24davisj · 3 years
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South Side (Jughead Jones x Reader) - The Aftermath (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1049435032-south-side-jughead-jones-x-reader-the-aftermath?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=24davisj&wp_originator=CQnS11hWeoP3zImxMShU5%2F65WwWGVEMt2kOWWd4e3ntdcmAWd6HRAj%2FgwlzSzMJp%2B8y2GN%2B0p90gF0Il1pKE4dSQX8Ithkop8FtYFvX1C9GpD8UY5yK1%2Bl9FbHKCimxT Y/N parents move to Riverdale after almost being suspended for being in a fight from your last high school. You neighbors with Archie Andrews and you two become friends through texting on Instagram. Read the story to find out what happens between you and jughead??
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yourjughead · 7 years
Foxes and Vixens
Pairings Jugheadxreader
Requested by @sunshine51879
“ An Jughead request if I may. You are a River Vixen, dating Jughead; and no one knows but Cheryl & the Core Four. The girls help you plan a way to tell the student body....Veronica has jackets with "His Vixen" and "Her Fox" on the back and your nickname on the front made for you two. You and Cheryl design a routine around the jackets and wearing beanies like Jughead's.... make it cute and fluffy. I tired to write and just couldn't. Please....”
Warning: none
A/N: I've been out of the country for the past week so sorry for lack of content and in general poor maintenance of this blog. I love you all dearly. I also changed the request slightly and apologize for the wait, I’m a terrible person.
3rd person
“So when are you going to tell the student body ynn”
“How about never Cherry” you bumped hips with your redheaded best friend in the crowded halls.
“Are we ashamed to be dating Mr.MoodyHobo himself?”
“No of course not, he's just not ready for all the...all the judging...we’re not exactly…”
“Right for each other?” she smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“No no, you know that's not what I was going to say Cherry, we’re just not exactly...i don't know conventional”
“You mean like how youre vice cheer captain and he's allergic to the sun?”
“Alright alright enough with the digs, we've been 6 months together and the digs keep coming” you chuckled “we probably have more in common than you and i cherry”. She feigned hurt before slipping into the locker rooms. You met your boyfriend's eyes as he passed by with a wink. You really liked him and you wanted the entire town to know he was yours and you were his, it just wasn't the right time...unfortunately your best friend had other ideas.
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Later that day you limped your way to the end of the bleachers glancing down at the field below you. You looked around until you found Jughead, clearly looking for you too and smiling when he found you. You returned your eyes to the field where Cheryl and the rest of your friends did their warm ups. You looked down at your bandaged foot and thought about your fall, you could have sworn that Cheryl stuck her foot out... but why would she do that.
The rally then lit into life.
Jughead POV
The stadium was bright and obnoxious. Yn hurt her foot and watching her struggle up the bleachers was heartbreaking. I wish I could have just sat with her rather than by myself...well I guess Kevin is here too...he doesn't count. Why must all my friends insist on being part of the school community. With my girl not even in the rally tonight, I settled in and got ready for my pep rally nap.
“EVERYBODY LET'S GO!” the squad cheered and I leaned further back in the bleacher.
“HEEEEEY SHE'S HIS VIXEN HES HER FOX” they chanted in darkness before the place illuminated again, a spotlight landing on me and then proceeding to blind me. What is happening?!?! Am i being abducted?! God i hope so!
I looked to see an equal intensity light beaming down on my girl. The cheer squad were dressed in beanies not too dissimilar to mine. I could feel everyone staring at me, was this why she wanted me to come so bad? Is this really how she thought I’d like everyone to find out about us?! I got up and quickly flew down the steps, missing steps as i went, the beaming light attempting to follow my path and thankfully failing. I hopped onto my bike and skidded out the gates.
Yn pov
After limping my way as fast as possible out of the stadium, the cheer still continuing, I rang Jughead but with no answer I tried to evaluate what just happened. So right okay. Cherry had planned this big elaborate...thing to tell the entire school about Jughead and I but first intentionally tripped me so I wouldn't see them practising that damn cheer. Oh god I’m going to kill her. Poor Jug. Poor my foot.
I limped my way to an empty Pops diner, thankfully the rest of the town were still at the rally...oh god the whole town was at the rally. The bell rang out as i entered the dimly lit diner, my boyfriend...well hopefully still my boyfriend, sat in his usual booth, coffee in front of him, sulking.
“Hi” i slipped in next to him and he nodded slightly before looking away from me again.
“Okay you know that's not what I wanted to happen right?” he rolled his head off the booth to look at me, i gave him a little smile and could see his angry eyes melting again;
“His vixen, her fox?” he laughed lightly.
“Yeah...its cute” i laced my hand in his. “Say whatever you want about Cheryl, she's creative”
“Well i mean not really, she did steal my look” he gestured to his beanie before smirking down at me, I nudged him lightly.
“Well i guess the whole town knows now, let the judging begin” his lightheartedness left him.
“Ehh, i don't really care what they say Juggy” he wrapped an arm around me and i cuddled into him.
“I love you ynn”
“I love you too Juggy….my fox” i laughed and he shoved me back playfully
“Aww look a fox and his vixen” Archie laughed, sliding in across from us, the rest of the gang following suit. Happy little fox den.
“Hey take that off your head, its trade mark me, i should sue you for copyright infringement” jughead laughed, gesturing to the poorly constructed crown decorating B and V’ head.
Much love Xx
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yourjughead · 7 years
Bitter Sweet Punches
Two Combined Requests: “ hello! i love your writting and could u write something ab archie cheating w veronica,reader gets really upset and distance herself from the whole group bc she can't stand seeing V and archie. archie is in trouble and the only one who helps him is the reader even tho he hurted her, he realizes the girl he truly loves is the reader so he tells her but she just tells him he deserves V in a cold sarcastic tone lol “ and “ basically a imagine where archie cheats on reader with veronica so jughead(her bestfriend) conforts her and confronts archie”
Pairings: Archiexreader ((hah lol not for long)) Jugheadxreader, Archiexvernoica mentioned
Warnings:oh the infidelity, swearing, angst, fighting, long fic thats dialogue heavy
A/N: Some of you will love this, others will hate it. Archie is a terrible person in this fic so my apologies...also vernoica isnt exactly a lovely person. Im going to try and write a bunch of requests between today and tomorrow so please be patient.
One year previous
“NO!” You turned on your heels and let Archie crash into you before you pushed him back into the chest.
“Just no Archie. No.” You took off running, tears streaming down your face. Never did you think you'd walk in on your boyfriend...exboyfriend and your best friend…ex best friend. You couldn't believe Archie and Ronnie could do this to you.
And that was essentially it. You drifted out of the group completely after that. The sight of Ronnie and Archie together burned at the start and fading out of the group was the only way to make it hurt less. Nobody besides the 3 of ye knew why you stopped hanging out with the core group.
As far as they knew you and Archie broke up badly and then he started dating Veronica, not that he started dating Veronica and then ye broke up badly. You were tired of fighting and just let everyone just accepted you gaining distance...well almost everybody.
Jughead Jones, conscientious objector and best friend had stayed by your side almost completely but even that relationship wasn't the same. His constant berating of your past relationship with Archie was neither pleasant or helpful, and you reminded him of this often.
“Hey loner” Jughead threw himself against the lockers adjacent to yours.
“Oh hey loser” you closed the locker and headed side by side towards the door.
“So can I tempt you into accompanying me to Satan's disco?”
“Cheryl's party? Nah I'd rather pull my eyes out”
“Oh that sounds like fun can I come” he grinned.
“You should still go though with the gang”
“It's not going to be the same”
“It'll still be fun”
“Why did you and Archie have to break uuuuuppp” he whined “if ye had stayed together then we could have all gone and we could have just stood in the corner and just let Archie work the room like usual” you rolled your eyes.
“Give it a rest Jug”
“But it's tru…”
“I said give it a rest!” you snapped interrupting him. He raised his hands up in surrender granting another roll of your eyes.
“Are you ever going to tell your BEST and CLOSEST friend what actually happened between you two?”
“Nah Kevin doesn't need to know” he shoved across the car park, both laughing.
He had a point though. You should have probably told him after it happened and you came running to his trailer, he didn't ask questions at first, just held you there.
“Have fun tonight” you winked before hoping into your car and driving off.
Sms:YNNxX: What's happened?! -11.46pm
Sms: TarantinoStan Xx: Archie caught Veronica with Reggie and things have rightly gone to shit, Kevin and I are just eating popcorn, I'm just going.to head home-11.49pm
You reread the message and as if on cue a rapid knocking came to the door. If your parents were home they would have lost their minds to find the redhead on your doorstep.
“Uhhhh" is all you could muster as the rain soaked boy stood in front of you like he had seen a ghost.
He reluctantly let himself in, slipping past you while your eyes were stuck to where he stood.
“Whaaatt are you doing here Archie” you followed him into the kitchen where he was pacing frantically.
“YN! IM REALLY SORRY FOR WHAT HAPPENED WITH US AND I NOW UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH IVE HURT YOU!” he span around and caught you by your shoulders.
“It's only now you're understanding you hurt me?” You couldn't believe what he was saying.
“Yeah…” Archie kissed you then. He was familiar and for a second you enjoyed it but then that second ended.
“Archie what the hell is wrong with you?!” You pushed him back roughly.
“C'mon ynn I love you!”
“No! No you don't! You have no idea what that word means!”
“But I do because I realised I love you when I saw Veronica and Reggie!”
“It shouldn't have taken that! You don't love me and I don't love you!” His face twisted with your comment, he wasn't used to rejection.
“WELL NOBODY ELSE LOVES YOU!” You gasped to this and regret painted Archie's face for a moment but then it changed again.
“You and Veronica deserve each other” your tone was the coldest it's ever been, sarcasm dripping from every letter.
“At least I can say I deserve someone” he bit back.
“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!” You pushed him back out the door slamming the door in his face. You pressed your back against the door and slid down it to the ground crying.
*Sms:Ynn: so yn do you wanna tell me why Archie came storming home swearing you out of it orrrrr -1:07am
*Sms: TarantinoStan Xx: No I don't want to talk about it -1.10am
*Sms:Ynn: okay I'm on the way over. 1.11am
*Sms: TarantinoStan Xx: no juggy no.
But you knew there was no point and he was already cycling through the rain to your house. He was always the same.
As predicted 15minutes later he came swinging in your bedroom window.
“Yn what the hell happe...were you crying?” he immediately closed the distance between you two and hugged you tightly as you cried into his already rain soaked hoodie. He rocked you gently from side to side until you stopped crying but still held you close to him.
“Ynn can you just please give me some kind of inclination as to what happened, please” he barely whispered it but it was enough.
You took his hand in yours and sat down together on the bed where you told him everything and by the end there was total silence from both parties.
“Okay so...right okay...mmmm”  Jughead was trying to comprehend the new version he saw of his ginger best friend.
“Okay, I'll be right back” he stood up and moved for the window but you kept hold of his hand bringing him back to you.
“Where are you going?!”
“I have to kill Archie” you smiled but realised his tone wasn't that of a joking one.
“Jughead you can't kill archie” you chuckled, brushing your cheeks with the edge of your sleeve.
“I can and i will, I can't believe what he did to you...what he said to you….no one is good enough for you, no one deserves you” his sad eyes stayed fixed to the carpet.
“You…you are more than good enough for me” jugheads voice was shaky and his sudden movement caught you off guard as he dropped your hand and caught your face, bringing you into a kiss. You kissed him back smilingly until you broke apart grinning.
“Umm sorry I just..sorry” Jugheads voice was the smallest you had ever heard it.
“Please don't be sorry” he enclosed his hand around yours again before you met in a kiss again.
“I want to be with you more than anything Juggy, Ive known for so long”
“Thats all i ever wanted to hear”
“Oh god we’re so cheesy” you nudged and he laughed.
“Now if you'll excuse me” jughead moved from you as fast as possible and ran down the stairs with you close behind him screaming “JUG! STAY AWAY FROM ARCHIE” but he was beyond the point of reason.
Archie idled in the kitchen, making a snack and reevaluating his life choices. His absentminded thoughts were interrupted as Jughead came shooting in the back door, jostling him back against the fridge.
“JESUS CHRIST JUGHEAD WHAT THE HELL?!” Jughead pressed Archie against the fridge with his forearm, the other arm basically at his throat
“Why did you say what you said to my yn”
“I don't know what youre talking about!” jughead pushed against Archie again and he let out a pained groan.
“Fuck Jughead, have you ever considered Football” he attempted a smile
“I'm not in the fucking mood Archie. Why.did.you.say.what.you.said.to.my.ynn?”
“Why does it matter to you?” Archie choked out, the pressure being applied on his throat was getting too much.
You came bursting in the door, heaving from the run but still finding the breath to gasp at the sight before you.
“JUGHEAD STOP!” Jugheads eyes flashed to you and he instantly released the pressure on Archies throat, turning his back to him.
“Wait you called her “my ynn”...are you two...are you two a thing or something” archie rubbed his reddened throat while gesturing between the two of you with a finger.
“Why do you care” jughead bit, mimicking Archies earlier question, still not facing him.
“Really jughead? You're going to date my waste of space ex” you bit your lip and fixed your eyes to the ground, begging yourself not to cry again.
Jughead turned in one swift motion sending his fist to meet the side of of Archie's jaw with force, sending him to the floor.
“Oh my god jughead…” you blinked hard to try and see what was in front of as jughead stood over archie who was holding his jaw.
“Come on Yn lets go.” Jugheads voice was bitter as he walked away, taking your hand.
The two of you strolled back to your home hand in hand, total silence as if nothing ever happened.
You woke up tangled in Jughead with the Sunday sun warming you both.
“Morning Mike Tyson” you rubbed your fingers over the little marks on jugheads left hand, kissing his cheek.
“Now theres a good way to wake up in the morning” he kissed the top of your head and you both cuddled closer into each other.
“I think we should talk to Archie today…”
“Really ynn?”
“yeah...Jughead I love you and I want to put all this behind us so we can move on”
“You love me?” you blushed not realising you had let slip.
“I love you too...I love you so much and I want to move on too” you kissed again, neither of you making a move.
Much Love
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yourjughead · 7 years
Carburetor Belt
Synopsis: You and your frenmy Jughead are driving to meet up with your friends on a camping trip. Things soon go awry in the only way they can.
Pairings: Jugheadxreader
Warnings: Swearing galore, dialogue heavy, fluff
A/N: Wrote this really quickly, sorry for any mistakes. Please enjoy, it's just an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for some time that I just had to write tonight...at 1am because I have my life together.
3rds person
“if you crash my truck we're going to have some serious issues”
“I'm not going to crash ARCHIE’S truck”
“I paid for gas so therefore it's my truck”
“That wouldn't hold in a court of law” you drag down hard on the steering wheel and the two wheels on the right practically leave the ground. Jughead crashes into the window
“Oh my fucking God yn I don't want to arrive to the campsite in a casket would you take it easy!” he barked
“I'm only in rush because of you!”
“Ugh God why are you like this?!”
“You're the one “like this” oh my god were your dropped on your head as a baby or what?!....OH WAIT YOU NEED TO BE HELD TO BE DROPPED!” You tugged down on the wheel around the corner, this time the left side wheels parting with the ground, anger fueling you.
“YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE!” he returned. You were always like this, always at each other's throats, it was the way of life. The gang had headed up to the campsite early that day and as the sun began to sink, Jughead and you followed.
You ploughed on up the steep incline of the hillside before barreling down the open road. Jughead was opening the lter of coke as you gripped around the corner. The bottle, already shaken from your driving, instantly exploded all over the cab of the truck.
“YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!” you finally slowed down as you came onto a straight road.
“OH MY GOODNESS IT'S FUCKING EVERYWHERE!” as if the God's above were playing tricks it was then Archie's truck began to huff.
“NO NO NO NO” you banged the steering wheel as the bonnet began to flood with smoke.
“FUCK!” you threw yourself back against the soaked chair in frustration before leaping out and banging open the bonnet, followed by a string of colorful language.
“How bad is it?” Jughead cautiously stuck his head out of the window as you attempted to look past the smoke. You then threw a thin piece of rubber material at him.
“Oh...this looks like it's important…”
“Yeah it kinda is...was, it's the carburetor belt...it was the carburetor belt. We're fucked!” you slammed back down the bonnet and slid back into the car after texting Archie the bad news. He replied with worse news then.
“Well I guess we're stuck here for the night, archies mechanic can't come up to us till tomorrow”
“I thought Serpent girls were supposed to be good with engines”
“i thought I told you you were an idiot!...and besides even if we are, we can't just fix a snapped  Carburetor belt, we're not magic”
“Ughhhhhhh” you mirrored. The dark was closing in and the cab was starting to dry out and become sticky and the sickly sweet smell was overwhelming.
“I can't sleep in this car” you hopped out and set about spreading out the sleeping bags in the back. The stars had began to show their beautiful faces as you lay down and looked at them, soon joined by Jughead.
“Sorry I drive like a maniac”
“I'm sorry you drive like a maniac too” you hit him into the chest with a thud.
“Sorry I called you impossible and a bitch”
“You didn't call me a bitch?”
“Maybe not out loud” you chuckled lightly to this. The sky was beautiful but the bite in the air was undeniable. You pulled the sleeping bags up around the both of you before sinking down further into the truck, eyes fixed on nature's twinkling lights. You could feel Jughead shivering next to you and you were in a similar state.
“We're going to die out here” you gave a small smile, you wanted to lighten the mood with your beloved twisted sense of humour.
“Yeah but at least it's a nice night”
“Yeah maybe the bears will be too busy looking at the sky to eat us” he laughed at you before silence returned.
The both of you were asleep pretty soon after that, the evening's events and stress taking it's toll.
The bright spring sun woke you from your deep, comfortable sleep as the first light of morning rained down. You blinked the evergreen world into focus and found yourself completely and utterly tangled in Jughead.
“OH MY GOD!” you sprung up from his grasp causing a slight hitch in jugheads breath. You quickly glanced under the sleeping bag to see your still completely clothed body.
“Oh my God it's like living with a Chihuahua what the fuck is wrong with you now!?” Jughead had a hand to his chest, attempting to slow down his heart rate down again.
“Nothing, nothing happened, we were just cold, that's all” you collapsed back down beside him, breath returning to you.
“Would it really have been that bad?” Jughead laughed and it sent you into thought.
“If you ever tell anyone about this I'll remove your kneecaps” you threaten.
“What? That you tried to make advances and planned this whole thing to get in my pants? No, I would never ynn” his laugh echoing across the hills again.
“Where are the bears when you need them”
“Probably camping” ((oh lol sorry, had to do it))
“We were just cold, why are you acting like this is the worst thing to ever happen ever”
“Because it is the worst thing” you sat up again and Jughead followed suit.
“WELL WHAT IF I LIKE YOU?!” his raising voice only matched yours and frustration grew.
“NO!” In the heat of the moment you lunged slightly forward, colliding your lips Jugheads slightly chapped ones. His warm hand cupped your face gently as your hands ran across his thighs. You pulled back almost as fast as you lunged forward.
“Oh my God oh my God oh my god” you leaped out of the truck and began pacing while Jughead stared at you stunned.
“Did you just kiss me?” His voice was low
“DID I JUST KISS YOU?! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD” a slam of door caused you both to jump as Sal the mechanic rounded the car with a smile.
“Right let's get you two love birds back on the road”
“We're just friends!” You quickly shot back, sal giving you a weird look before heading back to the bonnet of the car.  Jugheads face sunk slightly as you went to assist Sal. What the hell just happened.
Much love Xx
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