, sometimes reciting from memory. The Book of Joseph doesn’t exist down here, but he does just fine without.
He carries no Bible in hand today, speaking easily from his own recollection. Joseph walks the same path back and forth from the kitchen to the glowing blue fish tank, his left hand clutching his rosary tight, the beads jolting and flying as he gestures fervently through his sermon.
Kutha watches him pace, always fascinated by the fluidity of Joseph’s movements. He’s taller than the preacher could ever dream of being, but Joseph is still lanky, still thin and lean and moving like rushing water. There is something about him that begs Kutha to stare, that begs him to follow the lines of Joseph’s body the same way a painter eyes the angles of his subject.
“They called to the mountains and the rocks, ’Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!’”
There’s a lilt of something fiery to his voice now, a hint of that southern accent Kutha finds so enthralling slipping through into his words as he speaks of wrath.
“‘For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?’”
There was a time when that word would light its own fire in the pit of Kutha’s stomach. He remembers the explosiveness of his own anger in the days after the bombs fell, his bitterness that he hadn’t stopped it. Those were dark days, he thinks, and his memories are hazy. All he has are bits and pieces, but he remembers the way Joseph’s voice would calm him, the way it would smother the fire and set it to embers.
He’s less angry now, but the effect is still the same. Watching Joseph speak so eloquently, so passionately, so surely – Kutha finds it mesmerizing.
Without much thought, Kutha reaches forward and curls his fingers around Joseph’s wrist as he steps toward the couch. It’s a gentle action, nothing like the first few months after the bombs fell when everything he did was full of rage and hate and anger.
Joseph goes silent, his words dropping off like they’ve been stolen straight out of his mouth. For a few seconds, the only thing Kutha hears is the ambient noise of the living area – their easy, mingled breathing, the bubbling of the fish tank, the quiet hum of the generator.
The beads of the rosary are hard, digging into Kutha’s palm as he runs his fingers along the lines of Joseph’s hands. The pads of his fingertips are work-worn and calloused, and they make Kutha think of a time long in the past, when they were both younger and when Joseph was living out of his car in Rome. He traces the edge of his fingernail, the bump of his knuckle, the line of a scar well-healed on his ring finger. His hands are beautiful. All parts of him are, Kutha knows, but Joseph’s hands have always made the breath stutter in his chest. It’s the duality of what they’re capable, he thinks – gentleness and harshness, all in the same man.
A single tug has Joseph moving forward, closing the distance between them in two easy steps. Kutha lets go of Joseph’s wrist in favor of his waist, reaching up his hands to paw at his tattooed sides.
He lets his hands wander. Goosebumps prickle under his touch as his fingertips trail down Joseph’s sides, feather-light strokes over his ribs and down to the divots of his hipbones. Kutha leans forward, tilting his head down to press his forehead against Joseph’s middle. His skin is warm where they touch, soft and smooth and radiating like a heater as Kutha inhales deeply.
“‘Never again will they hunger, never again will they thirst’,” Joseph murmurs, reaching up a hand to stroke the side of Kutha’s head. The sensation makes him shiver, and he leans forward to press an open-mouthed kiss just above the scar that brands him with ‘lust’. “‘For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water’.”
Joseph’s other hand comes up to cup Kutha’s cheek, and Kutha tightens his already vice-like grip around the preacher’s hips.
When he speaks, he finishes Joseph’s sentence. Calmness seeps through him in that same way it always does.
“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
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rubendariomorales · 3 years
How The Anointing Oil Brings Protection - Joseph Prince . In this essential message by Joseph Prince, discover powerful and practical truths about the anointing oil that will preserve you and your loved ones in these dark times. Begin to walk in healing and protection as you discover truths about th...
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Joseph Prince (April-08-2021) Watch Sermon: How To See Favor Increase In Your Life.  Child of God, you have an undisputed right to stand on the ground of God’s favor and see Him work all things out for your good! In this Resurrection Sunday message by Joseph Prince, discover how you can actively take your place on favor ground and receive all the other breakthroughs you need—whether it is protection, healing, or answered prayers. Learn key truths that will help you: • Experience robust peace in your relationship with God and begin to look forward to a bright future filled with His favor. • Have a revelation of His heart to bless you and see Him over-abundantly exceed and answer all your expectations. • Live stress-free and unperturbed by life’s challenges when you see how you can trust the Lord to put every enemy under your feet. • Grow in an intimate knowledge of God and His Word like never before when you believe that you have been made righteous in Christ. Stand firmly on what Jesus has purchased for you through His death and resurrection, and begin to experience His favor every single day of your life! SUBSCRIBE AND GET SERMONS AND DAILY
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sstaley5 · 5 years
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hungribunni · 7 years
09042017 Sermon Notes- Ps Joseph Prince
Because u are saved, u can come to The table to eat. But the Father expects table manners. No fighting btw brothers. 1 Kg 19:12-14 Even if someone has done something bad, u know of it, it is NOT your place to recite their sins to Him. V16-18 V16- Elisha replaced Elijah. Elijah said he is the only one left. God said He has 7000. We aren't the only grace church. Many around the world. When it comes to ministry when u don't see it as a privilege anymore and think of how important your ministry is, he will show he doesn't want u anymore. There are others. A father's chastisement. Num 20:10-12 We should not condemn people and name them names. God shows mercy and grace. He doesn't appreciate it when u don't show them grace. When we show people grace, they learn grace. The father's chastisement doesn't bring destruction. Even though they are murmuring, if u speak to the rock, and water comes out, we are hallowing God. When we speak judgment to them, we don't hallow God. This is the second time rock was hit and water came out. The first time, Moses was told to hit a rock. The second time, it was a high cliff. Not like the first rock. Told to speak to the rock. Jesus is like the second rock. We can speak to Him. Moses made God appear angry when he hit the rock a second time. 2 Kings 1:7-17 Elisha has now been anointed to succeed Elijah. Elijah learned that we are all not indispensable in the cave. A man of God. He was in the wrong. Humbled himself and went and annointed Elisha. The lesson is humility. Job 42:5-6 Make sure u have a personal revelation of Him even as u hear pastor preach. In the presence of God, man is nothing. When we are praised by men, go home and kneel and remember we are all still dust and flesh. Without God we cannot. Job felt God should bless him for what he did. God showed him that God doesn't have to bless him actually. There is NO ONE that is self righteous and merits rewards from God. This diverts from justification by faith. We are justified by His blood. No blood, no save. Elijah is a cool man. Anointed Elisha to take his place and stayed cool and calm. Ahab came. Jezebel and Ahab has a kid who is now a King of Samaria. He fell and was injured. Asked his men to go enquire of Baal's men about his recovery. Elijah intercepted them. Asked them why did they do that? Is there no God in Israel? He said because of his decision, he will not recover. 2 Kings 1:7-17 They had the power and authority and numbers of the world- but God was with Elijah. They were 'fired' from their job. V11- this is what happened when uour heart is hardened like Pharoah's. U make stupid decisions. The next lot got fired on the spot also. Don't forget these are the days of the LORD. Elijah represents judicial part of God. Fights for God's righteousness. Eli-Sha. Elohim with Sha. God saves. His ministry is more grace. Elisha represents John the Baptist. All of Elisha's ministry were miracles of grace. His first miracle of grace- Elijah's first public act was to call fire from heaven Elisha sent to Jericho. Jericho was under a curse. Note the water was bitter and poisoned. Elisha healed the stream of the water. There shall be no more death in these waters. That stream is still healed today. Fruitful Jericho. God reversed the curse under Elisha's ministry. Grace ministry. The third captain already saw what happened to the last two. Pleaded with Elijah for his life to be spared. Elisha went to talk to Ahab's son with the captain and fifty men right into the stronghold of the enemy, into his very throne room. The very city he fled from because of the threat of a woman, now he marches in fearless. Stood fearless before the woman he fled from. Know u are privileged to serve. If u don't serve, he will raise someone else up to do so. When u are humble, u won't be hurt. Pastor realised he kept getting Kayu Driver's in front of him. Annoyed. Realised his being irritated is because of pride lol. Entitlement to the road. Lol. God doesn't teach with diseases and destruction. God teaching him humility by sending him kayu drivers before him to understand that he shouldn't feel this sense of entitlement. Grace before eating, "God if not for u, I won't have all these to eat." The more accomplished we are, the more we should be careful to not let ourselves become prideful and to have a spirit of entitlement. Two occasions of fire falling down in Elisha's ministry. Fire came down from Carmel on the victim (sacrifice) instead of the people. They were shielded from judgment. Not one person was touched by the fire. Foreshadowing of Jesus' death on the cross for our sins. The fire meant for u and me fell on Him. The judgment fell on to Him. He took it all. But what happened on Carmel was soon forgotten. The king of Israel went back to Baal. Most likely at Jezebel's recommendation. For centuries the Good News was preached all over the world. The gospel of the Good News. How has man responded? Christ hating and Christ rejecting world has made fun of it, spurned, rejected and mocked it. Our decision affects our future. Isn't that if we reject Jesus, we become sinners. We are already sinners. We are all doomed. God could have sent us all to hell and He is righteous and justified if he does. U can complain it is not politically correct but it is useless. If the world will not learn judgment and how holy I am by the fire that fell on my son, so that grace and mercy can be preached to them instead, they will learn personally by the all consuming fire falling on them. 2 Kings 2:1 Many years after this event, the greater than Elijah walked this earth. Luke 9:51-56 "Time came to be received up"- like Elijah Samaria- same place as where Ahab, Jezebel happened. V53- Samaria rejected Jesus again. Disciples wanted to call down fire but were rebuked. This is not the age of fire falling. The time waiting for his return- the gospel of grace is being preached- is the most wonderful time. Disciples couldn't understand grace is being dispensed from heaven. The fire fell at the Cross. We are in the wonderful age of grace now. Where we don't get what we deserve. We get ALL the good things He deserved. 2 Thess 1:6-10 V8- the flaming fire will come to those busy making themselves righteous instead of giving praise to God. The disciples aren't wrong. Fire will one day fall BUT we are NOW in the age of grace. There are consequences yes but God is joy judging. Don't transpose the age of grace into the time of future fire fall. Pastor isn't saying there won't be judgment fire but that this isn't the age of it. God is raising ministries with a still small voice. The gentle tongues that break the bones. Not the sort that preach fire and brimstone. Is He coming back? Yes. Very close. But the rapture will happen first. The youths made fun of Elisha after Elijah went up. Is like people making fun of the rapture. Elisha turned around and pronounced judgment and two wolves came out from the forest and lacerated them. Anything that rejects grace, and the rapture is a provision of grace, will be judged. All of u are saved. Not on the other side. He is now your Father and lavished His love on you. But how terrible for those out there who are mocking the gospel of grace now. The breath with which we live by is of Him - how we should live our lives with gratitude.
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buggie-hagen · 4 years
Sermon for Nativity of Our Lord - Christmas Eve (12/24/20)
Primary Text | Isaiah 9:2-7
Dear People of God,
         A child has been born for us; a son given to us (Isa. 9:6). Jesus Christ, the newborn king. The child who is both God and a human being at the same time. This little baby we adore tonight created the universe and all that is in it. Yet, a child he became. The promised Messiah. On this Christmas Eve he did not come in glory with acts of might. But he came to us in frail human flesh, as an infant most vulnerable. Christmas is the wonder of wonders because the child Mary gave birth to, who is named Jesus, would save God’s people from their sins. He wasn’t born by chance, but as Isaiah says, he was “born for us.” As an infant God began the experience of being human. God knows what it is like to be breastfed, to have his diaper changed. As a baby, God experienced what it was like to not know how to get what he needs other than to cry for it. He also knew what it was like to be cared for, loved, and cherished by his parents Mary and Joseph. When Mary kissed her baby Jesus, she kissed the face of God. As adult human beings we can easily forget how vulnerable we still are. Especially if we’re young and have never experienced a major setback. Truth is, we never know when today will be our last day. And if we do grow old, we will experience once again that we will not be able to take care of ourselves—as at some point someone will change our diapers because we can no longer get dressed on our own. Because God became a human being on Christmas there is no shame you will experience where God will not be there by your side—holding you up by your shoulders, being strong for you. Truly, nothing, can separate you from God’s love in Jesus the Christ. Whether we are a baby, a youth, an adult, or elderly, whether we can temporarily take care of ourselves or we cannot, it does not turn God’s kind heart away from you. Jesus remains your steadfast Prince of Peace when you are in pieces.
A son given to us. Human history bears witness that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves. The yoke of our burdens weighs heavy, the bar across our shoulders is unforgiving, the rod of our oppressors is ever before us. Sin has seeped into every pore of our being. It has a power over us and whips us into doing its will—in the darkness we obey it willingly. But in the “land of deep darkness…the light has shined” (Isa. 9:2). On Christmas Night, God broke the power of all these things as he was laid in a manger. Christmas gives us reason to be glad. As the hymnwriter wrote, ♪♫“Then why should we on earth be sad, since our redeemer made us glad? Then why should we on earth be sad, since our redeemer made us glad, when from our sin he set us free, all for to gain our liberty?”♪♫ What is that reason to be glad? Answer: a son given to us. God gave us his only begotten Son. God, through the Son, has shined a great light into our dark world. It is a light of endless peace. The darkness flees from Him. This light brings peace by reconciling human beings to God. Through this light God right now forgives your sins, heals your wounds, and brings you back to life from the dead. On Christmas, the gentleness of God was made known. Tonight, in the words of a sermon, God speaks his gentle, human-lovingkindness to you again. Merry Christmas, dear people of God.
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live4thelord · 4 years
Learning to Preach Christ, and Him Crucified ( Part I)
By Pamela Mandela on May 31, 2020 02:00 am
Part 1: What do we Preach?
Preaching Christ, and Him crucified was a theme that was developed by St. Paul. In 1 Corinthians 1:23, he writes that “we preach Christ crucified”. But in the verse before this, he decries the attitudes of Jews and Greeks alike, “Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom”! He first tackles the Jews, who demand proof in the form of miracles and signs. And why? Because they cite Moses, whose miracles it is lost to them, that these were totally overshadowed by the good works that the Lord Jesus did while He lived amongst men as the God-man. Paul, who became all things to all men so that by all possible means he might save some (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23), puts his foot down on this matter. He emphatically states that no matter what others may do, we must preach Christ. We do not dare to modulate; we cannot tone down; and, we will not modify or adjust the great subject matter for which we were commissioned to go out to preach. This matter is the Lord Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
Then there were the Corinthian Greeks, who looked for what they esteemed to be wisdom. But theirs is the wisdom of the world, not the Wisdom of God which Paul preached. The Greeks also much-valued memories of the articulateness of famous public speakers and thought that true wisdom surely must come from such skilful vocalizations. To these, St. Paul writes that he determined to know nothing amongst them except the Lord Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. Adding that he even came amongst them in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. And it is for this very reason that his message and preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom. They were but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power so that their (our) faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the Power of God (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:2-5).
Is This Theme Relevant Today?
There are some in the world today, who behave like the Jews and Greeks of Paul’s time. For them, this Jesus remains a stumbling block and utter foolishness. They would rather prefer that Christ crucified is not preached. They advocate for intellectual preaching to be at the forefront, even though neither the heavens nor they themselves can understand this kind of preaching which takes no reference to the Bible. These are the sort of people who chase after so-called eloquent preachers, whose sermons require you to have a dictionary at hand! Yet we know that some of these intellectual indulgences have led many to a downfall; for such preaching is not blessed by God for the salvation of souls.
But to the faithful believers, those whom the Lord God has called, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God (cf. verse 24). We learn from St. Paul that the foolishness of God is far much wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is so much stronger than human strength (cf. verse 25). This is why the Christian must endeavour to preach Christ, and Him crucified even when others endorse worldly philosophies and arguments. This Christ who died for sinners, the people’s Christ, will be preached in simple language and plain speech so that the common people can also understand.
What do We Preach?
The preaching we do should be modelled to St. Paul, the model for all preachers who says, “we preach Christ crucified” (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:23). If we are to preach the gospel fully, we must have a very clear description of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ:
We preach Christ as God
For us, the Lord Jesus Christ is true God and true Man (CCC, 464). His Incarnation does not make Him part God and part man; neither does it imply that he is the result of some form of a mixture of the divine and the human. We preach that He became truly man while remaining truly God. As the early Church did, we too must defend and clarify this truth of the faith against any heresies that falsify it.
Thus, we preach not a man-made into God, nor God degraded to the level of a man, nor something that is in between a man and God. We preach the Absolute God; the Creator of Heaven and Earth; the Triune God Himself. He who is one with God the Father in every attribute. He who is eternal, and without beginning of days or end of life (cf. Revelation 22:13). He who is all-present, all-powerful and all-knowing. He who knows all things from eternity. Him who is the great Creator, the Preserver, and the Judge of all. He who is in all things equal and exact in the image of the invisible God (cf. Colossians 1:15).
The preaching shall not err on the Deity of Christ – we shall preach a Divine Saviour upon whom our souls are trusting. We identify that it is only the shoulders of the almighty God which can carry the enormous weight of human guilt and human need. We preach Jesus Christ the Son of Mary and the reputed Son of Joseph, who worked in the carpenter’s shop, all the while being the God who made the heavens and the earth.
We preach Christ, who had no place to lay his head. Him who was despised and rejected by men, but who is nonetheless the Eternal God, and Lord of the Universe (cf. Psalm 145:1-7). We preach Christ who was nailed to the cross, bleeding from every pore, and dying on the cross; yet in spite of everything, living forever. We preach the Christ who suffers indescribable agonies, yet all together being the God at whose right hand are the eternal pleasures.
We preach Christ who was man and therefore could sympathize with us so He could suffer in place of us. In order to be the covenant head, He had to have been made in every way like the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve (except that He was without sin). With this one exception, he was bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh; nevertheless, He was as truly God as He was man. The very one of whom Isaiah prophesied to be called the Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace (cf. Isaiah 9:6). So, as we preach Christ crucified, we preach the glory of heaven in union with the beauty of the earth. We preach the perfection of humanity unified with the glory and dignity of Deity.
We preach Christ as the Messiah
We preach Christ as the One sent from God. We preach Jesus of Nazareth who was that promised Deliverer of whom it was written in both the law and the prophets. We preach the great Deliverer who would come as a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Israel. We preach Him who was sent from God to be the Saviour of sinners. We preach Him who took this responsibility on himself without authority, that He could truly declare, “Here I am, I come to do your will, O God” (cf. Hebrews 10:9 and Psalm 40:7-8).
We preach He, who became the Substitute for sinners by divine decree because “the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all” (cf. Isaiah 53:6b). We preach our great High Priest, who was divinely anointed; we preach our matchless Prophet, who was sent to us from God; we preach the King of kings and Lord of lords, who is rightly ruling as the eternal Son of the eternal Father.
We preach this truth which should bring hope and comfort. We preach God’s Anointed Christ, who does what He does by God’s appointment. We preach Him who speaks for his Father as well as for Himself, who has the authorization of the Eternal to support His declaration. We, therefore, must come confidently to him, putting our trust in him. This should lay a firm foundation of whom we preach so that we can then preach what He does.
We preach the Work of Christ
The Lord God made this everlasting covenant with humanity, in which the Lord Jesus Christ stood as the Security and Representative of His people. It was in the fulness of time that He came down from the heavenly Throne, and was dressed in the flesh. First, He produced active righteousness by the perfect obedience of his daily life. In the end, He provided passive righteousness by His sufferings and death on the cross. Right from the Incarnation, to the Suffering and Death, to the Resurrection, and the Ascension; now in the Intercession before the Father’s Throne, and looking forward to His glorious second coming. Here is a theme that the angels might yearn for; a theme that could awaken hope in my sinful heart. But we preach Christ crucified, whose wounds and bruises remind us to tell how “He was pierced for our transgressions, and crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds, we are healed” (cf. Isaiah 53:5). Salvation is to be found at Calvary, where the Lord Jesus bowed His head and gave up His spirit; where He defeated the powers of darkness and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.
Every true servant of Christ must be able to speak very distinctly about the Lord Jesus Christ standing in the place of sinners, and being numbered with the transgressors not because of His own, but of their transgressions; Christ paying our debts and discharging all our liabilities (cf. Isaiah 53:12). A truth we can only preach if we can take the place of the Lord Jesus as He took ours, so that we are beloved, accepted, made heirs of God. And we believe that in due time we will be glorified with Christ forever (cf. Romans 8:17). Those who hear the preaching must always clearly recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ is a divine and all-sufficient substitute for the sinner. Everyone who puts their trust in Him will be eternally saved (cf. John 3:15).
We preach Christ’s offices.
In His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ carried out three functions – Priest, Prophet and King (cf. Hebrews 1:1-3). In baptism, we are We appreciate and preach the Lord Jesus Christ as the one great High Priest, who always lives to make intercession for us (cf. Hebrews 7:25). We recognize and must preach him as the Prophet whose words are divine, which come to us with an authority that cannot be repealed. We acknowledge and remember to always preach Him as King. The preaching must put the crown of praise on His royal head, claim from His people the unfaltering allegiance and loyalty of their hearts, and assert the undivided service of their lives.
We must preach the qualifications of Christ for these offices. His love and tenderness; His patience, power, and perseverance; His self-giving sacrificial love. His ability to save completely those who come to the Lord God through Him; His gentleness that will not break the bruised reed, nor snuff out the smouldering wick (cf. Isaiah 42:3). We must delight to preach Christ who bends over the broken-hearted and wraps up the wounded (cf. Psalm 147:3); who readily hears the cry of a contrite spirit (cf. Psalm 34:18).
The preaching must bring out the magnetic character of the Lord Jesus which attracts sinners to Himself (cf. John 4 & Matthew 9). His glorious nature, excellence and charm (cf. Revelation 5) preached should make sinners fall in love with Him and trust Him to save them. He sure is the sinner’s only hope. He is the remedy for the diseases of the soul (sins) – from the raging fever of lust, to the shivering fever of doubts and fears, and the cruel infection of despair. We preach the Lord Jesus who heals them all – from the blind eye to the deaf ear; the hardened heart of stone to the dull and seared conscience. We preach how He is the mighty one who will save (cf. Zephaniah 3:17). The preaching must tell the sinner clearly that there is no other hope, but in the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 4:12).
The Lord Jesus Christ is to preach as the Christian’s only joy. When we were sinking in the waves of sin, He was the life preserver. Now that He has brought us safely to land, we must have Him for our food and drink. When we were sick in our sins, He was our medicine; now that He has restored our souls, we want Him as our continuous sustenance. The Lord Jesus Christ supplies our every need in giving Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. All we need to do is take all of Him and enjoy Him to our heart’s contentment. All that He is, and all that He has, He has given to us (cf.2 Peter 1:3).
We must hold onto the Cross of the Lord Jesus as our only confidence; we must look for light to the Sun of righteousness; we must crucify our whole beings with the Lord Jesus (cf. Galatians 2:20 & 5:24) so as to be taken up to Heaven to live and reign with Him for eternity (cf. 2 Timothy 2:12). We preach Christ as such.
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roshanzion2023 · 1 year
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mkkusi1990 · 6 years
The Spirit of Victory
Michael Kusi’s Sermon
The Spirit of Victory
- He thinks I’m God Anecdote.
A young woman brings home her fiance to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young man. The father invites the fiance to his study for a drink.
He Thinks I’m God anecdote.
"So what are your plans?" the father asks the young man.
"I am in Theology school" he replies.
"A theologian? Hmmm," the father says. "Admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live in, as she's accustomed to?"
"I will study," the young man replies, "and God will provide for us." "And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?" asks the father.
"I will concentrate on my studies," the young man replies, "God will provide for us."
"And children?" asks the father. "How will you support children?" "Don't worry, sir, God will provide," replies the fiance. The conversation proceeds like this, and each time the father questions him, the young idealist insists that God will provide.
Later, the mother asks, "How did it go, honey?"
The father answers, "The bad news is, he has no job and no prospects, but the good news is he thinks I'm God!”
 -My Picture on the Wall in TOTS
I went to TOTS in the Bronx. I was wondering what had happened of the place since I left. I asked a friend about TOTS and she said, Your picture is up on the wall. You are an inspiration there. I was happy to hear that because I know that because of the blessing God has given to me, I can use it to bless other people. Our pictures are scattered all over the Earth and each one speaks of God’s good through that Rhema snapshot.
-The Spirit of Kennedy.
When I was praying one time, this prophetess said I had the Spirit of Kennedy. In my dream I was transported to a time when they said that the President had died on national television. Everything came to a screeching halt. The nation repented as a result of one president getting shot. God told me that as a result of that prayer, God sent me. As a result of the revival, God sent us so that the revival can help us step into victory!
 Fight the War
God calls us to fight the War. The War is a War that began in heaven when God evicted Satan, that unrighteous tenant out of his face.  Home is where God’s eye is so he banished Satan and said, I never want to see you again. We are the apple of God’s eye, but Satan sought to be the worm that would ruin us.  He is the never-dying worm that Jesus talks about in the Gospels. Now Satan is trying to squat and trespass on Planet Earth, which God gave to us. There is no losing this war, because we do battle against the forces of wickedness that seek conflict in our heavenly climb from the caves to the cosmos. And when this war is over, when we win,  we will study war no more. Amen!
Optimus Prime and the Autobots.
There is this movie named Transformers which is my favorite franchise. Apart from the Avengers of course. In Transformer 4 Optimus Prime is left at a critical point in his life. He was in The War of his own, Earth was being overrun by Galvatron and Optimus Prime had run out of options. One of his generals asked, But what of these humans? Can I squish the bald guy? Optimus replied grimly, They are in trouble. Another one said, I’m done being an underdog. Optimus knew what he had to do so he went to get the Dinobots. There was a long fight and at the end Optimus put his sword to the Dinobot’s neck and said, You defend my family, or die! We must defend each other in Christ, or die getting picked off by the hands of evil forces. We are done being underdogs because we were never called to be dogs who lick wounds! We are  called to be the head and righteous lions, on a purpose from above! We must be in the same company of those who share our value system.
 The Devil tried to photobomb our picture, but he did not have access.
  Thesis- The testimony of Jesus says that The Government shall be on his shoulders, and He shall be born of a Virgin. In order to govern we must break out and break through. These are three testimonies  of Governance Breakthrough that is the Spirit of Prophecy: the testimony of bruising, the testimony of breath, and the testimony of breech birth. Anti-thesis- But without Christ it does not make the sense it does, because the Spirit of God is prophecy.
Synthesis- Revelation 19:10- Then I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow slave with you and your brothers who have the testimony about Jesus. Worship God, because the testimony about Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." 
A)  Anointing of Governance Breakthrough.
B)   The Testimony of Bruising
C)   The Testimony of Breath.
D)  The Testimony of Breech Birth.
 E)             The Testimony of God did not just use a snake he bruised it. God is not a snake charmer he is a conqueror. In Moses time the snake was lifted up to save, because the power was not in the snake but in God. But by Hezekiah’s time the snake had become an idol so it had to be broken.
Whatever is God must be broken and bruised and wounded to save. In the  Bible the bruising is an intentional wounding. Christ is our God, but he was broken, bruised and wounded for our iniquities. When it says that it shall bruise thy head it is talking about the crown of thorns. But in that crown was caked blood which spoke deliverance to the Most High. What the Devil thought mockery God called it his death sentence.
The Bible says that He was bruised so he could bruise.
Anecdote- It was reciprocity, a trial where the Accuser who is the prosecutorial Devil met the Advocate in the defense attorney Jesus at the courts of the Most High. This was a bench trial because God sat in righteous judgment as The Judge. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Every one of these points to the power of the blood, because each of these represents an entryway through which was blood spilled. The wounding of the transgression speaks to the spear in his side. The bruising of the iniquities symbolizes the thorny crown. The chastisement of our peace is the nails in his feet. God clothed us with the sandals of peace, and Jesus is the Prince of Peace, but what ties sandals together is nails. That nail was tying us, to him.
 F)   The Testimony of Breech Birth.
G)  People abroad have already replicated birth without a man. So it is not just the virgin birth.  A man-made Birth without Contractions is Frankenstein. Stomach Contractions without a birth is a stomach virus, probably caused the romaine lettuce that they recalled. Virgin Birth without a prophecy has no context, prophecy without a virgin birth loses its meaning. So you need the two together, both the virgin birth and the prophecy. This is the RHEMA and LOGOS word. LOGOS is the written word of God and RHEMA  is the spoken Word of God.  The prophecy is the Logos Word, and the virgin birth is the Rhema Word.
Anecdote- Some people say the Devil made me do it but it’s a special anointing to say God made me pregnant. Imagine if Maury got Mary to come on her show and the paternity test said God is the Father. But there is no more truth because God is our Father, and he is a good, good father.
This Angel not wanted worship, but redirection, is proof of the divinity of God. He fell at his feet because he was awed. But the Angel pointed to the Most High and said I worship him too
 Ooh it is a good thing Joseph thought of putting her out quietly. Think of the catastrophe, A lot of the Bible would be misunderstood because it pertained to Jesus. So we would be worshipping the three true Gods, and tripping over snakes. Isn’t that what the Fall is without Christ. A religion not similar at all to what we worship but one totally different. When God said Let us, it would be a separate God talking and a separate God listening. When God talks about man fighting with a snakes it would be like someone taking the Black Mamba nickname too literally.
It would be polytheism mixed with someone who wanted to either shoot like Kobe, or was mad because he could not shut Kobe down in the NBA.  he ever had the chance.
 God did not just use a snake he bruised it. God is not a snake charmer he is a conqueror. In Moses time the snake was lifted up to save, because the power was not in the snake but in God. But by Hezekiah’s time the snake had become an idol so it had to be broken.
Whatever is God must be broken and bruised and wounded to save. In the  Bible the bruising is an intentional wounding. Christ is our God, but he was broken, bruised and wounded for our iniquities. When it says that it shall bruise thy head it is talking about the crown of thorns. But in that crown was caked blood which spoke deliverance to the Most High. What the Devil thought mockery God called it his death sentence.
 The Bible says that He was bruised so he could bruise. It was reciprocity, a trial where the Accuser who is the prosecutorial Devil met the Advocate in the defense attorney Jesus at the courts of the Most High. This was a bench trial because God sat in righteous judgment as The Judge. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Every one of these points to the power of the blood, because each of these represents an entryway through which was blood spilled. The wounding of the transgression speaks to the spear in his side. The bruising of the iniquities symbolizes the thorny crown. The chastisement of our peace is the nails in his feet. God clothed us with the sandals of peace, and Jesus is the Prince of Peace, but what ties sandals together is nails. That nail was tying us, to him.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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In the Introit of this day's Mass, the Church compares the opening of the entrance into heaven which has been effected by the death and Resurrection of Christ, with the entrance of the chosen people of Israel into the Promised Land, which was effected by Josue:
INTROIT The Lord hath brought you into a land flowing with milk and honey, alleluia: let then the law of the Lord be ever in your mouth, alleluia, alleluia. (Exod: XIII.) Give glory to the Lord, and call upon his name: publish his works among the Gentiles. (Ps. CIV.) Glory be to the Father, &c.
COLLECT O God, who by the Paschal solemnity, hast bestowed remedies on the world, continue, we beseech Thee, Thy heavenly blessings on Thy people, that they may deserve to obtain perfect liberty, and advance towards eternal life. Through.
LESSON (Acts, X. 37-43) In those days, Peter standing, up in the midst of the people said: You know the word which bath been published through all Judea: for it began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached, Jesus of Nazareth: how God anointed him with the Holy Ghost, and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that wire oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. And we are witnesses of all things that he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed, hanging him upon a tree. Him God raised up the third day, and gave him to be made manifest, not to all the people, but to witnesses pre-ordained by God: even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose again from the dead. And he com­manded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he who was appointed by God to be judge of the living and of the dead. To him all the Prophets give testimony, that by his name all receive remis­sion of sins, who believe in him.
INSTRUCTION St. Peter concludes his sermon on the Resurrection with the declaration, that all who believe in Christ will through Him receive forgiveness of their sins. To obtain this remission a faith actuated by love is necessary, which will manifest itself in the exercise of good works. Endeavor to have this faith, if you wish to obtain the forgiveness of sin and eternal happiness, for without good works faith is dead, and forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation are promised only to those who possess an active faith.
GOSPEL (Luke XXIV. 13-35.) At that time, Two of the disciples of Jesus went the same day to a town which wassixty furlongs from Jerusalem, named Emmaus; and they talked together of all these things which had happened. And it came to pass, that while they talked and reasoned with themselves, Jesus himself also drawing near went with them: but their eyes were held that they should not know him. And he said to them: what are these discourses that you hold one with another as you walk, and are sad And the one of them, whose name was Cleophas, answering, said to him: Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and bast not known the things that have been done there in these days? To whom he said: What things? And they said: Concerning Jesus of 'Nazareth, who was a prophet, mighty in work and word before God and all the people: and how our chief priests and princes delivered him to be condemned to death, and crucified him. But we hoped that it was he that should have redeemed Israel: and now besides all this today is the third day since these things were done. Yea and certain women also of our company, affrighted us, who before it was light, were at the sepulchre, and not finding his body, came, saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who say, that he is alive.
And some of our people went to the, sepulchre: and found it so as the women had said, but him they found not. Then he said to them: O foolish, and slow of heart to believe in all things which the prophets have spoken ! Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to enter into his glory? And be­ginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the scriptures the things that were concerning him. And they drew nigh to the town, whither they were going: and he made as though he would go farther. But they constrained him, saying: Stay with us, because it is towards evening, and the day is now far spent. And he went in with them. And it came to pass, whilst he was at table with them, he took bread, and blessed and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him: and he vanished out of their sight. And, they said one to the other: Was not our heart burning within, us; whilst he spoke in the way, and opened to us the scriptures? And rising up the same hour they, went back, to Jerusalem: and, they found the eleven gathered together, and those that were with them, saying: the Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. And they told what things were done in the way: and how they knew him in the breaking of bread.
Why did Christ appear as a stranger to these two disciples?
Christ conformed himself to their state of mind; for these disciples, as it appears, did not yet believe that He was, God, although He had often declared that He was; and proved it beyond contradiction; they regarded Him as a prophet and doubted His Resurrection. They looked at Him up to this time only with their outward eyes., that is, without faith in His divinity, and therefore the Saviour did not reveal Himself to their soul. It is thus that God generally proceeds towards us. He makes Himself known to us and gives us His-graces in proportion to our faith, hope, love, and fidelity.
Then Christ did not suffer voluntarily, but by compulsion, since He says: Ought not Christ to have suffered?
Christ gave Himself voluntarily up to death, as said by Isaias; (LIII. 7.) but at the same time He was obliged to suffer, that the decree of His Father, and the prophecies might be fulfilled; that our redemption, which required the price of His death upon the cross, might be effected; and that we might learn from His example to enter heaven by suffering.
How did Christ expound the Scriptures to these disciples?
It is probable that He showed them how His passion and death were foretold and prefigured in various ways; that He was sold like Joseph, and that His scourging was prefigured by the blood-stained coat of Joseph. He probably drew their attention to the ram which was ensnared in the thornbush, and His crowning with thorns; He carried His cross to Mount Calvary as Isaac, loaded with the wood on which He was to be sacrificed; was deprived of His clothes and derided in His nakedness, as Noah by his son. His crucifixion was prefigured by the serpent Moses set up in the desert. The animals prepared for sacrifice in the Old Testament, and especially the Paschal lamb, were types of Him, who, like them, was killed and sacri­ficed on the cross, without having His bones broken; finally, Jonas who was three days in the whales and then came forth again, imaged Christ's death, burial; and resurrection. He showed them, also, how clearly David and Isaias fore­told and described His passion.
Why did Jesus appear to be going farther?
To give them an occasion of showing their love for Him a stranger, whom they did not recognize as God; and also to give them an opportunity of practicing a work of charity, for it is pleasing to God that we hospitably invite and entertain strangers. Thus did Abraham and Lot entertain angels in the form of strangers, and saints in the New Testament have done likewise to Christ Himself.
How did the disciples recognize Him in the breaking of bead?
Because, as the holy Fathers believe, He gave them then His sacred body as He did to the apostles at the Last Supper, the description of which they had undoubtedly heard.
What else have we to learn from this gospel?
That when we have received Christ at Easter in the Blessed Sacrament, we should beg Him to stay with us, for the evening of our life draws near.
PETITION O Jesus, the evening of our life: is drawing nearer and nearer: remain with us by virtue and through the effects of Thy Blessed Sacrament that we, who like the disciples going to Emmaus, are in need of constancy and understanding, may have our faith strengthened by Thy most holy body, become fixed in hope, and so united with Thee in love that nothing can ever again separate us from Thee. Amen:
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rubendariomorales · 3 years
Joseph Prince (June-11-2021) Daily Devotional: Be Forgiveness-Conscious Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. - Psalm 10...
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rubendariomorales · 3 years
Joseph Prince  (May-08-2021)  Feed On God's Word For Your Healing And Success.  How do you experience divine health and good success God's way? Join Joseph Prince as he shows you how there is nothing more powerful than the Word of God to heal and restore every part of your body, deliver you from every crisis and give you continual good success. Discover how every word in the Bible is living and God-inspired, and how turning to the written Word was always Jesus' answer to the enemy's temptations and challenges. Be inspired to get into God's Word like never before and see it reach, heal, save and transform every area of your life for His glory!
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rubendariomorales · 3 years
Joseph Prince (April-12-2021) Daily Devotional: Get Your Life Back
And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all. - Luke 6:19
Trembling at the thought of being seen and stoned by the crowds, the man with leprosy crouched beneath one of the many stone slabs dotting the slopes of the picturesque hills that framed the Sea of Galilee. He had come to see the man they called Jesus, Who he had heard was a healer.
People had talked about how Jesus healed—how everyone who had gone to Him for healing received their healing. He turned none away. Whatever their conditions—fevers, paralyses, deaf ears, or demonic oppression—He healed them all.
All. That little word gave him hope that perhaps even he might be made whole. By the time he reached the hills, a large multitude had gathered on the slopes to listen to Jesus teach. This poor diseased man couldn’t see Jesus from where he was hiding in fear, but because of the unique acoustics of the hills, he could hear every word that Jesus was speaking to the multitudes:
“And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet S
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