#judgments. breves
moiteneia · 7 months
A Villain, an assohole:
In Hollow Knight's 11-hour live, Cellbo talked about how he really wanted to be an asshole character in QSMP.
He also said he would be the prosecutor, a new character, contrary to Pepito in the trial, however as it is Monday he cannot attend.
BUT he will soon do it a very broken-in character.
Therefore, we have three options:
1. He will play a new character linked to the Federation or the Rebels (I believe he considers both to be bad, so being part of them would make the character a villain too).
2. A new character like Ghostbit.
3. When q!Cell finds out about q!Roier's kidnapping, he will finally set the island on FIRE (and I will defend him tooth and claw. My cloth is ready to pass).
NOTE: Pepito is very lucky. If Cellbi were to play this promoter, he would NEVER have that life back because there is no WORLD in which Quackity can beat Cellbo by acting like an asshole. And I'm saying this as someone who has watched him do rp since I was a child. He knows how to manipulate and lock your head. Being the lawyer q!Quackity yet? Wow, the funa that would come from this lol.
I'm not saying Quackity isn't good at rp or wouldn't be a good lawyer. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
I'm saying that Cellbo knows how to play a motherfucker character and even though he loves Pepito's character, he is faithful to his performances and wouldn't let it go. (I still think this judgment is meaningless because Roier was laggy, but whatever)
Na live de 11 horas de Hollow Knight, o Cellbo falou sobre ele querer muito ser um personagem babaca no QSMP. Ele disse que iria ser o promotor, um personagem novo, contrario ao Pepito no julgamento, no entanto sendo segunda-feira ele não tem como comparecer.
MAS ele vai em breve sim fazer um personagem bem arrombado.
Logo, temos três opções:
Ele vai fazer um personagem novo ligado a Federação ou aos Rebeldes (eu acredito que ele considere ambos ruins, então fazer parte deles faria um personagem ser vilão tbm).
Um personagem novo como o Ghostbit.
O q!Cell ao descobrir sobre o sequestro do q!Roier vai finalmente por FOGO na ilha (e eu vou defender o querido com garras e dentes. Meu pano está pronto para passar).
OBS: O Pepito tem muita sorte. Se o Cellbi fosse fazer esse promotor, ele JAMAIS teria essa vida de volta porque não existe MUNDO que Quackity consiga vencer do Cellbo fazendo rp de babaca. E eu estou falando isso como alguém que assiste ele fazendo rp desde q eu era criança. Ele sabe manipular e travar a sua cabeça. Sendo o advogado o q!Quackity ainda?
Nossa, a funa que viria disso kkkkk.
Não estou dizendo que o Quackity não é bom em rp ou que não seria um bom advogado. PELO AMOR DE DEUS SOLTE ESSA ARMA.
Estou dizendo que o Cellbo sabe fazer um personagem filha da puta e mesmo amando o personagem do Pepito, ele é fiel as atuações dele e não deixaria barato. ( ainda acho que esse julgamento é sem sentido porque o Roier estava com lag, mas enfim)
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power-and-glory · 1 year
Off por um tempo indeterminado... Off for an indefinite period.
Tem um tempo que eu pensava em dar um tempo no tumblr, eu me sinto desconfortável vendo alguns posts aqui ou algumas asks, estava me tirando do sério, me deixando estressada ou ansiosa, minha saúde mental ficou comprometida. De fato, é necessário dar esse tempo ao coração, ficar longe de redes sociais por alguns dias, semanas ou meses faz bem à saúde mental. O tumblr é um momento de liberdade que eu tenho para escrever o que penso, o que eu gosto, o que não gosto, sem julgamentos. Agradeço por algumas amizades que fiz aqui.. Eu voltarei, só não sei quando ainda, eu preciso de um momento para mim. Vou desinstalar o aplicativo, mas não excluirei a conta. Voltarei quando eu me sentir pronta. Cuidem-se e até breve.🤍
---- English:
I've been thinking about taking a break from tumblr for a while, I feel uncomfortable seeing some posts here or some asks, it was driving me crazy, making me stressed or anxious, my mental health was compromised. In fact, it is necessary to give this time to the heart, being away from social networks for a few days, weeks or months is good for mental health. Tumblr is a moment of freedom that I have to write what I think, what I like, what I don't like, without judgments. Thank you for some friendships I've made here.. I'll be back, I just don't know when yet, I need a moment for myself. I will uninstall the app but not delete the account. I'll be back when I feel ready. Take care and see you soon.
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lacolonia · 1 year
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» La Mentalidad Boricua
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Diosa Luna (Taíno Moon Goddess), Los Hermanos Guillén, Yamasá, República Dominicana. La Española was the first Spanish colony in the New World, preceding Puerto Rico by 15 years. It became independent twice, in 1844 from Haiti (which had invaded in 1822) and in 1865 from Spain (to which Santo Domingo had been restored by President Pedro Santana in 1861 due to bankruptcy). After 1865, Spain's colonies in the Americas were reduced to Cuba and Puerto Rico. Cuba obtained independence from Spain in 1898 and from the United States in 1902. Puerto Rico became a possession of the United States in 1898. "Of all Spanish colonial possessions in the Americas, Puerto Rico is the only territory that never gained its independence." Marisabel Brás, The Changing of the Guard: Puerto Rico in 1898
Site banner photo: a garita (colonial sentry box) of the Old San Juan Spanish fortress complex —which includes Castillo San Felipe del Morro (El Morro) and Castillo San Cristóbal, the largest Spanish fortification in the New World— keeps silent watch over the tropical Atlantic. Photo by Michellewint @ Wallpapercave.com
San Juan National Historic Site
National Park Service
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Diego Azeta has no actual physical existence in four-dimensional space-time. He is an imaginal cognitive framework emerging from abstract symbolic domains etched in textual, audial or visual substrates, oftentimes electronic. Diego, as a functional entity, interacts with the world as a cybernetic systems analyst.
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The last of the European colonial possessions can shed much light on the social behaviors of countries the world over, including the former colonial powers themselves. It is often easier to diagnose the failings of other cultures than to critically examine those of your own. (This is the overlooked beam in thine eye judgment bias.)
Another key point illustrated here is the use of unfair policies that ruling powers impose on ethnicities and inchoate nations they control. (This is the might makes right political fallacy.) These extraneous conditions, often intended to crassly project colonial power, become psychosocially onerous and contribute to the erosion of the cultural fabric that sustains the moral traditions and norms of conduct of the colonial society.
The main point of the presentation, however, is to showcase the egregious irresponsibility of the colony's political and social leaders when they abdicate their patrimonial duty to demolish the mentality of submission and lead the people to freedom, not just from the colonizers but more importantly from the rank, metastasized corruption the colonial leaders and inhabitants have learned, adopted and further developed on their own. People are always responsible for the consequences of their deeds and attitudes.
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Borikén Taíno Map c. 1508 —goodrusk.com
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Puerto Rico's 78 municipalities (offshore islands not distanced to scale) —CameraMundi.com
Enjoy your visits here, my friends.
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Brush up on the basics:
If opening these links in Chrome is objectionable to you, you can point to and hover on the link which copies the url, and paste it on your favorite web browser.
What is a logical fallacy? - Grammarly
What is critical thinking? - Monash University
{Breve Historia de Puerto Rico - EnciclopediaPR.org
Brief History of Puerto Rico - EncyclopediaPR.org}
History of Puerto Rico - Britannica
{Historia de Puerto Rico - Wikipedia
History of Puerto Rico - Wikipedia}
Puerto Rico - Britannica
Puerto Rico - CIA World Factbook
Puerto Rico - NationsOnline.org
Puerto Rico - Wikipedia (English, Español)
Puerto Rico - WorldData.info
Colonialism - National Geographic
Colonialism - Wikipedia
Colonialism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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Columbus lands in Guanahaní (San Salvador), 12 October 1492. Image: PBS Learning Media/GBH. Columbus also discovered Borikén (San Juan Bautista, later Puerto Rico) on his second voyage on 19 November 1493.
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Juan Ponce de León y el cacique Agüeybaná en Borikén en 1508.
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-> Afírmalo con integridad en tus obras y proceder.
“Los buenos somos más.” 🇵🇷
— Profesora B. López
Los corruptos serán los menos. ☣️
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voidbears-oc-stash · 1 year
Minim: changed our density! added components! Breve: messed with our brains's maps of our body! etc! like i said tho! i think Grey's VERY much himself sis! i think yer letting yer temper flare up-
"Or maybe you just ate a bunch of stuff and became fat." Righty says, the other two heads turning to give a judgmental look not knowing just how correct Righty is. "I told you two to keep comments to yourself." Quinton growls.
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outpost-31 · 2 years
wow atlas posting ocs? that's rare
it's hot as balls outside and I'm dying so take some jojos ocs. part 5. ask me things about them, mutuals. I love them. please. please. (chanting)
this is a thick packed-full post so it's under the cut. no art though sorry I just need to write them down somewhere
Just a group of losers that's It. Not called on often, but they deal with situations regarding debts/negotiations in certain cities. Several also work as paid mercenaries or informants for missions regarding Passione's members and their personal grudges. it has nothing to do with the boss, its not an order (and possibly not allowed), they're just in it for cash and reputation.
I like making lists. this isnt even adequate writing about them theyre interesting i promise ihave so much stuff but im just trying to dump the basics as a collective so i dont forget
Malvolio " Attore " Di Maggio
- 20, 6'1" (185 cm). Afro-Latino (Venezuelan)
- Agender (He/They) + Bi and Demiromantic
- Aloof, very blunt when he speaks. Honestly, kind of an asshole. Not even in an edgy bad boy way, hes just a cunt. He does it on purpose to drive people off, because he's horrible at getting close to people and doesn't want them hurt.
- His only role on his team is as a hired mercenary; he refuses to help with anything else due to personal goal, and the fact he joined the team for something " peaceful. " The only other people he'll go on assignments with are Breve and, reluctantly, Maledetta. He also refuses to accept the term ' assassin.'
- Smoker.
- Saddled with so much regret it could kill just about 5 grown men. In desperate need of counseling.
- exploding everybody who interacts with him in his mind constantly
- Tends to go off on his own. Absent from collective meetings often, takes lone jobs constantly, etc etc. He cares about everybody else, but he doesn't consider himself one of them and isolates on instinct (get therapy)
- Surprisingly great with kids. Breve is the only one he speaks more than a few sparse sentences to, and is actually kind with them. The mandated babysitter
- Ruthless in battle. Lacks any sympathy for just about anybody he faces off against, which enables his stand to be so horrifying without any guilt. He also carries eternal grudges. But, he's not an extremely violent person- in that aspect he's actually pretty average. More bark than bite apart from his vendetta.
- His stand, My Fairy King (after the Queen song), is.. Interesting, to say the least. much like Moody Blues, it's a manifestation of his crippling guilt. However, it's in a much more offensive way than the passive effect of that stand. Its power enables him to (metaphorically) enter your head and abuse your greatest fears, warping them into debilitating flashbacks and spectres that are near indistinguishable from reality. This makes fighting him quite difficult, though it is combatable. The drawback, however, is that using it can start to affect him too- triggering him into his own flashbacks if he isn't careful. Typically, with several opponents or overuse
Personality Muse: Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Oyecomova, Risotto Nero (jesus christ, man )
Raffaela " Felice " Gelli:
- 22, 5'10" (177 cm). White Italian.
- Cis Woman (She/Her) + Lesbian
- Deaf
- Very dependable and laid-back. Chill, fun, non-judgmental- etc. etc. She tries her Damnedest to not adhere to strict rules (tending to include the law itself) and promotes a very carefree attitude, making her excellent with most people. Even Attore. Her leadership skills are just awful, though, so she more tags along on assignments than accepts them on her own.
- That doesn't mean she isn't incredibly dangerous. She just masks it under layers of serenity.
- Works mostly as an informant, since the job is at her comfort level. She's beyond capable of other tasks, and has even tagged along with Ruscello on a few jobs, but its because of preference over ability. Plus, she's probably the most capable.
- The information she can dig up because of her childhood is unbelievable. She could doxx your entire extended family and your dog within the hour.
- Incapable of cooking. You know the Dubious Food from botw. yeah
- Has never sent a formal email in her life.
- Her stand, Rain Dogs (after the Tom Waits song) reflects her carefree ideology and urge to bring that freedom to others by being an essential support stand; with touch, it is able to manipulate near any chemical in the human body- though, at different levels, and depending entirely on emotional strength. She can't heal wounds, exactly, but her stand has a habit of clinging to shoulders during fights and pumping endorphins. It can also be incredibly dangerous, if used correctly, since an overload of anything can be deadly. The drawback is its fragility.
- (Not a unique concept, by any stretch, but one that reflects her well. Is it similar to even atleast 1 semi-canon stand? yes? thats intentional. )
Personality Muse: Gyro Zeppeli, Karera Sakunami, Guido Mista
Chisaka " Breve " Hiraoka
- 14, 4'8" (142 cm). Japanese-Indian
- Genderfluid (any pronouns) + Unlabeled
- The only natural-born stand user in the group, Breve manifested their stand before ever joining Passione. As such, they've had quite a bit of time to harness and refine its ability, despite being so young
- Selective mute and a pit of repressed emotions. This child is a ticking time bomb. They're very polite in interactions and resilient despite their situation, but due to their upbringing, tend to be incapable of letting themself show any sign of emotion without guilt. Their eyes and face are constantly devoid of emotion to a worrying degree.
- They work mostly as a debt collector and assassin alongside Attore, as he's the only person in the group they feel genuinely comfortable around. Like an older sibling, as they never had one.
- If you read their mind it would be this specific scream as loud as possible near constantly. Their face is calm but their mind is sobbing and punching holes in walls
- Very knowledgeable about illegal dealings, their workings, and the art of blackmail/manipulation due to being born in a family that was.. Well-versed in that knowledge.. If they hadn't been shipped off to Italy, they'd be considered an heir
- Their stand, Dear Prudence (after the Siouxsie and the Banshees version specifically), is honed and refined to a deadly perfection. While bound to their body, and meant for defense, they have manipulated it into something more dangerous with their creativity. They're able to cloak themselves with layers of invisible shields, radiating outward from their body much like a suit or bubble. They arent indestructible, but become stronger with environmental conditions such as heat- allowing them to tank atleast one harsh blow and retaliate. They repair themselves quite quickly, though not instantaneously- and, can be used to inflict extreme damage with physical blows. If one were to strike and shatter on your jaw, it wouldn't be pretty
- While this means that for function, their stand requires knowledge of hand-to-hand combat, that isnt any problem for them. Getting your shit rocked by a 14 year old would be humiliating, but it's about fate for anybody who crosses them. Not to say they're invincible, but they're.. Definitely a small target
Personality Muse: doesn't really have one. Kei Nijimura, outwardly, if anything.
Tederich " Pallottola " Altomare
- 30, 5'11" (180 cm). German-Mexican
- Trans Man (He/Him) + Gay and Asexual
- Literally just some guy
- Collects framed insects. He seems especially fond of moths and mantises.
- Very serious and maybe even a bit dull, but he's quite caring. He is incredibly strict with himself and takes his role very seriously- he's highly protective of those around him, with a surprising tolerance for extremely debilitating and stressful situations. His climb into this position wasn't exactly merciful, though. His eyes are too full of sorrow to look at for long
- Designated leader and mentor of the team. Like Maledetta, he is quite adaptable, and takes on any available role- usually as a guide for others present. He prefers to be an informant.
- His Stand, Bullet With Butterfly Wings (after the Smashing Pumpkins song) is an object that takes the form of a small, red-tinted glass vial. Small enough to comfortably hide in your palm. The dark liquid inside seems to regenerate infinitely on a timed cycle- this liquid can be applied onto anything via any method (ingesting, splashing..), and will immediately harden into a tough crystalline substance when it latches onto a person or object.
It has to be solid, however. in liquids it remains suspended.
In this instant, it is able to immediately affect the stability of anything; person, or object. Physical or even mental, and it's effect will last until it is scraped from your body or the affected area
- While this doesn't exactly seem special, it can turn battles in his favor, even if a bit dangerous. Crumbling buildings allowing for escape and cover, immediately unbalanced or distressed enemies giving him an edge in combat, etc.. It doesn't seem like much, but his potential for creativity is.. Unmatched. He's previously used it in ways comparable to a poison, hiding the substance in drinks and simply allowing those he wants gone to succumb to asphyxiation from the sudden cluster of crystals forming on the inside of their throat blocking their airway.
Personality Muse: Weather Report, (part 4) Jotaro Kujo, Bruno Bucciarati. Due to about one trait each, but it's not nothing. he's barely like them, actually.
Thorello " Ruscello " Abadie
- 20, 5'8" ( 172 cm).... French
- Cis Man (He/Him) + Bi
- So debilitatingly anxious and paranoid that he's constantly checking behind him and scanning his surroundings. Alone, in public, with friends..
- His upbringing was essentially in a horror movie " suspicious sheltered town with ominous spooky things going on. " Residual panic from that and the town's beliefs. He thinks they're hunting him. Whether or not they are is up for debate
- Nail-Biter
- Only wears tight clothing because it makes him feel.. safe. The compression is comforting for him
- Debt-Collector. His stand can be. Surprisingly good for torture?
- His stand, Sex & Candy (after the Marcy Playground song), is automatic, ranged, and highly protective. Like most automatic stands, it is fairly simple, but ruthless. If anything the user considers a threat enters within 10 meters, Sex & Candy will activate and automatically begin to home in on them- though, slowly. While it has no strength to speak of, forcing Ruscello to defend himself, once it touches you.. It's not exactly a problem. It turns any being it comes in contact with incorporeal, unable to interact with anything or anyone but the stand itself, and this effect remains for as long as you remain in range- and, if you remain within that range while incoporeal for too long, it will begin to permanently dematerialize your body: beginning with fingers and toes. However, this process is slow (but painful) and takes atleast 5 minutes of exposure to the 10- meter span. This makes fighting him require alot of creativity, or a long-ranged power of your own.
Personality Muse: Pannacotta Fugo, Rykiel. I don't know, man
Xaviera " Maledetta " Cavalli
- 23, 5'6" (167 cm). White Italian
- Cis Woman (She/Her) + Lesbian
- Used to be a serial robber (and more! alot more!)
- " Oh she's a little bit fucked up actually. "
- Crazed. Obsessed. The whole deal. She's awful at getting along with people, and simply joined the team for sanctuary from the consequences of her.. Horrible horrible actions
- The most diverse of the team when it comes down to jobs. She takes on nearly every role depending on what they need, and takes a strange joy in seeing the cash it brings in even if the task involves the harm of others (which, it usually does).
- Her stand, Everlong (after the Foo Fighters Song), is long-range and is another with a humanoid appearance. It's abilities vary, but all seem to revolve around inflicting harm- in increasingly worse ways. Its physical power isn't too impressive, but if it manages to land a hit, it can become devastating quickly. While this doesn't apply to wounds from its fists, if the stand manages to cut you with any of the sharp barbs on its body, the wound begins to slowly spread outward from the source. This keeps it from closing, and can be especially dangerous due to these barbs also inflicting an anticoagulant affect on the victim. With no blood clotting, and a quickly spreading wound.. Defeating her or exiting her range, or simply lasting the time before it wears off, causes the anticoagulant to wear off. The wounds stay
- Uncommonly, her stand is one with its own sentience; and, thankfully, it seems kinder than Maledetta herself- almost pitying those she fights. Stupidly, the 2 get into frequent arguments. It's clearly anoyed by her arrogance, but follows orders regardless
Personality Muse: Yukako Yamagishi, Gwess, Terunosuke Miyamoto (yikes. not because of teru though.)
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Philip II wrote poetry!
I’m reading Geoffrey Parker’s Spanish biography of Philip and in doing so happen to learn things I haven’t heard before because it offers more complete information than his biographies in English. Yesterday I discovered that Philip wrote poetry and had written a brief book! How cool is that? It was such a news for me! 
It’s said that he wrote the book in 1560 but sadly nothing else is know about it except the title - El Orden de las Criaturas y admirable artificio del Creador which means The Order of Creatures and the admirable artifice of the Creator.
And there are two pieces of poetry survived that are attributed to him.
The first is written in a type of poem called “glosa” and it goes:
Lo que se debe entender,
fortuna de tu caudal,
es que, siendo temporal.
no puedes satisfacer
el alma que es inmortal.
Tú me diste y me vas dando
honra, estado, reino y mando;
y es tan poco cuanto das
que digo de cuando en cuando:
- Contentamiento ¿dó estás?
Quien te busca entre contentos
Contento, tenga entendido
que te pierde y ha perdido
porque entre los descontentos
sueles estar escondido.
Y si Dios, fuera de ti,
padeció penas por mí,
para entrar en donde estás,
el que no va por aquí
no sabe por dónde vas.
(Translation made by Google translator and me so don’t rely on it too much because it’s the 16th century poetry and my knowledge of Spanish and English is not perfect and I welcome corrections from the Spanish speakers but at least it gives some idea what this verse is about:
What should be understood,
fortune of your wealth,
is that, being temporary.
you can't satisfy
the soul that is immortal.
You gave me and you are giving me
honor, status, kingdom and rule;
and it's so little how much you give
That I do say from time to time:
- Contentment, where are you?
Who looks for you between happy
Happy, understand
that he loses you and has lost
because among the discontented
you are usually hidden.
And if God, outside of you,
suffered pain for me
to get into where you are
the one who does not go around here
does not know where you are going.)
The second is written in a form of “octava real” and it goes:
Larga cuenta que dar de tiempo largo,
término breve, transito forzoso,
terrible tribunal, juicio amargo,
hasta los mismos Santos espantoso.
Muchas las culpas, débil el descargo,
recto juez y, entonces, riguroso
pleito que va a gozar de Dios eterno
o a penar para siempre en el infierno.
( Translation made by Google translator and me so don’t rely on it too much because it’s the 16th century poetry and my knowledge of Spanish and English is not perfect and I welcome corrections from the Spanish speakers but at least it gives some idea what this verse is about:
Long count to give long time, 
short term, forced transition,
terrible tribunal, bitter judgment,
even to the same Saints dreadful.
The faults are many, the release is weak
upright judge and, then, rigorous
lawsuit that is going to enjoy eternal God
or to grieve forever in hell.)
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guerreirosdecristo · 2 years
a Obscura Compra de Elon Musk Pelo Twitter E A Terrível Futura Consequência da Liberdade O Evangelho nos mostra meus irmãos e Irmãs que Muito em breve o Filho do pecado vai se manifestar durante 3 anos de uma Falsa Paz Isso significa que O mundo que nós infelizmente vivemos vai ser destruído com fogo dos céus E Gogue E Magogue Vão Se Levantar contra Jerusalem a Capital do mundo onde fica O monte Sião E Isso vai ser o fim The Lack of Freedom Will be The Flame of Conflict that will lead to wars and take the peace of this world and lead to the end of time and the Father's final judgment on the White Throne And The New Heavenly Jerusalem Amen If you liked this Word, comment what you think And rest in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ Hallelujah ✝️❤️❣️💒🛐🇮🇱🇦🇶🇺🇦🇷🇺🇧🇷🍶🧂💧🐑🦁🕊️🥖👑📖🕯️⏳⌛
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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The Introit of this day's Mass is the sigh of an afflicted soul confiding in God:
INTROIT Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a place of refuge, to save me: for thou art my strength and my refuge: and for thy name's sake thou wilt be my leader, and wilt nourish me. (Fs. XXX. 3. 4.) In thee , O Lord, I have hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in thy justice, and set me free. (Ps. XXX. 2.)
COLLECT O Lord, we beseech Thee, graciously hear our prayers, and unloosing the bonds of our sins, guard us from all adversity. Through our Lord, etc.
EPISTLE (I. Cor. XIII. 1-13.) Brethren, if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not; dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; is not ambitious; seeketh not her own; is not provoked to anger; thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never falleth away: whether prophecies shall be made void, or tongues shall cease, or knowledge shall be destroyed. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part: but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away the things of a child. We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known. And now there remain faith, hope, charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.
EXPLANATION In this epistle St. Paul speaks of the necessity, the excellence and the nature of true charity. He says that all natural and supernatural gifts, all good works, even martyrdom, cannot save us if we have not charity; because love alone can render our works pleasing to God. Without charity, therefore, though ever so many prayers be recited, fasts observed , and good deeds performed, nothing will be acceptable to God, or merit eternal life. Strive then, O Christian soul, to lead a pious life in love, and to remain always in the state of grace.
Can faith alone, as the so-called Reformers assert, render man just and save him?
Faith alone, however strong, though it could move mountains, without love, that is, without good works performed for love of God and our neighbor, can never justify or save us. For, when St. Paul says, that man is justified by faith without works, (Rom. III. 28.; XI: 6.; Eph. II. 8. 9.) he means to refer to those works which were performed by command of the law of Moses, and which, as they were external and without true charity, were of no avail; he did not refer to those works which are performed in a state of grace with a lively, love-inspired faith. Therefore the same Apostle writes to the Galatians: (Gal. V. 6.) Faith only availeth which worketh by charity; to Titus: (Tit. III. 8.) It is a faithful saying: and these things I will have thee affirm constantly: that they who believe in God, may be careful to excel in good works. These things are good and profitable unto men; and he exhorts the Colossians (Colos. I. 10.) to be fruitful in every good work. St. James confirms the same by saying: (James II. 17-24.) So faith if it have not works, is dead in itself; by works man is justified and not by faith only. That this is the true doctrine of Christ is evident from His own words, when He says: "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down and shall be cast into the fire." (Matt. VII. 19.) At the day of judgment Christ will demand good works from all men, (Matt. XXV. 35.) and will not judge them only according to their faith, but by their good works, which true faith must always produce. (Apoc. XX. 12.) Would Christ and His apostles demand good works, if faith alone be sufficient? "The devils also believe and tremble," (James II. 19.) they believe, but they are not saved, and their faith but increases their torments. Therefore, the assertion that faith without good works is sufficient for justification and salvation, is plainly against the doctrine of Christ and His Church, and must of necessity lead man to vice and misery, as shown by the history of the unhappy separation of the sixteenth century
Are good works available which are performed in the state of mortal sin ?
Good works performed while in a state of mortal sin avail nothing in regard to eternal life, writes St. Lawrence Justinian, but aid in moderating the punishment imposed for disobedience and the transgression of God's commandments. They bring temporal goods, such as honor, long life, health, earthly happiness, etc.; they prevent us from falling deeper into sin, and prepare the heart for the reception of grace; so the pious person writes: "Do as much good as you can, even though in the state of mortal sin, that God may give light to your heart."
ASPIRATION O God of love, pour the spirit of true charity into my heart that, according to the spirit of St. Paul, I may endeavor to be always in a state of grace; that all my works may be pleasing to Thee, and meritorious for me.
GOSPEL (Luke XVIII. 31-43.) At that time, Jesus took unto him the twelve, and said to them Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man. For he shall be delivered to the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and scourged, and spit upon; and after they have scourged him, they will put him to death; and the third day he shall rise again. And they understood none of these things, and this word was hid from them, and they understood not the things that were said. Now it came to pass, when he drew nigh to Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the way-side, begging. And when he heard the multitude passing by, he asked what this meant. And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he cried out, saying: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. And they that went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace. But he cried out much more: Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus standing, commanded him to be brought unto him. And when he was come near, he asked him, saying: What wilt thou that I do to thee? But he said: Lord, that I may see. And Jesus said to him: Receive thy sight; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he saw, and followed him, glorifying God: and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.
Why did Christ so often foretell His passion to His disciples?
Because He wanted to show how great was His desire to suffer for us, for we speak often of that which we crave; and because He wished His disciples when they should see Him treated as a criminal and martyred, not to think evil of Him, or imagine themselves deceived, but remember that He had foretold all minutely that all happened of His own will.
Did not the disciples  understand anything of what He predicted in regard to His future sufferings?
They may, certainly, have well understood He was to suffer, for which reason Peter tried to dissuade Him from it; (Matt. XVI. 22.) but they did not comprehend why or for what He would suffer, or how He would rise again. All this the Holy Ghost gave them to understand, after it had come to pass. (John XIV. 26.) The light of the Holy Ghost is of so much value, that without it even the clearest doctrines of faith are not understood.
Why does Christ so often call Himself the Son of Man?
He wished to show, in the Jewish way of speaking, He was also man, a descendant of Adam, and that we should be humble, and not seek or desire high titles.
Why did the blind man call Christ the Son of David?
Because, like all the Jews, he believed that the Messiah, according to humanity, would be of the house of David, as was promised. (Ps. CXXXI. 11.)
Why did Christ ask the blind man: What wilt thou that I do to thee?
This He asked, not because He was unaware of the blind man's wish, but to enable him the better to prove his faith and hope that through Christ he would receive his sight; and to teach us how willing He is to help us, and how it pleases Him if we confidingly place our wants before Him. We should learn from this blind man, who would not be restrained by the passing crowd in his ardent and reiterated request, not to pay attention, in the work we have commenced, to human respect, or human judgment, but to persevere, and not allow ourselves to be led astray by the world's mockery or contempt. We should also learn to be grateful to God, and faithfully cling to Him, if He has once opened the eyes of our mind, and healed our spiritual blindness, which is far more deplorable than physical blindness, for nothing can be more miserable than not to see and understand God, not to know what is necessary for our salvation, and what is pernicious.
Why is this gospel read on this Sunday?
The Church wishes to remind us of the painful passion and death of Jesus, and to move us by the contemplation of those mysteries to avoid and despise the wicked, heathenish amusements of carnival, sinful pleasures which she has always condemned, because they come from dark paganism, and, to avert the people from them, commands that during the three days of carnival the Blessed Sacrament shall be exposed for public adoration, sermons given, and the faithful exhorted to have recourse at this time to the Sacraments of Penance and the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, with the reception of which Pope Clement XIII. (Breve, 23. June 1765) connected a plenary indulgence. A true Catholic will conform to the desire of his holy Church, considering the words which St. Augustine spoke, at this time, to the faithful, "The heathens (as also the wordly people of our days) shout songs of love and merriment, but you should delight in the preaching of the word of God; they rush to the dramatic plays, but you should hasten to Church; they are intoxicated, but you should fast and be sober."
PRAYER O most benign Jesus! who didst so desire to suffer for us, grant, that we may willingly suffer for love of Thee; that we may hate and flee from the detestable pleasures of the world and the flesh, and practice penance and mortification, that by so doing we may merit to be released from our spiritual blindness to love Thee more and more ardently, and finally possess Thee forever.
INSTRUCTION ON LENT Who instituted Lent?
According to the fathers of the Church, Justin and Irenaeus, the fast before Easter was instituted and sanctified by Christ Himself; according to the saints Leo and Jerome, the holy apostles ordained it given by Jesus.
Why has the Church instituted this fast forty days before Easter?
To imitate Christ who fasted forty days; to participate in His merits and sufferings; to subject our flesh by voluntary mortification to the spirit, and to mortify our evil desires as did St. Paul; (Col. I. 24.) to enable us to lead a pure life, and thus prepare for the holy festival of Easter, and the reception of the divine Lamb, Jesus: and, finally, to render God satisfaction for our sins, and do penance, as Pope Gregory says, for the sins of one whole year by one short fast, lasting only the tenth part of a year.
Was the fast of Lent observed in early times as in the present?
Yes, but more strictly; for the people of the early ages not only abstained from meat, but also from all that which is connected with it, such as eggs, butter, cheese, etc., even from wine and fish, although this was not the general command of the Church; they fasted all day, and only ate in the evening after vespers, in remembrance of which, vespers are now said before dinner-time, because the Church, as a kind mother, now permits the supper to be changed into a dinner, and also allows something to be taken in the evening, that the body may not be too much weakened, and become unfit for labor.
How much does this ancient custom put to shame the Christians of to-day who think the fast in our times too severe! "But," asks St. Ambrose, "what sort of Christians are they? Christ, who never sinned fasted for our sins, and we will not fast for our own great and numerous offences?"
How should the holy season of Lent be spent?
As according to the teaching of St. Leo, the main thing in fasting is not that the body be deprived of food, but that the mind at the same time be withdrawn from wickedness, we should endeavor during Lent, not only to be temperate in eating and drinking, but especially to lead a modest life, sanctifying the days by persevering prayer and devoutly attending church.
Almighty God! I unite myself at the beginning of this holy season of penance with the Church militant, endeavoring to make these days of real sorrow for my sins and crucifixion of the sensual man. O Lord Jesus! in union with Thy fasting and passion, I offer Thee my fasting in obedience to the Church, for Thy honor, and in thanksgiving for the many favors I have received, in satisfaction for my sins and the sins of others, and that I may receive the grace to avoid such and such a sin, N. N. and to practice such and such a virtue, N. N.
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dayanapires-blog · 2 years
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While they were sleeping or slapping somebody ; we were Dancing ***No judgment here, you do you, I do Me … *** Uma das melhores experiências que vive durante estes 4 anos morando no Brasil, em #sp, foi a experiência e descoberta Musical !!!! Alguns de meus ídolos nacionais na Cena da Música Eletrônica #underground, hoje passaram a ser meus amigos … Privilégio dos céus me despedir de #saopaulo ao som de algumas de minhas Deusas & Deuses #referencias Nacional #clubbers for life @danybany1mama, @betoalmeida01 , @djmaumau @renatoc , @djbenjaminferreira , @mvermelho, @pedropaulor & @corvina_ SOCORROOOO 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶. Amanhã parto em turnê, a minha primeira Internacional DJ Tour … Levarei comigo suas #tracks & canções; faço questão de contar sobre seus talentos, histórias e tudo que aprendi com vocês por aqui !!! Agente enverga mas não quebra 🇧🇷. Tem que amar muitooooo, mas muitoooo mesmo a música pra ser um #dj ; o rolê é sério! Até breve SP , obrigada @festaradar por ser uma festa inteligente, proporcionando experiências vastas, pra mundos diferentes, no coração de São Paulo #supercool #dj #dirtydayana #ontour (at Central 1926) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeexhpWrQiJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vanbeathoven · 3 years
Sometimes I’d just want to cry and scream… there’s a thought that terrifies me.
Don’t you never think that we actually know only a drop of the whole sea of the knowledge? This gets me mad… my life isn’t long enough to be filled with all the beauty of the world.
Hippocrates of Coo said that “Ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή, ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξύς, ἡ δὲ πεῖρα σφαλερή, ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπή”, sentence which was translated by Romans as the known “Vita brevis, ars longa, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile”: life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting, experiment dangerous, judgment difficult… la vita è breve, l'arte è lunga, l'occasione fuggevole, l'esperimento pericoloso, il giudizio difficile.
Ars longa, vita brevis.
Seneca re-adapted it in a stronger version, thanks to the use of chiasmus: “vitam brevem esse, longam artem”.
Above all them, to me, the most painful thing is represented by a Rachmaninov’s quote: “Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music”.
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levysoft · 6 years
ELIZA è un Chatterbot scritto nel 1966 da Joseph Weizenbaum che fa la parodia di un terapeuta Rogersiano, in buona parte rispondendo al paziente con domande ottenute dalla riformulazione delle affermazioni del paziente stesso. Così, per esempio, alla frase "Mi fa male la testa" il programma può ribattere con "Perché dici che ti fa male la testa?" oppure la risposta a "Mia madre mi odia" potrebbe essere "Chi altro nella tua famiglia ti odia?"
ELIZA fu chiamato così prendendo spunto da Eliza Doolittle, la fioraia dall'eloquio incolto e dialettale protagonista della commedia Pigmalione di George Bernard Shaw che, grazie al metodo d'insegnamento della ripetizione delle forme corrette di pronuncia, impara il raffinato modo di esprimersi delle classi più agiate.
La scelta della psicoterapia
È inaccurato dire che ELIZA simuli (o peggio, emuli) un terapista. Weizenbaum disse che Eliza è una parodia delle "domande di uno psicoterapista all'inizio di un intervento psichiatrico". Egli scelse la psicoterapia "per evitare il problema di dare al programma una vera conoscenza", la seduta terapeutica è una di quelle poche situazioni in cui un essere umano può rispondere ad una affermazione con una domanda che parte da quella poca conoscenza del soggetto in discussione. Per esempio, in un contesto in cui alla domanda "Chi è il tuo compositore preferito?" può essere accettabile che si risponda con la domanda "Che ne dici di parlarmi del tuo compositore preferito?" o "Questa domanda ti interessa?"
ELIZA procedeva analizzando e sostituendo semplici parole chiave in frasi preconfezionate. A seconda delle parole che l'utente immetteva nel programma, l'illusione di un interlocutore umano veniva smascherata o poteva continuare per diverse battute. Talvolta risultava talmente convincente che esistono aneddoti su persone così convinte di comunicare con un essere umano, da insistere per parecchi minuti. Tutto questo deriva dalla tendenza delle persone a dare alle parole significati che il computer certo non può attribuire.
ELIZA rimane una pietra miliare semplicemente perché fu la prima volta che un programmatore sviluppò un'interazione uomo-macchina con l'obiettivo di creare l'illusione (seppur breve) di un dialogo uomo-uomo
Effetto ELIZA
Dal nome ELIZA è stato mutuato il cosiddetto "Effetto ELIZA", ossia il fenomeno psicologico che si verifica quando, ad un computer, viene attribuita maggior intelligenza di quanto in realtà ne possegga.
Le inesperte obiezioni a ELIZA disturbavano Weizenbaum, e lo spinsero a scrivere il suo libro Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation, in cui spiega i limiti dei computer, e chiarisce il suo parere che la visione antropomorfica del computer è solo una riduzione dell'essere umano.
Tuttavia il poeta israeliano David Avidan, che rimase affascinato dalle future tecnologie e dalle loro relazioni con l'arte, desiderò esplorare l'uso del computer per scrivere opere letterarie. Egli condusse numerose conversazioni con un'implementazione in APL di ELIZA e le pubblicò in inglese, insieme alla loro traduzione in ebraico, sotto il titolo My Electronic Psychiatrist – Eight Authentic Talks with a Computer (Il mio psichiatra elettronico - Otto autentiche conversazioni con un computer). Nella premessa egli lo presenta come una forma di "scrittura forzata" (Constrained writing).
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shoppointy · 4 years
Google Stadia non smette di sorprendere . Il team di Stadia , ha infatti annunciato , che entro quest’anno aggiungerà circa 100 titoli al suo catalogo digitale . Tra i titoli che a breve sbarcheranno su Stadia abbiamo FIFA 21 , il 17 marzo , Judgment , il 23 aprile . L’ultimo è una sorta di titolo action – investigativo con alle spalle lo studio di Yakuza . Dal 23 febbraio arriveranno anche…
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newsintheshell · 5 years
A Certain Scientific Railgun, la terza stagione dell’anime in simulcast su Crunchyroll
Il popolare spin-off di A Certain Magical Index entra a far parte del palinsesto invernale della piattaforma.
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Dopo aver trasmesso la scorsa estate “A Certain Scientific Accelerator”, la piattaforma di streaming Crunchyroll ha confermato l’arrivo a breve (in Giappone debutterà il 10 gennaio) di un’altra serie spin-off di “A Certain Magical Index”, questa volta si tratta di “A Certain Scientific Railgun T”, l’attesa terza stagione della serie tutta dedicata a Mikoto Misaka e alle sue amiche, che continuerà ad espandere l’universo narrativo creato da Kazuma Kamachi
Tratto dall’omonimo manga disegnato da Motoi Fuyukawa, l’anime è diretto ancora una volta da Tatsuyuki Nagai (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, Toradora!) presso J.C.Staff (Danmachi, Food Wars!). La sigla di testa sarà di nuovo ad opera dei fripSide (Killing Bites, Owari no Seraph), mentre quella di coda sarà a cura dei Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets (Highschool of the Dead, Strike the Blood). In tutto è prevista la trasmissione di 25 episodi.
Le prime due stagioni sono andate in onda rispettivamente nell’autunno 2009 e durante la primavera del 2013. Entrambe, composte da 24 episodi ciascuna,  sono disponibili in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano su Netflix.
Un'enorme città con 2,3 milioni di abitanti si estende sulla parte orientale di Tokyo. In questa metropoli, chiamata "Città-Studio" dato che circa l'80% degli abitanti sono studenti, vengono sviluppati i poteri sovrannaturali che sovvertono le leggi fisiche. Gli studenti che si sottopongono allo speciale programma di studi, ottenendo poteri da esper, sono sottoposti a un System Scan, un esame fisico che li inscrive in uno dei sei Livelli, dallo 0 di chi non ha poteri fino al 5 di chi dispone di poteri eccezionali.
Ci sono sette persone che si pensa abbiano raggiunto l'apice del livello più alto. Una di loro è Mikoto Misaka.
Soprannominata "Railgun" data la sua condizione di più alta utente dell'"Electromaster", l'abilità di controllare con la volontà l'elettricità, MIkoto è una quattordicenne che frequenta la prestigiosa scuola femminile Scuola Media Tokiwadai. Una delle sue compagne di scuola più giovani è Kuroko Shirai che è parte dell'organizzazione disciplinare Judgment. Kazari Uiharu è una sua compagna di classe che vuole diventare una signorina a modo e Ruiko Saten, che adora le leggende metropolitane, è loro amica.
Il Festival Daihasei, importante evento annuale, ha rappresentato molto per la tranquilla, comune, solo poco inusuale vita quotidiana che le ragazze tanto amano. Si è trattato di un festival ginnico, durato sette giorni, che ha messo faccia a faccia le scuole di esper. Una parte della Città-Studio è stata aperta al pubblico per la durata del festival e chiunque era di nuon umore durante il periodo precedente all'evento che sarebbe stato trasmesso in mondovisione. Ma tutti erano ignari di cosa fosse in moto dietro l'atmosfera festosa della città...
Per chi si fosse perso i precedenti annunci del palinsesto invernale della piattaforma, li può trovare QUA e QUA.
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 7 years
Diventerete nonni... Non siete contenti?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ALwrZW
by fraalways
« Okay, lo dirò e basta senza troppi giri di parole… Judith è incinta ». Alla confessione di Alfred seguirono lunghi istanti di assoluto silenzio. Il ragazzo guardò prima uno e poi l’altro genitore in attesa che dicessero qualcosa, qualunque cosa, perché quella non reazione da parte loro lo avrebbe fatto impazzire da lì a breve. « Aspetta… Cosa?! » fece Kurt, sperando di aver capito male.
Words: 1963, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Series: Part 1 of Le avventure di Little Feta Hummel-Anderson
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC (Alfred Hummel-Anderson)
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, OC/OC
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ALwrZW This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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rockandblognet · 5 years
GUNS N’ ROSES parece que tendrá un nuevo tema en la próxima entrega de ‘Terminator’
Parece que GUNS N’ ROSES repetirá en la nueva entrega de la saga TERMINATOR incluyendo un nuevo tema. Lo que está claro es que habrá música nueva de la banda en breve
Se rumorea que Guns N’ Roses tiene una nueva canción en la próxima película Terminator: Dark Fate, lo que haría confirmar lo que ya llevamos tiempo rumiando, y es que la banda tiene nuevo material del que podremos disfrutar en breve.
La página de fans australiana de Guns N ‘Roses, Guns Over Oz, publicó inicialmente el rumor en su Facebook.
«Una fuente que estaba trabajando en Terminator: Dark Fate ha informado que 4 miembros de guns n roses fueron a ver en privado una copia aproximada de la próxima secuela de Arnold Schwarzenegger para ver si quieren poner una canción en la banda sonora. Aparentemente , Slash estaba en Axls House para grabar sobregrabaciones en una canción para el lanzamiento rápido. En este punto, el nombre de la canción es desconocido. Pero sí 100 por ciento verificado. Nueva música de Guns n roses «.
Guns Over Oz
En los últimos meses, varias fuentes informaron que Slash había pasado algún tiempo en la casa de Axl Rose, insinuando que estaban preparando pistas de guitarra para nueva música. Kruise Kontrol Amplification publicó una foto borrada de un amplificador que supuestamente el guitarrista estaba usando para grabar material nuevo en el estudio de casa de Rose.
Si los rumores son ciertos, este sería el primer lanzamiento nuevo del trío original de GN’R de Rose, Slash y Duff McKagan desde The Spaghetti Incident de 1993. Tampoco sería la primera vez que los rockeros se involucran con Arnold Schwarzenegger y la franquicia Terminator, ya que la canción Use Your Illusion II «You could be mine» se incluyó en la banda sonora de Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Guns N ‘Roses también colocó la canción «Oh My God» en otra película de Schwarzenegger, End of Days.
La próxima secuela se lanzará el 23 de octubre, y Guns N ‘Roses comenzará la próxima etapa de su gira Not in This Lifetime el 25 de septiembre en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte.
GUNS N’ ROSES parece que tendrá un nuevo tema en la próxima entrega de ‘Terminator’ en el artículo original de Rock and Blog
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laflechanet · 5 years
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/todo-lo-que-sabemos-de-sakura-wars/
Todo lo que sabemos de Sakura Wars
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Ya en 2010 con motivo del lanzamiento occidental de Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love –un título de 2005- destacamos que la serie Sakura Wars no era demasiado conocida fuera de Japón. Aquel se convertiría en el último lanzamiento importante de una saga nacida en 1996 y pese a los intentos del director Takaharu Terada por traer de vuelta estos juegos o las peticiones de los fans, Sega se mostró reticente durante muchos años. Era comprensible: su combinación de géneros –batallas, aventura- y en general el bajo estado de forma de la industria japonesa durante la pasada generación no era muy propicio para invertir en el rol táctico con dosis de novela visual y simulador de citas.
En 2016 la situación cambió y abrió las puertas al regreso de Sakura Wars con un nuevo proyecto que reuniría a algunos miembros de Sonic Team, como el productor Tetsu Katano y el director Tetsuya Ootsubo -Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning?-. Con un nuevo equipo, diferente generación –llegará a PlayStation 4- y tanto tiempo de la licencia en pausa, los responsables decidieron que Project Sakura Wars se convertiría en lo que se llama un reinicio suave, accesible para novatos de la serie.
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Después de tantos años, vuelve la saga Sakura Wars con una nueva entrega que busca atraer a un nuevo público.
El desarrollo estaba a cargo de CS Research & Development No. 2, el Sonic Team, pero Sega pasó por una reestructuración interna en los últimos años. De esta manera se sumarían también miembros del CS Research & Development No. 3, creadores de la saga de rol estratégico Valkyria Chronicles –tampoco un superventas, pero al menos sí más conocida en la actualidad por todo el mundo-. En cuanto al diseño de personajes y sus armas encontramos a Tite Kubo, conocido por el manga Bleach y su experiencia en ropa tradicional japonesa, mientras que Mika Akitaka vuelve a diseñar los koubu, armaduras de la serie. El compositor Kohei Tanaka –sagas Sakura Wars, Alundra, Gravity Rush, Resonance of Fate– se encarga de la banda sonora.PUBLICIDAD
Un Sakura Wars algo diferente
Muchos de los elementos habituales en Sakura Wars permanecen en la nueva entrega, incluyendo el romance y su peculiar universo steampunk con fantasía. El título nos llevará a una versión alternativa de la ciudad de Tokio en los años 40. «Hace 10 años, un cataclismo provocó la devastadora pérdida de la Fuerza Imperial de Asalto de Tokio, la división de defensa global de la capital que operaba encubierta desde el Teatro Imperial. Desde entonces, el teatro está en declive y con riesgo de cierre. Como capitán de la nueva Fuerza de Tokio, de ti depende volver a motivar a tus tropas y devolverle al teatro su antigua gloria«, resume Sega su argumento.
«Durante tu aventura, podrás interactuar con un colorido elenco de personajes a través del sistema dinámico de diálogos LIPS, donde lo que se dice y cómo se dice tiene un profundo impacto en las relaciones tanto fuera como dentro del campo de batalla«.
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En la aventura se podrá interactuar con otros personajes. Esta vez se utiliza la tecnología de Hedgehog Engine 2 para los gráficos 3D.
Controlaremos a Seijuro Kamiyama –que esta vez no será tan mudo como pasados protagonistas- y a todo un elenco de personajes femeninos de la Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division. El género es descrito como una «aventura de acción dramática 3D» que permite explorar Ginza y encontrar a varios personajes para activar eventos y misiones opcionales. De esta manera, se equilibra la parte de batallas con la de conversaciones –donde es posible seleccionar múltiples respuestas dentro de un tiempo límite- que modifican la relación del protagonista y el resto de personajes, con influencia posterior en el combate. Un nuevo sistema LIPS permite mover la cámara y seleccionar objetos o personas para activar nuevos diálogos.
Para crear este nuevo mundo en 3D el equipo ha utilizado Hedgehog Engine 2, la tecnología creada para la saga Sonic the Hedgehog, en combinación con las herramientas vistas en las cinemáticas de la serie Yakuza. Estas cinemáticas en tiempo real estarán acompañadas de más de 40 minutos de secuencias CGI producidas por Sanzigen –Fire Emblem: Three Houses-.
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El mundo se sigue inspirando en el ‘steampunk’, un subgénero de la ciencia ficción.
Project Sakura Wars fue anunciado en abril de 2018 para PlayStation 4, pero no ha sido hasta hace poco cuando se ha presentado su sistema de batalla activo inspirado en la introducción de Sakura Wars 3 –unos breves segundos de acción-, que permitirá pilotar un mecha especial de forma directa. Según comentan sus responsables, es una mecánica dramática llena de acción en entornos tridimensionales, acelerando los combates y buscando mayor índice de espectáculo: saltos, ataques en el aire, embestidas, movimientos evasivos que dan la posibilidad de contraatacar e incluso la posibilidad de caminar por las paredes. También podremos utilizar unos ataques especiales con energía espiritual, acumulada por derrotar enemigos y obtener objetos de poder.
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Ahora es un RPG de acción. ¿Lo aceptarán los fans más veteranos de la saga?
Este es uno de los puntos más polémicos del juego, pues muchos esperaban el rol de estrategia clásico y ahora se asemeja más a un hack´n slash. Durante la partida podremos alternar entre el mecha controlado por el capitán y el de otros miembros del equipo, aprovechando sus habilidades únicas. Estos personajes se hacen más fuertes con las interacciones en la historia –con opción de ataques conjuntos- y durante la acción, así que ambas caras de la jugabilidad son importantes. PUBLICIDAD
El director creativo Toshihiro Nagoshi ha mencionado que el equipo probó muchas ideas hasta dar con un sistema final que sin duda parece mucho más divertido que el de Valkyria Revolution –un fallido spin-off que intentó adaptar la estrategia de Valkyria Chronicles al action RPG-, pero todavía está por ver cómo reaccionarán los fans veteranos y si el cambio consigue atraer a nuevos jugadores.
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Que no te engañen estos ‘koubu’, son ágiles y podrás correr por las paredes.
Confirmado en Occidente… y con textos en español
Project Sakura Wars se lanza en PlayStation 4 el 12 de diciembre en Japón, y en primavera de 2020 en Occidente. No sólo sorprende la rapidez en la confirmación del anuncio y la fecha aproximada, sino que Sega volverá a dar un regalo impagable que ya hemos visto con Judgment o Valkyria Chronicles 4 y que hasta hace no mucho nos resultaría impensable: su traducción al español. Una apuesta clara por expandir Sakura Wars en nuevos mercados donde todavía es una saga por descubrir.
Fuente: Vandal.net
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