poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#29 “your name sounds like a rhythm”
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”  - Romeo and Juliet: II.ii.
Your name rolls off of my tongue like a melody
accompanied by the drumming of my heart
synced to the song of your soul.
Your name is the sweetest lyric 
to ever leave my lips. I could speak your name 
every day and every hour, until Selene’s chariot 
crosses the night sky, and even then; 
I would speak your name like a prayer
The one true deity to which my soul is bound.
The syllables of your name forms
a magic spell that encases me to you.
Ah, sweet vixen! Even the waters of Lethe
wouldn’t be able to wipe the rhythm of your name
from my memory.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#28 “of little gestures and big love”
Love is patient
and love is kind.
It is the cup of coffee left on the counter
for the passing hand to pick up
on their way to work.
It is not envious
for it knows that it is the home to your soul
perfumed by the scent of your dreams.
It is comfort and intimacy
tangled in passion and understanding.
You laughed when I said our love was
the expanse of the glittering Northern Sea.
My love, although our actions are miniscule
they encompass universes.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#25 “lady macbeth”
“Look like th’ innocent flower, But be the serpent under ‘t.” -Macbeth: I.v.64
We women have mastered the art
of portraying that which the world wants to see.
We have played many roles
of maiden, mother, and crone. Moon goddess
and manic pixie dream girl. None have seen through
our act nor gazed under the deceit. 
We’ve spoken honey-sweetened lies
before betraying whoever stood between us
and our goals. Like our patron saint Lady Macbeth,
we have supported and solidified
plans for the betterment of ourselves and those we share
life and home with. The façade of the flower
was seamless. You didn’t even suspect
the serpent hidden beneath. 
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#30 “there exists art in all hearts”
There exists art in
the expanse of my soul
clawing to escape.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#27 “grief in a jukebox”
With the clanking coins
we paid the piper to weave us a dream.
Lured by the promises of beauty
conjured up by his haunting melody
drawn from the magic of his music.
When grief arrives, there is naught you can do
but hold on and pray that the weight of it
won’t drown you in the sea that
was once called love.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#26 “pining for destruction”
Everywhere I look,
I see the contours of your frame
clothed in the firelight of the wretched sun.
A daylight wraith that haunts me
throughout the expanse of these deserted lands
of my barren and broken heart. Comfort
found in the taste of dark liquor 
and perfumed smoke curling from the
edges of carnivorous smiles. 
The burn of the regurgitated shards
of my once vibrant heart is the only
taste I can remember.
You once said I was sweet like honey.
The only one to pay attention
to the innocent candy that dripped from
my hands. Maybe, just maybe
that is why I yearn for you.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#24 “i have no more love to give”
Look not at my heart
for she is empty. After 
beating for others during her sad
short life, she holds nothing more.
Reach not for warmth for
my table has naught to give.
The hearth that used to crackle 
merrily, the heat which radiated forth from
Hestia’s altar in my depths
has died out. 
It is too late for you
to take more from me. I
have no more love to give
from the chasm in my soul.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#23 “love on a pedestal”
An eclipse of hate,
the tolling bell that shook us
from the pedestal.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#22 “my nails are the colour of your blood”
I feel as if I understand why Rome,
that wide ranged empire with far reaching
spires melted in the fast flowing waters of 
Tiber. I understand the force that Egypt’s love
held and the inability of Marc Anthony to stand
against it. After all, my love, we had the same.
A forbidden love, between the conqueror and
that which would be conquered.
But, my love, our love was different.
Whereas Cleopatra, the masterful and beautiful
killed herself before the conquering Rome could;
I would rather kill you and paint my nails 
with your blood.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#21 “on a bed of white roses”
Hark and behold! Here lies Youth.
Cold and forlorn atop this abandoned shroud.
Forsaken by all, without a gentle touch to soothe
that icy brow and countenance proud.
With clanging bells, Virtue is extolled.
Praised as that which has no end
and beautified for what was not foretold.
 See there! Look at the mound which holds the end.
Of labours and loves lost and won
where Death, his cold companionship proposes
in realms where the ever blessed sun
shalt ne’er again touch this bed of white roses.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#20 “the bane of immortality”
Humans always strive 
for the unattainable.
They refused to accept
that the Fountain of Youth 
was a lie. Carefully constructed
to give them hope.
They are willing to try anything
as long as it gives them the illusion
of youthfulness. They hide
from the life-giving sun.
Bathe in the rays of the moon.
Yet never questioned why the night
was my domain.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#19 “pining for destruction”
It’s amazing that I only feel alive
when pursuing something that could destroy me.
I have a turbulent history with the divine,
and an alarming resemblance to Icarus.
Yes, even that golden child,
flying on wax wings and borrowed time
craved for that which would destroy him.
He too, knew that life is meaningless
without the challenges of the unattainable.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#18 “insincere truths”
Our love is a lie.
An illusion made of hate.
And yet, we still love.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#17 “places I have felt lonely”
At the counter of the bar
and underneath the strobing lights
in the nightclub bathroom.
Among the crowd of people rushing
to work, and in the middle of the ocean.
In the backseat of a taxi
and the silken sheets of this week’s lover.
If I carry my mind prison around
it’s no wonder I’m always lonely.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#16 “living at the edge of a hourglass”
Like Alice when she fell into Wonderland,
all confusion and mired in madness;
I too fell into the vast expanse that was you.
I soared through the winds of your soul,
buoyed by wings strengthened by our love.
For you, I willingly let my
inner Mad Hatter out.
I poured tea for the Queen of Hearts
of my own free will
and invited the dreaded Jabberwocky
into my sanctuary.
But love isn’t a fairy-tale, my love.
 Like the Looking Glass,
we too shattered. 
Now all I can do, my love, 
is wait for you,
at the edge of this accursed hourglass.
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poetrybecomesher · 2 years
#15 “building a house out of my bones”
I want you to be comfortable
even at the expense of my safety.
I would gladly set my skin on fire
to let you bask in the warmth on a cold night.
I would destroy myself
if it let you live another day.
My therapist tells me that this isn’t healthy,
that what we share isn’t love
but obsession. A spark of a wildfire
that will burn us down if we
don’t stop pretending it’s a harmless candle.
She doesn’t understand the depth of my affections
for you. Because, you’ve done the same.
You’ve built bridges out of your dreams
so I could achieve mine.
“Love is supposed to be 50/50.” she says.
But she doesn’t understand
that on the days I could only give you 20%
you gave me the 80% I needed.
So yes, I would build a house out of my bones,
to accompany the castle you’ve built out of your blood.
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