#jthm fic
red-dye40 · 4 months
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SEXUAL TRAUMA CLIP SHOW! with the good Reverend, MEAT. — Part One: SURFACE TENSION
(Johnny The Homicidal Maniac fic - IN PROGRESS)
Take a trip down memory lane with the help of everyone's favorite conduit for human desire! (Rain ponchos not included.)
Fleshy, churning pink and brown, smooth and prickled and full of pores and sweat and blood and puke and shit and piss and everything Johnny detests, all of it throbbing in a fifteen inch buzzing box of mindless indulgence, sputtering menacingly, unrelenting, and evil.
(A/N: heavily inspired by this post by @psycho-doughart with additional insight by @joh-nny-c about johnny's supposed 'superiority' to jimmy)
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anotherjvsideblog · 1 year
HEY. Who wants to read the only scene I still like from the DevNny fic I wrote/abandoned a thousand years ago?
Old, embarrassing, and out of context writing under the cut!
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zarla-s · 2 years
I’ve been picking at the strangel fic for a while and I finally decided to just post part of it for now since I’m not sure I’ll finish it, haha. I’m stuck on getting from Point A to Point B in it... tying two different plotlines together. But this’ll give an idea of what’s going on in this AU at least.
Title: And Also With You Words: 25K Rating: M (for swearing mostly, although there is some violence and feeling people up) Fandom: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (Vargas, specifically) Pairings: Edgar/Scriabin eventually, they’re mostly at each other’s throats here for now though Warnings: Edgar and Scriabin constantly invade each other’s personal space and ignore each other’s boundaries, per usual
Summary:  Edgar Vargas is an angel, blessed and adored by the Lord, given a holy purpose and duty to fulfill. He has always been an angel. This has always been his life. He's always been in the service of God, saving and protecting those in need.
And yet... something isn't adding up quite right. There are too many unanswered questions, too many strange coincidences. And being chained to a demon that looks eerily like him isn't really helping.
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
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A messy breakroom sketch I tried to make less messy at home, but somehow made messier?
I know it would end just as badly as it did for Nny and Devi if not worse, but I really would love a Nny/ Tenna story arch in my life.
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spacebabe51 · 2 years
OK so a couple people seemed interested in the fic rec list so here it is. I haven’t done one of these before so keep in mind this is just my personal likes, and idk if this is usual but i’m also going to put my little mini reviews + warnings (not content warnings but anything I think might deter someone from reading) on them so you kind of know what to expect. Obviously I can’t vouch for any of the authors on this list as I don’t know any of them personally, so if some fic ends up being written by a heinous person just know I didn’t raise them that way. List under the cut: 
OK! Without further ado, I’m going to be ranking these in descending order down to my all-time favorite, but first I'm going to add two fics that are kind of nebulous to rank because they are both crossovers. If I were going to rank them, both would be near the top of the list.
“Now You’re Thinking With Real Science” by Jaywings
This fic is just insanely good. It’s a Portal 2 crossover, and even for two franchises that already seem to blend together really well with the same brand of darkly humorous cyberpunk themes, it does a really good job of fitting the world and characters together in a way that makes perfect sense. Everything flows together really well, and every character from a large cast of characters is well handled and gets a chance to do something (or have something done to them). Fair warning, there are a few pretty intense scenes, and this one is as of yet unfinished, but still updating, and I highly recommend it. 
Warnings: This fic makes me want to like wheatley again and I won't, dammit. I refuse. Die you traitorous metal ball.
“Mad World” by iamwriting
This is a crossover between IZ and Jhonen Vasquez’ other most famous work, his horror/black comedy comic series Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. For those that have never read any of Vasquez' other work, it’s safe to say that JTHM makes Invader Zim look like Blue’s Clues, so fair warning before going into it this fic is dark. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s depressing, but it certainly handles very heavy themes (insanity, suicide...murder, obviously) and doesn’t pull punches. That said, it really surprised me just how well-crafted, compelling and moving this fic is. By the time I was finished with it, all the plot threads had pulled together so tightly I had to go back and reread chapters just to confirm that oh, yeah- I didn’t imagine that, the author set that up so subtly I didn’t even notice. An absolute 10/10 for plot, mood, and how well it kept me engaged (I spent an entire workday feverishly reading this and didn’t even notice the time pass) with a powerful and satisfying payoff. 
Warnings: This story is told in a very restricted first person pov, which can sometimes feel awkward, but is necessary for setting up an unreliable narrator. Characters, particularly Zim, can also sometimes feel ooc, but this too has an in-fic explanation that I won’t spoil.
OK! Enough crossovers, onto the ranked fics:
#6: “Hey, Spacejerk” by HeCallsMeHisChild
This particular author and her series of fics were some of the first that I read in the fandom, and one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that she has the most original ideas I’ve ever seen. Hey Spacejerk is strange, and that’s not a bad thing. It starts out as sort of a self-contained exploration of isolation with elements of psychological horror, and blossoms into something totally different by the end. If you don’t mind suspending disbelief and being taken along for the ride, I really think this it's an enjoyable read, with a strange but satisfying conclusion. 
Warnings: not really an issue for me, but this fic was written before the movie release, and Prof. Membrane takes on a villain-like role in this story so if that’s a deal breaker, you’ve been warned. 
#5 “A Parade of Indignities” by RissyNicole 
A LOT has been said about this fic and how good it is that there’s almost not much left to say. This story is epic in scope and very good at maintaining the nail-biting suspense it sets up early on. Supporting characters who didn’t get much focus in the show are a big part of this one, and help the world feel more fleshed out and alive. This story isn’t finished, and I have to admit I’m actually not caught up with it, but regardless. The fandom considers this one a must-read and I do too. 
Warnings: If you are an anxious hypochondriac like me this one can be a psychological horror as well! Little added bonus :)
#4 “Important Messages From Beyond the Stars” by myrskytuuli
This one is very niche and catered to my interests. I love stories that utilize the Resisty, and I'm an absolute sucker for anything exploring Zim’s time working as a scientist on Vort. Is it canon compliant? Not even close. Is it fully in character? Highly debatable, but this fic rec list needs some of the heartwarming found family healing only fanfic can provide, and goddamn it this fic provides. This one is also unfinished but still updating, and as new chapters and plot threads are introduced I’m more and more excited to see where it leads. 
Warnings: Again, if you’re looking for canon compliance and the usual dark cynicism of IZ, this is not the fic for you. 
#3 "Forced Perspective" by 0palite
I read this fic more recently after stumbling across some of the adorable drawings the author did for each chapter. This fic is quintessential zadf, and that’s a-ok with me. It’s character driven all the way through, and great care is taken in examining the different ways they think, as well as their motivations and worldviews. Everything feels in line with canon, and the development of the plot as well as the central friendship is natural and never feels too contrived. Really enjoyable read, and the drawings and animations created for every chapter are so charming and a huge added bonus to this one.
Warnings: None really, if slowburn zadf isn’t your thing you won’t enjoy this. 
#2 “Experimental” by HideousBlob 
 I don't think it would be an overstatement of any kind to say that Experimental and its lost? sequel Hypothetical are sort of the golden standard when it comes to Invader Zim fics. Butingly funny, very in character, bordering on psychological horror in places, this one excels at utilizing Zim's manic hypochondria to create a real sense of paranoia and keep the reader guessing. A great story with or without the slowburn zadf going on in the background, this fic is also available in the form of a great 8-bit RPG game with multiple choices and endings. One thing to note is that this particular author has since distanced herself from the fandom, so although you can still find the fic on archive.org (dm me if you’d like to play the game) please don’t go attempt to contact her about it. 
Warnings: I just wish I could read her other fics again. Thats all 😭😭
#1 “Leaving Home” by DiscoTeriyaki
This fic is the bane of my existence. It’s so good I hate it. And the worst part is that I can’t even put my finger on exactly what makes it so good. Leaving Home’s main idiosyncracy is that it’s very grounded in the real world, much more so than most other fics on this list. For example, Dib and Gaz have (or, had) a mother, real-world cities are mentioned, and the author utilizes a soundtrack of real-world songs from the late 1970’s to tell the story. This fic is very self-contained and small in scope, but it has a cutting, straight-forward and bittersweet take on the characters and their relationships. Exploring themes of growing up, death and remembrance, forgiveness, and what it means to be important to someone without particularly liking them. Everytime I read it (and I’ve read it a few times) I notice something new, and I’m in awe of how well this author is able to say so much in so few words. If you read this, do yourself a favor and listen to the music the fic provides. 
Gripes: I’d really like to stop crying everytime “The Lights Go Down” by ELO comes on please and thanks. 
And that's it! If you decide to read anything on this list, let me know what you thought of it, and please show these authors some love. And if there's a fic you think I would enjoy based on these recs, I'd be thrilled to check it out (and YES that includes your own fic). Thanks for reading!
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someguywriting · 1 year
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oh man oh my is that a JTHM fic
yes it is! and I'm very excited about sharing it, it was fun to write
whole hearted warning: mind the rating/tags
(source image for the picture from the second JTHM issue)
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thehousethatlives · 1 year
 Quick everyone make your own Johnny for the Johnny verse!
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ask-the-maniac · 2 years
How are you? Has your relationship with Devi changed at all? Are you closer or does she continue to hate you?
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"Mm. I'm as fine as I can be, given the circumstances. Normally, I don't tolerate questions about my personal life, but... Well. Our relationship has had its ups and downs, moments where I've said or done something upsetting-- I've made up for those-- but-- We're close. I can say that."
"Still fucking astounds me that she's given me the chance to be around her. To have something with her. And I don't want to fuck it up."
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I feel like a lot of Malevolent fans would also really enjoy Vargas
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gay-ppl-real · 5 months
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Doodles from my IZ X JTHM fic, The Weird in Me's Hereditary
We're on like the last chapter. Great time to post sketches of scenes lmao
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dude can people in the jthm fandom give me fic recommendations? I read like two by the same person and idk if anything is gonna top them. lmao
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silkoodles · 10 months
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went looking for this comic on my blog but i'm an idiot and forgot i never posted it. anyway im doing it now with all the other related art i been hoarding since i don't see myself finishing all the stuff i thought id draw. my fren @sauntervaguelydown wrote a bunch of JTHM fic and they're so good with raw lines i love like in the comic.
the 1st 2 pics are for Tough love and a Seam Ripper. the character designs are from 2018. They're her ocs that're consistent in a few of her fics. Go read them if you have an ao3
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
Stupid fic idea.
A strange old man stands behind Nny at Taco Hell. The old man has an uncanny resemblance him. He interrupts Nny's violent killing spree and manages to hobble his way out of the restaurant unscathed.
Nny becomes convinced the old man is actually himself from the future. he proceeds recruit Squee to help him stalk/ spy on the old man to find the truth.
Maybe if I just write the plot the idea will go away and I never actually dedicate time writing this nonsense.
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starving-shartist · 2 months
If anyone found my old JTHM high school au fic I think I'd do something that'd put me on a no-fly list
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altraviolet · 5 months
Yesterday, Jan 12, was my 6 year AO3aversary! I usually take note of it the day of, but I'm a day late this year xD
I'm excited to have written TF fic for 6 years now!
My AO3 total is 611,342 posted words, which is an average of about 100,000 a year! That's a novel a year! I have some ahhhh feelings about my posting schedule and what I am able to accomplish with limited energy, but realizing 100k/year on average made me feel really good! Heck, that is a lot of work! I'm proud 😄
Thanks for all the love and support! Thank you for reading!
If anyone's interested in my fic writing journey, here's an abbreviated timeline:
-circa 1994/5: first memory of writing what one would consider fanfic, my own Star Trek crew, entirely OCs
-late 90's: I read a lot of Beast Wars fics and wrote a few stories
-early 2000's: JTHM and Invader Zim stuff
-early to mid 2000's: the first fandom that I interacted with in a more 'modern' sense. by that I mean I made fandom friends, wrote a lot, talked about fan stuff on LJ, etc etc. the fandom will remain undisclosed but I had a BLAST and am very very lucky to still be in contact with a good friend from that period (you know who you are, hehe). I still love that franchise. my fics were received well (never had a flame on ff.net, that's some kind of accomplishment, right? lol) and I had quite a few readers, especially considering I only wrote gen fics (in the shipping sense. they went up in rating for violence). I wrote about 200,000 words for this fandom. as of now, the franchise has a small, active fandom on AO3 but I haven't delved into it. I'm pretty sure the fans' interpretations of characters have evolved over the years and since I haven't kept up, my ideas may seem out of date or sorely overdone, etc etc. I'm happy to let that part of my writing career live in memory only and don't plan to return :)
-2015 read MTMTE and got sucked back into TF
-2018 joined AO3 and started writing TF fic again :)
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