jungwooarchives · 1 year
His Lost Hoodie
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“I swear I left it here” Jaemin rubs his neck after checking his entire room.
Jaemin couldn’t find his hoodie anywhere and it was starting to stress him out. It wasn’t in the closet, in his laundry basket, in the clean clothes piled at the end of his bed, forgotten in the bathroom, or maybe possibly mixed with Haechan’s sweaters – nowhere.
It was absolutely nowhere to be found. 
Determined, Jaemin looks around more; even in the places he’s checked more than once before.
After realizing he’s just wasting time and energy, he makes his way downstairs.
When he arrived downstairs, he found Mark and Haechan watching Stranger Things. While a little put out that they hadn’t invited him, he wasn’t as bothered when he saw just how mushy they were being.
He rolled his eyes, glad they hadn’t noticed him yet, because his smile had definitely gone a bit fond at the sight of the pair so happy together. 
“Hey, love birds,” he said, standing behind the couch and close to Mark. 
Mark was startled so suddenly, he fell completely off the couch.
“Oh my gosh, Mark!” Haechan laughed, offering a hand to help Mark back up.
“I’m looking for my hoodie. Have you seen it?” he asked, cutting to the chase. 
They shared a glance and giggled. instead of receiving an answer, Haechan said what they both shared in thought
“Have you talked to Y/n recently?” 
“No? Why?” Jaemin furrows his eyebrows, half worried and half curious.
“I think you better go pay her a visit,” Mark suggested 
“You guys are being weird,” Jaemin complained. “Weirder than usual.” 
Mark waved him away, pressing play on their show, and going back to it as if Jaemin had never bothered them. 
He supposed that was alright; even if he still didn’t know where his hoodie was, they did have a point in that Jaemin hadn’t seen you since breakfast.
He headed back upstairs and to your room, Jaemin paused at your door.
“What if she is busy?”
“What if she was in the middle of a project?”
“What if I'll ruin something important by knocking,”
“What if Y/n hated me for it, what if she-“
The door swung open to reveal you, slightly startled by Jaemin being at the door.
“I took your hoodie if that’s what you came here for” 
You were drowning in his gray and black fabric and Jaemin was drowning in a sudden wave of emotions. 
“Y/n, you’re killing me,” Jaemin murmured, sweeping into your space and scattering kisses along your face. He took your waist in his arms and pulled you further back into your room, kicking the door shut along the way. you, having apparently just woke up from a nap, followed along.
“I apologize for my disappearance today,” you sounded so sleepy but he was still trying to be all fluffy.
“If I would have known you were up here sooner, I wouldn’t have stressed out.” He mumbles as he falls with you onto your bed. Jaemin seemed comfortable and seemed like he was waiting to snuggle with you.
You two share a few minutes of hugs when you rub your eyes.
“Do you want your hoodie back?”
Jaemin kisses your neck.
“No, I like seeing you wearing it.”
You hug him with a comfortable smile.
“Okay~” you huff.
“You are so very tired, my love”
“I was anticipating that you’d come in here to cuddle but I fell asleep waiting.”
Jaemin sighs, very dissatisfied with his actions.
“Forgive me.” Jaemin kisses you again.
Jaemin moves up the bed, holding you to rest both of your heads on the pillows.
“I’ll make it up to you”
Jaemin holds you in a big hug and kisses your temples.
You two fall asleep, surprisingly fast, and end up all knotted with each other. Well needed cuddle time.
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©jungwooarchives | All Rights Reserved | Do not copy.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Fast Asleep
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Y/n sat on her day-bed and watched the droplets roll down the window of her apartment. She looked almost in agony as she had to run through the city in the pouring rain in order to get home. She wanted to look at the bright side of things but she was sad. Her boyfriend Hwang Hyunjin had just left for tour for 3 weeks and couldn't see him until after the award ceremonies too. She had to much to wait for and such little time to wait. Y/n’s phone rung
Hey babeeeee - Dramatic babe
Hey:) - Y/n
Wydddd? - Dramatic babe
Nothing, wbu? - Y/n
Waiting for the rain to calm down so I can get on the plane:/ - Dramatic babe
Oh that sucks:/ - Y/n
Yea. I can’t wait to get back from tour and hang out with you!!!>,< - Dramatic babe
Same - Y/n
Well, gtg bye love you baeee<3 - Dramatic babe
Bye love you to<3 - Y/n
Y/n looked at her phone screen and sighed. She was alone again.
Y/n laid in her bed fast asleep listening to the rain hitting the window. After about fifteen minutes of listening to the rain it was stopped by a brief show of thunder and lightning, Y/n’s breath hitched as it startled her. She heard footsteps going toward her bedroom. She waited and listened. She then felt the bed dip next to her and an arm wrap around her waist.
“I know you're not awake but I hope you know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. My flight was delayed for the next day so I thought I would come and stay with you while I could.” Hyunjin whispered under his breath. He nuzzled his face in Y/n’s neck and hugged her closely as the thunder and lightning roared and the sky lit up. 
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©jungwooarchives | All Rights Reserved | Do not copy. (made by Mari)
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
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A soft hiss escaped through your lips, as you were standing up from the heavy fall from your envious classmate. You stumble slightly before getting hold on to the iron fence behind you to regain your balance.
Gazing your hands over your back pockets, you realize your phone is missing. As you look, you minimize your movement as you stay straight and mainly depend on your hand to stumble upon it. A rock followed by a phone is felt between your scratched and frail hands. You hold onto it and let out a relieved sigh. 
You make your way to your apartment complex when you're limping. You're caught off guard by a hand gripping your waist and your hand moving and swinging over someone’s neck. 
You look and focus your eyes and your hearing slowly comes back. 
“Y/n! what happened?” “What- what are you doing, Y/n?”
You smile and chuckle as if you're drunk.
“Just, made some friends, that may or may not hate my guts. . . but it’s because they want you.”
Hyunjin holds you and stops you as you walk. Hyunjin looks at you and checks your face. You turn to him with your face scratched and visibly bruised. Hyunjin’s face turns from an angry and annoyed expression to a soft and almost upset pout. 
“Why. . why. . why would they do that to you.”
He said in a tone that made you have to double think about what you said. You shake your head and motion your hand in the direction of your path.
“We are so close..” you eagerly request him to continue walking.
“Y/n. . . I’m worried about you.”
“No way, I'm more worried about you more.”
Your words came out so easily and you start to actually question whether or not you consumed a drink before the incident. Hyunjin holds you but is now quiet from his inner thoughts. You make it the complex and right as you enter, you try to depart yourself from Hyunjin’s grasp but Hyunjin grabs you by the waist and holds you as you walk to his apartment that was closer than yours. Hyunjin unlocks his door with one hand and slowly leads you in. Your mind is all over the place, and your heart beat is starting to increase. 
“Hyunjin, I have to go home.”
“You’re injured, Y/n” “Let me take care of you.”
He brings you to his bed and you sit as he walks over to grab his med-kit that he only opens one other time. He kneels in front of you and your heart is telling you one thing when your mind is trying to counter it. 
“Non-sense, i’ll just go home and sleep-“
You say as you try to playfully push Hyunjin as he leaned towards you to put a bandaid on your sore check. He loses his balance and falls forward and on top of you. You look at each other, in silence, for a moment.
A moment. You realize how close you are, noses touching, lips inches away from each others’.
“I need you.”
You say as you look into his chocolate brown eyes, from the sentence you said caused Hyunjin you collide your lips to one another. He makes sure not to press hard because of your injuries. At that moment, you feel like you are living a dream, you feel your pain melt away. you both break from the kiss and look at each one more.
“Now, you have me.”
He says as he smirks, which causes your heart to race faster than the kiss. You put your hand to his cheek. You rub his skin softly and bring your eyes back to his. 
“I have you, but others won’t want me to-“
“Then I’ll show them that I have you.”
He says as he pecks your lips before standing up and slowly raising you with his delicate grip on your hands.
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©jungwooarchives | All Rights Reserved | Do not copy.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
When and Where
His lips are above your shoulder, the warmth of his words brush across your skin.
“Are you cold?”
“Do you need a towel?”
“Wanna head home?”
You are kinda out of it, disconnected from the socialness of events like these.
Not aware of how out of it you are, you are unresponsive to his affection.
Hyunjin moves his hand from your waist, to hold your shoulder.
He turns you around, catching you by surprise.
He holds you in front of him, holding on your shoulders.
As he begins to speak, his hold on your shoulders become lighter.
Hyunjin looks at you so sweetly, (you swear you have cavities now) his eyes find yours.
“Daisy?” he uses your first name, genuinely worried about you.
“Hmm” you respond, heartlessly.
He drops his arms to his side, instinctively bringing his hands to rest on his hips.
“I'm ready when you are.” he says “if you're done i’m done” he whispers softly.
Taking in his consideration, your mind is off the charts.
Stupidly, you continue to be cold and “uninterested” to his concern.
“Don’t mind me, I just wanted to rest.” you lie.
His heart is pure, and you are trusted by him greatly.
“But.. if you are ready to leave, just get me and we’ll be home” Hyunjin faintly smiles, trying his best to get something out of you.
Your smile slips out, your teeth shine a bit, making his smile increased bigger than ever.
“I love you doll” Hyunjin expresses, his lips raised to make a pleasing fond smile.
Hyunjin takes great care and great thought into his affection towards you, he really adores you.
His fingers almost tickle your back, causing you to break “character”.
You feel the love, you feel the butterflies.
As Hyunjin rests his head in your neck, you know for sure you can’t keep this mood up for long.
Your arms unwrap at your chest to clasp around him.
His charming sigh, which is an instant sign of a smile, caresses your jaw..
(stop this hyunjin.)
“Actually.. I would really like to go home” you break.
“I know you like the back of my hand doll~” He teases.
You chuckle, finding his entertainment adorable.
Hyunjin leans back from the hug, being in front of you once again.
“Let’s go” He smiles.
“Oh stop that,” your cheekbones shine with the smile he's causing you to have.
Your hands interlock, always finding each other without question.
“Stop what?” He pokes at once more, loving when you are flustered.
You shake your head with a short smirk, Hyunjin laughs as he watches you.
You two take a few steps together before being stopped by one of his close friends.
“Leaving so soon?” His friend furrows his eyebrows, offended.
“We are tired.”
“You mean she is” He directs his fingers to point at you.
“No, we both are.” Hyunjin clarifies.
“Since when did Hwang leave parties early? No. He stayed until sunrise” He goes on.
“Well I’m not into that anymore.”
“Yeah well you're no fun anymore.”
Hyunjin turns to his friend, honestly baffled.
“You're no fun because you have this,” He looks at you, disgustingly. “Baggage”
Hyunjin looks at his friend with his aura dropping in tone, “You just don't know what it feels like to have anyone love you, so drop it man.” Hyunjin says sternly. 
Hyunjin takes a hold of your hand again.
He turns down the hallway with you, leaving his friend to keep barfing up nonsense.
You are amazed, out of words of how smoothly and casually he finished that.
“You are so mesmerizing. I mean cool.” You smile, a bit too proud of him.
Hyunjin seems to break his confidence when you begin to send compliments.
“He messed with the wrong guy” He rubs your hand with his thumb. “There was absolutely no way I'd allow him to speak to you that way.” He scoffs, disgusted thinking about that encounter.
“You are not baggage. If anything, you are a prize I want to brag to everyone about.” He touches shoulders with you.
You smile, not being able to stop.
“Oh you” You playfully turn away, blushing as you replay his words to yourself.
“I love you Daisy” Hyunjin grabs your chin.
Bring your face into his, he gives you a very sweet kiss.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Dripping Love
You sigh deeply at the hard rain as you think of Hyunjin's absence at school today. You lay on your bed and scroll through your texts with Hyunjin.
 You fidget with your phone case and place your phone to charge as you head to your kitchen. You walk past the window with raindrops and you get a chill down your spine. You shake it off as you quickly make it to your fridge. 
Right as you're about to walk up the flight of stairs, knocking on the door catches your attention. You place your water down and your phone. You walk to the door and are worried for whomever is out there in the rain. 
You see a pouring wet Hyunjin. Your eyes open wide and you immediately grab his wrist and drag him in. You quickly take off his jacket and shake his hair to get most of the water off.
As you do that, Hyunjin’s eyes never look away from you. You look up at him and ask
“Why were you not at school? And why show up in the rain?” you say with laughs. Hyunjin smirks and grabs your waist as he says seriously.
‘I couldn’t stop thinking about you”
He walks you to the wall and your lips as inches away. You close your eyes and Hyunjin inches forward, you lips collide and you wrap your arms around Hyunjins neck while Hyunjin holds your waist. You break from the kiss and look at each other for a couple of seconds before you look down and scoff.
“You really are too much, Hyunjin”
“You make me that way, Daisy”
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
1:17 Am
Daisy laid in bed scrolling through tik tok waiting for Sunwoo to arrive home after a long day of practice and work. Dozing off Daisy hears the door open finally.
“Sunwoo, is that you?” -Daisy 
“Yeah, why are you still up?” -Sunwoo
“I was waiting for you, I was worried you weren't safe.” -Daisy 
“You didn’t have to wait. How was your day, pretty girl?” -Sunwoo
“I wanted to wait for you, my day was okay, how was yours?” -Daisy
“My day was busy,very tiring, I’m going to get in the shower for a minute.  Don’t wait for me.” -Sunwoo
1:32 Am
Feeling the bed dip under Sunwoos weight Daisy began to close her eyes finally being able to sleep. Sunwoo skimmed closer to Daisy wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her close into the smell of after-shave and conditioner. Inhaling the sweet mix of smells. 
“You are the prettiest girl i’ve ever met” -Sunwoo
He continued to whisper sweet affirmations before Daisy turned around to face him. Sunwoo admired the way the light peeked onto the top of her eyes creating a look similar to milk chocolate. 
“I love you” 
The words he longed for, she’s said it a million times but he can’t get enough of the sweetness it offers. The way the words trickled from her lips to his ears was the only thing he needed. Leaning in he pulled her into a pleasant and gentle kiss. 
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Do Best Friends Kiss?
You and Jaemin sit in his room after returning from school.
“i’ll be back” Jaemin excuses himself for a second
While he’s gone, your mind is all over the place. You are thinking of confessing to your best friend but are really scared of ruining your relationship. you sigh and decide to try.
Jaemin returns and sits on his bed and takes off his backpack. he groans and falls onto his bed. Your still sitting quietly on the edge of his bed and then you finally go with your decision.
Jaemin sits up “Yes?”
You nervously swallow your breath.
“Do best friends kiss?” you say and your mind is now drowning you with thoughts.
I screwed up.
I’m gonna lose him.
I shouldn’t have said it.
But I want to be with him in a different way, not as best friends.
Jaemin chuckles 
“What kind of question is that?” He says 
You're nervous and you almost say something but he says it faster.
He smirks.
“Are you that curious?” Jaemin says as he looks at you.
“Do you wanna know the answer?”
you nervously glup.
“It’s just a question… I-“
Jaemin smirks.
“Should we do that?”
“Na Jaemin!” you blurted out of surprise at his sentence he said seriously.
Jaemin chuckles.
“What?? you asked right?” he shrugged.
You sigh and say without hesitation.
“Renjun said it could happen..”
Jaemin rubbed his face in embarrassment.
“And.. haechan said too,” you pause “i mean- there’s a chance.” you added.
“why would they tell you that in the first place?” Jaemin turns to you, while you hold your breath.
“I- I was just curious.” you played with your sleeve, obviously hiding something.
(you’ve been liking jaemin for a while, and you're just too scared it will ruin the friendship you’ve had with him.)
Jaemin chuckled, he suddenly moved closer to you.
“Listen,” Jaemin whispered “you wanna know the answer?” Jaemin stared at you and then and then to your lips.
“Because you’ll never know it- unless you do it.” Jaemin whispered and you could hear his smirk.
“Jaemin-“ you say trying to keep the conversation going.
But Jaemin’s arm was already wrapped around your waist and his eyes were looking at you so sweet. Your noses touch and then Jaemin kisses you. 
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Tipsy Confession
you are invited to a party by haechan and you arrive with haechan and renjun. you look around, mildly intimated by the insane amount of people and drinks, and spot jeno and jaemin siting next to the back door. you walk through the people and get to them:
“hey guys”
“hey, i knew you guys would show up.” jeno said
“why wouldn’t we?” haechan snaps
“i thought you guys would be to intimidated.” jeno laughs
“not likely. i’m never intimidated” haechan bitterly smiles
“you sure?” jeno asks
haechan looks around and grabs a shot from a table. he takes it in a blink of an eye and has another one and takes it immediately.
you clap and root for haechan, amused by his actions. jeno and haechan walk around and meet people and it leaves you jaemin and renjun standing together. you break the awkward silence that was bigger than ever.
“so what exactly do you do at these type of parties?” 
“people usually get toxically drunk and do stupid things.” jaemin says
“yeah, and i’d suggest not getting so drunk you forget things from that night.” renjun says to you.
“yeah, no. i haven’t even had alcohol before so i’m fine.” 
“wait really?” a girl from nearby hears you say that
“how funny is it that you’ve never had alcohol but your at a party like this.” “you must not be that cool though, i mean everyone is drinking.”
jaemin glares at the girl and renjun does as well. 
“i can try one.” you grab a shot and immediately renjun tries to grab it out of your hands but you already drank it. renjun and jaemin look at you as your reacting to the shot. the girl laughs
“wow, i didn’t know you were this reckless.” 
jaemin cuts her off and tells her to leave. the girl leaves with a bitter smile.
your heart is racing but you weirdly wanting another shot. you look around and grab another one and take it.
“daisy! what are you doing?” renjun yells
“it’s fine, i’m trying to fit it.” you say, sounding half way drunk.
“daisy, are you drunk already?” jaemin asks
“one more could be it.” you say and reach over and grab one more but renjun takes it out off your hand.
“daisy, no” “you’ll screw up your healthy stomach.” “we should have stayed away from this area.
you walk away and renjun follows. you walk to a couch. renjun sits next to you. 
“just give me one more, and i’ll be fine.”
“this is what i didn’t want to happen. i didn’t want you to get brain washed.” 
“please, it will be my fault if anything happens.”
renjun sighs
“if you think it won’t do any harm than i guess it’s okay.” renjun finally says
you immediately grab one near by and drink it.
renjun watches you to make sure your fine. you sit there and after a moment, you completely drunk.
“i’m going to find jaemin.” you say as you stand not stable at all.
“why?” renjun asks out of curiosity of the sudden wish to see jaemin.
“i need to tell him something.” you laugh
renjun follows behind you as you walk around. you bump into jeno and almost fall.
“ow” you say 
“oh my gosh, are you okay?” jeno says
“nah it’s okay, but your abs are hard as a rock.”
jeno looks at you confused. renjun looks up and explains.
“she definitely drunk.”
“2 shots?” haechan jumps in
“yeah, but now she wants to see jaemin.”
haechan smirks and jeno looks around from him. you mumble ‘jaemin’ under your breath and renjun and haechan both are hearing it. 
jaemin is brought over with jeno and you immediately grab his shirt and drag him to a hall. renjun and haechan stay back, waiting for something to happen. 
you bring jaemin into the hall and you press him up the wall. you look at him and he looks at you.
“jaemin, your totally my type.”
jaemin blushes
“what do you mean?” jaemin asks
“you are funny, sweet, handsome and you cook really good.” you say seriously
jaemin blushes more then you get closer to him.
“you are mine.” you giggle whisper 
you place your hands on his face and you kiss jaemin sweetly. jaemin ,caught of guard, stay stiff for a second but then he moves his arms to your waist. you break from the kiss and you look at him and then you pass out and jaemin manages to grab you before you hit your head. 
renjun and haechan see from the corner of their eyes jaemin holding you and sitting you up on the wall. renjun runs over and touches your face 
“daisy? are you awake?” renjun asks 
renjun checks your pulse and your still alive, he sighs of relief. haechan then asks
“what happened?” 
“well she brought me to the hall and she kissed me and then after she just fainted.”
“SHE KISSED YOU???” renjun yells
“yes, why?” jaemin asks
“i knew that would happen, and i think she going to be asking me what happened last night.”
jaemin looks at you and his heart beats faster knowing that the kiss meant something and it wasn’t just a random kiss.
jeno offers to carry you but jaemin asks to carry you. jaemin brings you to the car and places you sweetly in the middle seat. 
jaemij gets in and buckles you and himself. jeno starts driving and your head slowly lands on jaemin’s shoulder. jaemin look over and sweetly looks at your features and he smiles.
you get to dorms and renjun decides to let you stay for the night. jaemin carries you to his room and he lays you on the bed. the rest of them leave and renjun covers you with a blanket and he gets ready for bed. renjun sleeps on the floor so you can sleep comfortably.
⁃ morning-
you wake up and you immediately look around. you look at your clothes and notice you never changed. you look down and you see renjun on the ground and you immediately go to wake him up.
he wakes up slowly
“what happened? why am on your bed? why am i not changed and what happened.”
renjun deeply sighs
“i’ll explain once i get ready.”
renjun gets up and leaves to take a shower. you are left alone think about all of your questions. renjun returns and sits down next to you.
“so what happened?”
“at the party, you insisted on shots and i let it happen. you immediately went looking for jaemin and then you take him to a hallway and you kiss him. and then you faint right after.”
you look so defeated and then you angry sigh
“how could i do that?” 
“but don’t you haves a thing for jaemin?” renjun asks
“yes i do but i literally planned to tell him this week but not being drunk.”
“well then it’s okY.”
“it’s not okay. cause i was drunk and jaemin might think that it was nothing but i acutally exposed my feelings.”
you pause
“i need to go talk to him.”
“wait why??” renjun asks concerned
“i need to clear something.”
you walk out and text jaemin, still shaking from nervousness 
(hey jaemin, can you meet me at the big tree in the back of the school?”
you wait and your heart racing
10 seconds pass
(yeah, i’ll head over right now.)
you walk over to the tree. you walk out the doors and see jaemin standing by it. you relax yourself and walk up to him.
“hey daisy” jaemin says
“so yesterday i apologize for what i have done.”
“it’s okay-“ jaemin rubs it off thinking this is a rejection 
“but i’m not sorry.”
jaemin looks at you and you look at him. jaemin is in silence for a second but then talks 
“so, yesterday was real feelings.”
you look to the side
“i’m sorry that i confessed this way but i actually meant to confess this friday but yesterday happened-“
jaemin cups your face and kisses you. you are surprised but then you hold his neck. jaemin smiles in the kiss and you feel it which makes you smile. you break apart and you look at jaemin, and jaemin looks at you so sweetly.
“i’m sorry for not asking for permission to just kiss you like that.” jaemin says
“it’s only fair because yesterday i did the same things.” you smile
jaemin laughs and you laugh. you share laughs and you both realize that you two are in love.
haechan moves down his binoculars.
“knew it.” he smirks
he turns and walks, not aware of his surroundings. he bumps into renjun.
“oh sorry”
“what are you doing?”
haechan hides the binoculars behind him.
renjun laughs.
“you’re hiding something”
renjun goes to reach and haechan isn’t complaining. with renjun laughing and trying to grab the binoculars, haechan felt so happy. first time he’s been able to share a moment like this with renjun.
with a trip, haechan and renjun fall.
renjun holds himself above haechan. haechan’s looks up.
they make eye contact.
you walk though the door and are holding hands wiht jaemin. looking down you see the image.
“oh my!”
“i would have never guessed!”
renjun and haechan stand up and brush themselves off.
“what do you mean?” haechan furrows his eyebrows
“seemed like you two are a thing now”
renjun and haechan burn up.
in sync.
“no we’re not!”
looking at each other, they look back at us.
you with a smile, causes the two of them to excuse themselves.
you watch as they walk off.
“i think they are cute together”
“maybe” jaemin smiles.
you and jaemin walk down the halls. holding hands. (that will soon be a habit of the two of you)
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Thinking of You Always
“I’m back home love~”
Serim hears a squeal from behind the door of your room. He smiles, finding it always adorable when you welcome him home with open arms.
He drops the bag down at the door when the door of your room opens.
“MY SERIM!” You smile, so thrilled to see him.
“You are probably freezing love” You pick up your speed.
“Let me warm you up” You wrap your arms around him.
“I missed you handsome”
“I missed you more pretty~” Serim takes the opportunity to kiss your temple.
You smile.
“How was the event?” You break from the hug, but still hold his hand.
He sways your hands as he responds, looking at you with the warmest look.
“It was energy draining for sure, all I could think of was to return back home to you.”
You melt.
“Aw!~ You are literally so sweet! I would do the same” You hold his hands tighter.
Serim rubs your hand with his thumb, comforting you.
“And while I was heading home, I was thinking about you so much I went around into some shops.”
Your heart beats fast.
Serim bends down to grab the present.
“I got you something.”
You look at him, not saying anything. Just taking in this moment, the way he looks, the time and place, and the thought.
“Daisy?” he teases, knowing already you are very touched.
“SERIM!” you whine, hugging him without wanting to grab the present.
Serim laughs in your ear, which is like music to your ears.
“Love,” you hold him in front of you. (He looks breathtaking, but you keep your composure,)
He raises his eyebrows with a matching smile to make your heart go crazy.
“You are all I want and I ask for, you are enough for me.”
“But I know you’ll like this”
He holds the present for you again. You look away, still emotional.
Serim laughs, and holds you close to kiss your cheek.
"Here," He moves you in front of him so you can open it properly.
You take the present and take out the gift inside. You felt the soft material before you brought it up to see.
A soft cozy winter blanket.
You look at Serim, his smile shows he's prepared to say something.
"There's more.."
You look in and see an old movie you and Serim used to watch. It gave you the biggest smile.
"Serim, this is so thoughtful."
"And one more," he smiles, satisfied at your reaction already.
"Three gifts? This is-"
Serim steals a kiss. Catching you off guard, you cover your mouth.
"I want to cuddle and watch this movie with you."
Heart eyes for serim at this moment, you kiss him back as you say in his mouth "I love you."
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
words sounded so coldly and harshly as they left your lips, like the rain that poured outside. As you looked at him, the pain only intensified. Your words wounded him, and you felt you could say more, but you knew you had nothing left. “don’t hesitate to correct” your brain argues with your body, yet your stiff; no movement and no sign of any soon.
the slience is what drove you crazy. you stood with him, not being able to utter anything, and counted mentally until he would say something.
1 2 3 4 5
“you can choose your own path, but it’s not going to end up your way. the way you want it to.”
“who are you to predict my future” as if someone used your body to speak, you spoke a foreign rage. you lower your tone looking at him, but his eye spoke harsher than before.
“because i want to change this direction. i wanna be with you on that separate path. or else i’ll never love any one else as i watch you leave.”
“i..” stunned, you are stunned by his confession reveal. just as you he’s been keep his attraction of you far but close, forming crushes on each other secretly at the new year’s party.
“i understand-“
“please don’t understand. don’t get to know me i..” shaking heart, hands and legs you sob uncontrollably. the tears run down your cheeks without a indication of stopping. unable to quit it, you become focused to wipe away the tears but a warm hand had already beat you there.
up pressed against your skin, his hand pet your cheeks. not at all alarmed or bothered by your water works. how do you feel? how do you move on? how do you not look so desperate as he stares into you?
a chuckle breaks from his small grin he hid, you can’t deny, you jumped a little (worrying if he had read your thoughts).
“take your time-“
“stop be generous i am wasting your time,” you giggle but your heart bleeds, knowing you are indeed wasting his time. this argument, this situation could have been avoided ways back when he first invited a confession but because of your wimpish flight mode.. you dragged this longer. extending a book that was beautiful laid out to have a perfect ending.
but this isn’t a fairytale, you need to fix your fault.
“i promise you, this fight will go on no more.”
“we are fighting” he attempts to lighten the mood but the lighting roars to put him back in place. your attention grabbing him as your eyes waver across his features.
“you are excellent. you are a joy. everything you do is correct and well done. my only, and last question is why,” you take a needed inhale.
“why me?”
almost like you injured him, he is on his feet. his hand reaches out to your shoulder, for his words to be communicated but also received.
“never ask that again. you are the reason i am excellent, i strive to be excellent for you. you are the reason im a joy, i never got rid of the joy you gave me that night.” you sob, smiling like a fool as his confession rips your heart. you hate your self for delaying this moment.  
he continues smiling as he feels your love through your gaze“everything i do his correct done said completed because i want to be with you.”
like a strings attached to you, your body guide into him swiftly. an embrace that felt warm, cozy, and safe. a smell that drowned your senses straight away. clothes that had history on it. you begin to cry as you realize.. his sweater is from that night.
“i hope those are happy tears” he rubs your head ever so kindly, taking care of you.
“i adore you” you speak up.
“i love you.”
like he has waited for this, you could feel his smirk as he spoke those words.
you hold his in front of you.
“say it again” you sniff, your heart pumping.
“i love-“
“i love you” your hands cling to him, calling him at once to meet your lips.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
No Boundaries
He tenderly embraces your waist, his fingers are kept close proximity to your hips as you swayed gracefully on the ballroom floor together.
He gently tapped your waist to secure your attention, his lips pressed together; halted with words that wanted to be said.
“Yes?” you let out with a question. 
“May I ask you something?” The words whispered out of his mouth in the softest way. 
“Of course.” you nod once.
“i’ve always liked you, and one day i’ll still like you but begin start to loving you.” He said with an endearing blush.
“if you allow me to..”  A gentle smile appears, displaying his blush.
You feel a laugh escaping from your lips, you look away to flush and his eyes follow you, troubled.
You look back, seeing he's all uptight. Being cute after confessing.
“I’ll allow you to,” “but” 
"how will I know you're in love with me?"
He presses your forehead to his, looking into your eyes, trying to convey the depth of what you feel for him.
“My love for you knows no boundaries,” 
“If I could I would spend every second of forever and eternity finding new ways to show you my devotion and admiration. I would do anything and everything just to spend a minute more with you.” 
“and i won’t be happy, unless your happy.” 
“Well, when you put it like that,” you move your hand to grip his vest, holding the material well to yank him towards you.
Your heart is beating so fast that you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. His face is so close; you can feel his breath on your skin. Smiling softly, you dust away all remaining doubts as you move in and whisper "I love you" against his lips.
“i love you more” he gasps against your lips, taking you in closer than before. you assumed this was the closest you could be but when his lips were sent into yours, you swear you became fused together. what was two, became one.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Even now that we are on different paths, I can’t get him out of my head. just the glance of those pretty lips of his… Remind me of our first kiss.
College fundraiser*
“I am aware this isn’t an ideal confession spot-”
“I could not care less” your eyes twinkle in the moonlight.
He takes a moment to look at you, your body language comfortable with him. He feels like he can be casual too. Yet, his casual is enticing.
“In a good way or bad way?”
A scoff escapes your throat, inviting sudden annoyance to this handsome boy. 
“What do you think?” you coldly reply.
“Well your tone sounds positive, but those eyes..” his voice becomes timid.
Your eyes looking into his.
“Those eyes..” a smirk grows on his lips. (ZIDAFIOWAO)
“What about my eyes?”
“They’re gorgeous..” his lip dropped, and his eyes fluttered as his eyes switch between yours.
He takes time to get to know your eyes because he finds them enchanting.
You look away, covering your mouth that could stop grinning wide.
“You’re words are too sweet.”
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Caught in A Spiderlove
you return home from a long day of work and you take off your bag and throw it in the floor like it’s nothing.
you run to your bed and lay. you melt on the bed and you sit up. you hear a knock on the window you look over and see spider man.
you smile as you boost up to open the doors. spider man enters and you smile uncontrollably.
“where have you been?“
“gone too long”
spider man scoops you up and you break into a laugh. he takes of him mask and you see the handsome smile you melt for.
“i missed you”
“not more than me”
jaemin pecks your lips. and you giggle.
“you really did miss me, you are really lovey today”
“am i not lovely enough?”
“am i not my love?“
jaemin says muffled as he kisses your neck and then your cheek. you giggle.
“no you are i just want to tease you”
“oh my gosh”
you laugh and jaemin goes closer to you, you know he want to kiss but he is such a sweetie that he always asks.
“may i kiss you?”
“go ahead”
jaemin wraps his arms around your back and passionately kisses you. he smiles in the kiss and you feel it. you kiss for what seems like forever but it just like 10 seconds. jaemin breaks and your still wanting to kiss more.
jaemin sits you in the bed as he grabs his mask again.
“why?” you exposed yourself
jaemin looks at you and breaks into a smirk.
“why what?” he asks, even though he knows what
“that um..” you stutter
“you want to kiss longer?”
“well you know what they say”
“candy must not be eaten all at once”
you blush and jaemin kisses your cheek as he puts his mask back on.
“our lips will meet again”
“i’ll be back love”
you run to the balcony and see jaemin fly.
“JAEMIN!” you blush
you cover your mouth after accidentally yelling his name.
you return back in and your run to your bed.
you freak out that he kisses you so sweet and loves you so much. you kick your legs in love.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Wanting A Cuddle
You and Jaemin settle down in your apartment and Jaemin lays on the bed. You sit beside him on the sofa and sit on your phones. Jaemin gets bored and without any notice he pretends to sleep. He lays for a bit and you sit without doing anything. Jaemin still remains fake asleep and checks every so often if you see him while squinting. You sit up from the seat and Jaemin closes his eyes immediately. You walk out of the room and close the door on your way out. Jaemin squints to look and sees you gone. He scoffs.
“I want to lay with her, but she’s not noticing.” he mumbles.
Jaemin turns with his arms crossed, and looks at the sofa for a second. He immediately melts and lays back on his back.
“I'm not mad at daisy.” “I'm just trying to get her to lay with me.”
Jaemin looks at the ceiling and hears footsteps. Jaemin immediately closes his eyes and listens to you coming in. You walk in with quiet footsteps and grab your phone and leave with it sounding like you stayed in the room. Jaemin squints and looks at the sofa, and to his surprise you're not there. He looks at the door offended. Jaemin sits for a moment, drowned from sound because of his thoughts.
Minutes pass and Jaemin stands up from the bed. He reaches for the door and opens and sees you walking to the door with a breakfast table for him. You look at him and he looks at you. It seems like you are looking at each other forever when you break the silence.
“I was just coming to wake you up with breakfast-“ as you say that Jaemin takes the tray and places it on a table on the side of the door. Jaemin looks at you again and kisses you on the lips and hugs you tight. You are shocked but loving his affection. After you both kiss, you depart and hold each other close.
“I thought you didn’t realize I was asleep.” Jaemin says while scoffing
“I realized quickly and took cute photos of you.” You say, proud of your antics.
Jaemin holds you back in a hug and rubs his head against yours.
“your too much~” he says in a whiny tone.
you smile uncontrollably and hug him with a happy sigh.
“Your food might get cold” you say on the edge of his chest.
“okay, i’ll eat it now” he smiles.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Kitchen Kiss
as you prepare small foods for the picnic bag, you sat jungwoo down to listen to your recent school drama.
jungwoo sits in front of you, listening closely as she assembles a pb&j
“oh and don’t get me started on her ex, like from hearing those nasty things about him..” you places a grape in her mouth “I already established he would be my number one on my purge list.” you shakes her head in disgust.
he smiles softly, and is snapped at moments later.
“did you hear what I said?” you placed down her hands on the cutting board.
jungwoo can feel his hands get sweaty. now realizing he wasn’t paying full attention to your words.
“sorry,” he clears his throat, embarrassed.
“could you say it again?”
“you weren’t listening?” the tone in your voice was obvious of pain.
“no i was,” jungwoo straightened. meeting your eyes.
her eyebrows lifted as a (?)
“i was distracted by your voice.” he lowers his gaze.
some seconds go on without another word from jungwoo looks up, worried.
you are touching your cheeks, your eyes darting all over.
“hon?” jungwoo stands up and goes to your side. seems to him your resisting looking at him.
jungwoo holds your chin to him, and sees your cheeks are bright pink.
“you’re blushing..” jungwoo announced as if you weren't already aware.
“because of you. it’s your fault” 
“my fault?”
“you can’t just compliment me when I’m not prepared”
“well, how would I know if you are prepared” he grins, seeing you being serious/defensive.
“well..” you trail and then are surprised by a kiss on your cheekbone.
you looks at him.
“i like seeing you blush” his hands move to hold your face.
“it’s adorable” 
you burn up and brought into a comfortable embrace with jungwoo. his chin rests on your head as he smiles.
“i love you” 
“i love you too.” you except his hug, rubbing his back ever so softly.
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jungwooarchives · 1 year
Ball of Mysteries
you rest your arms on the railing of the stairs that lead to the dining area. you sigh while you watch other princes and princesses dancing and falling in love. 
you spot a young man peeking around the castle, almost like he’s looking for someone. your eyes are glued to him but you stop yourself from getting ahead of yourself, in case it would be someone that you don’t long for.
the young prince finds the person he had been looking for and brings them to the pillars to talk. you couldn’t help yourself from looking at this mysterious figure. 
you slowly walk down to the center of the dance floor and look at the young man one last time before you are taken by another prince, who seemed to be waiting for you. you look at the prince and from the eyes of this prince, you knew you couldn’t stop yourself from blushing.
“you've danced with everyone here except me.”
“my apologies i- i took a rest.”
the prince chuckles
“many eyes of princes have looked toward you as if you are the princess of their fairy tale.”
“and I'm guessing that you're doing this to make them envious, and not for your sake..” you deliver it in a snarky tone, accidentally.
“who said I wasn't one of those princes?”
your heart beats quickly and you swallow your breath
“why thank you, dear prince lee, I’ve yet to tell you that-“ and right as you blink, jeno is dragged away and you see him being dragged. you reach your hand out and another hand grabs your hand and interlocks fingers. you see in front of you, the mystery prince.
“care to dance with me?”
you're taken back by his presence and you take a second to respond. At that moment, you forget about jeno and it seems like you're in love with this young prince.
“I can’t- dance,” “i may just make a fool out of myself-“
the prince smirks
“do you mind if we try to dance a little?”
“okay, I suppose.”
you begin to slow dance but as the tempo picks up your feet have a mind of its own. as you dance, your foot lands on the prince's toes and he stops. 
“my foot-“
“oh no! my apologies dear prince, i didn’t mean to hurt you.” “Are you okay to still dance?”
he scoffs and smirks “I can dance with you even if my toe might have broken.” “Nothing can ruin this moment.”
after, the prince seems to be more into the dancing than you, and as you both dance together you both tend to look into each other eyes and smile unconditionally. you feel your ears being drowned by music causing you to feel the dance and dance as if you’ll never again. the prince seems content and goes along with you.
you both stop with the music and stare into each other’s eyes. your heart beating fast, you grab the prince's hand and drag him to a place where both of you can talk. 
“you could meet the love of your life tonight and not even realize it.” he says while looking at you
“I think I have already found the ‘one’.” you say as you move closer to him.
“how early is it to leave with you?” he says while he holds your waist
“at this moment, I'd leave faster than you could respond.” you finally hold his face and kiss him. He immediately grabs your face and you both let out your feelings that you kept quiet.
you both depart and giggle.
“now, this kiss would be better if we didn’t have the masks on.”
the prince hesitates but takes off his mask and both of you stay in silence. 
“Jaemin. I had no idea that you were-“
“well, I knew exactly who you were,” he says with a smirk and clashes his lips with yours, and holds you tight. your heart beats fast even after knowing that your enemy is the one you fell in love with.
you both depart from each other’s lips and look at each other’s eyes for a moment. you immediately look to the side and scoff.
“I don't know whether I should be upset or satisfied.”
Jaemin smirks yet again
“I'm more than satisfied.”
you look at him and then gasp. Jaemin immediately grabs you
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“I'm realizing that I've fallen in love with my enemy.”
“and whom is that?” Jaemin asks innocently
you look at him unimpressed
“who else has stolen my heart with a tender kiss?”
Jaemin stands for a moment and actually thinks hard
“It’s you Jaemin, and you're lucky I’m in love with you.”
Jaemin smirks and says
“I knew exactly but I just wanted you to say it.”
he says and after you look at him.
“something wrong-“
“did I offend you? I’m sorry Y/n i’ll try better to be the love of your life-“
you kiss him in an attempt to shut him up. you look back at him and he’s quiet
“stop talking or I’m going to kiss you.” “again.”
Jaemin smirks
“well what if i talk and talk and talk forever so i can get a-“
you glare at him and after, he apologizes but that causes you to smirk.
you look out the doorway you walked into and you see that your view is filled with people and there would be no way you two could get out safely.
“Jaemin, you’ll have to follow my lead if we want to get out of the party.”
Jaemin holds your hand as if it doesn’t bother him. you slightly blush but then you examine the pathways you two could go. you both put on your masks and quickly walk out. you cover your eyes from seeing anyone and walk past surrounding guests. you two make it through another tall doorway and when you see the coast is clear, you run as if you are not wearing high heels at the moment.
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