#jung yonghwa scenarios
✧ CNBLUE as Cats ✧
✧ CNBLUE all members ✧ genre: misc, fluff ✧ more parts~
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Jung Yonghwa:
incredibly beautiful long haired cat with tiger stripes
white paws
amber eyes 
seriously you could swear you’ve never seen such a beautiful cat before
always has that chill expression on his face that tells you he’s never thought a mean thought in his life
...or so you’d think
is the kind of cat who will always be at the worst place at the wrong time
got an assignment due in 30 minutes? doesn’t matter, he’ll sprawl out on your laptop anyway
trying to cook dinner because your date will be over in an hour? guess who decided the stove is the perfect place to take a nap on?
if he wants attention he wants it now, and he will get it
try to pick him up and put him elsewhere, he’ll be back to his original position within seconds, ready to unknowingly bother you
needy, but also very silent (he annoys in a different way lol)
*wanders across shelf* *makes sure to knock over every single thing that’s placed there*
when he jumps down he proudly looks at the mess he created and then runs up to you purring, expecting you to praise him and give him chin scratches
pretends to be picky about his food
but also you’ve seen him steal very strange food choices for a cat on multiple occasions
like pickles or bread
loves fish, almost as much as he loves himself
nr 3 on the list of his favourite things would be sunbaths, sprawled out across the floor in the middle of the room of course, so that he can take up as much space as possible lol
Kang Minhyuk:
little grey cat with short fur
big eyes that watch everything with great interest and just the right amount of suspicion
follows you around wherever you go
seriously you could take him on a stroll through the city without a leash and he’d focus on nothing but you
does get distracted by food sometimes, especially meat and whipped cream
if it’s greasy he wants to at least smell it
might try to lick it with his lil pink kitty tongue and then decide if it’s too fatty or if he should go over to phase 2 and figure out how to steal it
very balanced energy levels, despite being super attentive to his surroundings
also pretty simple to please
it’s play time? cool, let’s play!
time for a nap? sure, just don’t wake me up!
I’m getting fed? yay, be right there, just lemme stretch real quick!
sometimes he makes you wonder if you really own a cat or a dog
surprisingly fine with the vet, so long as he’s used to going there
a little shy when meeting someone for the first time
give him time until he approaches you first, and soon he’ll curl up on your lap and let you pet his head and back
don’t touch his belly if you want to still be able to use your hand tho lol
his favourite toy is a little blue bouncy ball that you got him for his first birthday
but he also likes other kinds of toys like little mice or bird toys
very active at night, especially if he’s allowed to go outside
is usually home by morning though, and loves to curl up at the end of your bed to nap for another hour or two, before you get up to feed him
Lee Jungshin:
black cat with short fur and a white dot on his chest
on the bigger side, but very slim
super friendly with anyone
whether he’s known you for ages or you just met for the first time, he’ll excitedly run up to you and smash his whole weight against your legs to rub his body against them
loves pets, but is easily overstimulated and bites if you don’t take your hands off him on time
does he love belly rubs or does he hate them? you really don’t know
will willingly throw himself on the ground and expose that fluffy belly
lets you touch it but also attacks your hand with his paws and teeth
starts whining if you stop petting him ksajdflak
not always in the mood for playing, but when he is, nothing is safe from him
sometimes chases things that aren’t there multiple rounds through your whole living space
just let him be lol
comes to sleep next to you afterwards, but almost never on your lap
if you lift him up to sit him down on top of your legs he’ll most likely get up and curl up right next to you, so that you can feel his body still touching you
sometimes in the middle of the night you hear him meowing loudly, and when you get up to see what’s happening he’ll just be sitting there in front of a wall, screaming at it
as you can see, he does very weird things sometimes, but usually he’s chill
still spends the majority of his day sleeping, just like any other cat
loves doing the thing where he curls up on a high shelf or a platform on his cattree and the only thing visible from below is the tip of his nose and his paws
also starts drooling when you pet his head right between his ears, or when he’s having a good nap
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noona-clock · 6 years
Office Blues: Epilogue
The finale to our collaboration series!
Genre: Office!AU
Pairing: CNBLUE x You
By Admin B & @cramelot
Read the series here: Jungshin, Minhyuk, Jonghyun, Yonghwa
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“I told you we didn’t have time to drop my stuff off at your place,” you playfully nagged as Yonghwa drove the two of you to your first official date.
“Well, who knows how long the reception will go. I didn’t want you to have to worry about unpacking after a long evening. PLUS this way we can kick off the sleepover as soon as we’re home!”
“Hey!” you said, shoving your elbow across the console of the car and into Yonghwa’s ribs, making him laugh and grab your hand.
He twined your fingers together and rapped out a beat to the song on the radio with your hands on his knee. You looked out the window at the city that had slowly begun feeling like home to you since that first moment you’d touched down at the airport. Thinking back to around three months ago, your gaze shifted to the man in the driver’s seat.
You had the same thought you had on the first day you’d met him. All dressed up in a black tux for the wedding, he was undeniably handsome. And he was all yours.
At least, I think he’s mine? you thought, realizing that after months of late night phone calls and plans for the future, you guys hadn’t actually confirmed any relationship titles. I mean he invited you to a wedding for your first date and you already had things at his place, so that meant you were boyfriend and girlfriend, right?
Your brows started to knit together as your mind kept confusing yourself with your own situation. You lightly rubbed at your forehead, making Yonghwa look over at you.
“Is everything okay?” he said, pulling your hand up to his lips for a quick kiss.
But instead of pulling you out of your thoughts, that actually made it worse. Because the two of you hadn’t kissed yet either. You’d been traveling for some other clients, hence all the late night phone calls. So if you were on your first date, hadn’t kissed, and hadn’t clarified your relationship, were you even in one yet?
Pulling up in front of the venue, you pulled your hand back so you could unbuckle. Still stuck in your own thoughts, you missed Yonghwa hopping out of the car and running around to your side to open your door until he was already helping you out of the car.
Placing his hands on your shoulders, he made you look him in the eyes.
“Y/N, what’s going through your mind right now? Where are you?”
“I just am a little bit confused I guess,” you answered, shying away from explaining yourself but, when you saw his own brows knitting together, you knew you had to be straight with him.
“I just started thinking ‘what are we?’ I mean we’ve been talking on the phone as much as we could for months now. I’m your date to a wedding and my stuff is at your place, but we’ve only ever actually been around each other for a few weeks? Are we dating? Are we flirting? I don’t do this so I’m just not really sure -”
Abruptly, Yonghwa pulled you to him and pressed his lips to yours, stalling your brain and silencing your motor mouth. They were sweetly soft as the plucked against yours. He didn’t move to deepen the kiss, only seemed to be enjoying breathing you in.
You had clutched at the lapels on his jacket, so hard in fact that when he began to move back you had moved right with him, eyes closed, chasing after his lips. With a chuckle, he obliged and moved back in for another quick peck before separating the two of you.
He pulled your hands from his jacket, only to hold them both in one of his while his other hand brushed under your eye and across your cheek.
“I’m sorry if I hadn’t made my intentions clear.” he started, looking you sincerely in the eyes. “I want you to be my girlfriend. Not just because you are intelligent and beautiful and kind and independent, but because who else is going to get my blanket obsession and tease me about how I look at myself in mirrors?”
You laughed at his quirky version of a confession. But I mean with the way he’d asked you on your first date, you shouldn’t be surprised.
You pulled one of your hands out to fix the little bit of your lipstick that had smeared on a corner of his lips and Yonghwa playfully chased your finger to kiss the pad of it as you pulled your hand back.
“Well, then I guess that clears things up for me. We should probably head inside to grab our seats now,” you said, starting to walk away with a smirk.
“Wait!” Yonghwa said, catching up to you. “So are you my girlfriend? Really?”
Reaching down to grab his hand and pull him along, you turned to the side and gave him a smile.
“Yes, Yonghwa, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
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There it was. The music you’d picked out to play as you walked down the aisle.
All of your bridesmaids had already strolled down ahead of you, and now it was your turn. If Jonghyun hadn’t been waiting down at the other end of that stretch of carpet, you probably wouldn’t be able to work up the nerve to do it.
Your heart was pounding, your palms were sweating - you were fairly sure your bouquet of flowers was going to slide right out of your hands - and it was a very real possibility that your shaking legs were not going to make it all the way to the altar.
But knowing the love of your life would be there to greet you gave you the strength you needed to put one foot in front of the other. God, that sounded cheesy, but… it had always been that way. Ever since you’d met him, he’d made you a better person. And he would argue (very calmly and sweetly) that you had done the same for him. Why else would you be marrying each other, pledging to spend your lives together for as long as you could?
When the doors opened, you took a deep breath. You looked up, your eyes immediately finding Jonghyun’s, and although you weren’t quite close enough… you could tell he was crying. Or, at the very least, he was tearing up. So, of course, you teared up. And by the time you’d made it to him, a tear had slipped out and was now trailing delicately down your cheek.
Jonghyun reached up to wipe it away, a watery smile tugging at his lips as you quickly handed your bouquet off to your maid of honor.
“You look so beautiful,” Jonghyun whispered, taking your hands and squeezing them gently.
“Yeah, except you’re going to ruin my makeup.”
He let out a whisper of a chuckle, shaking his head slightly just before the officiant began to speak.
“Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two souls…”
All throughout the ceremony, you found you kept holding your breath. As if you weren’t sure this was actually real, and if you breathed too much, you would wake up.
But Jonghyun’s hands were really holding yours. His eyes were really gazing at you. His smile was as bright and sparkling as ever. His words of love, his vows, rang through your ears so powerfully that you were certain they’d never leave your memory. There was no way this was a dream.
And then the cold metal on your finger. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The kiss. The applause. The music.
All of a sudden, you were holding your bouquet again and walking back down the aisle. Though, this time, Jonghyun was by your side. Not as your boyfriend or your fiancé, but as your husband. Officially.
“Okay, we’re married now,” you said in slight disbelief as the photographer began directing you where to go. 
“Yeah,” Jonghyun said softly, the smirk on his lips undeniably adorable. “We are.”
You could no longer hold back your excitement at the prospect of actually, finally being married, so you let out a squeal as you stood on your toes and threw your arms around Jonghyun’s neck. He caught you easily, of course, squeezing and hugging you tightly.
“I love you so much,” he whispered into your ear. “I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
And there went your tears again. 
Good thing your makeup artist hadn’t left yet.
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You couldn’t remember the last time a smile had hurt your face so much. Ever since the “I now pronounce you husband and wife” bit you had been grinning like a fool. You were sure you had been the very first to start clapping as the couple walked back down the aisle because you could barely contain yourself.
And Minhyuk? He was right there with you.
When the two of you had stood up at your reception table to applaud as the happy couple walked in, he had been nudging you in the side while laughing because honestly, he was just as excited as you were.
Throughout the reception, you had been walking around introducing him to all of your coworkers. They all fawned over him but Minhyuk was good about continuously keeping his arm around your waist and bragging about you. Most people would think he was posing as the enamored boyfriend, but really that was just how he was all the time.
He always liked touching you in some way when you were out in public (and a whole different way when it was just the two of you at home but that was a whole nother part of his teasing flirty personality you could not let yourself think of at a wedding). The two of you just couldn’t get enough of each other, as cliche as it sounded.
Since your first date, every weekend without fail you’d met up for movies, day trips, picnics, amusement parks, laser tag, a park fair, you name it! And in the evenings, Minhyuk almost always was waiting outside Code Name for you so you could go to each other’s places or out for dinner and drinks (and dancing!)
You were both young and full of energy and it showed. From couple tees to Eskimo kisses, you both enjoyed doing the mushy romantic things. And the best part? Minhyuk would still bring you treats at work! Only now you rewarded him with cheek kisses along with waters or teas depending on the weather.
And because you guys were practically inseparable, most of your coworkers had seen him around even if they hadn’t officially met him. So when you were properly introducing him at the wedding, your face was constantly red as coworkers kept bringing up all the times they had seen the two of you flirt at the company. And Minhyuk was eating it all up, glad that everyone not only knew who he was, but also that he was with you.
“Alright, I’d like to see all the unmarried females on the dancefloor for the toss of the bridal bouquet!”
You popped up on your toes to give Minhyuk a quick kiss and then took off for the floor. You loved weddings and even more you loved flowers, so of course, you were going to try and go for the bouquet.
Everyone was crowding around and, as the bouquet came flying, everyone jumped. But you thrust out your elbows to give yourself some space. Two of you seemed to grab it, you say seemed to because you immediately yanked so that the bouquet was all yours.
The whole crowd laughed as you turned to wave the bouquet around in Minhyuk’s direction, but instead of seeing him laugh at you, he just seemed to be giving you a look.
The look.
The look of someone who has something big on their minds.
You walked up to him, wiggling your eyebrows slightly trying to make him laugh.“What’s going on in that head of yours, Minhyuk?” you said, raising the hand not holding the bouquet to smooth down a stray eyebrow hair of his, then trailing your finger down his cheek only to leave your hand resting on his shoulder.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you closer until the only thing separating you was the bouquet.
“It just hit me all of a sudden.”
“What did?”
“Your smile.”
“My smile? Minhyuk what is going on with you?”
You saw him take a deep breath before he said something that took your own breath away.“I just realized it’s a smile I could look at for the rest of my life. That’s all.”
You couldn’t think of how to respond, because you knew that whatever you said now couldn’t match up to his sweet words. So you did the only thing you could think of.
You kissed him, starting to realize you could smile with him for the rest of your life too.
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It didn’t matter who it was getting married - you always cried. Anyone who didn’t know you well would be shocked to see the tears in your eyes; you were so quiet and reserved, and you barely ever showed your emotions on your face. Your heart was most decidedly not on your sleeve.
But Jungshin did know you well. You’d been dating for almost six months, and you spent time together practically every day. It was one of the benefits of working for the same company.
As you sniffled away a tear, you felt Jungshin’s hand come to rest on your shoulder, squeezing it gently in reassurance.
“Sorry,” you whispered guiltily, rolling your eyes at yourself. “The first dance always gets me.”
Jungshin simply chuckled softly and leaned in to press a kiss to your temple. You were more than grateful to have him in your life, more than you’d ever imagined when you’d simply had a crush on him. He was… pretty much the perfect guy for you. It was amazing but kind of scary at the same time.
The DJ came through the speaker then, inviting any couples to join the newlyweds on the dance floor. 
Normally, you would refuse. You weren’t a dancer, and you didn’t like to be the center of attention. But when Jungshin stood and held his hand out to you… you couldn’t say ‘no.’ You still felt your cheeks warming as your boyfriend led you onto the dance floor, though.
“Don’t worry,” Jungshin murmured as he took you into his arms, his hand resting on the small of your back. “There’s a bunch of other couples up here, too. No one’s looking at you… except me.”
Of course, this made your cheeks warm even more, but that had most certainly been Jungshin’s intention when he’d said that. He was cheeky like that sometimes. You actually loved that about him.
“Thank you,” you said softly after a few moments of dancing in comfortable silence (save for the music).
“For what?” he murmured, pulling you just a little bit closer.
“For… being you. For being my wedding date. For being mine. For all of it.”
“You’re welcome.” Jungshin leaned in to press his forehead to yours and let out a soft, contented sigh.
You closed your eyes, drinking in this moment and burning it into your brain. But your thoughts were interrupted by his own “Thank you.”
“Thank me?” you asked in slight confusion.
“Thank you for being claustrophobic.”
“What?!” you laughed. “What are you talking about?”
“If you hadn’t panicked when we got stuck in that elevator, you probably wouldn’t have confessed. And I was too stupid to figure it out on my own --”
“Hey, that’s not --”
“So thank you for being claustrophobic. And for being beautiful and funny and smart and caring and helpful and thoughtful and --”
“Okay, okay!” you chuckled. “I get it, you don’t have to --”
“I love you.”
Those three words, spoken so softly but so confidently, stopped you in your tracks. Your mouth hung open, slightly agape. Your heart forgot how to beat. And you thought you had lost all power to talk, but all of a sudden, you heard yourself.
“I love you, too.”
The smile which appeared on Jungshin’s lips started your heart back up again, and a smile grew on your own lips.
“I love you, too,” you repeated. And you realized… you’d never said it so easily before. In the past, you’d always been too anxious or had completely overthought the situation. But right now, the words left your lips as if they’d simply been waiting, ready to say to him at a moment’s notice.
Jungshin leaned in and pressed his lips to yours; you could feel his smile, and your heart actually soared. You’d liked Jungshin for two years, yes, but you honestly never thought he could make you this happy.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Idol Advent - Day Twenty
For the first twenty-five days of December we will be opening up a door on the Idol Advent tree to see who is behind it and waiting with a drabble to share!
To find out who is there for Day Twenty, click the keep reading!
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Yonghwa – Christmas Sweaters
“You all ready to go?” he asked after giving you a kiss on the cheek and you nodded, placing a beanie over your hair and wrapping your scarf around your neck. He glanced at your sweater peeking out of your coat and shifted the front of a side away, chuckling at the festive attire. “That’s a great sweater.”
“Thanks, I added the extra pompoms myself.”
Yonghwa got to see five more of your creations over the next week, and by the seventh different Christmas sweater that he saw as you took off your jacket when inside his apartment, he shook his head with amusement.
“Just how many of these sweaters do you own?” he asked and you glanced down at your red sweater with Christmas lights embroidered all over it and then back up at him. Your eyes caught something behind him and you smirked.
“Must we really discuss this?”
“I’m curious.”
“You told me you weren’t buying any more Simpsons merchandise but I spot something new,” you countered and Yonghwa gasped, pointing to what he knew you found and shook his hand up and down.
“That’s limited edition, you can’t compare this!”
“I’m limited edition too, ugly sweaters and all.”
You had him there and he grinned. “Even if you have twenty-five of these ugly things, I’m glad I have you.”
To read who is next, check back at 12pm NZST daily.
[Christmas 2018 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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shining4ever · 7 years
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Yonghwa + red neon lights moodboard for @selaaa07 <3
Want a moodboard ?
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weeb-alcove · 4 years
2018 Kpop Playlist
Always You - Astro
Baby - The Rose
Beast Beautiful Midnight (Japanese Ver.) Shadow
Black Heart - UNB
Blackpink Dangerous DDU-DU DDU-DU   Dollar  Forever Young  Kiss and Make Up Omona Solo
Bobby I Love You Runaway Tendae 
BTS badbye Crystal Snow Ddaeng    Don’t Leave Me Epiphany Euphoria  Go Go Idol I’m Fine In Front of the Autumn Post Office Save Me Seesaw  The Truth Untold Waste It On Me
Cereal - Crush & Zico
Closer - Oh My Girl
Cookies - Lee Hong Gi
Day6 Chocolate Shoot Me Stop the Rain What Are You Doing Now?
Dean Gold I’m Not Sorry Instagram
Dream - Baekhyun & Suzy
EXO Gravity Love Shot Ooh La La La Tempo
Flower - Varsity
Focus on Me - Jus2
(G)I-DLE Hann  Popstars
Giorgio Moroder/One More Day - Sistar
GOT7 Look Lullaby Miracle Teenager Thank You
Hands Up - B.A.P
Honestly (Eric Nam original, Jfla cover)
Hyolyn Bae Dally See Sea
I Drink Alone - Juniel 
iKON Killing Me  Love Scenario 
I Love You - EXID
I’m Your Girl - Khan
Inferiority Complex - Park Kyung
Jay Park All I Wanna Do Forget About Tomorrow Orange Run It Solo  Upside Down
Jessi Gucci  Wet 
Love is True - Crush & Wrong Address
Love You to Death - Taeyang
Miss Me or Diss Me - MC Mong
Monsta X All In  Jealousy  Myself  Oh My! Stuck 
NaNaNa - Imfact
NCT 127 Regular Simon Says NCT Dream We Go Up
Now - Troublemaker
NU’EST Hello Love Paint (every afternoon)  Overcome NU’EST W Dejavu
Open Up - Produce 101
Ordinary Love - Park Kyung & Park Boram
Paint - MoonMoon
Please - Black6ix
Rollercoaster - Chungha
Seventeen Call Call Call Oh My Thanks
SF9 Easy Love Now or Never
Sorry for My English - IN2IT
Soulmate - Zico & IU
Stray Kids 3rd Eye Awaken District 9   Insomnia Mirror My Pace   Question Voices Young Wings 
Summer Go Loco - Loco
Sunmi Addict  Black Pearl  Curve Heroine   Siren 
Super Junior Black Suit  One More Chance
Syndrome - CIKI
Teen Top I’m Sorry No More Perfume On You 
That Girl - Jung Yonghwa
Touch & Sketch - Leo
Triple Position/Kangaroo - Wanna One
TVXQ! Love Line  The Chance of Love  Truth
Twice Dance the Night Away What Is Love?
VIXX Dynamite Scentist
Way Back Home - Shaun
What You Like - Leegikwang
Winner Don’t Flirt Everyday
Burenai ai de - Hatsune Miku Love Is an Onomatopoeia - Hatsune Miku Oblivious Pumpkin - Hatsune Miku 
Celty Sturluson Character Song
Dee - IA & Yuzuki Yukari 
Hey Say! -  (Love Complex Opening 2)
Snow Sound - Alexandros
Super Life - Jason Zhang
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nglitisjay-blog · 7 years
30 Questions Tag- Jamie
*rule: answer the questions and tag 30 followers that you would like to know better*
I was tagged by @kreacts , thanks lovelies !!
Nickname: Jay Gender: Femaleee Star sign: Virgo! Height: Last time I checked, about 5′6 (168cm) Time: 3:50 Birthday: 8th September Favorite bands: I have so many but kpop- Seventeen, Victon, Got7, Astro, Winner, EXO, BTS, Red velvet. Non kpop- Sleeping w/ Sirens, The 1975, Dadaroma, Mayday Parade, The Story So Far, (yes, my music taste is a bit messy) Favorite solo artist(s): Kpop- Jay Park, Dean, Zion.T, Henry, Ailee, Samuel and probably lots more Non Kpop- Lil Uzi, Justin Bieber’s pretty good (I don’t rly listen to solo artists tbh) Song stuck in my head: Right now it’s Sixteen- Samuel but a couple hours ago it was Drift Away- Seventeen Last movie i watched: I think it was Finding Nemo ?? I love disney movies don’t @ me  Last show i watched: Pretty sure it was NCIS Los Angeles or Law and Order :’) When did I create my blog: Aug 23rd 2016 (i just realized that’s victons comeback date,,, august 23rd 2017 ;)) What do I post: Memes? Mostly reposts tbh, sometimes I’ll upload some fanart I did. Even though this is my primary blog, I use my secondary one more. Last thing i googled: Just ‘youtube’ to go see what was on my recommended   Do you have other blogs: Yes, I have two others, one which I rarely use and I don’t know if I’ll go back to using even though that’s where most of my followers are rip. And another kpop one for shipping and reactions n’ stuff.  Why did you choose this blog name: ‘Not gonna lie, it is Jay’- it’s pretty self-explanatory haha, It’s just somehere where I can shitpost or just post whatever Following: 220 Followers on here: 132 Favorite colors: Grey and Green Average hours of sleep: 8-ish. Lucky number: 8  Instruments: I played violin for four years and keyboard for nearly three What am i wearing: Blue shorts and a baggy white shirt n’ white socks How many blankets i sleep with: Currently 2 Dream job: Idk I’m interested in forensics like maybe a psychologist?? maybe a pathologist ??  who knows ???  Dream trip: Japan is my no.1 place I want to visit, obviously South Korea would be nice, Italy and maybe America. Favourite food: Noodles <<<<  Nationality: English Favorite song right now: Come back to me on that one when Victon comeback Aug 23 at noon kst,,,, honestly though, star- boyfriend
I’m not tagging anyone since I don’t have many followers on this blog, if you want to do it though, be my guest !!
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noona-clock · 6 years
Drabble Game: Airport
Hi B! I told you I’d see you in your inbox 😏 How do you feel about Yonghwa and Airport??
I’m feelin’ pretty good about it, @cramelot , I must say. I hope you like it!
Genre: College!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Yonghwa x You
By Admin B
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Your knee jiggled anxiously as you waited for the flight attendant to make the announcement. The announcement giving the okay to open the plane door and let all of the passengers off.
Everyone had already stood and started retrieving their carry-on bags from the overhead compartments, but it was at that awkward stage when no one was allowed to get off yet, so they were all just standing around... waiting...
But then you heard the click of the intercom, and the flight attendant thanked everyone for flying with them and wished you and your fellow passengers a wonderful day.
You stood up quickly but carefully, tilting your head so you wouldn’t hit it on the overhead bin, and got ready to get your bag out.
See, you were just getting back home from a whole school year overseas. You’d lived and studied in a different country for almost a whole year, and now... now you were back home.
And, truth be told, the person you were most excited to see was Yonghwa. Yes, you had missed your parents, but... you’d missed your boyfriend more. And your heart was already pounding because you knew he was the one coming to pick you up.
You shuffled impatiently behind the person in front of you, clutching your bag and smiling at the pilot and flight attendant as you passed by. And as soon as you stepped off the plane, you bolted.
You didn’t even get out your phone because you knew Yonghwa knew when your plane landed; you knew he would already be waiting for you at the arrivals gate. There was no need to contact him, and you honestly wanted to just see him. You’d been talking to him the whole time you were over there, but you hadn’t gotten to see him.
So getting to be face-to-face with him? Getting to actually be in his arms again? That was really the only thing on your mind.
You weaved through the crowd of people, you murmured ‘excuse me’ after ‘excuse me’ as you climbed the escalator, and you bit your lip as you began to search for his familiar, handsome face.
Your search was interrupted by a loud voice calling your name. And your heart immediately stopped. Because you knew that voice. It was even more familiar than his face, and a huge, beaming smile immediately tugged at your lips.
Your gaze shifted to where you’d heard him, and when your eyes finally landed on him? You almost let out a cry of joy. But you simply bit your lip, held back a squeal, and ran for it.
Halfway there, your bag fell from your shoulders, but you barely even noticed. You barely even noticed anything else in the whole airport besides him. Besides his bright, cheesy grin. Besides his sparkling eyes and perfect hair and the way he was already holding his arms out for you.
And when you finally reached him, you wasted no time in almost tackling him to the ground, your arms flinging around his neck and latching on like you were never going to let go.
You didn’t want to let go. Ever.
“I thought you would never get here,” he murmured, holding you so tightly you weren’t sure you could actually answer back.
“Oh, don’t worry,” you breathed. “I’m never leaving again.”
Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Summary: You had no idea who you were but what you did know was that you could sing. And when Yonghwa overheard you in the park, he was drawn to you, hoping that you could help him rediscover his musical muse. 
Characters: Jung Yonghwa x reader
Genre: ghost au / fluff
A/N: This idea is one I’ve had for years, but admittedly the idea was for a fully fledged fiction sequel to my fiction over on AFF My Afterlife with Lee Joon. I think that’s why I had a little bit of trouble getting into this idea properly. I also wrote more than what you’re seeing here, but I feel like it got way too dramatic and ridiculous, and really didn’t stick to the original light-heartedness of this beginning part. Maybe I’ll work with it in the future and share it with you, but for now, I hope you enjoy Muse at the length it is!
Word count: 1265
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When you were alive, singing was something you did to make yourself smile. You’d sing in the shower, belt out a note or two as you drove to work, work on harmonising with your friends at karaoke bars and hum lullabies to yourself as you fell asleep. If there was one thing you had been proud of in your short life, it was the joy you felt whenever you sang.
And now in death, singing was the only thing that helped you hang on.
You had never made your passion your job or shared it with many people. Although others encouraged you to try, you were the type to want to keep singing precious. Sharing with others did bring you happiness, but you didn’t want your own happiness taken away if you made it your way to pay the bills. So sometimes you’d fulfil the desire to perform by singing at weddings or birthdays, but nothing more.
Now that no one could hear you apart from the other wandering souls, you seemed to sing more often. It was a shame that death had given you more time to compose new songs when they couldn’t be heard by others. All the same you were drawn to the art of watching the world go by and singing for yourself. At least you could still hear your voice.
The great thing about the world moving on whilst you sang meant you had no inhibiting moments. You could sit in a coffee shop and belt out a sombre piece right next to a couple lovingly gazing into each others eyes. You could bounce around to a good beat when someone outside was arguing. It was kind of freeing to perform wherever you pleased.
And that’s when it happened.
You were sitting in a park singing to yourself when a man came into your view, his hurried steps soon slowing. He had a cap and mask hiding his face so you couldn’t tell what he was up to, and yet it didn’t deter you from perfecting your latest song. He stopped entirely in front of you, which kind of threw you off, especially when his eyes seemed to connect with yours. You laughed internally and diverted your gaze so you could continue; he was clearly very alive still. Yet the feeling of being watched didn’t stop and you took a break, sighing to yourself and hoping he’d move on so you could continue.
“Is there more to your song?” a muffled voice asked and you froze, your eyes widening at his sentence. “It was really pretty.”
Lifting your head, you pointed at yourself. “You can see me?”
“Should I not?” he pondered, removing one side of the mask and then smiling at you. It seemed to ease your fright, but now you were embarrassed that someone else had heard you so raw and untamed in your singing. If you could have blushed, you were certain your face would be red by now.
“I uh, don’t normally have an audience.”
He chuckled. “You’re in the wrong place to be unheard then, a park is pretty public.”
“But normally people don’t see me,” you continued, rubbing at your arm awkwardly. His smile only faltered for a second before he was approaching you and sitting down next to you on the bench. You blinked rapidly. “You do realise you shouldn’t see me, right? Doesn’t that frighten you?”
“No?” He seemed too casual and it made you sigh heavily. You hated when you had to inform people what you were.
“I’m not exactly alive.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sing,” he replied with another smile and you blinked several times again. “Does it frighten you that I’m not bothered?”
“You can see spirits?” you tentatively asked, though it was kind of obvious since he could see you. He nodded easily. “Ah.”
“I’m guessing you don’t meet many people like me,” he said with an awkward laugh, and his mouth opened a little wide with the emphasis on his guffaws. His warm eyes darted around a bit, attempting to find a way to make the environment more at ease. “Did you like to sing when you were alive, were you a performer?”
You shook your head, but smiled gently. “I just sung for myself.”
“You kept such a nice talent to yourself,” he said honestly and it made you bite at your lip nervously. He was too good to be true. Living and generous? Just who was this guy?
As if he read your mind, he smiled at you. “I’m a singer too. But I chose to share my voice with the world.”
“Really?” You eyed him more closely. His face did seem familiar the more you stared at him but you had problems with remembering names lately. You didn’t even know your own name since crossing over. It was the only thing you couldn’t remember when it came to yourself, as if it had been snatched away by Death himself.
He pouted at your obvious lack of knowledge on him. “I’m kind of famous.”
“I’m kind of dead,” you retorted with a small playful smile. He grinned. “I don’t remember names. You are familiar though.”
“Huh, you don’t remember names? That’s a new one,” he said thoughtfully, nodding his head as he deciphered your words. “Well can you remember my name if I tell you it now?”
“I mean, no one has ever asked me to, but I can write it down in my book, hold on.” You reached into your bag for your lyrics book and the man peered over your arm as you scrambled to get to an empty page. You eyed him cautiously and he seemed to realise he was invading your privacy and backed off. Finally you had skipped to a blank page and looked up at him expectantly. He smiled. “Jung Yonghwa. And your name is?”
“I don’t really know, I don’t remember my own name either,” you admitted and he frowned.
“Maybe it’ll come to you,” he offered and you nodded softly. “The song you were just singing, did you write it?”
“Just yesterday.”
“And you’re already sounding so in control of it? Are your emotions stronger than when you were alive?”
“It’s easier to compose now,” you told him and Yonghwa was thoughtful again.
“Maybe that’s what I need to do.”
“What, die?!” you asked in horror and he let out another generous laugh before stopping to sigh heavily. He seemed frustrated.
“My muse is missing, whilst you seem very much overloaded with one. I’m envious.”
“The feeling’s mutual, being dead and not knowing why kind of leaves me frustrated most days. Singing is all I have left.”
“Well, maybe we can help each other out?” he offered and your glance at him obviously made him feel a little embarrassed. He chuckled weakly as his eyes grew wide. “I mean, if you would like to. I’m not a bad person!”
His hands were dismissing any ill thoughts with his words and you couldn’t help but grin, he seemed so sweet. You then laughed and he did too, dropping his hands and smiling at you again. “Shall we see if you can help revitalise my muse? And I’ll try what I can to help with your name and why you’re like this. Deal?”
You looked at the hand Yonghwa outstretched to you then and you gently slipped yours in, gasping at how solid the connection felt. It made you feel as close to living again as you grinned up at him, nodding your head. “Deal.”
Welcome to Frightful October, a collab between myself and @this-song-thats-only-for-you … this week’s theme is Haunted! To follow more of the stories check out the links below:
Other stories in Haunted: Spirited / Dreaming / Muse / Dare
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noona-clock · 6 years
CNBLUE MTL to finish all their holiday shopping last minute
CNBlue MTL actually forget about the holiday and rush to get your present at the last minute. cause same.
AHHHH @pegacorn24 !! Thank you so much for requesting CNBLUE!!! I SERIOUSLY need to write more for them because I love them so, so much.
Disclaimer: I do not own any gifs used in this post.
-Admin B
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1. Yonghwa
2. Jonghyun
3. Minhyuk
4. Jungshin
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noona-clock · 7 years
CNBLUE when you’re afraid of birds
So, this is totally random. But I can’t be the only one afraid of birds, right?
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used.
-Admin B
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“Really? Why? They’re just birds! They’re not going to kill you!” Yonghwa would tease you about it, sending you pictures of birds in a text message and giving you bird-related presents for your birthday. All in the name of love, of course. He would claim to be trying to ‘help you get over your fear.’ PSH.
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Jonghyun would run to protect you anytime a pigeon (or even a little wren) came near you. “You are NOT going to scare my lady! NOT TODAY!”
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Minhyuk would be completely understanding. “Everyone’s afraid of something. And birds can have really sharp beaks! Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from all of the birds.” He would also try to help you get over your fear, but little by little.
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noona-clock · 7 years
CNBLUE Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
Disclaimer: I do not own any gifs used.
-Admin B
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Gryffindor: Yonghwa
You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring, nerve & chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
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Hufflepuff: Minhyuk
You might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.
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Slytherin: Jonghyun
Or perhaps in Slytherin you’ll find your true friends, those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends.
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Ravenclaw: Jungshin
Or yet, in wise, old Ravenclaw if you’re a ready mind where those of wit and learning will always find their kind.
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