dirtbagdefender · 2 months
2, 7, 18, & 26? 💚
JOZ I AM LAUGHIN' SO HARD i love that we both sent these at like the same time 💜
what’s your feel-good movie?
OH there's so many!! practical magic. the man from uncle. charlie's angels. power rangers. the covenant. pac rim. king arthur. it truly all depends on what's bringing my mood down!
what color brings you peace?
hmmmm - juniper green! brunette brown! iris purple! watermelon pink!
do you still love stuffed animals?
i do! they exist purely for comfort - how could anyone dislike that?
what movie would you want to live in?
hmmmm. stardust? xmen? kingsman? practical magic? my neighbor totoro?
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wroteclassicaly · 2 months
fargo edition: gator, roy, dot, lorraine, wayne, & witt
This one is pretty easy. ^_^
Push off a cliff - Bye, Wayne. But don’t worry, you won’t get hurt or 🪦!
Kiss - Witt (He’s just so cute!)
Marry - Gator. I’ll take care of him!
Set on fire - Oh, I’ll set Roy on fire with MUCH pleasure!
Wrap a blanket around - Lorraine (she doesn’t need it, but I’ll do it anyways!)
Be roomates with - Dot! I could learn so much from that wonderful woman!
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who I would:
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commander-krios · 5 months
Yellow, orange, and ruby!
Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely! Orange - if you were a fruit you'd be a orange. no explanation. Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3
Kisses to you joz, a thousand kisses! <3
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merrilark · 1 year
If you were in the Misfits universe, what do you think your power would be?
Oooh, that's hard.
I could see it being something similar to Tanya's power (S3E1), but less freezing people in place and more freezing time altogether. Something that would allow me to make moments in time last for as long as I wanted, so nothing would change until or if I wanted it to. Something that stems from my desire to have more time with people I care about, or to stop time from slipping away so quickly.
Alternatively, maybe something to do with an insecurity? Shapeshifting or something similar to astral projection because I struggle with feeling detached from my body/how I look fairly often.
I'd rather have something cooler like, I dunno, the ability to talk to animals or summon a flock of birds at will like a badass Disney princess, but we all know that people in Misfits rarely get what they want hahaha
(or it'd be super mega lame like... "can sleep undisturbed forever" because that is what I love, sleep.)
What about you?
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heartbreak-sandwich · 8 months
lace, delicate, wings, & sugarplum?
hope you’re having a good evening lex! 💚
Joz!! ily, thank you sm for the ask 💕
dreamy asks✨
lace; what’s your favorite plant/flower? Plant is monstera - I have a giant one that I love with all my heart; favorite flower is aster 😊
delicate; diamonds or pearls? That's hard. If I had to choose one, I'd say pearls. But usually, I prefer stones and crystals - I just rly like rocks.
wings; coffee or tea? I like both! But I drink coffee more regularly.☕
sugarplum; what’s the color of your eyes and hair? I have brown hair and brown eyes - it feels pretty boring, but that's just how it be lol.
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maerenee930 · 11 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
i am truly so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to this! Thank you so much for sending me this, Joz!! 🥹🥰💙🖤🫂
alright, 5 songs i actually listen to:
1. Got My Mind Set On You by George Harrison
2. Five Years by Bo Burnham
3. I2i by The Animal in Me
4. Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter
5. Famous Last Words by MCR
thank you so much again for sending/asking me this and i’m so sorry i didn’t do this sooner 💖 (my head has been all over the place the past few months 😣🤦‍♀️)
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mothellie · 4 months
7, 11, 14, & 21 for the Stranger Things asks?
7. Favorite platonic duo/group? Steve and Dustin, hands down. They are my sweeties.
11. Rank the seasons best to worst. I'm sorry for this. S1, S2, S4 and S3. I LOVED S3 don't get it twisted. But I loved it more for the aesthetics and the characters and the costumes than any sort of plotline and that's what I'm basing this on. It felt like S1 and S2 had a throughline plot where the US government was the Big Bad and that everything that happened was their fucking cruel and inhumane experiments on children in the name of some invisible threat. Then in S3 they were like "actually it really was Russians the lab was right oops." I don't know. I wish they kept that theme, it would've made the rest of the show so much more interesting.
14. Fandom hot take? This fandom cares WAY TOO MUCH about what other people enjoy. There's so much drama and character bashing and purity policing, it drives me up the fucking wall. Let people live. Liking things you think are weird or bad doesn't make them a shitty person, grow up.
21. S5 predictions? Honestly it can go so many ways. I personally think that a few people are gonna die but they're gonna die in a way that is really unsatisfying and frustrating. I think Eleven is going sacrifice herself. I think Byler is going to be endgame (but again not in a satisfying way). They completely left out Argyle from the plot when they explicitly brought him to Hawkins at the end of S4 so I don't know why they- I'm done. Nope. Not getting into this. I don't really have a lot of faith in this season, to put it mildly.
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-> In response to Stranger Things Ask Game !
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rattkween86 · 7 months
Tagged by the lovely @castlexofxglass 💕 thank you sm for thinking of me! 🥰
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No pressure tags 💕 @jozstankovich @b1tchy3lf @bumblingwitch @destroya-hargrove @reidsbtch @stalactitekilla @bettyfrommars anyone else who wants to!!
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hargrovedaily · 2 months
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We're a new source blog centered around Billy Hargrove and his actor, Dacre Montgomery. The goal of this blog is to uplift creations involving Billy and Dacre, as well as foster a safe space for Billy fans to connect with each other.
We will reblog any content involving Billy/Dacre, as well as fandom events that center Billy and Billy-friendly events where he isn't the main subject.
We track the tag #hargrovedaily. Any post tagged as that is almost guaranteed to be added to our queue.
This blog will not share posts from known character/ship bashers (of ANY ship or character), people who's blogs promote bigotry and hatred, and blogs that have reached out to us directly to request being put on our repost blacklist. If you do not want your work shared here, please send an ask off anon. All content previously shared from your blog will be removed and we won't share anymore of your content going forward. No hard feelings, just be respectful to us.
Boost Tags: @shieldofiron @half-oz-eddie @thediktatortot @oopsiedaisiesbaby @spaceofentropy @hephaestn @whenyouwishuponastar7 @vyrd @imsodishy @adelacreations @dragonflylady77 @magniloquent-raven @jozstankovich @whataboutthefish
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melodymunson · 26 days
pic crew
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@inourtownofhawkins @munson-mjstan @jozstankovich @ofhawkinsandvecna @eddiemunsonfuxks
@unholy-church01 @lovemesomeeddiemunson
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dirtbagdefender · 2 months
i feel like you all should know how much i adore @jozstankovich ! another one who is SO DAMN SUPPORTIVE! i'll post things that aren't even in the same zip code of the fandoms we're both in and they'll still say something nice about my coloring or the scene choice!
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wroteclassicaly · 2 months
Kristennnn! Just wanted to say hi and I hope you're doin well 💚
Hiiiii, babydoll! How’re you doing? 😚 Well, I hope? I’m okay!
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commander-krios · 1 year
🐭 only because I'm intimidated my most of my mutuals >w<
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
That's fair! But I'll be here if you ever want to interact <3
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merrilark · 1 year
Tell me about something you’re really interested in right now? Or something you’re working on?
To be honest, I've not really had much time or energy for personal projects! But I guess I've been very into taking care of my plants lately. Someone recently gave me a pilea they didn't want (somehow I acquire a lot of plants that people don't want??) and I'm really crossing my fingers that it will grow into something bigger and healthier than it is now.
I've also gotten weirdly into book restoration. There's so many cool videos about it on YouTube! Could I do it? No. Would it be a viable career in my area? Absolutely not LOL. But I am fascinated by the pipe dream of owning a book + tea shop that also does gentle book repair and re-binding. I am definitely romanticizing it in my head.
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tangerinesteve · 2 months
Url change!!!
Yes again sorry sorry! I wanted something summery and ive been feeling very into orange colors lately so here we are!
babydollbaron -> -> cherrychapsticksteve -> -> tangerinesteve
@solvecrimeandjuicelimes @gayspacesprinkles @tinyboop @friendly-jester @imsodonewiththissite @the-not-so-silent-back-up   @1gurgi1 @legitcookie @sidekick-hero @jozstankovich @firefly-party @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @waytoomanyships @hotluncheddie @freckledjoes @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @offensiunculae @steddie-island
Header gif by @freckledjoes !!!
Icons by @mrprettywhenhecries !!!!
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stellamancer · 5 months
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a modified version of the tag game that @itoshisoup tagged me in where you share all your major blorbos/selfships you've had over the years and (only if you are comfortable with it) specify how old you were when you hyperfixated on them
i was already making this powerpoint but this tag game gave me reason to finish it. please note this is restricted to only characters i have written or read fanfic for (there were three characters on here who i deleted).
actually, in looking at this while my type is largely undefined i do think there are some common elements among them all.
tagging (with no pressure):
@jozstankovich || @shotorus || @mididoodles and anyone else who may want to play
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