#sometimes forget jungwoo is super tall
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doeilovr · 4 years
Crushes and Peaches
requested by anon: they asked for a Jaehyun one shot, where he knows your crush on him. After a round of truth or dare only leads to a misunderstanding (since you’re shy) he ends up finding out about your crush on him. It’s with lots of fluff and a bit of smut hehe I tried I hope you like it :)
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-> Genre: Jaehyun x femReader, Student Jaehyun, college au, fluff, a bit of smut
-> Warnings: explicit language, mentions of alcohol and drug use, suggestive themes
-> Word count: 3.5 k
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You had known Jung Jaheyun for a while now. Going to the same college and having the same friends, you often found yourself hanging out with him. You would call him a good friend. But secretly you wished to call him your boyfriend.
On weekends after studying you would hangout with him and your friends at their dorm, drinking, eating and talking until the early morning. You would all go to parties , although you absolutely despised those. All just to see Jaehyun.
Your friends knew you had the biggest crush on him and would even tease you about it, yet you never saw Jaehyun get the hint.
After another long week of studying you were happily walking out of college, talking to Mark and Johnny and making plans for the weekend. You already saw yourself sitting on the sofa, slurping ice tea and watching TV, but Johnny and Mark had different plans.
“Jungwoo is throwing a party tomorrow”, Mark rubbed his hands in excitement. Johnny furrowed his brows, “Jungwoo was the engineering guy, right?” Mark chuckled, slapping his friend on the arm playfully. “Yeah, we’ve been to one of his parties before.”
You watched Johnny chuckle, slapping himself on the forehead. “Stupid me. I should smoke less.” You couldn’t help but laugh too. Johnny was the driver of your group that’s why he always sticked to smoking instead of drinking. Wasn’t really better, but he got you always home safely, so you didn’t complain.
Johnny drove all of you home after class too, whenever you finished at the same time, since your dorm was close to theirs. You were just walking to his car, when an arm suddenly landed on your shoulder, pulling you in a light side hug.
“What are my favorite people doing”, Jaheyun greeted you, a big smile across his face. You looked up to him, smiling nervously at the sudden contact and quickly averted your gaze when he caught your eyes. “Party at Jungwoo’s, tomorrow”, Mark summarized.
“That’s the engineering kid, am I right?” You and Johnny laughed in unison, Jaehyun was definitely spending too much time with Johnny. Mark only sighing. “You guys, seriously”, he mumbled, shaking his head with his typical cute giggle.
Johnny drove you to your place, the boys waving their goodbyes to you, before you disappeared in your dorm. You shared an apartment with two other girls, Yeri and Joy. And you were glad both of them were laid back and chill, since that gave you the opportunity to really relax at home.
Never in the world you could imagine yourself living in a dorm of 5, like your friends did. It was already enough to handle Mark and Johnny sometimes, but when a whole Yuta and Ten were home too, who were literally the life of the party themselves, it was always loud. Loud and honestly funny.
But maybe that was the reason you found yourself crushing over Jaehyun. Even if he was super outgoing, whenever you were with him, it was really chill and fun. He was entertaining and a good listener. And damn did he have a pretty smile. The way his dimples popped out always brought butterflies to your stomach.
You spent the rest of the day doing homework and relaxing. As you were lying down in bed, you got a video-call from Johnny. “What’s up”, you said, sitting up in bed again. Johnny was lying in bed, shirtless, which you tried to ignore. “Just wanted to make sure you were still alive after Jaehyun touched you today.”
You choked on your spit, shooting Johnny a warning glare. “What the fuck, John.” He laughed, shrugging at you. “It was a joke, y/n.” You sighed, leaning your head on your hand. “Are you calling me to say I should confess to Jaehyun? Because that’s not gonna happen”, you declared, raising your eyebrows slightly.
“Okay, listen. I was gonna say exactly that-“ you interrupted him with a loud and mocking laugh, “I knew it”, before he continued, “but now I got a different idea.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Johnny I’m not gonna send him nudes. That idea is and will always be out of question.”
You remembered the countless times Johnny had given you advice on how to win Jaehyun, but it had always been questionable things like sending him nudes or making him jealous. “You’re lame. Everyone likes a good-“ before he could continue, you raised your hand at him. “Please, don’t. I’m going to bed.”
Johnny mumbled some incoherent words, before he said goodnight and then you hung up, shaking your head in disbelief at his weird ideas. You didn’t want to lure Jaehyun into liking you. You wanted him to really like you, even if that meant you had wait a little. And maybe someday you would tell him about your feelings. Maybe. But maybe not.
The following evening, you found yourself standing in front of your mirror, holding up a white floral dress you had recently bought. Yeri was painting her toe nails at your desk, while Joy was lying on her stomach on your bed, watching you. They were always giving you fashion advice whenever you went to a party.
“God, y/n, you’re not going to church. Put that back”, Joy complained. You sighed in defeat, putting it back into the closet. “Wear the navy one, with the spaghetti straps”, Yeri wasn’t even looking your direction. You grabbed the dress from your closet, one you bought some time ago, but never had the courage to wear. You held it up, turning to Joy, who was looking impressed.
“This is it, honey”, she clapped, getting up from the bed to get your black heels from under your bed. Your friends just knew you too well. After getting dressed, Yeri curled your hair, while Joy put on some lip gloss and a bit of eye makeup. “Jaehyun will not be able to keep his eyes off of you tonight”, Joy smirked, wiggling her eyebrows and earning a laughter from you and Yeri.
You held Mark’s hand, entering the house and being welcomed by disco lights, dancing students and the deafening bass of bad guy. The rest of your friends had arrived earlier and were already spread out throughout the house.
Mark lead you to the kitchen, where Yuta was greeting you with a quick hug. “You look good”, Yuta winked and you smiled. He was such a flirt. Mark handed you a red cup, “I made it sweet”, he explained, almost shouting as the music was quiet loud in the kitchen. You took a sip, immediately tasting the sweet strawberry juice and almost forgetting it contained alcohol, if it wasn’t for the strong smell of wodka. Mark was watching you and smiled when you gave a thumbs up, turning away to talk to Yuta.
Your eyes went to the dance floor, where students were dancing wildly to a Lady Gaga remix. Your eyes wandered around until they stopped at Jaehyun’s tall figure, leaning against the wall across the room. He waved at you and even though it was too dark to see, you just knew his dimpled smile decorated his face.
You waved back at him, a shy smile playing on your lips. Mark put his hand on your waist, your attention wandering to him, “wanna dance”, he asked, raising an eyebrow. You looked up at him, unsure and shrugged, “I don’t know, Mark.” Your gaze went back to the dance floor and the crowd of students. The song was just changing into a popular song by the Weekend and you found yourself relax a bit.
Mark noticed the change in your expression, leading you to the dance floor. You carefully started to move to the beat, the cup of liquor in one hand. Mark knew you weren’t really into parties, so he made sure you felt somewhat comfortable, dancing around you until he saw you smile. Who wouldn’t smile seeing his goofy dance moves, come on.
The bass of the song was vibrating in your chest and you felt your feet and hips naturally move to the melody. Before you knew it you were losing yourself in the music, the alcohol making you loosen up more. Enjoying yourself, you closed your eyes, just trying to live in the moment.
As the song changed you opened your eyes again, finding a familiar figure standing in front of you. Your breath hitched at the sight of no other than Jung Jaehyun, swaying slightly to the beat as he studied you. He looked insanely good in his black jeans and orange Hawaiian shirt, an unreadable expression on his face.
At that moment you were so thankful for the lights that prevented Jaehyun from seeing your panicked reaction. Oh god, why did he look at you with those eyes. Suddenly feeling way too nervous, you pointed at your cup. “Excuse me”, you yelled over the loud music, turning on your heel to head back to the kitchen.
You honestly didn’t even want another drink, or whatever it was that Mark had given you, you just neeeded to get away from Jaehyun and his handsome face. You did feel a bit bad though, leaving him standing on the dance floor like that.
Interrupting your thoughts, a hand suddenly landed on your shoulder, startling you. You turned your head to find the host of the party, Jungwoo, grinning down at you. “Hey y/n”, he greeted. “Hi”, you shyly smiled. Jungwoo leaned down, a mixture of smoke and liquor filling your nose, “some of us are playing truth or dare. Johnny asked me to invite you”, he explained softly.
Johnny would never let you live, huh. You wanted to turn him down, but Jungwoo’s smile was way too sweet to say no to. “Lead the way”, you sighed in defeat. Jungwoo motioned with his head and you followed him through the kitchen, all the way to the back of the house, where it was a lot calmer.
There was a leather sofa on the side, yet everyone sat in a circle on the floor. You spotted Johnny on the floor, making sure to send him a death glare, but he only winked at you teasingly. On your right sat Mark and Yuta, laughing together. There were a few other students you had only see a few times on campus and - oh how you hated Johnny - Jaheyun turning his head around to look at you.
You didn’t spare him a glance and quickly sat down between Jungwoo and someone that was apparently called Haechan. “Alright”, Jungwoo lead the game, looking around the group, “I assume everyone knows the rules of truth or dare.” You nodded absentmindedly, your gaze fixed on the floor. You sat on your knees, your dress thankfully covering you legs. Still you felt super nervous, unconsciously chewing on your lips.
Jungwoo pointed to Haechan, “let’s start with you, Haechanie. Truth or dare?” Mark quickly lifted his hand, like the good student he was and you found yourself smiling at his cute action. You always asked yourself how someone like Mark ended up at parties like this.
“Your first kiss”, Mark blurted out, seeming genuinely curious. You almost chocked, asking yourself if you were the only one who didn’t want an answer to that. Haechan hummed next to you, deeply in thought. “Okay, here we go”, he snipped his finger, as he finally made up his mind.
Your head turned to the boy next to you and you did a double take, when you noticed Jaehyun staring at you. He was sitting on the right side of Haechan, facing you (of course).
Nervously you averted your gaze, focusing back on Haechan. “I’m not straight, but Joy from biology.” Your eyes widened at the familiarity of the name. Was he talking about your Joy? Your roommate Joy? You blinked at him in shock, while he earned a few high fives from his friends.
Haechan locked eyes with you, “Y/n”. You looked away, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as everyone’s eyes fell on you. “Truth or dare?” You heard Haechan chuckle next to you. You nervously cleared your throat, “I’ll go with truth.”
The last time you had played truth or dare was at a party last year and when you chose dare you ended up in a closet with Yuta. He didn’t try anything, but rather told you funny stories from parties he attended in the past. You thought it was sweet and you actually enjoyed talking to him, but he got so wasted that night, you doubted he’d remember anything.
“What is your favorite thing about Jaehyun”, Haechan asked, dragging out his name. You just knew he had an evil grin on his lips, before your head shot up to meet his eyes. Your gaze wandered to Jaehyun, who was leaning back on his hands, tilting his head at you. He looked curious and you felt your heart beat fast in your chest.
What could you say? Everything. That was the truth, you liked every goddamn thing about this man. Damn, why did Haechan have to chose you for this stupid game. No, why did Jungwoo convince you to join in the first place.
You inhaled sharply, “well I think- I don’t know, his cheeks are cute”, you shrugged, your voice unnaturally high. Jaehyun smiled a bit at your answer, his dimples popping out and you felt like melting at the view. But then Haechan wheezed, “are you talking about his ass cheeks” and you suddenly felt like dissolving into thin air.
Jaehyun’s eyes widened and he averted his gaze. Yuta leaned forward, “wait did you two”, he murmured, motioning something wild with his hands. You felt your cheeks burn from embarrassment and looked anywhere but into Jaehyun’s eyes. “No of course not”, your voice sounded smaller than you intended.
“It’s okay, we got it y/n”, Jungwoo patted your back lightly, continuing the game. “Yuta, truth or dare?” While they continued, Jaehyun watched you intently, biting back the urge to grin. Your answer was just way too cute to handle. He wondered what else you found cute about him.
You kept your eyes on the floor, too embarrassed to do anything, as the game continued for some time. Why did you have to screw up so bad? This was so embarrassing.
“Excuse me”, you suddenly mumbled, getting up and leaving the group. You just wanted to go home, god, could Jaehyun ever look you in the eyes again? Were you exaggerating? You stopped in the kitchen, taking a shot of whatever was in the shot glasses and slammed the empty glass on the counter.
As you reached out for a second glass, a hand softly grabbed your wrist, holding you back. “I don’t think that’s a good idea”, a familiar voice mumbled. The music was loud, but the person stood so close behind you, his breath tickled your ear. You slowly turned your head, finding Jaehyun once again.
“Oh, you’re talking to me”, you said out loud, though it was meant to be a thought. Jaehyun chuckled. “Of course, I think a talk is long overdue between us”, he nodded, licking his lips. The way he said ‘between us’ made your heart flutter.
“I’m not good at talking, as you might have noticed earlier.” God, why were you so honest all of a sudden? You glanced at the liquor to your side, cursing yourself for taking a shot, as you had to deal with the consequences now.
Jaehyun chuckled again, this time it was a lot deeper. “Come with me”, he demanded, grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him. It was pretty crowded when you walked up the stairs, but the noise died down as soon as he closed a door behind you.
You walked into what looked like someone’s bedroom, examining the posters on the wall. The shot you took earlier suddenly got to your head and you sat down on the edge of the bed, holding your head. “Ok that was a bad idea”, you mumbled to yourself.
Jaehyun kneeled down in front of you, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?” He looked up meeting your eyes and smiled softly. You blinked a few times, feeling like getting lost in his beautiful eyes. “It hurts”, you whispered and Jaehyun widened his eyes at you. “What?” His voice was full of cornern as he lifted his hand to cup your cheek. “What hurts?”
Everything did. Your feet hurt in these damn heels and your head hurt from the alcohol. But most of all your heart hurt. Jaehyun was in front of you and you could tell him how you felt, but what if he wouldn’t like you back? Jaehyun tilted his head, his thumb drawing circles on your cheek. He looked at you with such adoration, you wondered if you might have just imagined it.
“My shoes”, you whispered, leaning forward to take them off and tossing them to the side. Jaehyun’s eyes wandered from your eyes to you lips, his other hand resting on your knee. Without wasting another second he captured your lips in a gentle kiss and you felt like your heart completely stopped.
It was so unexpected, when he pulled back you asked yourself if this was maybe just a dream. He softly smiled at you, seeing your puzzled expression. The room was dark, the only light coming from the fairy lights on the wall behind you, yet Jaehyun could perfectly see the smile that formed on your glossy lips.
“You taste like peaches”, Jaehyun whispered, getting up slightly to kiss you again. This time, he laid you down on the bed and hovered above you, while never breaking the kiss. His hands came down from your cheek to your neck, tilting your head so he could deepen the kiss.
Your hand traveled to his shoulders and then to the buttons of his shirt. You could feel him smile against your lips, as you unbuttoned the orange shirt slowly. “I’ve been waiting for a long time to do this”, Jaehyun confessed, his mouth moving to place little kisses on your neck. “You looked so hot when you danced earlier”, he whispered against your neck and oh god did his words have an effect on you.
You closed your eyes, drowning in Jaehyun’s kisses, your hands roaming around his toned chest. “Jaehyun.” Your voice was shaky and your head was spinning. Jaehyun stopped in his tracks, his eyes searching for yours. “Yes, baby?” You blinked at him, biting down on your lip at his words.
“I want to take it slow”, you whispered nervously, Jaheyun only nodding. “Of course. I like slow”, he smirked and you couldn’t help but giggle. He moved to lie down next to you, opening his arms to invite you to hug him. You put your head on his chest, arms hugging around each other’s bodies.
You kept lying in silence for some time, just listening to his heartbeat while calming down your own. Did that really just happen?
“Jaehyun?” He hummed in response, his chest vibrating under you. “Did you mean that? Were you waiting to, you know, kiss me?” Jaehyun chuckled, “yes, I meant it.” You lifted your head to look at him, you just couldn’t believe his words.
“I have liked you for a long time now”, he shyly admitted. You could swear his ears were turning red from embarrassment, but it was hard to tell in this lighting. “What?” You gasped slightly, making him chuckle again.
“But- I had a crush on you too?” You were shaking your head at him. Jaehyun’s hand stroked your back, “I know.” Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and you didn’t know whether to laugh or not. Were you really that obvious, or did someone tell him?
“I remember the first time I noticed you liked me back”, he smiled, his gaze wandering to the ceiling, as if he recalled memories. “I thought it couldn’t be. You liking me back? No way. But the more time passed, the more I knew.”
“But you didn’t say anything”, you furrowed your brows. Jaehyun’s eyes came back to yours. “I wanted to wait for the right moment I guess”, he shrugged, tucking a lose strand of hair behind your ears.
You stared at him with a pout, putting your head down on his chest again. “You could have saved both of us from the embarrassment that was truth or dare”, you stated. It sounded like both a question and a realization and Jaehyun pressed his lips together. You were just too cute.
“I don’t care. We’re here now, right?” You lifted your head again, humming in response. It felt so good, now that you were finally with Jaehyun. You didn’t really know how this even happened, but you were thankful anyway.
So was Jaehyun. He felt like the luckiest guy ever, just lying here with you and knowing you liked him back. The muffled sound of the arctic monkeys song blasting downstairs and the feeling of your warm body entangled with his. It was perfect. You were perfect.
“By the way, is this Jungwoo’s room?” You giggled, your eyes roaming around the room again. Jaehyun hummed, “Jungwoo?” His hand drew patterns on your back, as he collected his thoughts. “Is that the engineering kid?”
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed this one shot, thanks again for requesting it! forgive me if there are any spelling errors, btw did you notice the innuendo in the title ;) just sayin
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sluttyten · 4 years
Sometimes I forget how tall Jungwoo is, like I wanna see him stand properly next to Johnny to get an understanding of his height bc he taaaaalllll
He is definitely tall but he seems so soft spoken and tiny sometimes that it’s super easy to forget that he’s so tall
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avmisworld · 4 years
NCT reaction to you being small:
Because he isn't so tall himself, he really loves that you're so small (finally he can feel like the hyungnim he is). You being short is just another excuse for him to baby you to be honest. Always tells you how cute you are when you complain about your height. Loves to press his cheek against the top of your head when you're hugging and leave a kiss on your hair.
This giant adores your smallness. You practically reach his knee, but he loves it. Laughs whenever you have to jump to kiss him or when you stand on your tip toes to hug his waist. But still calls you cute all the time, and ruffles your hair gently when you get mad. You're always using him when you need to reach things that are high up. You love cuddling with him because he basically covers you completely and it makes you feel safe UWU.
He probably doesn't show it very often, but this dude melts into a puddle whenever he sees you swimming in one of his sweaters or standing next to one of the members. Compliments you all the time and talks about how much he loves you and your height, because he knows you get insecure sometimes. Always touching you, it's like an automatic response when he sees you. Loves to backhug you randomly and place his chin on the top of your head as you waddle around like two ducklings uwu.
Teases you nonstop about your height, lol rip. Invents new comments everyday to annoy you and enjoys hiding your things on top shelves just to see you struggle smh. But also, loves your shortness, and protects it shamelessly whenever you complain about it. Smiles uncontrollably when you can't reach something and ask for his help. Loves to hug you and just watch how perfectly your body fits in his.
He just loves you, to be honest. Never teases you for your height and always tells you how cute and beautiful you are. Gets really overprotective when anyone teases you, even the members, for being small, because he never wants you to be insecure about your body. Has actual heart eyes whenever you struggle to reach something and always helps you without a word, trying not to smile so you won't think he's laughing at you, but you're just TOO CUTE he can't help it.
Doyoung doesn't really tease you or act all soft for you because of your height. He's just soft for you in general lol but your shortness isn't something he thinks about alot. Sometimes you'll hug and he just melts a bit when he realizes how small you are and how his arms practically surround you completely. Will die before he admits how cute he finds you though smh. But he's still a bit more overprotective of you, especially with the members, because he knows they love to tease you and/or be affectionate towards you, and none of that is going to happen on his watch excuse you.
Another tease lol. Is super flirty and laughs at you constantly but still manages to be extra careful and soft with you. Because he is short himself, you two make the cutest couple. Loves to hug you from the front with his hands around your waist and his head on top of yours. Kisses your forehead all the time and makes a big deal of having to lean down to do it smh.
You're the most perfect human being in his eyes, and he loves you and your small body so much, he doesn't know how to express it with words. Always staring at you with shiny eyes full of adoration and a small smile. Teases you in the sweetest way possible, not in words but in actions, like suddenly picking you up and carrying you bridal style, or placing you on a counter or something so you can be eye level. Never lets you say anything bad about yourself or your body, you have to love yourself as much as he loves you missy.
Winwin isn't the best at expressing his emotions, so I don't think he would baby you like some of the other members. But don't let that confuse you, Winwin is a sucker for you and your small proportions, especially because he's a pretty tall dude. He's always smiling slightly when he's next to you, probably thinking about how adorable you are. Might be a little touchy sometimes even, holding your hand and admiring how small it is in his or back hugging you occasionally. He's also so done with the members omg, you're probably the most babied couple in history lol.
Get ready to be babied 24/7 lol. Your smallness is literally the death of Jungwoo oml. Finds everything you do adorable and can't help but kiss you all over your face and hug you tightly in his arms because you just fit there so well. Might tease you lightly because he's the main comedian but will never say anything that will make you insecure or embarrassed. Loves to cuddle you, and couldn't care less if he's the small spoon or big spoon. Calls you cute nicknames like shortcake or muffin to make you blush uwu.
Another giant lol. To be honest, I don't think Lucas would tease you at all about your height. He'd definitely be picking you up all the time, or bending down to match your height, but he doesn't do that as a way to make fun of you. Thinks you are the cutest most beautiful person he ever met, so sometimes he just gets really shy around you randomly. Cuddles with you all the time omg. Sometimes he just forgets how huge he is and you have to remind him that he's three times your size and you can't breath when he's on top of you. But then he gets all embarrassed and says sorry a hundred times and kisses you all over to make it better uwu.
I don't think he would pay much attention to your height difference. Sure, he thinks you're adorable and he wants to squish you 24/7, but it doesn't really have to do anything with your size. Sometimes he'll call you cute when he sees you taking off your heels or jumping to reach something, but you can't even blame him, it's like an automatic response. Babies you without noticing, like petting your hair absentmindedly or bopping your nose. Heart eyes all the time omg. He's honestly so whipped for you lol.
The most gentle baby in the world. Isn't very overprotective or clingy to you in general but shows his love to you in other ways. Doesn't let you say anything bad about yourself, shaking his head firmly when you say you don't look your age, or when you complain about needing to wear heels all the time. Sends you a huge list of reasons why you're perfect the way you are (it may or may not make you cry). Loves cuddling so much, and loves it even more because of your small size, because it makes it so much more comfortable to snuggle his face in your neck and leave small eskimo kisses there uwu.
Your small proportions make him feel all sorts of things, like?? can you get any cuter? Has a huge smile and sparkly eyes when he's next to you. ALWAYS touching you omg. Kissing your cheeks, holding your hand, petting your hair. Carries you everywhere. Like, you're almost never on the ground next to him. Piggybacks, bridal style, picking you up by the waist, you name it. Sometimes he'll joke around with you, teasing you about your height, but he'd much rather laugh with you than at you. Calls you weird af nicknames like munchkin or peanut. Kisses your nose all the time and holds your hand.
In Renjun's case, your height doesn't really help you tbh. If anything, he's always teasing you for it. But if any of the members even say a bad word about you, they dead. Of course if you'd ever get insecure he'd immediately be by your side, comforting you with his touches and sweet gazes. Except for that, he doesn't really baby you or anything. Loves to cuddle and hug with you because of how convenient it is tho. Is a sucker for forehead and head kisses omg.
Might tease you sometimes, but he does it in such a subtle and sweet way, he still manages to look innocent smh. Finds it adorable when you struggle to reach a high place, so he'll hide stuff purposely high just so he can giggle for a few minutes at how adorable you are. Still always helps you in the end though, handing it over to you and sending you that eye smile you can't resist. Loves to pick you up from your waist and leave kisses all over you face uwu. Also has a thing for pulling you into his lap like a baby (he does it a lot with the members... Just to remind them who you belong to lol)
Omg he loves it so much. Annoys the shit out of you 24/7. Anything from jokes about your height, like pretending not to see you, to pulling pranks on you, like hiding your heels two seconds before you go out so you have to wear regular shoes and look like a garden elf next to him smh. Pisses you off until you get mad because you're just the cutest when you're upset, with that pout and your arms crossed over your chest as you try to ignore him, and can you really blame him???? After that he'll be the sweetest tho, trying to make you forgive him by hugging you tightly in his arms while kissing all over you face and whispering apologies and comments about how beautiful you are and how much he loves you. Turns so soft seeing how perfectly you fit in his arms, so you cuddle all the time uwu.
He just loves you tbh. Wouldn't tease you deliberately, but sometimes his heart just melts and he can't help but pat your head like a baby or smile widely when you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. Takes care of you so well, so you can never feel insecure around him. Calls you cute names like princess or cupcake, and does it without noticing, so the members always tease you for it. Loves skinship so much, he can never get his hands off of you omg. Always kissing your nose or cheeks, backhugging you with his head on top of yours and his arms around your waist, and cuddling ofc.
He's such a good boyfriend to be honest. Your size doesn't really matter to him, but he definitely loves hugging you (especially backhugs uwu). Kisses you out of the blue when you act cute, and is immediately shy afterwards. Doesn't really know what to say when you're insecure about your body, he just loves you as you are and he doesn't understand why you don't.
Teases you here and there, but he's so cute and he has the brightest smile when doing it so you cant even get mad. Bends down all the time to your height and squishes your cheeks. Tells you that you're adorable and cute ten thousand times a day. Loves to play with your hair. Sometimes he just freaks out because he just finds you so cute and small, so he just jumps on you out of the blue and hugs you tightly (usually it's followed by unexplainable screams). He doesn't really protect you from the other members teasing/affection (he sometimes even goes along with it smh), but the second you start to get mad or pouty he's immediately by your side, hugging you and acting cute to make you forgive him.
Is continusally surprised by how small you are. Always comparing your height, just to check if you're really as short as you seem lol. Calling you cute accidentally every two minutes and having a mental breakdown afterwards lmao. He probably used to tease you about your height, but he turns to putty everytime you pout or glare at him cutely and his heart can't handle it, so he doesn't bully you anymore lol. Dies a little whenever you lean up to kiss him or when you hug his waist and your head basically reaches his belly button haha. Is always blushing and super shy around you, but occasionally he'll be the one to initiate skinship, petting your hair or pecking you quickly on your lips.
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lovevignette · 7 years
Jungmin headcanons pt. 1 (jungwoo x jaemin)
• ok so it starts out with sick jaemin :(
• bby plz get better soon❤
•but yea so dream is out there promoting without him
•and really hes okay with it
•because he knows that hes with them in their hearts and all that
•but he still feels really sad and lonely
•not to mention that the members dont visit him much
•but when they call he tells them hes fine
•because really he doesn’t want to worry them with their problems
•he doesn’t go to school cuz his back hurts too much
•so he really just stays home or goes to the sm building for updates
•and one day hes at the sm building and the rookies are there
•rookies meaning kun yukhei and jungwoo
•but he already knows kun of course so he goes to say hi
•there all happy that hes there
•and they ask him to hang out
•but the whole time jaemins wondering why people this tall exist
•people meaning jungwoo and definitely yukhei
but jungwoo is really so nice to him
•and don’t get him wrong yukhei is nice too
•but jungwoo has the softest smile and the softest face and yes jaemin is soft
•they hang out alot more after that
•they meaning just jungwoo and jaemin (;
•they literally go everywhere together
•like when jaemins back hurts a little less jungwoo will take him to the park
•and will push him on the swings becuz jungwoo is equally soft for jaemin
•and jungwoo will pay for jaemins icecream because he insists that hes the hyung
•though the first time he got jaemin strawberry ice cream cuz he didnt know what to get
•cue disgusted jaemin
•but now jungwoo knows to get him chocolate
•or any other flavor really
•jungwoo walks with him everywhere tho
•and sometimes they hold hands and other times they just walk super close
•but when they do hold hands jaemin feels so smol
•cuz really jungwoos hands arent as big as yukheis but theyre pretty huge
•but what jaemin likes the most about jungwoo is his legs
•cuz they look like they go on forever
•so jaemin likes to watch jungwoo walk ahead of him
•and sometimes
•before yukhei drops him off one day tho
•he kisses jaemin on the forehead
•and tells him to get better soon
•and when he does that jaemin almost literally forgets about dream
•like jeno WHO??
•its all about jungwoo now
•it goes on like that for a while
•and jaemins not really that sad about not promoting anymore
•and just silently supports the comeback becuz theyre doing great
•hes so proud
•and jungwoo is always with him
•but they both swear to kun and yukhei that they’re not dating
ok but jaemin has literally always been spotted with jungwoo and??? like you expect me not to ship??
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0506ft · 6 years
soulmate - yukhei!!
If there was one thing you hated about the rules of life, it was the fact soulmates existed. You lived your life feeling like you weren’t meant for love. The boys you liked didn’t like you and as much as you hated the feeling of being tied down, you couldn’t help but fantasize about certain aspects of being in a relationship.
You hated that you friends had found theirs and you hated that you didn’t feel like doing anything to find yours. That being said, you hated soulmates, you hated the rules and you sure as hell hated the fact you dreamt about his day.
Your soulmate was pretty funny. You’d constantly hear him yelling and screaming at his friend and truthfully, you found most of his jokes hilarious. He had many friends, quite different from you if you had to be honest. You had a few good friends and you were thankful enough. However, it seemed like he hung out with different people every single day but you did notice a few familiar faces like his three best friends, Taeyong, Yuta and Jungwoo.
“Yukhei,” You were already aware that your soulmate was called by many names. Sometimes you heard Lucas, other times Xuxi but your favourite was what his mother called him, Yukhei.
“Yes, ma?” He spoke.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
Yukhei nods, “I haven’t dreamt about her in a long time.”
You’d like to say that you knew everything about your soulmate, every single thing about him, you basically grew up with him, with all the imagery of his day in your dreams. But you never once have heard him talk about his dreams, specifically about you.
“You should go to the doctor.”
“To get my dreams fixed? It’s fine. She’s probably not dreaming about me. She doesn’t seem very interested in soulmates.”
His mother chuckles and places his hands over Yukhei’s face, “Silly boy. How would you know?”
“Well she’s never actually mentioned about me to her friends.”
“Do you?” His mother asks.
Yukhei shakes his head, “Well, aren’t girls usually more excited about soulmates than guys?”
His mother laughs, “Everyone gets excited about soulmates.”
You jolted up, awake from your dream. Your stomach churned, and you couldn’t lie to yourself but you did feel bad that Yukhei had felt this way. You didn’t mean for him to think you didn’t care.
“You know it’s time you did something about that soulmate of yours.” Your friend pipes in.
“What are you talking about?” You turned to her, sipping your coffee.
“I’m talking about the fact you don’t talk about him.”
“I’ve said enough.”
“I’ve been your friend for 7 years and honestly all you’ve ever said about him was that his name was Yukhei and that’s it. Shouldn’t you be more excited?” Your friend cried in exasperation. You could feel the frustration coming out from her doe eyes.
You looked over to your incomplete assignments and back to your friend before letting out a sigh.
“Fine,” You say.
Your friend grins and claps her hands, “Yay!”
“Just recently, I had a dream about him.”
“I’m not done.”
“Right, continue.”
“He hasn’t been dreaming about me. It looks like he’s starting to give up on the thought of meeting me.” You sighed.
“You know,” Your friend says, “There was actually a period of time Doyoung and I didn’t really dream of each other. Mostly Doyoung. It was when I had that really tough break up with Renjun. (lol) I couldn’t think of anything, all I thought about was Renjun. Literally. Just ask Doyoung, the last few dreams he had before having no dreams were just of me crying. I’m glad I got out of that rut though and glad I found Doyoung.”
“So…what you’re saying is that he stopped dreaming of me because I stopped it from happening?”
“What I’m saying is that, your soulmate is there for a reason. Stop pushing him away just because you don’t trust yourself to find someone.”
“You finally dreamt of her?” Jungwoo asked.
“Thank God, I was starting to get annoyed with your constant whining like damn why can’t you shut up, I’m trying to fortnite and all I hear is your low ass voice in the background weeping,” Yuta rolled his eyes. “Love you though.”
“Anyway,” Taeyong nudged Yuta annoyed, before turning back to Lucas, “That’s a good sign. She’s thinking of you again.”
“That’s not the best part. Her friend…is dating Doyoung.”
“Kim Doyoung. The one that looks like the real life version of the rat from ratatouille?”
“Yeah, I mean hey, he’s my friend!” Taeyong mumbled.
“Guys! You’re not getting the point! I can finally meet her.” Yukhei announced.
“That’s great, except, you’re forgetting that she had a period of time where she didn’t think about your oompa Loompa ass for a period of time.” Yuta mentions, still focused on his game.
“Well she’s thinking about him recently, so I think he should go for it” Jungwoo says.
Taeyong shrugs, “Although I do want to support this, I really have to agree with Yuta. You don’t know what she’s like what if she isn’t that interested in soulmates, I don’t want you heartbroken man.”
“Well I wouldn’t know until I actually try.”
“It’s the first time I’ve seen you positive in months so go for it.” Yuta says.
“Finally, the first nice thing that comes out of your mouth.”
“Shut up.”
You were freaking out. Yukhei was finding you. You didn’t really know how he looked mainly because you were always in his shoes and technically you weren’t ready to meet him. You always thought if you did meet your soulmate it’d be by pure coincidence.
“Calm down. Doyoung said that Yukhei’s a nice guy except he’s loud and kinda like a dumb jock but overall he’s harmless.”
“A dumb jock?” You raised an eyebrow. “I-“
“Is this, uh, Yukhei’s soulmate?” You looked up and see a tall boy with comic-like features and large beady eyes that kind of intimidated you, no lie, he was extremely handsome but his voice did remind you somewhat of a lizard.
“Uh, yeah?”
“You’re much prettier than I expected.” He spoke, before covering his mouth, “Sorry, habit.”
“It’s fine. Uh I’m guessing you’re not Yukhei?”
“How’d you know?”
“I recognize you from my dreams. Taeyong, right?”
Taeyong looked almost surprised you remembered him but changed his focus onto your friend.
“You’re the rat’s girlfriend?”
“Rat?” Your friend raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, I mean Doyoung.”
“Where’s Yukhei?” You asked, getting annoyed at the talk that was getting nowhere.
“Well…he was initially very pumped. Super pumped. Like he was super excited, got new shoes, a fly new jacket as he’d say and new jeans, and he actually showered after 3 days so…yeah.”
“He got scared.” Taeyong mumbled.
You stood silent for a minute just staring at Taeyong before staring back at your empty cup of coffee. You gathered all the little courage you had and looked at Taeyong straight in the eye before saying words you’d never expected to say.
“Can I see him?”
“Yes! Now!” You stood up, grabbing your bag. Your friend looked at you surprised before following you.
“I…fine. He’s gonna kill me but…fine.” Taeyong scratched the back of his head uneasily and begun leading you the way to the apartment building 3 blocks down.
“Just a heads up, he’s pretty down from chickening out. Also, he’s a bit affected that you hadn’t been thinking about him hence the lack of his dreams.”
You nodded before standing face to face with his apartment door. You stood outside and looked back to Taeyong and your friend who looked at you with two thumbs up.
“Good luck.” Your friend mumbled.
You knocked on the door, feeling nervous.
“Yuta, I told you to stop coming my house uninvited, you chin infested freak.” Someone, you were assuming Yukhei, opened the door. His eyes widened, realizing that you weren’t Yuta and immediately apologized. “I’m sorry, I thought you were my friend and I just…sorry. Crap I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You shook your head. You were pretty sure your cheeks were incredibly flushed. You didn’t really know how Yukhei looked like before and just seeing how tall he was in real life, how broad he was and how good looking he was kind of made you intimidated.
“Ah, are you looking for someone?” Yukhei questioned. You noticed that he was in a oversized hoodie and boxers and immediately your cheeks felt warm.
Yukhei noticed your stare and reciprocated the embarrassment before questioning if you were the new girl who was supposed to collect milk cartons.
“I’m not. I’m your, uh, soulmate.”
“W..what?” Yukhei looked over to the side, spotting Taeyong who was hiding.
“Taeyong…said you were, uh, shy. And I thought I’d come to you.”
“I…It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’d say the same but you’re in boxers.” You joked.
Yukhei chuckled, “I never knew you liked to joke around.”
“If you paid attention to your dreams you’d see that I do like joking around.”
“Well, if you actually thought of me, maybe I’d dream of you.” Yukhei mentioned.
You stayed mum, feeling guilty.
Yukhei noticed your silence and shook his head, almost embarrassed he had brought that up, “I’m kidding! I’m just kidding!”
“I’m sorry.” You apologized. “I just…I haven’t really been excited for relationships.”
“I know.”
“You know?” You frowned. “How?”
“I just do. I’m your soulmate for a reason.” Yukhei chuckled.
“But I do apologise for thinking of you differently just because I’ve been disappointed before.”
“It’s fine. I mean you’re here to give me a chance now, so I guess that’s good.” Yukhei mumbled.
“Actually, I’m just here to apologise and head back…”
“Oh…” Yukhei muttered. “It’s still fine!”
“I’m joking.” You giggled. “I do want to take you out on a date except I really hope you’re not wearing boxer shorts.”
“Oh, right!” Yukhei laughed before inviting you in.
“Come in, I’ll make you a drink and you can hang around in the living room and I’ll just quickly get ready and we can go.”
“I have to warn you though I don’t really know any good places for dates.”
“Well, you’re in luck, there’s too many places I know.”
“Really now? Surprise me then.”
“I’ll think of where to bring you when I’m changing, just take a seat!”
You looked around Yukhei’s apartment, strangely it was tidy even though you did see a few clutters around the house, you had to applaud him for keeping most of the place in order.
“Do you live alone?” You yelled.
“No, I live with a friend. Uh, Jungwoo.” Lucas yelled back. You noticed that he wasn’t putting that much effort in yelling, you figured it was because he was so used to being loud.
“Is he home?”
“He’s out with Yuta.”
“You mean the chin infested freak?” You joked.
Yukhei laughed, “Exactly!”
“Chin infested freak? Is that what your lobster ass thinks of me?”
“Yuta? What the fuck are you doing in my room?”
“Where the hell are all of you idiots hiding?!” Yukhei exclaimed.
“Okay, in my defense, Yuta shoved me in here.” Jungwoo said, climbing out from the laundry basket.
“Well, in MY defense, I only sneaked in here after bringing her here so it’s 10 minutes less from them.”
“Technically, I’ve been under your bed for an hour but who’s counting?”
“An hour?!” Yukhei yelled.
“Yeah, and if you’re wondering yes, I did see you jacking off and no I’m not going to tell her.”
“I’m still here and I can kind of hear everything.”
“Whoa, Yukhei, you didn’t tell me she was pretty.” Jungwoo mumbled, looking up at you from the ground.
“Uh, thanks.”
“I didn’t know how she looked.” Yukhei rolled his eyes.
“Wait, she’s pretty? I wanna see.” Yuta added.
“Don’t open the door, I’m not wearing any pants.”
“Well she’s seen you with boxers on there’s no difference?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Wow, you guys are incredibly loud and noisy.” Your friend popped up, climbing out from the table.
“You too?” You frowned.
“Doyoung wasn’t picking up his phone and I was bored.”
“Doyoung, the rat looking one?” Yuta piped in.
“Hey!” Your friend yelled.
“Okay, that’s it!” Yukhei barged out from his room with the same hoodie and jeans. He stormed over to you and pulled you along.
“You guys can stay, we’re leaving.” Yukhei declared before looking back at you, worried. “I mean if you’re okay with it.”
“They’re not even dating, and he’s already whipped!” Yuta cried.
“It’s called manners, but I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t know that.” Taeyong rolled his eyes.
“Wow, is this how we’re gonna be, lizard freak?”
“I kissed a lizard ONE time! And you’re labelling me a lizard freak? It was a dare!”
Yukhei pulled you out from his small apartment and although the fight was getting entertaining, you were kind of glad to be out of that small yet loud environment.
“I’m sorry, my friends are a mess.”
“It’s fine. So are mine. But I guess we have to stick together to drown the crazy.”
“Are you trying to say there’ll be more of us in the future?”
“I’m not saying anything until I actually get to know more of you.” You laughed.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Somewhere. Just trust me.”
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