#ju mire
dangermousie · 18 days
This whole sequence is jaw dropping!
The way the commissioner says that a death of a young woman, a destruction of her family and all these people being mired in grief is insignificant!!!
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And the way he never says "nope" to the question if he'd ever kill his son if he got in the way!
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Ju Won having to hear all of this. But also, Ju Won's father can read him so well because he's not wrong per se; but what he doesn't get is that JW can overcome all of this in pursuit of justice and right.
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And once again, there is no "no" answer. My GOD.
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Poor poor man!
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I love this because someone is about to prove him so fucking wrong!
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I love that in the whole realm of horrors dumped on his soul that night, what breaks JW the most is not that his father would kill him or that his father is a monster or w/e, but that he accused DS of the murder committed by his own father. Ooooof!
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 1 month
Saw your offer and I'm not enough of a horror writer to pull this off perhaps, but you just might be :)
The scene is two field researchers going out to check cameras in the wilderness. It could be day, it could be night, that's up to you. One of them sees a cool plant and pulls out their species identification app to see what it is, as field researchers are apt to do. As a joke, they point the camera of the identification app at their fellow researcher, except it doesn't identify them as human, but rather, some other entity.
That's the prompt! You can take this in any direction you want - maybe the monster eats the researcher, maybe this is news to both of them, whatever you like. I would tell this story to freak out the other field researchers I worked with, so I think having a full version would be awesome :)
You're the best!
Aww, thanks! To be honest, I was inspired by what you did for your 600 follower celebration :)) I do hope I did this justice! It ended up being just over 900 words, hehe
It was a miserable day slogging through the driest bits of the marsh, flies all abuzz around us. The morning had been slated to be sunny, and in preparation of that I had slathered sunscreen all over me and a sunhat besides. Nonetheless, I was drenched in sweat, and all the mosquito repellant in the world couldn't have stopped the army that decided to feast on delicious type AB-.
Pierce was the sole saving grace of it. He might've been a weirdo, at least according to the other interns, but he cracked jokes, helped pull me out of those awful little mires where my foot would get stuck, and hoisted me on his shoulders to grab the cameras. 
All through that walk, we saw not a single bird. It was almost as though they were avoiding something, and in a perverse way, I was grateful for that. In my current mood, I may well have thrown my backpack at any bird I came across, quit my internship, and left to go be a barista.
As we approached the umpteenth camera on our checklist, Pierce stopped me. “Say, what's that little guy over there?”
I stopped and let out a brief grunt of frustration. “Who cares? It's almost the end of our internship anyway- Oh, what is that?”
“It's a plant.” Pierce prodded a leaf experimentally. 
“Yeah, I can tell. What the hell is it?” I'd spent far too much time garnering a reputation for myself as the plant-nerd amongst our group to be confounded by some random little sprout. “Give me a moment, I think it's time to try out that ID app, eh?”
I fished out my phone and aimed it at the plant. “Well, whaddya know? It's not showing. That's odd,” I muttered. “Is it working?”
“Gimme it,” Pierce replies, snatching the phone out of my hands. “Let's see if it can identify you.” 
He froze. A shadow of something flickered across his face, before he plastered a fake smile on. “The latest update must've broken it ,I guess.” 
“Really? Let me see!” I tried to take my phone back, curious. “Did it call me a tree or something?” 
He lifted it up, just out of my reach, and took a step back. His smile grew more brittle, almost as if he were… afraid of me? “No, it's nothing. Ju- Just gonna close the app now, shall I?”
I shook my head. “Tell me what you saw,” I demanded. “What did it tell you I was? I assure you, it was lying.” I don't think my words were very convincing.
Shaking his head vigorously, he shuffled back, before tripping over a root. “Shit!” He scrambled even more, breath coming in little gasps. I could smell the fear in his sweat.
It made me hungry.
“Don't be like that, Pierce,” I cooed, stalking towards him. “It's almost the end of our internship. Be a good boy, and return my phone.”
He tried to struggle, he really did. But I had my hooks into him, and no mere mortal had ever escaped once they were in my clutches. I took the phone and glanced at it.
“Warning: Inhuman entity spotted? Danger level: High? Wowza, these things are getting good.” Mindlessly, I threw the phone into the water. “Perhaps I'll try for a degree in CS after this, get a good look at the insides of software development. At least that way I won't have to go out into the sun so often. Let me tell you: It really does make a girl appreciate her immortality all the more.”
My teeth were starting to protract, the result of being stimulated by- Damn it, the lectures I'd been going to were far too deeply ingrained into me. “Now, before we take down this last camera, let me ask you something: Have you ever seen me in the tapes we took?”
Pierce went still, connecting the dots. I laughed. “Oh, you sweet, sweet summer child. To be honest, I'm grateful you were so naive. I mean- I was certain I'd get caught at some point. A vampire wildlife researcher? That's almost as ridiculous as a vampire retail worker! Oh, but I did it. I think I deserve a treat for that, don't you?”
He struggled against invisible bonds, eyes flitting left and right. His teeth were gritted hard enough to show his jaw muscles, and I patted his cheek.
“Don't worry ‘bout a thing, P. It'll all be over soon,” I told him, baring my fangs. “I'll even make sure to get rid of the evidence afterwards.”
"Don't," he hissed, barely able to get his words past my grip. "Please, Elsie. This isn't you." I showed no signs of stopping, so he played his last, desperate card. "Someone- Someone will find out. They'll catch you."
"We're all alone in the woods, pal. Nobody's gonna find you. Ever." I paused. "Think on the bright side, though. You always wanted to give back to the environment. Now you get to! Your bones will fuel these trees for the weeks to come."
I leaned into his neck, which was already welling up from my little dengue-carrying bloodsucker cousins' bites, and ran my fangs along the artery that popped off out. “I'd say goodnight, but it's still light out. So, good afternoon, Pierce,” I whispered to his neck. “Good afternoon and good bye.”
Then I sank my fangs into his throat and drank him dry.
I think this is worthy of the taglist, so:
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @tragedycoded, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii, @trippingpossum, @real-fragments
@xenascribbles, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @the-inkwell-variable, @nczaversnick
(Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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Zapovijed maršala Marmonta , cijeli libreto
"Tijardović je godine 1929. skladao operetu Zapovijed Maršala Marmonta, sličicu iz Napoleonova doba u Dalmaciji. Radnja se događa 1807. i priča  o ljubavi poljičke kneginje Mire Dražoević i francuskog časnika De Lecestra. U scenskoj opremi, režiji i interpretaciji autora u Splitu je 30. travnja doživjela velik uspjeh pod naslovom Mira i Marmont poglavito zahvaljujući sudjelovanju renomiranih splitskih izvođača Cvjete Cindro, Ive Batistića i Uga Nonveillera. U Narodnom kazalištu u Zagrebu  prvi put je izvedena 19. listopada 1935. s naslovom Maršal Marmont s operetnim prvacima Erikom Druzović i Slobodanom Živojnovićem."
(tekst sa Opera.hr)
Pošto posjedujem libreto za ovu operu, odlučila sam ju skenirati i objaviti na internet arhivu....
Zainteresirani mogu stisnuti ovaj link
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greer-morgan · 2 months
Heartbeats | Self-Para
Mid-August. (About three weeks after the breakout, and one week after Mahlon woke up.)
The knock at the door came softly. There was a sense of stillness, of calm order that existed within this room that no longer existed in the rest of the city—the rest of the hospital, even.
Greer stirred, the rustling of her medical gown and the paper liner of the table were the only sounds until her own voice cut through, “Come in.”
“Greer? Hi, I’m Dr. Mire.”
Dr. Mire was a woman at least thirty years Greer's senior, with deep lines etched into the corners of her eyes and around a kind smile. Freckles of various hues dotted her skin, some a deep shade of brown and others just barely different from the base tone of her face. Her hair was long and silver, forming a sleek braid down the center of her back. There was nothing flashy about the woman. She was put together, but unlike any other Capitolite Greer had ever seen, it was for comfort and practicality. Even the scrubs under her white coat were a pale purple. She reminded Greer of someone who’d at least once belonged to a district, and Greer trusted her more for that. There was no way this doctor was born in the Capitol, Greer thought, but didn’t ask.
This first appointment would be the longest of all of them, Greer was warned. There wouldn’t be a single inch of her unexamined by the end of it, and she wondered if it was all worth it if she wasn’t sure she was even keeping this baby yet. But then, she wasn’t sure that she wasn’t either, so here she sat.
“How are you feeling?” Dr. Mire asked as she rubbed hand sanitizer into her palms.
“Like I’m dyin’,” Greer deadpanned. “I’m gettin’ sick all day long, and if I’m not pukin’ it’s ‘cause I’m asleep… in the middle’a the day, ‘cause I haven’t made it through the day without a nap in weeks. S’like havin’ the worst flu of my life, but if the flu also made all my bras too small,” Greer lamented.
“Sounds like the first trimester to me. Soon, your pants won’t button either.” Dr. Mire laughed. “Don’t worry, that’s all normal. You’re in the worst of it now, but you should start feeling better in the next few weeks. Are you doing okay keeping liquids down? We don't want you dehydrated.”
“Yeah, liquids’re okay.”
“Good. Will baby’s dad be joining us today?” Dr. Mire asked.
Greer’s laugh was short and sharp, though she knew the doctor wasn’t in on the joke. “Not this time,” she answered.
“Okay, let’s go ahead and get started then. First thing we’re going to tackle is one large mountain of paperwork.”
Dr. Mire moved with practiced efficiency. She pulled a rolling stool to sit in front of a computer. Together they went over Greer’s medical history. She brought up everything she knew about her parents and her siblings. She told the doctor about her Games and the years after—a strange sense of self-consciousness crept over her, a sudden want to clean up the bits that somehow sounded messier here. And then, Dr. Mire asked about Mahlon.
“I… don’t really know,” Greer admitted sheepishly. “I mean, I know him,” she tacked on quickly. “I know who the father is.”
“I wouldn’t have judged you if you didn’t,” Dr. Mire assured her gently.
Greer nodded, her tongue darting over her lips to wet them before she continued. “Jus’ don’t know that much ‘bout his family history. He’s an only child. Mom’s dead. Dad up an’ disappeared. So, if he’s got issues with his blood pressure or his eyes, I ain’t got any idea,” she explained. Not that district healthcare would have caught any of that anyway.
They went on like this for a while. Dr. Mire asked a few follow-up questions that Greer did her best to answer, before she moved on. “You’re from Ten, is that right?”
“Mhmm,” Greer nodded.
“Do you spend a lot of time around livestock? Have pets?”
“Y-yeah, got chickens, horses, cats, all kinda stuff back home. Why? Is that a problem?”
“Well, yes and no. There are just a few things we’re going to add to the ‘off-limits for a little while list’.”
Greer listened as the doctor explained everything Greer couldn’t do. Smoking and drinking had been obvious, but apparently there were a whole host of foods and medications that were out. No more horseback riding. Have someone else clean the litter boxes and the chicken coop. Be cautious about hot baths. Limit caffeine. Greer suddenly felt better about all the naps she’d been taking, because it wasn’t like she could have or do anything else, apparently.
Finally, Dr. Mire stopped typing and stood, crossing the room to where Greer was seated. Her hands moved along Greer’s body—blood pressure and temperature taken, heart and lungs checked, lymph nodes pushed. “You plannin’ on leavin’ any in there?” Greer asked, somewhere around the fourth vial of blood that was drawn from her arm. Every bit of her was poked and prodded to the doctor’s satisfaction, until she was finally instructed to lay back.
“Now that we’re done having a look at you, let’s take a look at that baby, shall we?” Dr. Mire beamed. It was the most enthusiastic expression she’d offered the entire appointment, like she was finally offering Greer her reward for having endured the past hour. Greer swallowed, her throat achingly dry, as her gaze settled on the ceiling above her. This was supposed to be the good part, but Greer had to clasp her hands to keep them from shaking. She was unbearably aware that she was dreading the part anyone else would have spent all day looking forward to.
The room darkened and a screen flickered on, casting a dim glow over the doctor’s face. Greer was relieved that the screen was angled away from her. Maybe she wouldn’t have to look like a monster for fixing her gaze on a stained ceiling tile instead of prying for a glimpse at the screen. She laid there in stone silence while the doctor worked, hitting buttons and adjusting views. It seemed to go on forever before Dr. Mire spoke again.
“Would you like to see your baby, Greer?” Dr. Mire asked, tilting the screen toward her.
Greer’s heart leapt into her throat. She wanted to say no, to avoid what she wasn’t sure she was ready to deal with, but it was curiosity that won over. Greer just couldn’t help herself. Her eyes fell away from the ceiling and landed on the ultrasound—all indecipherable black and white blobs to her. Greer offered a sputtered laugh. “How the hell do you even know what you’re lookin’ at?” she asked, lifting her head to crane her neck.
“A lot of training and a lot of practice, but I promise you that’s exactly what it’s supposed to look like. Baby is exactly where they’re supposed to be and measuring right on for ten weeks. Which makes this little one due about mid-March.”  March. It seemed both incredibly far away and so impossibly close. “Great, I’ll be laborin’ with the cows,” Greer blurted, the humor a bit more biting than she intended, but Dr. Mire laughed anyway. Apparently, she couldn’t do anything without it being steeped in District Ten.
“There’s baby’s head,” Dr. Mire continued, pointing to the screen where Greer was meant to look. “And you won't feel it for a few months yet, but if you look here, these little nubs are baby’s limbs already wiggling all over.”
“Looks like Cosmo,” Greer muttered to herself with a hollow laugh, laying her head back down again. That damn teddy bear Mahlon had won for her at the ball with its big round head and stout, little limbs. 
“And this is the best part,” Dr. Mire moved to reach for a small dial. The silence in the room was quickly replaced by a steady whooshing sound, strong and fast. “That… is your baby’s heartbeat.”
The sound knocked the air from Greer’s lungs. “Magical, isn’t it?” Dr. Mire asked, handing Greer a tissue. It wasn’t until the tissue had been extended to her that Greer even realized she was crying. Hot tears were rolling from the corners of her eyes and pooling against the shells of her ears before dropping off onto the paper liner beneath her.
“What does it say ‘bout me if it’s fuckin’ terrifyin’?” She choked out the question.
Dr. Mire’s lips turned up softly. “Oh, sweetie,” she started, the words all warmth and no condescension as she muted the sound again. “The only thing it says is that you’re a human being. It is perfectly normal to be scared and overwhelmed.”
“I don’t know if I… what if I ain’t… what if I ain’t meant to be somebody’s mom?” Greer managed between sobs. “I don’t know what the hell I’m doin’. What if I can’t do this?”
Dr. Mire took Greer’s hand in her own, squeezing it lightly. “I’ve been doing this a long time, and I think I can count on one hand the amount of people who haven’t said almost that exact same thing. You want to hear a secret, Greer? Really, no one knows anything about parenting before they’re in it. It just seems that way, because you haven’t seen them here saying exactly what you’re saying to me right now,” Dr. Mire assured her. “You have options, and you have time, and I can’t tell you what the right choice is for you. But I also know there isn��t any one right way to be a good parent. I think you just have to be willing to surrender to the fear of loving someone more than you love yourself.”
Greer thought of her own parents. Two people who’d had children for vanity’s sake, and who’d never been willing to try loving anyone more than they loved themselves. Greer had never been enough for her parents, and now with painful irony, she worried she wasn’t enough for her child. But was love the obstacle for her? She’d been so sure once that it would be, but she knew now that it wasn’t. Being afraid of something wasn’t the same thing as not wanting it.
“C-can I hear the heartbeat again?” Greer asked. “Just for another minute?”
“Of course you can.”
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girlflix1 · 9 months
Mos na cani inexistentin per do shoqni qe i keni vec tnjohura kur jeni mire , sa naper party e sa naper kafe ,,e kur ju kalon jeta para syve ngelni vetem…
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thekingofroad · 5 months
”Ti je mire “Kjo eshte ajo qe degjoje shpesh kur shkoje ne shqiperi.”je mire,ke pune ne itali,ke leke,ben nje jete te mire,tani qeshja nervore qe fshihet brenda meje eshte si parazgjedhje.Per keto fjale qe vijne kryesisht nga njerz qe nuk kan shkelur kurre pertej kopshtit te tyre,pervec nje feste kalimtare.Por me vjen shpeshhere ti them:”po ti cfare di?”.Cfare dini per ndjenjen e te qenit large shtepise,large prinderve qe i shihni ngadale duku u plakur?Cfare dini per ndjesine e perjetimit te gjithckaje permes telefonit:dashuri miqsi.te qendrosh nuk eshte e lehte.por nuk eshte as largimi,ju siguroje.
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sup4cid-g-1rl · 8 months
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timelines shift all the time based on the choices that we make and it happens every single 10th of second. we're literally creating as we speak right now. le te bejme zgjedhje te vetëdijshme dhe formulojme ose riformulojme mendime te vetedijshme, sepse ne momentin qe nje pordh mendimi leshohet ajo mberrin tek personi/eventi/takimi i rradhes e reflektohet pas tek ty ne menyre subkoshiente dhe koshiente ne menyre shkak-pasoje. pra nese mendojme negativisht per dike ato vale energjitike ngelen ne auren e personit dhe ndikojne ne cilesine e jetes se vet. e pikerisht kjo gje reflektohet pas tek ne sepse edhe nese personi nuk e kupton kete gje, ne menyre subkoshiente e kupton, deri sa stimulohet mjaftushem sa per tu kthyer pas tek ty ne menyre koshiente. ama dhe nese ajo nuk kthehet ne menyre koshiente nga personi, mendimi qe ti ke leshuar ka terhequr nje pasoje negative tek dikush tjeter qe nuk supozohej te ndodhte, e shkaku je ti! ndaj ne "terheqim negativitet", sepse leshojme negativitet padashur shpeshhere dhe ato falen, mjafton te kemi deshiren ti riformulojme ne menyre koshiente. WE HAVE FREE WILL, AS WE DANCE IN THE UNIVERSAL HARMONY. Rick and Morty speaking of reality with the timelines.
𖡹 storytime 𖣠
kete gje e vura re dhe para disa kohesh me nje person me te cilin jam shume rehat por ndodhi nje situate ne te cilen une kam patur nje eksperience te perseritur me disa persona te tjere dhe kete gje e mendova dhe mendova dhe mendova shume here sesi kishte ndodhur perpara dhe sesi "mund" te ndodhte dhe tani. e pas disa kohesh teksa afrohesha te takoja personin, rruges duke ecur ndjeva sesi ndjesine e mia filluan te ndryshonin... ishte e cuditshme dhe e frikshme sepse ishte AJO ndjesia. e ne nje moment mendova, prit...po une isha shume lart sot ne gjendje si ndodhi kjo krejt papritur. e teksa i afrohesha me shume personit tjeter luftoja kete ndjenje dhe mendoja sesi kjo ishte e mundur qe kisha interferuar ne timeline-in tim. e vazhdon biles hahahah, pasi kaloi pjesa qe une vete kisha orkestruar prej kohesh ne koken time (e cila ishte shume shpejt, diku tek 3 minuta) takimi jone u kthye ne normalitet. pse? sepse vete une kisha kaluar mund te them me ore te tera ne lufte me mendjen time, pa mundur te riformuloj nje fjali mendimi per te ndryshuar kete histori. me sakt disa fjali... disa fjali bindese te bazuara ne informacione. dhe e gjithe ajo fuqi dhe kohe mendore e harxhuar per 3 minuta realitet, ah po.. + 7 minutshin e rruges aty hahhaha. mire qe nuk e kisha cuar imagjinaten me tutje se do e kisha menderosur fare pastaj hahahaha.
jam e lumtur ta ndaj kete histori per here te pare me ju!
this is basically what cause and effect is on my prespective. use discernment for this information and only take what you feel is true for you!
uroj ta keni shijuar dhe t'ju kete infiltruar ndonje mendim te ri ne dritat tuaja te bukura🤍.
Shadow's Lady
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reddie-fangirl24 · 1 year
Quicksand Love
Warning: NSFW (some nudity and sexual content)
Please give feedback on this. I would love to write more of these stories. 
"This way," Richie motioned to Eddie, leading him back to the mysterious quicksand in the woods. It had been a month since their last encounter with the strange phenomenon, yet both couldn't shake the experience from their minds. Eddie had finally relented, agreeing to return on the condition that Richie stopped obsessing over it. He even planned to incorporate it into one of his comedy sketches but Eddie would not allow it. How would anyone ever process this idea of two people experiencing a sexual connection in quicksand?
They arrived back at the site, stepping over the long grass until they stood at the edge of the dark mud. It was still the same thick dark ooze from before.
“Richie, I’m not sure about this,” Eddie voiced his doubts to Richie, tugging at his hand.
“We brought the rope, didn’t we? We gotta try this again, Eds!” Richie encouraged.
Eddie gazed at the bog, feeling a mix of fascination and anxiety. The sensation of sinking last time had been so peculiar, but the fear of getting stuck without a way out lingered in his mind. He even dreamt about the experience. One night Richie woke him up because he was moaning in his sleep. Slightly embarrassed, Eddie wanted to feel that sensation again.
Richie sensed his unease and placed a comforting hand on Eddie’s shoulder. Staring up at his boyfriend’s soft baby blue eyes, how was Richie so gorgeous in this sunlight? He remembered last time how he looked even more stunning sinking in quicksand. Seriously, what was wrong with them? Did anybody else have this feeling?
“If you don’t want to do this, I don’t want to make you,” Richie started in a soft tone.
Eddie shook his head, gripping his large shoulders. “No, I do. I’m just nervous.”
Smiling warmly, Richie leaned in and kissed Eddie, running a tender hand along his back, even sticking it up his shirt. "I want to make you feel good."
Eddie hummed, wrapping his arms around Richie and planting a soft kiss on the side of his neck. "You know I do, too."
After some affectionate kisses, they readied themselves to sink in the mire once more. Richie insisted that they strip down to their boxers for this experiment. Eddie wasn’t opposed to that. It took several different soaps and detergents to get their clothes clean from their previous excursion. If all went well this time, they joked about considering the next venture in the nude.
Hand in hand, they stepped into the unstable ground, feeling the mud shift beneath their feet. Slowly, they started sinking, the cool mud embracing their legs, creeping up to their knees. The sensation was both thrilling and unnerving as if the earth itself was pulling them down into its depths. Eddie held onto the rope he had brought, ensuring their safety while they indulged in this unusual adventure. He made triple knots and secured the rope around a stable tree.
"You know, Eds," Richie said, his voice carrying a mischievous tone. He picked his leg out of the mud only for it to make a squelch noise. It made them laugh. "I always thought quicksand would play a bigger role in our lives. It's like something straight out of an adventure movie."
Eddie chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Yeah. 'The time we sank into quicksand together' will definitely be a hit at parties,” he said sarcastically.
“Can I tell this at my next comedy show?” Richie asked, a giddy grin spreading across his face.
Eddie shot him a playful glare right when the quicksand was touching his crotch. “How the fuck does this fit in with your comedy routine? We’re not telling anybody about this!”
They continued to descend, the quicksand enveloping their bodies up to their waists. "if we survive this, we should start a quicksand appreciation club. Call it 'Quicksand Enthusiasts Anonymous.' We could meet up once a month and discuss our sinking experiences."
Eddie burst into laughter. "Oh, that's just what we need, Richie. A support group for quicksand addicts. But hey, sign me up! I'll be the treasurer!"
As the quicksand continued to rise, engulfing them up to their stomachs, Eddie and Richie's embrace grew tighter. The sensation of the warm mud against their skin only added to the excitement and thrill of their adventure. Eddie's heart raced as he locked eyes with Richie, seeing the reflection of the adventurous spirit he had fallen in love with.
Without a word, Eddie leaned in and captured Richie's lips in a passionate kiss. The mud on their bodies served as an intimate canvas for their affection. As they briefly parted, Eddie mischievously wiped mud all around Richie's back, eliciting a playful laugh from him. Richie reciprocated, his hands venturing all around Eddie's chest, smearing the mud around his pecs, touching and circling his fingers around his nipples.
Richie's touch sent shivers of pleasure down Eddie's spine. Richie couldn't resist showing his love and appreciation for Eddie's body, placing wet kisses down his stomach until they stopped at the muddy surface.
Eddie, unable to resist the temptation, slipped his hand underneath the mud, reaching for Richie's familiar bump, sneaking his hand into his boxers. Richie's eyes widened, and he let out a breathless groan. Hopefully, nobody else was out in the woods to hear them. "Fuck, Eds!" he exclaimed, the combination of Eddie's touch and the quicksand's embrace overwhelming his senses. With both Eddie's hand and the quicksand gently grasping Richie's manhood, the sensation was electrifying.
Feeling the overload of sensations, Richie planted a series of wet kisses on Eddie's neck and shoulder. Each touch and every kiss intensified the moment, deepening their connection in the midst of this unusual experience.
As the quicksand reached their shoulders, they took a moment to look at each other, mud dripping from their faces. Their breaths came in a synchronized rhythm, their hearts beating as one. In the depths of the quicksand, they found solace in each other's arms, knowing they could conquer any challenge that came their way together.
Richie's voice broke the momentary silence, filled with affection and admiration. "You're incredible, Eds."
Eddie smiled, his eyes filled with love. "Only you could turn sinking into quicksand into something oddly romantic.”
Richie grinned, playfully splashing some mud toward Eddie. "You're the one who agreed to come back here with me, babe. It's like our own little secret paradise."
Eddie laughed, smearing Richie’s nose with mud. "I guess it is, in a weird way. But let's hope we can get out of here before it becomes our permanent paradise!"
Time seemed to slow as they continued to sink, the mud continued its relentless embrace, reaching their necks now. Eddie felt the weight of the bog pressing against his body, making movement more challenging. As they shared one last kiss, their tongues mixing in, Eddie took a good long look at his handsome boyfriend surrounded by a mire of quicksand.
"Alright, Richie," Eddie said, taking a deep breath, "I think it's time to test this rope of ours."
Richie nodded, understanding Eddie's request. "Got it, Eds. On the count of three, we start pulling ourselves out, okay? One, two, three!"
With a synchronized effort, they tugged on the rope, using it as leverage to free themselves from the mud's grip. It was a slow and difficult process, but they persisted, inch by inch, they made progress, until finally, they were sitting on more stable ground.
Exhausted and covered in mud, they laughed and hugged each other, celebrating their success.
"Quicksand Enthusiasts Anonymous," Eddie said, chuckling, pulling Richie in for another celebrated kiss. "Who would've thought?"
Richie shrugged with a playful smirk. "Well, when you're in love with someone as extraordinary as you, anything is possible."
Hand in hand, they walked away from the quicksand, leaving behind the muddy adventure and carrying with them a story that would undoubtedly be told and retold with fondness and laughter for years to come. They couldn’t wait for their next expedition. As the quicksand reached their shoulders, their faces mere inches apart, they leaned in for a tender kiss. It was a gesture of love, a reminder that their connection transcended any external circumstance.
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legene · 2 years
Une tani njerez te mire do largohem nga tumblr pergjithmone per nje jete me te mire dhe te lumtur. Nuk do vdes pa merak,thjesht sdua te rri me ju. U melzhita këtu.
Keni 24 ore tmw thoni lamtumire .
Ju pucccc ❤️
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j-amir-09 · 2 years
Dear wanita... saya sekedar sharing pengalaman selama 32 tahun menjadi Ibu. Banyak sekali hal yang tak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya oleh para wanita, seperti apa prosesnya, strugglenya rasanya menjalani berbagai konsekuensi serta tanggung jawab sebagai seorang Ibu... Secara teori, mungkin kalian sudah pernah mendengar bahwa di fase awal bayi lahir, "IBU" mengalami perubahan pada jam tidur serta jam istirahatnya Bahkan sejak mengandungpun akan merasakan moment kesulitan mengatur posisi tidur, posisi terlentang merasa sesak nafas, miring ke kanan atau kiripun tak nyaman, semakin mendekati ke hari lahir seringkali terbangun di tengah malam karena kaki kram atau ingin buang air kecil yang di luar batas normal. Saat melahirkan, sungguh merupakan perjuangan yang taruhannya nyawa. Adaptasi di masa awal kelahiran bayi tidaklah se mudah cerita orang atau yg dituliskan di buku2 panduan. Memang tidak semua bayi rewel pada malam hari, tetapi tetap saja tidur ibu tidak akan nyenyak seperti sebelumnya, karena harus siap bangun setiap kali bayinya menangis lapar, ibu harus menyusui (ASI) atau membuatkan susu formula. Belum lagi bila bayi ngompol atau BAB. Banyak para Ibu baru mengalami stres, depresi, bahkan gangguan pada kesehatan mentalnya... (baby blues, anxiety dsb). Kelelahan si ibu pasca melahirkan belumlah pulih, masih ditambah lagi dengan perubahan pola hidup. Wajar apabila hal tsb membuat si wanita yang sebenarnya masih belum siap secara mental, merasa shock, kaget atau tertekan. Belum lagi apabila anaknya sakit, demam tinggi, muntah, diare, menangis terus di sepanjang siang & malam tanpa dapat mengata kan apa yang dirasakannya. (Kalau tentang anak sakit, sampai usia berapapun si anak, ibu tetap akan selalu merasa takut, khawatir, gelisah atau cemas, sedih kondisinya). Jangankan anak lagi sakit, setelah di imunisasi atau tumbuh gigi pun anak akan mengalami hal yg bisa membuatnya demam kadang kadang. Itu bukanlah hal yang mudah dijalani oleh seorang ibu. Ribuan kali kita mendengar cerita pengalaman para ibu tentang parenting, menurut saya akan sangat sulit bagi mereka yang belum mengalami untuk dapat tau atau memahami seperti apa rasanya, kondisi yg sesungguhnya. Karena memang harus merasa atau berada di kondisinya secara langsung baru akan mengerti "Oh begini toh rasanya...".
Fase berikutnya adalah ketika si bayi memasuki usia Balita, jam istirahat & tidur ibu justru akan semakin sedikit, karena balita yang mulai dapat berjalan, berlari, memanjat, melompat dsb akan semakin membutuhkan perhatian, pengawasan ekstra. Belum lagi menyiapkan makanan yg baik di konsumsi demi menjaga kesehatan, gizi sang anak. Peran ibu sebagai "Guru" pertama anak di rumah juga semakin penting. Karena anak kecil bagaikan selembar kertas putih polos, orang tua (terutama ibu yg lebih sering bersama dengan si anak), yang akan memberi gambar, tulisan atau coretan sehingga kertas tsb akan terlihat indah atau berantakan pada akhirnya nanti. Bukan hal mudah lho itu... Ibu juga sebaiknya memberikan contoh yg baik bagi anak anaknya dari cara ibu bersikap, berkata, memperlakukan orang lain, di mana... yg akan di tiru oleh anak adalah figur ibu yg setiap hari dilihat dan ada dalam masa emas tumbuh kembangnya. Bukan nasehat ibunya yg akan di dengarkan anak, tapi perilaku ibunyalah yg akan di contoh oleh anak anaknya. (Jika ibu suka berbohong, jangan salahkan anak jika saat besar nanti dia jadi seorang pembohong & sulit untuk jujur).
Mulai memasuki Fase Remaja. Tantangan yg ibu jalankan akan berbeda lagi. Anak seringkali jadi mudah terpengaruh dan lebih percaya terhadap pihak luar, misalnya : Lingkungan masyarakat & lingkungan sosial (teman, pacar, guru, tetangga, komunitas). Pergaulan anak dapat berpengaruh pada karakternya. Ketika ada masalah atau hal yg ingin diketahuinya, anak lebih suka bercerita atau bertanya pada para pihak luar itu dari pada ibunya. Karena takut dihakimi, dimarahi, disalah kan oleh ibunya sehingga anak jadi merasa tidak nyaman atau bisa juga karena anak tidak mau si ibu jadi khawatir atau sedih apabila mengetahui anaknya sedang dalam masalah. Belum lagi hal yang berkaitan dengan orang bilang "kenakalan remaja" seperti drugs, obat bius, alkohol, rokok, sex bebas, tawuran dsb. Fase ini juga bukan hal yang mudah untuk dihadapi... Karena itulah ibu butuh kesiapan mental yang cukup kuat dalam menjalankan perannya, menjadi pendamping, pembimbing anak anaknya yang masih remaja... Karena biasanya apabila seorang anak berbuat, bersikap, melakukan hal yang negatif (buruk di mata masyarakat), ibunya yang akan disalahkan. Dianggap sebagai ibu yang buruk tidak mampu mengarahkan anaknya.
Namun dari semua Fase tsb, menurut saya yang paling berat adalah Fase ketika anak anak telah dewasa. Melepas mereka "terbang" menuju ke kehidupan pribadinya, mengejar cita cita, mimpi dan kebahagiaan hidupnya... merupakan bagian yg teramat sulit untuk dijalani proses terjadinya. Bukan karena ibu tidak ikhlas, tidak rela, posesif atau mengekang kebebasan & "pertumbuhan" si anak namun ibu butuh waktu yg lebih panjang dan lama untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi kali ini. Jadi... bila anak mengatakan "Ibu harus bisa move on & menerima kenyataan bahwa kami anak anakmu telah dewasa" itu rasa nya sangat perih dan menyakitkan. Mungkin tak kita sadari, dulu kita juga pernah mengatakan & berpikiran demikian terhadap ibu kita ya?? Tapi kita baru akan tau, bagaimana perasaan ibu kita saat itu... ketika kitapun mengalami hal yg sama. Jadi begitulah kira kira gambaran pengalaman menjadi seorang Ibu. Memang tidak semuanya mengalami hal yang persis sama dengan tulisan saya tsb tapi setidaknya, garis besarnya seperti itu. Saran saya... pahami terlebih dahulu makna dari "Unconditional Love" sebelum memutuskan melahirkan anak dan menjadi seorang ibu. Anak bukan properti & investasi masa tua bagi orang tuanya. Mereka tidak pernah memohon untuk di lahirkan oleh kita sebagai ibunya. Bijaksana dan sadarilah peran Ibu dalam arti yg sesungguhnya itu seperti apa konsepnya?. Agar anak anak yg kita lahirkan dapat tumbuh menjadi manusia de wasa yang berbahagia. Agar tak ada lagi wanita yang berkata "Menyesal saya telah melahirkan kamu!!" terhadap anak anaknya, ketika harapan yg dia inginkan tidak terwujud. Saat ekspektasi nya terhadap si anak tidak dapat terlaksana. Tak ada lagi ibu yang mengatakan anaknya durhaka, tidak tau membalas budi, apabila ketika dewasa sang anak tidak dapat membantu orang tuanya secara finansial maupun waktu. Walau saya juga percaya bahwa benar adanya, bila sebagai anak kita menyayangi, menghargai, peduli, perhatian pada orang tua (ibu) kita maka kehidupan akan terasa lebih mudah dan nyaman untuk di jalani... Terakhir yg ingin saya katakan adalah, "Kenapa seorang wanita sebaiknya telah siap terlebih da hulu secara mental sebelum menjadi ibu?". Karena ibu sejatinya merupakan, menjadi pusat atau sumber ketenangan bagi anak anaknya. Itu berlaku bukan hanya ketika anaknya masih bayi lho... (dokter sering bilang kan, bahwa bayi akan rewel, gelisah, tantrum jika ibunya stres, anxiety atau emosinya tak terkontrol). Dan saya pernah mencoba, anak anak saya telah dewasa (di atas 25 tahun). Setiap kali saya sedang tidak tenang, pikiran tidak harmonis, penuh negativity, sedih, kecewa dsb, ternyata dampaknya berimbas ke pada anak anak saya. Mereka juga jadi pd ikutan sensi, mudah emosi, salah paham dsb. Namun ketika saya sedang dalam perasaan kondusif & baik baik saja, bahagia, tenang, damai, nyaman maka anak anak juga akan lebih tenang. Bukan berarti jadi bebas dari masalah ya, tapi lebih ke "Saat menghadapi berbagai permasalahannya, mereka bisa tetap berada dalam kondisi tenang"
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empire-land · 4 months
Kur romanca përmendet shpesh, shumë mendojnë se gjithçka ka të bëjë me seksin. Por romanca është në fakt çdo gjë që i bëni partnerit tuaj që komunikon dhe tregon se ai/ajo është i veçantë për ju. Ja disa shembuj.
1. Duke e quajtur partnerin tuaj një emër të veçantë që nuk do ta quanit asnjë person tjetër të tillë "Mjaltë", "Zemër"
2. Duke gatuar së bashku. Ky aktivitet në fakt ju jep një mundësi dyve për t’u lidhur më afër
3. Dalja në takime në vendet intime (jo klube) ku mund të shikoni në sytë e njëri-tjetrit dhe të bëni biseda me zemër
4. Duke tërhequr vendin e saj ose duke mbajtur dorën e saj kur ajo ngjitet në një këllëf shkallësh. Edhe pse ajo mund ta bëjë këtë vetë, kjo e bën atë të ndihet sikur ju jeni të kujdesshëm ndaj saj
5. Duke kënduar këngë dashurie së bashku. Kjo ta ngroh zemrën
6. Mbulimi i njëri-tjetrit në lutje. Gjëja më romantike është kujdesi për shpirtin e njëri-tjetrit
7. Duke mbajtur dorën e njëri-tjetrit ndërsa ecni.
8. Duke dalë për shëtitje, piknik dhe lojë
9. Nëse keni fëmijë, planifikoni takime vetëm për ju të dy ndërsa bëni plane që dikush të kujdeset për fëmijët. Fëmijët priren të vrasin romancën nëse nuk jeni të qëllimshëm për mirëmbajtjen e zjarrit
10. Duke folur në telefon deri vonë për çështjet e zemrës nëse ju të dy jeni larg njëri-tjetrit. Nëse gjithçka për të cilën flisni deri vonë është seksi, atëherë po humbisni thellësinë
11. Duke i shkruar njëri-tjetrit letra dashurie. Po, ka diçka të veçantë leximi i shkrimit të njëri-tjetrit në këtë epokë digjitale. Lini një shënim për partnerin tuaj në jastëk ose postoni një letër nëse partneri juaj është larg
12. Duke i bërë një pije të ngrohtë ndërsa punon ose duke shkuar për ta parë me drekë të paketuar. Kjo tregon se e keni në mendje
13. Dërgimi i një parcele. Ka diçka të veçantë në hapjen e një dhurate fizike nga ai që dashuron
14. Duke e lavdëruar njëri-tjetrin publikisht, qoftë para miqve tuaj, në rrjete sociale apo në tubime sociale. Por kete bejeni vetem kur e doni partnerin mire ne privat, perndryshe eshte thjesht shtirje
15. Shkrimi i njëri-tjetrit poezi, këngë dashurie apo mesazhe të ngrohta se sa shumë domethënie keni për njëri-tjetrin
16. Ulur pranë njëri-tjetrit në shërbesat e kishës ndërsa lexoni nga e njëjta Bibël
17. Duke biseduar me fëmijën/fëmijët tuaj për mënyrën se si u takuat ju të dy. Fëmijët i duan ato historitë e mamit dhe babit. Kjo ju kujton dyve se deri ku ka arritur dashuria juaj
18. I urojmë njëri-tjetrit natën e mirë dhe mëngjes të mirë. Fjalë të thjeshta por ato kanë shumë kuptim
19. Duke pasur biseda me jastëk në shtratin tuaj martesor ndërsa përqafoheni dhe jeni të prekshëm me njëri-tjetrin
Mos harroni se ai është partneri juaj i jetës. Bëj dhe thuaj gjëra që komunikojnë dashuri. Nëse ju të dy po takoheni dhe bashkimi juaj është për shkak të seksit, atëherë ju po humbisni një shans për të ndërtuar një themel të fortë mbi të cilin do të ndërtohet e ardhmja juaj.
Nëse ju të dy jeni të martuar dhe keni ndaluar të bëni njëri-tjetrin të ndjeheni të veçantë sidomos që kur erdhën fëmijët, ose e vetmja herë që i kushtoni vëmendje njëri-tjetrit është kur doni seks atëherë po dobësoni martesën tuaj
Riktheni romancën e vërtetë.
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ratkozahiri · 4 months
Si jeni?
Ça bohet!
Mund t'ju ndihmoj?
Kontroll rutine i zakonshem, mund te hyjm?
Po po, patjeter.
Vend i bukur eh.. na rezulton qe sot ju keni ditelindjen
Po! Sot bej 20 vjeç
20!? Imagjino qe llogarite na dalin per 30.
Jo jo, 20 kokes.
Nuk duhet te ta shpjegojm ne qe te mashtrosh per moshen perben nje krim te madh apo jo?
Pa dyshim, per me teper qe me rendon shume si gjendje mbipopullimi tokesor, nuk do guxoja
Pra, e dini shume mire qe kur nje individ mbush moshen 30 vjecare eshte i detyruar ti japi fund ciklit jetesor, me menyre qe ti le hapesire atyre qe jan.. me gati, le te themi
Ai eshte CP172, cyborg i anagrafise boterore, database i cdo informacioni te kaluar, me pak fjale.. nuk i shpeton asgje.
Pershendetje CP..
20 vjeç!?
Agjent, jo per t'ju ber qefin por ju te dy bashke jeni lart fare!
Po lart, eshte nje shprehje e ne te rinjve
Ju e dini qe kjo sjellje servile me ne nuk funksionon apo jo?
Ju kerkoj ndjese agjent
Mund ti hedh nje sy shtepise?
Po patjeter, si ne shpin time
Qumesht bajameje? Burger kinoa?
Madje dhe nje refluxan.
Nuk duket shume si dieta e nje 20 vjecari
Po, por burgeri ishte goxha i kripur
Degjo, mos tall bythen me mua
Po cfare tani, me eliminoni vetem se bej nje jetese te shendetshme
Jeni i sigurt per cfare po pohoni?
Agjent, fundja, pse te mashtroj?
E zem se sot fitova dhe 10 vite jete, ku ti coj? Te mundohem te arrij vendin e punes qe kam dashur gjithmone? Apo gruan e jetes time?
Jo, asgje. E kemi te gjithe nje date skadence siper kokes.. qe fatkeqsisht, sot e dim cila eshte.
Qe ti flasim gjerat troc, kush do donte te jetonte 30 vjec?
Po he pra! Agjent!
Mjafton te konkretizosh iden qe te pelqen dicka per te ngren, dhe boom! Nuk e tret me. HAHAH
Mos te flasim per floket
Poo, nami!
Heq kapelen, dhe nuk di sa te ngelin ne koke HAHAH
Mos te flasim per kalceton pastaj, copash
Mund t'ju bej disa pyetje?
Po patjeter.
Pra, cfare muzike degjoni?
Ehmm degjoj, trap, po trapin
Po, kaloj te gjithe diten me boksin tim me volum te lart duke i treguar te gjithve ne autobus kete muzike te bukur, po
Eshte flak
Lart, flak.. gjuha e ketyre te rinjve
Na rezulton qe jeni ende i regjistruar ne Facebook, pavaresisht se thoni qe jeni 20 vjec
Ehh po, por nuk e perdor, as nuk me kujtohet passwordi
Dhe cuditerisht para 2 oresh, publikuat nje video per krizen qeveritare
Mundet, do ket qen ndonje virus ose..
Atehere si ma shpjegon GIF-in e komentuar me arushin qe hedh trendafila dhe thote "miredita"?
Ehh ate e hodha se ishte lart...
Me falni, si flisni ju?
Gjuha te rinjve pra..CP
Rezulton gjithashtu qe keni nje kontrate pune me kohe te papercaktuar.
Ah jo jo jo, un nuk punoj, nuk kam merituar nje monedhe ne jeten time.
Po, bej foto modeleve per instagram, por jam un qe paguaj ata qe te bejm fotot.
Eshte e vertete qe ne kohe te lire bej grafika dhe jam influencer, por me paguajn ekskluzivisht me ndjekes TikTok.
Djalosh! Per kete here mjaftohemi me kaq, por kujdes! Mos e lini qytetin per disa dite, mund te rikthehemi cdo dite.
Ciao plako!
Ciao... plako.
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thekingofroad · 1 year
E keni vene re edhe ju se sa mire jetojne ata qe nuk kuptojne nje mut?
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juliansummerhayes · 10 months
Stepping out of line
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I suppose it's inevitable that no matter how weird, odd or different we wish to be, on a planet with this many people, we all end up looking and sounding the same -- at least in our wee little tribes (see Seth Godin's book of the same name).
Even silence, as an antidote to all that hubris and hutzpah can become a style or badge of recognition.
Perhaps this is our way -- as social creatures.
Perhaps this is how we get along, stay safe and even survive.
But I can't help feel that the dominant cultural narrative, i.e. the one adopted in the name of globalisation, hasn't subsumed us all to a point where even if there were a tribe that existed that might have found a way to escape the molar-grinding experience we call a work/life balance (I fervently believe that work is, absent the money, the last thing we want to do), it will never emerge or catch hold because no one is remotely interested in trading in this life for something truly alternative.
And when I say alternative, I mean something that is animistic and doesn't place us at the centre of everything, i.e. as the Crown of Creation.
Of course, there are millions of people who live truly miserable lives and it's understandable why they'd like to have (at least) the opportunity to climb out of the situation they find themselves mired in but the trouble then is that the planet's resources will run out even faster and the earth overshoot will be off the scale. Weave into the mix the extreme temperatures etc. and we'll be careening off the edge of the world even faster than is currently the case. (Of course, the West -- if that is still a term -- isn't prepared to be redistributive in the slightest as is evident by the Billionaire class.)
In the end, at least for me, I remain of the view that whether there exists a more aged, ancestral and less destructive way to live isn't the point. The point is that whilst we continue to believe that we can solve the shit we've created, we're doomed. And when I say doomed, I mean to say that whilst my generation might not be around to see the worst effects of the Anthropocene, the next generation will be wading through and trying to come to terms with a whole heap of man-made problems which will wipe out millions of them and leave the planet practically uninhabitable.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Photo by Aleksandr Artiushenko on Unsplash
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Gais, Jakarta Fair 2023 tuh keren abis buat para rider nih! Helm keren dan murah dengan harga temen  bisa didapetin di sana, loh. Jadi, booth semua pabrikan helm ada di JiExpo Kemayoran, super gampang dicari, bro! Ada 4 merek helm yang jualan dengan harga miring banget, mulai dari Rp 100.000. Yakni KYT, MDS, INK, dan Cargloss. Mereka semua ngasih diskon lho di Jakarta Fair berlangsung selama 33 hari. Nah, menurut Herawati Tan, Supervisor Marketing PT Tarakusuma Indah, stok helm pasti melimpah, bro. Jadi jangan khawatir kehabisan. Kalo misalnya helmnya abis, mereka bakal restock lagi. BACA JUGA: Konser Jakarta Fair Kemayoran Segera Digelar, Pakai Tiket Masuk Gak Ya? Ini dia daftar helm-helm murah yang ada di Jakarta Fair 2023, cekidot: BMC 380 Touring = Rp 100.000, keren banget nih! BMC Speedo Doraemon = Rp 100.000, helm ala Doraemon, siapa yang nggak mau? BMC Stitch = Rp 100.000, modelnya keren abis! KYT Forever Solid = Rp 120.000, helm KYT murah tapi oke punya! KYT AZONIC Solid = Rp 120.000, cocok buat street style! KYT Foxer Solid = Rp 120.000, desainnya mantap, bro! MDS Vento Solid = Rp 130.000, helm MDS dengan harga terjangkau! MDS Zodiac = Rp 150.000, helm MDS keren abis! MDS Viper = Rp 150.000, helm MDS edgy banget! KYT Forever = Rp 150.000, helm KYT klasik yang ga boleh dilewatkan! MDS Profil Solid = Rp 170.000, helm MDS dengan model yang kece abis! KYT Forza Graphic = Rp 180.000, helm KYT dengan desain grafis yang keren! Cargloss Classic = Rp 190.000, helm Cargloss bergaya klasik! Cargloss Vent = Rp 190.000, helm Cargloss dengan ventilasi yang oke! INK GP Racer = Rp 200.000, helm INK dengan tampilan balap yang keren! BACA JUGA: Absen Tiga Tahun, Japan Travel Fair Hadir Lagi di Jakarta, Catat Jadwalnya Tempat Kuliner Oh ya, buat kalian yang sudah muter-muter, pasti lapar kan? Tapi jangan khawatir, terlebih buat para foodies. Soalnya, ada kabar seru nih di Jakarta Fair 2023! Selain helm-helm murah tadi, kawasan ini juga penuh dengan tempat kuliner yang bikin lidah kamu bergoyang. Cekidot, berikut adalah beberapa tempat kuliner yang wajib kamu coba: Burger Bros: Ga bisa nolak kelezatan burger gurih dan juicy dari Burger Bros. Daging panggangnya yang sempurna dipadu dengan topping segar, saus khas, dan roti yang lembut. Worth it banget, bro! Taco Fiesta: Kalo kamu pecinta makanan Meksiko, tempat ini wajib kamu kunjungin. Nikmati taco yang lezat dengan berbagai pilihan isian seperti daging sapi, ayam, atau vegetarian. Pasti bikin perut kamu puas! Noodle Craze: Buat yang suka mie, tempat ini adalah surga untukmu. Mie pangsit, mie goreng, atau mie kuah dengan berbagai varian rasa dan topping yang bikin ngiler. Jangan lupa coba juga hidangan spesial mereka, seperti mie ayam dan mie seafood. Dessert Heaven: Setelah puas makan, jangan lupa cemil-cemil manis di Dessert Heaven. Es krim, pancake, churros, atau aneka kue lezat lainnya bisa kamu temukan di sini. Rasanya yang legit bakal bikin kamu ketagihan, jadi hati-hati, ya! Fresh Juice Bar: Abis makan enak, tentu butuh minuman segar. Di Fresh Juice Bar, kamu bisa menikmati beragam jus buah segar yang menyegarkan dan sehat. Pilih sendiri kombinasi buah favoritmu atau coba menu signature mereka yang unik. Jadi, bro, sambil hunting helm murah di Jakarta Fair 2023, jangan lupa isi perutmu dengan kuliner-kuliner kece di atas. Pasti seru banget buat ngeganjel perut setelah berburu diskon. Selamat menikmati makanan lezat dan happy shopping! ***
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