therealdannylmusics · 5 years
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tangled-journey · 10 years
Some happy things are not meant to last forever. They're meant to just give you an experience. So thank you C for the experience of my life. Thanks for teaching me how to be patient and how to love. :) Thanks for that little happy ending.
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pinkbackpacks · 10 years
wait can someone tell me what the tumblr shutdown? im confused please?
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travel-your-soul · 10 years
July 10th 2014 
For the past 5 days one of my friends came and visited me, it was really nice having her down here in the city instead of me being home. We went shopping and she spent WAY too much money in Topshop on an adorable playsuit and some amazing shoes. We went out on Saturday night too, well we at least tried. She's only 16 but she wanted to see if she could get into a nightclub; we didn't. But we did get into a few bar because they weren't checking IDs so she at least got a few drinks like she wanted. It was fun going out with her I just wish we had actually gotten into a proper nightclub!
I really loved having her here with me, it's been a while since one of my friends came and saw me here in the city. I almost cried when she left, that unfortunately make me realise just how lonely I get living here. I mean yeah, I have friends here, some of them are my really good friends from back home who are here for uni too, but really I just miss having that one friend that actually really means something to me, someone I can just be with and it makes me happy. Well, I mean, I guess I've never really truly had someone like that, so I don't know if I can actually miss having someone like that. Can you miss something you never had?
Anyway, I guess as hard as it was to see her go back home it was a great few days! 
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gwaynebagu · 10 years
Kalamidad Paghandaan: Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan! #nutritionmonth #July2k14
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travel-your-soul · 10 years
July 4th 2014
It was a good relaxing day today, didn't do too much. I went for a bike ride again, it felt great to get back into it after stopping for a week. The city also looked fantastic when I went for the ride. It's lovely to be able to explore such a nice place so quickly on the bike. It really make me appreciate the beauty in this world.
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travel-your-soul · 10 years
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July 3rd 2014
I home from my Noosa trip today. It was a good getaway for a couple of days, really cleared my head. 
I also caught up with some friends for my friends birthday. We went to a dessert and cocktail bar called Cowch and it was absolutely phenomenal!! Our table of food is the picture above. Definitely have to go back and eat my weight in chocolate again!!
It wasn't that great of a day, but it was good to see some friends and meet some new people.
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travel-your-soul · 10 years
July 2nd 2014
Today was my second day in Noosa and I really don't ever want to leave. Its my third time here this year and I'm coming back again in couple of weeks. 
My cousins also came today who I haven't seen in SO long, so it's good to see them. It's crazy watching my younger cousins grow up. I remember them being babies and it's insane to see them as teenagers.
I guess today wasn't too eventful. But I will admit it makes me grateful for the life I have.
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travel-your-soul · 10 years
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July 1st 2014
Today is the first day of the second half of the year and today I went on a spontaneous 3 day trip to Noosa on the Queensland Coast.
I love this place so much, it’s relaxing, beautiful and just one of my favourite places on the planet, not to mention the exorbitant amount of attractive male surfers. I’ve come here since I was a kid so it feels like home to me, and spending this time with my parents makes it even better.
I’m only here for two nights but it’s worth it to spend those couple of days in such a fantastic place.
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