wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
Jack the Ripper and ST: Part 2, ‘Eddy’ Victor and James Stephen
Among the hundreds of suspects for who really was Jack the Ripper, one of the strongest contenders was actually a duo; Prince Albert ‘Eddy’ Victor and James Kenneth Stephen.
In part 1, I emphatically argued for Edward’s role as JTR, but he may not have been working totally alone. Of the four suspects I’ll discuss in these parts, Eddy fits with Edward extremely well and the only reason he wasn’t taken in as JTR was because it would’ve been physically impossible for him to be in the place of the murders. That wouldn’t exactly be an issue for our Edward, would it?
Below the cut, I’ll establish parallels because they’re genuinely just as interesting than the murders themself, the relationship Eddy and James had, how they would’ve functioned as murderers vs how Edward and his partner did function as murderers, and how both of them died.
Establishing Parallels
First, the most obvious of parallels, names. Prince Albert Victor os the name he’s known by historically, but his full name was Albert Victor Christian Edward and the name the world called him was Eddy.
In his full name we see direct connections to Victor, Edward’s father, Christianity (which is a major theme in the show after the Creels are introduced), and, of course, Edward. The prince could’ve paralleled Victor Creel, but he chooses to go by Eddy. Not Victor, not even Edward, but Eddy. Now, this guy definitely is meant to parallel Edward Creel when we look at his childhood (which we will), but his choice of going by Eddy not only reinforces Eddy being Edward, but it contributes to the theory of Edward becoming Eddie by overtaking his corpse as his own mangled body is unusable after the burns — aka, Eddie puppet theory.
Even more than just the names, there were reports of Eddy as a child that sound eerily similar to our own Creel history. It was said that Eddy had an, “…elegant and possessive mother… ‘want of manliness’… ‘shrinking from horseplay’… [and a] ‘sweet, gentle, quiet and charming’ nature.” That doesn’t sound familiar? Try this one.
“…they would like to make a man of the world of him. Into that world he refused to be initiated.”
Come on.
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Eddy also had a younger brother, born so close in age they were treated like twins. They went through education together and the educators refused to separate them because, without his brother, Eddy’s teachers felt like they could not teach him. He was far too “mentally absent”. Broken, if you will.
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thanks em
Another fun little experience Eddy had once he was older was with Oscar Browning, who, “made pets of those undergraduates who were handsome and attractive.”
I’m not even gonna say it because I hate it!
Even moreso, his family held the high expectation for him to marry a woman who was charming, sensible, and pretty. He failed to achieve this goal several times, likely because he was homosexual.
Yeah. He’s here because god forbid I make ONE post without him working his way in. Here’s a real nice parallel to James Stephen — where Peter is most heavily noticed by the Saint Peter painting in the Russian church, James Stephen was a member of the Apostles intellectual society. Saint Peter us one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles.
James Stephen also has a cousin names Virginia Woolfe! This would also mean that Edward and Peter were likely cousins, seeing as Virginia is Edward’s sister, and then being cousins…. is really fucking funny.
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I love it when bad couples parallel bad couples.
One more little thing is that James Stephen was a poet, and much of what he wrote can reflect the show with mentions of curses and melodies,
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as well as the concept of twins demonstrating the contrast and similarity as a huge theme in mankind.
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Peter’s parallels may not seem strong right now, but it’s hard to draw a ton of parallels to a character who doesn’t yet exist. Just trust me.
When James and Eddy met, it was because James had been chosen to tutor Eddy before he was to be sent to Trinity College. While Eddy would’ve been 24, figuring out the time this took place in Edward’s life isn’t difficult because of the Brenner figure I mentioned earlier. Eddy met the man who would treat people as his pets during his first semester at Trinity College, which draws the comparison between the lab and the college, effectively placing Peter and Edward’s time right before Edward was sent off to Brenner. Makes pretty damn good sense if they’re meant to be an alternate version of Creelarke.
I’d like to consider this time to be when Peter and Edward were in some sort of summer program together, or something similar. This post by @aemiron-main points out the very likely possibility of Owens being Edward’s father and how, although I have called Peter Owens’ son in the past, the inly information we have that connects him to Owens is that he has Peter’s old school projects. Considering the summer camp is directly connected to both Ruth and Rose being in the same place as Petey McHew, we get this: Rose (Creel), Ruth (Owens), and Petey (Peter) were all in the same place at the same time during the summer.
It’s possible that Owens, as Edward’s father, had Peter help Edward in a summer school before they moved to Hawkins for the new school year.
This relationship is especially fascinating because James was a Christian man who actively participated in Christian activities (see; apostles society) — it’s likely this summer was teaching more than math and science. Where Hames was highly intellectual in comparison to Edward, this may translate to Peter’s greater success at pretending to be normal and straight compared to Edward’s ability to do the same.
Any feelings James felt for Eddy were very intense despite this. Strong enough to write about hating a specific woman and a specific man in his poem Men and Women. He was enraged by everything about this woman and this man was described in grief as his body became vacant of his soul and was nothing more than a corpse. He also mentions a missing eye replaced with glass in this man. Familiar?
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It’s all familiar because the duffers fucking hate me and want me dead.
James also killed himself because of Edward’s death. By the way. What normal, heterosexual behavior.
Eddy was also heavily accused of homosexuality numerous times throughout his life by family, friends, press, and even historians. It wasn’t just James either, oh no, the entire Cleveland Scandal (involvement with a homosexual brothel) followed him for the rest of his life.
These bitches gay.
As Murderers
Here’s where things get really interesting.
1886 — two years before the Whitechapel murders — James suffered a massive head injury. He was struck by an object from a moving train, permanently altering his brain.
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His behavior quickly devolved and he became deluded that he was a painter of great genius…
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…and he eventually proclaimed that the doctors told him he would either die or go completely mad.
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He was committed to an asylum in 1891.
Not only is the Phineas Gage parallel coming back, it’s being tied to the time Will was being used as a puppet by Edward. Edward learned that tactic from somewhere.
In the theory that James and Eddy were a murderous duo, it was suspected that James was the one controlling Eddy because his profile matches JtR so well. His hatred for women and mental status are the source of this belief. Their relationship in murder was described as, “…mutually dependent, with Stephen as the dominant partner.”
This dynamic could very sell explain why there’s so much puppetry in Vecna’s image.
i ran out of image room :(
Although Peter is no longer an active participant, Edward is still being guided by his ideals. Puppeteered, even. It isn’t something he rejects.
There are so, so many parallels between characters in ST and JtR’s victims, but this is already long. I’ll simply say that the death of Mary Jane Kelly is extremely similar to what we see in Mother Alice’s bedrooom, and I already pointed out the F in the first part. I’d only recommend looking into MJK if you’re very comfortable with looking at gore.
Also, Eddy’s tomb is surrounded by Saints. Peter follows him to death and beyond (which is about to be really ironic).
I’ll keep this bit quick.
James died in 1892 due to mania triggered by the death of Eddy. He starved himself for 20 days as an act of suicide, seeing as he was in an asylum and didn’t have many choices. The timeline would indicate that Peter died in 1964, which also happens to be the year Kali was born in London.
That deserves its own post I think.
More importantly is Eddy’s death. Supposedly, he died if pneumonia, but it is theorized that his death was faked to remove him from his line of succession to the throne, which is cool on its own but what makes it really good is that media chose Eddy to be the one who takes the Dracula persona I mentioned in part 1. There was also a novel written after his death called the The Prince of Mirrors which is about his life with James.
There also happens to be a Sherlock Holmes interpretation of him in Sherlock Holmes: The Hidden Years, which shows him as a tyrannical ming who rules after the mysterious deaths of his grandmother and father. The throne he supposedly died to be removed from.
There’s a lot influencing this after-death image of Eddy in Dracula and kingship, which makes Vecna’s name of the Undying King pretty ironic.
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chaoticframes · 10 months
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Children Underground (2001) dir. Edet Belzberg
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Edete Precision Technologies Expands Pollination Services in California Amid Climate Challenges
Key Takeaways: Significant Expansion: Edete Precision Technologies for Agriculture has expanded its pollination services in California to over 3,000 acres, a fourfold increase. Technological Innovation: Utilizing its proprietary 2Be® mechanical pollinator and high-quality pollen, Edete addresses critical challenges in natural pollination processes. Enhanced Crop Yields: In 2023, Edete’s…
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newsleverage · 2 months
Proprietor of Criminal Training Center Bags 10 Years Jail Term
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drpedi07 · 2 months
Edta Drug
Medical information for Edta on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Hepatic Dose.
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alexpeteronoja · 1 year
30’s Single and Bored Season 1 Episode 1 - 10 | Nollywood Series
Amaka teaches young girls about trust marriages, she also reveals she owns a bakery and how much of a fantastic baker she is to her supposed fans on the internet. VIDEO INFORMATION Filename: 30s.Single.and.Bored.S01E01-05.720p.mkv Filesize: 455.20 MB Duration: 30 Mins Imdb: – Stars: Stan Nze, Daniel Etim Effiong, Kiki Omeli, Amanda Ebeye, Kunle COKER, Kunle Salami, Aret Edet Total…
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okaynigeria · 2 years
Police rescues abducted Cross River varsity student
Police rescues abducted Cross River varsity student
The Cross River State Police Command says it has rescued Miss Josephine Etim Edet, a student of Arthur Jarvis University who was kidnapped last Tuesday night on campus. Okay.ng gathered that gunmen had storm the institution and shot sporadically. This made the frightened students scamper for safety. While Josephine was kidnapped, another student was inflicted with severe machete cuts. A police…
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literary-illuminati · 25 days
2024 Book Review #25 – The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
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The fact that I put in a hold for this is basically a triumph of marketing. I saw Jackson Bennett doing an AMA to promote it, which reminded me that a) he existed and b) I liked the one book of his I’d read. So 20 people in the hold queue ahead of me latter, I finally got a chance to give it a try. Shockingly, this actually worked out incredibly – this was easily one of the most enjoyable reads I’ve had all year.
The book follows Din, a recently promoted Assistant Investigator mainly notable for the incredible invasive grafts and suffusion that left him with grey skin, dyslexia, and a literally edetic memory. The last bit is the most relevant, as his incredibly eccentric Investigator uses him as combination Watson and CSI, running around collecting all the evidence and conducting most of the interviews so she can make her grand deductions in peace.
The case in question is the murder of an esteemed and well-regarded commander through the unconventional method of a tree sprouting in his chest cavity and growing several feet over the course of as many seconds. As things are wont to, the investigation quickly spirals out of control, dragging the investigators to a logistical hub days from the Seawall protecting the empire from leviathan attacks and implicating true imperial grandees.
So, this is a murder mystery. An extremely high concept one, full of leviathan-blood enhancements and supernatural contagion and a whole society structured and organized around the constant struggle to stave off apocalypse, but ultimately still very much an intentionally tropey murder mystery. Every clue is mentioned as Din notices it, always before it’s relevance to the plot is revealed. There’s an extended reveal where the Investigator just lays out the whole mystery as she’s’ deduced it and baits the villain into doing something stupid. One of the supporting cast is revealed to have been one of the killers all along. The entire thing occurs with a ticking clock meaning the investigation has only days to find an answer. It’s all there.
To be clear, this is not at all a complaint. Maybe it would be if I read more mysteries, but as it is the whole set of tropes is a very rare treat for me, and it’s all executed very well. And I adore a well-done drawing-room reveal scene. Not that I did, but I appreciate that I could have tried to outguess the plot and figure out the whole mystery ahead of time from the clues given (instead of just noticing most of them and having a vague sense of where people were headed – though I def thought the governor’s second paying a weird amount of attention to Din was a threat and not the love interest). The whole thing was just a joy to read, even if the characters were all a bit exaggerated and archtypal, and the ending was a bit too neat and tidy for my tastes.
The setting isn’t exactly novel – creepy quasi-horror rich biopunk settings and horrible kaiju whose corpses warp the world around them being harvested and processed for raw materials became fairly well trod ground at some point – but it’s hardly generic or the expected standard either. It’s very well-executed, and the murder mystery conceit basically requires each new relevant addition to the story being clearly explained as we meet it, which was handled with surprising grace/without devolving into multipages reams of exposition too often.
It was very amusingly obvious (and then confirmed in the acknowledgements!) that the entire subplot about ‘preservation boards’ (bodies to ensure there’s no unintended side effects of growing/processing weird biopunk reagents in a given region) being abused to obstruct and delay vital progress to – literally – raise property values for the landed gentry, was directly inspired by Jackson Bennett having read a lot of articles about malicious abuse of environmental protection legislation in the US.
Politics-wise – I mean it’s a conceit of the whole story that the empire is essentially, if not benevolent, then at least necessary and well-intentioned. Riven with corruption and patronage networks, warped for the interests of the landed elite, full of negligence and despair – but at it’s core a good thing to work for, and receiving awards and mandates from on high is a good thing. The issue is the boyars and not the tsar, all that sort of thing. Which works for the story, but I’ve at this point read enough SF/F that really digs into the whole empire thing that the lack of subversion there took me almost by surprise.
Not that the empire’s all nice – the grafted specialists with superhuman strength or eidetic memory or perfect reasoning skills all die after a decade or two of service, and that’s just the price of keeping things running. A major subplot of the whole book is Din trying to hide the fact that his enhancements misfired slightly to make him functionally dyslexic (an issue, when your main value to be a perfect living archive). Not entirely sure if the series is really going anywhere with the whole disability theme beyond the very basic ‘the empire will only survive if it makes it possible for EVERYONE to contribute what they can’ beat it hit in this book – regardless, the fact that Din spend the entire book wondering what had been done to her boss’s brain that e.g. she spent most conversations blindfolded to help her focus, and while doing so can identify most forms of text on a page by touch, only to find out that no she’s just autistic was very funny to me.
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hirmuripuli · 2 months
Eduskunnan perustuslakivaliokunta on saanut valmiiksi lausuntonsa hallituksen esityksestä, joka toisi kahdeksanprosenttiset käymisteitse valmistetut oluet, siiderit ja viinit kauppojen hyllyille. Nykyinen raja on 5,5 prosenttia.
Alkoholilain uudistusesityksessä prosenttirajan korotus ei koske juomasekoituksia, kuten esimerkiksi etanolipohjaista vahvaa lonkeroa tai niin kutsuttuja limuviinoja. Hallituksen esityksessä tätä valmistustapaan liittyvää rajoitusta perustellaan sillä, että tavoitteena on ”suojella nuoria, erityisesti tyttöjä,” alkoholin käyttöön liittyviltä haitallisilta terveysvaikutuksilta.
Perustuslakivaliokunnan mukaan hallituksen esityksessä esitetyt perustelut eivät kuitenkaan ole kaikilta osin vakuuttavia, kertoo valiokunnan puheenjohtaja Heikki Vestman (kok.).
– Esityksestä ei käy asianmukaisesti ilmi miten valmistustaparajoitus, eli se, että kauppoihin tulee myytäväksi käymisteitse valmistettuja juomia, toteuttaa sääntelyn päämäärää, eli nuorten ja nimenomaan tyttöjen suojelun intressiä, Vestman sanoo.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 5 months
"I don't need to study because I have an edetic memory"
"You don't need to study because you're screwing the TA. #slut!"
Didn't we solve this one with Legally Blonde... 😖
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secondskin007 · 8 months
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"Nicolas Edet, 2020 Paris-Nice 2" by Claudio Martino is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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obscene-beans · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @totally-not-deacon thank you :') I'm not sure who I'm following that does these so I did a lil research and I nominate @evilwriter37, @your-talos-is-problematic, and @friend-of-giants (sorry if this is not your thing, I'm new to this!)
Currently working on an ongoing novel that focuses on autism, war, and folk music, with a little supernatural fantasy and a steampunk element thrown into the mix. CW for descriptions of a meltdown, emotional and physical trauma, and You Are My Sunshine (lol). I like just wrote this.
I looked at the kid in my arms. His face was red and splotchy, snot running over his lips and chin. He was looking around between the four of us. “You’re looking for your parents, aren’t you?” I asked him.
He didn’t respond, of course, but that made it all the more easier to talk to him. “You’re not the only one, kiddo. I haven’t seen my Da in years. You’ll get used to it.”
The baby looked up at me. He’d stopped crying and instead was focusing on my voice. I paused, because I didn’t know what else to say, and his face crumpled at the silence. I felt my face crumple, too.
As he began to whimper again, I thought of Edet, bleeding, curled in the arms of a stranger. Then I thought of our father.
I opened my mouth and began to sing.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You’ll never know dear how much I love you
Please don’t take that sunshine away
Truthfully, I hate that song. It’s a tragic heartache that’s been watered down to a lullaby for babies. In the earliest renditions, the song tells about a man begging his partner not to leave him for someone else, and most versions do not have a happy ending. Most songs don’t. 
Most lives don’t, either, it seems. In the darkest of times, one seeks comfort in mutual pain. I sang the heartache version to the baby, softly, hoping the others couldn’t hear me.
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I woke, dear, I was mistaken
And I hung my head and I cried
Some part of me found comfort in imagining that I was singing to my younger self in the wake of tragedy. And it hurt to realize that as abandoned as I’d felt in Sommerstad, I missed my father fiercely. In the aftermath, I longed for a voice to sing to me. His voice.
I’ll always love you, and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me and love another
You’ll regret it all someday
The baby rested his head on my shoulder, hiccuping but no longer in tears. The terrain began to even out. When I looked up, I saw a house standing on chicken legs. I blinked and looked again. Indeed there was a structure that was more of a shack, but it was suspended off of the ground and built around the trunks of two firs. The roots of the trees were reminiscent of talons digging into the dirt. The frozen creek trailed underneath the house.
The shack was not alone. A ways up the incline there was a collection of houses, and a crowd of people bustling. A canopy had been set up and another was already being erected, underneath which very few spare cots were occupied by the injured. A man, a soldier with a bloody bandage wrapped over one of his eyes, jumped up from his cot and beckoned for the soldier carrying my sister. In an instant she was swept up in a flurry of rags and medics. Her skin was as pale as the frost, and she was dangerously still.
I couldn’t control my breaths. My lungs burned, my throat still acrid from the bile. The infant squealed unhappily in my arms, and I realized I had been squeezing him too tightly. I put him on the ground before I could drop him. I flexed my fingers to gain some semblance of control, but soon that became ineffective and instead I was pulling my hair. Edet, I swore. Oh, Edet. Now it was my turn to hiccup.I wept. I screamed. Someone had to tear me away from Edet’s cot, and the contact evoked something rabid in me. Something I hadn’t seen since I was a little kid, before I’d steeled myself from constant meltdowns. I cursed the person restraining me. I cursed God. I cursed myself for daring to consider a world without Edet, and now here I was staring in the face of it. No mother, no father, no Edet.
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prigorie · 1 year
Te rog, megosztod a playlist-edet? From one tri-lingual to another 😁
Ofc. Ez a Black Sails playlist-em: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3wfqgUkVfhOtcqvIBeiCaZ?si=S3DtcRLMSBqWPUD3eE4WAQ
És ez a The Magnus Archives playlist-em: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/69oWxN096zmwW4krJC1uIH?si=52CInyUqSAiJVTtG3fyueg
(sper că se deschid lol. Spotify-ul meu e premium varianta apk)
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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This is one of the handouts parents get if their kids have high lead levels. It's called "Lead and Nutrition."
In NH, children are screened for lead poisoning at ages 1 and 2 with the finger prick test. If the level is high, they need a blood draw to confirm the lead level (venous blood draw).
Parents should wet mop floors and windowsills, clean children's pacifiers and toys, wash kids's hands often.
Ask parents about behavioral problems, developmental delays/disabilities, excessive mouthing (putting keychains in mouth; items like that could have lead in them)/pica (eating non-nutritional items), whether housing was built prior to 1978, whether their child-care facility was built before 1978, whether their housing has renovations, whether the child is a recent refugee/immigration/international adoption, whether parents' job could expose them to lead (welding, renovating, painting, fishing, stain glass, target shooting, jewelry making), whether they imported any spices that could contain lead (turmeric, sindoor, surma, orange shringar, asafetida).
You need to do annual developmental surveillance and may refer for early childhood education/stimulation programs.
When you screen for lead in office with the finger prick, you have to wash the child's hands with soap and water first.
Symptoms of lead poisoning include stomach aches, headaches, trouble paying attention, developmental delays, behavior issues, problems eating and sleeping, speech/language delays.
Long term effects: slowed growth, poor school performance, hyperactivity, aggression, brain/kidney/nerve damage.
Home, water, and soil should be tested for lead.
Parents should feed children foods high in calcium, iron, and vitamin C.
Tx of high enough BLL: chelation with succimer of calcium disodium edetate. Succimer — Succimer (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) is a water-soluble analog of dimercaprol (British anti-Lewisite, BAL) that can be administered orally [48,49]. Like dimercaprol and CaNa2EDTA, succimer increases the urinary excretion of lead. Like dimercaprol, CaNa2EDTA increases the urinary excretion of lead through the formation of a nonionizing, soluble chelate.
Symptoms attributable to lead poisoning can include intermittent vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal pain (lead colic); intermittent irritability or lethargy; and/or lead encephalopathy (eg, persistent vomiting, persistent lethargy or coma, headache, or afebrile convulsions)
From UpToDate:
New threshold for elevated blood lead in United States children
●For children younger than six years of age in the United States, the reference value for an elevated blood level is 3.5 mcg/L (0.17 micromol/L).
Detectable blood lead levels (BLLs) are associated with neurocognitive deficits in infants and children less than 6 years old, and targeted screening of at-risk children is recommended. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has lowered the blood lead level (BLL) threshold for action to 3.5 mcg/dL (0.17 micromol/L) from the previous level of 5.0 mcg/dL (0.24 micromol/L) [1,2]. At or above this threshold, specific interventions should be taken based upon the degree of BLL elevation. For children with BLLs below 3.5 mcg/dL, the limit of detection for lead varies by laboratory, and the actual blood lead value may be close to or above the threshold. Thus, some children may need to be retested depending upon age or other risk factors.
With chronic ingestion or inhalation, lead can be incorporated into the skeletal system, which becomes an endogenous reservoir of lead that is resistant to elimination. While chelating agents can bind to lead in blood, they are ineffective in removing lead from the deep bone stores.
I had twin pts who both had EBLL of 5 mcg/dL in August and level of 4 mcg/dL today. One of them hadn't grown as much as her twin, so there was concern that the EBLL might be affecting her growth. Scheduled both pts for f/u with repeat venous BLL, CMP, iron level, CBC in 3 months.
Tx: BLL less than 45 mcg/dL = no need for chelation; get abdominal X-ray if pt has signs of excessive mouthing (puts everythin in their mouth) or pica (eats non-food items). If you see lead chips, can do whole bowel irrigation. Clean the home and toys. Make sure kids get 5 servings veggies and fruits a day with vitamins including iron. Wash their hands. If BLL is greater than 45 mcg/dL, chelation is necessary.
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