#jungwoo outfit wow
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smileyerim · 1 year
episode one: champagne problems
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summer of love: an interactive nct series
Welcome to Villa Rosa, the home for this summer’s hottest singles to come together to compete to find their true love. Through a series of compatibility competitions and tempting newcomers joining the mix, our couples will be put to the test to evaluate if they really belong together. Join us in the summer of love, where anything could happen. (reality show concept based off of perfect match)
chapter content:
(bold indicates a major pairing with the reader in this chapter)
the boys: mark lee, jung jaehyun, na jaemin, lee haechan, kim jungwoo, kim doyoung (the host)
the girls: model!reader, huh yunjin, karina, shin ryujin
genre: fluff, sorta angsty
word count: 9.9k
warnings: love triangle, adults drinking, dialogue about sex, dialogue about heartbreak, SHIT MOVES FAAAAST (comes with the territory tbh), visual and personality comparisons between all the boys (this is a major theme, so if it offends you please don’t read further)
net tags: @kflixnet @k-labels
for information on the full series, check out the series masterlist linked below the title!
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“On my cue.” The producer dressed in black says next to you. You give him a nod and a smile before quickly readjusting your bikini top for the millionth time today.
Your nerves are starting to build in an exciting way, you swipe your sweaty palms on your sheer wrap that’s covering truly nothing on your body.
My reality television debut, you ponder the event as you stand silently. You can hear the roar of laughter and the telltale squeal of a girl that just got cheekily flirted with from down the hallway. You will join the bunch next.
“Go.” The producer says and you let out a final sigh before strutting with as much confidence and power that you can muster down the hallway. The only noise is your heels clicking the marble, the group outside clearly having been told to anticipate your arrival.
The moment you spot the group, they all erupt in enthusiastic hellos, even earning you a wolf whistle from a tall man in tropical print shorts. You’re the second girl here, with only two more to follow after you. There’s three boys already waiting. The one girl, Karina, runs up to you first, complimenting your outfit and makeup. You’re too smart to fall for it, knowing that she’s only doing so to scope you out quickly. Hell, you’ll be doing the same thing once more girls join in.
This is a competition, after all.
“Wow, it’s lovely to meet you.” A shorter guy with a sexy undercut approaches you with a shy side hug. He’s handsome and youthful, you note.
Your eyes meet once you exchange names. Mark, he had said. His name doesn’t match how sexy he is, but you bite your tongue on telling him that. He’s staring pretty intensely into your eyes and you feel locked in, but you remind yourself of the circumstance you’re in and hesitantly break away to meet the other guys.
They all greet you with hugs, but none of them leave an impression quite like Mark does. You learn that the man who gave you a wolf whistle is a tall man named Jungwoo. He interests you right off the bat, but the moment you’re done saying hello he’s back to talking to Karina.
He seems to be hitching his wagon early, so you do the same and travel back over to Mark’s side.
“Can I get you a drink?” He says, hand already reaching for the champagne bottle in the ice bucket. You laugh at his initiative, finding him quite endearing and nod your head yes.
“Where are you from?” He says as he fills the flute with with the bubbles.
“Take a guess,” you tease him with a smile on your face, leaning your elbows onto the high top table between you two. Your cleavage is certainly on display, an intentional move on your part.
“Aw, dude, don’t do that to me!” He whines cutely with animated eyes. You laugh again and answer him.
“Fine, fine. I’m from New York. Well, not originally but that’s where I live now.” You answer him as he hands you your flute. You want to tease him again for his heavy pour, but you bite your tongue.
“Oh, cool! I’m from Toronto originally but I’ve been living in Seoul for a few years to work on music.” You nod, eye being caught by the producers shushing you all in anticipation of a new person.
It’s a girl dressed in a neon green bikini, and Jungwoo graces her with the same wolf whistle he did for you. You mentally note his affinity for pulling the same moves on different women and join Karina in greeting her with over the top enthusiasm.
She introduces herself as Ryujin. You observe Mark give her the same awkward side hug that he did you, but just as quickly as he’s greeting her he’s back at your side. You smile, noting his apparent loyalty to you already.
“So, what do you do?” Mark asks you. You typically hate small talk, but appreciate that he’s keeping the conversation PG unlike the group adjacent to you two.
(“What’s your body count?” A loud, young guy asks Ryujin, and she gasps, slapping his shoulder in an obvious flirt.)
“I’m a stylist. I do freelance work for magazines and things like that.” You explain, and it’s cute how he pretends to find it interesting.
“Rate my outfit then.” He asks with a smirk. You take the opportunity to scan his body down to the shorts he’s wearing, but letting your eyes linger on his toned skin. He’s not muscular by any means, potentially skinny even, but the muscle definition that he does have suits him well.
You smile, about to answer them when Ryujin approaches the table again, “Care to pour me a drink, Mark?” She says and you smile politely at her as he sends you a quick glance before reaching for the bottle.
Ouch, but you get it. There’s a lot of people to get to know here, and Mark is currently only one of three guys. There’s still two more to arrive, and if Mark is the only one that’s interesting to her from the selection then so be it.
Thankfully, Mark doesn’t allow you to third wheel for long as he includes you in the conversation quickly.
“Y/N is from New York, too!” Mark exclaims and you smile in her direction to nod in confirmation. You have to remind yourself to stay calm as you speak to them. Two more boys are coming, and loyalties are as strong as tissue paper in the wind on shows like these.
You have to remember to stay focused and open minded. Thankfully, Mark and Ryujin are both exciting conversationalists so you’re able to stay engaged in the conversation until the producers quiet you all down again.
Ryujin leans over to whisper in your ear, “Do you think it’s a girl or a guy?” She asks excitedly. You giggle at her and shrug, squinting your eyes to attempt to spot the next figure through the palm tree leaves blocking a clear view of the door.
It’s a girl this time wearing a cut out one piece. It’s in a deep fuchsia to compliment her skin tone and light brown hair and you nearly gasp at her beauty once she smiles excitedly as she approaches.
She’s the last in and for good reason, she’s gorgeous. You’re the first to move in to introduce yourself.
“Hello, beautiful!” You announce and pull her into a hug. It’s a little difficult as she’s significantly taller than you, but you manage. She smiles genuinely as she returns your compliment, nearly forcing a blush on your cheeks. Her name is Yunjin, she shares with the girls.
Just like before, Mark gives her a side hug. It’s much more awkward and surely embarrassing on his part as she’s slightly taller than him with the help of her stilettos.
In fact, the only person tall enough for Yunjin is Jungwoo, so they quickly begin chatting, leaving you to Mark and Ryujin.
“Where’s the rest of the eye candy, huh?” Ryujin jokes and knocks your shoulder softly.
Ah, you think, she’s not into Mark. You smile at the realization and stare him right in the eye when you jokingly respond.
“Shit, I don’t know. It’s getting a little boring.” You challenge him silently and he raises one eyebrow while maintaining eye contact with you. You say nothing, only breaking the eye contact to bring your champagne flute back to your lips.
You had planned to play the field a bit more, but the pickings are slim with 4 girls and 3 boys so far, and Mark is far more interesting than Jungwoo and Haechan.
That is, until the producers quiet you once more to introduce the last 2 attendees. Ryujin perks up, standing on her tippy toes and leaning her body to try and sneak a glance. You’re hopeful for her sake, these are the last two guys who will be joining you for quite some time. For you, though, you feel as if you could hold your own with Mark, but the inkling curiosity still strikes as you wait for the last two boys.
Your jaw drops once you spot them. You have to blink your eyes once to clear your vision to absorb every detail.
Two men with bodies to die for and faces that seem painted by God himself emerge from the entrance.
One of them is a certified pretty boy, you can say that much, with his big eyes and charming smile. His blonde hair is styled perfectly and if he couldn’t get any hotter, he goofily greets the group with a squeal and wide arms. He seems young, but in all fairness most of the guys here are, too. He begins by greeting the table adjacent to yours, naturally so as they reacted just as enthusiastically as he had.
The other boy, though, is making a beeline for your table.
Wait, not just your table. He’s making his way towards you.
His lipped smile grows as he approaches slowly, dimples peeking out in his cheeks. You’re enraptured by his visuals immediately, meeting his eyes as he walks up to wrap both arms around you in a hug.
It takes you by surprise, but just as quickly as it’s begun it’s ended.
“My name is Jaehyun.” He introduces himself after he lets go, sticking his hand out for you to shake. You giggle and tilt your head at his hand, finding it odd that he’s choosing to give you a handshake after he’s already hugged you, but he’s so hot that you barely can think.
You shake his hand back, noting how big his is compared to yours as you give him your name.
“Mm,” he hums in satisfaction, “pretty name for a pretty girl.” he winks down at you and you genuinely giggle at that, turning your head bashfully to look at the ice bucket in the center of your table.
It’s nothing spectacular to look at, unlike Jaehyun, but it’s the ending the moment needed so he could go and make his rounds.
You watch him as he approaches the other table of people. He doesn’t give any other girls the same encapsulating hug that he gave you, it’s intentional and you know it. He makes it all the more obvious as he catches your eye after side hugging the two girls, clearly watching for your reaction.
Unsure of how you feel about the silent message, you turn back to Mark and Ryujin who have now begun talking about the villa.
“I’m really excited to see what the bedroom situation will be like.” You chime in, and Mark enthusiastically agrees and steps closer to you. He isn’t showing any signs that the greeting with Jaehyun irked him, which you find unbelievably sexy of him.
“I bet the bathroom is plush.” A voice from behind you says and you jump, turning to see Jaehyun cheekily smile down at you.
“You did that on purpose!” You hit his shoulder and he just laughs and stands in the empty spot opposite to Mark at the high top.
He shrugs, smirking, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll just have to get to know me better to see.” He flirts and you smile back.
“I guess so.” You trail off, returning your attention to Mark and Ryujin. Now Mark is showing his true feelings, but only slightly with his attentive eyes already on you when you look at him.
He was watching you and Jaehyun. Interesting.
“Alright, lovers! How’re we feeling?” A voice over a megaphone startles you once more to steal your attention.
Your brain short circuits as you’re slightly star struck by the host in view. Doyoung, a jazz singer known for meeting his wife on the Bachelor, stands proudly on a small stage before you as the group whoops and hollers. You were warned that he’d be here, but seeing him in person makes it all the more real.
“Let me be the first to say welcome to the Summer of Love villa!” He lowers the megaphone this time, much to your gratitude, and you applaud with the rest.
“You’re all here because you have one thing in common— you’re too hot to be single!” The group erupts in laughter at that and Jaehyun sneakily leans in to your side to whisper,
“Especially you.”
You blush and turn your gaze back to Doyoung, doing your best to keep your cool. It’s already hot outside, but you feel yourself warming up a few extra degrees at his forwardness.
“Hey, you’ll have enough time to flirt later.” Doyoung teases Jaehyun and points his finger, and Jaehyun brings his arms up in surrender much to the amusement of the others. You blush even harder, staring straight ahead at Doyoung. Looking at either Jaehyun or Mark could be dangerous for you right now.
“You also all share another attribute, you all want something real.” Doyoung says and the crowd nods in agreement. Admittedly, you had no idea that was a part of the criteria to join the show, but you nod along with them anyways. It’s true, you suppose.
“To create an environment for real connections, at the end of each week you will pair up with another person here to dedicate your attention towards.”
“As you know, though, not all that glitters is gold. To put your relationships to the test, each week a new man or woman will join you here to search for their own perfect pair.” The group oohs and feigns shock. That, at least, you know is an act as you were told about the scope of the show before you even signed on.
“At the end of each coupling, anyone without a match will leave here alone. As you’ve already noticed, there’s four girls and five guys. So gentlemen, be aware that one of you will be the first to go home.” You glance around the group, looking for any obvious pairings forming already. There are none, which excites you. It’s open season, and there’s five cute guys here all needing to find a girl for tonight.
“To really bring up the heat in the summer of love, our first coupling will be tonight.” You gasp at that announcement, looking over to Mark and Jaehyun who are both already looking at you. Your palms begin sweating again.
“Now, are you ready to begin the Summer Of Love?” Doyoung says, speaking into the megaphone again. The group erupts in cheers, although you’re sure the rest of the group is feeling the same anxiety that you are.
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After Doyoung released the group to go inside and explore the villa, the producers instruct you to gather by gender to discuss the others. The girls have gathered, much to your gratitude, at the infinity pool at the edge of the property. The heat is oppressive, so you stand near the edge of the pool where Yunjin has her feet dipped.
“He’s pretty cute and was flirting with me really hard,” Yunjin shares, “but Jaemin is really cute too and much more my type.”
You nod adding, “Jungwoo is from the same city as you, though.”
She pouts in consideration before nodding herself.
“Good point. I don’t know who I’m most interested in, then. Karina you go.” Yunjin passes the torch with a fake frustrated sigh. You laugh at her antics, scrunching your nose and directing your attention to the blonde lounging out on the tanning chair.
She looks as if she’s posing with the way her arms and legs are positioned, but you can’t blame her. The producers constantly meddling and the right black band around your waist make it impossible to forget that you’re on camera.
“I don’t know, honestly. Jaemin is cute, but we look too similar.” You and Yunjin share a look of confusion before she giggles in realization.
“Wait, because you’re both tall, hot blondes?” Yunjin giggles and Karina swipes the sunglasses off of her face.
“Well, yeah!” She says like it’s obvious and the three of you erupt in laughter at her statement.
“I’m not too sure that any of that matters.” Ryujin reassures her, to which you vocalize your agreement.
“Whatever. What I’m most interested in is Y/N’s thoughts.” Karina eyes you with a smirk and you look down at your intertwined hands leaning on the pool’s edge as the girls excitedly agree with her and urge you to speak up.
When you take too long to answer, Yunjin kicks your side and Ryujin tacks on to your other, smiling at you in anticipation.
“Okay, fine!” You cave in and the girls lean in, Karina moving to lay on her stomach backwards on the chair to be closer to you all.
“I honestly don’t know what to think.” You say with honesty. You truly do not know who you are more interested in.
“Oh, come on, Jaehyun had you blushing like a little schoolgirl!” Yunjin teases to attempt to get a confession out of you. Before you can say anything else, though, Ryujin pipes up.
“Yes, but did you see her and Mark? She was obviously feeling him, too.” You groan, head falling into your hands in embarrassment.
“Haechan wouldn’t stop checking her out either…” Karina adds.
“Oh, Jaemin too!” Yunjin piles on and you cringe at yourself. You had known about Mark and Jaehyun, but Haechan and Jaemin too?
You’ll admit, you’ve always known that you’re beautiful, but this is a whole new level of attention.
“There’s no way.” You say with your head still hidden.
“Damn, girl, you’re popular.” Ryujin says next to you and you roll your eyes.
“Helpful.” You snark at her and she wraps a sympathetic arm around you to pull you in to a fake hug.
“Champagne problems.” She coos and pets your hair teasingly, to which you playfully wiggle her off of you. The girls laugh and you sigh, settling down a bit to give them a true answer.
“It’s still early days, so I don’t know yet. I like that Mark is boyish, but Jaehyun is really charming.”
“Really charming.” Ryujin adds and you nod at her.
“Yeah, sure, he had me blushing, but cockiness can be disguised by confidence and I don’t know if that’s a risk I want to take.” The girls nod in understanding, and before Ryujin can share her answer, a voice booms out from the house.
“Round up!” An unfamiliar voice calls, most likely another producer, and you roll your eyes at the intrusion. It’s going to be hard to get used to.
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The boys are the last to arrive to the patio where you’re sat with the girls. The cameras are blocking a clear view, but you can see Jaehyun and Mark chatting away as they approach. You smile, thankful that the competition over you didn’t place any walls between them.
“This seat taken?” Mark says and you smile, shaking your head no to allow him to sit on the loveseat with you. There’s barely enough room for you both, not that you’re complaining. To make more room, Mark leans his arm on the back of the loveseat and pulls you back to lean into his chest a bit.
Under other circumstances you’d push him off, but time moves quickly in the villa, especially for the boys who risk going home after tonight. Plus, you really really want to be here against him right now, so you’ll take the justifications.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, is sitting next to Jungwoo on the sofa. You know that the only girl that he spoke to earlier was you, but you’re still surprised to see him single.
“Are you ready for your first challenge?” Doyoung says once he’s found his spot standing before you all. You all cheer in response, and once Mark’s done clapping, his free hand finds your knee. You blush even deeper, the butterflies in your belly erupting at the contact.
“In your first challenge, we will put your discernment abilities to the test in a game of first impressions.” The crowd oohs, Mark included, but you wait and listen.
“Each of you will be faced with real secrets about other people in this villa. You will then have to match the secret with the person that you think it belongs to.” You gulp, adjusting nervously. You didn’t know that this would come up so early in the show.
“You ok?” Mark whispers in your ear which startles you, but you quickly nod with a curt smile. He’s going to find out soon anyways.
“The person who guesses the most secrets correctly will be rewarded with a date with any other person of their choosing.” You’d have it in you to be excited along with the rest of the group if you weren’t so nervous.
You seriously weren’t expecting it to come up, not so soon at least. Not without you sharing it first. You feel as if the rug has been ripped out from underneath you, as if your story is no longer your own.
“Ladies first, Yunjin.” Doyoung calls her up dismiss her to the selection room. She gasps and shoots up quickly, blowing you all kisses goodbye as she retreats. The producers have instructed you all to stay silent to avoid cheating, so all you can do is sit with your thoughts as Mark’s thumb slowly rubs circles into your knee. It’s a comforting move, one that you’re needing quite a bit right now.
If you weren’t so preoccupied with your own thoughts, you’d notice Jaehyun staring daggers into Mark’s hand on your leg. You don’t, though, but Mark certainly does.
Mark had picked up on what was going on during the introductions earlier, but his fears were made real when Jaehyun expressed his interest in you to the guys as they all sat in the bedroom earlier that day. Mark felt small in that moment when faced with the reality of his competition, but he did his best to not let it get to him.
The mindset shift worked in his favor, clearly, as you were now here sitting with him, not Jaehyun.
All of the girls had left and returned by the time it was your turn. You sighed once your name was called, using Mark’s leg as a rest to help you up. Unlike the others, you don’t give any dramatic or cute goodbyes and simply walk to the room.
It’s exactly as you expected with the white walls lit up by LED lights displaying a wave of sunset colors. In the center of the room is a large touchscreen table currently displaying five photos and five digital envelopes to open.
You sigh as you approach, expressing your nerves to the camera up above the table. Hesitantly, you tap the first envelope to spark an animation of it opening to reveal the first secret.
Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven.
You scoff a laughter, shaking your head and clicking on the next. You want all of your options before you make pairings.
Said “I love you” 4 days in
You cringe at that one, but move on quickly so as to not embarrass the boy this secret belongs to.
Said the wrong name during sex.
You roll your eyes at that one. It’s clear what type of show the producers are trying to make. Too bad your secret doesn’t fit into the mold. You tap the next.
Got left at the altar.
Your heart drops to your stomach when you read that one. You tap on the card a few times to see if it’s real, and it is. You pause for a few seconds, but will yourself to move on. You’re wasting too much time.
Has moved in with 4 out of 5 of his past girlfriends.
With all the secrets revealed, you take a deep breath and laugh to yourself.
“These boys are such a mess.” You say half to yourself, half to the camera.
Your first instinct is to match Haechan with “said the wrong name during sex”, so you do just that.
Your eye is caught on “has moved in with 4 out of 5 past girlfriends” as another easy match. Jaehyun, obviously. Not only does he have the charisma to make 4 girls fall in love with him, he’s also the oldest boy which makes for more time in adulthood than the rest.
“Lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven” is given to Jungwoo.
Purposefully avoiding the most intense secret, you pair Mark with “Said ‘I love you’ after four days”.
By default, you match Jaemin with “Got left at the altar.” You know your guess is wrong, but you’re not attracted to the idea of winning. If you win you then have to choose, which is the last thing you want to do right now.
Once you return happily to the waiting crew, you swap glances with Yunjin who has to look away quickly before bursting into giggles. Clearly, she found the challenge to be more amusing than you had.
The boys are called up next, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t bounce your leg in anxiety when both Mark and Jaehyun left and returned respectively. Neither of them seem affected, so they clearly didn’t match you correctly.
“Results are in.” Doyoung emerges and you all burst in scandalous “ooh”‘s.
“Before we reveal the true answers, we must crown our winner.” Doyoung announces and the group leans in in excited anticipation.
“Jungwoo, you have won our first challenge.” Doyoung can barely finish his sentence over the loud cheers of the group congratulating him. He celebrates himself, but ends his celebration by grabbing Yunjin’s hand and kissing the back. She giggles bashfully and smiles ahead of her.
Well, you think, that’s that. With a proud smile for your new friend.
“Do you all want to know the true matches?” Doyoung eggs you all on, earning exasperated ‘yes’’s from the group.
Uh oh, here we go.
The boys go first, much to the excitement of the girls, you included. First, Doyoung reveals your score as a 1, much to your disappointment. Mark laughs at you and offers you a comforting shoulder pat which you accept happily. Whatever you have to do to get him to keep touching you, you think.
The rest of the girls didn’t do much better, with Karina scoring the highest at a pathetic 2.
Doyoung first reveals that Jungwoo is the one who has moved in with four girlfriends before. The group, although surprised, aren’t too shocked by the news. He even earned a few remarks of how that fits him. All that you care about, though, is that Jaehyun could now be any of the other four secrets.
Next Jaemin is exposed for having said the wrong name during sex, which earns him a chorus of boos that he humbly accepts with his head hung low. It’s all in lighthearted fun, though, as laughter soon follows and excited requests for the story. Jaemin declines to your collective dissatisfaction, and Doyoung moves on.
The only answer you got correct was Mark, expectedly. Oddly enough, though, what you found cringey in the selection room is now endearing when paired with the boy sitting next to you. He buries his head in embarrassment at the teasing coo’s of the group, groaning through his smile.
“I think it’s cute.” You whisper into his hair to attempt to force him out of hiding.
“Really?” His shining eyes meet yours and your heart glows at his hopeful look. You nod with a soft smile on your face before drawing attention back to Doyoung to break the moment. You don’t want to put all your eggs into one basket just yet.
Mark’s secret had distracted you, but now the reality of what’s left has hit you like a ton of bricks.
The only two boys left are Haechan and Jaehyun, two boys who couldn’t be any more different. The only two secrets couldn’t be any more opposite either.
The answer is obvious, right in front of your nose, but you want to make sure before you allow yourself to freak out. You stiffen against Mark’s chest again, and you pray that he doesn’t comment on it.
With sweaty palms, you pretend to be intrigued when Haechan is revealed to have lost his virginity during seven minutes in heaven. You even put on a pretend entertained face when he proudly tells the play by play — entirely unprompted.
The moment Haechan sits down, you allow yourself to stare Jaehyun down. He looks calm, but he can’t possibly be. Not when you know what you know and the entire world is about to, too. He must be feeling exactly as you are.
“That means that our poor Jaehyun here was left at the altar.” Doyoung announces and the crowd falls eerily solemn for a moment to read his response to the announcement.
But he shrugs. He just… shrugs? It lightens the mood enough to let the crowd offer half sincere condolences to him as he pretends as if it’s not a big deal. You’re flabbergasted, choosing to look onward at him blankly until he looks at you. He doesn’t.
The girls are due to be announced next, and you choose acceptance. It’s all coming out anyways.
Firstly, Karina is exposed to have split custody over a dog with her ex. You giggle at her reveal, seeing it as absolutely fitting.
Next, it’s revealed that Ryujin once went on three dates with a guy without knowing his name. That one surprises you, but you can’t say you don’t sympathize.
“Y/N,” Doyoung pauses and the group begins slapping their knees and cushions in a drumroll. All participate except Jaehyun, who just looks on with an odd warmness behind his eyes. You maintain your stare with him for a second or so before Doyoung speaks again.
“was left stranded on her honeymoon.” You sigh, the nerves settling now that your secret has been revealed. You don’t move a muscle until the girls begin to shout out confused exclaims.
“Wait, girl, seriously?” Yunjin asks and you meet her eyes with a sad look that confirms it all.
The girls then shout in unison again, but this time with dumbfounded half-compliments. The only one you catch is Ryujin’s, “He left a girl like you?”
You scoff, laughing a bit and looking at her, “Well, yeah.” with gentle eyes.
You refuse to turn to look at Mark, but you can feel his hand grip your leg tighter from beside you. Still, your head remains forward when Doyoung moves on.
Through the laughter at Yunjin’s secret revealed, you spot another blank face. Jaehyun, and he’s staring right at you.
Once the director calls cut on the cameras brought in specifically for the challenge, Jaehyun is up and making a beeline towards where you’re sitting with Mark.
“Let’s talk.” He says, hand extending out to you to grab.
“Hold on a sec,” Mark says, not letting go of your leg. You meet his eyes for the first time since before your secret was revealed and find nothing but concern on his face.
Great, you think, exactly what I didn’t want.
You look up at Jaehyun and see no panic, confusion, or concern. He looks… neutral.
“I’ll talk to you before the party, okay?” You say to Mark and he sighs, letting go of your leg to allow you to stand. You don’t take Jaehyun’s hand out of respect for Mark.
That is, until you’re out of Mark’s sight.
“Let’s go to the daybed.” Jaehyun says, moving your grasped hands to intertwine your fingers. You smile down at your feet at the gesture.
Once you’re settled, you sitting criss crossed and Jaehyun laying on his side in a relaxed lounge, he breaks the silence.
“Welcome to pathetic losers anonymous, my name is Jaehyun.” He says and urges you with his hand to continue the act. His attempt to lighten the situation makes you smile, a charmed look on your face when you reply, “Hi Jaehyun.” in a drawn out bored voice.
He cracks a genuine smile at that before he continues, “Two years ago my fiancée—ex fiancée— ran away with her ex boyfriend the night before our wedding.”
The gasp you let out at his confession makes you embarrassed, so you quickly apologize for your reaction. He smiles, shaking his head in a graceful dismissal of your apology as he continues, “They got married on April 6th and on April 8th, I accepted the offer to be on this show.” You nod in understanding. He doesn’t break eye contact with you as you look between his two eyes. Is this what you look like? Do you also look this unamused when talking about what happened to you?
“Unfortunately due to shrinking populations during the apocalypse,” you laugh at his joke, lightening the mood just a bit.
“there are only two members of Pathetic Losers Anonymous so participation is mandatory if you want to enjoy the amenities.” You choose to play along to his game once more, but with some snark.
“What amenities?” You ask with sass and he just smirks.
“Well, we have the lounge area,” he says while rubbing his hand on the daybed cushion between you. You nod and let out a false interested tone, urging him on with a smile.
“State of the art soundproofing,” he says while cheekily drawing the sheer curtain closed behind him. You cock your head with a suspicious smile on your face and he continues.
“Last but not least,” he grabs blindly behind the back board of the bed, “the pool!” He throws a chilled water bottle in your direction. You squeal, barely catching the flying object before it hits your face.
He breaks character for a moment to apologize, clearly not indenting to throw the bottle that hard. You can’t stop laughing, even when you meet his half concerned, half amused look.
“You dick.” You tease between giggles and he rolls his eyes playfully, laying back down and grabbing your arm to pull you down with him.
You don’t give in, still feeling the pressure.
“I’m scared for everyone to know.” You admit quietly, drawing meaningless patterns in the condensation that’s collected on the bottle in your hands.
“Duh, that’s why we have the state of the art soundproofing!” He jokes, although he knows exactly what you meant.
You meet his eyes before lying down on your back with your hands folded over your stomach.
“We got into a fight on our wedding night because he—“ you stop, reminding yourself that this is on camera.
“It doesn’t matter what we fought about, but we did.” You finally say and Jaehyun nods from where he’s sitting up on his elbow looking down at you. There’s a considerable ten inches between your bodies, but he feels uncomfortably close still.
“When we landed in Cancun I thought we were fine, but he had booked himself a different hotel.” Jaehyun sits patiently for you to reveal the last part of your story.
“I thought he just wanted some time to cool off, so I let him have it. I thought he would check in on me, or call me, or something but he didn’t for that entire week. I spent my honeymoon alone.” You sigh and close your eyes, refusing to let your emotions bubble.
“When I got to the airport at the end of the trip I found out he had gone home the same day that we got there. He left me all alone in Cancun by myself for a week waiting for him.” You pause once again.
“He put his wedding band and annulment papers into an envelope and slid it under my office door for me to find a week later.” You finish your story, looking over at Jaehyun.
He’s unreadable, which is frustrating, but almost welcomed with how overwhelming your own feelings are.
“When did this happen?” He asks.
“A year ago.”
He sighs, not too sure what to say to you. You can’t blame him, you didn’t know what to say to him either.
After a few more uncomfortable moments, you lift your hand up in a fist leaned slightly towards him.
“We’re even now.” You say, inviting him to fist bump you. He chuckles through his nose and fist bumps you.
You sit there for a few more moments just staring at each other basking in the intimacy.
Then you remember the last time you felt this way and turn your logical brain back on.
“I don’t even know where you live.” You say flatly and he laughs at that.
“I guess you don’t, huh?” He says through a smile and you shake your head with a neutral expression.
“I guess you should since you know everything else.” He says before telling you about how he was born in South Korea but moved to London as a kid. More questions down the line and you discover that he’s a doctor, an optometrist to be exact, and ‘That’s how I know you have pretty eyes, I see them all day long.’
Once you share your own lot of fun facts, you decide it’s finally time to join the group again, much to Jaehyun’s disappointment.
“Can you just promise me that you’ll consider me to couple with tonight?” He asks before you round the corner back to the main living space and back to the group.
You smile and with the assistance of your intertwined hands, elevate to your tippy toes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek.
It’s all the answers he needed.
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Mark finds you while you’re washing your hands in the plush bathroom.
“Hey, can we talk?” He says with the same concerned eyes as before. You look at him through the mirror and sigh, taking your time turning off the faucet and drying your hands. You turn on your heel to rest your ass against the counter and extend your arms out to Mark, he quickly obliges and steps into your space where you wrap your arms around his shoulders. His hands find your hips easily.
“Can I be honest?” You ask and he nods quickly.
“Of course.”
You pout and shake your head, “I don’t really want to talk about it anymore, if that’s alright.”
Mark’s face falls a bit but he nods in understanding, repeating the same sentiment from before.
“It just worried me and—“ He begins to ramble but you cut him off.
“Mark, I’ve only know you for a day. I want to know your favorite color first before you know all the skeletons in my closet.” You attempt to reason, but he replies quickly,
“Mark,” you drag out his name in a whine and his brain seems to catch up to his mouth as he giggles at himself and apologizes, a faint tint of pink rising on his cheeks.
“Can we go swimming or something?” You ask after a moment of laughter.
He nods with a smile, stepping away from you to allow you to stand.
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The pool is even nicer now that the sun has nearly set, falling behind the house to give you some much needed shade. The sky is a beautiful orange, and in the moments that both you and Mark are still enough, you can hear the rolling waves from the beach.
Mark is an even nicer view from where you are with your head half dipped in the water as you float on your back. He’s looking down at you with those boyish eyes with a soft smile.
“What?” You ask after a long moment of his stare.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “nothing,”
You groan, breaking your float to stand and look up from Mark’s seated position on the thin infinity edge of the pool.
“Mark,” you say bluntly.
“Nothing!” He giggles out a whine, the same pink blush from before sitting on his cheeks.
You don’t let up though, and he just sighs and laughs before admitting, “I was just thinking how I’m really enjoying getting to know you.”
You almost aww at him, your heart melting at the comment. He’s special, you think. Gentle spirited, sweet, and genuine.
“I’m having fun getting to know you, too.”
You hadn’t realized what you said before he asked you, “Does that mean we’re coupling up tonight?”
You can feel your heart wrench at the hope in his voice. You hadn’t decided yet, you couldn’t tell him yes.
“Mark, I just meant… I don’t know what I meant.” You admit and he dejects a little.
“I want to get to know you, but I also want to get to know someone else. I need time to figure out what I’ll decide.” You say finally and he nods in understanding.
“Can I enjoy getting to know you right now, then?” He asks with the same boyish smile from before and you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and tugging as hard as you can to hopefully send him barreling towards the water.
“Amateur.” He playfully scoffs before jumping in himself, grabbing your legs from underwater and quickly flipping you around to pull you in by your waist to his back and hoist you up. Before you knew it, you were midair about to splash into the water below you.
Once you emerge from the warm water, the first sound you hear is Mark’s bellowing cackle in your direction. You find it just as hilarious, but choose to take the game further instead.
“You dick!” You squeal when you jump in his direction, barely grabbing onto his shoulders as you push down with all your weight to attempt to force him underwater.
When he doesn’t budge you exclaim, “Oh, come on!” which makes him laugh out again. In a moment of boldness, he turns around to face you from where you stand unbelievably close.
“I’ll go under if, and only if,” he pauses and you roll your eyes, poking his shoulder to push him back to swivel a bit.
“Dumbass,” you mutter under your breath and his eyes widen as well as his smile.
“Hey, be nice!” He giggles out and you playfully roll your eyes once more, waving him to continue his sentence.
“I’ll go under if you kiss me.”
Your eyes widen in surprise at his boldness, searching for anything but sincerity between his two eyes. You see nothing of the sort, in fact, you see only desire.
Glancing down at his lips once, you find his proposition all the more tempting. When you place your hands back on his shoulders, no push to send him down this time, he takes it as all the sign he needs to grab you by the hips and place his lips on yours.
He’s gentle for a moment, but picks up the pace a bit once he feels you respond. You smile into the kiss, pulling him closer by the neck as he kisses you harder, his hands gripping the skin at your waist roughly. You grab the back of his head when you switch positions and he hums gratefully into the softness of your lips together. It’s passionate, that’s for damn sure, and you’re loving every moment.
When you feel his tongue prod at your lips, you detach from him and stare up at him with a bashful smile. He looks down at you wonderstruck, but his face morphs quickly after into a devious smirk.
The moment that connect the dots between his face and his hands current position on your body, he’s jumping into the air as you squeal, flopping you both down into the water to make do on his side of the deal.
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Thank God for separate dressing rooms. There’s a lot of pressure on you tonight, and both Jaehyun and Mark are distracting as hell. You had read about the crazy time warp you go into when you’re filming a reality show, but you hadn’t believed it until now. Today has felt like a lifetime and it’s not even over yet. On top of that, you still have to break someone’s heart tonight.
You groan at the thought, head thumping down on the table in front of you in frustration. You’ve been doing that a lot recently.
“What did I tell you? Champagne problems.” Ryujin sing songs from her spot at the vanity next to yours.
“My brain can’t work if all you’re doing is telling it that it can’t work!” You exclaim and she laughs sympathetically.
“Well, tell me about it then.” She urges and you huff while you pump your foundation onto the back of your hand.
“Jaehyun is mature, goofy, and confident as all hell. He is also hot as fuck with those cute ass dimples. He’s tall, and he’s got a fucking six pack dude,” she laughs in disbelief and you continue.
“And he gets me, you know?” Ryujin listens with an attentive nod.
“He knows what to say because he gets it. He just… he gets me.” You finish off.
“What about Mark?” She asks and you scoff.
“What not about Mark, you mean? He’s just this precious little thing. He’s genuinely sweet and super open hearted. He’s being nice without even realizing that he’s being nice.” You say finally.
“Wow, girl.” Ryujin says after you have a moment in silence.
“What do I do?” You ask her, genuinely seeking an answer.
“I dunno, flip a coin, I guess.” She suggests and you roll your eyes and let out an exasperated laugh.
You sigh as you return to doing your makeup, you’ll just have to figure this out on your own.
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The party is, as you find out, an open bar with restaurant volume royalty free hip hop music playing from a speaker behind the bar.
“Impressive set up, huh?” Jaehyun says from over your shoulder. He’s cleaned up nicely in an all black outfit, jeans on bottom and a satin dress shirt up top. He’s refreshed his cologne as well, and the warm and woodsy scent is almost as intoxicating as your drink is.
“Get 3 more of these in me and I’ll turn it into Vegas.” You joke and he laughs genuinely, hand coming into contact with the exposed skin of your lower back as he steps closer to you.
“I love this song.” He says as he bounces to the beat. You laugh at his nerdy attempt to mouth the lyrics he most certainly does not know.
“Oh, do you now?” You call him out with a teasing lilt in his voice and he stops dancing.
“No, of course not, does anyone for that matter?” He jokes and you laugh again with a shrug. After a moment he excuses himself to grab his own drink and you promise to hold his spot on your dance card.
You know Mark’s watching you because before Jaehyun came up to you, you were watching him. All you can do is pray that he doesn’t approach you now as you wait for Jaehyun to come back.
You want to see Mark tonight too, but not now. You need to figure your shit out about Jaehyun first.
Thankfully, Mark stays in his place standing with Jungwoo and Yunjin who had just returned from their date with stories to share. Mark’s not mad to see you with Jaehyun. Jealous, maybe, but he understands the process.
“God, you’re seriously the most beautiful girl.” Jaehyun says after he’s by you again, hand coming back to your lower back.
“There’s only four girls here.” You tease and take another sip. He responds by stepping in closer to you with a soft smile on his face. You can feel his palm press into your back to pull you closer. It’s so gentle that you aren’t sure that he even knows that he’s doing it.
“I wasn’t talking about the other girls here.” He says softly and you can feel his whisper breath on your face.
He’s so close he could kiss you right now, but you’re reminded of your audience out near the crowded bar and decide to take a small step back from him. Just enough to kill the moment, but not enough to draw his hands off of you.
He notices your retreat but doesn’t say anything, which you’re grateful for.
The moment is over as soon as it began when the producers usher you all to the same covered patio as earlier in the day. This time, though, you’re sat next to Jaehyun on the sofa. His hands don’t wander like Mark’s do.
“Okay, lovers!” Doyoung shouts out as he walks up to where you’re waiting for him. You applaud entirely out of obligation.
“How was your first day?” He asks and the group whoops and hollers in response. You don’t share the same excitement after your first day. You feel like you need another drink.
“Now, as you all know, at the end of the night, one of you will be leaving the villa.” You want to roll your eyes, he keeps on rubbing it in. You get it.
“You have four hours to couple up and make your way inside.” He says with a nod before walking off. You heave out a sigh when he disappears. You’re annoyed that he brought you all the way over here for such an unnecessary announcement. You have decisions to make, dammit! You’re already completely over this reality TV thing.
“Try not to look so discouraged, Twitter might actually see you as a person.” Jaehyun jokes from beside you, earning him a giggle and a nudge on the shoulder.
“Twitter already knows my deepest darkest secret.” You reply and he hums with a knowing smile.
“Can we get away from here?” He says gesturing to the overwhelming amount of cameras observing you.
They’re everywhere, you’ve discovered, and typically expertly hidden. Regardless of where you go the cameras will follow, but there’s something intimidating about seeing them so explicitly.
“Sure.” You reply and allow him to help you stand, not letting go of your hand once you’re stable.
Jaehyun leads you to the fire pit on the side of the house. It’s not lit, but the edison bulbs strung above your heads make for a cozy environment regardless. You adjacent to one another in the beach chairs set to surround the circle.
Once settled, you lean your head into the palm of your hand as you watch him closely. He’s manspreading in an attractive way, limbs stretched out and loose. His head resting against the back of the chair with his eyes closed tell you that he’s completely relaxed.
One of us should be, you figure.
“I’m really sorry about what happened to you.” He says quietly, eyes open but not looking at you.
You sigh, slouching your shoulders forward a bit, “I’m sorry about what happened to you, too.”
This time he does look over to you with a gentle smile and a look of fondness in his eyes.
“We didn’t deserve that, did we?” He asks, and you hope it’s rhetorical. You answer anyways.
“Not at all.”
He hums, taking a moment to pause and take you all in. After a long quiet moment, he speaks, “I like you.”
A smile spreads across your lips in tandem with the butterflies in your belly rising up your chest to make your heart beat faster.
You pause for a moment, scanning your brain for any reason why this may be wrong, but you find nothing.
“Thank you.” Is all you say and he scoffs out a disbelieving chuckle.
“You’re welcome, I guess… Weirdo.” He teases you with the insult and his over exaggerated side eye. You laugh at his faux offended attitude, a common pattern for you today.
“I want to play fair.” You say, feeling quite swayed.
He shrugs, pout coming onto his face when he protests, “Be a little naughty.”
You gasp and he looks over to you with a flirty smirk on his face, the same that he first approached you with. It makes you blush embarrassingly quickly.
“I will do no such thing!” You exclaim and he laughs at you this time, flirting back easily.
“Yawn, but okay.” He sighs before standing, lifting the chair by the armrests behind his back to sit his chair right next to yours, the arm of his chair nearly overlapping yours.
Once he’s sat again, he grabs your hand and, without breaking eye contact, kisses the back of your hand from where it’s intertwined with his.
You feel far too shy to say anything about the contact, so he speaks again.
“I meant it, though.” He says with a serious look behind his eyes. You’ve had enough of the intensity today, so you detour the conversation.
“Which part? The part where you called me a weirdo, or when you called me boring for not wanting to be, quote, naughty?” By the end of your exaggerated recollection of events, Jaehyun is shaking with laughter from the seat next to you, urging on your own fit of giggles.
It takes a while, but you two finally settle down after your laughter fit. He’s still smiling wide when he shares what he truly meant.
“I like you.”
You gulp, nodding in understanding and looking down at your intertwined hands.
“The only way I’m staying here is if I’m here with you.” He says after a moment of silence. You had figured as much, but it feels even more real once he says it out loud. You aren’t quite sure what to say, you don’t have an answer for him. You’re still deeply invested in Mark, too.
“You don’t need to have an answer for me now, I know you have other stuff going on,” you relax a bit once he sympathetically lifts the pressure off of you.
“There’s no other girl for me here, I’m all in to see where this can go.” He admits and your heart jumps up to your throat. His understanding makes him all the more attractive to you.
“I won’t leave you hanging, that’s all I can promise you.” You say, looking up at him meekly. From how close he’s sitting, you can see the tiniest reflection of the lights above in his dark eyes.
He doesn’t respond verbally, having said all that he could, instead choosing to grab your jaw to pull you closer to him.
You gasp and squint your eyes shut, but nothing happens for a moment. Only once you’re noticed this you begin to feel his lips make gentle contact with your forehead.
Your heart lurches. Fuck.
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Mark greets you with a bear hug once you’re back in the lounge having left Jaehyun at the fire pit.
(“You coming?”
“I’ll wait for you here.”)
“Don’t scare me like that again!” He let’s out into your hair, squeezing you to emphasize his words.
“What did I do?” You whine, acting very poorly to hide that you love the moment.
“I thought you were going to couple up with him.” He admits and the pieces finally fall into place.
He lets you go then to pull back and look at you, his hands on your biceps to keep you in place.
“Thank you for not doing that to me.” He says and you giggle, nodding politely.
“Let’s talk?” You say after a moment and he nods with enthusiasm. It seems as if one couple has already gone to bed as well as a few members of the camera crew.
He leads you further down the path than you thought he would, stopping to sit on the wooden stairs leading down to the beach. It’s dark out, but you can make out his features well still.
“Gonna murder me, Mark?” You joke with a fake uncomfortable laughter and he chuckles and grabs your thigh.
“I like the sound of the ocean.” He answers truthfully without being asked. You nod, resting your head on his shoulder. There’s something about physical intimacy with this boy that you just can’t get enough.
“Tell me about the girl.” You prompt him without much hesitation. You’re not known for being nosy, but something about imagining Mark telling a girl he loves her irks you slightly. So you dig.
He groans, leaning his head to rest on top of yours, “Nah,” he shuts you down.
“Did you mean it at least?” You ask, still not relenting.
“Oh, absolutely.” He affirms and you hum.
“How long ago?” You ask, treading very lightly.
“About a year ago.” He answers. He’s being extremely cautious, which you understand.
“Do you still love her?” You boldly ask and he shakes his head against yours.
“Would I be here with you if I did?”
You scoff out a laugh, “I would hope not!”
He just chuckles in response and leaves a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m really glad I met you.” He says after a quiet moment. You smile, a warm feeling spreading across your chest.
“Stop,” you whine in embarrassment and sit up, turning your back to him and he giggles.
“It’s true!” He exclaims and pulls your shoulder back to face front once more.
“You just,” you hang your head low to try and conceal your blush, “you keep on saying all these sweet things to me.”
He smiles at that, grabbing your chin to make you face up and look at him. His soft eyes shining in the moonlight stare deep into yours.
He kisses you, just a simple peck, but it affects you all the same.
“There’s nobody else here for me.” He says and you’re immediately reminded of how Jaehyun just shared the same sentiment with you only a few minutes ago.
You nod in response. When you first signed up for this show you hadn’t anticipated so much pressure lying on your shoulders.
“I need some time to think.” You say and he nods in agreement and understanding, but there’s a disappointed look in his eye.
“I know.” He smiles at you, and this time you make the first move.
The stubble on his jaw is rough beneath your fingertips when you gently grab him to pull him in for a kiss. It’s gentle, slow, and beautifully intimate. He kisses you on the forehead once you’ve pulled away.
“Do you want me to go?” He asks and the true answer is no, but you know that you need some alone time to make up your mind.
“Want isn’t the word I would use.” You say and he chuckles and nods in understanding.
“I’ll be inside. Come find me once you’re ready.” He says with one final squeeze to your thigh before standing and retreating back indoors.
Once you can no longer hear the sound of his feet on the rickety boardwalk, you heave out a breath, head falling into your hands.
You haven’t been this conflicted since, well, ever, and it’s tearing you apart inside.
Your desire for both is shocking to you, especially how you’ve managed to become so connected to both of them in such a short period of time. It’s devastating to imagine losing either of them. Your mind is perfectly split down the middle for both.
The crashing waves in the distance do little to calm your wild heart. In 30 minutes you’ll need to make your decision and send one of them home.
Who will you choose?
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Ok, your turn!
vote for which boy to couple with!
voting ENDS 7/5
@rum-gone-why @asteriaskingdom @feltednettles
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fff777 · 9 months
part 1 reaction to the nct video for sm town in jakarta
Seeing some Jaewin in the thumbnail makes me hopeful lol
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Haechan singing the track for Yoghurt Shake :P
More teddy bear music
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Dream conference.
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I think it must be quite hot if Renjun is wearing a tank top and Jisung is wearing a t-shirt and Jaemin is sweating like that (see the big screen)
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Chenle ignoring Jisung's playing in Candy ^^;;
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Jisung playing with Chenle's sunglasses in Candy
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Oooh someone's in tRoUbLe. The guys continued to tease him as they were walking off :P
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Ah, it was because he has to stay for Zoo rehearsal.
Jeno sweating from his hands ^^;; I know that feel, it sometimes happens when I'm running while it's hot outside.
Taeyong doing a 100 push ups challenge ToT
Normal Johnny behaviour
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Taeyong, Mark, Doyoung, and Jaehyun asked to stay behind for Baggy Jeans. Actually now that I think about it, it's a pretty good idea to arrange the NCT U performances to be between the subunit performances so you have less people moving on and off between performances. I don't know if this is just the rehearsal schedule or if the actual performance schedule will be like this though.
Ten getting shy and wanting to change his outfit because he was ready for a beach party XD
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Baggy Jeans hurts Taeyong's right let :S
That tumblr post that goes "waving is so cute. literally hi." In this case, it's literally bye. But in a cute way.
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It just occurred to me that WayV not only has a different fandom name and a different lightstick from 127 and Dream, but they also have different hand gestures for their greeting. No wonder there was so much question as to whether WayV was part of NT.
Just a casual sit down interview
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Jungwoo joking about making a Youtube channel called Johnny and Jungwoo and Johnny being like wait why am I involved.
Jungwoo jamming to Love Talk
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2 Baddies ending with fireworks was pretty hype
Chenle promoting Tos Tos lol
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You know how I said that having the NCT U performances between the subunit performances was good? I think that's only for rehearsal. Because for the actual performances, the idols would have to change outfits anyway.
Jeno's outfit bro
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Jaemren hearts
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Chenji at last :P
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Jisung stealing hearts of locals as always
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Haechan: CZENNIE, AIGOO!!!! Czennies: AIGOO!!!!! I love that Dream has turned doing cute cringe stuff into a social activity lmfao
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Haechan: Dreamie, Aigoo~ Dream: Aigoo~
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LMFAO first Chenle and now Jaemin being like "did y'alls see our capitalism?" and then doing a banking themed greeting live X'D
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Yogurt shake, cutest performance ever :3
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Oh wow, WayV performed four (five?) songs.
Oh cool, WayV have an Indonesian song :3
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Introducing his favourite of the snacks to us :3
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Hendery introducing a drink he liked a lot :3
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That actually reminds me, a long time ago my Indonesian friend gave me a drink that I liked but couldn't find again. I looked it up and I think it's Tehbotol? Anyway I should find it again :3
0 notes
haesunflower · 1 year
Literally all the trainees popping off on insta and around, I am so excited to see what else they do. Honestly though going to spend so much time on watching all the things they make ahah
Yes the are definitely stable singers, it’s amazing
In NCT 127 Yuta is my bias too!!! So I can’t imagine what he’s like on stage ohmygod
Wow I want to see Jungwoo irl… honestly if I saw them live I wouldn’t know where to look.. to hear Taeil actually singing in person I can’t even imagine
Nct Dream I bet that was so fun! Jaemin more handsome seems unreal… I would love to see them too one day. Was Jeno good too??
Yes tell me all about wayv please!!!!!
When did you start liking NCT?
NCT Dream was so fun! tbh Jeno is so hot (real) and he's my bias next to Haechan for dream BUT my eyes really kept going to Jaemin bhsdbgjsdhbg Chenle too sings insanely well and is so well-rounded he doesn't get enough credit. They do always give Jeno the most revealing outfits tho so :')
For WayV, Ten really shines. that man deserves to be center, truly. You can tell they all love their jobs and Hendery is the most talkative!! he's so hyper along with yangyang.
During the fanmeet, I had a broken foot so I was limping on stage for the "hi-bye" session and they all looked at me with such worry and asked if I were okay :'( not to be delusional but I will be searching for those eyes all my life. Like they genuinely looked concerned and i had to tell them I was okay dsjhfbsjhdg But ALSO, bc i was injured, i had time to actually talk to them since staff didn't rush me. I kinda blacked out tbh i wish i remembered all the details of what I told them but it's a blur
I started liking NCT around 2017? Cherry bomb was my first comeback as nctzen!! how about you?
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leaving-fragments · 5 years
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the "i'm actually crying" moodboard
14 notes · View notes
taeiloves · 7 years
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229 notes · View notes
sprinklesofktrash · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy -l.Mark
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Pairings: Boyfriend! Mark x fem reader
Warnings: Jealousy, dirty talks, mark gets horny when he’s mad, dom! Mark, moaning, teasing, orgasms, hair pulling, language, fluff, mark always is a fluff.
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Your boyfriend, Mark, doesn’t like it when his friends tease him about you and Jaehyun talking to each other. Knowing that Jaehyun is your NCT bias, Mark is always jealous of him. And when he’s jealous, he gets horny.
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It’s been a year since you started dating Mark. You’ve been there for him through everything. You love him. You know he loves you and there’s not a day that goes by he doesn’t tell you he loves you.
Your brother, Doyoung brings you over sometimes to their dance practices or just to hang out. That’s how you met Mark.
Doyoung was against it at first but he know it's his protective side coming out. But then he found out it was Mark he eventually let the two of you date.
It was Halloween time, you and Mark decide to go as Wanda and Vision. That one Halloween episode.
This year's Halloween party they’re doing it at a club. Not those stripper types of club, the sophisticated ones for expensive company dinner.
“You look great, stop worrying” Mark stops you from fixing your outfit.
“I’m trying to, they better appreciate my costume, it took me a whole month to get it together” You hiss. Mark pulls you into his arm.
“You’re so cute,” he said. You wrap your arms around his torso. “I love you” you smile.
Mark leans in for a kiss. The two of you pull away and enter the venue. You look around to see if you can tell who’s who. Mark laughs as he looks at his friend's costumes.
“You guys would go as a couple of costumes” Donghyuck who dressed as a vampire with blood running down his lips.
“Hey, at least we didn’t go basic like you” You deadpanned. Mark laughs. Donghyuck lifts his hands to punch you, you did the same.
“Y/n!” You heard your brother's voice said from your side. Your brother dressed as shanks.
“Wow, if you had that beard, you wouldn’t look too bad” you lean in to see the pencil mark.
“I’m Doyoung, I look good in anything” he smirks. “You look cute though, you fix your costume well. What did mom say?” He asks.
“She said it’s too revealing but you know how she is” you shrug. Your brother nodded.
You and Mark got separated soon after, he went to greet his friends as you were being pulled to take pictures from the 00’ liners.
“Wow Jeno, you look like the detectives” you check him out. He took off his squid game mask, showing you his crescent moon eye smile.
“You think so?” He giggles. You nodded, “he dies though” you deadpanned. He stops smiling.
“You’re not funny at all, that’s why your Vision died because you took too long to make a decision” he backfired. The two of you glare at each other and give ear other high fives.
Jaemin joins the two of you, wearing the same costume as Jeno but his mask is a square. “Jaemin, you look like the detective,” you said the same thing as you did to Jeno.
“Really?” Jaemin asks. You nodded. Then, the whole 00’ liners came around you as you admire each of their costumes. They liked yours too.
After you all snap pictures together you went to find your boyfriend but you came across Jungwoo. “Bella! Where the hell you’ve been loca” you ran up to him. Jungwoo chuckle as he tries to stay in Bella’s character.
“Jacob,” he tucks his long wig behind his ear. You both started laughing together.
“Well if it isn’t the Scarlett witch,” Jaehyun said as he stand behind you. You turn around to see he was a vampire? A Dracula? His lips were dark plum which suits his skin color.
“Jaehyun” you breathe out. Jaehyun handed you a drink, which you gladly take it.
“I love your costume, look at that headpiece did you make it?” He asks, touching it.
You nodded, “using my 3D printer,” you said excitedly.
“Wow you look like Wanda in my eyes” he admire your costume but he was mainly checking you out.
“Yo Mark!” Donghyuck calls out Mark’s name. Mark turn around and head over to Donghyuck. “Check it out, y/n and her favorite NCT bias. Oh look, they’re flirting too” Donghyuck gasp as he glance at Mark who was staring at the two of you laughing together.
“Damn brother, At this rate, Jaehyun is going to steal her away from you” Jeno added as he join the two of them, looking at you.
Everyone in NCT knows that Jaehyun is your bias in NCT. Yes, your boyfriend is Mark but you know Jaehyun has that aura that makes you feel turned on by him.
He’s handsome for Pete’s sake. Mark, on the other hand, he doesn’t like that. He would always get jealous whenever the two of you talk. Especially when Dream teases him about you and Jaehyun being together. It makes his blood boils.
Mark takes a sip of the juice and shoves it to Donghyuck’s chest. He gladly takes it. Mark made his way to where you were standing.
“Mark! I’ve been looking for you!” Your eyes lit up when you see your boyfriend. Jaehyun hugged Mark.
“I see Wanda has found her Vision” Jaehyun laughs. “I’ll leave you two” he left the two of you alone.
“How much you want to bet, Mark is going to take her out?” Donghyuck whispers into Jeno’s ear. The two of them observe Mark’s behavior around you.
“I bet he’s going to throw a fit right there,” Jeno says. The two of them fist bump and watch them.
“Mark, I know what you’re going to say” you stop him before he could even get a word out.
“Mark I love you, there’s no reason for me to stay with Jaehyun. He’s like a best friend” you tried to reassure him. Mark sigh, he hates it when he gets jealous. Jealousy always consumes him.
“You’re making me so crazy right now, you’re so fucking cute” Mark curses as he closes the gap between the two of you. You peep down at his thin shorts. The tights didn’t do him justice, you can see his prints.
“You want to get out of here?” You smirk. Mark didn’t hesitate, he grabbed your wrist and led you out of the party.
“Yes!” Donghyuck rubs his hands together. Jeno pulls out 5 bucks from his jumpsuits.
“You think they’re going to go to the bathroom?” Jeno asks. Donghyuck narrows his eyes, “doubt it, Mark is a gentleman he’ll take her to the hotel upstairs.”
He was right.
As soon as you close the door, Mark picks you up and slams his lips onto yours. You wrap your legs around his torso as you deepen the kiss.
“Fuck I love you, Mark,” you said against his lips.
“I fucking love you too sexy” that’s a nickname he’s given to you. It’s becoming your favorite everything you both get aroused.
As the two of you made it to the bed, you both take begin rushing to take off each other’s costumes.
“Mark help” you laugh as you couldn’t get the bathing suit strap to untie so it was stuck on your head. Mark chuckles and helped you out.
After the two of you got naked, Mark got on top of you. “Do you want me to suck you?” You ask. Mark thought about it but he shook his head no.
“I’m starting to think you’ll hate it if you keep doing it back to back” he jokes. You did give him head last night.
“For you, I would never” you squeeze his cheek.
“Plus, I don’t want the boys to assume we left to do this. And your brother is downstairs, I don’t want to be questioned by him later” Mark explains. You agreed.
“Why are you cute, Mark Lee?” You admire your adorable boyfriend. He licks his hand to wet his dick.
“Because I’m your boyfriend” he leans in to kiss your lips and insert his dick inside of you. You moan into his lips from the pleasure.
“Right? I am your boyfriend” Mark demands you to answer him. You nodded, you love it when Mark's possessive side takes over. You also like to poke the tiger a few times.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you moan as he thrusts into you. “I might want Jaehyun” you tease him.
Mark growls, he moves his hands to your throat and begins to choke you. You hold on to his hands as he picks up his face.
“Fuck,” you gasp for air. Mark loosens his grip, “you’re so fucking hot when you’re mad” You purr.
Mark flips the two of you over as he makes you look at the window, which wasn’t covered this whole time. You could see the reflection of the two of you.
Mark spread your legs further apart and hold your arms behind your back. “Look at how you good you look” He makes you look at your reflection.
“I love seeing you behind me Mark, you look so fucking hot” you bit your lips. Mark pulls your hair, making you lean back against his sweaty body. You look up at mark as his hand play with your clit.
“Say you love me” he demand.
You moan as your cunt begin to fill with pressure, “I fucking love you Mark” you cried. Mark leans down to kiss your lips.
Mark’s pace begins to get sloppy as you tighten your walls from the sensation. “Are we going to come baby?” You moan. Mark breathes out and nods. You nodded with him as he give you another rub over your clit and the two of you came together.
Mark stops his hand and holds your body before you fall on the bed. “Did I hurt you when I pulled your hair” he breathed heavily.
You let out a tired chuckle, “No baby, you did great.” Mark leans down for a kiss. You closed your eyes as you felt his lips press against yours for a passionate kiss.
“I love you” you whispered.
“To the moon?” Mark asks. You cringe, “You so cringe,” you cover your face.
Mark laughs and shakes your body, “say it back!” He laughs.
“And back,” you said. You take his hand and kiss it. Mark hugs you from behind, kissing your shoulder up your neck.
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bl--ankhaeji · 3 years
Could I request a little nct 127 reaction to their chubby s/o in a body con dress that would be a really cute fluff idea or smut…I mean idk👀
have a nice day🧈
Taeil seems like a subtly possessive man like what's his is his and he knows it but he wants everyone else to know.
Calmly shows you off to everyone
"Hey have you guys seen y/n tonight."
"Y/n looks so beautiful don't they"
All that while constantly touching some part of your body
Mr. Handsy #1
Like his hands are glued
At the end of the night, you swear you still feel his hands on you (that's because they are)
BuBu's eyes would get so big
His eyes would roam your body as slow as possible just to take you in
Absolutely loves the way the dress clings to your body
He wouldn't know what to do with himself
"My baby looks so good tonight."
"You're gonna give me a heart attack with how pretty you are."
Just starts gushing over you and doesn't stop even after you take it off
What you don't know is that he writes a line of one of his horny raps about you in this dress
"My hands on your body like that dress. We oh so naughty." some shit like that
Mr. Handsy #2
hands anywhere and everywhere
He'd go between just sitting to gripping giving you little squeezes every now and then
Boy would not shut up about you istg
"Damnnn I knew you were fine but shit"
"I can't wait to be on you like that dress is."
Pictures Pictures and more Pictures
Seriously you wouldn't be able to get away
Eating? snap. Getting in the car? snap. Talking? snap
"This is gonna be my new lockscreen."
"I think imma buy you some more of these dresses."
Safe to say you pass the fashion evaluation
Hype man #1
be the type to hold you by your shoulders and, "Lemme get a good look at you." then just like fake passes out
Lets you know just how much you're killing him the entire night
you could be breathing and "Why are you doing this to me?"
cue confused y/n
yk that will smith meme where he's like off to the side and showing off jada. Yea that's him
You guys are power couple to the MAX
yall planned out the matching outfits before hand but Doyoung didn't get to see the dress you picked out
instant blush
"Baby I-..."
"Do you like it?"
Just nods his head *trys to ignore the slight boner he got*
Couple pictures everywhere
you both look like complete badasses
This one cute ass pic where you both are like full force smiling at each other
"That's going on the Christmas card this year."
He asked to pick your dress out *cue evil face*
you should've known
Most definitely leads to sex at the end of the night
Eye fucking you everywhere
Doesn't even have to say anything you hear that sharp ass intake of breath and you just know
Mr. Handsy #3 and most definitely the most handsy one
He's like full blown gripping every part of you
random smacks on the ass cause we all know jae an ass man
Dirty talking in your ear the whole night
"I can't wait to have you wrapped around me tonight."
"Fuck baby you look so good in that dress and I know you'd look even better out of it."
Yall have to leave early cause he on that bullshit and can't wait another second
Instant uwu with a hint of spice
"Baby you look so pretty you make me wanna skip this dinner."
Makes suggestive jokes the entire night
no one really takes them seriously but you know
eyes on you like the whole time they never leave
(sorry I didn't really know what to put for him)
Almost instant nut when he sees you
blushy face and cute embarrassed giggles
"Wow bro- I mean damn, like..yea wow"
That means he loves it
Wants to be Mr. Handsy #4 but cant control himself well enough
Resorts to burning holes into the dress from his staring instead
God forbid you bend over or stretch
gonna make him have to go change his pants
basically his flirting video but more intense
Stops in his tracks, smirk in place as soon as he sees you
We have another one who won't shut up about you
Like a mix between Taeil and Yuta
Hype Man #2
we all know how dramatic he is
"I think I need to see a doctor. "
"Because you're killing me in this dress."
And you best believe we have another Mr. Handsy
not only his hands but he doesn't detach from you at all
Arms always around you in some type of way cause he loves the feel of your curves in the dress
Another impatient one
Don't even think you guys made it a whole hour
Simp energy at 1000 with these dudes
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
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pairing: reader x bf!Doyoung
genre: fluff, established relationship!au
wc: 0.9k
⚠️ warning(s): none
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21st September
It’s lunchtime and you’re currently at work in the canteen munching on your food.
You work as a magazine editor for Cosmopolitan Korea. Working here is like a dream come true for you. You’ve always wanted to be a magazine editor and you’ve always felt grateful that you applied for a job here 2 years ago. You’ve learnt a lot, met and made some wonderful friends here. You even got to meet some of your favorite celebrities. I guess that’s a bonus too.
Doyoung mentioned the other day that he and Jungwoo were going to be shooting and interviewed for Cosmo. Luckily for you, you’re the one who’s going to be editing Doyoung and Jungwoo’s featured articles.
You were surprised because on the same day, your manager had told you that you were going to be in charge of some of the articles. You were very excited when your manager told you who the celebrities were.
Looking through your phone, you noticed that Doyoung had texted you a while ago telling you that he’s at the studio getting his makeup done for the shoot. Checking the time, you see that you have quite a bit of time left on your lunch break so you decided to pay a visit to the studio they’re shooting at.
Getting up, you throw any rubbish away and make your way back upstairs to the office.
Looking at the notice board in the hallway, you look at the schedule for today and see which studio Doyoung and Jungwoo are in for their shoot before making your way there.
Going into the studio, you bow and say hi to some of the people there, trying not to cause any distractions and leaving them to do their job.
One of your colleague spots you and goes up to you
“oh Y/N hey! what are you doing here?”
“oh i’m on my lunch break, i thought i’d just pop in for a bit to see how you guys are doing”
“the shoot is going great so far, you should take a look at some of the photos we’ve taken” your colleague nods to the monitors
You go up to your some of your colleagues who are currently observing and going over some photos
“oh wow these are great!” you say as you click through some photos
“of course! they’re natural models” one of your colleague exclaims
As Doyoung and Jungwoo get their hair and makeup touch ups, they notice you and give you a big wave with their arms. You chuckle and give them a small wave back.
Not wanting to distract everyone as much as possible and letting them get on with their jobs, you decided to take out your notebook and jot down some ideas and inspirations for the upcoming magazine issue.
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Doyoung and Jungwoo come back into the studio with new outfits. As you were taking some notes, you glanced up and did a double take at Doyoung and his outfit. Now that is something you weren't expecting.
He was wearing a low cut shirt which showed off a part of his chest; showing off his upper body a bit. Damn did he look good.
As they get some shots done, you take your phone out and start snapping some pictures of him (mainly Doyoung because have you seen those photos from the pictorial??? like damnnn) for the upcoming issue and a project you are working on.
Ah, also to tease him!
You spot the stylist fixing his clothes while they’re on the floor
“is it too open here?” Doyoung asks while pulling on his shirt a bit to cover some of his chest
“of course not!!” you say a bit too loudly
In fact, you didn't really want to say that out loud for everyone to hear, it just came out!
Everyone goes silent and the only thing you can hear is the music playing in the background. You let out an embarrassed laugh and grimace
Everyone in the studio starts laughing and teases you. Feeling slightly embarrassed, you cover your face with your notebook
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After the shots of them in the new outfits, Doyoung and Jungwoo are ready to go on to change into another pair of new outfits. But before doing so, they go up to you for a quick chat.
Looking up from your phone, you see them running up to you
“woooww sexy” raising your eyebrows several times at them
“oh thank you so much” Jungwoo says as he does random poses
“babe you’re still here?” Doyoung asks
“why? are you shy?” you raise an eyebrow and smirk at him
“just a little…” covering his chest with his arms while Jungwoo tries to pull his arms away
“Doyoung you’re doing great! both of you are doing a great job. now hurry up and go change into your new outfits!” you chuckle and push the boys towards the changing rooms
After another outfit change and some more pictures taken, you notice the time and realise that your lunch break is almost finished and you have to go back to work.
You hold an arm up and wave it around to get their attention. When they spot you, you show and tap on your watch, showing them that you have to go back and giving them a goodbye wave.
Before leaving, Doyoung makes a kissy face at you and you return the gesture. You then notice Jungwoo trying to kiss Doyoung on the cheek. Doyoung starts squirming and tries to push Jungwoo away from him. You laugh at their antics before heading out of the studio and going back to work.
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello smiling anon here :) can i request nct 127 as boyfriends? ur astro as boyfriends post was so cute :)
Anonnie im sorry i made you wait so long TT this is the busiest week of the year so far and i had to stay focused to prepare for it, but i hope you enjoy~
NCT 127 as boyfriends ♡
link to Astro version
Warnings: food mentions
what i listened to while writing: To My Youth by BOL4
sweet to the MAX
always singing around the house and serenading you
multiple movie nights with you in one week where you eat a whole bunch of junk food together and cuddle the entire time ;3;
becomes flustered very easily when you reach for his hand or hug him because he doesn't like skinship
but strangely with you, his heart skips a beat??
helps you when you're stressed by enveloping you in a hug and not letting go until you feel better
not overly clingy but not distant either - he's the perfect bf !!
knows when to give you space and when he needs to invade your space and give you lots of kisses >:)
not big on fancy dates, just wants to bask in your presence
wherever he is, as long as you're there, he's happy
i don't know why but i imagine his hand getting clammy when you hold it because he's so nervous,, then he gets all shy and embarrassed about it :")
always taking photos of you
literally has a folder in his phone named '[y/n]'
so whipped for you omg he literally giggles any time you lock eyes
so EMBARRASSING cause of all the bad jokes he cracks and how tough he tries to act
"[y/n] do you wanna feel my arm muscles?"
waking up next to him each morning would involve you thinking he’s asleep and staring at him until he pulls you closer into his chest and presses his lips to your forehead ;3;
takes you on really creative dates like going to markets, going for drives, walks through unknown paths
if y’all are not seeing each other in person, he’ll constantly be texting or calling you
always sends you photos of things that remind him of you
the type to pretend he’ll give you your coat, then he doesn’t, but then he does because he loves you :”)
quite clingy in the sense that he always wants to be near you, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, whatever it may be
such a sweet and loving bf :”)
the type to buy you flowers and be that classy, romantic boyfriend
he’ll leave handwritten notes around the house and will send you good morning texts if you guys are apart from one another
the two of you are definitely the cool couple
but you’re also the couple who laughs hard about the most random things
like Taeil, knows when to give you space and when he should be there for you
will respect your sense of independence and root for you to succeed in your own things!
but also gets clingy sometimes and just wants a few hugs and kisses :”)
acts cute and pouts in front of you a lot 
but only in front of you, never in public or in front of anyone else
listens carefully whenever you’re sad and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, cry all over him - he lets you do whatever you need to do to be happy again, and he’ll try his best to cheer you up too :D
loves reading with you, it’s one of his favourite things to do :”)
sometimes just ends up staring at you which leads to him pulling you towards him which leads to cuddling while reading and for him to kiss the top of your head an infinite amount of times
omg he will let you braid his hair or play with it or do all kinds of things to it
painting each other’s nails !! and searching for unique accessories in stores!
he’ll just buy an accessory and give it to you like “i just know this will look good on you, please try it on!”
i feel like he’ll be very honest with you about everything
so you both have nights when you talk for hours about your thoughts
and in the morning forget all about it by watching something while in bed hehe
will like exercising with you from time to time so you both stay healthy!
always thinking about you and your health, both mental and physical
you might be able to convince him to get a couple outfit :o
Like Johnny, likes taking photos of you but does it a bit more shyly
puts on a cool front all the time but he’s quite shy ;-;
loves to bake with you and actually takes it quite seriously
he’ll chase you around if you smudge batter on his face >:)
makes home dates fancy by lighting so many scented candles that the smell actually becomes unbearable
when you go on walks together, he’ll hide behind you every time he sees a dog, and you always have to apologize to the dog owners on his behalf because he’s scared :”D
likes to lie on top of you when you cuddle, with his weight on his legs which are on either side of you so he’s not crushing you, just so he can trace the shape of your face with his fingertips
if you cry, he cries and if you laugh, he’ll laugh - i feel like that’s how he’ll comfort you, by empathizing :”)
likes to go on car rides with you where the two of you are just singing songs 
always makes sure you’re eating your meals and staying hydrated - brings you food if you’re busy or forget
gets you really thoughtful gifts for special days but also throws a few meme gifts in there
that bf who invites you to watch him play basketball just so he can take off his shirt in the middle of the game and watch as your face turns red
i feel like he’ll tease you in that ^ way a lot - he’s always trying to fluster you
he likes peaches so imagine going peach picking with him !! you’ll take such cute photos together and if he’s taller than you, he’ll pick all the peaches that you can’t ;3;
always trying to cheer you up whenever you’re sad - why can i picture him doing aegyo TT
this one time it rained when you were on a late night walk with him and he took off his jean jacket, held it above your heads as you ran home, but you ended up wet anyway :”)
super comforting whenever you’re sick or don’t feel good
constantly complimenting you and shows you lots of physical affection
always hugs you when he sleeps because if you’re not there, he’d just be hugging the blanket instead
not incredibly sentimental but always tries his best to show his love for you
tried to make breakfast in bed for you and dropped a whole bunch of cutlery on the floor :D
went through your phone and saved his name as ‘peach’ in it
(this is from WayV as boyfriends, that’s why it looks a little different <3)
did i mention he’s soft?
always worried about you 
genuinely cares about your feelings
a lot of “are you okay?” and “you’re not mad at me, right?”
if you’re ever in a bad mood, he’ll run to the store real quick and grab your favourite food for you
he doesn’t like skinship but loves to hold you :’)
too shy to show affection in public tho
will hold your hand at the most
even if he does that, he’ll hold your hand in your pocket because he’s so shy
pls protecc him at all costs
is willing to do anything for you
sometimes you have to ask him how he genuinely feels about something
because he can’t say no :(
please make sure you tell him you love him regularly, or he’ll be sad :(
a lot of stay-at-home dates like watching movies
watchiNG ANIME (if you like it, of course)
“let’s just do whatever you want”
“i beat you! now give me a kiss >:)”
if you also like to eat, y’all will have the most epic food dates omg
literally travelling to countries just to try the food there - that’s what it will be like
most of your dates involve food, but also a lot of walking dates so you can burn it off :”)
yet also many movie nights on the days where you don’t want to walk
he’ll learn your speaking habits and will imitate you whenever you get annoyed or angry 
likes to play soccer with you, even if you’re bad at it (so he can tease you), but if you’re good then he’ll enjoy trying to beat you
he’s the one who roasts you the most yet also cares for you the most
likes to kiss your neck because he can smell your natural scent, but if you hate it then he’ll do it to tease you or he’ll stop if you seriously tell him to
imitates kdrama male actors and actually makes your heart flutter by doing those things
and when you see the actors kissing in a drama,,,, you already know what he’s about to do
when you’re upset, he’ll hug you tightly and stay with you until you feel better
y’all have a shared playlist that you always add songs to so you can listen to it during car rides or when cuddling 
he keeps everything and anything you give him, whether it be a candy wrapper, flowers, a belt, shoes, anything
prepares really sweet gifts for you - a lot of songs or meaningful things
claims that you’re his muse and sometimes just stares at you for 5 minutes whenever you drop by his studio
“you’re my sun, i’m photosynthesizing so just stay right there”
he’s shy and gets flustered easily when you kiss or hug him, even when you just hold his hand
you have a tradition with him each fall where you go to a park, gather all the leaves to make a pile so you can dive into it
usually ends with you falling on top of him and the two of you just laying there for a long time
voice calls that last for more than 8 hours will become a thing when you date him :”)
always jokes about things related to marriage like ‘wow imagine if we had our wedding here’ and laughs awkwardly but he’d actually love to marry you 
takes you on trips that he claims are for him to get inspiration for music writing but he really just wants to spend time with you
you already know what you’ve signed up for, right? chaos, absolute chaos - but in the best way
super clingy, always holding onto your arm or hand
whines when you don’t give him hugs or attention
bought a big plushie that reminded him of you so he can hug it when you’re not there and he misses you
he’s such a baby omg he’ll love being babied by you
makes hand crafted, diy gifts that clearly have his entire heart and soul in them
likes singing karaoke songs with you because if too you’re shy to sing alone, at least when he sings with you, he can hear a bit of your voice
cannot live if you’re sad or upset - he’ll do anything to help you feel better
cuddling is his favourite thing on this planet and he’ll wrap his legs around you so the two of you become an entangled mess, yet somehow are still comfortable
texts you random things like ‘i just saw a dog’ but also says stuff like that out loud to you
acts strong and cool sometimes like when you’re watching horror movies but fails miserably :(
ah, have you made it to the bottom? thank you for reading <3 were you by any chance looking for a sign? because this is it, this is your sign. i wish you luck with whatever it is that you must or must not do ;3;
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babysubinnie · 4 years
baby cupid // jisung park
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🥦 pairing:: jisung park x reader 🥦 genre:: fluff, cupid!jisung, cupid!reader 🥦 words: 2k i’m so sorry i got carried away 🥦 summary::  being the only female cupid along with 23 boys isn’t fun. when you get sent to earth on a mission to meet an idol and go back up, jisung, goes missing. being the somewhat only responsible one in the family, you go find him. ——————————————————————————
was i in love with cutest cupid in the world? yes. he was known as the cupid that didn’t do much, and not very well may i say. the two of us were two of the youngest cupid’s. it took me a while but i was the only female cupid out of the 24 of them. we each had our own world. well jisung and i were forced to share one. there were too many of us so the two of us designed it however we wanted to. 
we split our door into two. our world was completely split into two, in totally different worlds. in the human worlds we would be called roommates. sometimes, i wish that we were humans and we could do what we wanted. but the thing is, we weren’t. we weren’t ever going to be. 
when we had to do our job, we were gathered in a room with doors, where we could watch our assigned people everyday. everyday it was a new person. that was of course until i accidentally fell in love with a human. he was gorgeous. he was an idol so that meant even if i went down to earth to meet him, it would be very difficult. his name was han seungwoo and he was in a group named victon. on halloween, he was assigned to me regardless of being an idol. i’m serious when i say there is absolutely no one i could think of to match with him.
“y/n! we need you to go down and do something for us.” taeyong walked in holding his light pad up, following him as he walked. i smiled when i saw the little hearts floating around taeyong’s shoulder. i smiled when i saw jisung’s little nose scrunch when he made eye contact with me. 
i know you think that i’m just saying that i’m imagining his little hearts but i wasn’t. that was his halo. the rest of the older boys stopped having little hearts halos when they hit 127 cases. it was a special number for the boys. i was the closest to 127 cases, i had 124 cases. surprisingly. 
“yes of course tae. what can i do?” i smiled putting my bow and arrow down standing up to look at taeyong. he pulled me over to talk to him gaining a look from jaehyun. 
“there’s this idol, his name is han seungwoo from victon. i don’t know why but there’s no one i can think of that would match with him. can you go down there and find out what’s going on with him for me? you have a week.” he smiled before turning to look up at his light pad. only taeyong, taeil, johnny, yuta and kun had one. 
“o-of course.” i laughed nervously before i looked over at jisung slightly. i got ready, and after an hour i was standing in front of my main door to head onto earth for the fifth time. i turned around to look to see if any of the boys were watching, and only one. jisung park. just as i took a step into my door, my wrist got pulled back and off the step. 
“be careful okay? don’t fall in love with him.” jisung said before running off. i gave him a weird look before turning around to step into my door. when i arrived in seoul, i was in an entertainment company. i had a cover apparently according to taeyong. 
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“you’re the one that needed to talk to seungwoo right? follow me.” a man had approached me turning around to walk through the hallways of Plan A. i looked down at my feet thinking to myself how the hell taeyong managed to do this. there are thousands of alice’s but i got to talk to seungwoo? what the fuck? 
“y/n right?” i walked in to see that seungwoo was sitting in front of a mirror on his phone. he looked up into the mirror making eye contact with me. my breath got caught in my throat when i saw him. my god was he good looking. i walked over to him and sat on the edge of the table he was sitting in front of. 
“yes.” i smiled before looking into the distance to try to avoid his eye contact. he looked up at me putting his phone down into his lap. i looked back at him and thought about why it was even possible that he doesn’t have anyone to match with him. 
“i heard you wanted to talk to me. what’d you want to talk about?” he stood up and walked to his clothing rack to pick up the outfit on the furthest left. i smiled looking down before standing up to stand beside him. 
“do you like anyone right now mr. han?” i smirked turning to look around his change room before picking up one of his hoodies layed on the side of the couch. 
“depends, you want to be that girl?” he smirked back at me before taking the hoodie out of my hand, pulling it over my head. when the hoodie went over my head, he was just standing there, smirking at me. i blushed hard when i made eye contact with him. 
“i’m here to help you find that girl. i’m your cupid. thanks for the hoodie.” i smiled winking at him before peeking out of his room to see if there was a girl that could be perfect for him. 
so after a few days, i found the perfect girl for him. they fell in love with each other after bumping into each other at the coffee shop. i did it on purpose, and now they were in love. seungwoo became one of my best human friends that i’ve had in a while. so on sunday, it was time for me to go back up.
“seungwoo, i have to go back up now. i’m going to have to do something that will make you forget me okay?” i bit my lip taking out one of my arrows, and hugged him goodbye before walking at a distance to see his eyes sparkle with tears before shooting him with my arrow. when it hit him, we went back to complete strangers and the only thing i had left of him was his hoodie. 
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“i’m home!” i screamed when i ran through my door to see that no one was home. i ran around the house to see if anyone was home and i saw they were all gathered around the meeting room. everyone from taeil to jungwoo were gathered around the table with the rest of the boys sitting on the sides nervously. 
everyone was in the room except jisung. before anyone realized i was home, i ran around the house again to see if i could find jisung. nothing. i snuck into johnny’s room without switching on the light to look at the light pad that was on his wall for all of us to use. i swiped through all the boys to find jisung’s location. there wasn’t anything. he was off the grid. 
“what the fuck?” i ran. i ran so fast back into the meeting room, pushing yuta and winwin out of the way who were holding hands out of everyone’s view. i slammed my hands onto the table after pushing them out of the way. everyone flinched, and all the younger boys stood up pretending that they weren’t about to fall asleep. i scoffed at chenle when he looked around the room to see that his best friend still wasn’t in the room. 
“where the fuck is jisung?” i looked on the table to see that they were already talking about jisung. they had every map, everything in order to find him. i bit my lip before looking at taeyong to try to get an explanation about what the hell happened. 
“we went down to get something to eat and hyuck, who was supposed to be looking after jisung, forgot him.” my mouth dropped open and i snapped my head around to glare at haechan. he put the food that he was holding up to his mouth down into his lap. he looked down pouting before cuddling closer to doyoung. he then pushed him off his shoulder before rolling his eyes. 
“fuck it’s fine. i’ll find him.” i opened my door to head back down to seoul, landing exactly where i wanted. i smiled before running around the entire city trying to find him, then i remembered that the two of us always went to hide when we didn’t want to deal with taeyong’s wrath. 
so i walked into the hidden park that not very many people knew about, and walked to the swings to see jisung looking at his feet. i ran up to him to see that he was sad. even his little hearts floating around were grey. i called his name and his hearts turned pink. 
“y/n!” he smiled looking up at me before i ran over to him pulling him to stand up wrapping my arms around his shoulders. i pulled him into the tightest hug in the entire world. 
“jisung you little- what would you have done if i didn’t find you?” i slapped his arm before rolling my eyes. he flinched holding his arm in pain before pouting up at me. 
“i’m sorry best friend.” 
so i guess that’s how he felt about me. 
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“y/n? you okay?” ten and johnny came into my world and into my room. i looked down trying not to cry. i’ve loved jisung for a very long time and this is how he felt. so okay. 
“no. i’m going down to earth for a while okay? don’t tell taeyong. if he asks, i’m taking a break.” i stood up from my bed before grabbing seungwoo’s hoodie and started walking out. in jisung and my world, our backyards are connected and he was sitting on the swing before i walked past him. johnny and ten chased after me pulling me back into the biggest group hug ever. 
“can we do something to help?” ten looked down at me smiling brightly. i shook my head and tears. i don’t think i’ve cried this much in my entire life. i didn’t know what to do. i loved jisung so much.
“no.” i shook my head lifting my head up to look at the two to see that jisung was approaching the three of us. he gave me a sad eye look, before pushing both of his hyungs out of the way before pulling me into a hug. 
“what’s wrong?” he pouted pulling away to look me in the eye. just before i could say something, he pressed a kiss to my forehead so i looked over jisung’s shoulder at johnny and ten. a second as i looked at johnny he mouthed: “tell him.” so i did . i made a full send.
“i-i hav-” 
“wow for a cupid you are really bad at this. jisung she likes you and i know for a fact that you like her even more. so get together okay? okay. ten let’s go.” johnny took the step for me before winking at me while walking off. fast. i was about to chase him to hit him but his words repeated in my head. “i know for a fact that you like her even more.” what?
“you what?” i turned to look over my shoulder to look jisung. he was blushing bright red and his hearts were beating, bright red. my mouth dropped open when i realized he wasn’t lying. i laughed before standing in front of him putting my arms around his shoulders. 
“i love you y/n.” he kissed my forehead then my nose, then my lips. i giggled very unnecessarily before smiling brightly.
“i love you my baby cupid.” i pressed a kiss lightly to his lips before getting ready to run because i knew he hate being called a baby. he scrunched up his nose and his mouth dropped open.
“did you just call me a baby?” 
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kpophoneybunny · 4 years
NCT127 Reaction: Talking to Fem!Reader’s Pregnant belly
Request: Yes @akakasvx
A/N: To keep them from sounding exactly the same, I didn’t stick to the prompt too strictly.
Disclaimer: These are pretty cis-normative. I’m sorry. But most pregnancy activities and conversations still revolve around the boy/girl conversations.
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His hands gently rubbed along the slight bump of your belly as you slept. “Hello, little baby. It’s your dad,” he murmured. “I can’t wait to meet you. You’re the best thing to happen to your mom and me.” You were just three months along but Taeyong was already decorating a nursery and making a list of names to choose from later.
“Taeyong…?” You stirred, feeling his hands on the small bump under your shirt. “What time is it?”
“It’s… two in the morning. Go to sleep.” He chuckled. “I’m having alone time with the baby.”
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You had waited for Taeil to come back from the three-month tour to break the news to him. He was over the moon and had formed a habit of talking to your belly. You had a pretty noticeable bump now at almost five months. “Little baby. My little tiny baby.” He cooed, kissing your belly through your dress. “You’re going to be so strong. Mommy and daddy’s little warrior, right?” He was keeping track of the bets the boys had for the pregnancy. A boy or a girl? Either way, Taeil didn’t care. He just wanted a happy family of his own.
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A boy? Johnny couldn’t stop smiling. He was still trying to vacuum up the blue confetti from your apartment living room. It had been a great baby shower and the gender reveal had been adorable. Needless to say, the boys were all excited about it being a boy.
Once the confetti was all cleaned up, he flopped onto the bed with you and immediately lifted your t-shirt so he could kiss your belly. You giggled as he murmured something inaudible against your skin. “That tickles.” You whined.
“I can’t talk too loud. It’s bedtime. I don’t wanna wake up the baby..” He chuckled, laying his cheek against your skin and smiling as he felt movement.
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Doyoung had taken to singing lullabies and reading poems to your belly at night, hoping for the baby to get used to his voice. It was a routine. He’d rest his head in your lap while you spread lotion on your belly to try and prevent super noticeable stretch marks.
“I’m your dad.” He murmured, spreading a smudge of lotion you couldn’t see. “I’m gonna meet you next month and I can’t wait.”
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Excited was an understatement. He’d taken over the guest room with baby furniture and had spent all day baby-proofing everything. “Baby, we still have six weeks left before-”
“What if the baby comes early? Now we’re ready.” He suddenly squatted in front of you to hug your belly. “If you come early, daddy is ready. I promise. We have your room and clothes and diapers and everything is safe for you now and-”
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A girl. He was going to have a little princess to look after. Jaehyun was so excited that he’d gone out and bought a whole outfit for her. “I’m so excited to meet you.” He chuckled. “I got a little too excited and tweeted about you and now the whole world is excited to meet you, my little princess.”
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“Ballet shoes, Sicheng? She isn’t even born yet…”
“But she’s going to be born in two months and we need to make sure we don’t forget anything. She’ll have a strong ballet foundation and then we can let her branch out into other styles and-”
“Sicheng…” You rolled your eyes. “Can she be born first? What if she doesn’t like dancing?”
“Then we can find something else for her.” He then pressed a bunch of kisses to your belly. “But you’re going to love dancing, right? You’re daddy’s little girl. Yes, you are.”
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“We have the cutest twins in the world.” Jungwoo cooed, holding the ultrasound prints. “Right, babies?” he kissed your belly in the back of the private car. “You’re going to take the world by storm with all the cuteness you get from your parents?”
“Jungwoo.” You laughed. “Of course, they will. They’re going to look like us.”
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After coming back from a late-night ice cream run, your boyfriend sat on the bed and handed you the small cup of your favorite flavor. “Do you think the baby is gonna love or hate that flavor when they try it?” He wasn’t in the mood for ice cream so he just settled for hugging your belly and feeling the tiny kicks against his face.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you eat so much of it. They might hate it when they try it for themselves.” He hummed thoughtfully before smiling at a strong kick. “Wow, we should have held off on releasing Kick It until you were born, kid. You could have been center with that strong kick.”
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“Kick once if you want the elephants and twice for penguins.” Haechan placed his hands over your belly. He’d been decorating the nursery using this method all week. It was adorable but exhausting. Your baby sure did love his voice, kicking every time his father spoke. “Penguins it is.”
“Babe. This is adorable but it’s getting late and I need him to settle down so I can sleep.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” Haechan wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead. “Should I sing him a lullaby?”
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notnctu · 4 years
CONGRATS ON UR MILESTONE BBY!!! SO PROUD 😭😭 (also hehe can i request quote #4 with Jaehyun? with angst, fluff, and suggestive/smut- lol gimme all of them flavorssss) (also no pressure if it’s not all three haha ik it’ll be great anyways)
THANK YOU BB <3 we’re so happy to have ppl who actually... care and read our shit ? LOL i hope you enjoy reading your request! i tried my best to season it with all the yummy flavors hehe you can read it under the cut
-author doie ❀
jaehyun x reader prompt #4 - “You can do this but you can’t return my calls?” genre - angst, fluff, slightly suggestive (wow flavor packed)
dating jaehyun isn’t the easiest love you’ve ever experienced. the valentine boy enjoys to test your patience, but always knows how to mend his mistakes. in this relationship, it’s about compromise. however, you aren’t entirely sure how he is going to be able to make this one up.
you’ve been ringing his number for the past hour and to no avail. it’s your second year anniversary and you’ve overly expressed how important this one is to you. it’s a toast to another year together, when every living person has been fighting you for your favorite boy.
“jung jaehyun, where the hell are you?” you sigh and toss your phone. the restaurants are practically closing by now and your extravagant outfit has been sitting uncomfortably on your body.
not that you two had planned anything grand, just a simple dinner at your favorite restaurant and possibly indulge in a bottle of champagne. did he forget? he has been ignoring you the past days, and you’re not one to jump to conclusions, but he has been distant.
and nothing in your brain brings up any bad memories that you two didn’t amend. so why is he giving you the cold shoulder, especially on your anniversary night? it’s slightly hard to blink back tears when you stare at yourself in your bathroom mirror.
jaehyun loves you, right? you two trust each other. perhaps, he’s been having a hard week and needed space. one single droplet falls abruptly and hits your sink. but you wipe it away, remembering the foundation of your relationship is compromise. you had to meet him halfway.
so you sniff away any malice thoughts that threaten to break your relationship, and as you rush to grab your car keys. your phone rings and your heart falls into the pit of your stomach when you see the caller id.
“how was your anniversary date?! you gotta tell me all about it! did jaehyun get you flowers, he seems like the big bouquet type---”
“he never showed up.” you cut off your best friend, and the line goes silent on the other side of the receiver. it hurt more speaking it into existence, finally admitting it to yourself that your boyfriend never came for you.
“oh.. i’m sorry..” your best friend pauses, “do you want to come over here instead? fuck men.” she sounds persistent and a small vigor in her voice.
you take another deep breath, unsure now where to head to. you were so ready to barge into his apartment and check if he was even alive. “hold on.” you say as you check his location to make sure he’s home, but when you’re searching for his goofy contact picture, it doesn’t show up on the map. jaehyun turned off his location.
“he turned off his location.” you begin to tear up, but the gasp of your best friend catches you off guard.
“no fucking way. that piece of shit!” she yells and you cover your mouth to suffice the cries.
“i’ll come over.” you barely let out and your best friend wishes you a safe drive, telling you how she is ready to bust out all forms of social media to track if anyone was messing with your man.
but you feel a bit numb, more confused. he’s never turned off his location, is he hiding from you? but there are no secrets between you two. you hurry to your friend’s shared house, with unbelievable and unwanted tears running down your face.
there is no way. you reminded yourself of jaehyun’s loyalty and the trust you had in this man. he could never.
and when you pull up to the drive way, your affirmations are right. he could never.
jaehyun stands with the largest rose bouquet you’ve ever laid eyes on. his hair nicely slick back, in a suit to match your equally dressed up attire. he looks up from your head lights announcing your arrival and he can see the sadness that lingers on your cheeks.
he hurries to open your car door, and you shut the car off. “what the hell, jung jaehyun!” you lightly push at his shoulder when he reaches down for your hand.
he smiles sweetly, dimples deeply in his cheeks. “happy anniversary, y/n. you’re still absolutely breathtaking.”
you take his hand as he guides you to the entrance walkway, the bouquet of roses now in your other. rose petals are scattered on the pavement that lead to the front door and your best friend stands with the biggest grin on her face.
“you traitor!” you jokingly yell at her, but she cheekily hugs you.
“surprise! happy anniversary, y/n!” she guides you into her dining room and the table is full of your favorite dishes, prepped and cooked by two important people in your life.
you marvel at the fancy table cloth and pink balloons that roll around on the floor. it’s over the top cheesy, and definitely something you see in classic romance movies. and you laugh. you smile. you kiss jaehyun with gratitude.
“you can do this, but you can’t return my calls?” you raise an eyebrow at the handsome man, who blinks back at you with a gaze that makes your knees weak.
he chuckles, the baritone sounding lovely, “it’s because i was doing this, that i couldn’t return your calls. i wanted to surprise you with something special on this very important day.”
“you let me wait an hour!” you pout, of course you are more than grateful for your boyfriend setting up everything perfectly. you just wanted to express a few grumbles for more explanation.
“aw i’m sorry, baby. your best friend forgot to set an alarm to wake up from her nap... and i lost track of time when i was blowing the balloons. i swear she was suppose to call you earlier.” his thumb rubs circles on your jawline, as he gently caresses your face.
“i know, i’m the worst. but hey! you’re using my house, so i say we’re a little even.” your best friend laughs, grabbing her keys from the table. “have fun, lovebirds. you know which one the guestroom is.�� she smiles before shutting the front door and leaving you two for privacy.
“why are you using her house?” jaehyun’s hand snakes around your waist, drawing you close to his toned torso. he plants a sneaky kiss against your neck, mumbling into your skin the answer to your question.
“jungwoo’s friend is staying over for the weekend. i can’t fuck you properly if we don’t have a bed, right?”
“don’t act like we haven’t done it without one before though.” your laugh is cut short as jaehyun gives your ass a small squeeze, groaning in your ear as filthy memories on his bedroom floor, bathroom, kitchen flood his thoughts.
“i’m a little hungry.. ready to eat?” when you meet his dark eyes, his devilish smirk and the suggestive tone imply something else. he is definitely going to make the lost hour up to you.
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jjaedixk · 4 years
hi!! can i request a 127 reaction to a tall!gf please? tysm!!
hii, of course! oh my your my first request!!!!
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he wouldn't mind about your height
but he can't deny that he loves that you are tall
you two are almost the same height, you're like 2cm taller
but when you two are out for dates he insists for you to wear heels
at first you were a little insecure about it but taeyong's puppy eyes made everything worth it
brag about your height difference to the members
"guys look how tall my girl is!"
at first he was shy because the members kept teasing him
but as the time passes by he realizes that your height didn't matter because he loves you
so whenever the members tease him about it he goes
"yeah i know my girlfriend is tall, i love her"
and that made you feel more comfortable
he also loves when you wear heels too
he looks tiny next to you and that's precious
he feels so loved when you are in front of the mirror and he comes and holds you by your waist
well this man is tall by himself right
so you are as tall as he is
but when you wear heels he gets smaller than you
and he looooves that
he also loves to buy new shoes for you
"baby look what i got for you! so we can match our date outfit"
his heart goes crazy when you hug him by his shoulders
he doesn't care at all when people goes
"oh your girlfriend is taller than you, doesn't it bother you?"
"no it really doesn't, i love her height"
yuta wouldn't mind if you are taller or smaller than him
so it is not a problem for him at all
he honestly has a crush on your height
and he gets mad when someone mention your height as if it was a problem
"no, i don't see it as a problem, y/n is perfect the way she already is, i wouldn't change anything"
he loves when you wear skirts/shorts or dresses, so he can appreciate your long legs
he is the type to make everything for you to feel comfortable with you body
so he makes sure to tell you everyday that he loves you
when he first met you he was surprised
"such a beautiful and tall girl"
when you first started dating he used to get mad at the members when they made a comment about how tall you are
but now he knows that they don't mean to hurt you or make you uncomfortable
so now he brags about it
"yeah i know she is tall, you guys are jealous because i have such a hot and tall girlfriend"
he also gets mad when someone talks about you in a negative way
"i don't like the way you're talkinh about my girlfriend, yes she is tall and i don't see any problem at that"
he is a chill guy
so it isn't a problem or a big deal for him
he is like "yes my girlfriend is tall, so..?"
but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care about it
in fact he loves how tall you are
when you two are on a date and you're dressed up all fancy
he is hypnotized
"wow honey you look so beautiful"
when someone talsk about your height he doesn't get as mad as doyoung or yuta, but he does get a little annoyed when someone mentions it a lot of times
like, what is the problem with you being tall?
"i love y/n, and that means loving her by herself, it doesn't matter if she is tall or small"
he is also tall by himself
and you're a few cm taller, like 4 ou 5
he was really shy before
like when you used to hold his hands and you bumped into his shoulders
but now he only gets shy when you stop next to him and compare your height
he secretly loves when you call him shorty
and melts when you kiss his forehead
you don't feel comfortable wearing heels and he totally understands you
but if one day you decide that you want to try them on he would totally approve
you both like to pretend that you are on a fashion runaway
he finds you adorable
when he first saw you he went out loud
"wow you are so tall!"
and then he realized and got extremely shy
after some time together he got used to the fact that you're taller
but it was never a problem
mark doesn't get all close at first so it took some time to him to understand that you are okay with your height so he can make jokes
"wow baby, be careful to not hit your head on the roof"
he also loves when you wear clothes that show off your legs
he just can't take his eyes off you
he is in love with you height
and you know him, he obviously goes
"you're so tall, do you play basketball?"
just to tease you
if you want to make him crazy just wear heels with some dress or skirt
congratulations now he can't focus on anything else
one more thing that he loves is when you two are laying on the couch and you lay your legs on his lap
he keeps gently touching you legs
or when you're cooking something and he holds you from behind and rest his head on you back
the man is in love y'all
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© 𝗷𝗷𝗮𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘅𝗸, 2020. please do not copy or repost any of my works.
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chanderylix · 4 years
What if NCT127 Debuting In Other Groups?
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Hello there! I'm new to tumblr. You can call me 'C' ~ Hopefully you will like this! Also sorry for my broken English cause English is not my first language hehe. ENJOYYY :
Taeyong - Monsta X
I mean, Monsta X has one of the best rapper lines in KPOP industries! (who doesn't agree fite me) But imagine Taeyong + Jooheon + Changkyun??!! The song would be on FIREEEEE
Position : Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Visual
Best concept : Alligator
Taeil - BTOB
BTOB the ballad groups. I mean all of the members can sing and they have one of the best vocal lines in KPOP industries. Imagine if Taeil's beautiful voice combined with BTOB vocal lines? Our ears have been Blessed
Position : Main Vocal
Best Concept : Missing You
Johnny - EXO
You can't @ me. Johnny was supposed to debuting with EXO. Imagine Johnny wear crop top like Kai??!! Also EXO the king of KPOP killed every concept, just like Johnny in NCT.
Position : Lead Dancer, Sub Vocal, Sub Rapper, English speaker
Best Concept : Obsession
Yuta - BTS
I mean, c'moooon. Yuta can do the dark and bubbly concept just like BTS. Imagine 95l in BTS including Yuta??!
Position : Lead Dancer, Sub Vocal, Sub Rapper
Best concept : Boy with Luv
Doyoung - GOT7
I really can see Doyoung in GOT7. Imagine the vocal combination of Doyoung + JB + Youngjae and hit all those high notes. Also GOT7 concepts really suit Doyoung imo.
Position : Main Vocal
Best Concept : Lullaby
Jaehyun - The Boyz
I'm not a deobi but I agree that all of The Boyz members are visual!! Wow I mean imagine Jaehyun's visual combined with them. Jaehyun + Younghoon??! Bless my eyes✨
Position : Lead Vocal, Visual
Best Concept : Reveal
Jungwoo - ASTRO
Soft boy Jungwoo definetely suits with Astro members! Combining Astro + Jungwoo will make you laugh 24/7.
Also I feel Jungwoo suits Astro's concept!
Position : Lead Vocal, Lead Dancer
Best Concept : Baby (and CRAZY SEXY COOL)
Mark - Treasure
I'm not a TEUME but I like Treasure's songs and it really suits Mark! Also Mark with YG concept? It will be lit since he is swag (fOrEiGn SwAgGeRz) and a pro rapper~
Position : Main Rapper, Center, English speaker
Best concept : BOY
Haechan - TXT
Haechan with TXT concept? The outfit would be pastel shirt and short pants with cute hat??!! Arrghhh Haechan will kill it!
Position : Main Vocal, Lead dancer
Best concept : Crown
That's it! Reminder : this is my opinion. If you guys don't agree, pls don't mad at me :(( heheh~ if you want to request, go ahead!! Bye bye~~
Also I'm looking for a friend. Will you be my friend? 🥺
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snatchedkpopfan · 5 years
NCT 127 Reaction to Their S/O Not Being Able to Fit Their Clothes
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Taeyong’s reaction would be based on your reaction
If you’re upset then he’s upset 
he’d be really comforting though 
you’d be sleeping over at the dorms and forget to bring clothes 
so he’ll offer you some of his clothes 
you guys would go through basically all of the clothes in his closet
and in his dresser 
but you couldn’t find anything that you could fit 
which would make you kinda sad and in your feelings 
which would make Taeyong sad too 
He’d be really comforting and say something like “It’s okay that you don’t fit any of my clothes.”
Which wouldn’t make you that much happier 
so he will try even harder 
“You’re perfect and i’m not. That’s why you can’t fit any of my clothes. i’m a literal string bean, most of the members can’t even fit my clothes” 
That will make you giggle at his choice of words 
which would make him smile
because he made you smile
which is always his goal
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We all know that Taeil is a smaller person 
and even though you knew this, you still were disappointed when his shirt hugged your arms way too tight 
and made your pudge stick out a little more than normal 
which would make you a little self-conscience 
you knew you weren’t the prettiest or the skinniest 
especially not compared to all of the beautiful idol girls that your boyfriend was around a lot of the time 
but none of the superficial stuff never really appealed to Taeil 
so when he saw you looking sad of one of shirts that you couldn’t fit 
he didn’t hesitate to go up to you and make sure you knew why he loves you 
he’d say “You are the most perfect person on this planet and I could never imagine a world without you in it” 
he’d go on to list off all of the things that he absolutely adored about you 
and you could tell by sincere look on his face that his words were genuine
which would make you start to forget about your insecurities 
and appreciate your great and supportive boyfriend 
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Johnny wouldn’t even give you a chance to even be sad about the fact that you can’t fit his clothes 
we all know that Johnny is the nicest person to walk the planet 
so when he even thought that you were getting sad about the fact that your thighs were a little too wide to fit into a pair of his sweatpants, he would turn into the biggest hype man of the century 
compliments everywhere 
“Wow, you’re so freaking beautiful” 
“I can’t believe that I got lucky enough to get a s/o as beautiful as you” 
would probably go on some rant about how thick thighs save lives
and how he wouldn’t wanna date someone who had pretzel sticks for legs 
which would make you laugh at his dorkieness 
because he was trying really hard to make you feel good about yourself 
which you really love him for 
he just wants you to see yourself the way that he sees you 
and if he has crack lots of jokes and go on endless rants about how great you are so that you realize that 
he will do it in a heartbeat 
he’s literally perfect. 
This world doesn’t deserve Johnny 
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You being insecure about yourself? 
Not in Yuta’s christian household 
he will not, even for a second, let you dwell on the fact that you couldn’t fit one of his belts 
The pout playing on your lips made him feel bad 
so he immediately took the belt off of your waist and handed you another belt from his closet 
and it fit you way better 
“That belt looks way better on you. It wasn’t you it was the belt” 
He continues to place the belt around his own waist and sure enough it barely wraps around his waist
“Now stop pouting, you look too adorable” 
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Doyoung seems like he would be unbothered by the fact that you couldn’t fit his clothes 
he wouldn’t fully understand why you were so upset when you couldn’t fit his clothes
Bc things like that don’t really matter to him 
but of course since you were upset about it, he would make sure to cheer you up 
he seems like the type to change the subject rather than talk about how is pants were way too tight on you 
he might even lecture you on why you shouldn’t wear his clothes without permission
would probably say something along the lines of “things like that don’t really matter anyways. Your clothes look good on you and that’s all that matters”
and if you’re still not satisfied after that, he’ll look through his closet and give you one of his oversized hoodies to wear 
which would definitely make you happy 
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You and Jaehyun were on the way to the dorms after a date when it started to pour down rain 
so by the time you two actually got to the dorms, you were both soaking wet
so naturally, being the sweet boyfriend that he is, Jaehyun offered you some of his clothes to wear 
without thinking, he pulled out the first shirt and pair of pants he saw in his drawer before pulling out some clothes for himself 
when you went to put on the clothes you found that the pants fit a little too loose, but it was still wearable 
the shirt, however, was a different story
It fit a little too tight around your arms and made your stomach bulge out a little too prominently for your liking 
you had to admit that your self-confidence took a blow at the fact you could’t fit one of your boyfriend’s shirts
so with a dejected huff, you took off the small article of clothing
and before you could even ask for another shirt, Jaehyun was giving you the shirt that he had picked out for himself 
which was actually a little too big on you 
Jaehyun would definitely spend the rest of your night together telling you how beautiful you are to him
bc he never wants you to doubt yourself
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You and Jungwoo had just come back from an event where you had to be all dressed up 
and the dress you were wearing was cute and all but you weren’t very fond of wearing dresses 
so you were very eager to change 
but since you were at the dorms and not at your own apartment, you didn’t have any other clothes to change into
so ofc Jungwoo let you borrow some of his clothes bc he’s an amazing boyfriend
He handed you some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change out of his own uncomfortable outfit 
you found that the lounge pants that he handed to you accentuated the size of your thighs a little more than you were comfortable with 
and although they sorta fit, you couldn’t help but feel the urge to change back into your dress 
bc anything was better than wearing these pants 
when jungwoo walked back into the room and saw you about to put back on your dress he was a little confused 
when you explained it was bc of how tight the pants were, he would just laugh before handing you a new pair that were a little bigger 
he wouldn’t understand why your first thought would be to put your dress back on, but he left it alone bc you seemed to not care too much 
He would be sure to tell you how beautiful you are just in case you were really bothered by it 
“you know your’re the most gorgeous person on this planet, right?”
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You and mark would be in the dorms attempting to cook breakfast and failing miserably 
you were almost done with everything and although it wasn’t perfect, it was edible 
all that was left was the eggs which Mark had decided was going to be his job
he got out the eggs and a bowl and started to scramble the eggs 
when he finished, he turned around a little too fast and eggs splashed out of the bowl 
you happened to be in the splash zone and egg yolk was all over your shirt 
so ofc you made Mark lend you one of his
he stayed in the kitchen to clean up his mess and told you to go wear whichever one of his shirts you wanted 
so you went to his room and picked up the first shirt you saw, put it on, and went back into the kitchen 
when Mark saw you, he couldn’t hold back his laughter 
“what?” you would question with a small pout 
he would just shake his head slightly taking in your appearance 
the shirt was definitely on the bigger side and Mark couldn’t help but think you looked adorable in it 
he would just look at you with a wide smile and say something like “you know you look really adorable rn, right?”
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We all know that Haechan is the king of sass
So when he saw you walk out of his room wearing one of his hoodies, he didn’t hold back
“uh, who told you that you could walk into my room and take my clothes without my permission?” 
you responded to this with “If you didn’t own so many comfortable clothes, then I wouldn’t be tempted to wear them.” before you took your seat next to him on the couch 
He would keep making comments as time went by
which would make you start to take it off when you got fed up 
but he wouldn’t let you 
saying “even though you didn’t ask, you still look adorable so don’t even think about taking it off” 
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