journclism · 5 years
Like this for a starter of varying length (will be done over the coming days).
Please reblog this to spread the word for me!
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trustinginthelight · 5 years
journclisms replied to your post: “He may not reward your idiocy, but he does reward...
“ When was the last time I rewarded you on THAT? ”
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“Every day, whenever you kiss me. It’s a direct contribution to the stupid shit I do and say. Sorry t’break it to ya,”
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villrhjarta · 4 years
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bold of you to assume she still wouldn’t snatch a child out of the schoolyard at this hour. 
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crackinthewhip · 4 years
📔 + give us some good old personal feelings on your best buddy specifically -- Aasim.
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parablcd · 4 years
⭐️ (one for Aasim, Violet, Brody, and Omar!!)
⭐️ + Aasim
Among the belongings left behind when she and Sophie ‘died’ were a collection of torn-out notebook pages Minerva intended to pass along to Aasim but never got around to sharing. Minnie has never considered herself much of a history buff, but she shares Aasim’s interest in preserving something of the past so that there’s a record of it for the future. She’s less passionate about recording the minutiae of day-to-day life, however, than she is about making sure some aspect of humanity survives - things like music, stories, and memories of the people they’ve known and lost throughout their lives.
Her collection includes an eclectic mix of old nursery rhymes and parables her family used to tell when she was little, lyrics to songs she strongly connected with, memories she had with people she’d grown close to, and stories she remembered her peers telling that she felt should be immortalized after their passing.
⭐️ + Violet
After their first meeting, Minnie mistook Vi’s closed-off demeanor as a clear sign that Violet hated her. She wasn’t sure what she did wrong, exactly, but Minnie, ever the gregarious child, was determined to make friends despite her lukewarm reception. Her plan was a study of persistence: finding excuses to hang out whenever she noticed Violet on the fringes of a social group, actively choosing Vi for teams or group activities, and otherwise doing her level best to coax a smile or a word out of Violet when she seemed receptive to her presence.
⭐️ + Brody
Brody was one of the first girls Minnie realized she had a crush on way back when she was still only beginning to explore her orientation. She loved (and loves) the way Brody smiles and sound of her laugh, and being the reason she smiled or laughed made Minnie feel warm and fuzzy in a way that took her a long time to articulate, but which looking back on with the clarity of age and hindsight was definitely a big hecking crush.
⭐️ + Omar
While she fully recognizes the kitchen/cooking to be Omar’s domain, Minnie regularly tries to oust him after a meal in order to do dishes. She finds the chore relaxing, and it’s her small way of thanking him for keeping them all fed.
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vanderking · 4 years
@journclisms​​ sent: ❝ Seems like you was looking to gain some money here. ❞
Outlaw Josey Wales Starters // accepting
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❛ -Why do I get the impression that you’re gonna tell me I’m mistaken? ❜ 
If he had been deceived there would be hell to pay. Especially when a mere “child”-at least to Dutch they fit this description- is the one to inform him of the folly of his search here.
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gciltyascharged · 5 years
verѕe: AU | THE WITCHER .✵. we’ll тell oυr ѕтorιeѕ oɴ тнeѕe wαllѕ!
Mitchell “Mitch” Lee Young
Human (mage)
Height: 5′10 (177.8 cm)
Age: 18 years old
Minor Blacksmith (mostly creates weapons from wood rather than metal but can sometimes make exceptions for the right price) 
Alchemist-in-training -- or was.
An excellent fighter with fists and knives
Specializes in explosives
Ericson’s Valor (Nicknamed: Ericson’s)
School/Orphanage named after the man who founded it long ago to take children unwanted by society and to help train them to become of better use throughout the realm. A controversial school due to its inclusion of all races inside; however, none complained when children were sent there and not seen again.
Became rumored that beasts had either killed everyone inside, but this is folklore passed on to keep people away from that area.
School Symbol: The Raven
School to train troubled/abandoned youths who were more fit to be sent away than kept by their parents or orphans who had no place left. This is no school for witchers but it does/did possess those with potential to hold that position.
Possesses all races: human and nonhuman
Hidden inside miles of forest
Abandoned a long while ago (eight years) by those who were supposed to teach the students inside useful skills.
Reduced down heavily to less than twenty remaining inside its walls from various attacks by monsters and bandits. These are all people under the age of twenty.
Follow the river of Isemena north from the White Orchard Village through several miles of forest and mountain and there you will find this wayward school just south of when the river bends westward.
More verse information to be added later.
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tennoutoften · 4 years
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Loyal, down to earth, and friendly, the green personality type lives a “live and let live” lifestyle. They are calming to be around and choose to listen and observe more than they speak. This type tends to be a shoulder to cry on in times of need, and they often take care of others before themselves.
When working, they see the big picture instead of little details. This makes them lose faith in their projects if they’re moving too slow or not achieving what they want, and they often jump from topic to topic without meaning to.
Green soulcolors are emotionally intelligent, and they pay attention to body language and verbal cues. If you’re lying, they’ll be the first to know. They are honest about themselves and their motives, being the most sincere color out there. However, they are less likely to give themselves credit and often brush off compliments.
This color is people oriented and loves to be friendly. They are also people pleasers and don’t like to stir up conflict, and they will often choose to go along with an idea they hate as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Since they are so loyal, they don’t tend to see the bad in those they care about, and it often gets them into trouble when dealing with toxic people.
TAGGED BY :   @keptmanners (thanks for the tag!) TAGGING :   @journclisms​, @angerdad​, @planetsank​ (minnie or trinket!), @villrhjarta​, + you!
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hardcorejackson · 4 years
My other blogs?
@expansiveskies​​ (frozen 2 ryder)
@gciltyascharged​ (the walking dead game mitch)
@journclisms (the walking dead game aasim)
@wefight (the walking dead game multi)
@leaderchcsen​ (dead by daylight multi)
@mewnimagic (star vs the forces of evil multi)
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expansiveskies · 4 years
My other blogs?
@hardcorejackson​ (the last of us jesse)
@gciltyascharged​ (the walking dead game mitch)
@journclisms (the walking dead game aasim)
@wefight (the walking dead game multi)
@leaderchcsen​ (dead by daylight multi)
@mewnimagic (star vs the forces of evil multi)
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villrhjarta · 4 years
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don’t tempt her, rabbit child. she can change that pretty easily.
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villrhjarta · 5 years
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Normally the wandering woman would never let herself be caught so close to any sort of signs of a community, and these kids could not have made their hunting grounds any more obvious if they tried, but today was one of desperation. She needed furs, rabbit fur specifically, and something to eat before things got any worse than they already were.
The first rabbit was incredibly easy to get. She found it caught in one of their traps and killed it to take for herself. Unfortunately, it was too small to be enough for her needs all on its own, she was going to need another one, a bigger one.
Valin didn’t have a chance to start looking for the den herself before sharp ears caught on to the sound of someone coming her way. Rather than take off running, as she normally would have, the woman took cover behind a nearby tree.Knife in hand as she watched him do her job for her, scaring the rabbits out of hiding until there were several of them hopping away in different directions.
One of those directions happened to be right where she was hiding...
She was much faster than the kid or the rabbit and before he could draw his bow her knife was already flying through the air. Thrown with enough force that it sank deep into the animal’s body, killing it instantly. Perfect. It was even close to the size that she wanted. Now she just had to go get it without being shot with an arrow in the process.
@wefight​, aasim
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trustinginthelight · 4 years
“We’re going to go home. You and me. Together. We’ll have that afterward.” @ Louis
Crescent City sentence starters | accepting
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“I wouldn’t want it any other way… I promise, ‘Sim. We’re all comin’ out of this,” Especially the two of them. There was absolutely no way he’d let anything happen to Aasim, if there was anything he could do about it. From the other cell, he could hear Violet’s scoff of annoyance. Pretty normal for her, honestly, when it came to him and Aasim being sappy, so he wasn’t too bothered by it. 
“Once Clementine’s awake, I’m sure she’ll know what to do. All we need to do is follow her lead,”
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crackinthewhip · 4 years
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crackinthewhip · 4 years
• “ We’re gonna die here. Aren’t we? ” 💧
Apocalypse Memes ;💧— said in a sad voice. Your muse is either crying, about to cry, after crying, or just really really sad
Fuck. Fuck.
This hurts more than Troy would’ve ever predicted - not because he knows he’s as good as dead, but because this kid also is. Yeah, he’s baffled by it, but he finds himself stopping to think about Aasim, who is currently holed up with him in some abandoned shed, a mile and a half from anywhere remotely safe. Lurkers gnaw and pound at the doors and windows, and they’re out of ammo.
So, yes - they’re most likely going to die.
And Troy’s been a survivor for so long, he doesn’t know how to meet the reality that it’s all coming to an end. Even worse, he can’t process why he’s giving a shit that Aasim is going to meet the same fate. He shouldn’t be giving a shit - why is he giving a shit!?
Closing his eyes, Troy lets out a long breath; he supposes, if nothing else, he needs to be the adult in this situation. Calm down the panicked kid, or whatever - even if Aasim is ten times smarter than he ever would hope to be. “I- I think, maybe,” he rasps with a shake of his head, and an idea settles into him before he realizes it.
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It’s a dumb idea. It’s a really, really dumb idea and he doesn’t know why he’s considering it. His stupid, self-preserving brain can’t even get his own method of death right. He was never supposed to die for someone, especially not some kid! 
But the words are out before he can process them. “Well, one of us, yeah.” And he doesn’t give Aasim a chance to respond; yanking the kid to his feet, he shoves him closer to the door. 
Troy maneuvers himself so he’s standing in front of Aasim, like it matters that he wants to protect someone in the last moments of his life, but he grinds his teeth and gets himself ready. 
“When I open it, you run. Don’t fuckin’ dare look back.”
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trustinginthelight · 4 years
There's something so pleasing about delayed gratification. Be it waking up for something or the thought of reuniting with someone after a long day of hunting -- the latter would be the case today. Aforementioned someone (read: Louis) would receive a kiss to his cheek as the older wandered on by, heading toward the gates for the daily hunting trip outside the school's embrace.
While not the worst morning in the world, Lou could already tell the day would drag on just from the lingering tired ache behind his eyes. Great, that totally wouldn’t get annoying by the afternoon and probably end up with someone yelling at him for taking a nap. Rubbing at his eyes for likely the umpteenth time that morning, he was taken by surprise when he felt a rogue pair of lips against his cheek.
Looking up, he was hardly surprised to see Aasim on the giving end of things. The drive-by nature of it, though? Oh, he’d have some words.
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A small, appreciative smile crossed his features as he quickly began to stand from the picnic table and follow behind his boyfriend, however.
“Hey, hey– can’t just do that and not let me get one in, too,” Grabbing hold of Aasim’s shoulder to attempt to stop him in his tracks, the younger was quick to press his own lips to apple of his boy’s cheek.
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