#jun eikichi and lisa all seem like they might eventually remember
quil12 · 2 years
I just finished P2EP for the first time and... ahhhhhh
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neni-has-ascended · 7 years
Do you think Q could have had other characters as DLC without story presence (I'm particularly thinking FemC and Adachi.) And on a different topic in IS I've never quite understood Jun's position. He seems to have it out for Tatsuya more than the other two. Is he conflating him with Sudou somehow?
The thing is, Chronos summoned only Persona Users who he believed fit to calm Niko’s spirit into the rift, so I doubt Adachi would qualify. However, a DLC with FeMC I can imagine, though that would make the timeline even more confusing as it already is and would potentially case jumbled memories in the P3 characters (and since, as P2 and PQ show, the memories of Persona Users are quite powerful, that could potentially make the situation even worse, so it might be better to not touch onto that after all.) Though, having an AU of PQ with FeMC would definitely have been possible. Fun fact, I actually do have a headcanon that Chronos actually went through several groups of Persona Users (and wiped their memories each time) before he wiped his own memories (fully becoming Zen) and summoned the final group (P3&P4) that ended up freeing Niko’s spirit. In my head, there’s an entire interlude story, where the P1 and P2 casts ended up in the rift as well, with somewhat different dungeons, where they failed at calming Niko’s spirit but succeeded at sealing away the more aggressive half of Chronos when things escalated, and Rei’s cardigan was actually a gift from Lisa... stuff like that.
Oh, and talk about a segway, while we’re at P2 stuff, you’re other question: From how I remember it, Jun ended up blaming Maya’s “death” on Tatsuya because 
a) In their Featherman games as children, Tatsuya always played the Red Ranger and, thus, was the leader, so if he’d spoken up sooner, he could have prevented Lisa and Eikichi from locking Maya in the shrine.
b) Tatsuya eventually ended up locked into the shrine with Maya (because he *did* speak up against Lisa’s plan in the end), however, when the shrine burned down Maya went missing (the children presumed her dead) while Tatsuya survived with a stab-wound. 
As I see it, Jun was projecting the responsibility for Maya’s “death” onto Tatsuya because not only did he have the deepest emotional bond to Tatsuya out of the kids, meaning he felt the most betrayed by him; he also still remembered him as the leader AND as the last person who was with Maya before she “died”, so in the mind of his child-self (he was a really young kid at the time) Tatsuya became the most obvious scapegoat needed in order to distract Jun from his own guilt for not stopping Lisa and Eikichi.
However, it’s been a while since I played P2. I might be missing something here. If I do, please tell me. 
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