#juice available
quibbs126 · 2 months
You know I really do wonder what Radish and Rosemary’s parents look like, considering they’re sisters but don’t really look all that related
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Heck, their ingredients don’t really seem that related, other than them both starting with R and being things you can grow in a garden
…Ah wait crap, now I’ve invited the request suggestion. I don’t know what to make them!
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booigi-boi · 6 months
When Shipwrecked releases How to be a Ghost to the backers on my birthday 😭🙏🐐💞
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dozenssporks · 4 months
It's All Fun And Games
*the video begins with a closeup of Vash's face, his eyes covered by his glasses. He is drinking a pouch of blackcurrant-apple capri-sun. The camera moves slowly downward to reveal a second pouch sitting on Vash's chest as he reclines. The second pouch has the straw poked through the back*
*milly speaks from off-camera*
MIlly: so, Mr. The Stampede, how are you today?
Vash, speaking around the straw: Please, call me Mordecai
Milly: I didn't know your name was Mordecai!
Vash: It isn't.
Milly: oh, okay! Now I just have a few questions for you, Mordecai--
*wolfwood speaks from behind the camera*
Wolfwood: first, I have a question, big girl: what's with the, uh, new style?
*camera pans out and over to the right where Milly is sitting on a closed toilet seat. The room, apparently a bathroom, is small and beige colored. In contrast Milly is wearing a bright rainbow colored clown wig and a clown mask that covers the upper half of her face*
Milly, speaking into a hairbrush like it's a microphone: It's for anomaly!
*a few seconds of silence pass*
Wolfwood: . . . do you mean 'anonymity'?
Milly: yeah!
Wolfwood: alrighty then, please continue
*Milly extends the hairbrush to Vash. The camera follows. Vash is reclining in the tub, fully dressed from sunglasses to boots. His legs are bent and feet braced on the wall in order for him to fit into the space.*
Milly: Mr. Vash, is it true what I heard? That you're responsible for the destruction of a small town in Canada?
Vash, taking the straw out of his mouth: unfounded rumors, Miss Big Girl. No truth at all.
Milly: Is that so--
Vash: for one thing it was Alaska and for another it wasn't my fault and for another another the only thing actually destroyed was a five story tall parking garage. Which again is not my fault. I'm being unjustly persecuted!
Wolfwood: You were existing in the area so it's probably your fault, needle-noggin
Milly: now now, Mr. Woowoo, this is an un-ballasted interview and you can't just interrupt with mean things
Vash: yeah, like she said!
*the camera dips down, as if the person behind it is lowering it so he can look directly at Vash and Milly*
Wolfwood: Ballast--? Biased? Um, Woowoo?!
Milly, cheerfully: yes!
Vash: you heard the lady, Woowoo.
Wolfwood: no. NO. do not. Do not even start.
*the camera leans forward and wolfwood grabs the shower curtain, throwing it across the tub, completely hiding Vash*
*the camera pulls back and focuses on Milly*
Wolfwood: you know what, big girl, how would you like a tell-all interview from an anonymous source that reveals the Humanoid Typhoon's bizarre and deranged sleeping habits?
*Vash sticks his head out from behind the curtain*
Vash: They are perfectly normal sleep habits! You're just ballasted!
Wolfwood: You were under the bed! You grabbed my ankle!
Vash: I was trying to turn off the alarm! It's not my fault your ankle was in the wrong place! You broke three of my fingers when you stomped down!
Wolfwood: don't be such a wuss, it was only your left hand, wasn't it?
*Milly moves her hairbrush microphone back and forth between Vash and Wolfwood, nodding and making interested noises*
*the bathroom door slams open and the camera swings wildly around and when it settles everything is at a tilted angle and a pair of small white shoes can be seen marching into the bathroom*
*all three of them scream*
*vash hides behind the shower curtain*
*the shower curtain is yanked back open. Vash lets out a high-pitched scream and clutches at the plastic sheet like he's trying to cover himself modestly*
Meryl: What are you--stop screaming! It's just me! What are you all doing in here?
Milly, from off screen: Just clowning around, ma'am!
Meryl: Then what're all these empty cans and bottles? Shampoo?
*all three giggle. the camera returns to it's proper angle, showing only the back of Meryl's head*
Milly: no, ma'am, that's booze!
Wolfwood: way to blow our cover!
Vash: narc!
Meryl: did you think there was even a chance I'd believe you were, I dunno, teaching them about the dangers of the grape and how it paves the path to sin?
Wolfwood: more of wheat and rye, but yeah.
*Meryl pulls back the shower curtain again and snatches the capri-sun Vash was trying to put the straw into*
Meryl, stabbing the straw with deadly precision and taking a long sip of juice: great, now I'm the designated driver by default because you guys couldn't wait fifteen minutes for me to pick up the snacks!
Wolfwood: why would you need to drive? just pop one open!
Meryl: because the cops are three doors down and we need to get out of here now!
*a moment of stunned silence broken only by Vash making sad noises and stretching out his arm to get his juice back from Meryl*
*all three scream while Meryl continues to drink her stolen juice*
Meryl: move it or lose it, people, the car is warmed up and ready to go.
*a finger jabs at the camera, apparently an attempt to turn off the recording, but it's unsuccessful and the recording continues, showing flashes of discolored gray carpet and beige walls of what is probably a motel room*
*distantly Vash can be heard crying*
Vash: um, my legs cramped and are locked into this position! Um, guys? Guys! Heeelllp--
*the lighting changes as the camera crosses over a threshold and goes outdoors. From the poor image quality it's hard to tell if the cameraman jumped over the railing into the parking lot below, or if they just dropped the camera*
*Vash is still crying when the screen turns black*
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so fucking upset. i looked up what's considered concerning weight loss and got a statistic. i looked up the same question but specified teens and i got a bunch of articles about how to lose weight. what the fuck
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mcdolann · 5 months
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✨peach juice✨
by me
available on redbubble
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17yearcicada · 2 months
drinking my cranberry-seltzer mix and it is in fact helping
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millions-dykes · 6 months
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Very silly thing but a while back I doodled myself as an Eye Of Michael Soldier for the hell of it. EOM's worst fucking assassin. Guy who get their body fucked up when they're bored. Absolutely wet Pathetic slog about the murder but does it anyway (the mask is there to cover the vision).
Technically speaking I wouldn't survive the training but you know. I like to entertain thoughts and concepts. EOM would make me worse ❤️
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laststandx3 · 7 months
If I were the last surviving member of a failed expedition in the arctic I wouldn't choose to keep living there. Like, one main factor of doom was that there weren't plants around and after all that suffering you choose to keep living without leaves in your life? without fruits? without apples and oranges and peaches and berries? without vegetables? No more eggplants or peppers or corn or onions? No man, when I hear Ross talking about his shot of lemon juice to fight scurvy I'll remember how good even a green salad tastes and pack my bag. Rip Francis Crozier but I need garlic in my life
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oatbugs · 1 year
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wolftattoo · 1 year
i have now also tasted the ultra watermelon + ultra violet + ultra blue monsters so heres my tier list
ultra violet
ultra rosa
ultra paradise
ultra watermelon
ultra blue
pipeline punch
mango loco
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neitherlightnordark · 2 years
this post is here to give susie a capri sun.
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little--buttercup · 1 year
thinkin bout guavas
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antimnemonic · 1 year
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
it's been a while since I made a keeper recipe on my quest to make all the keeper recipes, so I'm thinking of trying another one. Right now I've got left: the chocolate mint ripplefluffs, mallowmelt cupcakes, mallowmelt hot chocolate, and the mallowmelt cookies. currently leaning towards the ripplefluffs or the cookies, but anyone have any thoughts?
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Out of curiosity! How do Niamh and Kulîlk prefer their coffee? If they don't like coffee then what's their favorite drink?
Assuming that coffee is available in the worlds that Niamh and Kulîlk reside in...
Kulîlk prefers her coffee black, ice or no ice doesn't matter. Maybe a little cream or sugar if she's feeling spicy. She's the type to drink straight concentrated cold brew, like some monster, not knowing you're supposed to dilute it.
Niamh sits on the other end of the spectrum. Unless she's depriving herself of comforts, the Consort wants plenty of sugar and milk in hers. Now she'd be the type of person who claims she loves coffee but only consumes it in a form that can barely be considered proper coffee by most- i.e. frappes with like, half a shot.
As for their favorite drinks...
Kulîlk loves a good floral, bitter black tea, if it can smell sweet and floral and still taste strong she's a happy camper. Secretly likes her tea cold.
Niamh likes a good mulled wine on a winter's night. Cut up fruit, put in spices, and put her near the blazing hearth after a battle and for a moment, she'll forget all her troubles and just melt
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jinglefruit · 1 year
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Selection of the hyper icons and animations for various characters in 100% Animal Crossing Juice mod. Only available via the support mod; which has now updated with even more Animal Crossing related effects alongside support for the new “Sleep Gods” DLC. 100% AC Support mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/383864 100% AC Main mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2617764418
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