#jungkook apple interview
uhgood-girl · 10 months
people are having a lot of interpretations on the line jk used in his apple music interview my views were different but messed not clear when he said I will never cross the lines with armys which a singer or artist should maintain everyone taken it as he is saying he will not use them for his benefit, sexual desires, hook up nd all crap they assumed but I don't think he want to say that can u please explain ur point of view not share it please.
hi anon, i hope you can forgive that i'm not sure how to answer this without sharing it? maybe i was supposed to post about it unprompted but to be perfectly honest, the quote in question didn't stick out to me at all before this.
i personally haven't seen any discourse over it either and am confused as to why there would be any as it seems within the lines of the normal boundary setting most of the members have done at some point or another to me.
but to be fair to you and this ask, i went back and watched it again just to make sure i didn't miss anything. the section being discussed starts around 26:13 and ends around 27:40 and in summary the interviewer asks jk about the special relationship bts have with army, how unique and symbiotic it is and what is jk's favorite part about this dynamic. jk answers that he agrees it's very special and how it's important to him personally to continue to try and have "authentic and comfortable" convos with army that show a real version of him. he adds the disclaimer that he knows that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed between performer and audience and he won't cross it but he wants to be our "friend" as much as he can.
so, do i think the "line" he has no intention of crossing here refers to not using army for his benefit/sexual desires/hook ups? uh, no, i'm with you anon, i don't think that's what he meant at all. but not because that line doesn't exist for him, i think it does, but like, that goes without saying, right? assuming jk is a decent human being who would never use his fame or money to unfairly take advantage of anyone, which is something i hope we're all on the same page about here as i don't know why anyone would ever willingly be a fan of someone they thought with high probability would do such a thing, would that not be saying the quiet part out loud? is there some group of genuinely delusional y/n's in a foxhole some where needing this spelled out still? (rhetorical, please don't make me think about saesangs today)
i put quotations around the word "friend" up there because at the end of the day, there will always be a (needed) barrier between idol/artist/performer and fan and jk can't really be our friend in the true sense of the word, which he's aware of. the nature of this type of relationship as a whole already maintains a weird, fluctuating power imbalance between both parties as one cannot exist without the other and you won't get very far, on the artist side of things especially, without understanding this.
but jk has kind of, sort of already crossed some "lines" with us in how willing he has been to show and share so much of himself with us, over the last year, in particular. in case you just fell off the turnip truck yesterday, as my very southern grandmother would say, getting to witness someone as famous and untouchable as jk chilling in real time in their home and bed even, is highly unusual. most celebrities with that level of status wouldn't be caught dead sharing something like that and understandably so, tbh, as most fans couldn't handle that level of intimacy with their idol. hell, a lot of people who consider themselves fans these days apparently can't handle it either, which makes me very sad and tbh how dare you potentially ruin the trust so many of us have spent years building up with them. rude. taking things for granted is how you lose them and the special relationship bts and army share only stays special with effort, but i digress.
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i think jk's disclaimer here was an assurance that he's very aware of what he has chosen to share could be perceived by some as having already gone too far but that his boundaries are still firmly in place. "authentic and comfortable" are a priority to him but he's not going to exceed our shared comfort zone. he may be a lot more candid than some, say seokjin, who may as well be an international man of mystery for as much as he's willing to show off the clock in comparison, but jk knows what he's doing. and considering how young he started and how long he's been in the spotlight, he seems exceptionally well adjusted and savvy overall at navigating these extremely tumultuous waters, imo.
anyway, respect your artists as human beings and know your own fan boundaries, folks. there's always some nuance to be had, especially on a site like this where it's a mostly contained bubble for us, the audience, to throw around our fiction and theories and odes to how beautiful they all are but when you leave this space with any of that (minus the odes, maybe) and put it in front of these very real people in question, you've gone too far. don't be that asshole. everyone despises that asshole. (including said artists! they're never going to say it that frankly but i will ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 11 months
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Jung Kook for Apple Music
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virgotxngirl · 11 months
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everythingpavloves · 1 year
JungKook appreciation post. 💜
Discover 7 facts you didn't know about him and listen to his latest track now: http://apple.co/-JungKook @bts_bighit
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jkvjimin · 11 months
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JUNGKOOK Apple Music Interview
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jungkook97 · 1 year
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fling;; jjk
pairing: canon idol!jungkook x reporter!reader
word count: 4.6k
rating: ma
genre/warnings: romance, angst
summary: you were interviewing bangtan and couldn't help but felt a level of closeness to the youngest member. soon after, jungkook ended up taking a liking to you, proposing that you two should meet up throughout the week while he was in town for a little fun.
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notes: this has been a fantasy of mine. it's angst as usual, but it's more so of lost connections that the boys may have upon going on these promo cycles overseas.
this also exists within the decision to leave jungkook fictional universe from the perspective of the reader.
© jungkook97 2023. do not repost or modify. please ask for permission to translate.
You were nervous. Very nervous. 
Your hands were shaking a bit, clammy as you wiped the sweat off on your dress as you checked your Apple Watch for the fifteenth time. It wouldn’t really change anything but more so of a tick that you had whenever you were nervous.
It was the first time you were assigned to interview with an A-list celebrity, or rather, an A-list group. You followed their careers from nearly the beginning, slowly becoming a major fan (minus the unhinged nature of being a stan, of course). It was as if you were living your dreams out in reality, something that you never thought in a hundred years or even this lifetime that you could do.
And so, you held your breath as the time ticked closer and closer to their arrival. The staff had arrived to go over some topics that you couldn’t talk about, the usual: dating, anything super personal, and anything that would be anti-capitalistic (although you had a feeling that some of the members wouldn’t have minded having such conversations). You knew the drill at that point as you zoned off, thinking about how you would be interviewing the biggest band in the world, talking to them and them actually responding back to you in real time. 
It was hard to grasp for you. Like everyone else, you always saw BTS as a group that meets a lot of people every single day, not really being able to distinguish faces or fully pay attention like operating on autopilot. The idea that they would be perceiving you drove you insane as your heart thumped ever so loudly in your eardrums, wondering who you saved in a past life to deserve interviewing a group you admired for so long.
Eventually, the time came to usher them in, and you held your breath in anticipation, continuing to self-soothe yourself by rubbing your hands on your thighs as they walked in one by one, looking exactly the same. You had seen them in concert in the press boxes, maybe a few times up close as a fan, but having them bow to you in greeting…it was a lot.
“H-hi,” you mustered all the courage to start the greeting, meeting eyes with every single member slowly, taking it all in. They responded, leaving your heart leaping for joy and also with an uncomfortable, but not uneasy feeling in your throat. You felt like it caught a mass while you were waiting for them, but you knew it was just simply nerves. “S-sorry if I’m too nervous around y’all–”
All of them started chuckling, with Namjoon putting his hands up in attempt to comfort you (it did a bit). 
“It is totally okay,” Namjoon spoke in his usual deep voice, perhaps an octave lower than you anticipated. “We get this pretty often, actually.”
You flushed in embarrassment, shifting in your seat trying to feel a bit more comfortable. You could feel the heat of all seven of them having their undivided attention to you, and the studio lights being as hot too. You weren’t sure if you were sweating everywhere else, if you smelled, if you shaved enough to get rid of any peach fuzz, or if you put enough makeup to look just as gorgeous as they were.
It didn’t matter anymore. You were in the moment. Too late to go back now.
You took a quick deep breath, exhaling slowly as you heard your cameraperson stating that they were ready to roll. 
“Let’s begin.”
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It was easier than expected. Your nerves got the best of you at first as you stuttered the first few questions out before taking a five minute break. It was embarrassing, but the boys understood, trying to coax you and comfort you by stating that they get it often. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t want to be another young fan acting like a high school girl around their crush!” you laughed, wiping your tears away from the welling of tears as you were overstimulated (you had disclosed to them awkwardly about your neurodivergence, something that Yoongi immediately nodded and expressed his understanding much to your surprise). 
“You’d be surprised,” Namjoon reassured, smiling. “There was a male reporter earlier that kept freaking out about Jin-hyung.” 
“Really?” you chuckled as the members nodded in agreement, talking to their oldest in Korean, probably teasing him. You weren’t fluent in Korean, but you could tell from Jin’s red ears that they were making fun of the situation. 
“Yeah, it was funny,” Hoseok said, his light and bouncy voice filling up the room. He had become as fluent as Namjoon was over the past year after having spent a year in the U.S. after his enlistment. “Like, I think he got a…crush?”
“Ey, no~” Seokjin protested, you understand for him to disagree. He spoke some more, in which the interpreter from the earpiece all of you had translated, “He was a fan of all of us.”
“No, I’m pretty sure it was just you,” Hoseok pressed via interpreter. “I can tell he was one of us,” he pointed to him and Jimin (the both of them had come out to the public two weeks ago together as a part of the LGBTQ+ community). 
“A crush, huh? Worldwide Handsome getting everyone!” you laughed as the interpreter did as well, translating for the rest of the team. Everyone agreed, giggling as well. 
“Can we continue?” Namjoon piped in, his index finger imitating an old film camera rolling. You nodded, gesturing to the cameraman to continue.
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You and BTS talked about a lot of things at length, questions that you never thought you would ever say to them. Surprisingly, a lot of the more “controversial” opinions got past the company, perhaps from all the work the boys had done to be as transparent to the fans as possible. Most of what you speculated the boys had felt during their hiatus were validated, and some were debunked to your surprise. You were shocked to learn that most of them had a lot of control over their solo activities, if not complete control despite what the conversation was at the time on Twitter. 
Eventually, the boys turned the mic back to you, asking something that caught you off guard.
“We heard you’re a huge fan of Jungkook’s,” Jimin beamed in mischief, nudging the youngest to pay attention. Jungkook had barely spoken at that point, but you had felt his eyes on you the entire time, getting you a bit flustered sometimes. 
Jimin wasn’t wrong. You were the biggest fan of Jungkook’s, mostly ever since his sudden glow-up with his tattoo sleeve. You had a soft spot for the kid (you were a few years older than him), and seeing him grow into this confident and sexy late-20 something was satisfying for you to see. 
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered out, your hands covering your mouth in shock. “How did you guys know?”
“Ah…” Jimin trailed off, looking towards his other members. “I think Namjoon-hyung found your Twitter fan account yesterday?”
“What?!” you exclaimed, standing up. The members cracked up as Namjoon began to protest, putting his hands up. “You stalked me?!” you asked teasingly.
“No! It’s just…” Namjoon started stuttering as well, caught in the act. “I heard from our translator that you were a big fan and so, I did some digging…”
“Well, you did a lot of digging!” you argued back, laughing and flushing madly. You didn’t want to look at Jungkook at this point, although you felt he was embarrassed based on how much he was shifting in his seat from the corner of your eye. 
You felt like you wanted to die. Die in a sense, you now knew that Namjoon saw your unhinged tweets about the group’s maknae. You wondered how far he scrolled down, if he saw your tweets crying about Jungkook’s sparkly ensemble at the last concert stop a few days ago that amassed to tens of thousands of tweets. You wondered how he even found it, considering that you didn’t even follow your fan account on your public one. Maybe you forgot to unlink it on your YouTube account, or maybe you had accidentally shared the numbers on your Instagram. It didn’t matter: Namjoon found it. 
It grew awkwardly quiet, and you could still feel the gaze from the youngest. You were too scared to even look at him. What if he thought you were insane or unhinged? Did Namjoon even show the tweets to him? You were mortified at the thought of him staring in disbelief. 
What was even worse is that he knew before you guys officially met, meaning he had been staring at you the entire time in silence, probably mortified that an obsessed, crazed fan of his was conducting the interview. In fact, it made sense as to why he was so quiet: he probably was judging you for being batshit nuts on your stan account about him. 
“Ah, I shouldn’t have said that,” Jimin sighed loudly, his words being translated. “Now it’s all awkward…” 
“N-no, it’s okay,” you lied, shuffling your interview cards. “I had a feeling you guys have your burner Twitter accounts just watching us,” you squinted your eyes at Namjoon. His cheeks turned red as you did the same, your heart fluttering. 
“It’s just Namjoon,” Hoseok emphasized, even though you knew that to be a lie. “He has too much time in his hands.” 
“Ey, shut up,” Namjoon said in Korean, chuckling. “Well…don’t you want to say something to Jungkook, maybe?”
You blinked.
“Say what?”
He shrugged, smiling. 
“I don’t know, I thought you guys would be the type to want to say something to someone you really admire. I’m sure Jungkook would like to hear from his biggest fan,” he teased. 
You blushed madly, laughing nervously. 
“I didn’t prepare or anything,” you began making excuses, your eyes slowly moving toward Jungkook’s direction to gauge his reaction. It took a few seconds, probably from the interpreter for him to understand what was going on before he sat up straight immediately, clearing his throat. 
“Yeah!” Jungkook exclaimed a bit too loudly, clearing his throat again. “I wanna…hear.” 
The rest of the members echoed the same sentiments. 
“Ah fuck,” you muttered. Not BTS putting you on the spot to confess your feelings. It wasn’t something you really wanted to do in front of the entire group and the crew, but the crew kept pressuring you to do it. After all, it would make great TikTok content. It was then you turned away from the group, just dying from embarrassment. 
“Come on, it would be so cute,” your PD encouraged you. 
“But it’s so embarrassing,” you whined as you flushed wildly, your back toward the group. “I have so much to say.”
“I’m sure Jungkook wants to hear all of it. He seems to really like you!”
Your heart skipped a beat from hearing that. That was true, the group and you kept having great laughs and teases throughout the entire interview. 
“Fine, fine.”
You took a deep breath, nodding towards Nicole, their interpreter. You could see Jungkook leaning in closer as you began. 
“You’ve always been my favorite,” you began. “And uh, I always admired that you always did what you wanted no matter how many people said you shouldn’t. You’re strong and rebellious, something that I admire because I wish I had half of that strength…”
You closed your eyes at this point, your eyes swirling in its eye sockets. You couldn’t believe you were saying this to Jungkook who was right in front of you. For a moment, you forgot that you were interviewing him, that it was a professional setting. You felt like you needed to say all of this, knowing full well how much Jungkook had felt insecure about his image change and how he was being perceived. He was pretty explicit about that in the recent lives you were able to catch, and you wanted to comfort him. 
“And I know that a lot of people have a lot to say about you, and as an older fan, I just want to say…not all of us are like that. I’m not, at least. I want you to be happy, to be loved, to be able to not be restricted by society’s standards. I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what, that you will always be my favorite person. I hope one day, you will find someone or something that will make you feel like home, Jungkook. I want…” 
You swallowed. 
“I want you to be comforted. And unconditionally loved.” 
You sighed deeply, shaking your head as you opened your eyes, looking right at Jungkook. You felt a bit confident after all of that as Nicole continued translating for him. He was listening intently, crossing his arms trying to digest all that you said. 
“Ah…” he vocalized a few times, nodding his head. His eyes grew glassy as he closed his eyes a bit. 
There was silence, this time more comfortable than before. You held your breath in anticipation, wondering how he reacted to that. Was it too much? Were you being a little too extra? 
Fuck, that was too much was it. 
“I’m sorry if that’s a lot,” you blubbered out, putting your hands up in defense. “I…kind of lost myself there.”
A moment of silence for the translations. 
Jungkook laughed. 
“Ah, it’s okay,” he said in Korean. “Uh…”
He smacked his lips together, his eyes looking at the floor sheepishly. He then looked up at you, his eyes sparkling with genuine happiness and joy. 
“Thank you,” his voice echoed in your skull as he thanked you in English. 
You looked away abruptly, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. It was a lot, and you felt like you could die at any moment. 
“Uh, let’s take a break, yeah?” Namjoon piped in. You agreed, taking your lavalier mic off and running straight to the bathroom. 
Or rather, let’s end this so I can die in a corner, probably. 
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It wasn’t long until the interview was over, much to your dismay. While it felt like you were floating on clouds, it felt too short, too professional for your liking. 
Ever since your confession though, you felt a pair of eyes intently following your every movement, or so you thought anyways. You never once coded Jungkook’s stare to be intense, but he was quite attentive after your little spiel, nodding and laughing at your jokes (even though it was off by a few seconds for translations). You wished that you were native in your own tongue, but as the interview went on, you surprisingly knew more than you thought, laughing at the supposed inside jokes they had. You guys went briefly over the infamous dumpling incident, which, at this point, had its own lore. 
The boys felt approachable for once, although you knew for quite some time that they would be. You were similar in age with them after all, the same age as Namjoon give or take a few months. It felt like you were talking as friends rather than an actual interview that you were being paid to do. 
Nonetheless, the interview was a success, and you were packing your things up to go home. 
That was, until Namjoon approached you. 
“Hey,” he began, startling you. Your eyes widened at him coming up, being his normal self. 
“Hey,” you managed to say back, trying not to freak out. Is he about to do what I think he’s about to do? “What’s up?”
“Uh…” Namjoon put his hands in his pockets, smiling sheepishly. “I was wondering if you wanna get dinner with Jungkook and I. He told me he really liked your energy today, and was wondering if we could talk more over some food.”
Holy shit. Is this real?
“Uh….” was all your stupid self could say, gawking at him as if he said something completely unintelligible. “Um…”
Say yes, you asshole.  
“It’s fine if you have to like, uh, edit and shit,” he continued, his eyes averting away from you, his voice trailing off. 
Fuck, dude. Say something back. Say YES. 
Then, you saw Jungkook at a distance, overwatching the whole conversation. His lips were pursed into a pout, his neck extending toward the direction of you two, perhaps trying to hear what was going on. There was no way you could be making this up. Jungkook seemed… interested in wanting to spend more time with you. 
Romantic? Unsure. But definitely interested. 
This wasn’t the first time a celebrity has asked you to dinner (in fact, you were a looker yourself, whether you liked it or not), but with BTS? They were more definitely out of your league. However, you felt like you had been friendly at this point, so why not? 
“Yeah, why not?”
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Dinner was a blast. In fact, it was the most fun you ever had. 
While you and Namjoon exchanged even more funnier quips, teases and passionate arguments about life, you and Jungkook sat next to each other, just feeling rather comfortable. It wasn’t to say that you two were feeling each other up, but Jungkook, an avid fan of Namjoon’s, was taking your side the entire time, initiating contact here and there to definitely show more than just platonic interest. You were taken aback at first, recoiling your hand when he “accidentally” brushed his hands against yours, but after a while, you leaned into him, showing your desire to get closer too.
Jungkook wasn’t as shy as you thought he was, and by the time dinner was over, he was playing footsies with you, his shoulder leaning against your own but disguised as him getting a bit too drunk for everyone’s liking (well, Namjoon’s anyways). Namjoon showed signs of feeling like the major third wheel, but he was, after all, the wingman in all of this, awkwardly smiling his infamous smile when he felt out of place. 
“Ah, you guys look really comfortable, huh?” Namjoon pointed the obvious out in his native tongue as you laughed. Jungkook leaned into you as you cupped his face with the biggest grin ever seen. 
“He’s adorable,” you replied back. “Cuter off-camera, if you ask me.”
“Gag,” Namjoon teased. “You guys need a room?”
You were staring into Jungkook’s doe eyes at this point, the chocolate pools of wonder. He was deeply in love, or at least, enamored by your presence. It turned out he was feeling you as well throughout the interview, and something in the air felt right to him. Not per se, bells ringing in his ear (he was past the romanticism), but he wanted more. So much more than what you two could do in front of Namjoon. 
“Can we use yours, hyung?” 
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It didn’t take long before you two fucked after Namjoon and the two of you parted ways. In fact, both of you leaped onto each other madly the moment the door closed behind you. Of course, it was met with the typical NDA the morning after, something that you were quite used to at this point. It was a given that your night with him would be done in secrecy and with a contract to never speak of it, but to be honest, you weren’t planning to do that anyways. Jungkook was yours, even if it was for a split second.
“You’re incredibly beautiful, you know,” Jungkook breathlessly said after some time had passed, your bodies entangled with each other under the pillowy white sheets. “I never felt like I could just connect with someone I just barely knew.”
You grinned back, kissing his lips and the rest of his face. 
“Call it karmic,” you replied back. 
Jungkook, not knowing what the word was, leaned back in confusion. 
“Uh…” you struggled to find the Korean word equivalent, trying to run through your shoddy vocabulary. “Um…it’s like…fate…?” 
You weren’t sure what the word was, although it seemed to be received well with Jungkook. His pupils grew dilated as his mouth relaxed into a comfortable smile. He closed his eyes, leaning against you. 
“Ah…fate, right?”
You blushed wildly. 
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For the next week, you two met up every night in between your guys’ respective craziest schedules. Thankfully, it was easy because you were able to attend their next show (at the request from the artist, of course). While the others were in the press box though, you were in the family and friends’ box in which Jungkook may or may not have secretly passed by to steal a kiss or a hug. The two of you had agreed that this would be a short thing, nothing too serious. After all, the language barrier was a bit rough, and you two were working professionals. 
However, you couldn’t help but to feel more of a connection besides a little fling because well, both of you were totally into each other. He eventually gave his personal cell (or at least, the U.S. one he used in the States) to text, something that Jungkook admitted he didn’t do often. Adoringly, he had his read receipts on, and it looked like he always checked to see what you wrote, even if it took a good hour or two to respond. 
“I’m getting better at it, okay? Heh,” he would write, sending butterflies in your stomach. He was making an effort, although you can never be sure if he was like this with other people. Not that it mattered, you knew what it was, and you weren’t going to be caught up in it. 
As the days went on, you and Jungkook started sharing intimate details about each other, something that you only had when it was a real relationship. This confused you, but maybe it was because you used to be the only one who did it as a part of the neurodivergence part of your personality. You found out more about his flings, how much he craved for more than just fucking around.
“I don’t know,” he said one night as you brushed your fingers through his hair, his face buried deep into your chest. “I feel like…you know, I want something more with all of these people. Like…I’m wasting my time whenever I do these things, but…I can’t help it. How can I find someone when I’m Jungkook of BTS?”
It was a lot to take in, but you took it on like a champ. There were thoughts that you wondered what Jungkook would think about, and it felt unreal that he could say all of these things to you in the comfort of his hotel room, away from all the lights and the glitz and the glamour. In this moment, in this scene in your guys’ story together, he was yours. 
“Do you want more?” you asked quietly. You weren’t sure as to what you were saying, but it felt right to ask. 
He shifted his head and moved it up to see yours, closing the gap between you two. 
“Always. I always want to be loved unconditionally.” 
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It was getting complicated, fast. 
You weren’t sure how to end it. In fact, time was ending it for you. It was Jungkook’s last day in the States, and it seemed like Jungkook suggested you go on tour with him for the next stop, Central America. While you weren’t entirely opposed to it, you knew where this was going. Last time, a celebrity had suggested that you to do a documentary film on them, and while you were flattered, it was just another way to keep you around at their convenience. 
It wasn’t to say that Jungkook was being selfish. Rather, it was the circumstances that made him think this way. With how restrictive the industry was, and how incredibly famous Jungkook was as well, it was hard for him to see people besides those closest to him, which at this point, had began to warn you during your time in the family and friends’ box at the shows about Jungkook’s quick attachment to people. 
“I know he always says he doesn’t get attached, but he really does,” an ex-fling told you in confidence in between VCRs. “He told me he was going to keep it professional, but the guy lies.” 
You were dreading it. Although you felt great that you slept with your favorite, it wasn’t your intention to get anything more out of it because well, what is there left? You signed an NDA, the company regularly asked if you two used a condom…it was getting invasive, weird, and it was starting to turn you off.
And so, the last night came through and you two met up again. This time, you knew it was the last time, and to Jungkook, maybe the start of something new. 
As you began to pack up your things, Jungkook laid on the bed sprawled out underneath the sheets. 
“So…Mexico…” he began. You sighed, knowing it was coming. 
“No, Jungkook,” you replied, turning toward him. “As much as I liked this, I can’t travel with you.” 
“I’m not asking for you to travel with me,” he rebutted, sitting up and grabbing his shirt to put it back on in one hand. “I’m just saying, come with me to the next show! It would be great coverage for the magazine.”
“Jungkook-ah, that’s not how it works,” you doubled down, zipping up your weekend bag before putting your jacket on. “I have to get approval from my editor. Plus, people are starting to talk, and frankly, I started getting texts from your fans about us.”
There it was, what you had been hiding. Honestly, you were used to it from the last celebrity you hooked up with, but this time, his fans, or his stalkers to be exact, knew everything about you, threatening to ruin your life if you didn’t stop fucking him. It was getting emotionally taxing, but you wanted to hide that from him. After all, you were confident that wasn’t his first time hearing this. 
“They’re not my fans and you know this,” he argued, now getting up and putting on his Adidas track pants. “The real ones will know it’s a little fling.”
“Do they though? Do you though?” 
There it was, the hard truth. 
Silence enveloped between you two, and Jungkook stood there in the dark with his hands in his pockets. He was staring at you, his eyes clearly pleading for you to not leave. 
“Don’t leave,” Jungkook’s words came after. “I know this seems a lot, but I really like you. We can make it work.”
Make it work…as if that could ever be a thing. 
You walked toward Jungkook with your weekender bag slung over your shoulders. Slipping your shoes on as well, you came closer to him, his breath hitched as you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. 
“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you began. “We can’t keep doing this. This is our last night together.”
He exhaled sharply, his eyes closing slowly. 
“I know.”
It didn’t take long before you two blocked each other on everything, pretending that you two didn’t exist to each other. It took a few more weeks before the fans stopped bothering you, probably focusing on the next fling Jungkook had. 
And so there it was, you had a fling with one of the biggest stars in the world. 
If only you knew what would happen next.
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS & Grace - 25 Weeks
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The practice room was filled with sounds of unreleased music, some heavy breathing, the squeaking of shoes, someone dropping a bottle of water on the wooden flooring and the mutters of the staff. It was the typical chaos expected of BTS and even after their military service, they were still the same lunatics when it came to dance practice. Of course, there were changes to muscles, structure, punctuality and how everything was planned to the finest detail. 
Some things, however, could not be planned to the finest detail.
With the boys back all together from the military, their comeback plans were finalised and put in place. A new album was in the making with a single having been released about two months ago and a tour was in the planning stages. It had been thought out, in great detail, with all eight members signed on and ready to go. 
Yet, life never listens to plans. 
Life finds a way. 
Grace had been the sole member to represent the group as the boys completed their military career and her final solo concert coincided with BTS 12th anniversary. The following months allowed her to relax for once while the last members finished their service and she could enjoy having Seokjin home, could enjoy not worrying about music for once. 
The plus sign on a pregnancy test threw every plan out of the window. 
It wasn’t planned, it never is. It was wanted but later on. However, life found a way as Bang PD jokingly said when he was told the news. And any fear or worry about what was going to happen slowly shifted when the team came together to make adjustments. 
The tour would go ahead but without Grace. She would still be there but behind the scenes, dealing with a newborn baby if all went okay. BTS would play as seven members, 6 uncles and 1 Dad. 
For now, she was still part of the process and still part of practice. The 25-week baby bump had stopped her fully dancing but she could still sing and she wasn’t going to miss a single practice, interview or the like until B-Day as Jungkook had taken to calling it. B-Day for the day she was meant to give birth. 
The boys had been over the moon and beyond with joy at the news. Finally, after many hints and a bit of begging, Seokjin & Grace were going to make them uncles. In Jungkook’s case, he was finally going to be a big brother and big brother had taken to following his mother wherever she went. If Seokjin wasn’t there, Jungkook was. 
Jimin and Taehyung were twins of loud support - kings of snacks, blankets, and foot rubs. 
Hobi had been a bouncing ball of sunshine and was already buying clothes for a child whose gender nobody knew but they all had a feeling of what it would be. Namjoon immediately started researching and buying pregnancy books, DISPATCH catching him once and sending the media into a flurry of rumours. None of which were denied or talked about. 
Yoongi had taken it upon himself to build the nursery and buy the furniture. That was his job and nobody was going to take it from him. He was also secretly making a lullaby album for the future. 
And Seokjin - well he was a bit of a worrywort. Constantly worrying about everything, mostly if he would be a good father because he would be on the road most of the time and he was childish yet mature, strong yet weak and every moment was a worry. But he was excited, just like the staff were, just like the families were. 
The first Bangtan baby. 
And the first Bangtan baby was getting a taste of the song IDOL. 
Grace had a microphone in one hand, the other hand on the side of her stomach where her child seemed to be hitting in time with the beat and in front of her on the table was a selection of snacks. The doctor had told her to snack daily on carrots, cheese, yoghurt and some apple wedges with strawberries and tangerines. So it was a constant process of munching on a baby carrot then sing her lines then munch on something else. 
It wasn’t too bad. She’d rather be eating than sweating. 
“How’s baby Bangtan doing?” Yoongi asked, coming over once the song was done to steal some tangerine segments. 
“Baby Bangtan was enjoying IDOL and were dancing up a storm, if the pain in my ribs is any indication,” Grace sighed then frowned when she realised what Yoongi had stolen. Seeing the look on her face, Yoongi quickly sat down and began peeling the other tangerines. If there was one thing he was going to do, it would be not getting on Grace’s bad side. Her mood swings have been a bit unpredictable lately. 
“Noona, I’ve got your black tea,” Jimin said as he placed the mug on the table before sitting beside his noona. 
Tea - the only drink she could have twice a week. And it had to be black, not her normal drink which she missed. 
“Ah here comes Joon with his daily pregnancy fact,” Yoongi muttered with a grin as he finished peeling one tangerine. 
Namjoon ignored the smaller man and glared at Jimin for giggling. “25 weeks so 6 months, we’ve got 3 months to go. Baby should start developing blood vessels in their lungs and their nose will start to work as well,” he read off his phone where he had downloaded an app to keep track. 
“We? What we? I think it’s Grace and I who have 3 months to go,” Seokjin wandered over as he pressed a towel to his skin to dry it from the sweat.
“No hyung, we all have three months to go until the bangtan baby is here,” Jungkook said while coming up behind the older man to give him a light slap to the neck before settling down beside Grace. 
Grace could see Seokjin’s mouth begin to open with his traditional ‘ya!’ but Taehyung beat him to it, shoving his phone in front of his face. “Jin-hyung, what do you think of that t-shirt? I think we should all get one for when the baby comes. It says Team Bangtan Baby.”
“Team Bangtan Baby,” Hobi grinned as he took his place next to Jimin. “That kind of works. Can we use that when we start doing RUN BTS again? We can have baby-themed episodes. Who can change a nappy the quickest?”
“You won’t be able to do that hyung, you can’t stand the sight of sick so how are you going to deal with dirty nappies?” Jimin asked, pushing the mug of tea closer again. 
“I can deal with it, I’ve changed since the military you know,” Hobi glared at the younger man while puffing up his chest. 
“Hobi-hyung, you screamed and jumped when you bumped into that mannequin the other day,” Jungkook pointed out from where he lay his head against Grace’s stomach, grinning when he felt the light kicks. 
“I’m feeling very ganged up on here,” Hobi muttered as he pulled out his phone and distracted himself. 
“How are you feeling anyway, Gigi?” Namjoon asked, turning the attention back to the woman in question. 
“Hemorrhoids are fun,” Grace said in the most deadpan way she could causing Yoongi to giggle behind his hand and for Namjoon to stutter. 
“Boys! As much as it’s fun to torture your female member, we’ve got practice to get to,” Sung-deuk called from the other side of the room. 
There was a collective groans and sighs as they all stood up. Grace smugly grinned, holding up her strawberries and leaning back against the chair that had been provided. “Go on boys, I’ve covered you for over a year. Now it’s your turn. I’ve got some baking to do here, only three months to go.”
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borajibolala · 24 days
Can you relate?
I was watching JK's interview with Apple Music and this caught my attention.
Before Golden got released, I always thought Jungkook would have the most personal album.
He always seemed so hands-on with his art; it got me expecting a self-composed, self-produced, self-everything.
And I got really surprised to know it wouldn't be that.
But besides all the factors that contributed to JK's decisions.
This escaped me.
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Making a song is not easy or fast (for most artists).
There wasn't much time.
But Jungkook chose to record music that he could relate to.
And that makes a lot of sense if you remember how many songs JK has covered in the past.
Now this gives me a new perspective on the album Golden.
I'm thinking about sharing my thoughts in a commentary form.
Maybe I'll post it in the future.
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For now, let's keep streaming MUSE, Suga/AgustD and BTS!
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myobsessionsspace · 10 months
Zane Lowe Interview
with Jungkook
I really appreciated this interview.
Zane and his exceptional interview skills was able to give respect to their journey, pay homage to the other 6 members contribution, respect and highlight their South Korean identity and much more. Yes he is a member of THE BIGGEST GROUP in the world right now. Yes he wouldn’t have gotten to this point without 6 other men giving their blood, sweat and tears also, along with the staff of Big Hit who were right beside them from the beginning until now, who aren’t know to the public.
“Look at this city, 19 floors up and you started out right down there, on the ground right, just running around trying to figure it out and now this whole building exists because, your band and some really smart people who love music formed a partnership and look what you've done, not just for music but for Korea, South Korea for music around the world” Zane Lowe 2023.
The interview was about Jungkook’s solo debut, he seemlessly incorporated his members into the inter y without making it about the members, nor erasing them from Jungkook’s story. I’m not gonna lie, there have been a few times with the members that they’ve been interviewed about their solo projects and I’ve even thought in my head ‘talk more about the member in front of you’🗣️🗣️ Lowe was able to, in my opinion, do it well!
In a bit over 34 minutes Zane Lowe was able to shine a respectful light on Jungkook of BTS. The bilingual subtitles, the Korean subtitles for Zane in addition to the English subtitles for Jungkook really tugged my heartstrings.
So often when the members work hard on their English and use it, channels still put English subtitles at the bottom of their spoken English. Zane and the producers/editors highlighted so subtly that he was ALSO speaking a foreign language not just Jungkook! Bridging The Gap!
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Many ‘journalists’ want sound bites from their interviewees, they want a ‘scoop’, to get the interviewee to say something never said before to set their content apart from the rest. Maybe it’s due to Lowe’s musical background, coming up as a DJ, to radio DJ/host, to fronting his own music interview shows both on Radio 1 to Apple Music.
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Zane Lowe Interview with mrfeelgood
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Zane’s NY Times Interview
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The Zane Lowe Show
Maybe it’s due to Lowe’s first hand experience with being a ‘foreigner’ moving from his country of birth, New Zealand, to the UK in his formative years. Maybe it’s just human understanding and compassion, however I greatly appreciated the interview, not just for his clear prowess with interviewing, making the interviewee feel comfortable, allowing them to speak, to formulate their thoughts, to add to them and keep the conversation going, to not bring up uncomfortable or irrelevant topics etc.
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Lowe’s career spans over two decades of interviewing some of the most well known and not so well know names in the entertainment industry.
But also I appreciated the interview for the lack of subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) digs that the western media have made at the k-pop ‘machine’, the lack of teasing and sometimes thinly veiled derision towards the parasocial relationship BTS and ARMY, the lack of dismissal of BTS’ accolades and achievements and I thoroughly thoroughly appreciated the absence of my least favourite direction people take when interviewing the members the ‘who do you want to collaborate with’ or ‘what’s your favourite *insert country* food’ or any uncomfortable personal life/relationship questions.
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Lowe’s incredible interview with Halsey, in the interview she talks about BTS and also her collaboration with SUGA for SUGA’s Interlude
The only other interviews that hold place in my memories for good have been those with Zach Sang and also Sakshma Srivastav (though her person is now ‘controversial’ to some ARMY).
see below for links to mentioned interviews
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Yes it’s true Jungkook didn’t say any much more than what he’s already said up until now, to be honest I’ve taken away more from Jungkook’s unscheduled weverse lives, but I didn’t expect him to. The purpose of this interview (in my opinion) was to give insight into the solo artist Jungkook of the active group BTS, to the general public, with a little sprinkled in for ARMY. In that light, this interview was *chefs kiss* and was a cherry on top of GOLDEN’s promotional period.
Mentioned Interviews
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cakejerry · 1 year
literally what are you people talking about, ever 😭😭 jimin debuted for the korean market, with a normal kpop album release structure and promotions on korean music shows and interviews. jungkook is wholly dedicated to the western crowd. his song (not even an album) is produced by an american, featuring an american, promoting in america, american payola lyrics fully in english with themes that would never go with knetz. that shit is not even kpop. i dont get how this isn't obvious. they're trying to accomplish two different goals. stop comparing apples to oranges
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cherrylng · 3 months
Article on the single "My Universe" by COLDPLAY ✕ BTS [INROCK (November 2021)]
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"A universe created by you and me" COLDPLAY
Feature on the release of the new 'Music of the Spheres'
Coldplay and BTS' first collaboration song 'My Universe' was released on 24th September. It is the first single from Coldplay's ninth album 'Music of the Spheres' (released 15th October), which debuted at No.1 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and No.3 on the UK Official Singles Chart. It is Coldplay's second No.1 single on the Hot 100 after 'Viva La Vida', and BTS's sixth song to reach No.1 on the Hot 100 in the last year and this year alone. Moreover, this is the first time a British band has recorded a number one song on the chart, and BTS became the first group in history to record five No.1 songs on the chart.
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L→R: V, J-HOPE, RM and JIMIN from BTS; Will Champion (dr.), Chris Martin (vo./g./piano), Jonny Buckland (g.) and Guy Berryman (b.) from Coldplay; JUNGKOOK, JIN and SUGA from BTS
COLDPLAY ✕ BTS What we want to tell you in "My Universe"
Rumours of collaboration have been whispered for some time This gorgeous East-meets-West big-name group competition has been whispered about by fans for quite some time. Chris Martin (vo./g/piano) was spotted in Seoul in the spring of this year, and whenever he was asked about a possible collaboration with BTS on his subsequent radio shows in the UK and the US, he was clearly suspicious of the topic. BTS, on the other hand, has long professed to be a fan of Coldplay and covered their classic 'Fix You' at their MTV Unplugged show in February this year. Coldplay, moved by the performance, tweeted "beautiful" in Hangul. In September, with the memory still fresh in their minds, rumours of a collaboration between the two finally became a reality when Chris and BTS performed together in a special episode of the YouTube original weekly music show RELEASED.
Love song Chris declares that "My Universe" is a "love song". The inspiration for the song came from an email he received from someone who wrote the phrase "My Universe". In an interview with Zane Lowe on Apple Music, he wrote about "difficult love, forbidden love, love that doesn't work" and added: "It felt cool for us two bands to do a difficult but ultimately fulfilling love story together." Chris admits that he was sceptical about the BTS collaboration at first, but "but every time I communicate and play music with them, I feel really comfortable. So I'm unabashedly and unashamedly thankful for this song, I'm thankful for the people who inspired this song, and I'm thankful for the people I'm singing with (=BTS)."
Face-to-face recording made possible by the Corona disaster Chris arrived in Seoul in April this year to record the song, spending two weeks in quarantine and then two days of close studio work with BTS. According to BTS's 'My Universe' documentary, which was released on 26th September, the collaboration had been planned for as long as 18 months before that. JUNGKOOK was delighted to record face to face with Chris, "the King of the Stadium Tours", and RM, who had been intrigued by Chris' personality, said that when he met him in person, he was impressed by his "very humble and personable personality, as I had heard, very pure and without prejudice". They also mentioned that Chris had studied BTS's music and performance in advance and included a dance break in this collaboration song, and that he had depicted a "universe created by you and me" in this song, which is similar to the message BTS has been conveying (in songs such as "Magic Shop"). RM, who wrote the lyrics for the song, revealed, "The target of 'You are my universe' should of course be ARMY (BTS fans), and I wrote it thinking about the day we would meet [again]."
Hologram co-starring The music video was released on 30th September. Directed by Dave Myers (Ed Sheeran, Jay-Z, Pink), it was filmed in Rubí, near Barcelona, Spain, for Coldplay, and in a studio in Seoul for BTS, against a green screen. The film tells the story of both groups becoming one in a hologram in a universe (galaxy) where music is banned and they are confronted by a giant silencer that threatens their existence, which was also a metaphor for the current times in the form of the coronavirus.
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The theme is space The first single 'Higher Power', released on 7th May this year from Coldplay's new 'Music of the Spheres' album, was also initially distributed from the International Space Station, and its music video was set on the fictional planet Kaotica. The emoji titles of the songs on the album also use the space-related ⦵*✧❍∞. The reason why space became the theme of the album in this way was that Chris was watching Star Wars and thought about musicians existing in space. When he appeared on the US radio programme 'The Zach Sang Show', he said: "I was imagining all kinds of Spheres (celestial bodies), or Earth systems with all kinds of places and creatures, and I realised that I could be an artist on any of them. When I separated myself from Coldplay and thought that I wasn't even a human being, what kind of music could I make? It was a very freeing experience." In an interview with Zane Lowe, he also pointed out that recent years in particular have been an era of "musical utopia" for artists, where the boundaries between genres and eras have disappeared and everyone enjoys all kinds of music in a eclectic way, and that there was no reason why Coldplay should continue to fit into the usual frameworks forever, so they came up with the novel idea of letting Max Martin take care of the selection of producers. As you know, Max is a hitmaker who has worked on many songs, mainly for pop artists, from the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears in the past, to Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and The Weeknd in recent years. This is the first time Coldplay, who originally started as an indie rock band, has had him as their main producer. The new album thus completed includes a collaboration with BTS as well as a new song with Selena Gomez, 'Let Somebody Go'. According to The Sun (UK), Chris wrote the song with Selena, whom he had been a fan of for some time, in mind and recorded it in April this year, the same month as 'My Universe'.
Touring with the new album? On 12th October, just ahead of the new release, Coldplay held a release concert at Shepherd's Bush Empire in London. Although they are keen to tour with the new album, they did not tour with their last album Everyday Life (2019) due to environmental concerns, and even stated at the time that they would not tour until they could find a "greener and cleaner" way to do so. Fortunately, the means of it are slowly, if not perfectly, being found, and the band is eager to tour again.
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Live at the Apollo Theatre, New York, 23rd September. PHOTO BY THEO WARGO / Getty Images for SiriusXM
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From Global Citizen Live 2021, a 24-hour event held on 26th September in six locations around the world. Coldplay took part in the New York show. Getty Images for Global Citizen
Translator's Note: "I'm tagging this properly for the sake of integrity!" I say this, as I hiss and shriek with every key that I press down with my fingers, knowing and accepting my fate for what will come to me.
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aricastmblr · 11 months
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Jung Kook (정국): 'GOLDEN', BTS Reunion, & Connection with ARMY | Apple Music
AppleMusic·X 9Nov 2023
Stepping into his own light. #JungKook celebrates the release of his debut solo album, 'GOLDEN,' with @zanelowe in Seoul where he talks about his personal growth making the project, as well as the future of @bts_bighit. Watch now: http://apple.co/JungKook-YT
AppleMusic·X 9Nov 2023
#BTSARMY, which song off #JungKook_GOLDEN is your favorite? Watch #JungKook's interview with @zanelowe now. http://apple.co/JungKook-YT
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jkjmbtsarmy · 11 months
Jungkook Apple Music interview
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Please ignore the corny melodramatic edit Im just wondering if you/anybody knew what interview this is?i know it’s dynamite Era maybe?
Definitely Dynamite Era! It's actually filmed from the same day Jimin took and posted these photos which would have been taken in August of 2020 at some point.
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Which we later discovered that JK probably took those photos for him as on Jungkook's birthday, Jimin shared 4 never seen before Jikook selcas, one of which was taken at the same time as the 4 photos above
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Both in the same outfits they were in during the interview too!
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As for the video your cringey edit came from that I don't even want to speculate on what it was trying to imply 😅😂 that would be the Apple Music Interview with Zane Lowe, posted on 200821. Video found here:
Honestly a good interview worth watching! He did an good job asking not just the same old questions over and over. And he gave them lots of praise which I like hearing!
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onlyswan · 10 months
My love, have you seen JK on the Apple interview !?
I'm so proud of him, he was so open to share and I'm happy that he keeps reminding people that it is BTS and ARMY forever, also that he's always gonna be a BTS member. 🥺💜
How are you ? What are you up to ? How are things going in your life right now ?
I hope you're doing great, taking care of yourself and eating well. Love you 💜🫂😘
yeeees i have 🥺 the vibes felt so intimate i couldn’t help but to shed tears. i love hearing jungkook talk about anything. he’s so sincere and soft spoken and comforting and cuteeeee. and him saying he wants to study drawing in the future !! my beloved artist 🩷
the tannies have expressed countless of times that bts is and will always be their top priority and </3 it makes my heart ache. i miss them so much.
i’m alright <3 today i’m just studying! my life these days has been a lot of ups and downs and it’s exhausting as hell lol but i’m just giving the best i can each day 🫂 love youuuu sm and i missed you please take care as well my love :")
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aajjks · 10 months
idk if you did but did you notice how jungkooks hands were shaking during the apple interview oh my God 🥺😔
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