#jugo yokomizo
case-almost-closed · 10 months
Gotta love Yokomizo Jugo. It doesn't matter if he's solving a case, talking to the kids or his brother or realises that everything he said is wrong. His face is just a mask of sheer and utter boredom and/ or judgement and I've gotta love his complete attitude that screams "I don't give a shit"
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Look at him, he's so unbothered eventhough he's standing right next to the corpse.
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Is he accusing her friend of possibly being the murder? Yes.
Does he give a shit? Absolutely no.
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But just as well, he really doesn't care that a primary school student was cleverer than him. He just does his job.
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Dude, you're literally solving the case. At least try to show some emotions.
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Can you see that? That's his "Fuck it, case solved, I'm out, bitches" face
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Honey, you've just been proved wrong by a bunch of kids and an old guy. At least try to look bothered.
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mihamihoku · 2 years
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You may think that that DetCo AU of mine was only about dogs and cats living together, and then BOOM, I throw two bulls at you
Yokomizo brothers! Yep, they’re bulls :D Japanese black breed. Bc my zootechnician student brain wanted to add some cattles/horses here
Tbh they were much more fun to design and draw than I even imagined. Wanna draw more now,,,,
A little more doodles under the cut
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Did you know that cows pick the food with their long as hell tongues?
And yea I tried to understand how to draw anthro hooves,,, well now we know why it’s difficult to read Sango’s handwriting. He got hoovs
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Sango is adorble.... when he’s not yelling at you in front of your face
I like him ahaha
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masterdetectivexx · 1 year
does conan knows about wild police story squad?
1. he certainly knows about matsuda (sato's former partner) from serial bombing case
2. he knows about wataru date (takagi's mentor) from dangerous broadcasting case & date's notebook case
3. he heard takaaki & yamamura's conversation about hiromitsu (komei's brother) and his possible job in npa
4. he knows furuya's real name, his job in npa and his cover identity as bourbon
5. in chihaya hagiwara's introduction files, jugo yokomizo explained about kenji who died 7 years ago
do you think conan knows those 5 guys are related? and if he does, will it help him for his pursuit for black organization? (considering most of them are dead, and the only member alive is technically still a BO member)
Manga-wise, Conan has yet to learn about the Wild police gang's history, and I don't think him knowing about it would change the current situation with the organization. Their history in WPS is more relevant to Rei's character and motivations, and if anything, I could see Rei relying on his late friends' dear people (Taka'aki, Sato, Takagi, Chihaya) for support against the BO, rather than Conan.
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tsuri-chan · 11 months
Episode 1098-1099: Chihaya Hagiwara, Goddess of the Wind
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Based on volume 101, files 1073-1075
Plot in five keywords:
Kogoro, Ran and Sonoko are on a trip to Kanagawa to eat in a famous restaurant. They wait for Agasa and Conan to arrive
Agasa and Conan arrive to late at the restaurant because he was stopped because he was driving too fast
Agasa went to the toilet. At the same time, the Suzuki Security president arrives, saying that he receives kidnapping threats and threat emails
Agasa and the president realize that they look alike when Agasa changes his hair, so the president asks him for a favor
Then, Agasa gets kidnapped by a man and a woman. Conan later realizes that it's not the president who they thought was kidnapped but Agasa
Important plot development:
First appearance of Chihaya Hagiwara
The Detective Boys and Ai stayed at home because Ai didn't want to leave the house. Subaru is looking for them
We get to know that Chihaya is an assistant inspector from the police department of Kanagawa Prefecture
Chihaya trusts Conan immediately and asks for his help to find Agasa
Conan reminds Chihaya of Kenji
Seems like Jugo Yokomizo knows Chihaya
We get to know that Kenji is Chihaya's brother
We get to know that Chihaya knows Conan because she saw him on TV when the The Trembling Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages case happened. She wanted to meet and thank him
We get to know that Matsuda destroyed Chihaya's phone
Looks like Jugo is interested in Chihaya
8/10 French restaurants
Very interesting case with lots of tension. I like the interaction between Conan and Agasa and also between Conan and Chihaya. In general, I really like Chihaya. This is a really good episode, but it's also a bit unrealistic. Still, you can watch it.
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lettieriletti · 8 months
Detective Conan 102
Durante una festa organizzata per trovare un partner, Jugo Yokomizo si imbatte in Chihaya Hagiwara! Cosa passerà mai per la testa di Chihaya mentre osserva Wataru Takagi? Quella per il “ciliegio”, l’emblema che simboleggia il mestiere del poliziotto, è una passione che si tramanda…
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Detective Conan - Chapter 1087
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ultimateanna · 3 years
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Detective Conan - Chapter 1087
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detshin · 4 years
Fave police officer? Morofushi, Ayanokoji, Yamato, Sango or Jugo Yokomizo
Oh, okay this is difficult 🤔 hmmmm.
Okay let's see:
1. Morofushi. I guess? I mean, I honestly like all of them. I'm not tremendously invested in his Scotch storyline, but it's relevant to the plot so I'm like- alright.
2. Ayanokoji. I can't help it bro. It's the chipmunk. It's CUTE. And he was also really cute in the school trip episodes. Very wholesome. 10/10
3. Yamato. I don't know, I don't really care much but he's badass and looks cool af.
4. Jugo Yokomizo. I actually love both of them tbh, but I can't forget how sweet Jugo always is with Conan. If I remember correctly, he even has pet him on the head or something. I don't know, for such a tough looking man, he is very sweet and I have a weakness for those.
5. Sango Yokomizo. He's also a treat to have on cases tbh! I like him too!
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r-onetruthprevails · 6 years
Jugo Yokomizo & Private Detectives
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case-almost-closed · 10 months
Perfectly Simple
Pairing: Yokomizo Sango x Reader Words: 1,5K
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There was an almost dopey grin on his lips as he held the door to the shop open for her, and it only widened as she looked up at him, a soft, grateful smile on her face. "Thank you," she murmured before stepping inside, the taller man close on her heels. Warmth hit him, which was definitely welcome after the cold outside, as well as the scent of paper and candles.
For a brief moment, he let his gaze wander through the cosy bookshop, over the huge shelves, which were crammed to the top with books, to the slightly older shop assistant, who was standing behind the counter as usual and nodded to him in a friendly manner, only to turn his gaze back to her in the end.
Because no matter how pleasant and beautiful he found the sight of this homely shop, Sango enjoyed it all the more to see how her eyes widened at the sight offered, how a glow crept into them and how the woman eagerly tried to soak it all up.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She tore her gaze away from the shelves and looked up at him, fingertips searching for his. "I can understand if this isn't the ideal activity for a date." However, as honest as she was, all the more eagerly, he knew she wished he'd affirm her, that he'd love nothing more than to be in that bookstore with her, listening to her ramble on about the books on display. And who was he to tell her anything less than the truth?
Smiling, he squeezed her hand and leaned slightly towards her so that his hushed voice would still come through to her clearly and every word would come through with meaning that it should have. "There's nothing I'd rather be doing right now." Delighted, Sango watched as a reddish glow rose in her cheeks before she turned away and walked down the corridor in search of the perfect book. Not letting go of his hand, she pulled him behind her and, completely satisfied with his fate, he followed in her footsteps.
Of course, he understood where the thought had come from. Sango couldn't imagine that many men would consider the prospect of an afternoon in a bookshop an ideal date activity. Even Jugo had frowned when he'd told him about it, though it could have just been his way of agreeing. Sango wasn't sure there.
But when his gaze fell on their intertwined hands and he saw the joy with which she ran the fingertips of her other hand over the numerous spines of the books, his heart warmed and he was sure he had made the right decision. Never, for all the world, would he ever get tired of watching the joy and enthusiasm come into her face, her eyes begin to sparkle and her cheeks flush with blood as soon as she spoke about her passion for reading.
They hadn't been together long, only a few weeks, but Sango felt like it had been forever. He had met her on a case in which she had been a murder suspect and for most of the time he had firmly believed that it was her. However, it had turned out to be her best friend and, after her statement had been taken at the police station, he had accompanied her outside.
Actually, it should have stayed that way, but he hadn't had the heart to leave her alone, with tears in her eyes and in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, so he had offered her a lift home. As it had been a long way, they had been able to talk after some time of awkward silence and Sango had genuinely enjoyed it and had been truly sad when they had arrived at her door.
This sadness, however, had immediately given way to wild heart throbs when she had invited him to dinner another day as thanks for the journey home.
Of course he had tried to decline at first, after all it had been only right and proper to do so, but he had felt too much anticipation to cancel completely in the end. One meal turned into two, then three, then four, until the slight anticipation and euphoria he had felt turned into a wild pounding heart and a huge feeling of warmth as soon as he even thought of her, which he had often done and still did.
It had taken him some time to realise his feelings, but once he had, it had been almost unbearable with him around her, according to his brother. Even if he didn't always seem like it, Sango was shy and it had taken him a lot of courage, words of encouragement from Jugo and quiet hoping before he had confessed his feelings, and not exactly in the most romantic situation.
In fact, they had been having dinner at her place when he finally couldn't take it anymore and had shouted his feelings for him to her, faces not far from each other. He had been instantly embarrassed and had been about to leave, but something had stopped him.
She had laughed.
At first Sango had been embarrassed, convinced she was laughing at him, but that embarrassment had quickly given way to surprise when she had grabbed him by the tie and pulled him towards her, turning him into a stuttering thing with a kiss. He had been embarrassed by that too, but she had only laughed softly and run her fingers through his curls, assuring him that she didn't think it was weird, but rather cute.
Sango had needed some time, though today, as in the past, his chest swelled with pride and love when she took his hand, hooked her arm in his or pressed a kiss to his cheek. Although it still turned him into a blushing, stammering something, she had assured him that she found this something very charming and sweet, so he was no longer overly embarrassed.
Her voice brought him out of his daydreaming as she pulled a book from the shelf with an enthusiastic noise and held it under his nose so that he could read the title. He smiled as he recognised it. "Your favourite book, isn't it?"
She nodded and ran her fingers with admiration over the cover, which was covered in elaborate decorations and engravings. "Yes. I didn't realise they'd brought out a new special edition, though."
His gaze was glued to her so as not to miss a moment of the sparkle in her eyes. "Don't you already have a Special Edition at home?"
"Two, to be exact." Sango frowned and tried hard to recall a picture of her flat, but he couldn't remember a second one, which he frankly told her. She chuckled softly, which made his heart do a somersault, and placed her hand on his upper arm. "I'd be surprised to hear that, after all, the other version is in my bedroom."
Sango felt the heat rising in his face and knew that his cheeks must be fiery red now, but she didn't really seem to notice as she was engrossed in the book. He was grateful for that. They hadn't been together long enough for him to spend a night with her, not in the guest room, let alone really by her side, so the thought of her bedroom made him feel slightly embarrassed.
"Yes, though this one is so much prettier." She cradled the volume in her hands thoughtfully and looked up at him questioningly. He carefully took the book from her hands and quickly thumbed through it.
The pages were truly beautifully designed and the paper also felt more expensive, which a glance at the price confirmed. He handed the book back to her.
"If you like it, why don't you get it?" She gnawed on her lower lip doubtfully. "Don't you think it's a waste of money? After all, I already have two versions at home." He smiled down at her and this time he put his hand on her arm and squeezed it gently. "But it makes you happy to collect special editions of your favourite books. So why should it be a waste of money if it makes you happy?"
"Sure?" The doubt was audible in her voice and Sango chuckled softly before leaning down slightly towards her.
"Would you feel better if I bought it for you?" He reached for the book, but she pulled it back and clutched it to her chest, shaking her head. "No, that would only make me feel worse, because I'd think you were wasting your money on me." She looked thoughtfully at the book. "But I guess you're right. And I don't usually buy that much." The broad smile had returned to her face and she took his hand again to pull him further through the rows.
"You know," he continued. "I wouldn't have a problem spending money on you."
"I know." She turned to him and stopped, forcing Sango to stop as well. "You already paid for dinner the other night, though."
"I just want you to be happy." She smiled and looked to the ground.
" I am, Sango. I am. Even without money."
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tsuri-chan · 6 years
Episode 284-285: Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain
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Based on volume 34, files 347-349
Plot in five keywords:
Dinner in a China restaurant
Ran thinks about Shinichi & a mysterious man
They have dinner with a group of people
One of them is poisoned
Ran doesn’t feel well & collapses
Important plot development:
First appearance of Jugo Yokomizo
Ran remembers what happened in New York
Ran remembers where she met Shuichi Akai
9/10 rotatable tables
This is a great case with a very clever trick. A bonus is that it’s leading into the New York arc.
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ultimateanna · 3 years
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silverbulletsama · 10 years
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I need to see more awesome Yokomizo-keibo!
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case-almost-closed · 10 months
Headcanon that Jugo and Sango Yokomizo used to work in the same departement, so Jugo decided to cut his hair completely and wear his tie and suit more loosely, while Sango decided to let his hair grow and to wear his suit quite neat to help the others to distinguish them from each other.
They've gotten so used to it, that they continued to do so, even though they didn't work together anymore.
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