#jules blabs
batboysandgirls · 1 year
Just when I think I’m out, I see a sprinkle of JayBabs and I’m back in. I’ve been watching The Summer I Turned Pretty and the younger brother longing for the girl who is in love with his brother has given me a whole lot of JayBabs feelings.
The way you are so right… the Jeremiah/Belly and Jason/Babs parallels are very real. Damn.
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*stares at them as August plays in my head*
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chelseahotel2004 · 3 months
hiiii cleo my love!!! what pokémon do you play with on your team in the games? and what’s your favorite season of the show?
hiiiiii jules thank you for fueling my craziness... in terms of teams i have played (almost) every game multiple times so i cant say i have any one definitive answer because i like to switch it up each playthrough? that being said i have a rule where i exclusively play with pokemon that were introduced in that generation and i choose a different starter each time. my first ever pokemon game was emerald which i played with my sister when i was seven years old and our team as far as i can recall was swampert, breloom, altaria, mightyena, torkoal, and a mysterious final pokemon that i cant remember. the swampert was named cheeky heehee (●'◡'●) my most recent team was for my second sun playthrough and was made up of primarina, raichu (alolan), muk (alolan), bewear, palossand, and minior!! i always give everyone a nickname too
my favourite season of the show will always and forever be s9: battle frontier. i totally grew up on advanced generation so maybe im a bit nostalgia blinded but the frontier arc was just so cool. that being said i think s22: sun and moon ultra legends is one of the best seasons ever made. s22 does have its issues (including having my least favourite pokemon episode maybe ever) but the highs are just so high i think like five of my favourite episodes of all time are in this season. im not quite done XY yet but i think once i finish watching s19: XYZ will probably end up in my favourites too
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theiasthesis · 30 days
DR name: Salem Jules
My pronouns: They/them
My DR: Sal3mc0r3 (a crossover DR where my ocs, friends and almost every fictional character from various franchises coexist in a Y2K vapourwave city)
The person I am contacting: Candida
Their pronouns: She/they
My relationship with them: They are my best friend and a part of my band as the tambourinist also called Sal3mc0r3. She sticks by me through all my shit.
Information about them: She has trauma from getting her husband killed on their wedding day and wears a mask because her real face when revealed is the stuff of nightmares. Her room in our penthouse is a greenhouse filled with plants, butterflies and bells, she cooks the best adobong manok and reads Noli Me Tangere religiously.
My Message: Hey bestie, it’s Salem I miss you! Hows the band doing? and hows Alastor I can’t wait to see him! I’m coming to Sal3mc0r3 very soon cant wait to meet everyone!
BRRRR... 📞You have have (1) voicemail from : Candida
" Yo! Hey hey hey, Salem! Whats good? God I miss you loads, how have you been, man? The bands been doing great! Great as in its been a total mess, ugh we haven't been able to choreograph any good songs lately, all we've been doing is lame song covers, I mean how lame am I right?
Alastor has been doing fine, being a dickhead as per usual, but hey what else is new? He's sunshine and rainbows as of currently. He misses you though, everyone does. Ughhh when you are coming over? I mean like you you, we have you here, lady here said you guys call them a... a what? A clone? Yeah that. We've got your clone over here, but it's not YOU you... ya know?
Soon can't be soon enough, I gotta embrace you (crush you) and lay all over you, nobody else listens to my blabs the way you do.
Ughhhh *stretches* I gotta go now and eat, there's leftover kimchi in the fridge practically moaning and calling my name. au revoir, adios amigo!"
End of message
Willows note: I just came off another channel and she came barging in, normally it takes me a minute to get someone else but she just popped in like my head was her home.
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paperstarwriters · 6 months
Thinking about Dungeon Meshi & The Arcana again. (spoilers for everything up to episode 13 in the anime & a few minor Spoilers for the manga)
Messy rambling below
Like besides the already discussed fact that Senshi should definitely teach Muriel the three simple rules for a strong body as well as the fact that Laios would instantly attach himself to Muriel for being familiar with the monsters (fae) of the forest, I feel like I have to a dress the other characters of the party lmao
To begin with some non-spoiler points, Asra and Laios would get along AMAZINGLY. Like weird food? Knowledge of monsters/fae check, these two will be eating their way though the faerie ecosystem (with care not to take too much of course), just taste testing the dishes to see how the inhuman meat would taste. If given the chance, they’d 110% start swapping dishes (“oh! You’ve never tried a blue-tongued skink?? Oh you have to taste it!!” “What?! You’ve never eaten living armor before?! I have to get you some!!) ((I know blue tounged skink aren't technically fae cause they exist in our world too but tbh salamanders exist in our world too but they don't breathe fire so Imma just go with the assumption that it's magical in some way too)
I also feel like Laios would get along pretty well with Portia, but he'd get along in the same way that he gets along with Senshi, or Falin, as Portia would be fascinated with his adventures, and though maybe she'd be a little weary of the descriptions of food made from monsters I feel like she'd warm up to it over time.
Related to that, Senshi and Portia are a duo to be feared. Bread, bread, bread and so much more bread, Portia helps Senshi familiarize himself with the basic ingredients of the city, and when she catches wind of Senshi's plans for Muriel she is all in to help, and even might feel a little bad having not known about it before (Senshi consoles her of course, and the two begin work on making delicious meals for everyone to share; back at the hut, sitting awkwardly waiting for Senshi because he didn't really wanna go to the market, Muriel feels a chill run down his spine and feels like he's vaguely in danger)
(Minor spoilers for the manga—NOT PLOT RELEVANT) But Nadia and Marcille would get along SO well. Mostly because Nadia kinda fits her ideal type lmao. Not perfectly mind you, since Julian has the eyepatch but tall beautiful, long haired royalty on horseback is her JAM. Nadia comes up to Muriel's hut on horseback while she's busy scholding Laios for trying to convince another person to start eating monsters and Marcille's jaw just drops. She nods and listens with awe and respect to everything Nadia says while Chilchuck is left sighing in the background
Speaking of the guy, I think Chilchuck would be mildly fond of Muriel. He'd probably be pretty jealous of his size and strength though, and will probably be kinda bitter at seeing him be a coward (or he'll call him smart, and encourage the cowardice, depends on the situation and how much he sees being a "scaredy cat" helps) This is only really because he struggles himself with being a little bit of a coward as we see in episode 13, but his cowardice partly stems from his inability to fight, so seeing someone who is fully capable of fighting might tick him off a bit. Of course he probably doesn't hate him too much and (this was mentioned in the world bible by the author) since halflings tend to admire and enjoy the masculinity of dwarfs, and Muriel fits that kinda bill just in a larger size. Probably won't develop a crush or anything, but will respect him.
I also feel like he'd "get along" (as much as this tsundere could get along at least lmao) best with Julian if only for the fact that Julian would be interested in how he deals with and manages traps and such. Besides that I feel like Jules might also become a target for Senshi when Portia blabs about his horrible self care skills (again, far away from the two of them as they go through the market/start cooking in her house/at the palace; Julian feels a chill go down his spine and the feeling that he is about to be chased.... eventually hangs over his head for a bit) Marcille might also get along pretty well with Julian (also kinda fits her type, though little less so than Nadia but still).
Also Jules would totally side with Senshi when he hears that he also doesn't like Magic, while Marcille and Asra and MC sit by the side with a slight huff.
For Lucio.... unfortunately I feel like his drama would tick off a lot of the DunMeshi crew (Julian does at times too but probably a little less so cause I feel like Julian's drama can at least appeal to Marcille), with maybe the sole exception of Laios who would be interested in Lucio's encounters with monsters. Only downside is I feel like Lucio has a simmilar attitude as Marcille in the beginning of the series to Monster food lmao. Chilchuck would definately stare down Marcille when Lucio refuses some dishes because of what it's made from, going all "well now you know what it feels like!" (to which Marcille will retort back with "You weren't down for everything either!! You hated the Idea of eating a mimic at first!!" and then it'd devolve into an argument lmao) One thing I imagine the crew has to teach him though is restraint and the importance of balance in his surroundings, as I imagine living in the palace, as well as his upbringing as a Scourge of the South has made him used to taking everything when he has the chance. Anyways when Lucio gets used to the food I feel like he'd really appreciate it (FYI, there IS a character he'd get along with pretty well but they haven't been introduced yet, so I'm holding myself back lmao. If you've read the manga; think about who acts really similar to him in this way with a bit more of a yearning for "freedom".)
Anyways MC would get along well with everyone (depends on MC of course) but I also feel like they could get along really well with Falin if only because Falin deals a lot with ghosts and I feel like MC could bond with her a bit over that, and with how MC kind of is a ghost. A ghost possessing a new body and all that mess. Also one other reason.
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sparkly-skies · 12 days
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I also need to know which of them had Issues (TM, because that's in need oftherapeutic help my dude).
song is Never and I am wondering why they had such a different vibe with that one song. it starts out slow and deep like Arctic Monkeys and then gets angry, and it just doesn't sound like the rest of their songs. It's like when a band puts out a breakup song.
Ooooh I remember having listened to that at some point and also thinking "oh, that sounds different than their usual music". I have to admit I still don't know Arctic Monkey's music.
Ngl I don't love the music video (they do love old movies, huh?) but I really like the... like, the non-chorus part of it? The first eight lines. I can't describe it, but it has a certain something.
So, I think it could be obvious issues, like a literal meaning of the lyrics, or if you wanna go from "words like razorblades", that it's about the words hurting physically, sort of when you get so sad you can feel it in your chest and lungs?
I just checked and in the same year (2020. ew), they also published Sixteen, which seems to be about struggling with drug/alcohol addiction, and Oklahoma, which.. I'm not sure what it's about but it does talk about not wanting to talk about it and asking someone to wait for the narrator. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. It could be taking some guy and making him suffer/telling a little story about him because it's fun (you would know), or it could be processing some real-life experiences through music. Or a combination, or something else entirely that I'm not thinking about. I do remember seeing an interview where Jules said that basically all their songs have at least some autobiographical stuff in it.
And since we just talked about Simon doing the wikipedia article: He also adds or corrects the lyrics on Genius lol. Guess he's in charge of the online presence that doesn't include putting a camera in your face and blabbing on about your band like Jules does.
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nicodiangelone · 3 years
ok I remembered why I hate euphoria. it’s been so long since I didn’t finish s1 but I saw part of the s2 finale and remembered there was an actual reason and I wasn’t just being a hater.
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valhallanrose · 3 years
2, 3 and 17 for Tam, Tilly, Temperance and Zelda?
I started this on my phone and then realized I couldn't figure out how to put in cuts so I had to come back and put it here. Oops.
2) What is the OC’s house like? Lots of plants, spacious/cozy, built for comfort/built for function, etc.
I made moodboards for this one! Easier to show than explain and I was bored as fuck during the SGA meeting I was just sitting in.
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(I want to point out for his that he’s less concerned with coherent theme and more with functionality, so it can look a little sparse sometimes, but what’s he gonna do? Look at it?
But he likes color, and chooses bolder ones in areas he spends the most time in - like his kitchen or his living room, where he passes a lot of time when he’s not out and about)
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(Zelda lives above her shop, and the bottom left is always how I’ve imagined the entrance to be.)
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(She loves vibrant patterns and colors, but everything has a touch of cottage to it - not like rustic cottage like Zelda, but more Italian cottage of your dreams condensed into an apartment, to make herself feel a little more at home in Vesuvia.)
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(Spoiled. Likes to drown in luxury, and they can afford it. They’ve earned it. Dark colors are preferred, even if they may not be ‘trendy’.)
3) What is the OC’s favorite tea, coffee, cocoa, or other warm calming beverage?
The man will drink coffee any time, any place, death over decaf ass that he is, but there is one specific drink he reserves solely for a treat: cafe au lait. It’s also an ideal time if he can snag a croissant to pair with it. He will tell you it’s okay to appropriate from the Fr*nch, they deserve it.
Though forever suffering her brother’s jabs that tea is just leaf water, she knows what she likes. For comfort, Zelda would turn to a good London Fog, close enough to her preferred Earl Grey but just enough of a hassle to make to warrant it being called a treat. She’ll fight you if you try and tell her lavender tastes like soap, though.
Apple cider, apple cider, apple cider. It’s a personal favorite of hers and she will drink it like it’s oxygen. However, if booze is on the table, she kindly requests and apple cider based hot toddy. Spoil her. She deserves it.
They’ll tell you grappa, to fuck with you, because they wouldn’t touch that shit if it were between that and chugging saltwater. But in reality they’re a fan of a classic cocoa, the richer the chocolate the better. Please introduce them to mini marshmallows, you will get a delighted face unlike any expression you see from Temperance.
17) What is the OC’s biggest comfort food?
I actually really like this collection of OCs for this one because all of their dishes are comfort foods from where they grew up and emotional experiences attached to them, so I’ll touch on that a bit while I go. Of course you know most of these, Jules, since I blab at you constantly, but I digress.
Tamryn and Zelda are both strongly Russian and Polish coded, on top of the Ashkenazi Jewish background that they both have. Family mealtime was always a focal point for both of them growing up, but one of their reconnecting activities since reunion was going through both of their parents’ recipe cards and trying to recreate those dishes as they remembered having them. Some of have been hits and plenty have been trial and error, but Tam's favorite comfort food by far is rosół, which was the go-to in their household for when someone was feeling under the weather. Zelda, on the other hand, would say hers are pierogis, stuffed with potatoes and cheese, like they would make on rainy days before settling in to play games together.
Tilly’s home province of Lulia is based heavily on the northern Italian region of Liguria, among other influences. Her oldest sister, Adrasteia, was the first one of all her siblings to be allowed to cook unsupervised in the kitchen. Matilda was the only one with the patience to be taste-tester, and Adrasteia perfected her 'signature dish' - foccacia, a dish nobody in her family can replicate the same way her oldest sister does. It's pretty much tradition for Adrasteia to make it for family gatherings, and she doesn't mind, as it takes the stress of planning what to bring or make off her own plate.
Temperance, on the other hand, is from a place coded toward Calabria, in southern Italy. They don’t often think about home, but when they do, they think about being eight years old and absolutely shredding their knees playing outside with the other children in the neighborhood. Mama always patched them up, sat them down, and had them dry their tears before handing them a plate loaded with pasta and 'nduja.
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jilyesplz · 3 years
Haha I was also confused with the house elf situation. So when James was blabbing in the kitchens about moving on he was talking about Lily?! When did it take place in the story's time line? Maybe a scene sketch like you just did drawing James in the kitchens talking to the elf? Unless it will be explained later in your story. And Maybe you could share a little snippet from chapert 3? 🤞🏼but no pressure of course 😃
I'd love to do a scene sketch but Jules kinda hid this side of James from us so I...honestly don't know how? We know James whined to his friends and his home house elves about Lily (incessantly) but Jules never showed those scenes, she just hinted at them. Tbh I think he prob talked to the school elves a lot sixth year when he was trying to whine to the Marauders less bc he was kinda sorta pretending to be over her. It only would've gotten more intense when he was actively lying to himself and his mates in seventh year...JP can't keep his emotions in. Boy needs to be yelling to someone, especially when he fought w Lily or when he was doubting Carlotta.
And a snippet you say.......hmm.....
"I was wrong, Sev," Lily said softly. The only trace of laughter that remained on her face was a small, knowing smile. "You're the better man after all."
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knickynoo · 3 years
As you seem like somewhat of a bookworm--which books (genres or specific titles) do you think Doc, Marty, and Einstein (doubtlessly someone reads to him) would like?
Yes, I am a certified bookworm, thank you for noticing. Also, this is a very fun ask that I put way too much thought into. (note: all of these books are ones that were published in the 1980s or before)
Obviously, he's into all of the books by Jules Verne. Some others he might like are...
• "The Time Machine" & "The Invisible Man" by H.G. Wells: These are classic science fiction novels that a wacky scientist such as Doc would love. Also! The colors of the display on the DeLorean's time circuits were inspired by the display colors of the time machine in the 1960 movie adaptation of the book.
• "Timescape" by Gregory Benford: A story that bounces between 1962 and 1998 as scientists send messages back and forth through time trying to prevent horrible, ecological disasters in the future. Very nerdy, dealing with paradoxes, confusing scientific concepts, and the looming risk of mass extinction...Doc would eat this story up and blab on about it to a very confused Marty.
• "The Virginian" by Owen Wister: A novel about the adventures of a cowboy in the 1880s. With Doc's love of the Old West, this classic would totally appeal to him.
• "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat & Other Clinical Tales" by Oliver Sacks: This book, written by a neurologist, offers case studies of patients with amnesia, proprioceptive issues, autism, etc. I feel like Doc would find these types of stories fascinating.
• "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin: A mystery book following a group of strangers who are brought together when an eccentric millionaire leaves behind a series of clues for them in his will. It's a fun, exciting story, & idk, I think Marty would dig it. (He did solve those puzzle type clues when he broke into Doc's garage, after all)
• "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton: Come on. This is such a great book. Does anybody not like "The Outsiders"??
• "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson: I could see a young, 10 or 11 year old Marty being completely drawn into this story of pirates and buried treasure.
• "Calvin and Hobbes" by Bill Watterson: Listen. Marty would love Calvin and Hobbes. He would find the comics funny and endearing, and probably cut the strips out of the newspaper.
EINIE! (Doc and/or Marty would read to him...)
• Anything Jules Verne
• "Lassie-Come Home" by Eric Knight
• "The Incredible Journey" by Sheila Burnford: A classic tale of 3 animals (two dogs and a cat) who journey 300 miles through the wilderness to find their family.
And there you have it. Thanks again for this ask!
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batboysandgirls · 2 years
Happy new year everybody!
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mintaka14 · 4 years
“Did Alya say why she wanted a girls’ meeting before the Kitty Section rehearsal?” Juleka asked, tapping her foot on the arm of the couch as she picked at the edges of her purple nail polish. Rose was sprawled on the floor, turning her history essay into a glittery work of art.
“Don’t know,” Rose said absently, then she looked up with a bright smile. “Maybe it’s another Adrienette plan.”
“Does Marinette even like Adrien anymore?” Juleka mumbled at her fingernails, and Rose frowned at her.
“Of course she does! She’s been in love with him forever-“
“A year,” Juleka said under her breath.
“-and they’d be so cute together!”
Juleka thought of her stupid brother, and didn’t say anything.
The noise of Alya’s arrival was hard to miss, and Juleka swung herself upright. The crash as Alya flung open the door made her flinch. Behind the reporter, Alix rolled her eyes and dropped her bag beside the door.
“Hey Juleka,” she said drily, and wandered off to get herself a drink.
“We haven’t got much time,” Alya announced, not waiting for greetings. “Adrien will be here soon, and we need to have our plan in place-“
“Is Marinette coming? Shouldn’t we wait for her?” Rose interrupted.
“She doesn’t know about this,” Alya said. “It’s for her own good. She gets too nervous every time we plan something, so we’re going to set it up to make it easy for her to talk to Adrien this time. Adrien thinks this is just another Kitty Section practice and I got him to promise he’d come, and then we can get them alone together, and this time for sure Marinette will confess.”
Alix rolled her eyes. “Yeah, ‘cause that never goes wrong.”
“We’ve got to do something!” Alya insisted, planting her hands on her hips. “I want Marinette to be happy. I’m going to get my girl her dream guy if it’s the last thing I do.”
“Even if she’s changed her mind?” Juleka nerved herself to ask.
Alya waved that away.
“She’s just getting distracted because she thinks that Adrien is hooking up with Kagami now, but if we can just get Marinette alone with Adrien so she can confess, then he’ll fall in love with Marinette and they can double date with me and Nino and be happy ever after, and she doesn’t have to settle.”
Behind her fringe, Juleka frowned. Settle? That was her brother that Alya was dismissing as a poor second.
Rose tucked her hands under her chin, leaning over the back of her chair to follow Alya’s pacing.
“So what’s the plan?” she asked.
“We keep it really simple,” Alya said decisively. “That way there’s less chance for things to go wrong.”
Alix snorted, and behind her fringe Juleka’s expression echoed the sound. Alya ignored them.
“I’ll keep Mari down here so she doesn’t go wandering off, and then when Adrien gets here you bring him down to the loungeroom.” Alya stabbed a finger at Rose, and Juleka frowned at that. “But don’t give it away that there’s anything going on by getting too excited and blabbing. Then all we have to do is say we need to set up something on the deck, and leave them alone for the magic to happen.”
Alix snorted again. “It’s your funeral. But it’s been a boring week, so I’ll play along.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Alya asked, her hands on her hips.
Alix just shook her head and wandered out the door. The rest of the girls followed her up onto the deck to wait, and Rose bounced over to the boat-rail to keep a lookout.
“Marinette’s here,” Rose squeaked, and Alya hurried over join her. “With Adrien!”
“Yes! It’s wor-“ Alya broke off and scowled as Kagami got out of the car. “What’s she doing here?”
“At a guess, she wants to listen to Kitty Section,” Alix said deadpan. “What have you got against Kagami, anyway?”
“She has no taste in journalism,” Alya said darkly, and Juleka rolled her eyes. So Kagami had said something disparaging about the Ladyblog. That explained a few things. “And she’s snowed Marinette into thinking that they’re friends so that Marinette’ll back out of fighting for Adrien. Marinette’s just too nice for her own good, so I have to do it for her.”
Marinette hopped off the gangplank onto the deck of the Liberty, and then Adrien held out a hand to help Kagami across the narrow boards. Juleka swung back to rest of the group, and Alya’s narrowed eyes were fixed on the point where Adrien still held Kagami’s hand, even though they were safely on the deck now. Juleka was almost surprised that Alya hadn’t left scorch marks.
Rose was looking anxiously from Marinette to Alya.
“What do we do now? Adrien seems really into Kagami,” the blonde whispered.
“Leave it to me,” Alya said in a voice of iron determination. “And get me a drink – juice or something. Something that’ll make a bit of a stain.”
“What are you planning to do?” Rose asked.
“Nothing serious. I’m just going to make it so that Kagami has to spend a bit of time getting cleaned up.”
“I… don’t think Marinette would want you to do that. Isn’t that a bit mean?” Rose said hesitantly, but Alya just waved her off with a flip of her hand.
“Mari doesn’t need to know. It’s all in a good cause, and it’s just a bit of juice. Just get me a cup. I’ll do it myself.”
Juleka sighed deeply and stayed silent. This was going to go badly.
Alix, on the other hand, shrugged and wandered off. She came back with a mug in her hand.
“It’s your funeral,” she said again as she handed it to Alya.
“What are you doing?” Rose hissed, and then Kagami joined them, with Adrien and Marinette on either side.
Alya said brightly, “It’s so good you could all make it,” and her hand started to move.
That was when Juleka lurched into her.
And the juice went everywhere. Marinette gave a startled gasp as it soaked into her blouse and dripped down to puddle on the deck. That… hadn’t quite been part of Juleka’s calculations.
“Oh, no! The boat rolled,” Juleka muttered, righting herself.
The thing about fading into the background and being overlooked was that it turned out you could get away with a lot. No one even suggested that they didn’t feel a thing, or that Juleka was strangely unsteady for someone who had grown up on a boat. Juleka wasn’t sure if she should be pleased or annoyed that Alya obviously didn’t even consider that Juleka might have done it deliberately.
It made more of a mess than she’d anticipated, though. Juleka shrank a little as the juice dripped down Marinette’s top. Everyone fussed, and a perfectly dry Kagami whipped out a pristine white handkerchief, dabbing at Marinette’s stain as it spread further.
“Oh, god, I’m so sorry,” Juleka cringed, but Marinette gave her a tiny smile.
“It’s okay, it’s just juice.” She held her top away from her soaked chest. “But I’d probably better head home.”
“You can borrow a clean shirt,” Juleka offered.
While Juleka burrowed through the piles of mostly clean clothes, Marinette stripped off her soaked blouse and towelled dry.
Juleka hesitated, her hand on a faded Jagged Stone shirt that had seen better days. But it was clean, even if it was going to be huge on Marinette, and she tossed it to the other girl before she could overthink things. Marinette caught it and started to tug it over her head.
“I’m really sorry,” Juleka repeated.
“Accidents happen.” Marinette’s voice was muffled by the shirt, then she yanked it down and she was swamped by the Jagged Stone artwork on the front. “I’m just glad this one happened to me and not to Kagami. She and Adrien aren’t supposed to be here in the first place, and if she went home covered in juice or wearing someone else’s clothes it’d be weeks before her mother would let her out again.”
Juleka flinched guiltily.
“Chloe had this plan once to get Kagami to sit on some cake so that she couldn’t spend time with Adrien,” Marinette was saying, her attention on the hem of the t-shirt as she fiddled with it. “And I almost did it.”
“But you didn’t, did you?” Juleka said. She was starting to wonder if Marinette had figured out what had been behind that accidental spill.
“But I almost did. I went along with Chloe because I was so caught up in another plot to get Adrien’s attention.” Marinette lifted her head, and her blue eyes met Juleka’s with an odd resolution. “I don’t like a lot of the things I’ve done because I was crushing on Adrien. I don’t like me when I’m chasing Adrien.”
Juleka hesitated, opening her mouth to speak just as they heard someone clattering down the ladder into the galley. Luka swung around the edge of the door.
“Jules, have you seen-“ Juleka knew the moment that he spotted Marinette in his favourite Jagged Stone t-shirt that was just a bit too long for the shorts she was wearing, because that was when he broke off what he’d been saying with a noise that sounded like he’d swallowed his own tongue.
While her lame brother and Marinette were trying to recover their powers of speech, or stop blushing, Juleka mumbled something and bundled up Marinette’s wet blouse, hustling it out the door before they could stop her. If she had anything to say about it, it would be a while before Marinette’s top was dry enough to be worn home.
She leaned her back against the closed door, listening to the soft murmur of voices start up in the room behind her, and she allowed herself a small smile behind the fall of her hair.
Things were going well.
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howaboutleeches · 5 years
curious prompt; Luco and Mc’s 1st introduction at the palace, as Doctor Devorak’s apprentice. Lucio already sick w the plague, and MC his designated nurse and the whole thing involves Lucio being kind of reluctant to accept help from a mere apprentice but after some time and perhaps delirious fever dreams there’s some kind of tension, MC questioning helself etc? More angst and drama ish than actual smut or fluff really, just a side of this relationship i think we don’t see enough of 😖🌸
My beautiful sunflower
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Word Count: 2,421
"Are you sure he won't be bothered by the change?" I made my way through the palace halls, making sure to always stay close to my mentor.
"Absolutely! Lucio gets annoyed by many, many, things, but a new face was never on the list" Julian squeezed my shoulder, trying to ease my insecurities away.
I sighed, regretting all my life decisions until the present moment, and held my books tighter. I was just an apprentice, for haven's sake! And Julian trusted me enough to look after the count. "It won't be so hard, trust me. It will be just like babysitting, really." Why did I ever trusted him?
The hall started to become narrow and the number of doors along it was becoming scarce, leaving a single golden door at the end of the hall, shining against the candle holders fixated on the wall. As we approached the door, our footsteps being the only sounds echoing on the hall, barks were soon heard coming from the other side of the door. A smile formed on my lips and I rushed excitedly to the door but Julian held my shoulder, giving me the most serious look I have ever seen on his face.
"Don't. Pet. Just don't" And after that he just kept walking. I followed him and when I finally reached my mentor, he was already knocking at the door.
"Oh, it was about time. I was getting frustrated already, Jules! Mercedes and Melchior are great company, but they don't talk back, you know? I mean, where were you? I sent a letter yesterday and I expected you here sooner!" The count opened the door, still blabbing "It's not a lot to ask for a little company and...who's this?"
He eyed me up and down as he had a judging expression, that slowly turned into curiosity and lust. He took a step closer to me, blantly ignoring Julian, and extended his golden claw to my face, but not touching it, only letting it linger close to me, like he could feel my energy.
"Um, this is (Y/n). She's your new nurse. My...apprentice" As the words left Julian lips, I could see Count Lucio's face turn to horror.
"An APPRENTICE? YOU DARE TO BRING A MERE APPRENTICE TO TAKE CARE OF ME?" He backed away from me, pointing his golden finger to Julian's face. "YOU COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE A REAL DOCTOR"
And with that, he dramatically turned around, grabbed the frame of the door and slammed it on our faces. Julian sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He turned to me, glaring deep into my eyes and pointed at my folders.
"Those papers, let's call them the "Lucio Guides", are going to help through your nursing time. The blue folder contains all info of Lucio's relationship, the people who are and aren't allowed into his room and some duties he still has to do as a Count. The Purple one contains his medication, the right time to take them and other precautions related to his health. The red one...contains his life story and ways to "handle" his personality. Please be careful with this last one. I only decided to share such private information because it will be easier for you to bond. I trust you. You start tomorrow. Now hippity-yay, let's cure this plague!"
- ♡ -
After grabbing all of the medicine I needed, I rushed back to the Count's chambers. First thing I learned about him is that he didn't like to wait. So I would make my second first impression really stand by showing up, not on time, but early. I balanced the papers and medicine bags on my hands while fast-walking through the halls. I passed several servants that greeted me kindly and wished me luck. That last part really made me apprehensive.
Only my footsteps were heard on Lucio's room hall. I approached the door and lightly knocked on it. Barks could be heard on the other side of the door. They started to get closer and soon scratches against the door also could be heard followed by a vicious scream.
"Just come inside at once, I need heeeeeelp" The Count's nagging could be heard from the other side of the door.
I slowly opened the door, letting both of the dogs sniff me curiously as I looked for the Count. He was laying on his stomach, completely spreaded out with his head buried on the pillow.
"Oh Jules, you have no idea of how much I have suffered these last hours, I really-- oh, it's you" He only lifted his head and dropped it again, dissapointedly.
"Good to see you too, Count. So tell me about this suffering you had" I closed the door and the dogs lost interest on me, jumping on the bed and making themselves comfortable.
"Oh nothing much. It's not like you could help me anyway" He decided to sit up and stare at me. I couldn't help but to gasp.
"Count...your eyes!" I rushed to his side, dropping the folders on the floor, and held his face, analyzing his eyes.
"That's the best pickup line you could come up with? C'mon I'm not interested in some apprentice"
I grabbed a small mirror that was laying on his nightstand and shoved it into his face. He yelled in horror.
"WHY ARE MY EYES RED? WHY ARE MY EYES RED APPRENTICE? YOU HAVE TO FIX THIS" I grabbed the mirror from his hands and threw it on the bed, startling the dogs a little.
"Listen to me! First, my name is not apprentice, it's (y/n). Second, I am going to help you, but you have to stop being so harsh with me. It only complicates my work. Do you understand?"
He sighed dramatically and mutter something under his breathed and agreed to do as I said. I made a few quick exams on him and started to write on my papers while he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Am I going to die?" The Count bluntly asked while facing the floor.
"What? Count I-"
"Just call me Lucio"
"Lucio, right" I looked at him, feeling bad for his state and walked to the bed, sitting close to him. "I can't lie to you. You're not well and you need a lot of treatment. But I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be feeling a lot better in no time. Deal?"
He stares at my extended hand for a few seconds before taking it reluctantly and shaking it lightly.
"I better not regret this"
- ♡ -
Two weeks later, and my patient-doctor relationship with Lucio had improved a lot. He had stopped calling me "apprentice", made a few jokes and, sometimes, he even called me by a cute nickname, getting intensely flustered afterwards. It was cute.
As I walked toward Lucio's chambers, I heard a hushed conversation happening on the other side of the door. I tip toed my way to the door and leaned into it in order to listen better.
"So...a dream?" What was Julian doing in there?
"Yeah, but it wasn't just any dream. She was in it"
"Did you really ask me to come here just to tell me about your sex dream with my apprentice?" I could hear the disgust on Julian's voice.
"No,no,no, it wasn't a sex dream, I swear! Let me tell you what happened, sit down"
I couldn't just stay there and listen to that! I had to think fast and do something about this situation. I harshly knocked in the door and I could hear both of their surprised gasps on the other side of the walls. Quick footsteps approached the door, and I faced a red faced Julian when it was opened.
"Heeeeey (y/n), how are you? You look fine! Lucio doesn't she look fine?...I mean...of course you think she looks fine...I mean...I'm leaving. Let's find a cure!" And then he rushed past me and vanished on the corridor.
Lucio and I just stared at each other for a few seconds, his face turning red and I couldn't identify if it was because of the plague or the embarrassment.
Mercedes and Melchior rushed to me and jumped up and down, wanting some attention. I rubbed their heads and entered the room, closing the door behind me.
"So Lucio, any updates? How are you feeling?" I walked to the nightstand to grab my papers and started analyzing them.
"Nothing (y/n)" He said, trying to keep his voice steady.
"What happened with the whole nicknaming thing, huh?" I fake pouted to him.
He chuckled softly and grabbed my chin. "Nothing, sweetheart"
We just stared at each other's eyes for a few moments. I could feel him getting closer to me, and I knew his intentions. I wasn't complaining thought. He suddenly turned around and coughed really hard into the sheets. It was the kind of cough that I have heard before.
I looked at the sheets he had coughed into and saw a big stain of blood. Looking up at his face, I noticed how pale he was. He had a thin line of blood running down his chin and I instantly grabbed a cloth to clean it up.
"Is this the first time that has happened?" I asked while cleaning the blood out of him
"What do you mean "no"? For how long is this going on?" My hand freezed on his face.
"...Two weeks" He looked at me sheepishly and then looked down.
"Two weeks? Lucio! Why didn't you tell me this before?" I grabbed his face with both my hand to make him look at me.
"I don't know...do you even really care?"
The hurt on his eyes and his voice was evident. He looked as if he was about to cry. I held him close and he wrapped his arms around me, sobbing on my shoulder.
"It's just that, everytime someone enters this room, they wish something! They wish to fake that they care or they wish me dead at once. Please tell me your neither of them."
"The first time I came here, I just wanted to get my job done. But now we're in this together" I separated our bodies and held his shoulders "I'm not leaving your side, no matter what. I'll always be here for you. Always."
His eyes widened and he smiled through his tears. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek and pressed our foreheads together.
"Just like my dream" I shot him a questioning look while giggling and he just shook his head. "I think I figured what your definitive nickname should be."
He extended his hand to a vase near the nightstand, without breaking eye contact and placed a flower behind my ear, smiling widely.
"My beautiful sunflower"
And with that, we shared a passionate and true kiss.
- ♡ -
Julian hadn't slept in days. The pain consumed his whole being, not allowing him one single moment fo rest. He marched down Lucio's wing's halls holding back his tears.
He held the doorknob and tried tuning it, only to find the door locked. He banged aggressively on it only to hear a mocking laugh from the inside.
"Oh sweet (y/n), my beautiful sunflower. Where have you been? Missed me much?" Lucio opened the door only to find a sleep deprived and angry Julian, with bags under his eyes, red from crying.
The Doctor pushed the Count hard, making him fall on the floor. Lucio couldn't be more offended, and his face showed.
"What the hell Julian?" His response was a paper thrown at him by the Doctor.
Lucio grabbed the paper, reading it carefully, his face growing paler by the second. He looked at Julian, seeking some comfort, but only found hate.
"She's dead because of you. YOU GAVE HER THE PLAGUE. DIDN'T YOU, LUCIO?" Julian cornered Lucio, making him stand to appear more confident.
"What are you talking about? She was fine a few days ago. I saw it! She was here, and she was fine!"
"Oh yeah?" Julian crossed his arms "And what exactly were you two doing here?"
Lucio silenced himself, but by the look of his face it was obvious. Julian pressed him against the wall, holding him by the shirt.
"You idiot. That's exactly how she got the plague. You gave it to her. You killed her" He let go of the Count "I hope you're satisfied. Did you at least have a good time?" He scoffed and walked away from him, leaving the room.
- ♡ -
It was around midnight when Lucio roamed around the streets of Vesuvia. He walked around until he found what he was looking for. The docks. He placed himself on the farest spot he could find and sat there. Staring at The Lazaret. Where his love was. Where her body was.
His tears fell on the sea, making small portions of the water move. He chuckled as he remember you telling him stories of the sea. How you traveled all your way to Vesuvia, obviously exaggerating some points to make him laugh a little. It always worked. But soon the grieving feeling came back to him, making him cry even more.
"I miss you so much. So much. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear! I wanted...I wanted to marry you, dammit! I needed you. I need you. You said you would never leave me. That would be by my side always"
He rose to his feet, looking angrily at the small island on the horizon.
"How dare you to leave me like this? I. NEED. YOU...PLEASE. please come back to me, sunflower. I don't know what to do without you"
And then he just stayed there. For hours. Barely blinking, only letting the tears roll down his face, not even caring to dry them. "They will go away eventually", he though, "just like her".
When the sun shone its first rays on the horizon he knew it was time to go. He kneeled down and started to look on the insides of his cape for something. He removed a single flower, a sunflower, from it and gently placed on the water, letting it folow its own path.
"I'll have you back, my beautiful sunflower. I promise"
And every night after that, he visited the docks, leaving a single sunflower on the sea, hoping it would travel all its way to his lovers heart, and somehow, bring her back.
Bruh, I cried writing this. I hope you're satisfied. Because I sure as hell am.
Love you all, you guys are very creative with requests ❤
Request: Open
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delos-mio · 6 years
Death of a Bachelor - Part 13
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A/N: lucky number 13! no real warnings beside a drunk and horny Logan and mentions of familial loss. hope you guys enjoy 🤗
The boys had left before you and Emily the next morning, looking to pregame before tip-off. Emily had driven the two of you to a small bistro nearby that you both loved and had a killer brunch. When you arrived, the rest of her bridal party had already grabbed a table, whooping loudly when the bride walked in. You knew most of these girls for ages, lifelong friends of your sister, so it was nice seeing familiar faces and not having to sit through the awkward getting-to-know-you that can accompany these types of gatherings.
“Miss maid of honor made it! It’s been too long.” Michelle was bringing you in for a tight hug and planted a barely-there kiss on your cheek. If you weren’t Emily’s sister, Michelle would have absolutely had been the maid of honor.
“Yeah. It’s getting harder and harder to find time to come out this way,” you laughed lightly before taking your seat.
Before you knew it, champagne was flowing and the chattering began. You were filled in on the troubles Alex had finding a new apartment after she broke up with her girlfriend. Cheryl’s kids were starting kindergarten in the fall. A whole mess of stories from women who were now wrapped up in spouses and families and careers. It was weird to think about all of them sleeping over in your parent’s basement or begging you to buy them booze while they were still under 21. You were zoning out, thinking about days long since passed, when your name being called out snapped you back to reality.
“So, Em tells us you brought a boy home with you,” Michelle said in a sing-song voice, waiting for you to fill in the gaps.
“I um, I did, yeah,” you said with a smile before taking a big gulp from your mimosa, not giving any more details than absolutely necessary. This was going to be a long day.
“Well, spill! Who is he? What’s he like? How’d you meet? Is he one of those rich, LA playboy types?” Gabby added excitedly. How’d she know? Had Emily blabbed or was that just a midwestern woman’s guess at what LA guys were like?
“Jesus, is this 20 questions?” you joked, or so the table thought. “His name is Logan. We…met through work. He worked for his family’s company and yeah. I don’t know. We just kind of hit it off,” you shrugged.
“They fell in love,” Emily corrected, earning you awes from the rest of the girls.
“Yeah, yeah that too,” you laughed.
“How long have you been together?” Michelle asked.
“Officially? I don’t know, I guess I haven’t really been keeping track,” you laughed. You hadn’t. Why hadn’t you? Things were such a whirlwind with Logan, you never thought to stop and think about when you really started seeing each other. It had been at least six months, you knew that much, but you’d been fucking for a while before that. Did it matter? Did Logan know? A new voice snapped you from your train of thought.
“I think you’re the first girl I’ve met who doesn’t know their anniversary!” Gabby’s tone was a bit judgmental, but you let it roll off your back, simply shrugging in return.
The rest of brunch went exactly as anticipated. It was nice to see so many people love and take care of your baby sister. You had a lot of lingering guilt about moving away, even though she had Elliot and always had what seemed like a million friends. After the bill was settled, you caravanned over to the bridal shop for dress fitting and what you expected to be a lot of down time while the other girls got fitted.
You were lounging on one of the couches, scrolling through work emails even though you said you wouldn’t, when a notification from Logan came up. He had sent you a selfie of him and the boys courtside at the Bucks game. One thing you and Logan had in common is that you making friends did not come easily. Seeing him with a very real smile on his face, a little glint in his eye, while he was with a group of guys he hadn’t met before made your heart swell. He was trying to learn and grow and be a little more open and his hard work did not go unnoticed by you.
Y: You look so handsome. And drunk.
L: I’m not drunj
Y: Oh you’re not drunj huh?
L: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh you cauhgt me
You laughed to yourself. Logan drunk and happy and carefree was a new one for you and you fully intended to enjoy it as long as you could.
Y: So I take it you’re having fun then
L: Great time. I love these guys they’re so cool
Y: I’m glad baby :)
L: Giannis is right here!!!! He’s so big in person
Y: Lol well he is in the NBA
L: I wish you wewr here
Y: That’s sweet Lo. But you have fun having boy time
L: But they’re not pretty like you
L: You’er so fuckjing pretty fuck
Y: Lol drunk Logan is a real charmer
Y: Love you too. Go have fun it’s almost my turn for my fitting
L: I wanna seeeeeeee
You rolled your eyes and locked your phone, rising to make your way to the fitting room to change. It had been a while since you’d seen the dress and it was the first time you were seeing it in person. You had to send over your measurements and hope for the best since you were out on the coast. But when you pulled the zipper up and took a look in the mirror, you were thankful there wouldn’t be much that needed altering. You stepped out to the pedestal in the middle of the room so the attendant could pin and mark all the changed that needed to happen.
“You look amazing,” Emily said sweetly as she came up beside you.
“Thanks, Em.” You smiled back at her as you were dismissed. Back in the fitting room, you took the opportunity to snap a quick picture in the full length mirror, sending it to Logan.
Y: I don’t look stupid right?
L: Babe
L: No you don’t look stupid you look like the most beautiful grl in the world
L: Holy shit
Y: Well then lol. Thank you Lo
L: Ok now one without the dress on
Y: You’re so bad! No!
L: Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?
Y: I’m always good. That’s why I’m going to change back into my clothes so you’re not opening dirty pics of me around a million other people
L: Pleeeeease please please
Y: Logannnnn
L: I’ll be so good forever and ever I promise let me see my sweet girl
You groaned. Why was it so goddamn hard to say no to him? You slipped out of your dress and hung it back up neatly, covering it in the garment bag. Before putting your jeans and V-neck back on, you decided to indulge Logan and took another picture, this time in just your bra and underwear in a completely exaggerated pose, annoyed at yourself for caving so easily. Without much more thought, you sent it over and quickly got dressed. As you took back your seat on the couch, now Michelle’s turn to try her dress on, you pulled your phone back out only to see several notifications.
L: Jesus Christ
L: God I want to fuck you so bad right now
L: I’m so hard please baby let me fuck you the second I get home
Y: We’ll see
L: Don’t tease me it’s not fair
Y: But it’s so much fun
L: What happened to my good girl
Y: She’s gone. I’m bad now haven’t you heard?
L: Fuuuuuck I need you baby
Y: Soon enough Lo. Now pay attention to the game
Just as you and Emily had walked in the front door and put your things down, you heard the commotion of drunk boys trying to get a key in the lock. Rather than going to help, you both waited to see just how long it’d take them to get inside. Finally, Elliot pushed the door open a little too forcefully and stumbled in. Logan was close behind, still upright but visibly intoxicated. Elliot draped his arm over Logan’s shoulder as they swayed into the living room.
“I love this guy,” he said sincerely, leaning in to kiss Logan gently on the cheek. The gesture made Logan blush and dare you say, giggle. You raised an eyebrow as you watched the two fawn over one another.
“God, you didn’t tell me they were this drunk!” Emily said, exasperated.
“Oh, come on. It’s fine,” you said. Logan slipped out from Elliot’s grasp sauntered over to you. He ran his hand along the side of your face and down your neck, his dark eyes darting from your face to your chest to where his hand fell on your skin. “Hi, baby,” you said quietly, only to him.
“Hi,” he slurred and smiled back. Logan leaned down to kiss you sloppily, his aim just slightly off. He tasted like whiskey and smoke. “Mmm, let’s go to bed.”
“It’s like 5pm, Lo.”
“I’m ready for bed,” he repeated, pulling you in close to him. You laughed a little and nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him back to your bedroom. Once inside, Logan flopped on the bed still fully clothed. You slid off your shoes and stepped out of your jeans, getting ready to lay down next to Logan. You had no intention of actually going to bed, but he didn’t need to know that. “I love your ass.”
You turned and looked over your shoulder; Logan was staring lovingly at your backside as you changed clothes. “You’re so drunk, baby.”
“Nuh uh.” He rolled onto his side and patted the spot next to him on the bed. You laid down beside him and he immediately pulled you into his chest, his long limbs flinging themselves over you. “You’re the best. I want you so bad, princess,” he slurred into the crook of your neck.
“Why don’t you take a nap and we can play later, hm?” you suggested, trailing your fingers down his spine.
“But I want to put my dick inside you now,” he whined, his voice growing heavy as he fought off sleep.
“Charming,” you laughed. “Sleep, baby.” Logan yawned then and pulled you in a little tighter, his eyes no longer able to stay open. Soon, his breathing slowed and his lips parted just slightly. That didn’t take as long as you thought it would. You carefully untangled yourself from him and rejoined Emily and Elliot in the living room.
“What have you been up to?” Juliet asked before taking a long drag of the cigarette between he fingers. Logan had gotten back from his trip to Milwaukee a few weeks ago and had been avoiding his family, even Jules, since he returned. Finally, he agreed to come over to the home she shared with William when he knew he was away on business with his father. “It’s been weeks since we talked. Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s great, actually. You know me- just fucking around, living a little bit. Trying to figure out how to be a good boyfriend,” Logan laughed.
“So you haven’t scared her away yet?” Juliet joked with a raised eyebrow.
“Not yet, thank god. I was telling Elliot that I’m afraid she’s going to figure out that I’m not shit and cut her losses. But she’s not skittish, that one. I just love her so much, you know?” he said with a fond sigh, lost in thoughts of you.
“Oh, yeah. We went on a trip out to Milwaukee. Her sister is getting married to him and he was a good dude. I was able to make friends without anyone knowing a single fucking thing about me. I got to just…exist. No expectations. No reputations to keep.” Logan paused for a second and chuckled. “All this time dad had me thinking people only wanted me because they really wanted him”
“Wow. I’m having a hard time picturing you in Wisconsin. I’m glad you guys had fun. And you got along with her family?” Juliet asked, skeptical.
“I did, yeah. It’s weird having people just take you in like that, no questions asked. Made me miss mom, if I’m being honest,” Logan said wistfully. It was hard to talk about her, even 20 years later. Logan was a mama’s boy through and through. She had loved him like he was the sun and the stars in her world. When she passed, Logan didn’t know how to handle it. He still struggled with it as a grown man. Some days he felt angry with her. Angry she left him here alone with his father, to look out for Juliet on his own. But then the anger would pass and he’d feel that same hole in his chest where she was supposed to be.
“You have family here too, Logan. You know I’m always here for you,” Juliet said.
“I just can’t stand the thought of spending a single goddamn second with dad or your dumbass fiancé.” Juliet passed the cigarette to Logan and he took another drag. “And wouldn’t you know it? You seem to always be with at least one of them.”
“Logan, come on. That’s not fair and you know it,” she huffed. “You can’t expect me to choose between my future husband and my brother.”
“Can’t I?” Logan turned to face Jules and crossed his arms. “He tried to ruin my fucking life! And you just…don’t care!”
“Of course I care, what the fuck?” Juliet spat back.
“Not enough to see what kind of sick fuck he is. Not enough to not marry him. Not enough to stick up for your own brother,” Logan accused pointedly. He knew Juliet was one of the few allies he had left and it probably wasn’t smart to isolate her like this, but he was tired of her not taking his side. She had no problem doing it with their father, so why couldn’t she see it with William?
“You’re being a fucking dick,” she said, tossing the butt on the ground and aggressively stomping out the burning end.
“Jules,” Logan said, much more gentle this time. “I can’t watch you throw your life away for someone like him.”
“Listen, I’m sorry about what happened. Really, I am. But you’re going to die old and bitter if you don’t try to move on with your life. You’re smart and charming and you have someone who really loves you. You can do whatever you want now, Lo. You don’t have dad breathing down your neck. I don’t have that same kind of freedom,” she said with a sad smile. Logan came over and wrapped his arm around Juliet’s shoulder, kissing the crown of her head before resting his cheek there.
“I promise you, I will get you that freedom. Just give me a little more time.”
“Please,” he asked, quiet but firm. He felt Juliet nod her head under him. A quick glance at his watch and Logan hugged her close to him. “I gotta take off. I’ll text you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she agreed. With that, Logan gave her one more squeeze goodbye before setting off for home.
When he came in, you were curled up in the corner of the couch, laptop out and glasses on. He loved the way you looked when you were laser focused on whatever you were working on. You looked up as the door closed behind him, a wide smile on your lips. As Logan approached you, his expression was hard to read; you thought he looked both worried and smitten somehow at the same time.
“How’d that go?” you asked, shutting your laptop. Logan plopped down next to you and you draped your legs over his lap.
“About how I thought it would,” he shrugged. “I just wish she fucking saw what I see in William.”
“I wish that too,” you said softly, reaching over to run your fingers through his dark hair.
“I think she’ll get the picture soon enough,” he said ominously, making you pull your face as you tried to decipher what exactly he was getting at.
“And what the hell do you mean by that?” you asked. Logan pulled you over to him so you were seated on his lap. He pushed your hair back from your face and gazed up at you longingly.
“Well, my darling, I’m going to throw dear old dad the retirement party he deserves.”
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feverishlust · 5 years
“you look bored” “don’t give me that look”
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eleanor’s eyes were almost glazed over. hearing her own boss blab along at their christmas… gathering, party, whatever-the-hell, was enough to make eleanor wish she had asked to work.  the only thing that kept her around was the fact she had gotten a chance to bring julia with her this time around, and… who was she kidding, the open bar was a definite plus in her eyes. but mostly, it was julia. what was more fun than to brag to everyone that she was her new fiancee? it wasn’t like she hadn’t said it enough, honestly– so maybe that’s why she sucked it up here. 
she suppressed a yawn by taking a significant sip of her white wine, glancing over at the redhead in question, unable to however– stop herself from smiling at first. she had attempted to listen to her boss continue on, but it wasn’t as if this was anything new. so rather than that, she paid attention to her shamelessly. her free hand rested on her naked thigh, giving it a goodhearted squeeze before sending a smirk over at her. when she heard her speak, she did her best to suppress her laughter from what she assumed was some kind of caring speech. boring. “it’s because i am bored, babe,” she murmured under her breath, eyes still remaining on the male on the stage. “ it’s the same speech every year… i bet i could recite it with my eyes closed and my face in between your legs.” she continued, before turning her attention to julia with a rather big smile on her face, her hand squeezing her knee this time, nudging her legs apart. “ you think i can slide underneath the table without anyone looking at me? ”
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“ really? ” she asked, almost deadpanned. it was a hot and stupidly muggy day and eleanor had been less than thrilled to go outside. sure, yeah, she loved the outside— give her any type of weather and she’d be good.. but mugginess? absolutely not. eleanor couldn’t stand being stick all the damn time. and sweating for not reason? nope, not good in her eyes. 
so when julia had suggested a walk by the beach, followed by the boardwalk for some ice cream she wasn’t about to resist though. the water on her legs was cool enough, but the ice cream was just an extra bonus for the girl who had a sweet tooth. she hadn’t exactly thought this through though, ordering an extra scoop on a cone in weather like this was bound to end poorly. so while she struggled with the cone in her hand, angling it to be able lick some off her fingers currently dribbling down towards her hands. 
despite all her efforts, she felt it the moment some dripped onto her skin, her face crinkling in disgust as she felt it slide in between her breasts. she immediately looked over at the red head, expecting her to be looking back at her— as she gave her an annoyed face in retaliation. “ don’t you even dare ask me to lick the ice cream off jules, so help me—-! ” 
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capricxs · 6 years
“I’d come back to haunt you.” for marcuck n jules
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scotland was far too cold. everywhere was cold, though. new york would likely be worse so she shouldn’t be complaining. in fact, she wasn’t. but marcus was. he was freely complaining with his hands shoved into his pockets and his scarf around his neck blabbing about the snow and the wind and the cold air and how none of this was ideal for their romantic getaway trip. 
“stop being a pussy.” she says quietly.
“i’ll stop being a pussy when this weather stops being so shit!” he exclaims, getting a few glances around them.
juliet rolls her eyes, taking his arm and pulling him into an alleyway, ducking behind a corner before pressing him against a brick wall. “you’re not going to ruin our romantic adventure, are you?” her eyes narrow.
her gloved hands are pressed to his chest, and her dark eyes could get so icy so easily, but leave it to marcus to deescalate with ease. “you wanted to pull me out of the street like i’m some child who needs a time out to ask me if i’m going to behave?” he raises his eyebrows.
“no,” she rolls her eyes, “i pulled you out of the street because i’m going to warm you up.” 
“you said you were all out of hand warmers.” he squints in confusion but before he gets his answer her hand presses to his crotch and she hears a gasp. “jesus christ—!” he hisses, bringing a hand from his pocket to tug her hips closer. “good idea, jules. you’re so smart.”
“shut up, no flattery in the alley.” she shakes her head, leaning in close so their lips just barely touch. “maybe you can pretend you paid money for me to get you off because your girlfriend was out of town.”
“oh my god,” he groans. “please just let that go, that’s really not getting me off right now.”
“you sure? you’re getting really hard.” she smirks, looking at him through her lashes.
“that’s because your tits are pressing against me and i can’t stop thinking about them.”
“i think it’s a little column a, a little column b.” she leans in to take his lip between her teeth for a light nibble before kissing him gently, leaning back with her grin still wide.
“how about a little column make me cum.” he hisses. 
there’s a pause, her hand still working over his pants as her other hand stretches out to look at her watch. “nope.” and her hand draws back. “we have our tour in ten minutes.” her body steps back, looking over him and the text in his jeans. “you should be able to make it the rest of the way there without freezing to death.” she grins, giving his cheek a light pat, “just think about the time you saw my mother getting out of the shower.”
she turns, starting back for the street with marcus staying behind, “you know, you’re going to be the one to ruin this romantic adventure.”
she holds up her hands in a shrug, her silhouette behind shown by the starch white light of the midday snowfall. it took about a block for marcus to catch up after calming himself down.
“here you’ll find a painting from the eighteen century, during the period of romanticism, depicts the brutal death of a scottish king of many year prior. no one had really seen it until teh artist had died decades later and his art was past down until eventually in landed in the hands of some curators.”
juliet and marcus stood beside each other, hands in pockets, heads tilted to the side in the same direction. the tour guide continued to talk, but was moving on to other paintings. it was a truly brutal painting. dark colors and lots of blood. however, while there was something macabre about it, it looked a bit serene. after the group had passed to the next room, juliet spoke. “do you fear death, marcus?”
she kept her eyes focused on the painting, her eyes narrowing as she looked over every fine detail. “most days.” he says simply. “why?”
“the concept seems so foreign to me.” she says carefully. “not because no one close to me has ever died, though i’m sure that’s part of it. i just… could never see something so finite applying to me.”
“i don’t think you’ll ever died, jules.” marcus says. “frankly, i think you’ll turn yourself to a robot before you let yourself die.” there’s a short pause, one where his joke hangs in the air and she chooses not to laugh. “does that mean you fear death?”
“i suppose. i just try not to think about it.” 
“the scariest part is, you could die at any moment. you could be on your way to your next performance when a car hits you and shatters your spine. or you could be spending time with chris when suddenly someone robs you and kills you. you could get cancer. death isn’t just when your eighty and old, it’s in all of us.” his tone is quiet, and while it’s not shaky, she can feel something in his words that aren’t so serene.
“do you think about me dying, marcus?” she turns her head finally, looking at him.
“sometimes.” he nods. “sometimes more than i think about myself dying.” he turns his head. “a world without you in it is a world too drab to be in.”
“don’t say that.” she turns her head. “if i’m dead before you i’d hate for you to use me as your scapegoat.”
he snorts. “scapegoat?”
“yeah suck it up.”
there’s silence again. their eyes back to the painting ahead of them. she looks at all the red, seeping from the body and pooling around him. she imagines the times she’s seen marcus like that. the times she’s told herself he was fine. how little his hurt meant. but what if that was marcus there? and truth be told, she’s thought about marcus dying, too.
“burying you before me is the scariest thing i can think of.” she swallows, her breath then coming out hard. something in her turns thick and she has to squint at the painting again. 
he doesn’t say anything, but she feels his finger tug on her wrist. slowly she removes her hand, so his fingers can slide through, grasping her delicate fingers tightly. “if you buried me, i’d just come back to haunt you.”
she snorts, feeling his eyes on her, and the small smile on his face, but while she knows the expression, and the words he gives, the finger stroking her hand says something different. something which soothes her insides, he says things to her like not to be scared. things like, i’m here. things like, i love you. things like, you’ll never be without me. things like, as long as you breath i’ll be in your lungs.  
“i’m serious. every night would be like the scene in ghost busters. you’re dan aykroyd and i’m the hot ghost who fucks you. you’ll never be lonely.” 
“unbelievable.” she shakes her head, only to have a small smile peel across her face. her head hangs, squeezing his hand back as if to say, i hear you.
“sure, not it is, but when you’re getting the best ghost sex ever?” he whistles, “not so unbelievable.”
finally she looks at him. “this is a very inappropriate time to talk about ghost sex, marcus.” but she sees his face, the way his eyes crinkle at the edges, the way his smile radiates the room. her whole body melts and she wants to take his face in her hands and kiss the end of his nose and tell him how divine he is. but he’s also talking about putting his ghost penis inside her when she’s dead so she can’t be too taken by him.
“i disagree.” his body turns. “now come on, they’re going to the modern wing and i was to see some basquiat.”
“basquiat isn’t modern, dear.” she says in a flat tone, letting him drag her hand to catch up tot he tour group.
“well what the fuck is modern then?”
“not that.” she takes two long strides forward, enough to lean and kiss the back of his neck quickly before turning her head to a passing painting as if she’d done nothing. 
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2700fstreet · 6 years
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OPERA / 2018-2019
Washington National Opera Open Rehearsal Music by Charles Gounod Libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré Based on Faust: Part I by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
School show: March 13
Teacher and Parent Guide: Faust
Who’s Who
Main Characters
Faust, a learned scholar (tenor—the highest male voice) Méphistophélès, a demon (bass—the lowest male voice) Marguerite, a young woman (soprano—the highest female voice) Valentin, her brother, a soldier (baritone—a middle-range male voice) Siébel, a young man (mezzo-soprano—a middle-range female* voice) Marthe, Marguerite’s neighbor (mezzo-soprano)
*It’s common for opera composers to assign young male roles to female singers.
So, What’s Going On?
The sixteenth-century Germanic countryside.
Poor Dr. Faust (pronounced FOUST). He’s been a scholar for decades but has now become an old man with nothing to show for it. He doesn’t really know anything. He doesn’t really feel anything. He has no idea what the meaning of life is. And he’s entirely alone.
Determined not to wait for death, he attempts suicide only to be distracted by a chorus singing God’s praises outside his door. Annoyed, Faust cries out that God can do nothing for him. Faust wants his youth back. He wants love and affection. God can’t give him any of those things.
So Faust calls upon the Devil instead (what a brilliant idea).
Immediately, the Devil appears in the form of Méphistophélès (meff-uh-STOFF-uh-lezz), a demon disguised as a wealthy gentleman. Faust explains he wants a chance to be young again (with maybe the added bonus of a few girlfriends), and Méphistophélès proposes a deal: all the youth and ladies Faust could ever want in exchange for his immortal soul.
Faust hesitates, but when Méphistophélès tempts him with a vision of a breathtaking woman who lives close by, he’s sold. The two sign a contract and Faust is transformed into a dashing young man, ready to hit the streets.
Take a listen…
Faust makes the spectacularly dubious decision to invoke the Devil. Listen for Faust’s breathless, agitated phrases. Think about how his outbursts compare to Méphistophélès’s smoother, more even-keeled melodies and deeper tone of voice. (Bonus: Check out the “word-painting” technique used when Méphistophélès stretches his voice to its lowest extremes as he sings about the hellish place “là-bas,” or “downstairs”).
In the nearby village, a young soldier named Valentin (vahl-ohn-TAEHN) prepares to go to war. Worried that his sister, Marguerite (mahr-geh-REE-tuh), will be left un-chaperoned, Valentin asks his young friend Siébel (syeh-BELL) to watch over her.
Take a listen…
Valentin says a small prayer that his sister will be kept safe (“Avant de quitter ces lieux,” or “Before I leave this place”). Listen for how this aria (solo song) is broken up into three sections: 1) a heartfelt plea with a plaintive melody, 2) a military march as Valentin preps himself for battle, and 3) a repeat of the first section with a few minor tweaks.
But soon, Méphistophélès arrives to stir up trouble.
Take a listen…
In his aria “Le veau d’or” (“The golden calf”), Méphistophélès conjures up the image of a devilish idol that inspires Satanic dances and possesses the power to bring down the human race. Listen for the cymbal crashes and fluttering wind instruments (think piccolos, flutes, oboes, and clarinets) that give Méphistophélès’s song the sense it’s whipping into a devilish frenzy.
After singing a song to entertain the locals, Méphistophélès teases Valentin and his friends by reading palms and predicting not-so-nice futures. The demon then proposes a toast in honor of Marguerite. Shocked that Méphistophélès knows his sister’s name, and sensing this stranger is up to no good, Valentin draws his weapon—only to have it shatter in midair. Valentin calls on God for protection from evil as the crowd disperses.
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Later, Faust urges Méphistophélès to introduce him to the maiden from the magical vision. Méphistophélès cautions that this particular lady may not be interested in Faust’s advances—she is, after all, none other than (surprise!) Marguerite, Valentin’s pious sister. Still, Faust demands to see her, and Méphistophélès orchestrates a “meet cute.” Faust turns on the charm, but Marguerite shies away.
Attempting to speed the love affair along, Méphistophélès leads Faust to Marguerite’s house and leaves her a basket of jewels, hoping they’ll help Marguerite look more favorably on her new suitor.
And—boom—the gamble pays off.
As Faust and Méphistophélès hide nearby, Marguerite—who’s been daydreaming about her brief encounter with a handsome stranger (Faust)—uncovers the jewels and treats herself to a luxurious “makeover.”
Take a listen…
Marguerite checks out her new look in her aria, “Ah! Je ris de ma voir si belle” (which roughly translates as: “I’m laughing at how pretty I look”). Notice how she sings several notes in rapid succession (a style known a coloratura), to give the effect that she’s literally laughing.
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Her neighbor, Marthe (MAHR-tuh) interrupts her, and Marguerite is slightly embarrassed, but not half as embarrassed as she is when Faust arrives, complimenting her beauty and proclaiming his undying love.
Méphistophélès distracts Marthe, leaving Faust and Marguerite alone. In no time at all, Marguerite reveals she’s just as smitten with Faust as he is with her, despite her concern that a whirlwind romance could bring her everlasting shame. (Marguerite may be innocent but she’s not stupid; she knows the other villagers won’t look kindly on an unwed woman who spends all her time with a young man). And yet, with a little coaxing from Méphistophélès, Marguerite agrees to be Faust’s girl forever.
Several months later.
With no recent word from Faust, Marguerite sits nervously at her spinning wheel. Siébel arrives to keep her company, but his attempts to comfort her are in vain: She’s carrying Faust’s child, and there’s no ring on her finger.
At this (very) inopportune moment, Valentin and his army come marching home from war. Having emerged victorious, Valentin is ready to celebrate with Marguerite, but soon discovers something’s gone very wrong in his absence (thanks for blabbing, Siébel).
As Valentin goes off to confront his “disgraced” sister, Faust and Méphistophélès turn up at Marguerite’s door hoping to smooth things over, as Faust has been feeling remorseful about leaving his former love.
But everything goes to hell (see what we did there?) when Valentin bursts on the scene, demanding someone take responsibility for his sister’s situation. A fight breaks out and Faust ends up stabbing Valentin. Faust and Méphistophélès disappear just as some villagers gather to see about the commotion. Marguerite rushes to her brother’s side, but Valentin pushes her away, claiming his impending death is all her fault and cursing her as he collapses on the ground.
With nowhere to turn, Marguerite goes to church to pray. Once there, however, an unforgiving voice (which sounds mysteriously like Méphistophélès) declares that her sins have damned her forever.
Sometime later, Marguerite has landed in prison. Her brother’s death and Faust’s abandonment have driven her mad, horrifically causing her to murder her newborn child.
Convinced he’s loved Marguerite all along and that the trials and tribulations of the past few months were all the Devil’s doing (really, dude?), Faust persuades Méphistophélès to help him break Marguerite free.
But will Faust’s newfound sense of commitment be enough to save Marguerite before it’s too late? Can his love rescue her from execution? Will they both be able to escape Méphistophélès’s eternal damnation?
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Good to Know
By the time Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (GEUH-tuh, 1749-1832) began writing the epic saga that would inspire Charles Gounod’s (goo-NOH, 1818-1893) opera, the legend of Faust—the ultimate “deal with the Devil” story—was already a few centuries old. Indeed, German texts from the sixteenth century reveal “Doctor Faust” may have actually been a real doctor or magician who reportedly died a very strange, very gruesome death. The doctor’s bizarre bio eventually made its way into Germanic folklore (way before the days of the Brothers Grimm), where it was transformed into a cautionary tale about the dangers of asking too much out of life.
Faust would later be immortalized by Shakespearean contemporary Christopher Marlowe in his play Doctor Faustus, and would enjoy even greater fame nearly two hundred years later thanks to Goethe’s massive two-part drama (a work that took him nearly 60 years to finish). Goethe’s version came with a twist, however: He was the first to introduce the character of Margaret (also known as “Gretchen” and referred to as “Marguerite” in French), the young woman Faust seduces and then discards.
It was Marguerite’s side of the story that proved so moving it went on to influence a long list of nineteenth-century Romantic artists, including powerhouse composer Hector Berlioz (who wrote his own Faustian opera, La damnation de Faust), song master Franz Schubert, and Gounod, who became a fan of the Goethe story during a trip to Rome—a place filled with images of angels and demons.
Faust’s tale continued to spark imaginations well into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (think of movies like Damn Yankees and Bedazzled or more recent TV series like Lucifer or Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), and the term “Faustian bargain” has become a universal phrase meaning “to sell one’s soul.” The original Doctor Faust may have met a tragic end, but his legacy isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Learning to Listen
Going to the opera means you’ll have to start listening in a new way if you want to take in everything the music and the voices have to offer. And guess what? This is less difficult than it sounds.
Try thinking of opera singing as its own type of language or speech. When we’re speaking, our emotions can change the way our voices sound from moment to moment—and one word can have a thousand different meanings depending on how we say it (loudly, softly, quickly, slowly, with a high- or low-pitched voice, etc.). The same is true for the characters in an opera. Each voice you’ll hear will have its own special flavor depending on who the character is and what he or she is saying.
Marguerite, for example, is an innocent and sensitive young woman. Her voice, therefore, will be on the higher side (to provide a clue that she’s youthful and inexperienced) and will occasionally soar above the orchestra with intense emotion (such as when she raises her voice in prayer or when she pleads with Faust not to break her heart).
Faust, on the other hand, spends much of the opera as a young man with a tremendous appetite for fun. His bright tenor voice (a vocal type associated with heroes) symbolizes his youthful, reckless, and passionate personality. His melodies often pour out in short, explosive musical phrases that are meant to remind us of his lust for life.
When in doubt about how a character is feeling or what they’re thinking, always pay close attention to exactly how they sound. (The instruments in the orchestra will give you hints as well.)
Check This Out…
Gounod frequently uses musical foreshadowing to signal his listeners as to where the story of Faust is headed. Can you identify any specific moments in which the music provides some dramatic spoilers? (Hint: Listen carefully to the overture, Mephistophélès’s entrance, and Marguerite and Faust’s tortured love duet.) On the other hand, are there any scenes in which the music fakes you out by evoking the wrong mood? (Hint: Listen for the upbeat victory march that plays when Valentin returns home.)
Watch for the ways in which the costume, lighting, and makeup designs help give you hints about each character’s status and their relationship to those around them. Do the costumes and lighting provide you with any clues regarding the characters’ personalities? Can you tell who’s “good” and who’s “evil” based on what they wear or what colors they’re associated with? Do you notice any shifts in how the characters look as their stories progress or their motivations change?
Marguerite’s spinning wheel aria (“Il ne revient pas,” or “He hasn’t returned”) was inspired by an actual poetic “song” in Goethe’s text, and there are many other musical settings of the exact same scene. Why do you think this moment gets such special attention in so many different versions of Faust? What do you think the spinning wheel might symbolize? (For extra points: How would you know Marguerite’s aria features a spinning wheel even if you closed your eyes? What instrumental sounds are used to create a spinning effect?)
Think About This…
In opera, supernatural and/or extremely powerful figures such as gods, demons, kings, or ghosts are usually sung by basses. Why do you think composers gravitate toward lower male voices when writing these characters? Do you feel the bass sound suits Mephistophélès? How so?
The chorus plays an essential role in Faust. Why do you think Gounod opted to feature such a large group of men and women in so many scenes? What function do they serve? Can you recall any other theatrical or literary works in which a chorus is used in a similar way?
In Goethe’s homeland of Germany, Gounod’s Faust is sometimes called Marguerite instead. Why do you feel that might be? Who do you think is the true hero of the opera? Who’s the true villain? (Consider this: Mephistophélès may be a demon, but are his crimes any worse than Faust’s? Or Valentin’s? Or anyone else’s?)
Take Action: Social Serenade
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Though Gounod’s opera could be looked at as one big ethical fable, many of its themes and lessons come packaged in folk songs or serenades—miniature fables told by the characters as they sing of hypothetical stories that mirror their own. These include Marguerite’s ballad of the King of Thule (who dies for love), Mephistophélès’s satirical tune about a woman named Catherine (who must resist her boyfriend’s advances until marriage), and the soldier’s brief song about a cat and a rat (or a predator and his prey).
Gounod’s not alone in using this trick. You probably know this already, but many artists—poets, painters, songwriters, you name it— choose to bury significant social messages in made-up tales about distant historical figures or even non-human characters (think Aesop) who speak in simple phrases or easy rhymes.
Think you’re up for trying out the same tactic in the real world?
Pick a news story or social cause that concerns you (anything from politics, to polar bears, to the potholes on your local highway) and take a shot at weaving a fake story around this theme. Try and present your tale in small sections or stanzas (like a serenade) and, if you feel like it, see if you can use a rhyming scheme as well. Most importantly, be sure to add a clever moral at the end if you can. (If you want to go the extra mile, write a tune to accompany your poetic “song.”)
If you’re comfortable, share the finished product with family and friends, or submit it to a local newspaper or regional poetry competition. See if your readers can uncover your hidden message and/or guess which real-life story inspired your sneaky serenade.
Go even deeper with the Faust Extras.
All photos by Lynn Lane for Houston Grand Opera.
Writer: Eleni Hagen
Content Editor: Lisa Resnick
Logistics Coordination: Katherine Huseman
Producer and Program Manager: Tiffany A. Bryant
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David M. Rubenstein Chairman
Deborah F. Rutter President
Mario R. Rossero Senior Vice President Education
Timothy O’Leary General Director
Francesca Zambello Artistic Director
Major support for WNO is provided by Jacqueline Badger Mars.
David M. Rubenstein is the Presenting Underwriter of WNO.
WNO acknowledges the longstanding generosity of Life Chairman Mrs. Eugene B. Casey.
WNO's Presenting Sponsor
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This performance is made possible by the Kimsey Endowment; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education.
Major support for educational programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by David M. Rubenstein through the Rubenstein Arts Access Program.
© 2019 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
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