#jules ambrose aesthetic
randomperson1234sblog · 4 months
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Twisted Hate ❤️💋🌹
“Hell with you sounds like heaven to me.”
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lunaphoenixsposts · 2 years
Twisted series book aesthetic lockscreens/wallpapers 🤍🔗
Took me abit of time but here's a few I created with some of my favorite quotes from the books. Hope you enjoy/like them 💫.
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 (𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 #3) 🩺🖼📚
✍🏽: 𝐀𝐧𝐚 𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠
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diaryofemily · 7 months
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Jules Ambrose 🍷
Twisted Hate by Ana Huang
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yayaasthings · 2 years
Ana Huang for a life!
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caffeinatedthought · 1 year
April Favorites
+ Film +
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Ammonite (2020) dir. Francis Lee
+ Book+
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Okay, I'm not exactly very fond of reading romance novels like this. But this book actually turns out to be good than I was expecting. I read this out of politeness because a dear friend recommended it, I didn't expect to like it so much I ended up reading all four books. Now, my friends and I are up till 3am debating which of the twisted girls we are. Anyway, this was a good book for sure.
+ the most memorable line you remember+
"The truth is deep down, we know exactly where we stand with someone. Hope blurs that line but, we know"
+ one random fact you learn+
Snakes have two penises
+ favorite moment this month +
This was the best! The feeling of finally seeing the people you desperately adored. Jumping and singing and more jumping and having fun with people who understands why you like them that way you do. I may have spent a lot of money for this but it was worth it!
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Hope to see my dreamies again!
That's it for my April Favorites! Thank you!
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rhiannvns · 10 months
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danielle   rose   russell.     she/they.     demi   woman.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   RHIANNON   "RIA"   HALE   ,   most   likely   listening   to   brutal   by   olivia   rodrigo   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-five   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -reticent   yet   +incisive   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   carrying   an   ipad   and   sketchbook   wherever   you   go   in   case   inspiration   strikes   ,   half-tucked   white   button   downs   paired   with   mom   jeans   ,   taking   a   moment   to   enjoy  the   little   things   ,   followed   by   their   bergamote   22   by   le   labo   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   a   cinderella   story   ?   rhiannon   hale   spotted   on   a   date   with   one   of   the   upper   east   side's   most   eligble   bachelors   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .  
[  !  ]  WANTED  CONNECTIONS  (  TBD  ).
penned  by  HECATE  (  she/her  ,  pst  ,  21+  )
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FULL NAME: rhiannon elizabeth hale
NICKNAME(S): ria, riri
DOB: 04/12/1998
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 5'4"
ZODIAC: aries
GENDER: demi woman
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers 
LANGUAGES: english , spanish , italian
AESTHETICS:   carrying  an  ipad  and  sketchbook  wherever  you  go  in  case  inspiration  strikes  ,  half-tucked  white  button  downs  paired  with  mom  jeans  ,  taking  a  moment  to  enjoy  the  little  things  ,  remaining  guarded  after  having  to  grow  up  too  fast  ,  a  piercing  gaze  that  conveys  neither  judgment  nor  interest
CHARACTER  PARALLELS:  felicia  hardy  (  marvel  comics  )  ,  jules  ambrose  (  twisted  hate  )  ,  veronica  lodge  (  archie  comics  )  ,  freya  mikaelson  (  the  originals  )  ,  dinah  laurel  lance  (  dc  comics  )
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born  the  second  eldest  out  of  four  to  two  loving  but  unfortunately  busy  parents  in  queens  .  rhiannon’s  parents  were  constantly  working  to  make  ends  meet  .  they  didn’t  come  from  money  but  somehow  always  managed  to  make  things  work  .  they  tried  to  shield  their  children  from  their  financial  troubles  .  and  truthfully  ,  her  parents  should’ve  stopped  at  two  kids  .  but  they  wanted  more  so  then  came  the  twins  .  with  their  parents  at  work  all  the  time  ,  ria  and  her  older  brother  had  to  step  up  and  take  care  of  their  youngest  siblings  whether  they  wanted  to  or  not  .  nights  were  spent  preparing  dinner  ,  lunch  for  school  and  helping  their  siblings  with  homework  .  the  eldest  hale  siblings  had  to  grow  up  a  lot  faster  than  the  rest  of  their  peers  .
she  discovers  her  love  for  art  when  she’s  around  ten  .  however  ,  knowing  that  her  parents  couldn’t  possibly  afford  to  pay  for  art  classes  ,  ria  decides  to  teach  herself  .  within  time  ,  she  gets  really  good  at  it  .  they  start  to  use  it  as  an  outlet  .  something  to  let  her  imagine  what  life  would  be  like  outside  the  metaphorical  walls  of  queens  .  it’s  not  that  she  felt  stuck  ,  she  just  knew  it  wouldn’t  do  her  any  good  if  she  spent  her  entire  life  in  queens  .  they  want  more  for  their  life  .
high  school  felt  like  a  challenging  time  for  ria  .  between  helping  their  brother  take  care  of  their  siblings  and  hunkering  down  on  school  ,  it  left  little  time  to  assemble  their  art  portfolio  .  while  met  with  initial  hesitance  from  her  family  ,  she  assembles  her  portfolio  and  starts  applying  to  schools  both  in  and  out  of  the  city  with  excellent  art  programs  .  she  knows  what  she  wants  .  as  soon  as  ria  graduates  from  high  school  ,  she’s  accepted  an  offer  to  attend  parsons  with  a  grant  from  the  school  and  multiple  scholarships  .  still  close  enough  to  home  as  a  compromise  but  at  least  she’s  out  of  queens  .
they  thrive  in  college  .  they  make  connections  ,  lands  internship  spots  as  a  graphic  designer  ,  gets  their  work  out  there  .  eventually  decides  on  becoming  a  brand  designer  .  and  all  that  networking  during  college  pays  off  .  they  go  from  working  for  a  creative  agency  to  freelancing  .  and  then  landing  a  big-time  client  .  one  that  was  looking  towards  rebranding  their  company  .  this  one  project  is  what  gets  her  an  in  with  the  upper  east  side  social  scene  .  not  intentionally  ,  but  an  opportunity  is  an  opportunity  .  and  as  a  result  ,  she  makes  some  new  friends  .  and  even  ends  up  dating  someone  .  it’s  sweet  .  however  ,  ria  doesn’t  ever  think  about  immersing  herself  in  this  life  .  and  despite  having  a  loving  partner  ,  they're  hesitant  and  know  better  than  to  expect  anything  .  
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she’s  the  definition  of  an  introverted  extrovert  .  they  can  be  bold  ,  that’s  for  sure  .  lively  .  dominant  .  assertive  .  ria  knows  how  to  work  a  room  to  their  advantage  .  they’ve  got  great  people  skills  .  and  if  it  comes  off  as  social  climbing  ,  then  so  be  it  .  they  didn’t  grow  up  with  the  same  advantages  that  those  in  the  upper  east  side  had  .  aside  from  that  ,  she  prefers  to  keep  to  herself  ,  only  letting  people  in  after  they’ve  gotten  to  know  them  .  and  she’s  hard  on  herself  ,  used  to  carrying  more  than  her  own  weight  .  and  at  times  ,  at  the  expense  of  herself  .  contrary  to  what  others  might  believe  ,  they’re  extremely  loyal  to  friends  and  family  .  it’s  hard  to  break  that  level  of  trust  once  earned  .
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this  section  is  a  wip  and  will  be  updated  when  i  think  of  more  things  !  <33
graduated  early  from  parsons  with  a  bfa  in  communication  design  and  a  minor  in  creative  entrepreneurship
did  some  rebranding  projects  for  a  couple  of  fashion  designers
an  apple  girlie  for  the  aesthetics  .  probably  would  have  an  android  phone  but  she  likes  for  all  of  her  things  to  match  so  here  we  are  
currently  in  a  relationship  and  nepoupdates  thinks  it’s  a  whole  cinderella  story  because  who  is  she  ?  where  did  she  come  from  ?  not  much  is  known  about  her  other  than  her  career  as  an  up  and  coming  brand  designer
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lilvcalloway · 2 years
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Twisted Hate (2022)
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charmolipiiridia · 2 years
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Starting a fanclub for the best freaking enemies to lovers out there, no one did it better than them 🤌🤌😩
Follow me on Instagram @sharnama_ for more booksih content 🫶😌
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unpleasant-aroma · 4 years
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“Did you steal it?”
“It was given to me!”
“Given to you? Nothing is ever given, for everything you must pay, pay!”
“That’s not true. Kindness is free, love is free!”
“Love is not free.”
“Why are you so cruel? I don’t understand it. I’ve tried to be kind to you!”
“You? Kind to me?”
“Yes! I know no one deserves to be treated as you have treated me. Why do you do it? Why?!”
“Why? Because you are young and innocent and good.”
Jules Howlett, Son of the Spider Son of a florist
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cautelous · 3 years
not the mooost interesting meta but have you ever talked about julian's fashion. how does he dress. how's his hygiene. how much effort goes into his hair.
Moth you are an MVP and thank you so much. Now, here's the joke: I am not fashionable, and so writing Julian being fashionable is me taking shots in the dark.
Julian has a very foppish fashion sense, as one would expect! He tones it down for work, as middle schoolers can be so cruel. (And also in modern, which makes it a little harder to get away with the whole Piltovian steampunk aesthetic.) In those cases, he has a little bit of an English teacher vibe - for better or for ill. But when he's got a day to himself, he's more likely to wear something more on the fop side of the fashion spectrum. Think waistcoats, shirts with loose/flowing sleeves, etc. I'm very partial to the outfits in my visage tag. If I were stronger, I'd go all-in and give him a lookbook tag or something like that - but this works for now.
In addition, Julian doesn't really have an issue with wearing things that might be traditionally considered women's clothing. While his wardrobe doesn't have much in the way of skirts or dresses, they aren't absent either.
Also, modern Julian is probably a big fan of Pinsent Tailoring/Zack Pinsent - while he personally wouldn't commit fully to wearing historical clothing, he certainly wouldn't mind wearing something in that realm on occasion. (He's also generally a fan of creativity, and Pinsent has it in spades!)
As one would expect from the above, he's pretty fastidious as well. Definitely not a stranger to makeup or a multi-step skincare routine. I think that a lot of this comes from his past - he was raised in a family very concerned with appearances, for better or (usually) for worse. In addition, he had very limited/no access to a lot of niceties when he was a runaway... so now that he's in a stable part of his life (at least in that respect), he definitely appreciates having them back. (He was never overly unkempt during his runaway years, because that would have made people pay attention to him - but he had to work hard to keep himself presentable.)
I bet you can't guess how much effort goes into his hair. Well... Maybe a little less than you'd think - his curls/waves/whatever are natural. (He seems to hover between 2b and 2c hair types, although I'll admit to you that what falls into those categories seems to vary dramatically depending on who you talk to.) He has his routine to make sure that it doesn't end up a frizzy mess (although good luck keeping that up while traveling) and generally takes good care of it, as you'd expect. He's not a stranger to temporary hair dye, as he's used it before to disguise himself, but he's not really a fan of it. He doesn't want to ruin anything. I think he might cut his own hair, too, as a holdover from his runaway days.
A lot of Julian's feelings of agency and autonomy come from his appearance. The Marchand family's obsession with their image and social status meant that he didn't have a lot of control over his appearance - most prominently, he had pretty short hair during his time as Ambrose. He grew it out when he ran away, partially as a way to try to disguise himself and partially because it was something of a declaration of him finally having control over himself and his future. He'd never cut it short again, even if it were "necessary" for a C heist. There's some lines that can't be crossed.
Back to outfits, though: Ikleyvey was also extremely kind and talented and did the linework for some outfits, which I then colored in! They're included below the cut for size reasons.
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The left and center outfits are casual/everyday/work, and then the right is what you could find him wearing for a night of dancing at Piltover's Century Dance Hall!
I think that he'd also look very good in emerald green for the rightmost outfit, but I haven't set aside enough time to recolor it. The purple variant is my spitballing for a Heartseeker Jules skin, because you know that he'd be all over that. I'm not super sure on the hair, admittedly, but I think he deserves something a little fun for Heartseekers’.
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charmolipiiridia · 2 years
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I Don’t think anyone is doing it like josh chen.
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