#todd white healing service
roshanzion2023 · 11 months
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nanas-45 · 18 days
Unlocking the Mysteries of Séances: What Really Happens When We Speak to Spirits
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🔮 Exploring the Mystical World of Séances: From Spiritualist Rituals to Stage Magic!
Ever wondered what goes down at a séance? 💫 Let’s unravel the mystique behind these gatherings where the living seek to connect with the spirits of the beyond. Whether you're a skeptic or a seeker, the world of séances is as fascinating as it is diverse. Ready to dive in? 👻✨
What is a Séance?
The term "séance" comes from the French word for "session" and originally meant just a meeting. But in the English-speaking world, it’s taken on a more mysterious twist! A séance is a gathering where participants attempt to communicate with spirits, often guided by a medium who acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. 🌟💭
A Brief History
Early Encounters: The idea of conversing with the deceased isn’t new. As far back as 1760, George, First Baron Lyttelton, wrote Dialogues of the Dead, featuring fictional chats with famous historical figures. Fast forward to the mid-19th century, and séances became a cornerstone of Spiritualism. Mary Todd Lincoln famously hosted séances in the White House, seeking comfort after her son's death. 🏛️👻
Modern Developments: Despite a notable scandal in 1887 exposing some fraudulent practices, séances have persisted, especially within Spiritualist and related religious communities. Today, they often focus on genuine spiritual communication rather than theatrical showmanship. 🌠
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Types of Séances
Religious Séances: In Spiritualism and Divine Metaphysics, séances are integral to spiritual services. Here, mediums—often in well-lit environments—relay messages from the spirit world to attendees. For Spiritualists, these are called "message services," and they may include healing practices. 🕊️💌
Stage Mediumship Séances: Think of these as the theatrical cousin of traditional séances. Mediums perform on stage, often in front of an audience, claiming to contact spirits and relay messages. One of the early stars in this realm was Paschal Beverly Randolph, known for his dramatic contact with ancient philosophers. 🎭🔮
Leader-Assisted Séances: These are typically conducted in a more intimate, dimly lit setting with participants seated around a table. The leader, who may enter a trance, attempts to channel spirits or use other methods like automatic writing or table levitation to communicate. While intriguing, these séances are often critiqued for potentially involving stage magic tricks. 🌌🕯️
Informal Social Séances: For those with a curiosity for the paranormal, casual séances are held without formal structure or a leader. This might be just a few friends experimenting with a Ouija board or other tools to explore the boundaries between reality and the supernatural. 🃏🪑
The Spiritualist Séance Experience
In Spiritualist practices, séances involve sitting in a circle, often with participants communicating with various spirits. It’s a deeply spiritual experience aimed at connecting with personalities from the other side. 🌠🕊️
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So, whether you're curious about the history, fascinated by the practices, or just intrigued by the idea of communicating with spirits, séances offer a rich tapestry of experiences to explore. Have you ever participated in or witnessed a séance? Share your stories and thoughts below! 👻💬
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heyitsani · 4 years
Feel the Adrenaline Moving
Keep on Truckin’ AU Part 1
Word Count: 2494
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: Robincest (obviously even if they’re not siblings in this au), mentions of gunshot wound, mentions of past child abuse by a bad parent
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Summary: Food Truck Owner!Jason and Police Officer!Dick have spent the last couple of months flirting with each other the few times a week Dick orders food from Jason's food truck. When they finally decide to go on a date and Dick stands him up, Jason is left wondering if he had been wrong about the other man all along.
Notes: This idea stemmed from the idea of a no capes AU where Jason owns a food truck with Artemis and Dick is a GPD officer who is obsessed with his food.  Dick and Tim were both adopted by Bruce and Damian is still his son through Talia, a failed relationship years prior where she never told him she was pregnant.  I have not introduced the other members of the batfam (though Babs is an exception because she’s mentioned as an ex and still friend in the current installment I’m working on), but have their introductions to the story already planned out.  
Jason is softer in this AU because while he has some childhood trauma, it’s not nearly as bad as his canonical trauma.  So I’ve been exploring the side of him that could have been, if you get what I mean.
Also, if you do not like the pairing then just move along.  Or block me.  I can and will block any rude or hateful comments.  I have both traditional and nontraditional siblings and don’t need to hear about how I don’t support adoptive families.  THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.  Just because I write murder doesn’t mean I support murder.  Capisce?  Good.
You can also read this on AO3 here
“This is stupid.  How do we even know this is the right truck?”
“Don’t play stupid, Harper.  He was extremely specific.  Egg rolls made with things like bacon mac or Reubens.  Hot guy, dark hair, white streak in front, and arms to die for.  This is obviously him.”
Jason raised an eyebrow at the two arguing redheads, curious why they were looking for him and his truck.  Thankfully, the rush had passed and now it would just be the stragglers until they closed up shop for the day.
The pair turned to face the order window to find Jason there, arms folded on the counter and an amused smirk on his face.
“So it would appear.  That was an oddly specific description.  Can I help you guys?”  He watched the pair exchange a look before the more rugged looking of the two stepped forward.
“We’re here because of Dick.”  And of all the scenarios running through his head, Dick had not been involved in any of them.
“I see,” Jason said sharply, smirk fading to a scowl.  “He has made his point perfectly clear without sending his harem of redheads to clarify.”
“What point?”
“Harem of redheads?”  But Jason just raised an eyebrow.
“Ah fuck, Wally.  Dick was right.”  The man looked to Wally and then back to Jason.  “Look, I’m Roy Harper and this is Wally West.  Dickie is our best friend and whatever point you think he’s making, he’s not.  Trust me.”
“He’s in the hospital.  Got shot in the chest on the job two weeks ago and just regained consciousness yesterday,” Wally relayed, and Jason had to grip the counter to keep upright.
“He…Is he going to be okay?”  And wow did he feel like an ass.
“Yeah.  Doctors said maybe two more days before he can go home.  It was bad there for a while but they kept him in the medically induced coma so he could heal without his usual bullshit of getting up too early.  But look,” Roy crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Jason, “You need to come to Gotham General.  Once he was fully awake, he started freaking out about you.  Something about a date, missed calls and texts, and you hating him.”
“Jesus, Roy.  Dickie said to just tell him what happened.  Not to guilt the guy into a visit.”  Wally smacked Roy’s upper arm with the back of his hand.  “Though, yeah,” he turned back to Jason, “Dick would probably weep tears of joy if you showed up.  He was pretty wrecked.”
Jason wasn’t quite sure what to say, still working the fact that Dick had been shot and hadn’t just ditched him.  He had spent the last two weeks wondering what it was he had done.  He had gone over that last in-person interaction and the text message thread, wracking his brain for any kind of hint.  And the first week had tried to text and call but had been met with silence.  So, the past week he had convinced himself that Dick had just been fucking with him all along and never meant any of it.  Now he was hearing the other man had nearly died and Jason had been the ass who had thought the man was just ghosting him.
“Did we break him?”
“Shut it, West.  Look man, he’s in room 212 at GG.  Give us a last name to go with Jason and we’ll put you on the visitor’s list.”
“Visitor’s list?”
“Comes with being Bruce Wayne’s son.”  Jason gave Wally a weird look.
“His last name is Grayson…?”
“Yeah, but Bruce adopted him.  Took him in after-“ Roy covered Wally’s mouth with his hand and glared at the other man.
“Shut the fuck up, West,” Roy growled and hell if that didn’t just pique Jason’s interest.  “Now give us an order of whatever is Dickhead’s favorite so we can get a smile on his pathetic face.”  Jason stood frozen for a moment before waving away Roy’s credit card and hanging the closed sign.  He quickly whipped up an order of the bacon mac ‘n cheese rolls and an order of churros before bagging it all up.
“My last name is Todd.  Get me on the list,” Jason said as he stepped out of the truck and handed the bag of food over.  “I gotta clean this shit up because hazard and all that, but I’ll come by after I’m done.”
“Good,” was all Roy said as he grabbed the bag and turned to leave.
“Nice to meet you man!  See you around, hopefully,” Wally called out as Roy grabbed his arm and dragged him away.
Jason wasn’t sure what he had been expecting once he finally got to Dick’s room at the hospital, but a fancy and very private suite was not it.  And even less than that, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid fussing over Dick while Dick just smiled at the kid fondly. 
“Dames, stop,” Dick laughed softly, reaching out to stop the kid from messing with the pillows again.  “I’m good.  Just go meet Jon already.”
“Tt,” the kid responded before turning to grab his bag from the chair next to Dick’s bag.  When he tensed all over, Jason knew he had been spotted.  “Who the hell are you?  This is supposed to be a private room, not some free for all.”  Wow. 
“Jason,” Dick’s surprised voice cut in.  Jason looked from the kid to Dick and practically melted at the look on his face.  Surprised, yes, but the warmth was there and god if Jason didn’t want to just cross the room and press his lips to the other mans.
“Dick, I’m so glad you’re okay.”  He took two steps into the room before the kid was standing in front of him, almost the same height as him but much leaner compared to Jason’s bulk.  Raising a brow, Jason stared the kid down and waited. 
“Dami, stop.  This is Jason, my friend who owns the food truck.”  The kid didn’t move or acknowledge Dick’s words.  “Damian, knock it off.”  Authority slipped into Dick’s tone and Jason wanted to smirk in victory when Damian tensed but backed off.  “Jon is waiting,” Dick reminded him gently and with a grunt and one last glare sent to Jason, Damian was storming out of the room.
“Fun kid,” Jason commented, looking back toward the door before closing the rest of the space between him and Dick’s bedside.  “Jesus, Dick.  I almost dropped when Roy and Wally told me what happened.  I’m so fucking glad you’re okay.”
“They didn’t guilt you into coming here, did they?  They can be a bit much at the same time when you don’t know them.”  Shaking his head, Jason tugged the chair closer to the bed and sat down.  Without allowing himself to overthink it, he grabbed Dick’s hand in his and held it with both of his.  The smile he got in return was well worth it.
“Nah, they just told me what happened.  Said you’d like it if I stopped by and asked for my last name.”  Dick nodded and sunk a little deeper into the pillows piled up behind him.  “So, Damian is your…?”
“Oh.  Brother.  I know those idiots let slip that Bruce Wayne is my adoptive father, but Damian is Bruce’s only actual blood son.  Tim and I were both adopted after our parents died.”  Jason wanted to know more about that, but the look on Dick’s face told him he wasn’t quite ready to let him in on that darkness.
“He’s a very intense kid.  How old is he?”
“Sixteen going on sixty,” Dick laughed.  “He’s a good kid, despite the glare and protectiveness.  He didn’t have the easiest beginning.  B didn’t even know about him until he was eight.  Lesson learned: protection is never a guarantee.”  Jason laughed at that and shook his head.
“So, his mom was not a good parent?”
“The only person worse than her was her father.”  Dick’s face turned from amused to angry faster than Jason realized he could and he was surprised at the fire there.  “When LA Social Services called and told Bruce about Damian, he was…it was bad.”  Jason squeezed Dick’s hand and the other man gave him a thankful smile.  “Tim and I came from homes that knew love.  Damian, I don’t think he had ever known love of any kind until he came to Gotham.”
“Poor kid.”  Dick nodded sadly.  “But he seemed pretty fond of you in the few seconds before he noticed me.”
“Yeah,” Dick agreed, and the smile was back on his face.  “Bruce is a great man and a good father, but he’s not the most emotionally available man.  He struggled with Damian when he came to live with him.  Tim was a teenager already and I had moved out on my own, so B was pretty much on his own.  But then he called me one night and begged me to help because he didn’t know if he was just screwing up Damian more than he already was.”
Well, fuck.  How shitty was it that a man could tell he was not the best option for his own child’s mental and emotional health but that his older son was?  Jason couldn’t imagine feeling so poorly about himself and that said something because he didn’t like himself most days.
“I moved back home and took a sabbatical from work in order to help.  It was hard and there were plenty of times I would shut myself in my room and ask what the hell I was trying to accomplish, but Damian eventually improved.”  Letting out a sigh, Dick looked down at Jason with a hint of sadness.  “I think sometimes B wishes he hadn’t called me in.  He and Dami…they’re not close.  They respect each other, and B loves him like he loves Tim and me, but when Dami does something to be proud of it’s me who he comes to.”
“He views you as a father more than his actual father.”  Dick hummed and looked over toward the window, avoiding commenting on it.  “Is that a point of contention between you and Bruce?”
“Not really, at least not that he allows it to be.  But like I said, he’s not good with the emotions.  Its just, sometimes I can see regret so plainly written on his face when I’m talking to Dami.  It’s hard to miss sometimes.”
“And that makes you feel guilty.” A statement, not a question.
“Yeah…”  Dick’s voice is quiet, but Jason knows him well enough now to hear the regret.
“Have you talked to Damian about it before?”  Dick shook his head and looked back to Jason with a curious look.  “I was just wondering what he thought of it all.”
Jason can tell Dick is mulling over the idea of asking Damian about the fact that he viewed Dick as his dad and not Bruce, but he can also see the moment when Dick rejects the idea for now.  Not that Jason blames him.  The kid had been intense, and he had come across as smart, so part of him probably knew.  If it had been Jason in Damian’s place, he probably would have some resentment toward his actual father for basically pawning him off to his brother when it got to be too much.
“This was so not the conversation I thought we would have when I came,” Jason offered as an out of the current topic.  He could see the appreciation in Dick’s smile and the slight shift of his shoulders as he relaxed.
“What did you expect?”
“Profuse apologies because your redheads had made it seem like you were pretty worried that I hated you.”  Dick laughed hard, holding his middle where Jason assumed were some of the wounds that had caused this whole mess.
“They made it clear that you weren’t mad.  I figured I could save the apologies for when I wasn’t laid up in the hospital.”
“Fair enough.  Though,” Jason leaned forward and looked at Dick closely, “you don’t owe me any apologies.  This situation isn’t anywhere near being your fault.”
“Still upset I missed our date.  I had the whole thing planned.”
“Well, you can go through with that plan when you are back to full mobility.  Until then, I’d be happy to accommodate to your situation.”  Dick’s smile was practically blinding, and Jason squeezed his hand.  The intense desire to kiss the other man hit him suddenly but not too surprisingly.  “I’d really like to kiss you right now.”  The words came out before he could stop them.
“I’d really like you to kiss me,” Dick responded, smile growing even brighter.  And Jason wished he could figure out how he managed to be so beautiful.  But he would have to try and figure that out later.  For now, he just focused on releasing Dick’s hand and pressing a palm to his cheek as he leaned forward and pressed their mouths together.
And god if it didn’t feel like coming home after being gone for years.
Dick’s lips were slightly chapped from the dry, hospital air and his breath was a little stale but the whole thing was so utterly perfect that Jason could feel his chest tighten with the emotion.  Keeping in mind his still healing chest, Jason ended the kiss sooner than he would have liked.  Pulling back, he pressed one quick kiss to the corner of Dick’s mouth before pulling back even further to look at the other man.  What he found made him want to ignore the chest wound Dick had and just dive right back in.
Dark lashes fluttering against golden cheek bones and lips parted just slightly.  He hoped he never forgot this image.
“I can’t wait until this heart rate monitor won’t alert everyone to just how much you affect me,” Dick muttered, opening his eyes to reveal sapphire rings around black pupils blown wide with lust.
“Just focus on healing that chest wound.  Then I’ll happily let you figure out just how much of me you can and can’t handle.”
“Deal,” Dick whispered, pushing up to press their mouths together one last time before falling back into the pillows again. 
Jason chuckled and ran his fingers along Dick’s cheek bone before dropping back down into the chair he had previously been sitting in and letting his hands fall into his lap.
“So, Wally and Roy aren’t my only redhead friends and the fact that you called just the two of them a harem was so accurate I thought I had pulled my stitches from laughing so hard when they told me.”  Jason looked at him for a moment before laughing loudly and shaking his head.
“Well then the name is definitely sticking around.”
“I’ll be sure to warn the others.”
And Jason couldn’t help but chuckle as he reached for Dick’s hand again.
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dagenspear · 4 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths Outline Fix, Part 2
Like some I disliked the crossover, it's the worst out of all of them, and this is my preference for it to be done. This one is the first of the more aggressive changes to the crossover. Here are the ideas God blessed me with:
In the opening of the episode, Oliver wakes up on Lian Yu, then searching it, seeing visual reminders of his losses from the past, then being confronted by the Spectre, a green cloaked, shrouded figure, who quickly defeats Oliver and pins him to the ground, telling him his destiny is finally upon him.
This part has a bit more going on, so I'll explain in lettered plots:
A. This is a Batwoman episode, so like Kara was more or less the focus before, she's the focus here. The main structure and this bleeds into the B plot, is that the Monitor is dead now and the crisis is sill happening and they want to help other earths try and prevent E2's and Supergirl Earth's destruction for themselves. This plot is much more involved here. Using Pariah, someone who can sense the destruction of an Earth, sets their breach devices by a signal that'll send them to an earth by how close it is to being hit by the antimatter, taking them to the place where that might originate. Kate does this, but not before being found by E-1 Bruce, played by David Giuntoli, whose come due to the end of world type situation that's unraveling. We will expand on why this Bruce left. When Jason Todd was murdered, he became bitter and filled with rage and in this fit he hunted down the Joker and nearly killed him. Seeing himself as no longer fit to be Batman, he left, but this situation is dire enough to convince him to step back up. He and Kate travel to a few earths to warn those earths of the crisis, going to Gotham first. The First is Birds Of Prey TV Series Earth 109, where she meets Helena Kyle, played by Ashley Scott, and Dinah Lance, played by Rachel Skarsten, and with a vocal cameo by Oracle, played by Dina Meyer. Bruce is distraught at the idea of an earth where he's had a daughter. Kate is taken aback by Dinah's appearance, and doesn't know how to deal with it, but pushes through to find out where Batman is, thinking he may be able to help. Earth 109's Batman is Kevin Conroy Bruce, a bitter, angry and alone Bruce whose lost almost everything in his life. Alfred, Jason, Damien his son, Selina and Kate. Here we delve into why he left Helena and Gotham, seeing himself and Batman as nothing but an bringer of pain and death of all that he cares about. He's angry at Helena for her staying as a vigilante, thinking it will only bring to her what it's brought to him, that and his fear of bringing his family pain driving him to stay away. KC Bruce relents when he hears about the crisis, but it's too late and the anti-matter sweeps in, taking out Gotham, Helena with it, as Kate uses a breach device to take her, E1 Bruce and KC Bruce out of there. KC Bruce is devastated at this, but regroups out of a desire for revenge against what's done this. Kate realizes the breach device took them to Gotham TV Series Earth 14, met with Bruce Wayne, played by David Mazouz. They explain the situation to him, he's shocked, but grasps the importance of the situation and offers to help, him being dismissed due to his age and lack of experience. He protests this, but is met with the other Bruces viewing him as naive, citing their losses and how he doesn't understand the cost of being Batman, DM Bruce angrily snapping back that they've failed the city their parents wanted to protect, rejecting that future for himself, of giving up like that. But the red skies begin to emerge, the shadow creatures beginning to sweep across the world. KC Bruce almost taking a sadistic pleasure at the idea of destroying these things, as he activates his armored bodysuit. It wouldn't have to be too fancy as far as budget wise.
B. This one is much smaller, showing a few similar aspects, but not leaning so hard into the fan service in the way the show does. Kara, Lois and Clark, using the breach device set to tracing antimatter signatures, go to Smallville TV show's Earth 217. There they meet SV Clark and Lois, who still have kids. Kara's shellshocked to see Lois look so similar to her mom. At an earlier point of this story, Kara begins to feel obsessed with the idea of turning back time and preventing her earth and Argo's destruction, pushing Ray to try and figure out how to get the waverider to time travel, so she can prevent it. Seeing a Lois who looks like her mom doesn't help. They warn him of the crisis, offering up the ways it can be at least held off, as they try and find a way to stop it entirely, suggesting he gather the help needed to make it happen as they seek out other earths to warn. Then leaving, going to Superman The Movie/Series Earth 78. Where they meet Brandon Routh's Superman, who explains to them his losses due to the same thing as what happened in the show, Kara reflecting on the loss of this Superman and how he strives not to lose himself. Him agreeing to help in any way he can. Meanwhile SV Clark goes to Lex Luthor played by Michael Rosenbaum. He convinces Lex to supply what's needed for the tower to try and hold back the antimatter.
C. This one is more simple than the others. Sara, Barry and Mia try to work out what to do with Oliver, whose badly injured, but the waverider isn't able to heal him due to the creature's attacks being based in antimatter energy. They get Jjonn to project them into Oliver's mind to try and figure out what's going on, after Jjonn tells them that he senses that although Oliver's soul is still connected to his body, it's somewhere else. Oliver questions the Spectre's meaning and where he's come from, the Spectre telling him he was once Jim Corrigan, a officer who sought justice once but allowed himself to become corrupt and killed someone to save his own skin, only to be killed himself, in his dying moments finding God and repenting for his sins, God saving his life by giving him the opportunity to become a heroic force in the world, by being like a vessel for God's vengeance on earth. Spectre tells Oliver that it's now his turn to do the same and become a vessel's for God's vengeance of the multiverse against the Anti-Monitor. Oliver repents, giving his life to God and Jesus Christ, accepting this as his destiny. But not before Mia, Barry and Sara arrive, calling to Oliver. Oliver, torn at first, grasps the importance of this, and agrees, the Spectre's white-greenish energy emerging from underneath his shrouded cloaked face and breathing into Oliver. Barry, Mia and Sara are bounced out of Oliver's mind and Oliver's body disappears from the waverider in a flash of light.
At the conclusion of the episode, the heroes gather to fight back the forces collecting on Earth 14. In the midst of this, we'd get some old fashioned fan service, with KC Batman and BR Superman fighting back to back, and E1 Bruce and TH Superman fighting together as well. Meanwhile, we catch a glimpse of something similar happening on Earth 217, with Lex himself in an armored suit and Clark as Superman. The Bats are focused on beating the shadow creatures, while DM Bruce sees a family trapped in an area surrounded by shadow creatures, seeing the Supers and others making sure the hold back the majority of the shadow creatures to ensure the majority of civilians escape (though this is shown to not be possible as the shadow creatures are even more powerful than before), he throws a small explosive to break them free, and takes the heat of the shadow creatures, him taking a hits from them, it severely injuring him. KC Bruce takes DM Bruce's sacrifice in as he helps defend Kate, as she catches this. The shadow creatures begin to overwhelm them. When suddenly, E-38 Lex Luthor emerges through a breach and, surprisingly, uses a sonic machine that's emitting waves that cause the shadow creatures to stop attacking temporarily, E-38 Clark and Kara frozen in shock at seeing him, as he smiles smarmily at them and tells them, "Hurry up, I can't save you for very long with this!" Kate reacts quickly and manages to grab Bruce, just in time to escape as the earth collapses in on itself, every one of the team following suit.
Now, DM Bruce lay dying, the damage from the shadow creatures causing his body to fail. Gideon explains that it'd need a near perfect genetic match of Bruce to transfer non shadow creature damaged DNA, which would cause the one who transferred it to die in cellular degradation. KC Bruce stops E1 Bruce before he volunteers and takes the hit, explaining that he's lost his way and to tell DM Bruce thank you for showing him what it means to be Batman again, that it's not about punishing the guilty, but about preserving the innocence of those who are defenseless. The process starts and it heals DM Bruce, as KC Bruce dies. Kate cries in a mixture of grief and relief as DM Bruce wakes up, and she gives him the thanks, as well as from herself and E1 Bruce does so as well. Gideon does maintain that DM Bruce stay in sick bay, when he tries to get back to the fight. Kate and E1 that they can be enough Bat for now.
Meanwhile E-38 Clark and Kara throw Lex up against the wall, and angrily interrogates him about what he has to do with this. Lex remains cavalier about the situation, snarkily asking them if they can't handle it when he shows them that he's the hero. Kara and Clark's eyes glow with heat vision energy, before they reel themselves in, releasing him. Brandon Routh Superman asks him how he was able to stop those shadow creatures. Lex replying with, "Oh, another one. Delightful. At least this one has manners." Further explaining that it didn't stop them, but held them off temporarily by blocking the signal of whatever was controlling them. They question that, much to Lex's amusement, him outloud stating, "It's a good thing the Monitor brought me into this. Obviously, none of you are equipped with the brainpower to save humanity." Lex looks to E-38 Clark, saying, "It's gonna be fun working together again, don't you think?" Much to Clark's scowling.
The team are then alerted to the waverider jumping to one of the next earths that's to be wiped out. The waverider jumps.
Sara then calls the whole team to the control room, everyone rushing to it. Barry and the rest are met with the horror that Earth 1 is one of the next earths to be engulfed in the antimatter wave. Pariah appears, and begins laughing. Barry reacts furiously to this, grabbing him and asking him what he finds funny. Pariah explains that when he released the Anti-Monitor, he was promised that when this time came, he would get to do the damage. Barry slowly begins to realize what he's saying, as Pariah's eyes glow red and he superspeeds around the waverider cockpit, knocking everyone off their feet. Eobard Thawne stands over a shocked Barry in full Reverse Flash garb and says that their crisis has come.
Please review and tell me what you think!
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Back in Black || Solo
TIMING: Current.
NOTES: Violence, death.
 SUMMARY: Nadia just wants her bike back. 
For a vampire, Todd wasn’t particularly scary.
That may, of course, have been because he’d been caught unaware with a bullet to the chest, and another to the thigh. Being caught unaware made him whimper like a child, like an animal.
Following him into his apartment as he dragged himself inside, Nadia had a pleased smile on her face as she slammed the door closed. “Hey, Todd. Long time, no see, huh?”
“Fucking bitch,” he snarled, fangs flashing in the shitty fluorescent lighting of his apartment. It might’ve been scary if he wasn’t twitching in pain, his body trying to push the bullets out so he could heal.
“That’s no way to greet an old friend,” she mused, cocking her revolver and aiming at him again. It was about as fun as shooting a fish in a barrel; he was cornered, really, and that kind of took the exhilaration out of it. She didn’t know what she expected. Todd was more of a rat than a vampire. Still, she thought he’d try to defend himself, maybe attack her, bite her, do something classically vampire. But, no. Todd was a coward and probably the worst vampire in history. She’d have done better trusting an actual worm to fix up her stuff and take care of it in her absence.
Speaking of stuff. “Where’s my bike, Todd?”
He groaned lowly as the bullet in his chest popped out and rolled to the floor beside him. “I didn’t think you were coming back to pick it up, you fucking psychopath! Especially after you moved across town.”
“I don’t like the sound of that, babe.” She shot him again, causing him to scream in agony. Good thing they were in the Bend and no one gave a shit. “That makes it sound like you got rid of my Harley, and that’d be so, so bad for you.”
“It’s out back!” He threw something at her. Keys. “Fuck, I fixed it up and it’s been out back since you left! I kept trying to tell you about it, but you blew me off about three times, so I gave up! Then you kept fucking shouting at me through the goddamn wall and--”
“You deserved it,” she said, cutting him off. She had no idea what Nadia had been yelling at him about, but she could guess. She holstered her gun and reached in her jacket pocket, causing him to flinch. Instead of… whatever he was expecting, she pulled out a stack of hundred dollar bills. She walked over to his kitchen and dropped it on the counter. “Thanks a million, Toddy. I really appreciate all your hard work.”
As she walked out, she thought a bit about vampires. The first time she’d met one, she’d wondered if they could feel anything at all. Obviously, facial expressions and body language disproved that, but still. It was strange not to feel someone. There was relief there, sure, but mostly it was unnerving. Everyone felt, and, for so long, she’d been used to experiencing that secondhand. She enjoyed it, in a way, like she enjoyed waking up from a restful (or restless; she wasn’t picky) sleep or that cramping feeling in her stomach when she forgot to eat. Sensations, human sensations that one doesn’t get when they’re dead. Maybe that was the problem with vampires, zombies. Maybe that was why she kind of pitied them. After all, she’d gotten her life back. They never would.
She went around back, doing her best to ignore the smell of garbage and death. People really didn’t give a fuck about the Bend, did they? But there was a bike shaped object under a sheet to protect it from the elements. She pulled off the sheet and grinned.
This was what love felt like, she just knew it. Love was a sleek, powerful machine that she’d put a good bit of money into to make it sleeker and more powerful. She caressed the side of the bike, appreciating that it’d been relatively well taken care of. It was warm, even, the smell of gasoline and hot rubber fresh. Unfortunately, that meant that someone had probably been riding it. Probably Todd.
This wasn’t going to be a good night for Todd.
She headed back to the apartment. The door was still open. Todd was picking himself off the floor. He bared his fangs as she entered, eyes red and demonic. She didn’t flinch, just pulled out her gun and shot him between the eyes. He dropped to the floor. She maneuvered herself into the kitchen. It was surprisingly well-stocked. His flavor of the month must like to cook. It was a shame they’d have such a mess to clean up.
“I told you not to ride my bike.” She walked over to the dining table and knocked a chair over. “Fix it, but don’t touch it otherwise, those were the instructions.” Snap! She broke off one of the chair’s legs. “I know it’s been awhile, my guy, but instructions don’t change.” Walking over to him, she watched his eyes twitch behind his eyelids. He wouldn’t wake up before she was done. “Really, Todd. I’m disappointed.”
Nadia would go to her grave, again, saying that she wasn’t a murderer. She wasn’t a hitwoman. She didn’t plan out her kills. She did it because she had to, not because she wanted to. It was defense, a way to preserve her lives. It was retribution, a price to be paid. If she was paying someone, getting them to do something, they were expected to listen or pay the consequences. It was that easy. Besides, White Crest was better off without a bastard like Todd running around. She was really doing the town a service.
She put the broken side of the chair leg against his chest and shoved it in. No blood. Just dust. He wasn’t even awake when he died. It was almost peaceful.
Leaving the money on the table, she set down the chair leg and left. Someone would be around, either later in the night or in the morning.
Back out in the alley, she grinned, wiping the ashes off her clothes. Humming, she walked up to the motorcycle, getting on it slowly. It’d been a few months, but riding wasn’t something you forgot. It was muscle memory, cranking it and revving the engine. Nadia laughed, ecstatic. Another piece of her life was falling into place.
Speeding out of the alley, she didn’t even feel Nadia Diaz stirring beneath the surface. Good. She went back to the apartment in the East End. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be too long before all the pieces fit together, and she wouldn’t have to worry about Nadia Diaz ever again.
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littleduck46 · 4 years
This wonderful, inventive ask game designed and tagged by @futurepirateking4271 (To whom I am growing extremely fond of). 
Get to Know Your Followers Friends
Rules: Complete the open-ended questions/phrases, then bold the phrase that better describes you/your preferences in the list below! Tag whoever and however many people you’d like!
Name: Lilli 
Favorite Card Game(s): I love playing cards because I often win against my family. I am good at risk assessment and planning ahead. So Euchre and Rummy. I also enjoy Trash while waiting for something like a plane or a show to start. 
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: I’d say probably mint chocolate chip or strawberry or anything with caramel. Although I have cut soda out of my diet mostly for years now, I cannot quit ice cream for more than a month. 
Favorite Season: The time between Summer and fall and winter and spring. I love to watch the world shift around me. It’s like a reassuring pat on the back that change is both inevitable and sometimes cleansing/growing. 
Favorite Holiday: Halloween or Christmas (for the opposite reason people might think.) Halloween because I enjoy the decorations and watching people grow passionate about their costumes. Christmas because I enjoy gift-giving and eating cinnamon rolls. 
Favorite Fruit: Apples for availability, watermelon or strawberries for taste. I do love a homemade apple pie or apple crisp so I may be biased. 
Last Dream You Remember: The last dream I remember suitable for sharing I was walking somewhere in the rain, ran into an old friend and a not so old one. I realized I only cherished one because they reminded me of the other. We smiled, we hugged, and I will always cherish the dreams they pass through. It’s the only way I imagine looking into those eyes again. 
Song of Choice at the Moment: Do You Want To Know A Secret by the Beatles or Talk To Me by Sunny and the Sunglows. 
Favorite Book(s)/Series: Favorite book is the Westing Game, favorite book series is embarrassingly the Vladimir Todd series. I haven’t read them in years but I liked them enough to hunt down almost the entire set. 
Favorite Show(s): Psych, Supernatural, House M.D., Criminal Minds (Season 3-10), Parks and Recreation, Star Trek (Original) 
Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the Rings(all but Two Tours to be specific), Mr. Right, Guardians of the Galaxy (Sorry but I actually enjoy marvel movies...forgive me), Four Brothers, and definitely Sound Of Music. 
Your Mario Character: Usually Waluigi; I have no excuse. 
Early Bird // Night Owl 
[Chocolate] White // Milk // Dark // None
Horror // Romance (+ RomCom) // Action // Other
Waffles // Pancakes
Cursive + Script // Print
McDonald’s // Wendy’s // Burger King // I’m healthy
iPhone // Android
Tea // Coffee // Neither
Urban // Suburbs // Rural
Are you an only child? No. 
Are you allergic to anything? Somehow, no. 
Are you an artist? (all forms of art): Technically I create, but I do not like an artist’s life. I paint, I write, and I sometimes enjoy crafts or poetry, but I’m no artists. 
What’s your love language? Giving: Gift-giving, acts of service,  Receiving: Words of affirmation, physical contact, sometimes acts of service. 
What does your url mean? Sadly, it is a nickname of someone I knew and the number isn’t something I wish to discuss. Basically, I wanted my blog title to signify where I was when I started, so I could always remember how far I’ve come. It is rather effective still today. 
What inspires you? I am inspired by others. I am inspired by music as well. Whatever sparks an ache in my chest or an image in my mind. I am inspired by wanting to heal others or wanting to celebrate them and by wanting to capture my mind on something you can look back on later. My inspiration is very sentimental as, I suppose, am I. 
What are your aspirations? I wish to be fluent in Spanish, or at least never lose what I have now, and to help others in my career. Rather research-based or hands-on, I want to work with and for the human mind. 
What are your plans for after quarantine? Remind my friend that I love them through my love language. Get a job again. Start my next chapter in life. 
As always, just because I do not tag you does not mean I am not fully interested in reading your answers, so if this looks like something you genuinely want to do, tag me and do it anyways!!! That being said, @fingergunsbidean  @flannel-wearing-warrior@deanscastiel79 @rocknrolldamnation73 @chewmintgum @superwholliganjen ect. 
Blank Template:
Get to Know Your Followers Friends
Rules: Complete the open-ended questions/phrases, then bold the phrase that better describes you/your preferences in the list below! Tag whoever and however many people you’d like!
Favorite Card Game(s):
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
Favorite Season:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Fruit:
Last Dream You Remember:
Song of Choice at the Moment:
Favorite Book(s)/Series:
Favorite Show(s):
Favorite Movie(s):
Your Mario Character:
Early Bird // Night Owl
[Chocolate] White // Milk // Dark // None
Horror // Romance (+ RomCom) // Action // Other
Waffles // Pancakes
Cursive + Script // Print
McDonald’s // Wendy’s // Burger King // I’m healthy
iPhone // Android
Tea // Coffee // Neither
Urban // Suburbs // Rural
Are you an only child?
Are you allergic to anything?
Are you an artist? (all forms of art)
What’s your love language?
What does your url mean?
What inspires you?
What are your aspirations?
What are your plans for after quarantine?
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jasonfvkingtodd · 6 years
Wolf  [Part 1]
Warnings: Slight mention of mental illnesses
I awoke with a throbbing headache from the earlier 'session'. Ive been stuck in this cell, tortured for weeks or even months on end in 'The Lab'. My own blood was on the floor and walls of the cells, it stank like the pits of hell. Why were they doing this? Both my tank top and tactical pants were caked with blood. When was the last time I actually cleaned up? Fuck.
A group of men burst into the cell and dragged me across a long corridor, illuminated with bright white lights. A bald man with a goatee wearing a white lab coat greeted me. As from what I’ve have gathered from the conversations my captors had, his name was Sadiq.
"Jasmine, nice to see that you've... recovered. Lets begin with our next session." Sadiq smirked.
I then glanced down to find that the stab wound from the previous time you were in The Lab healed fully.
The men tied me down to a examining table, awaiting for Sadiq's instruction. Not having enough energy to resist them, I laid there, exhausted and hopeless, awaiting the pain that’s about to come. Then, out of nowhere, men were shouting outside the Lab, followed by guns firing. Sadiq looked worried, terrified even and ran out of the room. Not so tough now huh.
Minutes later, the entire facility sat in a deafening silence. I started to realize why Sadiq was scared shitless. Something took out the entire facility within minutes. Strapped to the table, i was left defenseless. Unable to turn my head, I heard the door opening behind, followed by a dark shadow with... pointy ears? Was this a joke? A face loomed over, it was covered by a cowl. The man’s face was impossible to read. He then sunk a syringe into your neck as you slowly faded into oblivion.
Whispers were heard as you laid on what felt like a metal surface. “You can’t just bring someone like this into the cave Master Bruce. Especially not a criminal!”, a British sounding voice exclaimed. “She’s in need of immediate medical attention that even the best hospital in Gotham can’t provide,” a deeper, American sounding voice replied.  How was I a criminal?
They’re going to torture me again. Another one of Sadiq’s mind games. The man in the mask moved towards me, his face inches away.
“Why are you in Gotham,” he growled.
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I blatantly said.
“Let me ask you once more. Why. Are. You. In. Gotham.” The man in the mask repeated.
I remained silent. No point answering him anymore. He remained silent for a while, thinking.
“Do you remember fighting me?” He asked.
“No.” I answered.
“Do you remember fighting me for that thumbdrive?”
“Uhm no.” I hesitated. What on earth?
“She doesn’t remember a single thing from 6 months ago.” The man in the mask said to the older guy in a suit standing beside him, both seemed… vexed. Maybe I was really rescued.
The man then turnt to the machine and administered another substance into the IV drip. Before I could panic, I immediately felt the effect of the knockout drug, as waves of fatigue crashed over me, before I drifted back into nothingness.
I woke up to warm rays of sunlight on my face. Sunlight. Huh. It’s been forever since I’ve seen the sun. Last time I saw it… well, Sadiq almost executed me. Just one of his mind games.
“Good morning Miss.” The British guy walked in the room just as I was about stand up. I tensed up, my body on alert. I’m much stronger now, I can fight back. “You’re safe here. Don’t worry Miss…?”
“Jasmine. You can just call me Jasmine.” I managed to stutter out. That’s what I presume, my name I mean. Sadiq always calls me that. I never knew my name, I can’t even remember who were my parents.
“At your service Miss Jasmine. Oh, where are my manners. Alfred Pennyworth, at your service. If you need anything, ring the bell.” He gestured to your nightstand where a dainty-looking hand bell stood.
“Yes… Sure, thank you. May I ask where am I?” I probed. This sounded too good to be true.
“You’re staying in Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne’s ‘house’” He replied.
Who? Who the tell was that? I gave a puzzled look to him. I heard him mutter under his breath, “Oh dear Lord, this is even worse than what Master Bruce has made it to be.”
He cleared his throat, “Would you like a tour around the manor Miss Jasmine?”
With that, I was cooped up in this manor for 2 months, recuperating. Not that I’m complaining, it’s been the best days of my life. On the plus side, I was getting stronger everyday, getting smarter everyday. I eventually found out who Bruce Wayne was, billioniare ‘playboy’, secretly Batman. Funny how I knew Batman first before Bruce Wayne. But like all the Robins before me, I found hope again.
The first time I met Bruce  (a few days after I woke up in the manor),  I hugged him. I know, totally not the most awkward thing to ever do when you first meet the Batman.  Still, no regrets. “Thank you. For saving me.” I choked out. He smiled (HE ACTUALLY SMILED). And that was our first non-hostile exchange of information. He’s the sweetest person, although he doesn’t actually show it. He became a father figure to me after the 2 months.
As weeks passed, he started teaching me martial arts as I recovered. ‘To neutralize threats’ he would tell me, ‘is to take each and everyone of them down in the fastest way possible’ as he fucking flips me across the room.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m never becoming a Robin, Damien would murder me. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m not cut out for this shit. I’ve had countless sleepless nights, even with the knowledge I’m safe, I can never sleep properly without medication. It’s a problem, I know. Thus, I would conclude, everytime I had an internal argument on taking up Robin’s mantel, I would never get that lovely 8h of sleep if I were to become Robin.
Meanwhile, as I’m fantasizing about my plans to take Sadiq down with the new learnt moves Bruce has taught me, I walked around the house. Then one day, I saw a figure looming over a picture in the library. Fuck is that a ghost? I’ve always heard stories from Dick that the manor had tons of wandering spirits.
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As I inspected closer, it was a man. Around 6’2, in a grey tactical suit with a red bat symbol. As he sensed someone’s prescence, his head suddenly turnt to my direction, staring right back at me.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked, getting ready to fight if there was a need.
He laughed, “What the fuck are you doing here? Alfred let me in don’t worry. “ He paused awhile and continued, “OH you’re the girl, Alfred’s talking about! You’re a clone or something right? Hi, I’m Jason Todd, former robin, now red hood.” He remarked.
“What th- First of all fuck you, I lost my memory I’m not a fucking clone. Second, name’s Jasmine, you shitfuck.” Shit was that too rude? FUCK.
Jason chuckled,”Woah, feisty. Nice to meet you Jasmine. Are you planning to fight Damien to overthrow him as Robin? Or are you going to take the Spoiler route?”
“Huh, definitely fighting Damien.” I joked.
Jason and I… We hit it off. It’s kinda like the dynamic I have with Dick, only much much more inappropriate. I talked all the way into the night as he drove you to what he termed “the most beautiful view in Gotham”.
“Woah.” I marveled at the city lights of Gotham city as both of us reached the rooftop of a rickety old brick building. “I gotta admit Jason, I had my doubts.”
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“Never judge a book by its cover clonegirl.” He remarked.
“Fuck you.” I rolled my eyes.
Both our feet hung off the rooftop, sitting next to Jason’s childhood gargoyle, letting the stillness of the night fill the atmosphere. The view was amazing. 
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However, as I looked down, cop cars raced off along the road. I was reminded of the crimes that people were committing during Gotham nights. Then one thought led to the other, I was in Sadiq’s Lab again, filled with fear. Agony. Pain. Fuck this wasn’t the first time I’m having these flashbacks, but every. Damn. Time. It feels the same.
“Jason, do you ever have flashbacks?” I broke the silence.
“Of wha- Oh. Yea. I have them. Not the best thing when it happens. Although it did make me zone out when I was tortured down in Qurac.Why?” He remarked.
“Huh, nice. I just don’t know what to do. You can’t stop the images from forming you know? It’s not… I can’t.” My brain was not working.
“Fuck, what happened Jasmine?”
“I was tortured too. By a man named Sadiq. For months, the pain I was put through was unbearable. But he just won’t let me die. Whenever I wake up, my wounds, even a punctured lung, stab wounds… They’ve all been healed.” I rambled, before I knew,  tears started streaming down my cheeks. “ Oh fuck. Sorry. You really don’t have to know that.”
“Hey hey, its going to be ok. You can cope with it. You’re here now right? Let’s start with that” Jason said, as he hugged be. Oh god. The warmth that radiates off him. I want this hug to last forever.
I sniffed, “I guess you’re right.”
I asked him all questions on coping with all these and he has been the best support. Don’t get me wrong here, Alfred and Bruce has helped me so much through these weeks of rehab but the emotional trauma… I don’t want to cast that burden on them, or anyone.
Jason and I, I realized, shares a lot of common things. We went through surprisingly similar experiences, similar tastes, humor…
“And that was how I knew I’ve done fucked up this time.” Jason concluded on his story on bringing a muddy raccoon back into the manor when he was 15. We were sitting shoulder to shoulder, sitting closer and closer together as our conversation and the night went on.
As we watched the sunrise, I rested my head on his shoulders. I felt him tense up. Ohhh shit, bad move Jasmine. He relaxed again as he let out a breath, resting his head on mine. Relief washed over me.
“We talked an entire day.” Jason cleared his throat as he got up from the ledge, “We should get some rest.” I guess he must’ve seen the disappointed look on my face. He then added,” You free tomorrow? Let’s go on a day trip to NYC.”
“Yea sure.” I chuckled. Is he leading me on? I don’t know.
As we arrived at the porch of the manor, we said our farewells.
“See you tomorrow, pick you up at 0800. Rest well doll.” He said, with the most mischievious looking smile ever.
“See you soon Jay.”
Thank you for 100 followers and for surviving this long ass read at my first shot at a fanfiction! I opted to go for 1st person instead of reader x Jason fic as I found it more challenging to write from that POV.This story also starts off on the first few issues of RHATO Rebirth. If i can, I’ll be following this series close to the current comics! :) Also, much much more fluff & action is planned out for this series! (I’ll keep on writing no matter) Already planned out a tie-in for #25 so hope yall would like it! Hope this concepts works out with logic haha. Any suggestions/tips for writing, pls comment! Much appreciated :) AND ALSO WHAT A TIME TO POST THIS YALL IMMA KICK START JASON TODD BIRTHDAY WEEK HERE WITH THIS STAY TUNED xoxo
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beccasbigworld · 3 years
Superhero Films: What Should The Future Of This Genre Be?
Government Name and Past History:
Ivy Grace Valentine, an American anti-hero with an unfortunate childhood. She was born on August 11th, 1983, in the upstairs of a tiny apartment in upper Manhattan, New York City, in the neighborhood of Manhattan. Her mother Amelia lee Valentine, age 31 when she had Ivy, had rejected her the moment she was born. Ivy had never had the raw connection of her mother’s touch. It was nearly impossible considering that her mother was mentally ill. She was diagnosed with Bipolar affective disorder when Ivy was two years old. Her father was never in the picture, Ivy’s mother would tell her that once she got pregnant with her he vanished off the face of the earth. She has no other siblings and grew up isolated from the real world. Her mother would tell her that the outside world was dangerous and she had to stay in the apartment complex. Ivy’s childhood was tragic and she didn’t have support from anyone. Any family she did have was from her father’s side and because of his disappearance they never talked. When Ivy was five years old, her mother’s mental illness was getting out of hand and she started to verbally and physically abuse her. The neighbors in their apartment complex heard a commotion and called the police. The cities, social security workers, and child protective services had to get involved and they decided that separating Ivy from her mother was the best option. Her mother ended up facing court and was charged with the endangerment of a child. She was brought to manhattan’s mental health hospital and that is where she is currently residing. Ivy was brought to the city's local children foster care complex where she would stay as she got older. She was raised by the foster care system. At the age of ten, she was told that her mother had put her up for adoption because she was incapable of taking care of her. It took until age 13 when a younger couple came into the facility asking to meet the kids because they were interested in adopting a child. The agent told them about 13-year-old Ivy Grace Valentine and her story and they fell in love with her. They adopted her on December 21st, 1996 and that would be the first time Ivy felt like someone genuinely cared and wanted her in their lives. Her foster parents are Jamie Andrews and Todd Andrews, a young couple that sadly was unable to conceive a child and decided to look into the adoption process. They lived in a nice suburban neighborhood in WestChester, New York. They gave Ivy anything and everything she could ever ask for. They helped her heal from the unfortunate childhood she was given. At the age of 18, Ivy had finally graduated high school with the help of Jamie and Todd. Ivy didn’t have plans after high school, she stayed home and worked at a local diner while trying to figure out her destiny.
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Current History:
On Tuesday, March 18th, 2001, Ivy had been working at the diner when two men in suits and dark shades came in and sat at the booth of the establishment. She overheard them talking about a woman in a manhattan Mental hospital who had escaped because the government did secret tests on her in an underground lab. Right away she had the gut feeling that they were talking about her mother. That night instead of going straight home after work she got on the highway and headed for the city. She parked down the street from the hospital and put a hood over her head. She was able to sneak in, she went through the dark hallways and found the file room where she searched for her mother's file. It was nowhere to be found. Ivy went snooping around for anything she could find as a sign of her mother. She was running out of time until she heard a loud boom that felt like it came from the basement. She crept down the staircase, three floors until she saw the basement door. It had a small glass window and it had a red glow. She peeked through and saw men in hazard suits working on some scientific experiments. Her curiosity led her further as she crept into the lab. These men were discussing a material, they called Lithium, that could wipe out a person’s mental illness however, they wouldn’t use it positively. They would wipe out a person's brain and hypnotize them into minions that would only inhabit what they taught them. They wanted to take over the city and if they could train and develop a person’s brain into only knowing to follow a higher authority and cause destruction they could. Ivy was in disbelief, she was the only one that knew that this was going on and she was confused why they used her mother as a test subject. She wondered if they had cleared her mind of all memories? Before she got out of there in time, she had bumped into a box, causing a loud bang. The men heard and saw her shadow run along the wall. They started to throw the chemical at her, maybe thinking it would be the first person they infect. It hit her and she screamed in agony. She suddenly started to breathe heavily as these men stood in disbelief. Her hair started to turn green, her eyes were bloodshot and her psyche became bigger. Her arms muscles were more defined and her voice was deeper than before. The Lithium that hit her didn’t erase her memory instead, it made her into a stronger, green-haired superwoman. She stood up and turned towards the men. They started to run but before they could Ivy clenched her fist and punched it forward causing a wave of destructive energy to lift the men off of the floor and killed them.
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At this moment Ivy had realized she had developed the superpower of extreme energy and force. It allowed her with the simple move of her arm to cause mass destruction. Ivy was invincible now. She had green hair, was 5’8, had pale white skin, bloodshot eyes, and a defined body that gave her a boost of confidence. She felt like she could conquer anything. Her childhood fueled her into thinking that she could survive anything. Instead of this power, allowing her to do positive things the only thing she wanted to do was find her mother. She felt empowered, smarter, and lighter because the weight of her childhood wasn’t on her shoulders. She possessed the chemical Lithium in her system and like the men had discussed in the basement of erasing people’s memories she wanted to use the power she had to tell her mom her childhood the way she had always wanted it to be. How Jamie and Todd had raised her. Ivy’s character is an anti-hero because her only focus is to change her mother’s memory on a fantasy, she isn’t using her powers for good or to help the city. She is doing it out of trauma from her childhood. Ivy was neglected, abandoned, and still somehow cared about her mother that she was willing to “fix” her so she could live the life with her that she had always wanted. Ivy is an advocate for getting revenge, she advocated for allowing people to change a person the wrong way and fighting for something that is not meant to be. Ivy after on the journey to find her mother doesn’t use her powers for anything. She ended up finding her mother in a local shelter because she was found by an older woman laying on the street. Ivy then sat with her mother and with her extreme force hypnotized her brain into only remembering what Ivy was telling her. She stated, “you have no mental illness, your daughter Ivy is your greatest gift and you cherish her and love her more than anything in this world. Your goal is to make her happy, and yourself happy, we live in a grand house with a rose-red door and we live happily”. Her mother obtains the information and since that moment is a different woman. Her mother does anything and everything for her. Ivy was lucky that the lab didn’t kill her mother but she is also lucky that she obtained this power because if not she was planning on killing her mother in revenge for how she treated her. In a sense, Ivy is an anti-hero and villain because she only cares for herself and wants revenge instead of coping with the situation in a healthy way. Ivy had to spend her childhood being beaten by her mother and living with her mental illness. Ivy and her mother ended up leaving New York and now they are living in a house in a suburban neighborhood in the down of Boulder Colorado. Ivy dyed her hair back to blonde and has contacts for her bloodshot eyes. She wears long sleeves and pants while out in public to hide her intense muscles.
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I believe that Ivy’s character is most likened to Deadpool, Batman, and Joker from the Marvel Cinematic and Dc Universe because she is a dark-hearted girl, who has a terrible upbringing that changes her whole life around. Similar to the stories of Joker, Batman, and Deadpool because they all have a certain situation that transforms them into the hero/anti-hero and villain. Batman had to watch his parents be killed in front of his own eyes when he was a young boy. Deadpool’s body is disfigured in the use of torture and it affects his love life and his social life. He seeks revenge similar to Ivy on the person that “ruined” his life and has no mercy for what he does. Joker based on the 2019 film is living with an extreme mental illness that makes him stand out to a crowd. His whole life he is called out for being weird and he is looked down upon. He takes care of his mother who he learns was never his real mother at all and he kills her. He destroys the city of Gotham and it causes an uproar of support from people who were also misunderstood and want change. Ivy’s childhood causes her to seek revenge when she hears her mother has escaped due to a scientific experiment. She knows that her mother's mind is blank and with her power she can transform her life the way that she wants it to be.
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Ivy’s future is filled with some bliss, she hasn’t died, she still lives in Boulder Colorado with her mother. She eventually had to change her name because her adopted parents had an investigation put out on her disappearance. Her new name is Synia Lynn Coldmire, and she and her mother live a quiet life with little social interaction to avoid them being discovered. Ivy doesn’t know what would happen if the higher authority found out of her powers. Ivy Grace Valentine now known as Synia Lynn Coldmire, left a negative legacy on the human race because she gave the idea that revenge and changing a person’s memory if given the power could fix all of their problems. Ivy was lucky that she was given this power in the first place because if not she would still have to live her whole life without her biological mother and heal from her experiences. She was given a power that was dangerous to society and selfishly used it for her good. She left her adoptive parents. Jamie and Todd in the dust granted they were the only people that gave her a sense of peace and love. She left a legacy of selfishness. However, even though her mother is cured of her mental illness and only remembers to love Ivy, Ivy has to live knowing that without that power her mother would have never cared about her. Now she lives in fear of being caught by the government. What a life.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Eat Sleep Burn
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/eat-sleep-burn/
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Dan’s legendary 28-Day Metabolic Reset — The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn program will completely reprogram your body to burn ugly belly fat
10x how fast you lose weight, you have the option of using this super simple — do anywhere — exercise program…And because it doesn’t require ANY gym equipment you can do it without ever leaving your house
The Exact “Sleep Slim Tea” recipe that Todd and I used to transform our sleep habits, life, and bodies
A 21-minute exercise for fat burn. You’ll get access to the scientifically proven most efficient way to exercise for weight loss
How to maintain a flat, strong belly that puts the “gym bunnies” to shame without ever feeling like you’re “working out” at all… strategically created to reset your hormones to reduce hunger and eliminate cravings
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I barely have time to tell you about…
The “Limitless Potential” System — What if a few extra tweaks to your daily routine could help you tap into just 10% more of your mind and body’s boundless potential… What about 20% or 50% or more…Not only is it possible. It’s actually easy to do if you know the simple “hacks” Dan has assembled in the Limitless Potential System
Simple little habits you can add to your daily routine designed to help your body recover from the strains of daily life, exercise, work stress, environmental pollutants and more
Your 21 days of FREE access to Dan’s award-winning online coaching program… you’ll be getting exclusive emails from Dan where he shares his most important new insights and discoveries with you. Plus… As soon as you finish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to our secret closed Facebook group where you have motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the program and get the amazing results I’ve promised you here today.
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Available Worldwide 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
I reclaimed my life, energy, CONFIDENCE, and the fun loving playfulness that I missed so much about myself.
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Brenda LOST 76 lbs and went from a size 18 to a size 5!
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And Barry lost 25 lbs and shocked his doctor who said, “You have the heart health of a young man again”!
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Pat lost 40 lbs at age 54, banished her sore knees and back, and actually increased her strength and healthy lean muscle without lifting any weights.
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Then there’s Kym who dropped 30 lbs and went from 28% bodyfat to 13%.
Make no mistake… now their success can be YOUR success. The Eat, Sleep, Burn system is so simple you can literally start tonight. And you’ll have it in your hands in the next 2 minutes. Simply use the button below to get started now and claim your massive limited-time discount.
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Available Worldwide 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Now: If there’s a still a little voice in the back of your head that isn’t quite sure…
Let me do one more thing to make this the easiest choice of your life…
And to make sure you don’t let “fear of regret” keep you from taking advantage of this wonderful offer…
See, I want you to feel deep in your heart and deep in your soul that you’re getting an incredible deal that you can be proud of…
Heck, I want you to feel like you “put one over on me” by doing what I know you want to do so badly and enrolling in the program today…
That’s why I’ve got 3 Very Special Presents for you just for saying “Maybe” to “Eat, Sleep, Burn” today…
First I’ll give you Dan’s legendary 28-Day Metabolic Reset
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The simple lifestyle shifts in the Eat Sleep Burn program will completely reprogram your body to burn ugly belly fat. However, if you’d like to 10x how fast you lose weight, you have the option of using this super simple — do anywhere — exercise program. And because it doesn’t require ANY gym equipment you can do it without ever leaving your house…
You will lose belly fat just by following the lessons in Eat Sleep Burn.
Yet if you enjoy exercising then the “28-Day Metabolic Reset” gives you the fastest weight loss in the least amount of time. Because most folks are wasting their time spinning their wheels on a treadmill or elliptical trainer… we want to make sure YOU have access to the scientifically proven most efficient way to exercise for weight loss.
It takes just 21 minutes a day. It uses bodyweight exercises only.
Not only will this exercise program burn off your belly fat, it is also strategically created to reset your hormones to reduce hunger and eliminate cravings. You’ll be shocked at how gentle and simple these movements are…
And you’ll able to get a flat, strong belly that puts the “gym bunnies” to shame without ever feeling like you’re “working out” at all.
Your second present is your Eat Sleep Burn “Limitless Potential” System
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What if a few extra tweaks to your daily routine could help you tap into just 10% more of your mind and body’s boundless potential? What about 20% or 50% or more?
Not only is it possible. It’s actually easy to do if you know the simple “hacks” Dan has assembled in the Limitless Potential System. And it’s all down to simple little habits you can add to your daily routine designed to help your body recover from the strains of daily life, exercise, work stress, environmental pollutants and more.
Dan forged these strategies working with athletes and movie stars who are desperate for even the slightest edge.
By engineering rapid mental and physical recovery using these scientifically proven “hacks”. Dan has easily doubled or tripled the athletic potential of his clients…and slashed in half the time it takes for his movie star clients to get in shape for the camera.
And now, for the first time, you can enjoy the massive boost to your own mental, physical, and professional performance.
Maybe you’re wondering what that might look like…Well, Dan’s new client Julie did nothing except apply the habits in the Limitless Potential System and lost 4 lbs of belly fat… just by allowing her body to recover so that her fat burning metabolism could perform at 100%…
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg… I don’t even have time to get into the amazing effects these habits will have on your immune system, your ability to quickly heal from an injury, and the near-miraculous restorative effects on your health…
Your third present is something special. In fact, I can’t do this for everyone
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It’s easily the gift I’m most excited about giving you!…
Because it’s 21 days of FREE access to Dan’s award-winning online coaching program…
Listen: No matter how hard we work to make Eat Sleep Burn the most complete and easy-to-follow system it can be, there are always going to be questions and particular situations that come up that we just can’t cover in the material…
That’s why we want to give you 21 days of PERSONAL coaching with Dan and his staff…
First, you’ll be getting exclusive emails from Dan where he shares his most important new insights and discoveries with you. Plus…
As soon as you finish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to our secret closed Facebook group where you can ask any question you want, network and bond with other folks going on the exact same journey and get the motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the program and get the amazing results I’ve promised you here today…
So let’s add this all up just so you can see for yourself what a great deal you’re actually getting.
With your special discount you’ll get the complete “Eat Sleep Burn” program for just $37.
We already agreed that “Eat Sleep Burn” is worth at least $97 all by itself so that’s already a pretty great deal.
But then, at no additional charge at all, you’re also getting:
The Eat Sleep Burn “Limitless Potential” System
The 28-Day Metabolic Reset program
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And each of those should probably sell for $97 or more all by themselves too…
If you were at the supermarket that would all add up to…
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Available Worldwide 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
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Here’s how it works:
Just enroll in “Eat Sleep Burn” right now…
USE the material… (It’s so easy to use and as close to “Done For You” as humanly possible.)
See for yourself how EASY getting a taut, firm, FLAT belly and watching the pounds FALL off — literally overnight — can actually be. Experience what it’s like to double your energy and wake up every morning ready to take on the world instead of yearning to just hit the snooze button until noon!
If you don’t think “Eat Sleep Burn” is worth at least double what you’re paying today, just contact my customer service at [email protected] any time in the next 60 days.
And you’ll get every dime back as fast as we can.
Now, you might ask why exactly am I being so generous?
That’s a very good question… And I’ve got two answers for you.
The first is kind of selfish…
After sinking every minute of my off-duty time tweaking and experimenting with Dan’s methods to make them as EASY as possible for you to enjoy… after experiencing first hand how it changed my life, saved Todd’s life, and renewed our marriage… I just want to make sure it gets out there and helps as many people as possible to create the body you desire so much and reclaim the energy, joy and health you deserve…
The second answer is maybe a little “sappy” I guess…
It’s because I want this for you… I want you to feel what I have felt… I want you to experience what it’s like to look in the mirror AND LOVE what you see…
To get compliments from random people on the street on how fit and healthy you are… To actually get EXCITED about walking around with your belly exposed because of the stares it draws and how POWERFUL it makes you feel…
To feel like you are bursting with more energy and excitement than you’ve felt since you were a kid.
And if I have to put myself out there a bit to help you? I’ll gladly do just that.
And all you have to do is click the button on this page now… Because I can guarantee this will work for you.
In fact, even though Eat Sleep Burn works best if you have at least 15 lbs to lose, even folks who thought they were already in amazing shape have been shocked by what happens when they use Dan’s methods.
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Like Kristin who started with a body I would have been envious of, and turned it into a simply beautiful, toned and athletic physique.
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Or Trevor who already looked great at the beach, then sculpted himself an absolutely shredded body worthy of a Roman marble god.
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And Tanya who crafted herself a bikini body worthy of a magazine cover in just 8 weeks.
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Available Worldwide 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
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I truly look forward to hearing about your weight loss success using Dan’s Eat, Sleep, Burn system. Join the ranks and add your own raving reviews!
Please send me your comments, testimonials, success stories and questions. I would love to hear from you.
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roshanzion2023 · 11 months
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sciencespies · 4 years
The Outsized Role of the President in Race Relations
The Outsized Role of the President in Race Relations
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President Barack Obama’s love of the Martin Luther King quote “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” went so deep that he had it woven into a rug in the Oval Office. For Obama, writes author Mychal Denzsel Smith, the quote was used “to temper the hope his presidency inspired, to remind those who had placed their faith in his message of change that it would not be one singular moment… that would usher in a new and just society.”
Since the founding of the nation, the United States has had its share of moments that bent the arc in a more just direction, particularly on matters of race, such as the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation or the passage of the civil rights acts of the mid-1960s. Those actions came about after decades of work by activists and legislators, the people who inhabit King’s moral universe. The inverse has been true as well, as white supremacists and those too comfortable with the status quo have bent that arc of progress in a direction away from racial justice.
For better and for worse, the presidency, and its stewards over more than 200 years of history, plays a unique role in the racial relations of the country. The president has a tremendous ability to defend the civil liberties of the most vulnerable citizens and help heal racial divisions. Most people probably think of the aforementioned examples of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, or Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson’s support for civil rights legislation. Alternatively, the president can exacerbate racial tensions and enflame violence. In those instances, they might think of the times the president has targeted minority communities, such as President Andrew Johnson’s attempts to undermine black citizenship after the Civil War or Japanese internment under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Countless other examples, however should play a more prominent role in our national story. In 1870, President Ulysses S. Grant harnessed the power of the newly created Department of Justice to prosecute crimes committed against recently emancipated African Americans in the South. He also sent federal troops to South Carolina to suppress Ku Klux Klan activity. Grant’s successor, Rutherford B. Hayes made a deal with southern Democrats in return for an electoral victory. Once in office, Hayes pulled federal troops out of South Carolina and Louisiana, effectively permitting the return of the Ku Klux Klan and the rise of the Jim Crow era.
While I had read about this history while studying for my graduate exams, I never expected Grant’s administration to feel so relevant to our contemporary moment. After conversations with Hilary Green, a professor at the University of Alabama, and Nick Sacco, a park ranger at the Ulysses S. Grant National Park Service site in St. Louis, I became even more convinced that Grant’s legacy should be a central part of the national conversation about how the government can combat racism. Grant’s use of federal force to support black citizenship takes on extra meaning when we consider that Congress had abolished the Freedmen’s Bureau in 1872, which had provided essential housing, education, and training for recently emancipated African Americans. This discussion about the Reconstruction Era came about for a new podcast I’m co-hosting produced by the Center for Presidential History called The Past, The Promise, The Presidency.
The first season explores the complicated relationship between the president and race, from Lincoln to Donald Trump. Each week, a new episode will drop with expert interviews offering insights on the complex racial story of this nation, what events should be better known, the moments of missed potential, and more.
Sometimes the episodes will push back on well-trod narratives. Historians Edna Medford and Eric Foner ruminated on the many Lincolns in American memory. Lincoln’s contested legacy, his evolution on slavery and abolition, and his imperfections are an essential part of understanding the Civil War. “Lincoln hated slavery. Why?” says Foner. “Because it was a violation of democratic principles, because it violated the Declaration of Independence, because it was injurious to white labor. Notice, I haven’t mentioned race yet. When people ask me, ‘What did Lincoln think about race?’ My first answer is that he didn’t think about race much.”
An American history that remembers Lincoln as someone who didn’t believe in racial equality, initially opposed emancipation, but then changed his mind when confronted with additional information is a richer and more honest version. “Lincoln was not a saint, he was a human being with all of the same foibles as the rest of us,” adds Medford. “Despite that, he did great things, and that’s what we need to remember about him. He really did want a society where people could rise.”
The presidency and race is not just a black-white binary. For instance, Grant’s legacy as the vanquisher of the Confederacy and protector of black rights is marred when evaluating his role in displacing Native American nations from their sovereign lands during the 1860s and 1870s. These differing histories help us understand why protestors toppled a Grant monument in California, but left a similar statue untouched on the East Coast. Historian Alaina Roberts, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh and author of I’ve Been Here All the While: Black Freedom on Native Land, will be discussing on a future episode how the federal government both supported new citizenship rights for recently emancipated African Americans, while dismantling sovereign rights of Native nations. For example, at the end of the war, the federal government forced Native nations to free their enslaved laborers and divide up tribal land into parcels. Parcels were given to both black and Native members, but additional land was also sold to white settlers eager to move west.
But history isn’t inevitable and also offers so many “what if?” moments. What if John Wilkes Booth hadn’t assassinated Lincoln? What if Lincoln had selected a different vice president than Johnson, who worked to undermine Reconstruction from its inception? In another upcoming episode, I’ll discuss how President James A. Garfield won the election of 1880 on a platform that advocated racial equality. The opportunity to resurrect Reconstruction and protect African American citizenship was lost when Garfield was assassinated just a few months after taking office. Todd Arrington, the site manager of the James Garfield National Park Service site, will help consider the possibilities had Garfield survived.
Too often, the gatekeepers of American history have ironed out the wrinkly history of the presidency and racism, even as black, Latino and Indigenous scholars and their communities have centered this relationship in their understanding of the United States’ past. Similarly, these uncomfortable narratives don’t make it into history textbooks or break through the never-ending news cycle. For example, many textbooks present Woodrow Wilson as a peacekeeper or a staunch defender of democracy because of his role in World War I and the League of Nations. Yet, while promoting democracy and liberalism abroad, Wilson managed increasing segregation in the federal government, supported white supremacist propaganda, and threw a civil rights’ delegation out of the oval office. Recent Black Lives Matters protests have forced Princeton University, where Wilson served as president from 1902 to 1910, to grapple with this history. In June, the University announced it would remove Wilson’s name from its School of Public and International Affairs. Wilson’s support of segregation should be a central part of the national story as well.
Since Americans are rightfully determined to talk about race and the presidency, especially in the next several weeks, we should get the history right. So The Past, The Promise, The Presidency is trying to share this critical information with a broader public in an accessible manner and through a popular medium. I hope you’ll join us.
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plusorminuscongress · 4 years
New story in Politics from Time: D.C. Mayor Urges President Trump to Stop Writing Divisive Tweets and Help the Country Heal
On Sunday, the mayor of Washington, D.C., called upon President Donald Trump to stop writing tweets that she says divide the country as nationwide protests against police brutality continued, sparked by the death of a Minneapolis man, George Floyd.
Hours after communities across the country were rocked by sometimes-violent confrontations between law enforcement and protesters, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, said on Meet the Press that officials on every level of government must work to “heal the hurt that people are feeling.” For President Donald Trump, Bowser said that this should begin with his messages on social media.
On Twitter, in the week since Floyd’s death, Trump has warned protesters that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” and cautioned demonstrators at the White House that “the most vicious dogs” guarded the property.
Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser: "I think that the President has a responsibility to help calm the nation, and he can start by not sending divisive tweets that are meant to hearken to the segregationist past of our country." pic.twitter.com/z5y40G0Wj1
— Talking Points Memo (@TPM) May 31, 2020
  Bowser and the President, who have long had a contentious relationship, exchanged barbs Saturday after the President criticized the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia’s response to protests near the White House.
President Donald Trump tagged the mayor in a tweet on Saturday, saying that she had refused to permit the D.C. Police to “get involved” with the protesters at the White House on Friday. The Secret Service said in a statement that same day that Metropolitan Police actually were on the scene during the demonstration.
Bowser responded to the President, during a press conference on Saturday, insisting that the D.C. police had assisted the Secret Service, “like we have done literally dozens of times at Lafayette Park.” She also criticized the President’s “vicious dogs & ominous weapons” tweet for evoking the era of segregation.
On Twitter, she wrote, “There are no vicious dogs & ominous weapons. There is just a scared man. Afraid/alone… I call upon our city and our nation exercise great restraint even while this President continues to try to divide us.”
While he hides behind his fence afraid/alone, I stand w/ people peacefully exercising their First Amendment Right after the murder of #GeorgeFloyd & hundreds of years of institutional racism
There are no vicious dogs & ominous weapons. There is just a scared man. Afraid/alone…
— Muriel Bowser #StayHomeDC Lite (@MurielBowser) May 30, 2020
I call upon our city and our nation to exercise great restraint even while this President continues to try to divide us. Our power is in peace, in our voices and ultimately at the ballot box in November…
— Muriel Bowser #StayHomeDC Lite (@MurielBowser) May 30, 2020
“I think that the President has a responsibility to help calm the nation, and he can start by not sending divisive tweets that are meant to hearken to the segregationist past of our country,” Bowser said to host Chuck Todd on Sunday. She added that in communities across the country, “There are people who are angry, and people who are hurting. And some not doing it in ways that are helpful to our cause. But we still have to acknowledge that hurt and that anger.”
By Tara Law on May 31, 2020 at 05:39PM
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Trauma and Healing: Ambush [Jason Todd x Reader]
A/n: Chapter 8!!!! The next chapter will be the final chapter! Omg I can’t believe this series is almost over.
Warnings: Death, Kidnapping, Blood, Mulit-Personality Disorder (kinda?)
Tagging: @cherryignacio @queen-of-all-the-fandoms @keepjasontoddsafefromeveryone @aworldwideapart @just-a-girl-maybe @bat-lakota @sad-horchata @miraisnotavailable @comicbookworm @kazuha159 @ahungrygirl
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6 - Ch. 7 - Ch. 9
Ch. 8
Since that night with Jason, everything seemed to go back up hill. You didn’t feel vulnerable anymore. You didn’t get nightmares or flashbacks. Jason did really seem to chase everything away. Though it did shock Kori and Roy when they came home that next morning to find you sleeping in Jason’s arms. They had a lot of fun teasing you both when you woke up.
Though they found your relationship very quaint. Jason would always steal kisses from you when it seemed like something was wrong, or he just felt like it. You always talked to him if you felt like something was wrong or if the voices were bugging you. You still never told him the awful things they’d say however. Though he didn’t ask either, knowing if you'd want to talk about it you would.
You also went out on a lot more missions with them. You fell into a rhythm, much like Roy, Kori, and Jason. You had a life as [F/n] [L/n] during the day and your life as [s/h/n] at night. You eventually met Jason’s family, learning the great Bruce Wayne was in fact Batman and all of Jason’s brothers and sisters had their own superhero titles. Along with Roy introducing you to Green Arrow as Oliver Queen and Black Canary as Dinah Lance.
Both families took quite the liking to you, and you to them. You felt very cared for and safe having so many superheroes on speed dial. Though that didn’t stop the fact that you felt like you were being watched. You mentioned it to Jason and he went through your day with you the next day but nothing stood out to either of you. Yes, you are a superhero but you’re still training and have to stick with Jason on missions. So, for safety precautions he’d stay on the phone with you until he knew you were safe wherever you were going. He was such a worrier.
You were currently on the phone with him as you walked back to the apartment. He and the others were out on a more advanced mission and felt it would be best if you sat that one out. He was coming home the next morning, and was at a motel at the current moment. Preparing.
Once in the apartment, closing the door behind you and locking it. “Okay Jaybird, I’m home safe. Be careful tonight okay.” He chuckled on the other end “I will doll, don't I always?”
“No, that’s why I’m telling you. Tell Roy and Kori I say hi and to stay safe.” He grinned on the other end. “I will I will. Get some rest, goodnight babe.” You giggled. “Goodnight Jason.” You hung up the phone and set it on the small table. Walking further into the apartment, you pulled off your jacket. However you noticed the window open, and you distinctly remember closing it.
Though before you could go to close it, a pair of arms grabbed you from behind. Shrieking only to have your mouth covered by a cloth, smelling chloroform on it. You thrashed against them, but you were so drowsy from the chloroform you couldn’t focus enough to use your powers. The last thing you saw was a shadowy figure move in front of you.
The next thing you felt was a pounding headache as you jerked awake at the scent of smelling salts. “Have a nice nap?” A deep voice said. You looked in front of yourself to see a large man standing there. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you had never seen him before in your life. Your hands were bound behind your back, and your legs to the chair. A collar was around your neck, when you tried to use your magic a high voltage electric shock tore through your body.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The figure said again. There were two men, lackeys, beside him. “Who are you?” You panted, still reeling from the electric shock. “I knew your seller.” He said while examining a syringe that was handed to him. “You see, before Red Hood and his band of merry mercenaries saved you I was planning to pay top dollar for you [F/n]. Your abilities intrigued me greatly.”
“Is that all I am to you? Merchandise? I am a person. You can’t buy me.” He chuckled, shaking his head. He flicked the syringe, removing the cover of the large needle. “Well, it’s not that I want to buy you, I want to buy the other mind inside you.” He had a sadistic smirk on his lips. “Those blackouts you’ve had, the voices. They aren’t PTSD or Schizophrenia. You my dear have a gift, and well I want to pull out the darker side of that gift.” Saying before he snapped his fingers. One of the two lackeys came over to you, craning your neck to where the man could push the needle through the skin. Injecting the contents inside you.
It made your veins burn and you felt like you were getting tired. You felt yourself being pulled out of your body to stand on the sidelines. All of a sudden you had no control over your body. Watching from within how your head rolled back and a laugh escaped your throat.
“And now who are you?” The man asked. The new consciousness now having control over your body smirked, “Seven.” The man smiled, laughing. “A pleasure to meet you Seven. I’m Dr. Klein. I’m a… colleague of Dr. Hugo Strange. I’m sure you’ve heard of the mad scientist.”
“I am familiar. Now if you don’t mind” She referred to her bonds. Klein gestured for the lackeys to release her. They cut her hands and ankles free before removing the shock collar. She stood up and faced him, crossing her arms. “Well? What is your purpose of releasing me?” Seven questioned as the mad man in front of her wore a malicious smile. “Well, Red Hood and the Outlaws have been a thorn in my side since they took on the sex trafficking ring. I would like you to collect them for me. I’d like a word with the former Robin.”
You were screaming inside your own head, trying to take your body back. However all it did was cause you more stress.
Seven grinned, “It’d be my pleasure.”
Jason, Kori, and Roy all had returned to their motel room. They had finished the mission earlier than expected and it was around 2am. Jason checked his phone, looking for the text you always sent before you fell asleep. Though there wasn’t a message from you on his phone. His brows scrunched in confusion as he stared at the screen, you wouldn’t be up this late normally.
“What’s wrong Jaybird?” Roy asked from one of the beds. “[F/n] hasn’t messaged me that she’s going to bed. I’m going to call her to check in.” He mumbled before walking out onto the balcony. Holding the phone to his ear when he suddenly felt a small prick in his neck. Whipping around he saw a figure in an all black bodysuit and a black mask with white lenses standing on the railing. He was dizzy and dropped his phone before stumbling back when everything went dark.
Peering in the room the figure saw Roy laying with his back to the balcony and Kori was in the bathroom. You were freaking out from the inside at your body betraying you, all you could scream was not to hurt them. Seven slipped inside the room, and behind Roy. He felt the same needle prick before whipping around. They were all tired and their senses were a bit slower, making this easier on her.
Next she went and hid near the bathroom door, waiting for Kori to come out. She pressed against the wall, the syringe ready in her hand. “Hey Roy” Her voice could be heard in the bathroom. Pretty soon she had stepped out of the bathroom and Seven pounced. Injecting her with the same serum that knocked out Jason and Roy. When she passed out, Seven contacted Dr. Klein. “Doctor? I have them.” Saying into your communicator. “Excellent Seven. Bring them back here.” “Yes sir” She nodded before going to move them to where he had transportation set up for her.
Returning to the warehouse she tied up the Outlaws and sat them against a pillar. Turning back to Dr. Klein. “Nice work, you’re quite talented. Perhaps your abilities could be of use to me in the future.” She smiled at him. “Oh I don’t think you will be needing my services Doctor.”
“And why is that?” He asked confusedly. Seven tilted her head to the side, “Because” saying as she pulled out two throwing knives. Aiming and taking out his lackeys before sweeping his legs out from under him and pinning him to the ground, holding a knife to his throat. “You’ll be too dead to care. Let’s see if I put you in as much pain as you had those bastards put [F/n] through. You see, I care about her, but she’s too weak to live in this world. Her feeble mind, it can’t take the things this world throws at her. That’s why her mind made me. I’m here to protect her.” She pushed the knife to his throat, seeing the red blood ooze from the wound, her hand laying over his heart as the magic danced around it. “To protect her from people like you.” Growling before she flicked her wrist and the blade cut across his skin. Successfully slicing his skin, a malevolent grin spread on her lips as she watched the blood run from his wound. He screamed out, “Not fun being battered and broken huh?” She asked before sending a bolt of energy through his heart, watching the light leave his eyes
You wanted to cry, holy shit you wanted to cry. But you couldn’t, this wasn’t your body anymore. It wasn’t your mind. However, it was still you. You killed three people, you captured the Outlaws. You hurt Jason. It was all you.
‘Why are you doing this?’ You asked, praying the new consciousness would answer. “Because I care about you [F/n]. We share this body now, we’re both one half to a whole. I’m not going to let anyone hurt us again.” You couldn’t understand what was going on, if she cared so much, why did she hurt Jason. ‘Then why did you go after the Outlaws? After Jason? I love him!’ You screamed, though it was met with a light chuckle. “Love, leads to heartbreak. So, I’m going to take care of that problem first. It won’t last and I’m sparing you the pain now, sparing us.”
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White House Has “Monsanto’s Back on Pesticides,” Newly Revealed Document Says
(URSTK by Carey Gillam) Internal Monsanto records just filed in court show that a corporate intelligence group hired to “to take the temperature on current regulatory attitudes for glyphosate” reported that the White House could be counted on to defend the company’s Roundup herbicides.
In a report attached to a July 2018 email to Monsanto global strategy official Todd Rands, the strategic intelligence and advisory firm Hakluyt  reported to Monsanto the following:
“A domestic policy adviser at the White House said, for instance: ‘We have Monsanto’s back on pesticides regulation. We are prepared to go toe-to-toe on any disputes they may have with, for example, the EU. Monsanto need not fear any additional regulation from this administration.”
In the email accompanying the report, Hakluyt’s Nick Banner told Rands the information related to issues both for the United States and for China. The report notes that “professional” staff has “sharp” disagreement with “political” staff on some areas, but that the concerns of some of the professional staffers would not get in the way.
Related: Foods Most Likely to Contain Glyphosate
“We heard a unanimous view from senior levels of the EPA (and USDA) that glyphosate is not seen as carcinogenic, and that this is highly unlikely to change under this administration – whatever the level of disconnect between political and professional staffers.”
The report said that a former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lawyer and a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) official confirmed that both agencies see the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classification of glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen as “flawed” and incomplete.
“There is little doubt that the EPA supports the use of glyphosate,” the report says. It quotes a current EPA lawyer as saying: “We have made a determination regarding glyphosate and feel very confident of the facts around it. Other international bodies… have reached different conclusions, but in our view the data is just not clear and their decision is mistaken.”
Related: How to Avoid GMOs – And Everything Else You Should Know About Genetic Engineering
The report also suggests similarities between the Trump Administration’s support for glyphosate and its actions around a pesticide called chlorpyrifos that is the active ingredient in an insecticide made by Dow Chemical, now DowDupont. There is a large body of science showing that chlorpyrifos is very damaging to children’s brain development and that children are most often exposed through the food and water they consume. Chlorpyrifos was due to be banned from agricultural use in 2017 because of its dangers but the Trump administration postponed the ban at the request of Dow and continues to allow its use in food production.  The Hakluyt reports says:
“The way the EPA under the Trump administration has handled Chlorpyrifos might be instructive in how it would handle new science or new developments related to glyphosate.”
At the time the report was delivered to Monsanto last July, Monsanto had just been acquired by the German company Bayer AG and was in the midst of defending itself in the first Roundup cancer trial. That San Francisco case, brought by cancer victim Dewayne “Lee” Johnson, resulted in a unanimous jury verdict handed down in August ordering Monsanto to pay $289 million in damages to Johnson. The judge in the case later lowered the amount to $78 million. A second trial, also held in San Francisco in a separate case, resulted in an $80.2 million verdict for plaintiff Edwin Hardeman.
A third trial is underway now in Oakland, California. Closing arguments are scheduled for tomorrow in that case, brought by a husband and wife who both have non-Hodgkin lymphoma they allege is due to their decades of using Roundup.
The documents that include the Hakluyt report were filed in Alameda County Superior Court by lawyers representing the plaintiffs in the current case – Alva and Alberta Pilliod.
The filing is in response to Monsanto’s effort to tell jurors about a recently released EPA glyphosate assessment in which the agency reaffirmed its finding that glyphosate does not cause cancer. The Pilliod lawyers say the Hakluyt communications with Monsanto speak “directly to the credibility of the 2019 EPA glyphosate evaluation, issued by an administration which holds itself out as favoring Monsanto’s business interests.”
Widening rift reported between political and professional staffers in regulatory agencies
The Hakluyt report to Monsanto also notes that increasingly professional staffers inside “most” federal agencies are feeling at odds with political staffers on issues such as pesticide regulation, climate science and other matters.
“While this appears to be true of various agencies – Health and Human Services, Commerce, Education, Interior, the Food and Drug Administration, and so on- the EPA may be the leading example of this phenomenon.”
The report quotes a prominent Washington DC law firm partner who has “extensive contacts at the EPA as saying:
“In essence, the political leadership favors deregulation and dismisses the expert risk analysis. It is especially averse to theoretical risk analysis, for example, on the risks of glyphosate, about which a scientific consensus is yet to form… With regard to glyphosate, in particular, the differences between political and professional staff are sharp.” 
Related: How To Heal Your Gut
The professional staffers, those scientists and others who typically have been within an agency for many years through multiple administrations.
Within the EPA, professional staffers are said to have “doubts about glyphosate,” but those doubts “are not shared by the EPA’s leadership.”
The report also provides feedback on Monsanto’s reputation and provides a cautionary note to Bayer, which had just closed the purchase of Monsanto a few weeks before the July 2018 communications:
“Developments in California on glyphosate are striking a chord with the public… The company regularly goes to ‘DEFCON 1’ on the slightest challenge from the environmental, academic or scientific community.”
“Even within the EPA there is unease about your ‘scientific intransigence.’” 
According to the Hakluyt report, an official with the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs said: “There is growing unease in this office at what seems like scientific intransigence by Monsanto to give credibility to any evidence that doesn’t fit their view. We would agree with them that such evidence is non-conclusive, but that does not mean that it is without basis.”
For more information and updates follow @careygillam on Twitter.
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hakureiryuu · 7 years
i am growing just a tiiiiiiiny bit frustrated with the way kala and wolfgang keep flipflopping on their feelings about each other. i get annoyed when shows milk some “will they or won’t they” trope for all it’s worth, but so far it’s still well within my tolerance. and that’s largely because of the characters and the performances their actors give them.
i mean, they go back and forth not only to the audience, but to each other. wolfgang falls in love with kala but pushes her firmly away at the end of s1, then can’t keep himself from commenting “we’re perfect for each other” in the christmas special. he tells kala she deserves better than him, then scolds her for denying her feelings towards him. he fools around in every direction, ostensibly to distract himself (or to allow the writers to assert his masculinity idk), but gives no indication of how much he misses kala until he tells her. 
i’m not saying the tension isn’t there. i just felt like it could have been much more pronounced, for how loudly the fandom raves about it.
kala, meanwhile, flipflops much more openly, and i’ve come to understand it’s largely due to her upbringing. what she wants clashing with what she feels is right is a story that’s been told since the beginning of time. it may feel a bit tired here, but kala’s actress is phenomenal and plays every conflict across her face in perfect detail.
moreover, kala is, in essence, the “rebellious princess” in the middle of a (vastly showed down and picked apart) process of rejecting her life of ease and privilege in favor of something she views as more meaningful and fulfilling. leaving a place of comfort and walking into the unknown is a scary thing, and that’s probably why she married rajan in the first place, why she stayed with him despite every chance he gave her to back out. i understand it now, and it’s interesting to watch her distance herself from her privileged life in baby steps. 
not to mention it’s really fucking gratifying that the only reason all this flipflopping started was because they wouldn’t communicate with each other about their feelings in the first place. like, THAT i’ll buy. normally i hate miscommunication tropes but this one managed to nail it as something truly touching. i just wish it was brought up sooner, before they finally said it to each other.
also i was incredibly pleased that my wish from the christmas episode was fulfilled - kala was/is instrumental in will’s treatment and recovery, as she should be. ^_^
they call each other family. oh my god.
i am almost as excited for a black bi/pansexual woman dating a man. zakia is gr8 okay? she needs more development but she is gr8. NO BI ERASURE TO BE SEEN HERE NOPE
(now if only they could lay off the ace erasure siiiiigh)
how come they couldn’t do e-death on will too? he has even less to lose by it than nomi does at this point. or was that just too big of a deus ex machina? sun would also benefit but her incarceration was way too public for it to be forgotten just by erasing the data, so that one i get at least.
the idea of nomi being indebted to fucking Anonymous is hilarious to me for some reason. can’t wait to see where that plot thread leads XD
riley continues to be my fucking role model. so cautious and clever and sure-footed. most of all, she’s healed. she wandered for years without a reason to live, a hurricane of depression and self-destruction. now that she’s a sensate, she has a purpose again. and yeah, there’s elements of “rescue romance” in there, but damn if i don’t have a weakness for that trope. plus she goes from being rescued right into doing the rescuing, so i think that redeems the trope by a lot.
i’m glad they went a tiny bit further into the repercussions of being nigh-constantly high on heroin for almost a year, though it wasn’t nearly enough imo. i mean this isn’t a show about drug addiction so i forgive them, but i still think will’s (almost) perfect recovery from all that bullshit was very, very contrived. 
how did will’s dad recognize him through riley? i’d be willing to buy some bullshit explanation of heightened global consciousness when approaching death, but they didn’t even mention it. i would have been sadder if will hadn’t been able to say anything at all, but now i’m just confused. 
i still don’t really like will’s dad. half the scenes of him being happy or laughing in that montage were of him laughing at will’s expense.
poor will though. he’s kind of having his entire life fall apart around him. i wonder if he’ll fall to pieces too, later down the line.
sometimes i forget that all these characters are meant to be the exact same age as me (28). it’s easy to because all the actors look something like late-thirties, and most of them had stable employment nice homes before all this happened. then will says something #relatable like “our generation doesn’t get to have nice things” and i go “oh yeah”.
so like i appreciate a lot that white savior narratives were brought up in capheus’s storyline but i give side-eye at the fact that capheus disagreed with this concept. however it was done quite well (and couched within the epic “who am i” god i love these overlays) because capheus more or less admitted he could be wrong in his opinion, AND that it was just his opinion. not to mention that zakia is portrayed as very intelligent and reasonable in her own right, and entitled to her feelings on the subject as well. i hope so much we see more speeches from her in the future, because i want to hear her thoughts on PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING.
i’m not sure how i feel about capheus running for elected office. it seems so... out of place? i mean i know his character has to go somewhere, but this seems an odd direction to move in. i mean some form of governor or congressman equivalent is one thing, but amondi said something about him being president? does that mean of the entire country?? 
(i have no idea how kenyan government is run.)
of course it does give an excellent platform for the inspiring speeches and amazing one-liners on which this show runs, so i’ll allow it and see where this whole thing goes. besides, even though the plot is strange, they’re at least playing it smart. capheus already had a lot of notoriety, and it didn’t take much more than his charm to go from notorious to inspiring.
but then he took an impromptu flight to paris right in the middle of his campaign so tHAT’S NOT GONNA LOOK WEIRD AT ALL.
side note: where did he get the money for the flight? i mean i know his bus business is booming and he and his mom live in a slightly bigger hovel now, but that doesn’t mean he has hundreds in savings to blow on a flight. he’s still delighted by a coffee-maker for goodness sake (my precious shining innocent happy child).
or it could be money from his party for his campaign. in which case EVEN MORE TOTALLY NOT SUSPICIOUS.
that superpower guy, whatever his name is? i goddamn love his accent okay? i could listen to him talk all day.
capheus finding out kala’s company was likely responsible for his mother’s poor health in s1 was both heartbreaking and very cathartic. rajan had zero self-awareness there; like he said, it’s just one of those things you don’t even think about until someone points out how disgusting it is.
as good a guy as he otherwise is, i’m a little suspicious of his apology. he’s been pretty dismissive toward kala in the workplace, and i’m wondering if he’s just paying lip service to her.
and then, of course, there’s ajay. i get the creeps whenever he walks in, and i know that’s intentional. THAT BOX TERRIFIED ME FOR LIKE 2 WHOLE EPISODES UNTIL IT WAS OPENED I LEGIT THOUGHT IT WAS A BOMB.
wolfgang’s gang-kingdom plot was... just as incomprehensible/uninteresting to me as it was during the christmas special? and even then i felt like it was a highly abridged version of what they were initially going for. that giant fight on new year’s led to nothing. wolfgang and felix hang out with a creepily generous dude who Expects Things in return for his generosity. wolfgang knows this but only rejects him outright when he is asked outright, keeping whatever “good faith” tokens that came his way like an idiot. and let’s be fair, i’d be the first to do that sort of thing - accept bribes to Do A Thing, only to Not Do The Thing and exploit the doubletalk that surrounds such interactions to deny accountability. BUT. NOT. WHEN. DEALING. WITH. MURDERERS.
 jesus wolfgang do you have a death wi- oh wait.
lila is... flat? as a character? she’s a sexpot and that’s kind of all. i’m a little disappointed that she’s so underdeveloped but maybe we’ll get more of her in the future. 
puck is vile and i hate him. i almost hate that he rescued sun but at least she got to break his toes. i mean does he GENUINELY BELIEVE half the shit he says or does he just enjoy making women uncomfortable? i’m not sure which is worse.
but when he said he’s personally connected to over 300 sensates that kind of blew my mind. that’s a hell of a lot of potential for our cluster, y’know? the possibilities are dazzling.
there was a fat sensate woman sitting in a library among the archipelago and i felt represented. ^_^
i thought jonas’s death felt a little abrupt, a little unnecessary, even though it was masterfully done. turns out i was right, in the worst way: they broke him, and turned him. 
he was always a little shady but now he’s gone full dark side. what’s the cluster gonna do with him prisoner? who knows. i’m excited about it though!
wolfgang’s abduction is a magnificent jumping off point into much wider plots than the relatively narrow-focused ones we’ve seen thus far. however, i must point out that it felt sadly rushed. i mean, the same thing happened to riley and it took nearly two episodes to talk about, and only will was physically present for it. when it happened to wolfgang THE ENTIRE GANG jumped on a flight to help out and yet it took a mere third of an episode to pull off a much more complex plan from start to finish - “finish” being a loosely used term, since they haven’t even officially rescued the dude yet. i’m just saying it went by much too quickly to feel like more than a cliffhanger tacked on as an afterthought.
not to mention i wanted a lot more fanfare in the entire cluster physically coming together for a cause. it should have been an entire 12th episode imo, since season 2 only had 11? (i mean one of said eps was double-length so it’s the same runtime as s1 in terms of minutes, but still.) what did capheus say to his mother before he left? what did lito say to dani and hernando? THESE ARE SCENES THAT SHOULD HAVE TAKEN UP SCREENTIME, DAMMIT.
also how did will et al infiltrate the facility to surprise whispers in the first place? i need to understand the details of what the hell just went down.
flawless execution. i had been wondering about amanita’s thoughts on all this nonsense and how she fit into it since nearly the beginning, and having it addressed all through s2 was very satisfying. 
tbh i kinda thought lito was gonna propose to hernando at sao paolo but realized after the fact that he just wasn’t, and still isn’t, in the proper headspace for that. he’s just barely coming to terms with being openly gay; that’s nowhere near ready to be openly gay married. he’s getting there though :)
a loose end that i thought would be wrapped up this season but it looks like we’re going to have to wait for: todd. he’s alive and in prison, and he is either a member of angelica’s cluster or one of her earlier children. either way he’s probably chock-full of plot-related information and the sensates need to grill him. since his objections to being a sensate appeared to be largely religiously motivated, i recommend kala for the job.
angelica zombified raoul and used him to burn down her cabin in order to hide her research from whispers while maintaining deniability. that is... so firmly gray with such a wildly disparate set of motivations that i’m a little astounded. it’s horrifying. it was necessary in her eyes. she did something “good” and “right” through some truly viciously evil means. she was ruthless enough to burn an innocent man to death but compassionate enough to comfort him and let him hear his father’s voice before he died, even as she was controlling his mind against his will. i can’t reconcile these things, and it’s AMAZING that the writers managed this kind of event. 
meeting sarah petrel’s family was fascinating, and i have to wonder how so many people “knew” her. will is obvious. whispers and angelica i can understand. but when did jonas or raoul meet her? is sarah actually way more significant than we thought? is she more than just will’s sad backstory? :O
tell me more about ruth el-sadawi.
tell me more about other clusters in hiding, and their system of organization.
tell me more about the mechanics of sensate abilities in general, specifically the process of giving birth.
tell me more about BPO’s early days, how it changed, who was responsible for those changes. tell me how whispers became part of it.
now that whispers knows who kala is, will he go after her family? how will this impact rajan’s investigation?
will sun need to protect detective mun until he recovers and can testify?
why did the woman riley met commit suicide shortly after their meeting? what part in her decision to kill herself did jonas play?
will kala’s blockers work as they should?
give me more of riley’s dad singing songs to make his daughter smile.
give me more of amanita being a huge book nerd and developing her newfound interest in parapsychology.
give me more of daniella confronting and gradually recovering from her abusive childhood. 
give me more of capheus’s mother being an art’s teacher!
give me more of sun’s prison friends! (i have a bit of a crush on soo-jin)
give me more of whispers being calmly, terrifyingly sadistic.
will we ever see yrsa again?
will we ever find out what happened to capheus’s baby sister?
all the tiny little continuity nods and references to season 1 made me giddy.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Eat Sleep Burn
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