#jthm squipped au
wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 years
Okay- it’s really out of my comfort to post writing here. I’m not confident at all with my writing skills, especially since I struggle with grammar and writing too fast.
And it’s even more out of my comfort to post for my BMCxJTHM AU. I’m not proud of it in the slightest, but I just want to write something. Aight, all of that out of the way, heres the basic summary:
Devi wakes up in her apartment with a killer hangover, and suprisingly, no Nny. The last thing she remembers is going to a friends party with Tenna, who Devi finds sitting on the couch waiting for her to wake up on the couch. Tenna explains the events of the night, and Devi is furious.
It was very warm and cozy in Devi’s bed. With two blankets piled on top of her, and Devi wrapping her arms around a second pillow, as if it were a second person, she never wanted to get up. The soft and nice warmth of this haven filled her body with a very nice and comfortable feeling.
That is, until a headache had awoken this sleeping beauty. She kept her eyes closed, but still cringed and held the pillow tighter at the pain that had disturbed her peace. Why me? She thought internally, baring her teeth a little at nothing in discomfort. Silence kept the atmosphere in her small room heavy.
Huh. That was new. No witty comment? No nagging or insult to how I should sleep in a better position? Still only silence answered her thoughts. Dahm, you’ve never been silent before, Nny. It’s nice, but come on. Start up. Only the very faint and muffled sounds of her neighbours going about their daily lives, along with the wind brushing against the tree’s branches answered her. Along with a new sound, she’s never noticed.
Static. Just a very quiet and faint static that seemed to just play in the background, like how music is played during movie scenes. Devi tried once more. Start up. Nothing but the same noises answered. Johnny, I couldn’t have broken you already I’ve only had you for a fucking week. Start up you lazy asshole. Nothing. Dahm it.
Might as well get up and talk this over with Tenna, she figured. She dropped the pillow (regrettably, it was a nice cuddle buddy), and slowly shoved the blankets off her. The breeze hit her skin and made her shiver a little. Why did it have to be so dahm cold in this building.
She sat up, a bit too suddenly then a person with a hangover should, because immeadiatly her head protested against the sudden movement and spiked the pain. Ow- fuck. The static got a little louder too, but quickly died down with the sudden pain. Not fully gone, but back in the background with the headache. Weird.
Slowly, this time, she stood up, her legs wobbling as she fought with balance for a short moment. She quickly won the battle, but sadly not with her head, and stomach. Dahm when did her stomach start hurting too? I need some fucking water. She groaned a little as she stretched, hearing the satisfying sound (and feeling), of her bones popping.
After the nice stretch, she started slowly making her way to her door (which wasn’t too far. Her apartment was kinda crappy), and using the wall for a little extra balance. Devi waiting for Nny to start nagging her about her posture and how using the wall would make her weaker. However it never came. She kind of missed it in a weird way. It was nice, hearing peaceful sounds for once, but she likes it when it’s in her control.
God, what even happened last night? She could barely remember anything. How much did she drink? Did she even drink? The last thing she good remember clearly was chatting in the car with Tenna, excited to see some old friends, and nothing afterward. Doesn’t matter. Tenna can fill me in on the details later.
After what felt like eons of walking to a door that get getting further like in some horror film, she was able to grip the doorknob and open the door. She basically flung it open, and wobbled out. The first thing she noticed, after being blinded by the living room light and getting her vision back by the “holy light”, was Tenna sitting on her couch with that skeleton toy, she wasn’t even going to try to remember it’s name. What the hell was she doing there?
“Oh my god, you’re alive,” Tenna teased, squeaking the toy twice with a impish smile on her face. “Yeah- yeah. Please get me a glass of water, I feel like I got hit by a truck,” Devi exaggerated. She just really wanted the glass.
“All right,” Tenna said, getting up and going to Devi’s kitchen, getting her friend a glass of water. Slowly. She was doing this as slow as possible. “I’m honestly not suprised you feel like that, Dev. Jesus, last night was a night.” She told Devi, laughing at the end of the sentence. Devi rolled her eyes and wobbled towards the couch, nearly collapsing onto it.
Bad move. The headache spiked at the fall, the static following it. “Ugh-“ Devi groaned, raising her arms to rub her temples to try and calm the headache. Eventually, Tenna got the glass of cold water, and walked her way to Devi.
“PLEASE, just hurry up!” Devi nearly shouted. She really wasn’t in the mood for Tenna to be taking her sweet time. “I’ll be there in time,” Tenna teased, but sped up and handed Devi the glass. Devi muttered a quiet thanks, and downed the whole glass within seconds.
“You need some medicine?” Tenna asked. “YES. God I haven’t felt this horrible since.. well since that fucking computer entered,“ Devi complained. Tenna chuckled a little, and tossed the toy to Devi. “You can squeak him if you want. It makes me feel better sometimes,” Tenna smiled at Devi, then went to grab some Advil for her.
Devi “caught” the toy, or more likely it landed on her stomach and she just grabbed it. Spooky. That’s was it’s name. How could she even forget that? Devi, after checking to make sure Tenna left the room to grab some medicine from the bathroom, gave Spooky a soft squeak. It was a little relaxing, but her aching head and stomach still remained.
Startup. It was worth another try.
Devi stared at the popcorn ceiling, squeaking the toy a few times as she tried to remember the events of last night. Tenna had picked her up, of course still carrying Spooky with her, and then they started to drive to the party. They were listening to music, what kind Devi wasn’t even going to try to remember, and chatting. It was the happiest Devi felt in a while, and even Nny was agreeing about how this was gonna be good for Devi. But, everything after getting out of the car was a blur.
Tenna snapping her fingers in front of Devi’s face obnoxiously, pulled her out of the memories. “Hellooo? Devi!” She said, holding two pills in her hand that wasn’t snapping. “Huh-“ Devi said, jumping a little in shock. “Dude, you spaced out and I was trying to give you the medicine for like a minute.” Tenna explained. “Oh. Well, sorry about that. Thanks for the medicine though,” Devi said in neither an apologetic or thankful tone.
About fucking time.
Wow. Are you kidding me.
Devi dry swallowed the pills, not wanting to wait another eternity on Tenna. Devi spread her arms and legs all over the couch, in an attempt to get comfortable. Now it just felt hot in the apartment. “So-“ Devi started, catching the attention of Tenna who was sitting on the armrest of the opposite side of the couch now.
“What the fuck happened last night,” Devi asked, not even trying to be polite. She didn’t care about that she just wanted to know.
“A lot. We got at the party and you immeadiatly went to the bar, because you saw whatever-her-name-was.” Tenna explained, Devi nodding and listening carefully. She didn’t want to forget this time.
I’m aware asshole.
“She managed to convince you to drink from what I remember, and I left you so I could do the shit I wanted.”
“Great explanation,” Devi laughed.
“I’m not finished,” Tenna laughed back.
Just be quiet until you’re done.
“But when I came BACK. You were were drunk out of your MIND. You could barely stand and we’re trying, very poorly might I add, to open a can of gasoline. Oh and you also had one of their fucking kitchen KNIVES. You saw me and kept babbling about Nny, about what he was explaining and if I would help. I literally had to babysit you until you blacked out,” Tenna said, sounding a mix of aggravated and annoyed as she told the story.
“Excuse me-“ Devi said, laughing awkwardly and nervously. She had no idea to reply to that. “You gotta be joking Te-“
“I’m not. You really freaked me out, Dev,” Tenna said, giving Devi a cold and serious stare. Very rare from her.
“About time you’re back, asshole! What the fuck is Tenna talking about?!” Devi nearly shouted, getting Tenna to flinch and stare in confusion. It took Tenna a moment to realize, but she did. She watched as a bunch of neon blue and transparnent particles appeared and built together to form Nny.
“She’s not lying. Seeing your memories from last night, she’s telling the truth.” Nny said, a calm yet tired voice. Could computers get tired? Whatever, that didn’t matter. “Then WHAT THE FUCK were you trying to make me do?!” Devi raged, her face turning red and her hands turning into fists, nearly crushing poor Spooky. “Looking back on the memories- I was trying to... holy shit— I was attempting to get you to burn the place down and maybe even stab some people-“ Nny explained, cringing at what he read.
“WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING THAT? I THOUGHT YOUR PURPOSE WAS TO HELP ME.” Devi fumed. “It is. I TRIED telling you alcohol breaks me, but you didn’t LISTEN. Remember that?!” Great, now Nny was yelling too. And a voice inside Devi’s head that was screaming wasnt helping the headache. “Actually I don’t recall that. I dont remember you speaking a dahm word after we walked through that door.”
“You ladies done arguing?” Tenna joked, obviously annoyed. She couldn’t hear Nny, but she’s gotten pretty good at picking up on Devi’s and Nny’s conversations. Devi looked at her, face still red from pure rage. Tenna responded with dramatically crossing her arms, and lifting an eyebrow. She was trying to look all serious, but Devi couldn’t help but snort and then burst into laughter.
Tenna felt a smile prick at her lips, and soon enough she was bending over laughing as well. God, the laughing really didn’t help the headache, but it obviously helped Devi’s mood. Devi had no idea how long they were laughing for. It could’ve been seconds, minutes, maybe even hours, but eventually it started to slowly end. Tenna wiped a single tear from her eye, as her chuckles went to silence, and Devi held her stomach and her laughter turned to groans of pain.
“How’s your head?” Tenna asked, after having to take a deep breath after laughing so hard, a smile still remained on her face. “Say it’s fine.” Nny instructed, not being serious but this time just playing around. “Oh god- it hurts worse now,” Devi chuckled a little. “Dahm it,” Nny chuckled.
“Hold on-“ Devi nearly shouted, this time not sounding angry, but sounding suprised with the smile on her face growing bigger.
“Huh-“ Tenna asked, confused, but then watched as Devi pointed to nothing. Wait- not nothing. She was pointing at Nny. Jesus this is still confusing.
“Did you just laugh?”
“WHAT,” Tenna said, shouting and starting to chuckle a bit more now.
“Holy shit you did!” Devi started to laugh again, but not from humor, more of like she had just caught someone in the act. “Wrong. I am a computer I can’t feel emotions. You cant just humanize me, Dev-“ Nny started, his face starting to turn a shade of red.
“Well I think I humanized you a long ass time ago when I gave you the name “Johnny” you bastard. I heard you laugh and I want to hear it again.” Devi said, still pointing at him.
“Devi there better be a way of you being able to upload that to some sort of computer I want to hear what it sounds like!” Tenna said, excitement filling her voice.
“You aren’t missing out on much, Tenna,” Devi smirked, then giving a devilish look at Nny. “All it sounded like was a hyena choking on a toa-“
She got cut off by a quick shock in her back, she flinched hard and straightened her posture (out of habit). However it wasn’t one of the “fixing” ones. It felt like someone pricked her in the back with a needle very lightly. Just enough to suprise her. She looked over at Nny, who was frowning dramatically and crossing his arms, his face beet red.
Devi snorted again. “Embarrassed, noodle boy?” Devi teased, not caring how immature the nickname was. Tenna, whos expression was originally one of slight worry once Devi got shocked, changed to the mishevious expression to match Devi’s. She was very entertained by this, even if she couldn’t see nor hear Nny.
“I can’t be embarrassed. I’m an AI.”
“If you can’t be embarrassed and you’re just ‘an AI’, explain why you’re blushing like that?” Devi teased, resulting in a very shocked Tenna.
“WHAT-“ she basically shrieked.
Nny looked shocked, and opened his mouth to talk, but then closed it. His face shifted to shock, to embarrassment, then finally frustration. He growled a little, and stomped his foot. The second it made contact with the ground, he exploded into the blue particles and disappeared.
“Well he’s gone,” Devi snorted and looked at Tenna, amusement and pride on her face. First argument she won against him. It felt nice.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 years
Tenna: yeah you shouldn’t get a SQUIP, my cousin got one and got sent to a mental hospital trying to claw it out of his body and hasn’t recovered and I doubt he ever will
Devi: rip to them but I’m different
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 years
What if in my SQUIP AU for JTHM, Devi stops Nny from SQUIPing every fuckin person in the neighborhood by getting him to actually love her
Cheesy af, but Devi would 100% treat him as a human and it’s Nny.
Of course she’d still drink the Mountain Dew red, because she wouldn’t take the risk of him still being able to control her body and physically hurt her.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 years
aight i posted about a jthm au maybe 3 times time to peace back out to loving rich and michael and jeremy and squip hell
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 years
Nny is Devi’s SQUIP
Idk maybe Devi found out about SQUIPs and decided to take one in hopes of it raising her chances of getting a boyfriend.
Great choice Devi, now you got an asshole brat supercomputer in your head that won’t shut up unless you drink Mountain Dew Red or Alcohol
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