juleboo · 2 years
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Nice one Orielle
Enjoy the low quality art. Too lazy to draw the pattern on her pants but I did indeed give link his chainmail.
I think about this line every time I see her.
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Heyy! So I just found your stuff and it’s all super cute I love this kind of thing 😊 feel free to decline but do you think you could do a little fluffy one shot type thing where you’re just gaming with Sebastian and then whoops you both fall in love 😳
best gamer of all time || sebastian x reader oneshot
hanging out with your friends is always fun, but gaming alone with him may be your new favorite thing <3
warnings: fluff fluff fluff fluff oh my god, you may suck at this game but you do NOT suck at winning his heart
requested by: @juleboo , this is such an adorable request! i'm sorry this took like forty billion years, life has decided to kick me off my feet, but im doing a lot better so yippeeeee. i hope you enjoy, hopefully it was worth the long wait 🙏
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Hanging out on a Saturday night was a ritual for you, Sebastian, Abigail, and Sam. You all rotate on who's place you hang out at, and tonight was Sebastian's. Abigail was laid out on the couch, Sebastian sitting on his bed, and you and Sam were on the floor. After a very intense game of Jackbox, with a lot of chaotic answers and laughter, it was nearing midnight.
“I cannot believe you put that! That was a direct jab at me and you know it!” Sam said towards Abigail's direction, obviously not actually upset.
“Then clean up the fuckin' pizza boxes in your room! That rat would've become your best friend if your mom didn't find him- wait- what time is it? ... oh shit, my dad is gonna kick my ass!” Abigail said, jumping up at lightning speed and grabbing her bag. “Sorry to kill the party, love you guys, if I get lectured one more time this week I am going to pull out my hair. Bye bye!”
And off she goes, leaving just as chaotic as she came. Sounds about right. The remaining three of you laughed, before Sam stood up and grabbed his things as well. “For some reason Mom wants me to come to church in the morning, she saw some lyrics to one of our songs and she kind of flipped her shit. Soooo, gotta atone for my sins. Have fun you two,” he said, sending a small wink Sebastian's way before making his way up the stairs.
You saw the wink, it definitely caught you off guard. You immediately snapped your head towards Sebastian. “What was that for?” you said with a smirk, which wasn't held for long. It slipped into a smile, moving from the floor to the now empty couch.
Sebastian's expression remained neutral, rolling his eyes. “Sam is always up to something, ignore him. Do you wanna stay and hang for a little while? I don't have anything to do tomorrow,” he said, looking towards the cabinet of games that sat beside his gaming console. He never asked anyone to stay later, especially when it's his night to host. He usually wants everyone out, Sebastian cherishes his alone time.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he asked you this, he actually wanted to spend more time with you? You felt so honored and special, of course you were going to stay. “Yeah, what did you wanna do?”
“I bought a game, it's co-op. Wanna try it out? It's a platformer, it seems pretty easy,” he said, walking over to the cabinet and grabbing the case. He made his way back over to you, showing you the back of the case, carefully studying your features. He wanted to make sure you were actually interested, and when your face lit up, he couldn't hold back a smile. It was rare for him, but it was perfect.
“Hell yeah, let's pop this bad boy in!” you said, sitting up excitedly and scooting over so that you two could share the couch. After 'popping that bad boy in', he sat next to you and handed you the controller.
Sebastian put on the tutorial before beginning to show you the controls. He described what to do, but due to your drowsiness from working all day, you just couldn't grasp what the controls were. “Here,” he mumbled, thinking for a moment before carefully putting his hands over yours.
“Alright, shoot with this button, alright?” he said, making sure not to get too close to you. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but these little touches were really nice ... he could get used to this.
“Mhm ...” you hummed, although your brain was short-circuiting. Every single thought in your brain was rendered useless in that moment, every place where you two touched felt like it was on fire. You clumsily tried to recreate his movements, shooting when he asked and jumping when he instructed. You learned the controls, but barely.
“Got it?” he said simply, slowly beginning to let go of you. He didn't really want to, but he didn't want to overstep your boundaries. He really cared about you, he didn't want to jeopardize that.
With a hesitant nod of confirmation, you two began the game. It was a mess, you definitely did not grasp the controls whatsoever. However, he enjoyed seeing what kind of trouble you got yourself into. How could you even get up there?
“Okay- when you jump, press the trigger to latch on to that cliff, and do NOT let go-” he tried to explain as you jumped with all of your might ... just to not even touch the cliff. Your body hit the floor with a splat, and you both sat in silence for a few seconds, staring at each other. Small snickers turned into full blown laughter, falling down onto the couch as you both held your faces.
“How the hell am I so stupid?? That was so easy! How the hell did I miss that??” you cackled, wiping the tears that began to fall from your eyes.
“I have no idea but it was one of the best things I've ever seen,” Sebastian's laughter began to quiet as he sat up, his gaze making its way down to you. You looked so perfect in the soft light of the television, so happy from the laughter that was encasing the both of you. He could not stop smiling.
“What?” you said softly, a gigantic grin on your face. You couldn't move, you just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
“... nothing. Just ... capturing this moment,” Sebastian said in a gentle tone, taking a deep breath before looking back at the screen. “You're a ghost now, but you can still help me and eventually I can revive you.”
You slowly sat up, but you had an idea. You slid a little closer to him than you were before, your legs touching. “Alright, I'll be the best fuckin' ghost in town,” you laughed, knowing you were bound to fuck it up but you had no care in the world. This was too fun.
He looked over at your legs touching, smiling even wider before continuing the game. He would ask you to do things as a ghost as you did ... with enough trial and error. He did notice that you kept adjusting and scooting closer and closer. He really liked this.
“Do you know how to freeze someone?" he asked, which you shook your head to. “Let me see this-” he mumbled, wrapping his arm around you, definitely just wanting to help you see the controls. You were essentially sitting in his lap at this point, a soft pink blush creeping onto both of your faces.
His face was so close, pressed almost right up against yours ... you wanted to stay here forever, but you didn't want to say anything that would ruin the moment. Nervous silence held you two for a moment, before he did something that both of you wanted more than anything. He carefully kissed your cheek, before going back to the game as if nothing ever happened.
Your brain melted, a feeling of bliss overtaking your body. You've been waiting for that for ages. You slowly leaned back into his chest as he laid down his controller for a moment. He wrapped his arms around your waist for a moment, giving you a careful squeeze. You reached your arms up around his neck, hugging him back. Neither of you cared about the game anymore.
“Stay here tonight. If you want to,” Sebastian muttered softly, holding your body close to his. He didn't dare let go, and neither did you.
You stayed there that night, you stayed wrapped up in his arms until the daylight and you had to work on your farm. But you hoped one day, you could wake up next to him everyday. Maybe someday, but for now, you had many Saturday nights where you stayed over later than everybody else.
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juleboo · 25 days
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Another sketch dump page situation but this time the theme is birds. Once again extremely low-effort with questionable anatomy, just how I like it.
I went a bit overboard with a couple of these (bottom left corner), but I definitely enjoyed the process and smiled a lot while doodling.
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juleboo · 3 months
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LOOK AT HIM LOOK AT THE LITTLE GUY I MADE!!!! First time rendering and it certainly won’t be the last wowee I could spend hours making these little guys.
Made with Autodesk Fusion 360 for free! I love me some good no-cost entertainment.
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juleboo · 2 months
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Meine Lieben
Rolli Schmidt und Rita Weiß from Hallo Aus Berlin. I love these guys and decided to make them a bit less… well.. ugly. IM SORRY I LOVE YOU TWO!!!! DU BIST MEIN LIEBLINGSFACH!!!!
Yes Rita’s skirt has pockets it’s because she’s a GIRLBOSS and DESERVES THEM. Rolli got his hair mildly fixed but I still hate it.
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juleboo · 17 days
favorite word?
My first ask! Thank you for stopping by <3
This is a tough question, because there are quite a few words I really like to both hear and say. One of my top words at the moment though is “Doink” (if that’s considered a word). Very silly yet very versatile, if you’re brave enough to harness its power…
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juleboo · 1 year
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Some nice out of context TOTK
I need to learn how to be more productive. In real life. I’m doing just fine in the Zelda universe.
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juleboo · 3 months
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Another 3D boy to add to my collection. I love him so much and everyone else should love him too it doesn’t matter if his legs are a little small or his beak isn’t right I LOVE HIM HE’S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Also made with Autodesk Fusion 360.
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juleboo · 3 months
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So many tangent lines, so little time
Just don’t look too closely. Here’s some low effort concept art of my OC Zuri. I love her but she does not love me back. Or anyone really.
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juleboo · 3 months
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A couple of character sheets
I’ve always wanted to do one of these but never had the time, but I’m on summer break and ready to bust down. Thank you @cparrisart for the beautiful template!! I had so much fun filling it out.
I did indeed edit this to remove the libido meter but.. they’re 11. I hope you’ll forgive me.
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juleboo · 1 year
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Actually sobbing
What is this supposed to mean?? I’m repulsed?? Did I choose the wrong marriage candidate???
🌟back to the grind🌟
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juleboo · 1 month
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A lovely collection of many anatomically incorrect horses. I think the lack of bones really adds to the charm.
I spent a few more hours on this than I’d like to admit, but looking into the abyss of pure horse fills me with so much joy.
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juleboo · 1 year
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Wait a sec
Does this mean he gives autographs on other days? I bet the little kids bring any book or piece of paper they can find when they hear he’s coming into town, even if they’re not supposed to write on it. He’s somewhat of a legend amongst them.
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juleboo · 1 year
Note to self
Don’t sleep. Ever again.
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juleboo · 1 year
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More out of context TOTK
Gorons bring a new kind of chaotic energy to this game that I didn’t expect. I accept it.
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juleboo · 1 year
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I am the epitome of style
Never in my life have I felt this good about how I look. I’m stunning. Hotter than lord Ghirahim and homeboy Ganondorf combined. I’m ready to conquer the world.
- Link
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