#jung hi love unholyc
secret-sweetheart · 6 months
Jung Hi NSFW headcanons
Aftercare coming soon!! Smut written by a minor btw so if you’re uncomfortable please do not interact by complaining or whatever
I lowkey cringed ngl 💀 BUT I LOVE JUNG HI SO YAYYYY :D
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It’s canon he’s a kinky mf. He’s got all kinds of toys + down for almost anything
He loves being the dom but wouldn’t mind subbing once in a while
When he doms you he can be really gentle and sweet! Like he treats you so nicely <3
But also he can be a sadistic mf… he isn’t gonna be gentle with you every time, he likes seeing you squirm. Especially if you’re pretty much powerless
90% of the time you’ll be tied up and have a ball gag in your mouth
He’ll overstim you to the point of tears because he finds pleasure from it
Yet he’ll kiss your face and coo at you so sweetly like he’s not absolutely ruining you 💀
Gets a lot more excited if you’re shy during all this, gives him more of a reason to do it
He may like seeing you cry (purely from pleasure ofc) but he isn’t one for degrading you, he’s more into praise
The only degrading he’ll do are teasingly calling you a dirty little thing.
For praising tho he’s got a LIST ATP 💀
Most of them are calling you sweet and cute
He also buys you cute lingerie sets and that really gets him going
He’s got so much stamina so good luck walking straight tomorrow if he got extra excited
Kk that’s all I could think of!~ sorry it’s so short T-T feel free to leave requests in the inbox :) (loveunholyc fandom please come back to life)
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phxntmhv · 2 years
My fav horny trio but I drew them in aggie 😽👊💗
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And I defined my "normal/simple" style now, I guess- (and I hope I can stay with it a bit longer)
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dianexo-v · 9 months
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kanatashinkaifr · 10 months
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Happy Lunar New Year!
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syxilla · 29 days
also pls hes a cutie 😭🙏
get glasses wth do u see is this thing. WANNA KNOW WHOS BETER??? JUNG HI <333
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famwhy · 2 years
Yandere Neighbour (Jung Hi)
Word Count: 4,052
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A small breath of air leaves your lungs, eyes half-lidded and makeup a mess. A light growl emitted from your stomach, your hands immediately moving downwards to lightly pat it. Another sigh escapes you, the exhaustion within you preventing you from allowing any feeling other than disappointment fill you. 
"'Nother disaster date, Noona?" A familiar voice makes its way to your ears, eliciting a reaction from you.
"Was I that obvious?" A small, tired smile crossed your face as you turned to the voice of the familiar person who lived in the apartment next to yours.
"You know, Noona, even when your makeup is a mess, you still look so pretty." There, stood with the usual mischievous smile on his face, was the pinkette you grew to adore, Jung Hi. 
Your smile twitched up the slightest bit more as you reached over to ruffle the locks of the male before you. "Thanks Hi." 
"My haiirrrrr." He whined, reaching his hands up to fix his locks which were usually in a disarray anyway. 
"Get to sleep, Hi, it's too late for you to be up." Your words came out half-slurred, your movements sluggish as you reached for your keys.
"I had to make sure you were okay before going to sleep." The sweet boy sent you a smile, much unlike the man-whore you were with just moments before.
"You're too sweet." Finally opening the door to your apartment, you sent a wave towards the pinkette. "G'night Hi."
"G'night, Noona." 
And with that, you shut the door on his face.
"Noona! You're still as pretty as ever!"
"Not now, Hi, I'm so tired." The frown sent your way almost made you give in right then and there. Almost. "Tomorrow, okay?"
"Noona, you're so beautiful!" 
"Awww, you're the sweetest, Hi."
"Anything for you! Um.. Noona... do you think we could-?"
"Noona, you're so gorgeous!" 
"How nice of you to say, Hi. You're such a gentleman."
"Only for you. Noona, do you think-?"
"Oh, hang on, I need to answer this."
"Wait, Y/N! I swear it was just a fling, I'm only into you!" 
Ah yes, yet another failed attempt at finding love. You shouldn't be surprised, it's happened so many times that you've started to resent men. The only faces that belonged to men that you don't mind seeing is your brother's and Hi's. The two were sweethearts and kept your view of men from turning to shit.
"Look, I'm no longer interested in you so please leave me alone." Had this been your first time with a scummy man, you would have slapped him and ran away but at this point, you were used to it and had grown numb to the feeling.
Besides, you didn't even know this guy's name, it was literally your first date. What? Did he think you were an idiot? Going on about how 'you're the only one he's into'? Yeah right, good luck next time buddy.
Walking to your apartment once more, you contemplated taking a break from dating for awhile. It would be good to focus on yourself, right? Self-care was always important.
Your head snapped in the direction of the apartment next to yours, eyes landing on a male (who looked to be quite tall) exiting Hi's apartment. His hair cascaded down to his waist, tied up in a ponytail that swished with every step he took. His golden orbs caused your breath to hitch in your throat, enrapturing you with how gorgeous they looked. 
What a handsome man...
Too bad he was probably a scumbag.
You turned your attention back to your neighbour, flinching back upon seeing the expression on his face.
His expression was... dark. His eyes no longer holding a glint in them and his lips thinned out into a straight line instead of the usual mischievous smirk. His stare seemed dead and his demeanour off-putting. 
It was terrifying.
But as quick as it was there, it was gone.
"Noona! You're back!"
It made you wonder if you were imagining things.
"Who was that, Hi?" You tilted your head to the side, nodding in the direction of the male who wore a suit. 
"That was my friend." He answered your question, "But don't worry about him, you look so so beautiful, Noona."
"Thanks... Hi..." Something about his compliment felt a little off compared to every other compliment he gave you. You didn't like it.
"No, really, you're so amazing, Noona. Your looks are only a small reason for why I love you." Well, Hi sure seemed to be full of surprises since you came back from your 'date'.
"You're so cute, Hi." Deciding to shrug his behaviour off, you reached over to ruffle his hair once more...
You stared at him with wide eyes, cradling your stinging hand up to your chest.
Hi seemed just as shocked as you, his expression contorting into a somewhat apologetic one. "Noona! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you like that! I-!"
"It's okay, Hi, maybe I should head inside. You don't seem like yourself today." 
"It's not fair though..."
"Oh, hello Hi! Do you need something?" Hi looked baffled by your response - was he expecting you to react differently? 
"I just wanted to apologise about yesterday. I didn't mean to smack your hand away." The way his head lowered to the ground and his expression sunk made it so hard for you to be mad at him. How could you be mad at such an adorable young man?
"It's okay, Hi, we all have our off days." You sent him a forgiving smile. "Besides, how could I ever stay mad at someone as cute as you?"
"... t.. ..e ma.. ... .e." 
"Sorry? Could you repeat that?"
"I want you to be mad at me!" The sudden rise in volume caused you to flinch away from the grey-eyed male. "Why won't you get mad at me?! Why won't you hate me like you do every other man?! Why do you look at me with that glint that I know is love but not in the way I want it to be in?! The way I need it to be in!"
"What do you mean 'why'? Do you want me to be mad at you? I could never hate you like I do other men. You're like-."
"DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE! How do you not see?! I'm in love with you damnit! I always have been! But you've never noticed! Or is it that you have noticed but still continue to treat me that way?! How could you do that to me, Y/N?! Why do you always shut the door on me before I even have a chance of asking you out?! Why do you play with my feelings like this?!"
He stopped to take a breath.
"EVERY DAY I am tortured and forced to watch you go on a date with a new man, hoping to find your true love, how are you so blind that you can't see he was right in front of you this whole time?! I'm right here! Stop looking for someone else! Please..." 
You watched with frightened orbs as he collapsed to the ground, sobs leaving his mouth as tears streamed endlessly down his face.
You didn't know you had hurt him this much. You thought it was a mere crush that would pass by, but for it to develop to this - maybe it was best if you quickly made your way out of Hi's life. It would hurt, sure, but if you just being there was affecting his mental stability this much, then you'd prefer leaving his life completely.
"Oh, Hi... I'm so sorry." In a last attempt at consoling both him and yourself, you crouched down and reached towards him - intending to help him up.
"I can help myself." His cold tone as he pushed you away was enough for you to snap out of it. 
"Oh... well... bye... Hi..." Getting up with a sigh, you made your way over to your apartment door, ready to shut it and distance yourself from the male you had grown attached to forever.
"Wait." A foot wedged its way between the door and the frame, preventing the wooden barrier from shutting. "It's not fair..."
You remain silent.
"It's not fair! I didn't choose to be associated with your goddamn brother for fuck's sake! I wanted you to see a lover in me! Not a stupid family member! I never had a chance and it's not fucking fair!" 
"I'm sorry, Hi, I can't control how I see you. It's unfortunate but I see you as a little brother, I really do, and I'm sorry if you're not okay with that but that's the only way I'll ever see you. If you don't want that... then I'm afraid we can never speak to one another again." When he didn't respond, you only sighed. "Goodbye Hi."
"Ah, plea-."
"Hear me ou-!"
It had been about 2 weeks since you had started ignoring your friend neighbour, Hi. It pained you to slam the door on his face but what had to be done, had to be done. You were clearly impacting his mental health negatively so you had to shut him out of your life as soon as possible, even if it hurt you to do so.
These last few weeks, you hadn't been going on any dates at all, too overwhelmed with guilt to even consider looking at another man in a romantic way. Was it really that painful for Hi to see you with another? 
A low exhale left your nose as you fiddled with your keys, the heavy weight on your shoulders growing worse with each lingering moment spent outside your door.
If only you could-.
A yelp escaped your lips as your body was suddenly pulled in a completely different direction, shocking you enough to jump. 
The familiar apartment of a certain pinkhead revealed itself to you, instantly letting you know of what (or rather who) was the cause of your sudden change in route. With a stern gaze, you addressed the male. "Hi, don't do that. I thought I already made it clear to you that I do not wanna talk to you."
"I know but we never properly talked it out." His sunken expression slowly melted your stern one, faltering your stance and making you want to go in for a hug.
No, Y/N, stop it. This is for his own good.
"Please, Y/N." You froze.
He used your real name.
He only used that when he was being really serious. 
It wouldn't hurt to just hear him out, right..?
With a sigh, you motioned for him to continue. 
"Thank you!" He lit up like a Christmas tree, eyes holding a hint of the sparkle that used to be so common on him before. "Please, sit." You did as told, sitting down on the comfortable single couch near his TV. "Would you like something to drink?"
"Uh, sure." As he went to go fetch you a beverage, your eyes wandered around the room.
It looked a lot more messy than when you last visited. Pieces of clothing splattered everywhere as beer cans scattered the floor, each one empty and forgotten. The large amount of tissues that were laying around made you wince and scoot your legs away, disgusted by the mere sight. 
What was strange, though, was the fact that there was not a single hint of a horrid stench within the room. Instead, there was a lavender smell - one you expressly remember telling Hi that you enjoyed and very much loved. Had he sprayed the room before you arrived? Now why on Earth would he go out of his way to do that when he didn't even bother cleaning it up?
"Here you go." You were snapped out of it as your neighbour placed a cup in front of you, the contents of which were a pinkish tint. "Sorry about yanking you in earlier, it was an impulse decision."
Impulse decision? Hm.
"It's alright, Hi, I understand." Your eyes landed on his form and you were allowed a brief moment to study him.
The darkened crescents resting under his eyes were unusual, Hi was never one to miss a beat when it came to his looks after all.
Come to think of it, everything about his looks were unusual. His hair was in a bigger mess than normal, his clothes an absolute disarray - not to mention, his beloved accessories were no where to be found on his person. He was a complete and utter disaster.  
"So, it's been awhile, hasn't it?" As he sat on the couch next to the one you were seated at, he gazed at you with tender eyes.
"It sure has." Averting your orbs, you made no move to continue the conversation.
"You still look as pretty as ever." You showed no signs of saying anything. "I missed you, Noona. So so much."
When your lips stayed sealed, Hi frowned.
"Y/N, I don't like the way you decided to deal with this." His tone was strong, voice unwavering. He was much more mature-sounding than the Hi you knew. "I don't like that you didn't consider talking it out and instead, chose to avoid me completely."
You felt like a child being scolded by a parent. Oh the irony.
"Please, Y/N, let's talk it out." 
"Okay." You lifted the cup to your lips, sipping on the substance within it. "Let's talk it out."
"Thank you." The bright smile that crossed his lips was more like the Hi you knew. "Noona, I love you. I have for a while now. My feelings for you are strong and will not go away within the blink of an eye. I would like a chance, a chance to be able to charm you into becoming mine. That's all I ask of you."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Hi." Your eyes closed as a small puff of air left your lips.
"Why not?" Although you could not see his face, you could hear the frown in his voice.
"You know why." You brought the cup up to your lips and took another sip.
"You know why I'm upset then. It isn't fair that you immediately associated me with your younger brother. You didn't even give me a chance to woo you, you won't even give me one now." His voice grew increasingly more frustrated as he spoke, not as much as a few weeks ago but still more than what was usual for him.
"I know... but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. I've always thought of you that way, I can't just.. suddenly get rid of my feelings like that y'know?" The awkward grin you sent him was returned with a deadpan.
"I'm sorry, okay?! I can't really do anything, I'm so sorry Hi, I really am. I just... I can't look at you the same way you do me. You're just too young." 
Damn him. He was making you feel guilty even though you didn't really do anything wrong. Now this was unfair.
"I'M TWENTY-!" He caught himself before he could further convince you of his mental state not really being that up to par. "We're only 4 years apart."
"4 years is a lot, I wouldn't even have known you existed if we attended the same school."
"There are so many couples that are 10 years apart! What's wrong with 4?"
"I'm not comfortable with it, is all." The guilt coursing through you was immense in size.
"So what? You don't wanna date me because I was born a few years after you? Something which I can't even control?"
You said nothing.
"You're always looking for love and going on dates with other men, I hate it. They always go wrong in some way or the other and yet you still go on them! How can you not see that the true love you've been searching for has been right in front of you this whole time?! No man could hold a candle to me when it comes to pleasing you! Why do you still go on these awful dates every day?!"
Once again, you didn't respond. 
"I just-! I love you so much, Noona, it hurts."
"I'm sorry, Hi, I really am but... I can only see you as a brother."
"I know." His sudden acceptance was quite surprising considering his earlier frustration.
"Wait, you-." A sudden wave of exhaustion crashed into you, loosening your finger that were wrapped around the cup given to you. 
That's... weird.
"That's why I can't let you leave." The shift in his tone of voice successfully made him sound and look a lot darker than he was before.
"Yuh-you..." Ah, he drugged you..? So that was the pink tint within the tea... Huh, you never expected this from him...
"Oh Noona." You hadn't realised, as you were in a state of daze, that he had walked up to you and was now crouched down before you - his hand resting on your cheek as he softly caressed it. "Even in the state you are in right now, you still look so pretty." 
Those were the last words you heard before everything faded away.
When you gained consciousness once more, a cold shiver shot itself down your wrists and to the rest of your body. Unable to ignore it and continue to sleep, your eyes fluttered open.
Immediately, you were met with an unfamiliar setting - or well, unfamiliar setting to wake up to.
This was Jung Hi's room. You knew from how often you had been invited over before.
You moved to sit upright - or, well, you tried to. However, your attempts were proved to be unsuccessful when you kept being tugged back down. 
After tumbling over for the umpteenth time and landing awkwardly, you groaned. "Handcuffs? Really?!"
Right. Right. You were just kidnapped by your neighbour, someone who you thought of as a little brother - which is the exact reason why he kidnapped you in the first place...
Hm, you seemed to have gotten yourself in quite the pickle.
"Ah, Noona! You're up!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "How do you like the room? I didn't have time to prep much but I did add that scent that you always adored!"
"Hi." You regarded him as one would a child. "Please let me go."
"You're doing it again." The way his expression changed so quickly was terrifying to you. "You're treating me as though I'm a child." 
"I'm so-."
The shatter of a vase caused you to flinch, huddling away from the male at the door out of instinct.
"Why are you-?!" His eyes widened, it seemed like he had realised something. "Oh no, Noona, I would never hurt you. I only have love for you, you'll never feel my wrath, I swear to you." 
Those eyes, those eyes that were once filled with such innocence and love, were now filled with corruption and infatuation.
And to think, it was all because you refused to see him in any romantic light at all.
Oh well, you'll have the rest of your life to develop feelings for him. It doesn't matter, he'll wait.
As long as it takes.
Oh Noona, you're so pretty.
"You have a crush on your neighbour?" The male with long locks rose a brow as he questioned his friend.
"Yup! Noona is so beautiful and so very kind! I tell her every day and she laughs it off before messing up my hair." Hi sent a happy grin towards the blonde.
"Aren't you worried that she's brother-zoned you?" Upon hearing the words come out of his companion's mouth, Hi's grin slowly faltered. 
"Brother.... zoned?" 
Is that why you kept going on dates with other men despite his endless amount of compliments and affection he threw at you? You thought of him as a brother...?
"Yeah, does she have a little sibling?" The man bearing a suit continued his questioning.
"Yup! A little brother." Hi's head bounced up and down.
"How old is he?" 
"Twenty! Just like...! Me..." Slowly but surely, Hi's happy expression sank, thoughts rushing through his head at 1000 miles per minute.
"Don't you ever think that she misses him and is projecting her feelings onto you? I mean, you're his age and the same gender as him. From the looks of things, you probably share a similar personality to him as well." The tallest guy in the room voiced his concerns but his friend paid him no mind, too busy succumbing to his own thoughts and worries to be able to respond.
Leo was probably right, you saw Hi as a little brother. That must be why you treat him the way that you did. Every time you see a guy, you always scowl or scoff due to your horrible experiences with men but when it comes to Jung Hi, the only thing you can manage to form is a smile along with ruffling his locks. This whole time he thought you did that because you favoured him over the others. Sure, you probably did favour him over the others but that was only because you didn't even see him as a man! Just a boy that needed to be taken care of! It all made so much more sense now! Why couldn't he see all of this before?!
This whole time he was trying to woo you, you didn't even see him as a suitor! You were looking through rose-coloured lenses! That's just-!
"Not fair." 
"IT'S NOT FAIR, HYUNG! I'VE TRIED MY HARDEST TO WIN HER OVER ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT SHE NEVER EVEN SAW ME THAT WAY?! ALL BECAUSE SHE HAS A DAMN BROTHER THAT IS MY AGE AND ACTS LIKE ME?!" Hi's voice raised so suddenly, Leo flinched back and fell back onto the sofa he had apparently risen from during Hi's inner monologue.
"Hey, hey, it's okay Hi." Leo got back up and approached his friend with long strides, slowly placing his hand onto the pinkette's back and patting it lightly. "I'm sure that if you explain to her about how you feel, she'll give you a chance."
Hi's breath grew steadier as his vision slowly started clearing up, his rage dissipating. "You're right, I'm sure Noona will understand. Thanks Leo." 
The model mere smiled his friend's way before heading to the door. "Thanks for having me over, Hi."
"Of course! Such a shame Sol couldn't make it." Hi's bottom lip jutted out by the slightest amount, his expression appearing playful but his eyes being anything but.
As Leo made his way out of the door, Hi spotted your figure outside of your own door, your eyes stuck on the figure of his model friend.
Hi's expression turned dull as his stare became somewhat unsettling. 
Were you looking at Leo as though he was the only man there? Why did you not notice Hi? He's a man too damnit!
He'll show you...
He'll show you just how much of a man he is.
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sheep-from-rad · 9 months
This game I swear XD
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bakersgrief · 3 months
Fuck these other guys I wanna romance Babe and Siu.
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nunaalbum · 11 months
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otome-love-blog · 2 years
⚠️ Spoiler Love Unholyc 3 temporada Eater || Parte 1⚠️
Les comparto algunas imagenes de la ruta Eater ❣️
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ronniethemoonandsun · 2 years
Love Unholyc Walkthrough
Season 3 | Destiny. Eater route
Day 9
00: 02
Morning and William 
Visual novel: William, Eater, Chaser 
So I asked casually. 
But where´s Eater + Eater 
So... Was Liam really a king? + William  
Liar. You tell me that I ´have to eat, or that I ´have to empty my trash.  
Liam... was like that in the past too, right? Always letting me do what I want.  + William 
If Liam tells me not to. I won´t.
Yeah, it´s related to me. +William 
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chisungie · 9 months
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this mf just like me fr fr 😭
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kalicokuddles · 1 year
I apologize for the lined paper however I dont bring a sketchbook to school due to I cant. So lined paper it is, in my notebook..and improper spelling 😭
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
<Happy Birthday, Ted!>
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Hi: Happy birthday~ Daddy~!!! Woohoo~~!!!
Ted: (why are you fussing more than me…)
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rabidwolf1 · 2 years
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Jung Hi,cute but dangerous ;)
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