#jtr theory
wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
Jack the Ripper and ST: Part 1
Why Jack the Ripper? What’s the reason for looking into him in the first place? Well, I think we all found it ofd that the soon-coming play was taking place in London rather than somewhere closer to the actual setting of the show. London is a very strange choice, but not one without intention.
@aemiron-main made this post describing how The First Shadow seems to have taken heavy roots in the play Jekyll and Hyde. On its own, that’s already an exciting look into the ways Henry and Edward are connected, but while I was researching it I ended up reading about the history of the play. The original Jekyll and Hyde play took place in 1887 and lasted until 1888, when it was shut down during their time performing in London because the actor for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was accused of committing the Whitechapel murders— aka, being Jack the Ripper.
It could be brushed off as just coincidence if so much about JtR, his victims, his killing territory, and his suspects didn’t clearly connect to some of the themes and characters of our beloved show.
When we characterize JtR, there is some familiarity to be found. For example, JtR’s victims were female prostitutes. We continuously see the suggestion that women who fit within society are considered sluts,
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and adulterous whores.
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Nancy and Karen are obvious examples of this (though clearly these beliefs by others are untrue). Clearly it’s an established issue within the show. A theme which has given Karen and Nancy their upstarts as major characters. Especially Karen, whose only major plot has been about her almost cheating on her husband. I think we’re all aware that Nancy and Karen aren’t exactly safe from the supernatural.
But, more importantly, when committing these murders JtR focuses heavily on reproductive organs and the destruction and/or removal of them. Karen and Nancy haven’t been reflected in his actual victims, but they are parallels to people who fit the bill— namely, Mother Alice and Mother Virginia (sort of). One thing I’ll be discussing in later analyses is the cycle these women contribute to: one where their mothers and their daughters are not so different. It’s very reflective of the cycle of Creels reincarnating or continuing the cycle (Mother Virginia and Daughter Alice -> Mother Alice and Daughter Virginia -> Karen and Nancy/Holly)
If you haven’t caught on quite yet, then I’ll say it here. Vecna is JtR. Edward is JtR.
How can we deduce such a conclusion from just this? We can’t. But there’s more.
The man working to profile JtR, Thomas Bond, would describe him as a man who spent much time alone and that his attacks were coming from, “… a revengeful or brooding condition if the mind, or that religious mania may have been the original disease…” which fits Edward’s bill pretty well. Though, religious mania seems to relate more to what sparked some of the deaths that occur (on a meta level). It’s also important to note that there is no evidence of him engaging with his victims sexually, so pleasure likely wasn’t a motive for him. Generally, in cases where reproductive organs are attacked without the intent of engaging sexually, it’s either meant to shame them for their sexual activity or use the women as substitutes to the murderer’s own rage against his mother. Coughs so loud
Again, there’s more. JtR was the first killer to become sensationalized in media thanks ti the ruse in accessibility to newspapers. His sensationalism led to him becoming the first and one of the most notorious serial killers, resulting in monstrous or even phantasmic (phantomgate) depictions. Despite his seemingly humble or poor life, he would also become a symbol of the predatory aristocracy because his victims were poor and living in the slums of London. It isn’t difficult to recognize that JtR has become a symbol of which he is not, much like how Edward has developed into an enforcement of conformity despite being on the side conformity tends to target).
Depictions of the Ripper have also included symbols from other stories such as Frankenstein’s organ harvest and Dracula’s cloak. Both of these stories were featured in the show in S2,
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frankenstein pointed out to me by @catdammitjackie
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but Dracula takes an especially pertinent role as it’s listed as inspo for ST4,
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in the soundtrack,
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in Mike’s room,
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evil eddie from this post by @runninguplenorahills
referenced by Dustin,
“It’ll be like slaying sleeping Dracula in his coffin!”
and serves as a direct parallel to Vecna.
Another little tidbit that I’d like to expand on later is this photo.
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The F.
The carving of the F is something JtR wohld sign on the walls in blood, supposedly, but he most definitely carved the letter into his victim Mary Jane Kelly.
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image from this forum
This is an image of MJK’s body flipped upside down and the F has been circled. I disagree that there’s an M to be found anywhere, despite what the guy on the forum is arguing, but that F is pretty blatant.
Obviously if you’re reading this, you’re likely aware of Edward replacing Henry in his timeline, which is what makes this connection especially interesting as Henry/Edward is being marked with that F. I don’t think we’ve figured out exactly when Edward replaced Henry yet, but I’m currently of the opinion that we didn’t see it happen on screen and that it likely had to do with the power outage the night of the murders (that’s nothing more than an assumption tho).
The presence of JtR in this in the show is something I’ve only barely scraped the top if in this post. I expect there to be at least 12 other parts, but likely more than that.
hella excited to finally start sharing all the stuff i’ve been finding bc it has been haunting me on ungodly levels lmao
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brokensenseofhumor · 3 months
This is more of a compilation of translations than a Pimon theory episode but FUCK IT
Spoilers btw
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Arthur im hella jealous tell me your secrets on how to get this old man on his knees for me pls and thx
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And those are all the images I can put in one post on the app ladies, gents and theys, see yall when I have the energy to make an actual theory
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midnight-in-town · 11 months
Hey! This is going to be a really wierd question (sorry in advance) anyways, i assume that by the end of black butlers, it's likely Sebastian will achieve eating Ciel's soul, yes?
Nowww, this is where my fear come from that probable ending: in the live action black butler movie, the way Sebastian eats Ciel's soul is by kissing him, the similar thing is implied in the last episode of the season 1 anime.
I know that the manga is different from these source materials (it hurts to even compare them) but im really ummm scared that after following this story for so long, i don't want to see a minor and adult "kissing" even if it isn't in a romantic sense.
I know you are not Yana and could only predict the ending through theories or media literacy, but do you think there's other ways the ending could go?
Hey Anon! Well, I don't know what to tell you. :)
First of all, I remember @akumadeenglish's translation of a tweet that basically conveyed the idea that Yana-sensei was still debating within herself about what kind of ending she wanted for Kuroshitsuji (does our!Ciel die? Is his soul eaten? etc). That was 5 years ago, mind you, but still I don't think the live action or S1/S2 of the anime can (for now) be used to predict the ending, especially since there's still much we don't know about !
Personally I, for now, believe that, while our!Ciel might eventually die, Seb might not be able to eat our!Ciel's soul at the very end. Also, I'm very in favor of a conflict arising between Seb and Ciel about the contract, probably once our!Ciel realizes that he is worthy of living past getting his revenge. You can read about both ideas here and here.
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Lastly, about the whole "Seb kissing our!Ciel to eat his soul" idea, I don't think it will happen in the manga.
Yana-sensei has already depicted & confirmed that our!Ciel was a survivor of sexual abuse and that he wasn't comfortable with adults getting too close to him. Also, while I disagree with people saying she's a shotacon, I think she's really trying to make amends for the cringe vibes that Kuro had in its beginning, when she didn't know how long she'd be allowed to publish it (for example Grell was better depicted as a trans woman after the JTR arc).
Therefore, I'd say ch95 is, so far, our best indicator as to how Seb eating our!Ciel's soul might go.
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For more questions about the ending of Kuro far ahead of us, please check my tag for it.
I hope it answered your question. Have a good day Anon!
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bunnieshoneys · 2 months
hiiiiii!!! :D dropping by to let you know that i just read the entirety of coanda effect over the course of the last 2-3 days or so, and, even though i’ve never been interested in motorsport in my entire life (thanks nascar for being boring), your fic single-handedly has gotten me interested in f1 LMAO so like… is there an f1 for dummies somewhere that i can read orrrrrr :3c
but! aside from that, your passion for racing definitely shines through in your writing, and it is so, so refreshing to read an au based around a sport that’s equal parts about the sport as it is about the characters, so major props to you there! i’ve thoroughly enjoyed everything so far, and i can’t wait to see where you take it for the rest of the way through!! :)
as for my personal theories, i think yuji is gonna win the whole thing, but gojo will retire anyway in order to leave the future of the sport to the kids. becoming a mentor or a team principal definitely seems like the natural parallel to his role as a teacher in the source material. my current working theory for how he ends up is team principal for jtr so he’s still directly competing with geto. even if they’re not on the racetrack anymore, it’s such a wonderful full circle moment. like yeah, those two really did end up following each other through everything, despite it all…. idk it just seems so sweet to me. :’) lovers and rivals, better off on separate teams so they don’t have to sacrifice one to boost the other, and they wouldn’t have to hold back as much from each other either since they’d be in less media-facing roles. it also gives yaga the space to actually own the team and have a more focused role in management (at least if my understanding of his current role is correct)!
anyway, absolutely incredible work, i’m recommending coanda effect and talking about it to anyone who will listen to me, and i am genuinely sad that i did not pay to read it because it’s just that good. good luck for the rest of uni!! finish strong, i’ll be cheering for you!!! :D
p.s. shoutout to tumblr user fushiglow for sending me here :3
hiii omg.. if u havent been looking up stuff already theres a blog on here called @/f1-primers, that has some really useful technical stuff about tracks, drivers (including past drivers, not currently on the grid!!), the cars, and team personnel. they just rblog stuff from other accounts and group it together, but it is useful! that being said theres some tags dedicated to what looks like ships and i have to say i dont really condone that at all. theres a reason i dont typically interact with irl f1 fanbase on this app, the lines are quite blurred on here.
otherwise, theres the f1 explained series on F1's official tiktok account. the first video of that basically breaks down the weekend timetable, and part 6 explains the running order in more detail :) otherwise, i love answering f1 questions on here, i have a whole tag for it! (bunny talks f1, its tagged here)
i love writing about the sport lol, and i like sport aus to read that use the sport as a plot device so thats what i did here, lol. i am also planning a figure skating au, showjumping au, and possibly an ice hockey au (but i dont play it myself, so ... maybe not for a while, lol)
no spoilers, but gojo's future post end of this fic is not decided, lol. itll be decided when i write the sequel, lol.
(@fushiglow i love you, you got one)
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What do you think of the true identity of Jack the Ripper?
ps: The Jack of Ragnarok is much better than the original
Personally I don't really care about the irl JTR's identity. But his cases are quite interesting. Some people on the internet has so many theories, and some of them somewhat makes sense to me ngl.
But if you ask me, I say that maybe he's kinda like our Jack in RoR, but probably without heterochromia.
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jennajayfeather · 9 months
Honestly I think it'd be really funny if Jack's true identity was Spring-heeled Jack (the irony of going from one undiscovered being to another rofl).
Speaking of Springy, I find it so interesting how Jack's kit fits Springy, because like while yeah, I'm sure there were people who thought JTR was a demon, but that's....REALLY associated with Springy, as well as "not a single person but a group" which was also strongly associated with him.
In a way, I feel SF!Jack captures Spring-heeled Jack stronger than JTR. It's like Springy was "upgraded" to encompass even more theories & if you consider how Springy is often written in modern media, they made him go from a bogeyman-like figure to a type of hero, which is Jack's general vibes (though much more of a pure hero rather than an anti-hero)
There's got to be some sort of syncretism (someone even sent in a hoax letter to the police saying JTR was Springy fjkdgl), so Jack being able to become him should be possible regardless.
Flat's also mentioned Springy twice, once in Himuten and once in Adventures. Feels sussy to me.
I'm thinking that maybe both Flat & Thia got a pull, where Spring-heeled Jack was the base Saint Graph, which warped into Jack the Ripper through Thia's influence.
Because if you consider Flat's pull which would have been Saint-Germain, Springy fits Flat a lot more with his "prankster" nature; not really killing others, just sorta messing with them. I think with Flat's adoration for "mysterious beings," he'd be a good fit for him as a compatibility summon.
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Soooo I may or may not have a huge problem with spoilers. Not from others, from myself. Like, I can't read a book without at least a teeny-tiny sneak at the last few pages just to make sure my suspicions about how the plot will develop are correct.
Now I've started a new YA series (Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco, a terrific read so far btw, highly recommended!) and for the first time in a long while I'm reading a book without even a single clue on how it's going to turn out (spoilers, that is. I've got a theory about who might be the culprit).
Long story short, here's who I think the murderer is: Nathaniel, it's got to be Nathaniel. It's repeatedly accentuated that he's such an amiable young man, such a kind soul that he just has to have a dark side. It also fits perfectly with Audrey and Thomas's theory that JTR targets women bc one has disappointed/left him in the past as Nathaniel and Audrey's mother died when Audrey had a fever (don't remember which one specifically, but who cares anyway). I suspect that at some point he will target Audrey too bc from his pov she's responsible for their mother's death. Also why would he tell Thomas to take her home in the middle of the night? Why not do so himself?! And how convenient that just a few hours later a woman is murdered nearby. Listen, he's the definition of dodgy and if he isn't the killer - actually you know what, I don't know what I'll do then and it's irrelevant because it's got to be him!
Update: Now he's making up some bullshit story to make Audrey Rose believe Thomas is the killer, what a classic 😂 I refuse to believe anyone else than that ridiculous donkey Nathaniel is responsible for the murders
Update 2:
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Annie Elizabeth & Alice Margaret Crook
Annie Elizabeth Crook was born in 1863 on London daughter of William Crook and Sarah Annie Quordisman (or Quatermane). Her father William, son of William and Sarah Crook, was baptised on October 24th 1830 and was from Eton, Berkshire, England. Her mother Sarah Annie was born around 1839.
Annie's parents married on May 25th 1829 at Upton Cum Chalvey, Buckinghamshire (about a mile from Eton). They were Anglicans.
The 1871 census the family is listed living in Upper Rathbone Place, Marylebone, London. No number is given on the census sheet. William Crook, pianoforte finisher, aged 40 from Eton was married to Annie Crook, aged 32, from Berwick on Tweed (Northumberland). They had three daughters, Annie E, aged 8 and born in London; and Alice and Caroline aged 7 months and born in London.
By 1881 the family had moved to No 2 Rose Street, London, and their details are given as follows: the head of the family was William Crook, still working as a pianoforte finisher, aged 50 and born in Eton. His wife is Sarah A. Crook, aged 42 and from Scotland. Two daughters were living with them: Annie, who was 18 and working as a general domestic servant, and Alice, who was 12. Catherine is not listed so between 1871 and 1881 she probably died.
On the 18th April 1885 Annie had a daughter, Alice Margaret, who was born at St Marylebone Workhouse, London, but there is no information about who was her father. She was baptised as an Anglican. They lived at No. 9 Pitt Street, Tottenham Court Road.
Sadly, on 22nd January 1889 Annie and her daughter Alice were brought to the Endell Street Workhouse [where they were recorded as 'destitute'] by PC 453D.
By 1891 the family had moved back to Upper Rathbone Place, but this time we have a number, No 16. William Crook was 60 and still working as a pianoforte finisher. His wife Sarah, aged 50, is listed working as a charwoman from Berwick, Scotland. Their 27th year-old daughter Annie, jam maker, is living with them, as well as her daughter Alice Margaret, aged 5.
Annie’s father William Crook would die that year (1891), according to Begg, Fido and Skinner's book The Complete Jack the Ripper A – Z. Annie's mother Sarah died on 1916.
Annie stayed at various workhouses later in her life, dying eventually in the Lunacy Ward of Fulham Road Workhouse on February 23rd 1920, aged 58. She suffered recurrent epilepsy.
Alice Margaret Crook married William Gorman on 14th July 1918, at St Aloysius Chapel in At Pancrass, and they had 5 children (all born between 1921 and 1927), including Joseph “Hobo” William Charles Gorman (22nd October 1925 - January 2003). Alice died aged 65 in 1950, William died the following year.
Joseph Gorman, Walter Sickert and Stephen Knight
In 1973 the BBC launched a television series, Jack the Ripper, which investigated the Whitechapel murders. The sixth and final programme included a testimony by Joseph Gorman, who called himself Joseph Sickert and claimed to be the illegitimate son of noted painter Walter Sickert. Gorman claimed that Sickert had told him a story that implicated not only the royal family but also a host of other famous people in the murders. According to Gorman, sir William Gull committed the murders with the help of accomplices.
Gorman said that his Catholic grandmother (Annie Elizabeth) had secretly married prince Albert Victor, and that his mother Alice Margaret, was the legitimate daughter of Albert Victor and the rightful heir to the throne. He claimed that the Ripper murders were staged as part of a conspiracy to hush up any potential scandal by murdering anyone who knew of the birth. In the original television series, the story is depicted as the belief of Gorman but not of the detectives. Captivated by Gorman's story, journalist Stephen Knight decided to investigate the claims further, and eventually published his research as the book Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution in 1976.
Gorman said that Albert Victor's mother, Princess Alexandra, introduced Walter Sickert to her son in the hope that Sickert would teach Albert Victor about art. Gorman claimed that Albert Victor met one of Sickert's models, Annie Elizabeth Crook, a Catholic shop girl, at Sickert's studio at 15 Cleveland Street. They had an affair and married in a secret ceremony with Sickert and Annie's friend, Mary Jane Kelly, acting as witnesses. Gorman alleged that Albert Victor and Annie's daughter, Alice Margaret Crook, was born on 18 April 1885, and that Albert Victor settled Annie and Alice into an apartment in Cleveland Street. According to Gorman, in April 1888 the Queen Victoria and the British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury discovered Albert Victor's secret. Gorman accused Salisbury of ordering a raid on the apartment because he was afraid that public knowledge of a potential Catholic heir to the throne would result in a revolution. Gorman claimed that Albert Victor was placed in the custody of his family, while Annie was placed in the custody of Sir William Gull, who certified her insane; she spent the next 30 years drifting in and out of institutions before dying in 1920.
Meanwhile, Gorman alleged, Kelly was looking after the daughter, Alice, both during and after the raid. Gorman asserted that at first Kelly was content to hide the child, but then she, along with her friends Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman and Elizabeth Stride, decided to blackmail the government. Gorman accused Salisbury of conspiring with his fellow freemasons, including senior policemen in the London Metropolitan Police, to stop the scandal by staging the murders of the women. Gorman said Salisbury assigned the task to Gull, who lured the four women into a carriage individually where Gull murdered them with the assistance of coachman John Netley and Sir Robert Anderson, Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard. Gorman claimed a fifth victim, Catherine Eddowes, was killed accidentally in a case of mistaken identity because she used the alias Mary Ann Kelly and was confused with Mary Jane Kelly. Gorman alleged that Netley tried to kill the young Alice twice but after the second unsuccessful attempt several witnesses chased Netley, who threw himself into the Thames and drowned. Gorman completed the story by saying that Alice lived well into old age, later becoming Walter Sickert's mistress, and that Alice and Walter Sickert were his parents.
Knight explained that at first he did not believe Gorman's sensational story, which seemed "arrant, if entertaining, nonsense", but was so entranced by it that he had to investigate further. In describing the progress of his investigation, Knight revealed a series of coincidences: according to him, the murders ended with the death of Mary Kelly; a woman named "Elizabeth Cook", who Knight claimed could be Annie Elizabeth Crook misspelt, did live at 6 Cleveland Street; Annie Crook was institutionalised; rumours of the time link Prince Albert Victor to a scandal in Cleveland Street; Gull was fond of grapes, and one of the victims may have been eating some at the time of her death; Gull matched the description of an unnamed physician accused by clairvoyant Robert James Lees, who claimed to have identified the Ripper by using psychic powers. Eventually, as the circumstantial coincidences build up, Knight became convinced that Gorman's story was true. The lack of tangible evidence, he claimed, was due to a government cover-up and deliberate misdirection of the police investigation.
There are many facts that contradict Knight's theory (as listed here) and his main source, Joseph Gorman, later retracted the story and admitted to the press that it was a hoax.
Historian and author Paul Begg recalls having met Ellen May Lackner (1909 – 2005), Joseph Gorman's cousin, in 1992, and published in Jack the Ripper: The Facts that she ”... Confirmed that elements of Gorman’s story circulated within the family during his infancy; the story, or elements of it, where not his invention. She recalled that wealthy people sometimes visited the house, and she thought there was a connection with the birth of Alice Margaret, who she thought she was the illegitimate daughter of Walter Sickert, not Prince Albert Victor, and although she vaguely remembered some mysterious and frightening connection with Jack the Ripper, she thought it was an invention to deter too much enquiry into Alice”.
Other authors have written about the subject (either the Royal Conspiracy or the Freemasonry Conspiracy, or both, or even mixed or variations of the story – different suspects, mothers of Prince Albert Victor's child, etc.), such as Donald McCormick (1959, The Identity of Jack the Ripper), Thomas E. A. Stowell (1970, "Jack the Ripper – A Solution?" in the November issue of The Criminologist), Elwyn Jones and John Lloyd (1975, The Ripper File, based in the 1973 BBC series 'Jack The Ripper'), Jean Overton-Fuller (1990, Sickert and the Ripper Crimes), Melvyn Fairclough (1991, The Ripper and the Royals), Andy Parlour, Sue Parlour and Kevin O'Donnell (1997, The Jack the Ripper Whitechapel Murders) and Patricia Cornwell (2002, Portrait of a Killer). Although all of them are marketed as non-fiction books, they are dismissed almost universally as derivative fantasies and as containing non reliable sources. 
Many novels and fiction books (Alan Moore’s and Eddie Campbell’s From Hell; Robin Paige’s Death at Whitechapel; Anne Perry's The Whitechapel Conspiracy, to name a few); films and TV series (A Study in Terror, Murder by Decree, Jack The Ripper 1988 TV series, The Ripper 1997 TV film, From Hell...); and even websites and blogs (Felicity Lowde Research) are based, with variation, with this theory.
Casebook website  - Casebook Forums - Alleged Annie’s and Alice’s photographs
JTR Forums
“The Final Solution” wikipedia article
ALEXANDER, G. (2015): Jack The Ripper: Case Solved?
BEGG, Paul (2013): Jack The Ripper: The Facts.
BEGG, Paul; FIDO, Martin & SKINNER, Keith (2015): The Complete Jack the Ripper A – Z. The Ultimate Guide to the Ripper Mystery.
ODELL, Robin (2006): Ripperology: A Study of the World’s First Serial Killer and a Literary Phenomenon.
RUMBELOW, Donald (1975): Jack The Ripper: The Complete Casebook.
WOOD, Simon Daryl (2015): Deconstructing Jack: The Secret History of the Whitechapel Murders.
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shinigami-mistress · 5 years
Hello mistress, hope everything's fine. ^-^ I've been asking to myself, why Grell could transform herself in ButlerGrell? It seems like she's the only one with that kind of 'talent' among reapers and I've been wondering if it's plot relevant or if it's just Sensei wanted to add some drama with a reaper in disguise. Tbh I've always find it a little nonsense, like plot convenience and nothing more, but I could be wrong. What do you think about? Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
Hey Anon! Thanks for the question.
I’ve always had this idea that the concept of the reapers evolved a bit over time. This may sound silly, but I think it’s possible that they weren’t always intended to be former humans who took their own lives. As someone who enjoys writing (although I don’t dare compare myself to someone like Yana), I know that I’ve had ideas and thoughts change right in the middle of a story. I feel there’s a strong chance the reapers were supposed to be another supernatural creature in the series without necessarily having this tie to humanity other than collecting their souls.
So how does that tie in with your question? Well Grell was more brutal and violent in that early arc - more creature like but has been toned down in later appearances. In other words, Grell appeared to have far less of a human side initially and had more qualities of a supernatural entity.  This includes other powers such as shape shifting or at least the ability to change appearance. Demons can do this, so it might make sense that other supernatural creatures could as well. It fit the tone of the story.
I don’t think it was plot convenience as much as it is a discarded idea. After the JTR arc, the story expanded and it changed slightly. As we now know that certain reapers (namely Undertaker at this point) are important to the story, so there is more focus on them. As the story evolved, they’ve become more and more human. They are like humans who have become callous to death because they are death who are basically immortal.
I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if the idea of reapers being able to change their appearance comes back into the story again at some point. I had a crack theory that Undertaker has been around more than we’ve realized as he had another identity - one where he changed his appearance. It’s not impossible.
In a nutshell, I think the idea of reapers being able to change their appearance and look like normal humans fit the story at one time, but it has since been dropped mostly because it’s no longer needed. I’m sure Grell could still be Butler Grell if that was necessary, but I’m not sure if that will become necessary to the plot again.
Thanks so much for asking, Anon. Have a lovely day!
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abybweisse · 5 years
Mother3 theory: Reapers and Magypsies, Undertaker and Dr. Andonuts
Warning: long post!
Now, I’ve already mentioned, in previous posts about Mother3 theory, several parallels between reapers and Magypsies, as well as several parallels between Undertaker and three characters: Dr. Andonuts, Nippolyte, and Fassad. (And I’ll first go into some stuff about those parallels, especially since the revelations of ch149!)
However, after discussions with @shinigami-mistress and @mrscreant I’ve been reminded of something else Undertaker (all the reapers, in this case) have in common with Dr. Andonuts. They are not (completely) hindered by time and space.
Magypsies are magical people (the name is a combination of “magical” and “gypsy”) who live on Nowhere Islands and apparently had lived there for a very long time, generation after generation. However, there were now only seven left, and they say they’ve lived upwards of a thousand years, just waiting for someone to come along and fulfill a prophecy and release them from this place (this plane of existence). The prophecy states that someone will come along with the power to pull up the seven needles (more like swords stuck in the ground) that they guard. Once this is accomplished, the Dark Dragon will reawaken and, following the heart of the person who woke it, obey its will. It had been subdued into slumber by those seven needles (like acupuncture) ages ago because it was considered too powerful, but it was believed that someday its power would be needed by mankind again. Mirror twin brothers, Claus and Lucas, compete to wake the Dark Dragon, and the only reason they compete against each other is because Claus had died and been turned into a heartless Fascinating Chimera. He’s being controlled by the self-proclaimed king, King Porky. When Claus is finally reminded of who he is/used to be, he sacrifices what’s left of himself, so that Lucas may prevail and have the Dark Dragon follow his good heart. The Magypsies say that if the person who wakes the dragon has a good heart, the dragon will do good deeds. Someone with a bad heart will have it do bad deeds. Someone who is heartless? They think the dragon might destroy the world; the world will cease to exist at all. (Also note that Lucas is helped the entire time by his loyal family dog, Boney, including the dog walking on its hind legs while dressed as/pretending to be a human.)
In Black Butler, the big parallel to this part is the fact that there are mirror twin boys, (real) Ciel and his younger twin, and the older one is sacrificed. As that occurs, the younger twin wakes the demon from his long sleep. That demon is given the name Sebastian (after the loyal but now dead family dog), but we also know him as the Black Butler. (Real) Ciel has been turned into a Bizarre Doll and has taken back his birthright of becoming the earl and the watchdog of Queen Victoria. The younger twin is using the immense power of this Black Butler to fulfill not a prophecy, per se, but a contract. We don’t know of any “prophecies” in the Kuroverse, but that could change, and it might have something to do with reapers.... I’ll discuss this further in a separate post! Anyway, instead of long-lived Magypsies guarding needles, we have long-punished reapers who must work as such (collect, and you could even say, guard souls) until they are forgiven and allowed to “move on”... to something.... cough cough
Now... Nippolyte is a local, rather eccentric gravedigger, friend of Lucas’ family, and open opponent to the king. He was even entrusted with the task of passing a “treasured” family heirloom from Flint (the twins’ father) to Lucas. Fassad is a Magypsy who was once called Locria, but he deserted the other Magypsies and decided to turn against them; he tried to help the Fascinating Chimera Claus win the competition, which would have likely destroyed the entire world.... cough cough Dr. Andonuts is the inventor of Fascinating Chimera and all sorts of other inventions.
Bringing this back to Black Butler, Undertaker assumes this identity and practiced that occupation of undertaker and gravedigger. He once called himself 136649, which was his reaper registration number, but he refused to go by his original name (theorized to be Cedric K. Ros—, but it hasn’t been made canon... yet). Just like Locria/Fassad (sounds like facade, a face or mask) turned against the other Magypsies, Undertaker has turned away from the reaper organization... and even half-destroyed their HQ roughly 70 years prior... His issue with Queen Victoria might actually be dwarfed by his issue with the “superiors” or “higher-ups” in the reaper organization... cough cough. He’s also the inventor of Bizarre Dolls, which are reanimated corpses; they lack souls (just like the Fascinating Chimera of Claus lacks a “heart”). Right now, even though he’s no fan of the queen, he’s helping Bizarre Doll (real) Ciel regain his birthright, etc... for whatever reason, but that’s not even his original reason for messing around with cinematic records (cough cough). Undertaker has been inventing things, too: that “useless” contraption for “controlling” Bizarre Dolls is probably something he made, though it doesn’t seem to do anything. He might have had help from someone (like Druitt, who has a medical license) to build the dialysis machines and blood work equipment. Sieglinde gets to be a second parallel to Dr. Andonuts because of her chemistry work and inventions, particularly because of the Spider Legs she made, which are almost identical to an early version of the same thing made by Dr. Andonuts.
Anyway! One of Dr. Andonuts’ inventions is a time-traveling machine. Pokey Minch steals a prototype that malfunctions: he can travel back and forth in time and space, but the process ages him to the point that he can no longer move; he lives but keeps aging. Dr. Andonuts later makes another one that doesn’t have that issue, so he can move through time and space without being aged by the process. On top of that, all Magypsies (Dr. Andonuts is not one, though) can fly or float away, and when their needles are pulled up, they disappear as if they are being zapped or faded out of existence. (Oddly enough, Ionia, the best parallel to Grelle, apparently needs to wear makeup in order to fly. Perhaps all of them do?)
There has been a lot of talk regarding how reapers get the future information they have, as well as all the anachronistic items. Partly, it could be that they work off of prophecies, but I was also reminded by @mrscreant what Grelle says about death scythes being able to slice through anything, including dimensions. This allows them the ability to kill even demons with their death scythes. It could have something to do with how they deal with the constraints of not only space but also time, since time is a dimension. That’s possible, though there is a difference between slicing dimensions and passing between them. But we know they can also become invisible and even apparate and disapparate. Grelle uses that method in order to kill another JtR victim while Madam Red is still at Druitt’s party. We’ve seen Sascha and Ludger/Rudgar do that from a tree limb after the younger twin/our earl sees them (they were supposed to be invisible at the time) ... as well as Grelle and Othello do that from Phantomhive Manor; they end up going to a pub.
So, with their own reaper abilities, plus the interesting properties of their death scythes, reapers might be able to get information (and possibly even objects) from the future. However, I still think there is someone working off of their own knowledge of the future... or at least prophecies... cough cough.... Another post. 😉
Something important to note: whatever they can do in the future aside, they apparently cannot do shit about the past.
Otherwise, what would stop them from going back in time to keep things from happening? What would keep Undertaker from going back in time to save Phantomhives from death? What would stop reapers from keeping their past selves from committing suicide? They cannot change what has already happened.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
Jack the Ripper and ST: Part 2, ‘Eddy’ Victor and James Stephen
Among the hundreds of suspects for who really was Jack the Ripper, one of the strongest contenders was actually a duo; Prince Albert ‘Eddy’ Victor and James Kenneth Stephen.
In part 1, I emphatically argued for Edward’s role as JTR, but he may not have been working totally alone. Of the four suspects I’ll discuss in these parts, Eddy fits with Edward extremely well and the only reason he wasn’t taken in as JTR was because it would’ve been physically impossible for him to be in the place of the murders. That wouldn’t exactly be an issue for our Edward, would it?
Below the cut, I’ll establish parallels because they’re genuinely just as interesting than the murders themself, the relationship Eddy and James had, how they would’ve functioned as murderers vs how Edward and his partner did function as murderers, and how both of them died.
Establishing Parallels
First, the most obvious of parallels, names. Prince Albert Victor os the name he’s known by historically, but his full name was Albert Victor Christian Edward and the name the world called him was Eddy.
In his full name we see direct connections to Victor, Edward’s father, Christianity (which is a major theme in the show after the Creels are introduced), and, of course, Edward. The prince could’ve paralleled Victor Creel, but he chooses to go by Eddy. Not Victor, not even Edward, but Eddy. Now, this guy definitely is meant to parallel Edward Creel when we look at his childhood (which we will), but his choice of going by Eddy not only reinforces Eddy being Edward, but it contributes to the theory of Edward becoming Eddie by overtaking his corpse as his own mangled body is unusable after the burns — aka, Eddie puppet theory.
Even more than just the names, there were reports of Eddy as a child that sound eerily similar to our own Creel history. It was said that Eddy had an, “…elegant and possessive mother… ‘want of manliness’… ‘shrinking from horseplay’… [and a] ‘sweet, gentle, quiet and charming’ nature.” That doesn’t sound familiar? Try this one.
“…they would like to make a man of the world of him. Into that world he refused to be initiated.”
Come on.
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Eddy also had a younger brother, born so close in age they were treated like twins. They went through education together and the educators refused to separate them because, without his brother, Eddy’s teachers felt like they could not teach him. He was far too “mentally absent”. Broken, if you will.
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thanks em
Another fun little experience Eddy had once he was older was with Oscar Browning, who, “made pets of those undergraduates who were handsome and attractive.”
I’m not even gonna say it because I hate it!
Even moreso, his family held the high expectation for him to marry a woman who was charming, sensible, and pretty. He failed to achieve this goal several times, likely because he was homosexual.
Yeah. He’s here because god forbid I make ONE post without him working his way in. Here’s a real nice parallel to James Stephen — where Peter is most heavily noticed by the Saint Peter painting in the Russian church, James Stephen was a member of the Apostles intellectual society. Saint Peter us one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles.
James Stephen also has a cousin names Virginia Woolfe! This would also mean that Edward and Peter were likely cousins, seeing as Virginia is Edward’s sister, and then being cousins…. is really fucking funny.
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I love it when bad couples parallel bad couples.
One more little thing is that James Stephen was a poet, and much of what he wrote can reflect the show with mentions of curses and melodies,
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as well as the concept of twins demonstrating the contrast and similarity as a huge theme in mankind.
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Peter’s parallels may not seem strong right now, but it’s hard to draw a ton of parallels to a character who doesn’t yet exist. Just trust me.
When James and Eddy met, it was because James had been chosen to tutor Eddy before he was to be sent to Trinity College. While Eddy would’ve been 24, figuring out the time this took place in Edward’s life isn’t difficult because of the Brenner figure I mentioned earlier. Eddy met the man who would treat people as his pets during his first semester at Trinity College, which draws the comparison between the lab and the college, effectively placing Peter and Edward’s time right before Edward was sent off to Brenner. Makes pretty damn good sense if they’re meant to be an alternate version of Creelarke.
I’d like to consider this time to be when Peter and Edward were in some sort of summer program together, or something similar. This post by @aemiron-main points out the very likely possibility of Owens being Edward’s father and how, although I have called Peter Owens’ son in the past, the inly information we have that connects him to Owens is that he has Peter’s old school projects. Considering the summer camp is directly connected to both Ruth and Rose being in the same place as Petey McHew, we get this: Rose (Creel), Ruth (Owens), and Petey (Peter) were all in the same place at the same time during the summer.
It’s possible that Owens, as Edward’s father, had Peter help Edward in a summer school before they moved to Hawkins for the new school year.
This relationship is especially fascinating because James was a Christian man who actively participated in Christian activities (see; apostles society) — it’s likely this summer was teaching more than math and science. Where Hames was highly intellectual in comparison to Edward, this may translate to Peter’s greater success at pretending to be normal and straight compared to Edward’s ability to do the same.
Any feelings James felt for Eddy were very intense despite this. Strong enough to write about hating a specific woman and a specific man in his poem Men and Women. He was enraged by everything about this woman and this man was described in grief as his body became vacant of his soul and was nothing more than a corpse. He also mentions a missing eye replaced with glass in this man. Familiar?
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It’s all familiar because the duffers fucking hate me and want me dead.
James also killed himself because of Edward’s death. By the way. What normal, heterosexual behavior.
Eddy was also heavily accused of homosexuality numerous times throughout his life by family, friends, press, and even historians. It wasn’t just James either, oh no, the entire Cleveland Scandal (involvement with a homosexual brothel) followed him for the rest of his life.
These bitches gay.
As Murderers
Here’s where things get really interesting.
1886 — two years before the Whitechapel murders — James suffered a massive head injury. He was struck by an object from a moving train, permanently altering his brain.
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His behavior quickly devolved and he became deluded that he was a painter of great genius…
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…and he eventually proclaimed that the doctors told him he would either die or go completely mad.
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He was committed to an asylum in 1891.
Not only is the Phineas Gage parallel coming back, it’s being tied to the time Will was being used as a puppet by Edward. Edward learned that tactic from somewhere.
In the theory that James and Eddy were a murderous duo, it was suspected that James was the one controlling Eddy because his profile matches JtR so well. His hatred for women and mental status are the source of this belief. Their relationship in murder was described as, “…mutually dependent, with Stephen as the dominant partner.”
This dynamic could very sell explain why there’s so much puppetry in Vecna’s image.
i ran out of image room :(
Although Peter is no longer an active participant, Edward is still being guided by his ideals. Puppeteered, even. It isn’t something he rejects.
There are so, so many parallels between characters in ST and JtR’s victims, but this is already long. I’ll simply say that the death of Mary Jane Kelly is extremely similar to what we see in Mother Alice’s bedrooom, and I already pointed out the F in the first part. I’d only recommend looking into MJK if you’re very comfortable with looking at gore.
Also, Eddy’s tomb is surrounded by Saints. Peter follows him to death and beyond (which is about to be really ironic).
I’ll keep this bit quick.
James died in 1892 due to mania triggered by the death of Eddy. He starved himself for 20 days as an act of suicide, seeing as he was in an asylum and didn’t have many choices. The timeline would indicate that Peter died in 1964, which also happens to be the year Kali was born in London.
That deserves its own post I think.
More importantly is Eddy’s death. Supposedly, he died if pneumonia, but it is theorized that his death was faked to remove him from his line of succession to the throne, which is cool on its own but what makes it really good is that media chose Eddy to be the one who takes the Dracula persona I mentioned in part 1. There was also a novel written after his death called the The Prince of Mirrors which is about his life with James.
There also happens to be a Sherlock Holmes interpretation of him in Sherlock Holmes: The Hidden Years, which shows him as a tyrannical ming who rules after the mysterious deaths of his grandmother and father. The throne he supposedly died to be removed from.
There’s a lot influencing this after-death image of Eddy in Dracula and kingship, which makes Vecna’s name of the Undying King pretty ironic.
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brokensenseofhumor · 8 months
PIMON DID NOT APPEAR IN CHAP 19 BUT FUCK IT WE BALLLLLL (aka Hi welcome to Pimon theory episode 3)
(And this is also the first episode without trigger warnings let’s goooo!!!! Spoilers are there tho so 🤷)
If it’s to anyone’s interest, here’s the link to episode 2:
Now to the theories
Theory 1: Wait how old is he? *checks* WHAT THE FU-
Ok yes yes, ik the title seems weird but hey that was my genuine reaction, no judgment please…
(+shoutout to NinkaScantrad on Mangadex again!!)
So, In our previous episode we discussed the chance that Pimon is indeed the actual Paimon from the Ars Goetia, well…
Well, I was translating the French translation on Mangadex cuz it’s a million times easier than to translate the original Japanese pages on Google translate then copy paste it to my other translation app, but I digress- and…
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So yea, Pimon is actually about 300 years old… WOW. I genuinely thought he was like 70 before I started theorizing about him at all…
So, chance is he probably has the same condition as Arthur, which means he’s mostly unaffected by age, has inhumane/Lu bu levels of strength, and probably has the soul eye much like Jack and Arthur (and to think I thought it was Morton that had the soul eye…)
Also, given one of the conditions symptoms is being mostly unaffected by age, and Arthur seems like he’s in his 20’s, Pimon is probably much much older than Arthur…
Is Arthur in his 90s??? We might never know
Theory 2: BOOBS????
Yes yes, being Horny on main for an evil old man for like the 4th time(?), I have no regrets tho :]
Here is my first analysis of Pimon rack from last month/a few weeks ago:
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And here is my analysis from earlier today since we have more sideways panels of him now
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So yea, Pimon booba IS very likely to be real.
And that’s everything for todays episode folks, see you all next chapter release!
Tags: @incorrect-record-of-ragnarok @huntersmoon1 @roygiri @onecantsimply
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cielsama14 · 6 years
One of the big themes I’m going to talk about on the RCMT masterpost is how everything about RCMT was essentially foreshadowed in the JtR, Curry, and Circus Arcs in its most basic form. All the hints now are either bringing the old hints dramatically to life or connecting to them. It's like a pyramid. The old arcs form the foundation for the newer hints to build off, rising up to the big reveal, and that's all part of the ten years of foreshadowing that went into Real!Ciel. 
It makes what Yana is doing with Real!Ciel now quite clever. Right now, she makes Real!Ciel all suspicious but it seems like that could either be a hint or a red herring because this theory doesn't seem to have much evidence. However, that's not actually the case. Once you carefully interweave the old and the new, it becomes clear that there were years of foreshadowing and thought put into the twist, making the idea of it being a red herring ridiculous. The theory becomes really obvious. 
But that's the thing. I doubt she wants it to be this obvious. That's probably why Yana puts all the biggest hints early on and made them incredibly difficult to notice. I’ve never seen anyone talk about them besides myself and I only noticed them through the help of others, random coincidence, constantly obsessing over Real!Ciel, and wondering what the purpose of his character is. When Yana spoke of little hints that readers don’t notice at first, she freaking meant it. By keeping the old hints in the dark, she can keep this theory in a balance from coming out of nowhere and being too obvious. It's the perfect way to handle this twist. 
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buymoonrocks · 4 years
Jack the Ripper
Buy Jack The Ripper Online
The Jack the Ripper strain is quite friendly. Buy Jack The Ripper Marijuana Online. Providing consumers with a happy and upbeat cerebral high. This flower is energizing enough to use during the day, making it the perfect bud for those seeking headache and mild pain relief without added drowsiness.
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Jack the Ripper, or JTR, is the flagship hybrid from TGA Genetics and was created by the breeder Subcool in an attempt make his famous Jack?s Cleaner in seed form. Described by many as the fastest lemon Haze available to date, it was created by crossing the Jack?s Cleaner clone with a vigorous Space Queen male known as Space Dude. Featuring incredibly resinous triangle-shaped buds and an intense spicy, lemon-pine aroma, Jack the Ripper is a relatively short 70% sativa-dominant strain that usually tests over 20% THC. The effect is intense, visually stimulating, and can sometimes leave novice consumers disoriented and paranoid.
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Jack the Ripper is a tangy, tropical cross between Jack’s Cleaner and Space Queen. The name may be a little frightening, but this Sativa-dominant Hybrid is all uplift, energy, and happiness. Bred by TGA Subcool Seeds, Jack The Ripper is an ideal strain for daytime marijuana consumers.
Those seeking a reliable morning bud are in luck. Jack the Ripper is an energizing and upbeat strain. This flower would be an excellent choice for a wake n’ bake session, as many find that it provides a calm yet focused mental stimulation. In theory, the strain should be a solid replacement for a morning cup of coffee.
The overall experience of this flower is happy, uplifting, and clear-headed. Those seeking a high-THC strain for the workday may find that this flower puts them in the mood to get things done. In high doses, however, this strain can border on psychedelic. If you’re hoping to avoid a racy high, stick to moderate doses.
The THC content of Jack the Ripper is moderate to high, typically ranging from 15 to 20 percent. Recreationally, this bud is great for a hike or a bike ride. If you need a strain for weekend chores, this strain will make for great company. However, the psychoactive quality can be very intense. Experience with cannabis is recommended.
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dorkshadows · 7 years
I had this epiphany that it's intentional for RCMT to seem ridiculous. The whole thing is just like the situation with Madam Red in the JtR arc (how convenient that the Curry Arc comes right after it). It seemed impossible for her to be the criminal at first but then later on we get new info to make sense of it all. If RCMT ends up being true, it'll play out in the same way..
It took me a bit to understand the abbreviation haha (Real Ciel Mastermind Theory). This was a really great ask to get, especially in light of 131 spoilers I read! True, Madame Red wouldn’t have been an immediate suspect in JtR based on how fond both Our!Ciel and the readers were of her, plus Grell’s disguise persona was nothing like her present personality.
So even if we get a bunch of flashbacks about what a perfect brother Real!Ciel is, I still won’t buy a second of it until the whole arc ends. Because it’s all from Our!Ciel’s pov. And who else glorified a person who turned out to hate them in the end? Soma! All his sweet flashbacks of Meena were from his POV and when we finally got to know what she thought, it amounted to, “fuck you and fuck off.”
If we parallel Real!Ciel as Our!Ciel’s “Meena,” then the important thing isn’t Our!Ciel’s pov. It’s Real!Ciel’s. Like Meena and Madame Red, he could be waiting for the right moment to reveal his true colors too!
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vrheadsets · 6 years
HoloLens Subscription Service Comes To UK
Microsoft’s HoloLens is a versatile device, with its mixed reality (MR) capabilities seeing use in various areas and industries all over the world, being used in everything from healthcare to architecture. However, it doesn’t come cheap, at £2,719 (GBP). Microsoft have now announced that its HoloLens subscription hire service is coming to the UK.
The option to test out the HoloLens before purchase has previously been made available in North America. In the UK, Microsoft is partnering with JTRS and parent firm Econocom to offer a ‘Mixed Reality as Service’ package.
The subscription-based programme will allow companies to use a HoloLens device for £260 per device, per month for two years. This price incudes the device itself along with delivery, a swap warranty and collection and recycling once the term is at an end.
Users of the service will be able to add in additional subscriptions to apps and software such as VISR, Immersion, Nomadeec, Plain Concepts, Synergiz, Taqtile and Theoris. The aim of the service is to speed up adoption of mixed reality and aid companies in transformaing themselves for the digital age.
“The aim of this partnership between Microsoft and Econocom is to help our clients speed up their digital transformation,” said Paul Corriveau, Microsoft’s Global Head of Network Marketing and Partners for HoloLens. “By offering mixed reality ‘as a service’, Econocom is establishing itself as a market leader and confirming its commitment to making mixed reality and 3D technologies accessible to any company looking to improve its productivity and ways of working.”
“With the HoloLens partnership, we’ve brought together a community of companies, all of whom are leaders in their markets and are committed to facilitating companies’ access to mixed reality, said Marc Bringuier, Strategic and International Partnership Manager at Econocom. “This technology and solutions are now becoming accessible to all companies.”
Further information on the new subscription service can be found on the Microsoft News site. Future updates on Microsoft HoloLens will continue to be here on VRFocus.
from VRFocus https://ift.tt/2JL7LVV
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