#jsab usurper
Wondrous. Disregard the soiled bandages. Rose is to be kept watch on at all times until further notice. Until then, we can only split the party into two. Now, I'm sure that you do not wish to, but of course, there is some working together that could be done here.
Araena, you are to supervise over Rose's condition. Usu, Saffron, we have to get a look of the land without creating suspicion. Better safe than sorry. (Saffron, trust me, I know what I'm doing. I've dragged us out from playing two hundred questions before and will do so again if need be.) -Sharkgeon
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vgtrackbracket · 4 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Triumphant Return - Miles Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
In the Halls of the Usurper from Just Shapes & Beats
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
In the Halls of the Usurper:
A remix of King Knight's stage from Shovel Knight made exclusively for Just Shapes and Beats. An incredible rendition of that classic theme.
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fandomt4keover · 7 months
Some quotes from my jsab OCs cause why not- I wont reveal any names other than the Lost Chapter/Cavern, boss battles, and the heroes.
Cyan - ' What the fuck is happening?! '
Lemon - ' WHEEE! Another adventure! How are you guys scared of this? '
Celadon - ' Woah!.. Its.. dark in here!.. '
Mango - ' W-Why is everything.. pink?... "
" Corrupted " - ' This is odd.. Why is the Void.. cracking? '
" Chronos " - ' " Corrupted ", I don't think you should get too close to that- '
" Milky Ways " - ' ... Oh shit. "
" Logic Gatekeeper " - ' Guys... I dont think this is safe.. It feels more dangerous than usual.. '
Blixer - ' L0NG L-L1V3 TH3 N3-EW FR3SH, L0SERS! *Glitching* '
Breeze - ' You three are so serious, lighten up a bit! '
Zipper - ' Hm... Why are those crystals pink..? I dont like this. '
Kamari - ' WE HAVE TO RU- '
Jaya - ' Huh? What is.. Wait.. Breeze? Why are you pink?.. '
Spider - ' Breeze? Zipper? Kamari? Jaya? Where are you four- wait what is- '
" The Art of War " - ' Stay calm.. We all have to stay calm.. '
" Termination Shock " - ' Ketches! Help everyone here to safety while I go help " Sevcon "! '
" Sevcon " - ' I appreciate the help, " Termination Shock ", but you should be going. '
" Cascade " - ' Follow me- We have to evacuate! '
Tricuda - ' Where's Lyco? I hope he's not hurt.. '
" Dubwoofer Substep " - ' Haha! Better back off due to the extreme amount of bass! '
" Cheat Codes " - ' Cheat codes selected! Watch out! '
" Clash " - ' We'll be a-okay! After all, we'll break free! We are more loud! '
Lyco - ' Cacti? Wow! Never heard of- Hey! That's not nice! '
" Strike The Earth! " - ' If I can strike the earth- I can strike you! '
" Flowers of Antimony " - ' *Static* Need- Help- AAA- '
" In the Halls of the Usurper " - ' We can't get across if she's throwing bombs everywhere! '
La Danse De La Vie - ' I hope we'll be full de la vie ( of life )! '
" Cool Friends " - ' Error! System malfunction- *Glitching, static* Pink- Control- '
" The Lunar Whale " - ' " Unlocked ", " Spectra "! Something's really off about " Cool Friends "! '
" Spectra " - ' Forces.. are breaking! " Try This "- What's happening over there at the Tree of Life! '
" Unlocked " - ' Wha- AAAA- *Glitching* '
Cube - ' Cyan, Lemon, Celadon, Mango! S-Stay close to me- '
" Into the Zone " - ' We're going into the zone! '
" Vindicate Me " - ' Status.. the Void, Cavern, Island and Volcano are fully corrupted, Shovel Knight, Industry, and Tower are holding up.. '
" Try This " - ' What.. IS THAT?! '
( :3 )
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darkhatkid · 10 months
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paradise-in-pieces · 2 years
Asking as many JSAB blogs I can find, what’s your favorite and least favorite level in the game? Genuinely curious as to how diverse the answers will be
My personal four favourites are Try This, Into The Zone, Interlaced and Strike The Earth! (In no particular order)
As for least favourite, I don’t like Annihilate and In The Halls Of The Usurper that much. The gameplay of them is just more hard than fun.
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bonniesband · 2 years
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I’ve had many thoughts. Mostly shape anatomy and crown thoughts. crown dragon..
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tiny-little-pechen · 4 years
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Hello again, JS&B fandom. Long time no see
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((It’s too late.))
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Macabre: Sexy train is leaving the station Macabre: Check out this caboose Macabre: Later fucks
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Strike, exhausted: opens up a cereal box Strike: grabs a bowl Strike: opens milk Strike: pours milk into their hand Usurper, watching from the side: Hey, uh, Strike- Strike: No, no, give me a second. I know something is wrong. I'll figure it out.
CTM: What's your favorite color Macabre? Macabre: Blixer Macabre: Wait what was the question?
Blixer: You good there? Macabre, clearly stuck on the roof: Oh you know, I'm just chilling here
Blixer: Macabre really learns from you, you know. Usurper: What makes you say that? Blixer: Yesterday she referred to bedtime as a “fucking crisis.”
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Update, again
So I guess I'm on a small hiatus. I'm still going to work on the asks I have and the next part of the story but I don't have a tie in mind for when I'll release them. I'm kinda going through a crisis when i hate my art and I'm trying not to fall into this again because the last time it took me 3 months to get out of it. I'll probably post stuff o my main blog but I can't gurentee it will be related. It will be a mix of OCs, jsab and project arrhythmia.
So long story short, sorry for doing this again, I'm not quitting on the blog. Just going on a small hiatus.
And as an apology here's the first panel on the next story part. Meet Usurper!
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does usurper exist?
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inky-bun · 2 years
Could we see inscryption characters in the jsab artstyle? How would their designs translate?
Despite how simple it might seem, it’s actually pretty difficult to translate these designs into the jsab style
That doesn’t mean it isn’t fun though
It’s a very interesting thought experiment, to think about how the creators would translate such complex designs into a simple style. I mainly used the shovel knight dlc to think of these designs
I don’t think I did P03 or Grimora really well, but they’re done anyway :]
(Also frick you if you ever thought I would attempt Leshy, I don’t think it’s even feasible to shapify that man-)
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Also here’s Lonely Wizard too for fun, since it’s Inscryption characters, not just the scrybes :]
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I think he might benefit from a kind of pink outline design if he ever got a full body sprite, but if not, then this works just fine :]
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dalparpe · 3 years
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carpetcat2 · 4 years
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La Danse Macabre and Flowers of Antimony
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jsab-reblogs · 3 years
Usurper committed regicide and took the throne for themslef lol
and then Strike(they're a knight) came along telling them something something about to actually take care of the kingdom
But then usurp said "no??? i don't wanna???? Why would I do that????" and sends them off?/banishes? Strike out of the kingdom via baseball except the bat is Usurp's scepter and the ball is Strike and then turns them into a criminal/tratior to the kingdom
Edit: i added the read more cut
and like throughout Usurp's rule the worse the lands look like and strike starts on a journey to get back in th kingdom and start a rebellion against them
Strike meets Antimony along the way cuz he passed out with a wound after a battle and Anti was jus walking by and went
"wtf, okay, at least I can test if my potions work ig, 50/50 lol"
And the potion works and strike wakes up feeling good and goes "hey wanna get that crown of that throne?" And anti says nah but joins them cuz they were gonna go to the kingdom anyways(to sell potions)
And like they go on adventures n stuff
(They meet Spider in a cave they rested in cuz its Spider's home and tags along using a magic clone cuz they seem interesting and want to see what happens, Anti and Strike are unaware of Spider joining them)
They get to the capital where there actually are people starting a rebellion and strike and anti becomes the catalyst for it
They get to the castle and battle a bunch of guys and then they battle usurp and usurp uses their cauldron thingys and hits strike but b4 strike dies the due to bleeding(? Technically bleeding cuz Shape biology is weird) they summon a shovel(that's their magic ability lol) and aims at usurp's chest
Anti seeing strikes state and thinks their dead and stuff charges at usurp with a potion bomb making sure it will explode near usurp along with themself
Usurp get distracted to Anti and makes a strong blow to Anti's head with their scepter causing anti to faint and Strike to properly aim at the crown's chest and shooting the shovel shattering usurper's core in the process
and then anti's potion blows up
(Spider was watching the whole thing but decided to not help, they regret this in the future)
Bunch of years skip and bam they all finally form as ghosts!(except spider cuz they're still alive, immortality lol) OOooOooOoOOooOo
When u become a ghost there's 50/50 chance of forgetting ur life before death and uUsurp and Strike don't remember a thing, they have ideas on how they died and who they probably were but that preeeeety much it
They all form in diff places cuz that can happen lol
Strike trades their ghost armour for a ghost sweater with another ghost and travels places as a ghost, quickly befriends a newly formed ghost Macabre(who doesn't know what on earth is going on at the momence cuz they recently died oof) while they were in Paradise
coincidentally Anti and Usurp meet a few weeks after forming as ghosts and Anti is mad and FUMING but also glad cuz they can see that their efforts to save the kingdom worked(or did it? :)) Cuz Usurp is dead too, reason why mad is cuz they r with usurp, Usurp has no idea why this bat guy is mad at them but wants to help them not? Cuz this guy is mad for reason and they want to find out(not a great idea tho) Anti decides to find Strike jus incase strike also became a ghost and usurp tags along
Meanwhile Strike helps Mac with being a ghost by giving ghost tips and like a year skip maca fine with being a ghost(tho they miss a bunch of stuff lol)
Okay okay okay so each 500 years the "Death" aka the guy who collects ur soul when u die retires and picks another ghost to take their place lol cuz ghosts r souls they can't collect unless the ghost wants to be
As long as the soul doesn't form into a ghost the "death" can collect it and give it to The Tree for safe keeping until it gets reincarnated(lol)
Macabre gets chosen to be next Death guy lol and gets the title "Spectre of Death" due to high amounts of magic they suddenly got
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