#july reading plans
nerdynatreads · 2 years
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july tbr || Testing Out TBRs: The Redhead Reader's Goodreads Picks My TBR -- July TBR
Apparently, I’m slightly insane, because my tbr is huge and I still have more:
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward
The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson
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phoenixtakaramono · 9 months
The Name of the Game - Ch 1 AO3 Publish Date Announcement
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Since Gen V is airing on 9/29, this is a notice that chapter 1 of my 135ch QT will be posted to AO3 anytime after between 9/30-10/1. I'm currently editing the last action scene of TNotG ch1 but we're looking at approximately between 60+ to 70+ pages for the prologue itself.
Keep a lookout for it in the "Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John" tag! \( ̄︶ ̄*\)) I'll also post here on tumblr and tweet a reminder of the official date and time before posting!
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*EDIT (10/1/23): It’s up! The AO3 link is up above in the title.
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
totally didn't notice until now, but it's been a year since i published my first beyond evil fic. i have mixed feelings about it but i still appreciate that story because it was the first piece of writing (that wasn't poetry) that I had completed in a number of years, and it felt like a huge achievement at the time
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holistichiatus · 1 month
ok, taking off my marketing hat for a bit again. thank you
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simgerale · 1 year
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me when i don’t see a simgerale post 😔 IMY but i know ur busy <3
anna!!!! </3 i miss you too!! life is rolling along and i find that adulting requires more of my time than ever )^: that said, i’ll be near my pc for two weeks so maybe i’ll do some sim things?? we will see 💛💛
#ask#sublimesims#trying to have other hobbies is hard#i started reading and then promptly got overwhelmed by how it would take my time when I need to help cook and clean and adult#back in the day I would sim all day and my parents would make dinner and I’d just be chilling#now I’m like wait I am in charge of making sure I am fed now lol#sounds so silly and childish but it’s something my brain is trying to balance#with work and also doing laundry and also planning a wedding#btw we landed on a venue ! it’s just a family friend’s place#but the field didn’t work out so this should be nice#it has bathrooms and power so it’s already an upgrade lol#and my mom hired a photographer#and we’re looking into someone for catering rn#and I’ve got two wedding showers to go to already in august and September that people are kindly throwing for us#and this is just wedding stuff! we’ve also got to pack and move at the beginning of July#not looking forward to that#to moving yes to packing no#while I’m home these two weeks I’m going to be trying to pack and donate what I can#and I’m dog sitting / house sitting this week as well#(hoping a little pocket cash can help with wedding stuff lol)#and we have to figure out where we want to go for our honeymoon#we’re thinking italy because Japan is actually very pricey to visit in the winter#who knew#and also I’m like the state of the world could be in disarray for all we know#i've rambled far too long!!! sorry guys!! love you all
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titsthedamnseason · 5 months
zane: i love you
vin: i believe you
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innytoes · 2 years
Oh could you please do #9 of the Autumn Prompts for Boggie, pretty please? I feel like this is so something Bobby would say to Reggie! Thank you! 🤗
Working at the pumpkin patch wasn't the worst job in the world. It beat the hell out of stacking shelves at the supermarket. Or walking dogs like Reggie did. He never had to pick up anybody's poop, for one. Also, when it rained, he basically got to read a paperback at his little stall scooted back just inside the barn so he kept dry.
It was threatening rain, which meant the few people who had made the trip out were hurrying along, trying to get to their cars before the clouds opened up. Bobby rang them all up, offering a pumpkin shaped lollypop to a little girl with a smile. No need to be the cool-guy rockstar here. Here he was just Bobby, Mr Pumpkin Salesman.
"Do I get a lollypop too?" A far too familiar voice asked him. And there was Reggie. The little shit had waited until everyone else was done and hurrying to their car before popping up out of nowhere.
"That depends, were you well-behaved?" he asked, deadpan. Reggie considered it for a moment.
"I think so," he said, ridiculously earnest. His eyes sparkled, and ugh, Bobby never knew what to do when Reggie looked at him like that, all cute-looking and stuff. They'd only been dating for a few weeks, but it seemed like Reggie had already figured out how flustered he could make Bobby with just one look.
"Sorry, lollypops are only for customers," Bobby said.
Reggie beamed, before lifting up one of the wicker baskets they had stacked at the gate. It was filled to the brim with pumpkins. Medium sizes ones, small ones, weird oblong ones, in all different shades.
"That's... that's an alarming amount of gourds you got there, buddy," Bobby said slowly.
Reggie gave him a look, before bending down and pulling out another basket, this one filled with four bigger pumpkins.
"And these are for us to carve for our Halloween party!" he said happily. Which, Bobby though they were just going to crash in the studio and watch a scary movie and make fun of Alex every time he jumped (and then turn right around and make fun of Luke when he inevitably couldn't sleep).
"And the other sixty-thousand small ones?" he asked.
"Because they're cute," Reggie said. Then he smirked. "Like you."
Bobby hated the fact that it worked. He hated the fact that he could feel his face go red, hated even more that Reggie's grin just grew. Cute smug bastard.
"I think you're just angling for a discount," he grumbled, as he started lifting gourds out of the basket. And if he maybe didn't count every fifth one, well, whatever, they were tiny ones, it was fine.
"And a lollypop," Reggie beamed.
When the sky broke open and it started to pour, Bobby pulled Reggie into the bar. His lips were sweet and sugary from the lollypop.
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mg549 · 6 months
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2023 year in review
previous years
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8aji · 1 year
i feel like the planets are aligning and i'm so happy to be writing this and so grateful for everything everything !!
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aspeckof-stardust · 11 months
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deityofhearts · 11 months
guess who finally figured out shit about one of their ocs
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johnsbleu · 2 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 138
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Warnings: NSFW HMH masterlist
Today is December 5th, which means two things: Ronan is officially three months old and it’s totally acceptable to decorate for Christmas!
Rolling over in bed, you hover over John and smile as he lets out a small laugh with his eyes closed, then you crawl on top of him and nuzzle into the crook of his neck as he tries not to laugh. You tickle his sides, which doesn’t actually do anything since he’s not very ticklish, then you chomp in the crook of his neck.
“Merry Christmas!” you sing softly to him.
John laughs, “It’s not Christmas yet.”
“It’s December, so yeah, it’s Christmas.” you say, sitting up on John as you look down at him, “It’s December, which also means it’s time to decorate!”
“I forget how excited you always get about Christmas.” he says, resting his hands on your hips, “We have a big weekend ahead of us.”
You nod, “Yes, we do! So, time to get up.”
John hums as he thinks, then he pulls you back down to his chest, “I think we should stay in bed a little longer. Bug is with Grandma, so maybe we should take advantage of that.”
“Hmm,” you pull the blankets over you and smile as you lean down to kiss him, “Maybe we should.”
Today is going to be spent getting the shop all decorated for Christmas, and you’re so excited! John is currently putting up a Christmas tree in the center of the shop, and you’re getting the cute little book themed ornaments from the box you brought with you. You even had ornaments made with all of the employees names on them.
“Look!” you hand the G ornament to Grace and smile, “It’s for the tree.”
“Oh, stop, that’s so cute,” she laughs, then she takes it and hangs it up, “What are you two up to this weekend?”
John laughs quietly, “More decorating.”
“Hey, I always said we were going all out once we had a baby.” you say, and John pats your backside when he moves past to get the tree skirt, “We have a big weekend. We’re going to decorate the house tonight, Ro is with my parents, but she should be here any minute because tomorrow she gets to meet Santa!”
Grace gasps and juts out her bottom lip, “Aw! Please tell me that we’ll see the pictures.”
“Of course! Tess actually had to buy our tickets to see him when…wow, I don’t even think Ronan was born yet. I looked it up today just to see if there was even a slot to get into see Santa,” you say, and Grace nods as she looks over at you, “None.”
“He’s a busy man.” John says as he walks past.
Grace laughs, “John, are you going to dress up like Santa when she’s bigger?”
“Nah, that’s Jimmy’s thing.” John laughs, and you smile as you grab a few more ornaments, “I think she’d know if it was me too.”
“Definitely. She’d figure it out.” you nod, then you look over your shoulder when the bell above the door rings as a few people come in. Grace touches your shoulder as she walks over to greet them, and you look over at John, “I wonder where my mom is.”
John exhales as he stands up and admires his work, “I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”
Almost on cue, the bell above the door rings again, and you look over your shoulder to see your mom pushing Ronan’s stroller through the door. John rushes over to help her through the door, then he leans down and smiles at Ronan.
You quickly hang up the ornament, then you walk over and hug your mom, “Hi! How was she?”
“An angel,” your mom smiles, “She slept so well last night.”
“Of course she did,” you say in your mom-voice, then you lean down to look at Ronan as she smiles, “Because that means she won’t sleep tonight because we have a big day tomorrow!”
John reaches down to get Ronan from her stroller, then he kisses her cheek over and over, “She’ll be great. Are you excited, mom?”
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York City for Christmas, it’s been a dream of mine and the girls’ since I…well, I can’t even remember.” she says, and you nod your head in agreement, “There’s several touristy things I want to do, so I hope we can do that.”
“Of course.” John nods, and you smile at Ronan in his arms and whisper to her.
Your mom sets Ronan’s bag down, then she clicks her tongue, “Oh, I can’t wait. Here.”
You furrow your brow when your mom hands an envelope to you, “What’s this?”
“I had Finn yesterday too, so I did something for you and Tess.”
Opening the envelope, you pull out a picture and laugh when you see Finn sitting on a little stool with Ronan next to him in a basket surrounded by fake snow, little pine trees and cute Christmas decorations.
“I took them to get their pictures taken. I know that’s so…old fashioned, but I’m old, okay?”
John laughs as he leans over to look at the pictures, “Mom, these are great.”
“Oh, look at that little heartbreaker.” you say, pointing at Finn’s little cheeky grin in the picture of him. You pull out the next picture and immediately look up at John when you see Ronan’s big smile, “Oh my god!”
“Yeah…” your mom smiles as she looks at it, “She’s so precious.”
You look through the rest of the pictures, some of just Ronan, some of just Finn, then you hug them, “Are these all mine?”
“Yeah, I already gave Tess hers.” your mom says, and you reach out to hug her.
“Thank you so much.” you smile, then you lean back and laugh, “I can’t wait to get these in some frames. I love the little cousins one where he’s holding her hand.”
Your mom chuckles, “He’s just so sweet and gentle with her.”
“He’s great with her,” John nods, bouncing on his knees to keep Ronan happy, “I keep teasing Tess that maybe she needs another baby now.”
“Oh, me too.” your mom says, and you laugh quietly as you look over at Ronan as she looks around.
John hands Ronan over to you when a few more people come in, and you move off to the side with your mom to talk for a few more minutes.
“I’m so excited for tomorrow! I can’t wait to see everything.” your mom says, and you nod your head, “I should probably head home. I need to clean the house up; Finn is a little tornado.”
You laugh as you reach out to hug her, “I’ll see you tomorrow for some breakfast!”
“So excited!” she smiles, then she leans over to kiss Ronan’s cheek. “Love you both.”
“Bye, mom. Love you.” you smile, then you walk over to John as he waves at your mom.
John smiles and leans down to kiss you, then he kisses the top of Ronan’s head, “Are you excited for tomorrow too?”
“Very excited! I’ve always wanted to see Rockefeller Center and see the big tree.” you smile, bouncing on your knees, “And I’ve always wanted to go Macy’s too! Ah, I’m excited!”
“I can’t tell if you’re bouncing on your knees because you’re excited or if you’re just trying to keep her from getting fussy.”
You laugh, “Both!”
“So cute,” John whispers as he leans down to kiss you, “Let me just get the last few things done around here, then we’ll head home.”
You nod your head as you bounce Ronan in your arms, then you walk over to the Christmas tree and hold her up so she’s able to look at it. You point to the ornament that has an R on it for Ronan and tell her it’s for her, then you kiss her cheek.
Christmas music is playing softly through the speakers as you dance with Ronan in your arms, and you smile when John walks over with lighted garland to wrap your the railing of the spiral staircase.
“This place looks so festive,” a woman says, and you smile as you look over your shoulder to see her holding a book. “It looks nice and cozy.”
“Thank you!” you smile, then you laugh when Ronan wiggles your arms and garbles. You look down at her and scrunch your eyebrows together, then you look up at John as he peeks out from behind his hands causing her to laugh as he walks closer. “Oh, daddy is just so silly, huh?”
John holds up her foot and looks at her, “I’m gonna eat it! Nom, nom, nom!”
Ronan laughs and squeals as John playfully nibbles on her foot, and you smile as you hand her over to him. He kisses her chubby cheek, then he exhales and looks over at you as you watch them.
“I think this place looks pretty good.” he says, and you nod as you look around.
“I like the garland with the lights on the railings, that looks cool.” you point, then you look over at the tree, “But this is my favorite.”
John gestures to the windows, “I think Grace had an idea for the windows, so she’s going to do those.”
���Sounds good.” you say, then you grin as you look over at him.
“Alright, we can head home.” he laughs, rolling his eyes playfully.
You clench your fist in victory, then you rush into the office to get your bag. John waits by the office door while you grab his jacket and keys, and you giggle as you walk past him.
“You’re so excited.”
“I am so excited!” you sing, and he laughs as he puts Ronan in her stroller. “Look, I agreed that we would at least wait until the first week of December.”
John laughs, “You wanted to put the tree out Thanksgiving night.”
“If we hadn’t hosted Thanksgiving, I would have, but I was exhausted after.” you say, then you look down to make sure Ronan is all bundled up before you push her stroller through the door. You turn around to wave at Grace and Tony, then you wait outside while John says goodbye to them.
“We’ll definitely send you some pictures.” John laughs as he waves at them, “Call if you need anything.”
God, he’s so good with the employees! He’s so fucking sweet and nice to them, and they just adore him.
John inhales deeply, then he gets his keys out, “Ready? Wait, why are you smiling like that?”
“You’re just so cute!” you laugh as you reach out to hug him, “I just love watching you with everyone.”
“What? Because I was saying goodbye?”
You nod, “Yeah, you’re adorable.”
John lets out a small laugh before he leans down to kiss you, “Alright, Mrs. Wick, stop buttering me up. I’m getting the decorations out first thing when we get home.”
“Hey!” you laugh as you lean back to look at him, “I think you’re a cutie pie.”
“You’re a cutie pie,” he smiles, and you chuckle before you lean up to kiss him. He looks over at Ronan as she looks at the two of you, then he laughs, “Look at her. She’s probably thinking about how embarrassing her parents are.”
You laugh as you look over at her, then you grab John’s face and kiss his cheek obnoxiously as you hum, “Mm, mm, mm!”
Ronan giggles as you smother John’s face in kisses, and you laugh loudly when John grabs your face and does it back to you, causing her to laugh even louder.
“Oh, your parents are just so mushy, huh?” you laugh as you lean down to kiss Ronan, “You’ll be so embarrassed by us someday, but you’ll grow to appreciate it.”
John laughs as he moves around to get Ronan into the backseat, then he stuffs her stroller into the trunk before getting in the car, “Okay, so…is there anywhere you need to go before we go home and get started?”
“Well, I mean, I could totally do some shopping for Christmas decorations, but I won’t.”
John turns in his seat and looks at you, “I thought you did that the other day. You left with Ro and came back with about $150 worth of candles.”
You scoff loudly, “It was not $150.”
“Oh, excuse me, $125.” he teases, and you playfully roll your eyes as he laughs.
“I bought five candles and I had a coupon!” you say, and John laughs as he drives down the street. “Did it really bother you?”
John laughs, “No, and the house smells great.”
Sitting back in your seat, you look out the window as you pass someone putting their Christmas lights up and it reminds you that John will probably have to to do that sometime this weekend if he gets the time.
“What is the first thing you want to do when we get into the city tomorrow, peach?”
“Hmm,” you purse your lips and think, “I’m thinking I would like a nice cup of hot chocolate and a donut from that little coffee shop you took me to that one time when we first started dating.”
John nods, “Ooh, sounds good. I forgot all about that place.”
“How about you, dad?”
“A coffee and a donut sounds good, I think you got the right idea.” he says, pulling into the driveway, “And maybe a big ol’ kiss.”
You look over at him as he parks the car, “You want that one a little early?”
“Yes, please.” he nods, then he cups your face and leans over to kiss you, “I’m going to need several of those tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you laugh as you lean over to kiss him, “I can definitely do that.”
Decorating the house didn’t go according to plan. Once you got inside and all relaxed, neither you nor John really wanted to drag the boxes up from the basement. He did bring up the tree and put it together just so it could fluff up last night and during the day today, but you’ll have to save the decorating until tomorrow since you’ll be spending today in New York City!
“Oh, gorgeous girl!” you smile as you hold up Ronan, “Let’s go show daddy our cute outfits for the day.”
You hold Ronan against your chest as you head downstairs and call out for John, and you smile when you get to the bottom of the steps as he comes out of the kitchen with a huge smile on his face.
“Ronan is wearing a very cute little outfit for her photo with Santa today.” you say as you hold her to show John her cute pants, “We got some cute floral pants with deep red flowers on them--perfect for the holiday. And of course, she has a lovely little deep red onesie on to match the pants, and the finishing touch, of course, is this beautiful little headband that she will rip off before she even gets in the car.”
“Ro, you look beautiful.” John whispers as he walks over and takes her from you, “Look how pretty you are, just like your momma. Speaking of mom, wow.”
You stick out your leg and shrug, “I figured Tess will have her camera with, so I decided to go with a nice sweater that isn’t too heavy that matches Ro’s onesie, some of dad’s favorite jeans, and some Doc Marten boots because NYC streets are no joke.”
“I do love those jeans.”
“And I finally fit into them nicely again!” you say, then you do a little spin for John, “You better get ready for lots of fashion shows.”
John laughs as he reaches out for your hand, “I definitely am.”
“Daddy looks very handsome today too!” you say, and John laughs as he looks at his outfit, “Love the leather jacket, love those shoes, love these jeans.”
John puckers his lips to kiss you, then he moves his hand down to your ass, “Ready?”
“Yes. I just need to get her bottle.”
“Already got it.” John says, and you put your hand over your chest like you’re so impressed, “I know. I’m on top of everything today.”
You look over at him and cock your eyebrow up, “Well…”
“Hey, hey, hey…” he laughs, leaning over to kiss your cheek, “A baby is in our presence.”
“Wanna tell that to your hand?” you laugh, and John spanks you a few times before you walk away. You grab your backpack and look through it to make sure you have everything you’ll need for Ronan, “Diapers, yes. Wipes and hand sanitizer, yes. A bottle, yes. Mom’s wallet, yes. Lotion for the delicate baby skin, yes. Uh, changing pad, yes. Socks and a change of outfit just in case, yes. I think we’re set.”
John holds up the baby sling that you use to tie Ronan to your chest, and you look at it for a few moments before you nod your head and reach out for it. Maybe John will want to carry her at some point.
“We are all set.” you say, then you get a little giddy as you walk over to John, “I’m so excited!”
“Me too. I bet Ronan is going to be a little angel when she gets her picture with Santa.” John smiles, and you nod your head as you open the front door and walk over to your car.
You open the back door and watch John getting Ronan into her car seat, “She’s going to be an angel all day, and she’s going to have so much fun with her family.”
“I think so too.” John smiles, then he helps you into the front seat, “Can’t wait.”
The streets of New York City are always jam packed with tourists and people shopping, and during the holiday season, it’s even worse. John knew he’d never be able to park close to where you’d be spending most of the day, so he parked in a lot where he knew the car would be safe, then the three of you crammed into a cab so you could be taken to Time Square.
You met up with everyone at the diner for some breakfast, and now you’re all just wandering down the street to Macy’s before the kids have their photo taken with Santa. Ronan is currently wrapped up in her stroller as John pushes her down the street, and you’re clinging to his arm so you don’t get lost in the crowd.
“Hey,” John leans over and smiles, “Remember when we came here that one night?”
“Yeah! I was just thinking about that. It looks so different in the day.”
John nods, “Much cooler at night with all the lights.”
You smile as you look up at John, then you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, “Still one of my favorite things we’ve ever done.”
“We’ll have to do it again some time.”
“It’s a date,” you smile, then you lean down to look at Ronan as she sleeps. You wrap both of your arms around John’s bicep, then you smile as you look up at him again, “You look so handsome today.”
John laughs, “Thank you very much.”
Jimmy points at some golf store that he wants to go into, so you let go of John’s arm and take the stroller to sit with her outside. Tess smiles when Finn holds Jimmy’s hand and walks inside with them, then she walks over to stand with you and your mom.
“Did you get the house decorated?”
You laugh, “No, John and I weren’t in the mood once we got home. He actually hired some local company to put lights on the house. I worry about him getting on a ladder while it’s raining or snowing this next week, plus he has his knee that bothers him. I just don’t want him to get hurt.”
Tess nods, “That’s what we’re doing too. Finn picked out a few little blow up decorations for the front yard, but we’re having someone come put the lights on the house.”
“Much too dangerous for them to be out doing that,” your mom says, and Tess lets out a small laugh, “We should do that too then, I won’t ask the boys to put up my lights.”
You push Ronan’s stroller back and forth when you hear her making noises, then you lean down and smile when she looks around, “Well, good afternoon.”
Reaching into the stroller, you pull Ronan out and pull the hood down on her coat so she can look around. She wobbles in your arms a little as her eyes grow wide, and your mom and Tess laugh as she looks around at everything.
Your mom laughs, “She’s getting so expressive.”
“This is New York City,” you say, then you point around, “There’s Time Square, and just over there is where Santa is.”
Tess smiles as she leans over to look at Ronan, then she kisses her tiny hand, “Hi, sweet girl. Do you want your favorite auntie to hold you?”
“I think so.” you smile as you hand Ronan to Tess, then you take off your backpack and reach in for a new diaper so Tess can change her too. You sit down on the bench next to your mom, then you bump her shoulder, “Excited for Christmas?”
“Very! Is Jonathan excited?”
You smile as you look over at John coming out of the shop with Finn in his arms followed by Jimmy and your dad, “He’s very excited. He can’t wait until Ro is old enough to open her own stuff, but yeah, this year is special since it’s our first Christmas as parents, obviously. He wants to do the whole Santa and elves thing that you and dad did for Tess and I that one year.”
Your mom laughs, “Ah, that was sweet.”
“She believed Santa was real until she was almost 10. You made me promise I wouldn’t tell, and I didn’t!” Tess says, and you see John perk up, “Yeah, your wife believed in Santa until she was almost 10.”
You laugh when John looks over at you, “I didn’t believe he was real, I just wanted to believe he was.”
“That’s so cute, mouse,” John laughs as he leans down to kiss you, and you take Finn from him.
“Santa is real, what are you all talking about?” Jimmy says, widening his eyes and gesturing to Finn. “We’re gonna go see Santa, aren’t we, buddy?”
Finn nods his head as he sits in your lap, then he perks up when he sees Tess is holding Ronan. He slips off your lap and reaches up for Tess, so she leans down and smiles when he looks at Ronan.
“What a sweet boy you are,” Tess smiles as Finn kisses Ronan, “Is that your best friend?”
You smile when Finn nods his head, then you stand up and put your backpack on as Jimmy picks up Finn and throws him into the air. He tickles his tummy and makes silly noises as Finn giggles loudly, and you look over at Tess as she smiles and watches them.
John wraps his arm around you and rubs your arm, “Everything good?”
“Yeah, of course.” you smile as you look up at him, then you raise your eyebrow, silently asking him the same question.
“Everything’s great with me,” John nods and leans down to kiss you, then he looks over at Ronan in Tess’ arms.
The line to see Santa wasn’t too long since you obviously had to get tickets, but Finn was thrilled to go through the little setup that they have outside of meeting Santa. He even ‘wrote’ a little letter to send to Santa at the North Pole, just in case he forgot what Finn wants this year. He’s a busy man after all, and he sees many children!
You can hear Santa on the other side of the curtain as he talks to the family that was in front of you, and you smile when you see Finn clapping his hands and giggling as Jimmy tells him that Santa is on the other side.
“Think Santa will let me sit in his lap?” Jimmy asks, and Finn shakes his head, “What? You don’t? I’ve been good this year! Is daddy too big?”
“Yeah,” Finn nods, and you chuckle a little.
Tess kneels down and smiles, “How about mommy? Can I sit in Santa’s lap?”
“Yeah!” Finn nods as he reaches out to hug her, and Jimmy frowns as he looks over at Finn. Finn giggles and rushes back over to hug Jimmy.
They’re such a cute family, you can never quite get over it. Tess is just the perfect mom to Finn, and Jimmy is a great dad too. They love the hell out of Finn and each other. It’s nice to see your sister so happy with her little family.
You let out a small laugh as you watch Jimmy chasing Finn around, then you look at Tess, “Is Jimmy ever in a bad mood?”
Tess laughs as she shakes her head and looks at you, “No. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him genuinely mad before. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we fight, we bicker, but it never lasts long. He just is a naturally happy guy, you know?”
“Yeah,” John laughs, nodding his head, “It’s annoying sometimes.”
“Yeah! Sometimes I wanna be mad or upset, but he just has a way to get me out of that mood so quickly,” she says, and John nods in agreement, “It’s nice though. It’s nice to be with someone like that.”
John nudges your shoulder and nods to you, “That’s you to me.”
You scoff, “No, more like you to me. I get mad and John talks me down so quickly. John is the level headed one in our relationship.”
“Never thought I’d be referred to as ‘level headed’.” John laughs, and you smile at him. “Definitely not with my…uh, my history of acting on emotions.”
Tess chuckles, “It’s nice though. It’s nice to have someone like that, someone who can calm you down when your emotions take over. I’m glad we all have that.”
“Me too.” you smile at him, “I’m glad you have Jimmy.”
“The other day I got my hair trimmed and just added a few highlights to it, and when I came home, the moment Jimmy saw me, he noticed. He made a huge deal about it, about how pretty I looked.” Tess laughs as she shakes her head, “I never had a guy do that for me before and I just started crying. I always wanted that--I know it’s stupid, but I always wanted that. I always wanted a guy to notice little things like that. And now I have that with Jimmy.”
You smile wide when Tess looks at you, “It’s cute.”
“Ugh! I sound like you! I hang out with you too much.”
You playfully gasp, “No such thing!”
Tess nods, “Yeah, no such thing.”
You completely understand how Tess feels. It really is so nice to have someone who notices the smallest things about you, and you totally agree with her about the whole hair thing. You haven’t cut your hair in a long time, but it grew so fast while you were pregnant that you decided to just get a little trim. You didn’t even tell John that you were thinking about it nor did you tell him that you were going, but you met up with him at the bookshop after, and it didn’t take him more than 5 seconds to notice that you had cut three inches off of your hair. He notices everything about you, and it’s really nice to have someone who pays such close attention. It’s nice to have someone who cares enough to even pay attention.
“Alright,” The woman dressed as the elf smiles, “It’s your turn!”
Tess holds Finn’s hand as she walks through the curtain, and you follow behind them and see Santa sitting on a bench with fake reindeer and trees around him.
“Well, hello!” Santa says, waving at Finn, “What do you have on your sweater?”
Finn looks down at his sweater and tilts his head as he looks up at Santa to tell him that he has a bear on his shirt. Tess kneels down and whispers to Finn, then he quickly walks over and reaches out for Santa to take him.
“Oh god, I’m gonna cry,” Tess laughs as she stands up and turns around for a moment, “He’s so cute.”
Finn is talking nonstop to Santa, and he points over at Ronan and nods as he looks back at Santa.
Tess laughs as she kneels down by Finn, “Why don’t you get your picture with Santa first, then Ro can sit with you?”
You reach over to get Ronan while Finn gets his picture taken, then you fix her bow a little and walk over to hand her to Santa. You hope he knows how to hold a baby, but you’re sure he’s been holding babies all day long for weeks now.
“Don’t worry, miss, I always use hand sanitizer between pictures.” he whispers, and you smile softly.
Ronan widens her eyes when she looks up at Santa, then she looks over at you, which causes you all to laugh. She really is quite expressive today.
“Smile!” Tess says, and Finn grins.
You wave and smile at Ronan to get her to smile, but she just sits there. John kneels down closer and talks to her, which earns a big gummy smile from her, and the woman snaps a picture. Finn hops down when Tess reaches for his hand, then the woman takes another picture of just Ronan with Santa.
“Oh, beautiful!” the woman smiles, then she hands a ticket to you and Tess so you can get your pictures.
John takes Ronan from Santa and presses a kiss to her cheek as you walk through the doors, and you lean over to look at her as she smiles wide. You walk over to the kiosk to get your pictures printed out, and you hold it up for John to see.
“Oh, look at that big smile,” he laughs, then he kisses Ronan’s cheek. “So gorgeous like her momma.”
You hold John’s gaze when he looks at you, then you lean over to kiss him, “Stop it right now, Wick. I know what you’re doing.”
“Just wondering if…”
Rolling your eyes, you let out a small laugh, then you look over at him, “Definitely.”
“Yes!” John clenches his fist in victory, then he puts Ronan in her stroller, “Can’t wait.”
You reach up and cup his face as he wraps his arms around you, “We still have hours before we’re home. Can you last?”
“I can try,” he laughs, and you shake your head as you lean up to kiss him, “You just look so gorgeous today.”
“Thank you!” you smile as you lean back to look at him, “I feel good!”
John nods, “I can tell. It’s radiating off of you, peach.”
“I hope you know you’re a major part of the reason why,” you whisper, and he smiles as he leans down to kiss you. Cupping John’s face, you close your eyes and press another kiss to his lips before you move to push the stroller to head to your next destination.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly after seeing Santa. You stopped into a few shops you had never been in to before and you got a few things, then you all grabbed some dinner before going to Rockefeller Center to see the Christmas Tree. Thankfully since it’s winter, it gets darker earlier, so you were able to see the tree even though it was only around 6. You even convinced John to go skating with you for a little bit--you both fell a few times.
“No, that was totally your fault. You were going down and you pulled me with you,” you say and John shakes his head, “Yes! You started to fall and pulled me down, and now look, I got a big bruise on my shin because of you.”
John laughs as he holds up your leg and presses several kisses to your shin, “Is that better?”
“Moderately.” you say, and John lets out another laugh as he pulls you closer to kiss you, “Hmm…”
“Oh, you have to think about it?”
You laugh as you tilt your head back, then you yelp when John pushes you down on the couch and crawls on top of you. His breath is hot on your skin as he gently brushes his lips against your neck, and your eyes roll shut when you feel his tongue glide across your skin.
John crawls up more and wraps your legs around his waist, then he presses himself against you as the two of you share a heated and passionate kiss. You whimper when you feel John hard in his pants as he rubs himself against the thin fabric of your shorts, and he lets out a small breath.
“We haven’t finished decorating,” you whisper as John kisses down your neck to your breast, “Ro is about to be up from her nap too.”
“Then we better make it quick.” he whispers, and you bite your lip as you nod.
You sit up a little and help John get his pants pulled down, then you lay down and lift your hips up so John can pull your shorts and underwear off. He smiles as he looks between your legs, then he leans down for a quick taste causing you to press your hand to your mouth when you moan softly.
“Mm,” John licks his lips, then he smiles at you, “Always tastes so good.”
Pulling John down to your lips, you squeeze your eyes shut and moan as he slides between your legs, and you let out a big breath as you lean back to look at him. He smiles and rubs his thumb against your cheek, then he gently kisses you.
“I love watching you take me,” he whispers, and you grip his shirt as he thrusts his hips hard, knocking the breath out of you every time. “You take me so well, huh? And you love feeling me so deep between your legs, don’t you?”
“Yeah…” you whimper out.
John gently kisses your jawline and chin as he holds your gaze, and you grip his shirt tighter when he jerks his hips harder. You breathe harder and louder as John continues to thrust his hips, and you knit your brows together as you hold his gaze before your eyes roll shut and the pleasure takes over.
“Oh, fuck!” you scream loudly as you tilt your head back, and John lets out a small laugh as he sucks on your neck, “Oh, shit, John!”
“Scream my name,” he whispers, and you clench your jaw and shake your head, “Come on.”
You let out a big breathe as you open your eyes, then you dig your nails into his biceps as you scream his name. John sucks on his thumb as you look at him, then he reaches down and rubs your clit as a wicked smirk spreads across his face.
“Such a good girl,” John whispers to you, and you let out a little laugh since you know he’s doing it on purpose just to get you turned on even more, “I could spend all day between your legs, you know that?”
“God, you’re so sexy.” you say, and John smirks as he leans down to kiss you before he leans up and watches himself sliding in and out of your pussy. “Mm, how lucky am I? Look at you.”
John shakes his head a little, “I’m the lucky one.”
You gasp when John slips from between your legs, and you both frantically reach down to slide him back in, “Put it back in, put it back in.”
“Damn,” John smirks as he holds your gaze, then he pushes himself in deep, “You really want it, don’t you?”
You pull John down to your lips as you roll your hips under him, then you cling to him as you press your foreheads together and pant loudly, preparing to unravel at any minute. John clenches his jaw and lets out a low groan, then he sits up a little and squeezes his eyes shut as you spread your legs open wider, listening to the sound of his hips against your ass.
“I’m coming…” John whispers, then he lays down on top of you more as he jerks his hips hard while you moan into the crook of his neck. You hold tight to John as you both ride out of your orgasms, then you let out a big breath and lay back on the couch as he hovers over you and smiles. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper to him, then you lean up to kiss him, “I should go get cleaned up.”
John nods as he kisses you, “Me too, then I’ll get Ro.”
You sit up with the help of John, then you waddle off to the bathroom to clean yourself up. You check out yourself in the mirror before you reach into the drawer for a brush to run it through your hair. Ronan giggling from on the other side of the door causes you to perk up, and you open the door and smile when you see her sitting in her swing as Bleu sniffs her and wags his tail.
“Where did you go, John?”
“In here,” he says, and you look in the kitchen, “I needed something to drink.”
You smirk as you shimmy your shoulders, “You’re welcome.”
John laughs as he walks back into the living room with you, then he sits down near Ronan and reaches over to squeeze her chunky foot. You walk over to get a few more decorations, then you set them around as John watches.
“Oh, wow…” John laughs, “You stink.”
You furrow your brow and turn around to look at him, then you laugh, “I thought you meant me.”
“No!” John laughs as he sets Ronan on the couch to change her diaper, “No, you always smell good, like vanilla and flowers.”
“Thanks,” you laugh, then you turn on the radio and smile when John holds up Ronan and bounces her along to the music. You set out a few different decorations, then you stand back and look at everything, “I think we’re done--well, that’s not completely true. I do want to get another little tree for the entryway and decorate there and the kitchen and bathroom too, but the living room is done!”
John smiles as he looks over at the Christmas tree illuminating the living room, “It looks great in here. Smells great in here too.”
“Look, baby girl.” you walk over to the fireplace and hold up her stocking, “Your very first stocking! I wonder what Santa is going to get you!”
“What will we put in there?”
You purse your lips and think, “Uh, probably some little toys, but she’ll be able to eat pureed foods, so probably some of those little puree things.”
John nods as he looks down at Ronan, then he gets up and reaches for your hand, “Come here, momma.”
Taking John’s hand, you smile as you wrap your arms around him and Ronan. You sway back and forth to the music as Ronan smiles at you, and you lean over to kiss her cheek.
“You were in momma’s belly last year. Actually you might not have been at this point,” you say, then you look at John, “But you called me into the office and yelled at me.”
“I didn’t yell at you. I got you back for playing tricks on me.” he laughs, then he smirks, “Then I got you pregnant.”
A smile spreads across your face as you nod, “Yes, you did.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever said it like that before, that I got you pregnant.” he laughs, furrowing his brow a little, “Wow.”
“Give yourself a pat on the back.”
John laughs as he pats his back, then he leans down to kiss you, “It was good teamwork. See? See how well we work together, and look at what we made because of it.”
You smile as you look over at Ronan, then you take her and bounce her a little as you rub her back, “We made an angel. An angel who probably is getting hungry, along with her mom. I need a snack.”
“I’ll make her a bottle and make us some smoothies.” John says, and you smile as you nod your head.
You walk over to the tree with Ronan and watch as she looks at the lights as they twinkle and you point at the ornaments, “That’s the ornament I got for daddy to tell him that you were in my tummy. He was so excited! We’ll show you someday.”
Ronan grunts and coos as you show her all of the ornaments, then she squeals loudly when John comes back into the living room--he always gets a big reaction. John smiles as he walks over with her bottle of milk, then he puts his hand on your back and walks with you over to the couch where you sit down to feed Ronan. You cradle her in your arms and smile as you feed her her bottle, and she reaches up to tug on your hair.
“Our first Christmas as parents,” John smiles, and you look over at him, “It’s going to be so good.”
“I think so,” you smile as you nod, “I think you and I should get up and open our stuff with Ro, then we can hang out for a bit before going to my parents’ house. We’ll probably spend most of the day there, so I’ll make sure to pack everything she’ll need.”
John nods as he looks down at Ronan, “What do you want for Christmas, bug?”
“Hmm, books!” you say in the child-like voice that John always gets freaked out by, and you laugh when you look up at him, “I think some books would be good, maybe some cool new toys! She’ll probably get some clothes from my mom and Tess. My mom called the other day and asked what size she’s wearing now, so I’m sure that’s why.”
“What do you want for Christmas?” John asks, and you shrug as you look at him, “Candles?”
You laugh as you nod, “I always love candles. I don’t know. I’m fine with anything really. What about you? I have no ideas for you this year.”
“Nah, I don’t need anything.” John says as he leans over and kisses your cheek, “I’m more concerned about Ro having a good first Christmas.”
You laugh, “She’s three months old. She doesn’t even know what’s going on, but yeah…same.”
“I was thinking we could get ourselves something,” he says, and you look over at him and furrow your brow, “I thought it would be nice to get ourselves a new TV and entertainment center.”
You look over the bulky entertainment center and nod, “Yeah, that’s a good idea. You’ve had that since before I moved in. A new dresser in our room would be good too.”
“Yeah, definitely.” he nods, then he leans over to kiss you again, “I’m still going to get you presents.”
Letting out a small laugh, you nod, “Yeah, I already have a few ideas for you, to be honest. But what’s most important is that Ronan gets some stuff. I don’t care about getting anything.”
“Oh, I’m not falling for that.” John laughs as he looks at you, and you laugh as you tilt your head back and close your eyes for a moment, “You’re going to get stuff too.”
“Cool,” you shrug a little as you smile, then you look down at Ronan in your arms as she looks over at the tree. “Another thing we can do is maybe have like a date night thing. We take Ro to my mom’s every Wednesday but I miss dressing up and going out, you know? So, maybe we can do that as a present to ourselves--a fancy date night.”
John nods his head and smiles, “I think that’s a really good idea.”
You scrunch your face up and smile when John kisses your cheek, then he leans down and kisses Ronan’s little hand. She wraps her fingers around his index finger as she drinks her bottle and looks around, and John chuckles a little when she looks at him with her big curious brown eyes.
John reaches for the remote to turn on the TV, then he switches it to a movie--The Grinch, “Gonna make some smoothies for us, then we can watch this.”
“Okay,” you smile as he leans over to kiss your cheek, then you look down at Ronan in your arms. You reach over and get her blanket to wrap her up, then you get into the corner of the couch and shift in place until you’re comfortable. Ronan moves around a little as you look down at her, then she lets out a small little sigh that makes you laugh, “Oh, I’m sorry, am I boring you? Is your milk not warm enough?”
“She’s pretty high maintenance,” John jokes as he comes out with two smoothies, then he sits down and leans over to look at Ronan as she drinks her bottle, “Nah, she’s a wonderful little lady.”
You smile as you look over at John, then you sit Ronan up so you can burp her. You pat her back and smile when John holds up your smoothie so you can take a sip of it, then you look down at Ronan when you hear her let out a big burp.
“Oh, just like daddy.” you tease as John laughs, “I can usually get a big burp out of him too when I pat his back.”
John laughs as he leans closer to you and Ronan, “Very true.”
After getting Ronan burped, you change her diaper and get her pajamas back on, then you lounge out on the chaise with Ronan on your chest as you rub her back. John scoots closer to press a kiss to her forehead since he knows she’s going to fall back asleep, then he reaches for your left hand and intertwines his fingers with yours before he relaxes back on the couch and starts the movie. The perfect end to the night. You and your two favorite people.
taglist: @wheretheriversrunintothesea @youusunshineyoutemptress @sakurachan-9 @hhighkey @that-one-writer @samaraj @aragornswife​ @tnu-ree​
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