#juice-boxy fandom
gl4ssfan · 1 year
thinking about OJ!juice
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he's committed war crimes. i love it.
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yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
intro or something
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kinda quit tmnt lol
side blog for only my Needy streamer overload, hi3, and pmmm art: @yumikangelnet side blog for my pjsekai stuff: @appleoned other blog for csm: @chainsawnyan
and my other two blogs, @loverofdazai and @dazaidarkera
tags, au's (????) and other shit under the cut
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banner is just a screenshot
art requests always open yk (maybe request stuff to their fandom specific blog, like if you want denji request it to the csm blog etc etc) (cool with the requests being here though)
AU;S (?)
Donnie kills (vivioso) aka LEFTOVERS ty to @/justletmereadmycomics for suggesting the name!!!!
(tw for blood, murder)
tag is #leftovers au
doodle 1 . doodle 2 . doodle 3.
comic thing i may or may not continue
OH BTW. i have two shitass siblings..my twin, @batateeeth and my brother, @s1eepy-0
my actual first language is spanish but i literally forgot it over time so i suck at TWO languages now
tags :
#yyal art - for my art
#leo talks shit - just me saying shit
#kiana tag - me spam reblogging and talking about kiana kaslana
#nardo plays videogames - me complaining about videogames while playing them
#denji's doodles - my doodles ( my discord friends call me denji and doodles and denji start witht eh same latter and
mostly a tmnt and adventure time blog but sometimes i’ll sprinkle in some of my other interests
my leo sona drawn by @juice-boxy :3
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nyahkmenrah · 6 months
Plural nation, I feel like sharing my experiences as a fictive that formed in childhood. This will be a bit long so I’ll put it under the cut. And NATM nation, idk if this will interest you but if you want to know what being a fictive of Ahkmenrah is like, feel free to read :).
For a little background, I’m one of the oldest alters we know of. There’s a few before me, but I was among the first 5. I split sometime shortly after the release of the 2nd movie so in 2009. The body would have been 7ish. Prior to that, the first movie we didn’t catch in cinemas, but we did have it (totally legally) on a USB that we watched religiously. So NATM was very much a childhood movie for the whole system.
My first memory is sometime after the movie was released and we saw it in cinemas, we’d gotten some of the happy meal toys. I so vaguely remember holding the Octavius on the squirrel toy, the way it felt and the smell of the McDonald’s playground. I pushed it down the slide, watched it go flying off the end (rip Octavius I just fucking launched you). Later that day I remember taking our sisters toy, the Easter island head one and sitting at the coffee table with it.
The next thing I remember clearly is climbing on a rope climbing frame and drinking a juice box with some cousins (I eventually found actual pictures of this in a photo album, we unknowingly caught one of my first proper fronts on camera). I was definitely a kid back then, I’d split in the mind and body of a child and I acted accordingly.
But those two early memories I have, I didn’t actually know who I was yet. I hadn’t really realised that I wasn’t in my own body and world yet. I was just focused on being a kid I suppose, I’d been pulled to the front to play, to have fun and distract from everything else going on at the time. But I remember the moment I realised who I was so, so clearly.
I was sitting in front of our old, boxy TV in purple winter pyjamas, watching the first movie again. And when on screen pulled the wraps off my face and start talking, something just clicked. That’s me, that guy on TV, that’s me. I remember being really confused, but I was still in a kids body and it was late at night so I guess we were just too tired to really react much. But I went to bed that night suddenly aware that I was too short, and too young, not a boy in this body, my eyes were the wrong colour, my skin was the wrong shade etc.
No joke only a few weeks later, the host went on a school camp. That camp is significant because it’s what influenced our headspace. The host had so much fun and loved that camp so much the brain basically copied the layout and made a proper headspace with it. THAT was when I actually got to interact with the other alters we had at the time, got to see myself in the right body internally and kind of pieced together why I was here and what had happened.
I’m the one that would front whenever the others were too stressed or tired. I was a protector in a way, I stopped us from getting too overwhelmed by coming to the front to play or isolate depending on what we needed at the time. I started to become a very prominent system member as we got to be an older kid. I was the one who got us obsessed with Hello Kitty and bought the history books home from the school library, I was the one who’d always suggest NATM as the sleepover movie, I was the one who helped pick the dining room decor when we moved (it’s ancient Egyptian art obviously). I was subconsciously trying to make the environment around me more familiar to me, more fun and relaxing by doing things I enjoyed.
Exomemories started to develop as we got into the preteen years I’d say. I was suddenly recalling things that happened to my character in an almost first person way. The same way you recall an event that happened in your childhood. It’s distant, you know it happened but you can’t picture it well. The more the host (and I) explored fandom spaces and the third movie had come out by then, the more I started to remember. I think us being older and able to have more complex brain functions paired with the hyperfixating on my source was what kicked off the brain forming exomemories. But it was around this time I started to really realise that I’m not real.
I am, Ahkmenrah the introject is. But Ahkmenrah the character, isn’t. Ahkmenrah is a pharaoh that isn’t real, made for the movie franchise. He’s fictional and yet, I’m him. All these people I remember and care for, they’re fictional too. I’m just a brain function with the personality of the fictional pharaoh, and I’ll never see my friends and family again because they’re now even real. That whole identity crisis kind of fucked me up for a bit. And the oncoming gender fuckery didn’t help either. I always knew I was bodily male and fronting in an AFAB body, but the realisation that I didn’t really mind it is what gave me an oh shit moment. In the end I just settled on demiboy adjacent, but that was a whole trip to go through.
By the teenage years, I’d grown up, the body had grown up and the host was becoming aware of the system. The co host was the first one to talk to them, but I was close behind. It was an odd feeling, I was talking to this person I’ve shared a body with for years. Someone who’s talked to me under the assumption I was just a daydream they were having for years. We know practically everything about each other but we’re just now formally meeting. My role had kind of shifted by now, I more held onto childhood memories and interests. But I’ve always been a rather frequent fronter, so I was one of the alters who helped the host explore the system as a whole more during the system awakening.
And then finally, as an adult in a now adult body who understands plurality and why I’m here the way I am, I can honestly say that I don’t mind being a fictive. Yes it has its downsides, the identity issues, the exotrauma, the not matching the body etc. but I was put here for a reason. As a child, the host saw my character and thought ‘they can help me. I can trust them’. And I split to help, to have fun and handle stress by unwinding and having alone time. I’m here because I was seen as someone who was strong enough to get through something difficult and I made out out the other side. I care for the system, they’re my family, my lovers, my friends. And I know that if they were to meet my sourcemates, all of them would get along with each other amazingly.
I have two found families, my sourcemates and my system. Being fictive isn’t so bad, because at the end of the day I’m here because a child looked at me and thought ‘he can help me’. And I did, I’m glad the host trusted me to help them.
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juice-boxy · 1 year
what is going on in the juice-boxy fandom 🧍‍♂️
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
dude juice is such a BLORBO man. like that little skrungle skroink is ABSOLUTELY BOUNCING AROUND up in my teeny tiny pea brain
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
DUDE SHOUTOUT TO @yumeyumeappleo
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
i want to see more incorrect quotes where juice gets to Fuck Shit Up.
he deserves it <3
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
sometimes you think
but then you juice-boxy
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
hey guys new juice-boxy hc today
so i think juice eats spaghetti with his hands. no i don't have any reason to believe this, it's just the vibes
also something that bothers me about the juice-boxy fandom is that so many people don't do the hyphen!! it's like spider-man.
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
guys i just had a thought. futureOJ!juice/?!?!?!
like. cmon. old man is evil?? who doesnt love that???
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
what flavor of bath and body works lotions would juice wear?
send answers pls its for my fanfiction
hes at the store :p
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
i think juice would be friends with jack frost
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
im gonna feed juice to pigeons in central park /pos
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
the overwhelming urge to draw the OJ au,,,,
like grape is good BUT EVIL JUICE??? quality content right here folks
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
me when juice-boxy
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gl4ssfan · 1 year
if juice has a million fans, then I'm one of them. if juice has one fan, then that's me. if juice has no fans, that means I'm dead.
if the worlds against juice, then i'm against the world.
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