#junhao fluff
mjanelupinblack · 4 months
starving creatures | chapter three🖤
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pairing: xu minghao x reader // jun x reader (mainly lol)
description: starving creatures have arrived at your homeland in forks. little do you know, they not only intend to drain the blood out of you... they'll also to break your heart in two.
genres: slowburn (please bare with me), fluff, angst, vampire!au, ceramist!hao
warnings: blood drinking, lot of blood related themes, repressed emotions, family issues, miscommunication, kinda toxic friendship with cheol? blood and smut will be mixed. emotionally and physically starved vampires oops. did i mentioned blood?
minors dni!!!
fic playlist
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He’s never been easily forgiving. And even if he was, the events after his transition couldn’t possibly be ignored like he was ignoring them. Joshua remembers it with such clarity—a young student with big dreams suddenly crushed by the weight of a life that wouldn’t find death. The morning after the attack, a maddening hunger made Vernon lock himself in a room for days. He made him swear not to let him go out until his appetite would miraculously vanish –which, of course, didn’t happened.
Joshua agreed to his terms, even though he knew they were sadic and unrealistic. With his bare hands, he tore apart the neck of a hen. He dampened his friend’s lips with some fresh blood and saw the color gradually abandon his face. Three days passed like this. Vernon grew more irrational and aggressive until Joshua understood he was stupidly trying to starve himself to death. He knew too well that the first thirst wouldn’t just go away with some stinky animal waste. So he got his hands dirty. He took the life Vernon refused to steal and fed the blood to his friend.
Vernon still punishes himself about it. And Joshua is still trying to convince himself that the person he attacked from the back would understand, if only he knew how desperate he felt in that moment.
In Vernon, he had found a companion. A friend for a life sentence he thought he would be serving alone. Should he feel grateful or enraged at Boo Yejin and his perverse brother? While he arrives at the Boo residence, he tries to get rid of all the conflictive thoughts he knows Seungkwan will read through like a kid’s book.
He knocks on the door like a civilized person. His fists are hidden at his back, clenched so hard that pain almost numbs his senses. If only he were strong enough, he wouldn’t hesitate to smash his way to the hallway. A servant asks for his name and, after checking with the master, reluctantly invites him to wait in the foyer.
The carpets are crimson red. There are no beams of natural light passing through the dense curtains. His childhood home used to have the same chandelier that is now hanging over his head. It has thick branches and crystal tears. And his stomach turns at the experience of revisiting the past without a warning.
“Took you long enough,” Seungkwan says, after a few minutes of letting his rage brew in the entrance. He is dressed pretty uncomfortably. An elegance no one would consider to carry at his own house. “I see this bloodsucking life suited you well enough. You look different from the student we cornered at the library”.
“Don’t you look into your enemies?” Joshua asks. “It’s hard to believe you’re oblivious to every trace of his face.”
“Enemies?” Seungkwan snorts. “Your pig-fed family is no enemy to me. If you think about it, a wolf doesn’t see a lamb as much of a danger. But for the lamb, well… the wolf is a significant threat.”
“Why did you send the mirror to my house?” Joshua asks, trying to ease his anger so he won’t lose himself in Seungkwan’s twisted game. “You thought it would be fun to mock us? You weren’t even capable of bringing the mirror by yourself. You had the girl doing all your dirty work.”
“She offered when I told her. She is very helpful, like a housewife but you don’t have to pay nor marry her,” he says that in a disdainful way “In response to your question, no. We weren’t trying to mock you. What you were given is a relic and an honor, even though you’re too ignorant to see it.”
“An honor?” Joshua asks, taken aback by the audacity of the statement. “Why would you want to honor us? You don’t even respect us.”
Boo Seungkwan and his family's contempt for animal-fed nocturnals is not a secret well kept.
“I was hoping to make amends.”
Joshua laughs. If Seungkwan was really hoping to reconcile, the making up of his wrongdoings would take a lot more effort than an old mirror.
“A hundred years have passed. One would assume your friend grew accustomed to this.”
He 's wrong. Vernon never got used to this life, he just went with it.
“Never contact us again.”
“Wait,” Seungkwan insists. And he grimaces at the bitter taste of having to plead someone so inferior to him. “Walk around town. Take your made up family with you and watch how you don't get turned into dust the instant you leave the house. Let all of that sink and ask yourself how hard it's going to be to abandon that ten, maybe fifteen years from now. Then come back."
“What are you…?”
“Agnes!” Seungkwan abruptly cuts his sentence. “Please, escort him out.”
You can’t stop thinking about Minghao. The cold wind bites the end of your feet, and even though the weather slaps your face with constant reality checks, the thought of him insists on spinning around your head. Like you had been bewitched.
Autumn is coming. You and the guys decided to go downtown to handle flyers for the Harvest Moon Festival, an annual event organized by the state cultural committee, also known as Seungcheol’s brother, Wonwoo. Of course Hoshi took advantage of the situation and spread the word of the party he would be throwing Saturday night without the permission of his parents. You don’t know half of the people he invited. You wonder whether Minghao would want to join the party. Of course your friends won’t invite him but, if they did, would he want to be there?
Something tells you he wouldn’t. Something tells you he’d rather stay home among brushes and wine and clay. You wonder how ridiculous he would think you are if he could get into your head and find out you think of him so deeply.
Next time you see Jun, you want to ask him so many questions about his brother. Like how old he is or what movies he likes to watch when the weather is too foggy and rainy. Jun does seem to be able to read your mind, so you try to dispel the thoughts before you end up ruining your auntie’s business because of a stupid infatuation.
“Will Professor Han be doing his weird representation of the Spirit of Autumn again?” Dino asks, while absentmindedly handing out pamphlets to random passersby.
“Much to our disgrace,” Seungcheol says. “I tried to convince Wonwoo to not let him. But he said he’s got some important shit to say.”
“Important?” You ask. “Last year he said to watch out for a fairy infestation.”
Your friend Dino scratches his nose while Seungcheol charmingly smiles at the tall blond girl he handed his last pamphlet to.
“He’s an old man and a frustrated storyteller,” he tells you. “The least we can do is bare with him.”
“He told me I was going to sprint my ankle last year and I did,” Soonyoung adds. “Thinking ‘bout throwing him an invite to the party.”
You laugh at your friend's joke. Then he forgets his pamphlet-handling duty and tries to seriously convince you about how awesome it would be to have Professor Han come to his house with lots of tequila shots at his disposal. You laugh until you can’t find the stomach to keep doing so anymore. It feels like air has been sucked out of your lungs when you see Minghao a couple of steps from you, smoking a cigarette.
Fortunately his brother is sharing the cigarette with him, equally intimidating but you’ve grown accustomed to the weight of his presence. He glances your way, almost as if he detected your doubtful glare the second you placed it in the cloud of smoke they are breathing. You must say hi. But Minghao looks like he’s been taken right out of a painting.
You’re about to greet them when your best friend grabs you by the arm.
“C’mon, t/n, let’s grab a milkshake,” he says as he abruptly diverts you from your neighbors’ pathway.
Before you lose sight of them, you can see Jun nodding at your friend with a smug, almost provocative smile. Minghao simply looks at you two, stone cold.
“What the hell, Cheol?” You ask when you arrive at the cafeteria. The cashier looks at your friend like he’s a boyfriend in a tight spot.
“What do you mean?” He asks obnoxiously, just before ordering for two oat milk lattes.
“Don’t play dumb,” you say. Or maybe at this point you're begging. “We’re not like this.”
You're not quite sure what changed, but the fluctuations in Seungcheol’s character became evident shortly after he turned the sweet age of eighteen. His shoulders are always stiff. The only way for him to loosen up is by downing a full package of beer. Most times he forgets his promises and the worst part is, he won't talk to you about it. He rather party it off and call it for the night.
It shocked you when he called from Sweden to tell you he had traveled unexpectedly.
“Don’t act like I didn’t do you a favor,” he tells you. “You said you didn’t like them.”
“Yeah. There was no need for being rude though,” silence falls between the two of you until the cashier hands him your drinks. “I'm going to apologize.”
“T/n, wait…”
“Hoshi can have the latte.”
There you go, running away from the cafeteria like you run away from home each time shit gets too hard to handle. You love Hoshi; he’s a good friend to you. Yet there’s hatred in the words you spit at Seungcheol. Maybe you shouldn't blame your friend for his poor coping mechanisms. Who told you yours were better to begin with?
“Running away from Prince Charming?” Jun teases you from behind. He takes you by surprise, like an always attentive wolf with his favorite deer for hunting.
“Shut up,” You say, turning to him and realizing your tone could’ve been nicer. “Fuck, sorry Jun. It’s just… I’m not in the best good mood.”
His self-satisfied smile turns into a concerned gesture.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to be nice to me because my family is your client,” Jun says. “You can tell me if I’m being an asshole.”
“You’re not an asshole,” you laugh. “Just annoying… at the very worst possible time.”
“Maybe we can share a drink and talk about the appropriate and non-so appropriate moments to annoy you,” He offers. “I’m afraid my brother won’t be able to join us.”
You arch an eyebrow. What a devilish vestige for the angelical figure of his brother.
“Sorry,” he apologizes this time. “I guess the timing was wrong for that too.”
Minghao got turned into a nocturnal creature a hundred years ago. One must say he did it by own choice, except Jun’s recklessness didn’t make the decision feel like a matter of volition at all.
It had been a beautiful night; lively with intense candlelights and people dancing and chatting to the sultry melody of a saxophone. Minghao had attended Jeonghan's gathering in hopes of releasing the tension work had left on his back. A girl asked him about his job and he would have confessed his hatred for nursing if it wasn’t for the unexpected arrival of Junhui.
Four years younger and not mature enough to take no for an answer.
“What on earth are you doing here?” He had inquired. The girl, still peering over his shoulder in hopes for him to resolve his problem fast.
“I was invited. Hard to believe?”
“Han said you could come, he didn’t invite them. Why you have to act like such a kid all the time?"
“They’re my friends even if you don’t fucking like them, alright?” he blurted, cheeks turning red from the blood that was still circulating through his veins. “I swear if you get to know them…”
“They're older than you. They’re always wrapped in some shit. There’s nothing else.”
Minghao’s own temperature was beginning to rise at a slow but certain pace. Not only were his words true but the group had embraced Jun as a puppet for them to handle at their own pleasure.
Some wine? Jun could bring it. A party they hadn’t got an invite to? They would sneak out with the kid.
“I’ll kick them out myself.”
“Wait!” Jun had stopped him by the arm, fear draining the color from his face. “Let me do it.”
It was a mistake to let him go like that. He knows it now, forty years have passed, and he got the chance to memorize that evening like a hateful poem. He reproduces it in his dreams. Sometimes, he even tries to change it. Each word is cruel and it sticks to his mind like tick legs that are just impossible to rip off. Jun’s friends weren’t friendly. Apparently they had forgotten what humanity was like, just like the Boo Family had when they beat the shit out of Vernon and force him into eternity without him doing nothing to earn it.
Minghao had read about it in Vernon’s diary; midnight, late night studying and the clock ticking amid the silent of the empty library. Boo Yejin had sent his brothers to ambush Vernon for his poor decision of not choosing her love over his studies. If only he had gifted her with a pinch of his affection… then, he wouldn’t be here. Alive and suffering.
Minghao wakes up panting on the sofa. If his heart was still beating, it certainly would be sticking out of his chest. He’s home, luckily. So the initial confusion fades away pretty quickly. Like today, the majority of his nightmares are about his brother and his friends. Their stories always terrify him because they weren’t given the chance to choose or refuse this life. They were just thrown into it.
His shirt is soaked in sweat; his face is hot and throbbing and there’s a reddened hand diligently squeezing his own. It feels soft; so soft he could easily crush it with a little more pressure. It’s also warm and gentle. He has to force himself to let go because, in such a long time, he hasn’t allowed himself to feel such tenderness.
He doesn’t deserve it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you tell him in a soothing voice. You’re wearing a raincoat. A crimson red raincoat. “You’re fine. Your family is fine. Everything’s okay now.”
“Where 's Jun?”
“We found you screaming when we got here,” you explain. “Your brother went to find Joshua. We tried waking you up, but nothing worked and you scared the shit out of us... You had a nightmare or sleep paralysis, I’m not sure. It must have been terrifying. All the things you said…”
“What did I say?”
Minghao's voice carries a sense of worry –not only had he dreamt about his brother. The taste of your blood had also been a recurring theme in his dreams.
“Just Vernon and Jun’s name... And something about them to please don’t hurt them.”
A beautiful full moon outshines the stars through the window. It pierces Minghao’s sight like the blade of the sun when the day is too bright to handle.
He had withdrawn from your touch. He didn’t want you to lay a hand on him, yet there was something about the tightness of his body and the shivering of his lips that made you feel profoundly sad when you looked at him.
That something was the need to be held. You could see it in his eyes; a skin starvation that had him rotting instead of living. The craving for a gentle touch.
The feeling leads you to briefly comb his hair with the hem of your fingers, affectionate but not too much. Loving but not too intimate. And you must have been right because as you caress him, your neighbor closes his eyes. His lips, so red like he had just bitten a strawberry.
He has to stop you, but he can’t. You need to go home, but you can’t stop brushing your fingers through the strands of his snow white hair.
The texture tricks you into believing you’re caressing the soft fur of a lamb. But what if it’s just a facade? What if he’s truly a predator?
Seungcheol wouldn’t trust him.
“Sorry,” you say in a faint voice. “I have to go. If you feel better I will just…” it physically pains you to remove your hand from his hair. “My aunt has to take her meds,” Why are you escaping? Is little red riding hood scared to be hunted by the wolf? “I left some chamomile tea in the kitchen. You should have some. It’s good for the nerves.”
“I will,” he says. But all that occupies his mind is the desperate, almost childlike need for five more seconds of your time. Chamomile won’t do anything for him when his fangs hurt inside his mouth. They will tear his skin open if he keeps pushing them back. “Thank you.”
You smile faintly. Your lips form a curve that’s meant to be as friendly as possible, but you want to touch him again.
You need to feel him as much as he needs to feel you.
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Taglist 🖤 @90s-belladonna @milopenne @angel-ishere @cheiyoma @hipsdofangirl @hayleyfields33 @sojuxxi
masterlist | next chapter
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rollingubeomgyu · 9 months
FLIGHT 231218 : rollingubeomgyu ⋆ ★
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hello everyone! i am finally opening my account as a writing blog and i will try to start officially writing! my old works are NOT going to be archived since idk.. they were a social experiment..? ANYHOW! WELCOME TO MY INTRO! i'm ren, a filipino artist, writer, voice actor, and stan of a lot of things! my timezone is gmt+8 and school is an asshole so maybe i might update slowly.. (never posted that akaashi fanfic lol, i forgot about the plot) my number one skill is procrastinating! if not writing. i guess. HAHAHAHA. anyway.. I WILL MAINLY BE WRITING FOR. . . [x reader or oc] & [ships] may include: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, slight suggestive but no smut. > haikyuu!! > kpop including , , , seventeen, tomorrow x together, enhypen and astro > genshin impact and... not only that, but i accept requests! just go to my requests/inbox and you can drop anything there! like anything, like any side stories to oneshots i'll write, or ideas, or just hang by! doesn't need to be a request :) also yes, i will take anons for this account and i actually don't.. request on other people's pages so you'll just find me here. i'm very sneaky as a reader.
[fun fact though, i've been a technoblade fangirl for 3-4 years already, crazy, right? RIP :') i love people who still write for him (to honor his memory) and maybe you'll see a techno fic here. idk. ] probably won't see me writing. . . > anything nsfw, incest, lolicon, noncon, etc. > marvel I HAVE REASONS OKAY I'M NOT AS EDUCATED AS @siennafrxst when it comes to the topic and I DON'T WANNA BUTCHER YOUR FAVS anyway visit her account > anything illegal bruh please 😂🫵
SEE YOU GUYS AROUND! —  all rights reserved to rollingubeomgyu. 2024
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kkami-writes · 11 months
waiting for us — masterlist pt 2: electric boogaloo
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pairing. OT8 x fem!reader synopsis. At age 16 you either get your soul mark (in the form of your soulmates name somewhere on your body) or you become a blank, someone who doesn't have a soulmate. You've long lost any semblance of hope or comfort in the magic of soulmates, despite the fact that you have 8 of them. genre. soulmate!au, college!au, social media!au + written parts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut cw. swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendos, skz should be in horny jail, eventual smut (MDNI), domestic abuse, sexual assault/harassment, implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal tendencies/thoughts, implied/referenced past suicide attempt, male x male relationships (skz are soulmates), polyamory, kms/kys jokes, mentions of homophobia + transphobia, lots of written parts, reader is really bad at feelings, ulzzang pics (this is more so to focus on the fashion), appearance of junhao, yeji and hyunjin are siblings, more to be added wanna support my work? consider buying me a coffee.
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go back to masterlist part one. Chapter forty one. sunset Chapter forty two. ferret coded Chapter fourty three. more rumours Chapter forty three point five. a talk w/ hyune Chapter forty four. to nationals Chapter forty five. andong Chapter forty six. moonlight (s) Chapter forty seven. congrats on the sex Chapter forty eight. concern Chapter forty nine. afterparty Chapter fifty. +8 Chapter fifty one. the wedding (s) Chapter fifty two. jypapi Chapter fifty three. the thread Chapter fifty four. waiting for us Chapter fifty four point five. threats Chapter fifty five. time skip Chapter fifty six. silence bottom Chapter fifty seven. showcase prepChapter fifty eight. the winter showcase Chapter fifty nine. Chapter sixty.
bonus chapters: everyone's sexual preferences. thirst tweets. handsome boys. size boyfriend day! memes part one | part two alignment charts the bet of who's gonna kick mio's brothers ass.
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
Clutch || masterlist
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester @belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories
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kkumawrites · 1 year
Charmed! ➭ a seventeen social media au
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summary: After being homeschooled your entire life and sheltered by your protective older brothers, finally, your father has finally granted you some freedom. Now enrolled in a local community college, you’re excited to experience some normalcy and perhaps find some love along the way. Keeping the secret that you’re a witch from an incredibly powerful magic family doesn’t seem hard. But for some reason your powers seem to be out of control these days…. pairing: fem!reader x ??? , jeonghan x joshua, ??? x ???
cw/tags: magic!au, witch!au, college!au, social media!au, fluff, drama, some angst, romance, member x member, minor violence, cameo from a skz member, lots of swearing, jokes about unaliving, slow (?) burn, the occasional faceless ulzzang pic Started: 6/29/23! Status: ongoing! Taglist: Open! Sign up here.
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0. the lee coven | the boys 1. dibs on your ps5 2. whomst'd've 3. that wasn't very horanghae of you 4. auras and shit 5. I know your secret 6. three blind mice 7. couple goals 8. junhao shenanigans 9. the explosion 10. low blow 11. family heirloom ✎ 11.5. wrong chat 12. addicted 13. boba monster 14. something strange 15. the problem with potions ✎ 16. SOS 17. the marriage rule 17.5. it really be your own 18. crushes 19. ok I guess 20.
more coming soon. . .
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weird-bookworm · 1 year
a/n: been wanting to do this for a long time now, hopefully y'all will like it <3 i don't really do reader x member stuff though, so this'll just either be member x member ships or no romance at all 😅
pairing: jihancheol, junhao, verkwan
genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, romance (kinda), angst (?), mafia
warnings: slight mentions of non-graphic violence, illegal stuff obviously
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leader, for obvious reasons
hella protective over the guys, will kill for them
won't admit it, but also very soft for them
belonged to a family already involved with the mafia, knew the inner workings of an organisation like this since very young
unforgiving and unrelenting if he sets his mind on something, especially if that something is revenge
lost his parents to a rival mafia early on, was out for revenge when he stumbled across the members one by one, and that's how svt
came to be
did end up taking revenge, the rival gang doesn't exist anymore
helps in cleanup because muscles
worries about the others during missions but then tells himself that he's being stupid and everyone has had years of experience and there's no one he would rather trust
has known jeonghan and joshua since they were 14
is also very whipped for said men (and their puppy dog eyes)
ruthless, yes, but holds his member's opinions in high regards
often pretends he doesn't see the members going out of their way to take care of him after a rough day so they don't get embarrassed
once went MIA for a week
the group was in hysterics, there was chaos everywhere, some were worried, others were ready to kill, the mansion almost burned down at least 7 times, half of them were starving by the end of it because everyone was just so darn busy trying to find where he disappeared
jeonghan, jihoon and seungkwan almost lost their minds trying to bring order to the chaos (a near impossible task, let's be honest)
only for him to return later, very confused about the welcome he got (his members on top of him, most of them either already crying or on the verge of tears and a very angry jeonghan, seungcheol had never feared for his life more)
turns out he had left for a overseas meeting; it was sudden and he was urgently required in the middle of the night
in his defence, he had left a sticky note on the door of their bedroom, for maximum visibility, which no one had noticed somehow (you'd think they'd be good at this shit, being, y'know, mafia members)
he never let them live this down, but only after he made sure jeonghan and jihoon weren't going to murder him in his sleep
got scolded about forgetting his charger before going on the trip in retaliation (which is why he couldn't text or call them)
wonwoo threatened to replace his phone and give him a normal one instead of the non-traceable ones he made specially for the group
was reluctant at first, but warmed up to the idea of dating and is now in a poly relationship with jeonghan and joshua
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the seducer, again, for obvious reasons
looks like an angel and acts like one too, but only for the kids
can be really scary when he wants to be
the kids have a weird sense of respect for him and the way he gets shit done
can be surprisingly lazy
too good at mind games
knows how to crumble even the toughest person
has his fair share of bad days
needs cuddles all day long
will demand them like a baby
the members will then proceed to do some manly cuddling
ran away from home at the age of 13, but no one knows why, even his boyfriends
met seungcheol when he was 14 by chance in a convenience store, trying to swipe a loaf of bread under the cashier's nose while flirting with her
he gave him a place to stay and food to eat
that's when he knew he was in love
poor baby was very confused when he fell for joshua because he still definitely was in love with seungcheol
knows he is ethereal and uses the knowledge with the precision of a knife
low-key the mother of the groups, fusses over little things
also radiates chaotic gay energy 24/7
somehow even ropes the most responsible, calm members into doing some weird shit on a daily basis
has made it his personal mission to annoy the hell out of seungcheol and joshua
gets annoyed when it doesn't work and they just get fond instead
prefers knives and daggers over guns and has learned the art of swordfighting
has a hard time trusting someone new
got himself kidnapped in their early days
had gotten a little cocky at the consecutive successes they had been having and hadn't bothered to hide the knife properly
said knife stuck out like a sore thumb and a rival gang hadn't even waited long enough to let him get to where he was supposed to be before abducting him
was tortured with all kinds of punches and kicks
the torturer sadistically didn't hit his face
the group had to give a huge ransom for him
felt guilty for ages before vernon, surprisingly enough, slapped (literally) some sense into him
was so shocked he didn't even think about scolding the younger for hitting someone older than him
came to accept that mistakes happen
but is still careful on every mission now
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the 'undercover agent'
trained with jeonghan and jun
but works closely with seokmin and vernon
often infiltrates other gangs posing as a new recruit
a genius in disguises
can go from looking pretty to looking like a blotchy old man with a hump in no time and barely any special materials
loves posing as girls
flirts a lot as a girl
then renders his target unconscious to get the required information
because a lot of pervert gang leaders are actually stupid enough to take their one night stands to important places like their offices or bedrooms
if anyone was to ask him a memorable experience, he would tell them about the one time he had to switch disguises from an old bearded man to a pretty young lady
and how he forgot to take the beard off and had worn the bra the wrong way
he was supposed to be going for an interview for the secretary of the ceo
got a itch on his nose in the elevator and realised the beard was still on his face
was very glad that he was alone in the elevator
checked himself just in case and found he still had a flat chest
had to take off his blouse, put the bra back on properly
and then get dressed again, all in less than a minute
gave wonwoo hell because he hadn't warned him despite having eyes on every single camera in the building
only got a laugh in response
is weirdly obsessed with water
he and jeonghan make a pair to be reckoned with
poor seungcheol loses his mind on a daily basis with these two someone save him
gets homesick really easily
will spend ages talking with vernon in english when he feels so
a master ventroquelist
this unexpectedly has come in hand way too many times
his original dream was to be a preschool teacher
still questions how he ended up where he is on a near daily basis
doesn't regret it one bit though
a proper gentleman, but only when he isn't in the mood to do some crazy shit
which actually isn't that often
but god knows it's intense when it happens
obviously everything he ever plans he plans with jeonghan
and the target is always seungcheol
"the others don't lose their patience as quick as you, y'know, you're fun to tease"
*cue cheeky grin and getting chased by a mad cheol*
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more of a lure than a seducer, but prefers the latter term
way too confident
but only in his face
gets adorably flustered if someone compliments him on anything other than his face
a goofy lil shit
everyone will collectively unanimously agree that he is the group's weirdo
he won't even try to deny it
had a hard childhood, was attention and touch starved
his family went bankrupt and the first thing they did was "kick out the liability"
was working a part time job secretly though and decided to change countries
that's how jihoon stumbled upon him, on the street
revels in attention
top class humour
loves to act all coy and pretty and damsel-in-distress on missions
says it attracts people easily
only to go all 'i-am-an-expert-martial-artist-fear-me' on them
except it's not quite as funny as it sounds
because he is trained in all sorts of traditional martial arts
of most east asian and south-east asian countries
half of whose names the other members can't even pronounce
often worries the others by preferring to go into missions without any weapons
says it helps in maintaining the cover
which it certainly does
and that he doesn't need any weapons anyway
"i am a weapon"
(it's fine but only because it's jun 👀)
practises with minghao, who is not quite as trained as he is, but gets the job done
has insane stamina
once fought a small rival gang in hand to hand combat all by himself
flexible as fuck
makes too many dirty jokes about it
(must be the only idiot to actually make dirty jokes about himself smh 😔)
sleight of hand
master pickpocket
steals from the members just for the fun of it
they don't even blink an eye when they find something missing, will simply go to his room and find whatever they are looking for on his dresser
is also somehow very forgetful
a babie
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the pyromaniac
prefers to be called the entertainer of the group though
had a weird penchant for fire when he started
once set fire to the headquarters of a small gang
really liked doing that
so they gave him asked him to work with seungkwan and chan
and make bombs and fire guns of all sorts
is also weirdly obsessed with tigers
(but don't we all know that already 😩)
one of the few members who uses an alias in the mafia world
has too much raging gemini energy
strangely intuitive when it comes to finding traitors
or the person responsible for committing whatever new atrocity svt is dealing with
hates wearing suits
but still enjoys how good and authoritative he looks in them
until he goes all crazy again
annoyingly loud
also annoyingly sweet
he and seokmin are sunshine in human form
almost has the same amount of weird energy as jun
they are the gemini twins after all
will either get on your nerves on a daily basis
or will convince you to help him get on someone else's nerves
very squishy
dramatic, but not in the drama queen way
just in the attention seeking way
doesn't really mean it, it just happens
is actually an introvert, but has a hard time believing it himself
most of everything he owns is tiger themed
even has a customised yellow gun with black stripes
they don't let him take it out though, so just uses it for practise in the headquarters
can and will steal the member's clothes and accessories
and will proceed to tease them about it
he doesn't know, but everyone is very fond (read:whipped) for him
even the younger members
because god knows he acts more like a maknae than the real maknae
has a fourth degree taekwondo black belt
also helps in cleanup
a surprising amount of things need burning after fights
can withstand a high amount of heat because of how used he is to it
another babie
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the tech guy
or as ned would say, the guy in the chair (im sorry i had to 🙈)
smarter then he looks
which is saying something because he already does look smart
nimble and quick fingers
has glasses, goes kinda blind without them
was a streamer before he joined
hence the affection to computers
still games, but doesn't stream anymore
a master at puzzles
works with chan for new projects, the younger is good at assembly while he handles the programming and electric part of everything
svt only ever uses the cctv cameras made by him
so they're never compromised
seldom joins the others for field work
becomes the guys' eyes and ears for most missions
one of the best hackers out there
also one of the quickest
the guys had a special basement made just for him
just in case someone manages to enter the headquarters
has a tinier but just as strong basement under his house too
for emergencies
only the 13 of them even know where to get to the basement (in the headquarters)
and he is the only one who knows the passcode required to enter
the room is absolutely filled with all things computer
was one of the first people to meet seungcheol and jihoon
they also forced him to learn hapkido when they met him
is a black belt now
practises with jun and minghao weekly
usually quite and reserved
his crazy side comes out rarely
but when it does, it comes in full force
his parents still think he works for an IT firm
said firm is actually a legitimate cover to the shady ongoings in svt
so he never really has troubles coming up with realistic stories
does help the employees there though
has his name stated in the official employees list
the other members either haven't noticed or don't care
because he probably hacked into the website to put his name there
an easy task considering he was the one who made it in the first place
once ate some dish with crab while giving instructions during a mission
threw up all over his brand new computer
demanded to know who ordered it
turns out it was him who accidentally clicked on the wrong dish while ordering
was sheepish
but still threw out the computer
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sub leader
seungcheol's right hand man
and his left hand man
and a lot more
is the entire group's reality check
enjoys more authority over the members than seungcheol does
but that's because they can't bully him like they do with seungcheol (some save him pt. ∞)
does a lot of jobs in the group
mainly helps in cleanup
also does the recruiting
made the entrance tests for people looking to join
designed them himself
while cheol decides what to do, he decides how to do it
did i mention he's actually cheol's cousin?
a very distant cousin
but a cousin nonetheless
his family had also always been involved in the mafia world
he ran away from home though
said it was too toxic
even for a literal criminal gang
still wanted to work in a mafia though
him and cheol had been close when they were younger
got to know about how the elder was planning to take revenge for his parents
was the one to convince him to actually form a proper gang before doing anything stupid
said he'd help
refused to be the leader
but agreed to have a position of importance
unnervingly good at predicting stuff
...all sorts of stuff
can usually tell the weather of the entire day early in the morning
but more often than not acts as a warning system to the guys on field
which is the entire reason he even accompanies them
they once went near an abandoned river to search for something
said they would find something even more precious
they found a small pouch filled with black opals
is the personification of 'i might be small but you're all still beneath me'
(i am inclined to agree ✊🏻)
actually a lil cutie though
not anywhere near as cold as he seems
might wanna read:
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animeniacss · 9 months
Seventeen Ship Fics Masterlist
Here will be any ship-based fanfiction I write. If this is your cup of tea, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!
If not, please feel free to check out my SVT Reader Fics here and here
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Key: ✔️- Completed ✏️- Work in Progress 1️⃣-One Shot 📗-Multi Chapter 💕-Romance 💢-Depictions of Violence 💍- Established Relationship 🍭- Fluff 💔 - Angst
GyuHao - I Have Another One - ✔️💕🍭1️⃣
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Synopsis: Minghao is stuck listening to the random pick-up lines of bored Mingyu as the last one in the cafe. However, despite his best efforts, he can't help but find them adorable.
Genre: Coffee!Shop AU, Barista!Gyu, Tsundere!Hao, Bad Pick-Up Lines, Flirting, Implied Relationship
Length: approx. 3.3k words
Read Here
Seoksoo/Kyeomshua - (im)perfect - Part 1 ✔️💕📗🍭💔
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Synopsis: Lee Seokmin likes a lot of things: karaoke, stuffed animals, his friends, his family (when they're not at each other's throats), and when things go according to plan. It's perfect that way. That is...until Joshua Hong, the Education Department TA, stumbles into his view one day and suddenly Seokmin has to start facing the fact that maybe not everything in life will be perfect...but with Joshua, that might just be ok.
Tags: College!AU, ActingMajor!Seokmin, Teacher!Joshua, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Side GyuCheol, Side JunHao, Side Verkwan, Other Idol appearances, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Domestic Violence (not between the main couple), Joshua is a dork 90% of the time, (More Tags will be Added as needed)
Length: approx. 130k
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20; Bonus
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horanghaejamjam · 2 years
Horanghae Chapter 5
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Story Summary: Everyone knows that Soonyoung loves tigers. The term Horanghae literally means “I tiger you”. Needless to say, the Seventeen members shouldn’t have been as surprised as they were the night he came home with a very timid white tiger curled against him.      
Chapter Summary: After a successful first day of getting to know the members, you’re more than ready for day two, at least with these two you kind of know what to expect. You also start to experience just how strong your bond is with the members.
Chapter Pairings: Joshua x White Tiger Hybrid Reader (First Half), Seungkwan x White Tiger Hybrid Reader (Second Half), Hoshi x Tiger Hybrid Reader
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 8.3k
Chapter Warnings: A very slightly suggestive moment with Joshua (reader ends up on his lap) but otherwise pure fluff and reader getting her first kiss(es)
AN: Thank you guys for your patience, the next chosen members were Seungkwan and Joshua. Once again I did try to keep them even but Seungkwan's part is a bit longer, I also got a bit carried away with the ending and Soonyoung. I do have a few ideas for who I wish to do next but I’ll also let you all decide. Would you rather see JunHao next or Wonwoo and Vernon?
This chapter is not beta read as I was eager to get it out to you guys and it’s like 7am when I finally post it. Please excuse any errors!
Previous Chapter . . . Next Chapter (TBA)
Horanghae Masterlist
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You were a bit surprised when you woke up by yourself the following morning instead of being shaken awake like what happened with Mingyu. Sitting up and rubbing your eyes, you looked around the room to see that Soonyoung was also already gone. The clock on your nightstand told you it was almost ten in the morning so it wasn’t like you had slept in much, though you assumed he probably had plans for the day. Casting your gaze back down to the nightstand, you perked up as you saw a brightly colored piece of paper tucked under the clock. Curious, you carefully grabbed the note and readjusted so that you could read it properly. 
‘I hope that you slept well! Once you wake up and have breakfast go ahead and meet me outside. I’ll be sitting on the patio by the backdoor.”
You were confused for a moment, though you quickly recognized the handwriting that belonged to Joshua. It was then that you remembered you had fallen asleep in the car with Jihoon and so you hadn’t known which two members you were supposed to spend the day with. They probably drew the names while you were asleep and just planned on having you find out when you woke up. The thought made you a bit nervous as you realized this meant you had no idea who you would spend the second part of the day with, but at least you could relax knowing Joshua was first. He was one of the members who had welcomed you eagerly and treated you like family from the moment you arrived, so needless to say you were excited to have some one-on-one time with him. With a gentle smile you set the note back down on the nightstand and quickly slid out of bed so you could get ready. You had no idea when he left that note for you but you did know that it was getting late and you didn’t want to keep him waiting for much longer. 
You made your way to the window and glanced outside briefly to check the weather. It had been pretty sunny for a majority of the week but it never hurt to double check just in case. Seeing that it was, indeed, bright outside, you decided to go similar to your outfit from the previous day with shorts and a simple t-shirt that had a tiger printed on it. Jeonghan had been the one to buy said shirt for you, gushing about how fitting it was and how cute you would look in it despite the argument that it was probably overkill. You didn’t really care too much about the design though since it was comfortable and it was a bit funny to wear a tiger shirt as a tiger so why not? Also you still had no idea what you and Joshua would be doing, or what you would be doing with the second member so you figured dressing in something you could move around in comfortably would be your best bet. You quickly finished getting ready and made your way down to the kitchen, passing Wonwoo and Seungcheol who were busy arguing over some video game they were playing. You only glanced at them momentarily before sneaking into the kitchen where you happened to run into Soonyoung and Jihoon. The mess of dishes in the sink and the way the boys were dressed told you that everyone had probably eaten already and they were likely getting ready to go somewhere. Judging by the laptop bag that was hanging over the shorter male's shoulder, you could guess that they were probably about to head to the studio. It was Soonyoung who noticed your presence first, looking up and smiling widely when he saw you. 
“There she is, nice to see you finally woke up,” he teased. Jihoon turned around and smiled softly at you, motioning for you to walk over to them which you happily did. 
“I was almost worried I bored you to death last night, you passed out so quickly,” he teased. You giggled softly and shook your head. 
“You didn’t bore me at all, I was just really tired from all the running around I guess.” Both males chuckled softly and nodded at your confession. 
“Yeah Mingyu will do that to you,” Jihoon mumbled, “I swear that man might be a puppy in a human's body with how much energy he has.” You giggled a bit at the comparison, unable to stop yourself from imagining what kind of puppy hybrid Mingyu would be had he been born as one. Though your thoughts were quickly cut off by Soonyoung placing a hand on your shoulder, bringing your attention back to the present conversation. 
“Today should be a lot easier on you though,” he assured, “I’m pretty sure Shua just plans to hang out around the house so you don’t have to worry about doing too much. In fact I’m pretty sure he’s waiting for you outside.”
“Yeah I know,” you replied, “his note said to grab myself breakfast and then meet him on the back patio.” 
“I don’t know how hungry you are but there is a plate left for you in the fridge if you want it, or we have a few snacks that you’re welcome to help yourself too if you’re not that hungry,” Jihoon explained. 
“I’ll probably just grab something light for right now,” you said after a moment of thought, “I don’t want to keep him waiting for much longer.” You heard Jihoon laugh at this while Soonyoung pouted a bit. 
“We probably shouldn’t be distracting you then,” Jihoon mused with another laugh, “and we were supposed to be headed to the studio anyways so I think we should get going.” He directed the end of that statement towards the man who was still holding on to you a bit. Soonyoung mumbled something you couldn’t quite register but nodded, taking a moment to pat your head before making his way to the entrance with Jihoon. 
“See you tonight Y/N! Try not to have too much fun with them, okay?” Soonyoung called back over his shoulder.  
“I won’t!” you assured with a small laugh before turning your attention to the cabinets in hopes of finding a snack. There was a moment of silence before you realized something, quickly running out to catch the guys before they left, “Oh wait! Before you guys leave, can someone tell me who I am spending the second half of today with.” They both turned to look at you, confused for a moment before realization hit them. 
“Oh that’s right, you weren’t there when we drew the names were you?” Jihoon asked, smiling a bit when you shook your head, “once you’re done with Joshua you’ll be hanging out with Seungkwan.” You didn’t know whether to feel relieved or nervous by that information, staring silently at the door as the two males waved goodbye one last time before leaving. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Seungkwan, it was just that he had always been a bit weird when around you so you never really knew if he liked you or just wanted to mess around with you. You decided to push that thought into the back of your mind for the time being however, remembering that you still had to meet up with Joshua before it got too late. Running back to the kitchen, you searched through the cupboards before settling on a granola bar, holding the snack between your teeth as you all but dashed to the back door.
The sun's rays attacked you as soon as you stepped outside, causing you to shield your eyes with your hand as you adjusted to the brightness. You blinked a few times to sooth the irritation from the light before slowly lowering your hand and glancing around for Joshua. The soft sound of a guitar caught your attention, making your ears perk up as you followed the source to where the man was sitting. He was set up on the edge of the back patio, seated on a lawn chair facing you despite his focus being on the instrument resting in his lap. He was looking down, his bangs covering his eyes as he plucked gently at the strings, blessing your ears with the melody that he hummed along to. You took a moment to just appreciate the music, closing your eyes and waiting for the song to finish before finally making your way over. Joshua perked up when he heard your footsteps approaching him. Looking up, he smiled fondly at you and set the guitar to the side so he could sit up properly. 
“Good morning,” he greeted, “did you sleep well?”
“I did,” you replied, taking a seat in the chair next to him, “sorry if I kept you waiting, I didn’t think I would be that tired.”
“Don’t worry about it, I haven’t been out here too long,” he assured, “also I figured I could get some practice in while I waited for you so win-win in my opinion.” You nodded softly and turned your attention towards the instrument that now rested at his side. It looked a bit older than the one you had seen Jihoon play in the studio, but it still looked really nice and piqued your interest. 
“I didn’t know you could play the guitar,” you commented after a moment, causing Joshua to chuckle.
“I guess I haven’t really brought it out around you have I?” he questioned, running his hand over the side of the instrument, “I wouldn’t say I play it too often but it’s a little side hobby that I enjoy.” 
“You’re really good, I really liked that song you were playing,” you complimented, causing him to turn slightly red. 
“Thank you, it’s one of my favorite songs so I always find myself going to it first when I want to practice.”
“Do you ever make your own songs?”
“I mean sometimes but nothing really noteworthy, I can play one for you in a bit if you’re curious. I just need a moment to give my hands a break because your fingers can get pretty sore if you play too much.” You eagerly nodded when he offered to play you a song, not only wanting to hear him play more but also enjoying seeing him so content. Even with 13 owners, you still felt a really tight bond to all, or at least most of them, so seeing them happy or content made you equally as happy. A part of you wondered if they ever felt the same way about you, but you wouldn’t even know how to approach that question so you let it fade from your thoughts. Instead you brought your attention back to the instrument that started this conversation. If you remembered correctly, Joshua was the second member now that you had seen play the guitar which definitely piqued your interest. You knew that the guys all had some sort of musical talent, but this was the first time you had ever gotten to witness it. You couldn’t help but be curious if everyone had the ability to play an instrument or if you just happened to get paired with the two that did.
“Jihoon plays the guitar too,” you said, pretty much thinking out loud, “do you guys all play instruments then?” 
“Maybe not all of us but at least most of us know how to play one or two, we usually play them for side projects rather than for work like Jihoon does,” he explained. You gave him a confused look which made him smile in return. Even after all this time, their jobs still made no sense to you. It seemed like every time you thought you understood what the guys did, one of them would say or do something that proved you completely wrong. 
“So what do you guys do then?” you asked. 
“Well, we’re idols, we perform for people,” he replied, humming in thought when he saw that you still didn’t understand, “Here think about it this way okay? So all 13 of us work in a group that makes and performs music for our fans. We all dance and record the songs, so some of us sing and some of us rap. Jihoon is our main producer so that’s why he focuses more on making music while the rest of us focus a bit more on performing. Though we all pitch in and we all have our own little skills that we can use in our work. Does that make sense?” You took a minute to process what he was saying before shyly nodding. Joshua's smile widened a bit and he reached out to scratch behind your ear, “We’ll show you what we do once we get the approval to bring you around, I’m sure once you see it for yourself it will make more sense.” You tried your best to nod with his hand stroking your fur but it only served to push your head further into his hand. Joshua said nothing and continued with his actions, letting his hand rest on the top of your head so that you could nuzzle into it at your own pace. “You’re really cute you know that,” he said out of nowhere, making you freeze and look up at him. 
“I am?” you asked, not able to stop the heat rising to your face no matter how hard you tried. Joshua noticed this but said nothing, having to look away in order to keep his own blush from spreading. 
“I mean of course you are,” he stuttered out, “you’re very sweet and affectionate, and if I didn’t know better I would think you were a regular house cat instead of a tiger.” You tilted your head to glance up at him, forcing his hand away from your head and causing him to shrug, “I don’t mean that in a bad way, obviously. It’s just that the common conception about wild hybrids is that they are usually more aggressive and not as affectionate as the more common ones, that's all. It’s actually kind of refreshing that you’re not like that, I love how cute and cuddly you are.” By now you were sure that his face was more red than yours, but you didn’t give him time to find out as you turned to hide your face against his chest. Joshua let out a soft noise of surprise at the sudden action, though you soon felt his arm wrap around your waist to hold you closer to him. “Hey now don’t get shy on me, come here,” he teased, nudging you a bit with his arm to get you to look at him. Instead of doing what he wanted you shook your head and proceeded to nuzzle further into his chest, practically suffocating yourself against the fabric of his shirt. He always had a bit of a wood like scent to him but today he also smelled a bit like citrus, making you wonder if he changed his perfume or if it was just the outdoors rubbing off on him. 
The two of you remained still for a moment until you heard Joshua sigh. Before you could react he was turning his body and pulling you so that you were straddling his lap, one arm around your waist and the other resting gently on your shoulder. This new position felt oddly intimate and you felt yourself blushing even more, though Joshua quickly moved his hand from your shoulder to your chin before you could look away. “Don’t be shy, it’s just me,” he assured, keeping his voice soft and rubbing small circles into your lower back, “I’ll admit I was just trying to move you over so we could cuddle better but I suppose this position works as well.” He chuckled nervously and glanced around to make sure that none of the guys saw you two. You were still extremely flustered by the sudden intimacy but still forced yourself to look at him. Joshua had leaned back a bit so that you wouldn’t be completely pressed against him, his expression soft as he looked up at you. You tried to shift around a bit to make the position less awkward, only to feel yourself blush more “Are you okay? We can move if you feel uncomfortable,” he assured, already adjusting to pull you off of him when you grabbed his wrist. 
“No it’s okay,” you responded, causing him to raise an eyebrow at you.
“Are you sure Y/N?”
“I’m sure, I’m just not used to this level of affection yet I guess,” you confessed. 
“Affection? You mean like cuddling?” he asked, to which you nodded. 
“Like you said, people don’t really want to cuddle with wild hybrids so usually I would just get head pats. Though I do really like the cuddles.” You could have sworn you saw his eyes light up a bit when you said that. 
“I definitely like the cuddles too,” he responded, “so feel free to cuddle with me whenever you want.” You giggled softly and nodded, repositioning yourself a bit so that you were seated better in his lap. With your new position you were able to wrap your arms around him in a tight hug, nuzzling your face into his neck and sighing deeply as you inhaled more of his natural scent. Joshua's chest rumbled against you for a moment as he laughed, wrapping his arms around you just as tightly and sitting back in the chair with you still attached to him. His head rested against yours and every so often you would feel his lips softly touch the top of your head. The action made you feel warm in a way you had never felt before, but you honestly didn’t want the feeling to go away either. “Hey Y/N?” you heard him speak up after a few minutes of comfortable silence. You let out a questioning hum in response and felt him shift under you a bit, “you said you weren’t really used to affection, does that also include kisses?” 
“Uhh yeah it does,” you admitted shyly, “I don’t remember ever getting kisses actually.” Joshua frowned a bit at this though you weren’t able to see it as you were still nuzzled into his neck. 
“Are you okay with kisses then?” he asked after a moment of thought. 
“I mean I like the ones you’re giving me on my head so, I think so?” you replied back. Your uncertainty was obvious and it made Joshua hum in thought as he considered his next move. 
“May I try something then?” he asked. When you didn’t immediately respond he took this as a sign to explain himself, “I won’t do anything crazy I promise, I’m just curious to see if you like it is all. You took a moment to think about it, a bit overwhelmed with all the new attention but also curious as to what he meant. You quickly decided that you trusted Joshua and you wanted to know what he was planning so you lifted your head from his shoulder so that you could nod. He let out a sigh of relief and nudged you away enough so that you two were facing each other again. His hand reached up to gently cup your cheek and tilt your head to the side, giving him enough access to lean up and press a soft kiss to your cheek. His lips were warm and very soft against your skin, and you swore that you could still feel them there even after he had pulled away. “Well, what did you think about that?” he asked. It was a genuine question, but you couldn’t bring yourself to answer, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Joshua didn’t know whether to be worried about your reaction or laugh at how innocent you were. He opted for a middle option though, and stayed silent while watching you to see how you reacted. It took a few minutes of you cupping your cheek where he kissed you and stuttering over your words for you to finally answer him. 
“I really liked that,” you whispered. Joshua didn’t hear you at first so he had you repeat it, but once you did he was smiling up at you like you just told him the best news imaginable. 
“I’m so glad to hear that, because I really liked it as well,” he said with a laugh, pinching your cheek to make you giggle as well. 
“Can I try that as well?” you asked, looking down at him shyly. 
“Try what, giving me a kiss as well?” he asked to clarify, unable to stop himself from turning red as you nodded, “of course you can.” Despite his slight blush from you returning his affection, Joshua still turned his head so that you could easily lean down and kiss his cheek. You were really nervous about doing something wrong, so your lips only barely touched him before you were pulling away. Your hand moved to cover your mouth and your ears pressed to the back of your head as you tried to look anywhere but at him. It seemed Joshua appreciated the action either way, though, as he mirrored your previous action by placing his hand over his cheek and looking back at you. You two sat there staring at each other for much longer than you would consider comfortable, both extremely flustered and not knowing what to say. Joshua was the one to finally break the silence, clearing his throat to get your attention. “So, I’d say we probably have another hour or two before Seungkwan comes to steal you away, would you like to learn how to play the guitar?” You perked up and nodded eagerly, earning a soft chuckle from the man as he tapped your thigh, “Stand up real quick so we can adjust to a better position.”
You did as you were told and climbed carefully off of Joshua's lap, standing a bit away from the chair as he sat up. He took a moment to stretch out his legs before adjusting himself and sliding back in the chair. This allowed you to sit down in between his legs and still give him room to move so he could help you with the guitar. Joshua's front was pressed against your back as he placed the instrument in your lap and guided your hands to where they needed to be, his head resting on your shoulder so he could see. You two spent a bit just with you getting used to holding the guitar and plucking at a few strings to hear how everything sounded. Once you were comfortable with that, he began showing you how to play his favorite song, the same one he had been playing earlier. His hands never left yours and helped to guide you while he sang the lyrics softly against your shoulder. You had to admit you still had no idea what you were doing or how to play since he was doing most of the work, but that didn’t matter since you were enjoying the moment with him. Joshua seemed to be enjoying it as well, given you could feel him smiling against you and the way he would try to shift as if to get closer to you. Even if you weren’t really learning how to play the guitar, you would have happily stayed in that moment with him for as long as possible. Unfortunately, that moment did have to come to an end as the sound of the back door and footsteps alerted you to the presence of another member. 
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“There you are!” You heard Seungkwan exclaim as he walked over, “you guys were supposed to be back inside like an hour ago!” You felt Joshua stiffen behind you, shuffling through his pocket to pull out his phone and look at the time. 
“Oh wow it’s that late already, sorry Seungkwan I guess we got carried away out here,” he apologized. Seungkwan was clearly not amused though, crossing his arms and pouting down at the two of you like a saddened child. 
“We agreed on a set time for a reason!” he whined, “I already don’t get to spend time with her as is and now the one time I do you’re stealing her from me!” You were a bit confused by what he was saying. Yeah it was true you hung out with certain members more than Seungkwan, but you never knew that he wanted to actually spend time with you either. He was always around with one or more of the other guys so you just assumed he didn’t really have time for you. Then again, you were starting to realize that maybe you had judged some of the guys a bit too quickly. Joshua merely laughed and shook his head as he maneuvered his way around you to stand up. 
“Alright alright I’m sorry,” he teased, “she’s all yours.” Joshua carefully took the guitar from you, putting the strap over his head so he could carry it back inside. Careful not to accidentally hit you with it, he reached down to scratch your ear and kiss your head one last time before making his way back inside. Seungkwan looked between the door and you for a moment, confused by the display he just saw but deciding not to comment on it. It only took a second for him to get back to his excitement for spending time with you, walking over and carefully grabbing your hand so he could pull you to a standing position. 
“Come on Y/N! I only have until dinner and I want to make the most out of it,” he urged, already walking towards the door before he finished talking. Since he was still holding onto your hand you had no choice but to walk with him as he was still holding his hand and you didn’t feel like being dragged around the dorm. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as he led you inside, immediately pulling you down the hall.
“My room,” he replied without stopping, “I didn’t really have a lot of time to prepare since I didn’t know my name was drawn until this morning but we’ll still have a lot of fun I promise!” You hummed softly in agreement and followed him down the hall towards the back where his room was. You hadn’t seen everyones room yet but you had learned from the few you had been in that they were all fairly similar in layout. The biggest difference between them was the way the guys decorated and Seungkwan's room turned out to be no different. It was laid out the same as the other members, though you could see all of the pictures and memorabilia from his past. Seungkwan finally let go of your hand so he could close the door, walking over to one of the nightstands and pointing to the bed. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, I’ll join you in just a second.” You nodded despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at you, deciding to look around his room for a moment before actually sitting down on his bed. You noticed that it was a bit softer than the one you shared with Soonyoung, bouncing a bit on the mattress and resisting the urge to roll around on his sheets. You didn’t know if it was your tiger instincts kicking in that made you want to scent each member and mark them as yours, or just because you enjoyed the comfort of the different members. Either way, the feeling of Seungkwan enveloped you as you found yourself falling back against his sheets. You had never really been close enough to him before to get used to how he smelled or his warmth, but now that you were here you were definitely enjoying it. 
“Having fun there?” the sound of his voice startled you out of your little trance. Jumping up from your spot, you let out a nervous giggle when you saw Seungkwan standing at the edge of the bed. He had a very amused look on his face as he looked down at you, a laptop resting between his arm and his hip. 
“Yeah sorry, I just haven’t been around you much and you smell really good,” you admitted. Seungkwan cocked his head to the side, setting the laptop down on the bed so he could climb on and sit beside you. 
“Do I?” he asked, “what exactly do I smell like?���
“It’s very light, but also sweet and kinda citrusy as well, honestly it reminds me of a tangerine,” you explained with another giggle. Seungkwan seemed very amused by your analysis, poking his lip out a bit as he contemplated what you said. 
“You’ve been around me for a few minutes and you can tell all of that? That’s kind of impressive,” he said. 
“Is it? I thought it was normal to catch onto people's scents?” you questioned. 
“Maybe for a hybrid but we can’t really smell any of that. Like yeah I can smell perfumes and all of that but otherwise it’s just normal to me. I’m not even wearing anything right now and you can point it out so easily.” 
“So that’s why it’s so light,” you commented, making him laugh a bit and shake his head. 
“Do we all have a unique scent to you then?” he asked, to which you nodded, “who’s your favorite?” 
“I don’t have a favorite,” you responded immediately, “you’re all unique and special in your own way and it’s always comforting.” Seungkwan didn’t verbally respond to your answer, but you could see him smile shyly from the corner of your eye. This was a bit of a different side to the man you had seen when you first moved in, but you had to admit you liked this sweet and shy side of him. Seungkwan seemed to catch on to how quiet it got, grabbing the laptop and turning it on. 
“So like I said I didn’t really have time to plan anything, but I was thinking maybe we could just hang out or watch something since we haven’t really gotten to spend time before. I’d offer to play a game or something but the others kind of took over the living room,” he explained. He sounded a bit unsure of himself which made you relax a bit more. You also had to admit the way he was acting was pretty cute and made you want to curl around him. Once again it didn’t take long for your instincts to kick in, scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. The action startled him, causing him to yelp and jump a bit in your hold. It worried you a bit that maybe he wasn’t comfortable with you being close to him, but you soon felt him wrap his arm around you in return. “Maybe a little bit of warning next time you want to hug me okay, I thought I was going to die just there,” he teased, dramatically holding his hand over his heart. You couldn’t help but laugh at how dramatic he was as you snuggled closer against him. 
“Sorry I promise next time I’ll announce when I plan on hugging you,” you teased back. The tone of your voice made him scoff and roll his eyes. 
“Alright I see how it is then,” he mused, “maybe I don’t want to spend time with you if all you want to do is make fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun of you! You’re the one who started it!” you argued, poking at his side playfully. The action made him gasp and quickly cover his hand with his mouth to keep from laughing. Unfortunately for Seungkwan though, your sensitive ears still picked up the sound. Curious about his reaction, you decided to continue poking at him while your other arm stayed wrapped around him. Seungkwan gasped again and began to squirm a bit as you tried tickling him, removing his hand from his mouth as he grabbed your wrist. 
“I wouldn’t continue this if I were you,” he warned. You looked down at where he was holding your arm then back up at his eyes. His expression was firm in his warning but you could still tell after a moment that he wasn’t being serious. Seeing that, you decided to do the opposite of what he said and decided to test your luck. 
“Yeah, or what?” you challenged as you moved your free hand to tickle him again. Seungkwan yelped and let you go so that he could grab at your other arm. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched him try to fight you off. He struggled for a few moments before finally getting the upper hand and pulling you off of him. 
“Alright then, you asked for it,” he exclaimed. Before you had time to react Seungkwan had turned and pushed you so fell on to your back. He sat on your legs, just above your knees so you couldn’t get away, and moved both of his hands to tickle at your sides. Any chance of staying quiet left the second he began tickling you, the movements causing you to erupt into a fit of squeals and giggles. Your head shook and your hands frantically reached out to try and push Seungkwan off of you but to no avail. He was clearly stronger than you and, even if he hadn’t been, his position gave him the upper hand so you had no chance of fighting him off. Seungkwan continued his movements until you were practically out of breath, laughing loudly himself at your desperate attempts to pry him off of you. “Not so tough now, are we Kitty?” he teased once he finally let you go. You tried your best to glare at him but failed as you tried to catch your breath, a few more giggles leaving you as you calmed down. 
“No fair,” you whined, crossing your arms over your chest as you tried to glare up at him. Seungkwan mimicked your expression and voice for a moment before sticking his tongue out at you. 
“You started it, I just played along,” he pointed out. You wanted to argue but knew there was no winning against him. Instead you pouted and turned your head away with a dramatic huff, keeping your arms crossed over your chest. Seungkwan chuckled softly and reached down to run his hand through your hair, humming as you melted immediately into his touch. “I’m sorry, okay? Here how about I make it up to you with cuddles and we can watch a movie?” he suggested. You tried to pretend to be mad but the twitching of your ears and tail gave you away almost immediately. “I’ll take that as a yes then,” he said as he climbed off of you. You sat up and watched as Seungkwan pulled up a random movie on his laptop and returned to his previous position on the bed, practically laying down with one of the pillows propping him up. Once he was comfortable he looked over at you and opened his arms as an invitation for you to snuggle up to him, which you happily did. You curled up against his side with most of your top half laying on his chest. Seungkwan responded by immediately wrapping his arm around you, rubbing your lower back as the other moved to run through your hair. It was a bit knotted now since you had been moving your head against his sheets so he was careful not to pull on it too hard. 
Unlike his previous actions while tickling you, his pets were gentle and had you nuzzling into him almost immediately. Your head pushed against his hand and your cheek rubbed against his chest. Seungkwan had still been a bit stiff when he first laid down, but he also seemed to relax as he felt you melt against him. 
“You’re really snuggling up there,” he pointed out as he twirled a strand of your hair between his fingers.
“Is that a bad thing?” you asked. 
“Not at,” he assured, “I just didn’t expect it since we never really spent time together before.”
“I like cuddles, and you’re pretty good at them so I can’t complain,” you stated. Seungkwan stayed silent at that, but you decided not to comment on it. Though you did maneuver yourself just enough so that you could look up at him and see his expression. His cheeks were red and his bottom lip was pulled between his teeth as he locked eyes with you. Deciding to test your luck and what you learned from Joshua earlier, you leaned up just enough to press a kiss to his jaw before curling back up. Seungkwan's breath hitched and he had to keep himself from jumping and knocking you off of him. He was obviously taken aback by your actions and you couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. 
“I…what was that?” he questioned after a moment of trying to regain himself. The question had you whimpering and curling up a bit, wondering if you had made a mistake. 
“Did I do something wrong?” 
“What? Oh no not at all,” he quickly reassured you, “I just didn’t expect it that’s all. I didn’t realize you were this affectionate.” You didn’t answer him, keeping your gaze down at his chest which he obviously noticed. Seungkwan sighed and shifted slightly, tapping on your shoulder until you looked at him, “I can’t speak for the other guys obviously but you can be as affectionate with me as you want okay? I may get startled a bit at first but I promise you I like it  just as much.” You tilted your head a bit as you listened, blinking softly at him as you tried to process what he was saying. 
“Are you sure?” you asked, still trying to wrap your head around the fact that they were okay with this attention from you. If you had tried to initiate anything like this with your previous owners, they would have thrown you off of them in a heartbeat. The fact that not just one of the guys, but a majority of them allowed you to curl up with them on a daily basis was a welcomed change, but you still needed to get used to this. 
“Hey I know I joke around a lot but I promise I’m not actually mean!” Seungkwan exclaimed with a pout, “unless it’s to the guys but that’s not the point. You’re different so whenever you want my attention you just tell me okay? Besides I didn’t get to spend much time with you since Soonyoung keeps hogging all of your attention so I have a lot to make up for.” As if to prove his point, he sat up enough that he could pull you into a hug, placing multiple quick kisses on both of your cheeks before letting you go and laying back down. You giggled at the attention and playfully pushed him off of you, allowing him to pull you down so you were laying on his chest again. 
By this point a third of the movie he was playing had passed but neither of you were paying attention to what was happening. Instead it served as background noise as the two of you cuddled up with each other, just enjoying the warmth and love of the moment. You closed your eyes to focus on his scent and heartbeat and eventually ended up falling asleep on his chest. Seungkwan had noticed the moment you dozed off, continuing to pet and watch you for a little bit. He half debated turning off the movie so you could rest quietly but he was too afraid of waking you up to move. Instead he decided to finish the movie by himself while you slept, letting it turn off by itself as he held onto you and slowly began to drift off himself. The feeling of you curled up on his chest and the soft rumbling noise you made as you slept relaxing the male more than he thought was even possible.
The two of you were woken up a few hours later by a giggling Jeonghan, the male shaking you hard enough to wake both you and Seungkwan. 
“Well good morning sleepy heads,” he cooed as you both opened your eyes, “sorry to wake you but dinner is ready. Everyone else is already eating so I would hurry up if you want food.” You groaned softly as you sat up, taking a moment to stretch and properly wake up. Jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh at how you looked, half asleep with your shirt and hair a complete mess. It was an adorable sight and, if you were more awake, he probably would have shaken you with how cute you were. Seungkwan sat up behind you after a moment, looking almost identical to you. 
“We’ll be done in just a moment,” he muttered, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Jeonghan huffed a bit and shook his head. 
“Alright, don’t take too long then or you know Mingyu will steal your food,” he teased, leaving the room so you and Seungkwan could have a moment. The second the door closed you felt the other males arms around you, pulling you against him as he hid his face in your neck. 
“I know that probably wasn’t the most fun way to spend your day, but that was nice. We should do this again sometime,” he muttered against your shoulder. You couldn’t help the wide smile that made its way onto your face as you nodded. 
“We definitely should.” 
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Dinner went by in a blur, half of the members having already left while the others stayed to question how the day went. Jeonghan had mentioned something about them having drawn the names of the next two members but you hadn’t been able to pay attention since Soonyoung and Seungkwan had started bickering the second the younger had sat down. You only had enough time to finish your meal before Soonyoung was literally picking you up and carrying you away from the table. All you could do was wave goodbye to the guys as Seungkwan shouted at the man carrying you for hogging all of your attention. If Soonyoung had been listening though, he didn’t make it known as his movements never faltered. 
You soon found yourself sitting in the middle of your bed, freshly showered and dressed in your pajamas as you waited for Soonyoung to finish getting ready for bed. Given you had just woken up from your nap with Seungkwan, you weren’t really that tired. Instead of curling up like you usually did, you found yourself playing games on his phone and thinking back on the day you had. There were quite a few moments that stuck out to you, but your thoughts were occupied with how the guys had reacted to kisses. It was honestly new territory for you so you really didn’t understand how this worked or why they had reacted the way they did. Of course you weren’t naive and knew that it was an act between people who loved each other, but you didn’t know if that applied here. Did the guys love you? Did they all want affection for you like this? Were you pushing your boundaries now? Honestly you had no idea, and you hated how much the thought weighed on you. 
“I know that look, what are you thinking about?” looking up from the phone, you saw Soonyoung looking down at you with a concerned gaze. His hair was still wet from his shower and he had changed into his pajamas, the water dripping from his bangs and making dark spots on his shoulders. You bit at your lip as you tried to think of how to explain your thought to him, shrinking down with a defeated sigh. 
“You love me, right?” you asked. Soonyoungs eyes widened at the question, staring down at you in a mix of pain and shock. 
“Of course I do,” he exclaimed as he climbed onto the bed beside you, “I’ll always love you, as will many of the guys. Why would you ask that?” He placed his hand on your shoulder as he asked, giving it a gentle squeeze to try and comfort you. 
“It’s dumb but, when you love someone you give them kisses, right?” the question felt worse now that you finally asked, but there was no taking it back now. Soonyoung was extremely confused by the question, opening and closing his mouth a few times as he tried to think of what to say. You quickly took advantage of his silence to explain to him, “It’s just that Joshua had asked about kisses and then when I gave one to Seungkwan he seemed startled so I was worried I may not be doing it right.” It all started to make sense to Soonyoung now, the male letting out a soft “oh” of realization. 
“Did they say they didn’t like the kisses?” he asked, to which you shook your head. “Well then you didn’t do anything wrong. Kisses are something you give to people you care about. Yes, as long as you both enjoy it you aren’t doing anything wrong.” You felt relieved as he said that, starting to like the idea of using kisses to show your appreciation to the boys. 
“Do you like kisses then?” you asked, making him laugh. 
“I love kisses, and I would love kisses from you even more,” he assured, pressing a kiss to your forehead to prove his point. His lips lingered against your skin for much longer than the other two, going back in for a second one before suddenly pulling away. The room went quiet and you watched as something changed in Soonyoungs expression before he returned his attention to you. “Y/N, have you ever had a proper kiss before?” 
“A proper kiss?” he nodded softly at your question. 
“Those are the kisses you give to people you really love,” he explained, “would you like me to show you?” You had a good idea of what he was talking about, biting your lip again as you slowly nodded. Soonyoung smiled softly and copied your action, nodding as his hand reached out to cup your cheek. His thumb stroked your skin as the other hand moved to grab one of your own. He took a moment to analyze your expression, searching for any signs of discomfort before moving in and connecting your lips. You exhaled sharply at the contact but quickly relaxed, doing your best to copy his movements. Your hand gripped his and your other went to rest on the back of his neck, letting your eyes close to enjoy the sensation. This kiss was way different than the others, Soonyoungs lips still soft but also a bit more firm. Your senses were overwhelmed by him and yet you didn’t want to pull away. He was the one who finally broke away from the kiss, placing one last peck to your lips before backing up completely and smiling shyly. 
“How was that?” he asked, letting go of your cheek to rub at the back of his neck. 
“I loved it,” you responded immediately, causing his smile to widen. 
“I did too,” he giggled softly before glancing at the clock, “now what do you say we get into bed. I know you’re not tired so you can use my phone more as long as you plug it up before falling asleep.” You wordlessly agreed, grabbing the mobile device and climbing onto your side of the bed, Soonyoung getting in as well and hugging you from behind. “Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered with one last kiss to your cheek, causing you to curl up a bit. 
“Goodnight Soonyoung.” As you felt him slowly relax and drift off you allowed yourself to think about your current circumstance. It was fascinating to think that just a few days ago you probably would have shied away from everyone still, but now it felt like you were becoming part of the family. You were still unsure of what the future held but one thing was for sure, you were really excited to get close with the rest of the members. 
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Horanghae taglist: @ryukosuzuki @taeyongzodiactwinkiri @knucklesdeepmingi @brncbrnc @d-noona @kookiedesi @twancingyunhao @neokwxn @woohoney @lilactangerine @luvthatleader-nim @luv-quinn @wonupuppy @softnala @yangjuk @exfolitae @r1kisbae @amethyistheart @butterfliesinthenightsky @dreamhannies @inkyibelle @liathachcapricious @carrotsworld @candidupped @friendlywraith​ 
To be added or removed from Horanghaes taglist please comment or message me
Seventeen taglist: @woo8hao 
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little-svt · 1 year
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Wc: 1.5k+
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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My I
“Come, Bāobèi.”, Minghao held out his hand this time, patiently (with all of his willpower) waiting for you to get tired of petting some poor woman’s fluff of a dog so the two of you could continue the task at hand.
The two of you were on your way to the bakery, taking a more scenic route through the neighborhood to admire the beauty of such a perfect day. Minghao was on the fence about his decision, but he had to admit your tendency to get distracted by anything small, cute or fluffy was beautiful in itself.
What was at the bakery? Something special for a very special day. It took forever for you and Minghao to agree on the perfect cake for Wen Junhui. Nothing would ever be good enough for you when it came to your Daddy. It was just a few days earlier when you were there last, bickering with your Bàba about flavors and colors.
“I’m very sorry.”, Minghao had said as he bowed to the employees who would soon be victim to a little outburst if the two of you didn’t find a compromise soon.
“Why can’t it be pink, like me??”
“Bāobèi, you’re not pink. And Jun Ge doesn’t like pink as much as you do, does he?”
Choosing a color was somehow much harder than choosing the flavor, the both of you immediately agreeing on lemon for your lemon-loving-catboy (at least that’s how Minghao would tell it). Jun had never been very adamant about his favorite color. Colors were swell and all, but usually, he just stuck with black and white. But while Minghao thought the combination was classy, artistic, maybe perfect, you wouldn’t stand for the lack of color.
“That’s true…”, you frowned, crossing your arms in front of you.
“How about we have a snack, hmm? Everything looks really tasty, doesn’t it?”
It had been thirty minutes easily, and Hao was worried the two of you would never get out of there. And even worse, he was worried you would get overwhelmed and have a tantrum right there.
“Look Bàba!! The pudding is a kitty just like Daddy!!”, you turned to the glass, pointing at the cute little dessert with shiny brown eyes and creamy looking texture.
“We’ll take one of those and if you have any cake samples.”, he nodded to the bakery clerk with a tight smile before breathing out in a silent sigh.
Between spoonfuls of custardy pudding, Minghao fed you nibbles of the cake sample platter, still trying to keep at the task at hand.
“What did you think of that one, Bāobèi?? I think Jun Ge would like the chocolate.”
“Bàba would like the chocolate.”, with a giggle, you shook your head and rolled your eyes playfully before reaching for a pretty slice of thin, yellow cake.
Sitting back in his seat, Minghao let you feed yourself, glancing over at the display cakes. Neither of you had really settled on a design either.
“Bàba! It’s lemon!!”, you squeal, kicking your feet happily. You didn’t love lemon. But your Daddy did. He was infamous for his lemon jellies and eating lemons as a party trick.
“It’s good, huh? Should I try some?”
“Yes, yes. It’s perfect for Daddy!”, you insist, lifting your spoon to his lips with a nicely sized scooped piece of lemon cake.
Letting it melt in his mouth slowly in thought, he pressed his lips together firmly after swallowing, having made up his mind.
“Jun Ge would like the chocolate better.”
“No, Bàba like the chocolate better!”, you huffed, standing and walking around the table so you could dig through Minghao’s bag, grumbling under your breath.
“What are you up to now, kiddo.”, he smiled, propping his chin on his hand.
“Calling Daddy.”
Hopping back up on your chair, you tapped on your Daddy’s photo, a call screen soon popping up.
“Should we be bothering Daddy while he’s at work?”, Minghao raised his eyebrow, but his competitive streak kept him still, allowing you to make the call.
“Hello, what is it?”, Jun answered the phone seeming a little surprised to receive a call from Minghao while he was on set.
“Daddy, Bàba is being silly again. What’s your favorite candy??”, you narrowed your eyes and the man smirking at you confidently across the table.
“Yep, I’m silly.”, Minghao grinned to himself, imagining Jun’s response in his head.
“Hmm… what a question. Easy. Lemon Jellies. How is he being silly, baby?”, Jun chuckled, only interrupting your call for a moment to tell someone on the other end that he would be only another few minutes.
“HAH!! Told you, Bàba! Daddy, tell Bàba.”, you beamed triumphantly, handing the phone across the table, and grabbing your spoon to finish off your dessert.
That settled it. It was Hao’s turn to be grumpy. Though, he wasn’t too bummed. The best part was teasing you, after all. The colors seemed to follow quickly after you’d decided on the flavor. White with a lemony yellow trim and “It’s Jun Day” lettering along with green leaf accents went perfectly with the lemon flavor.
It was finally the big day and no one at the bakery could say they were disappointed to see you go, not having to deal with the two of you again until your next celebration. You held onto the cake for dear life, insisting you take responsibility for it, afraid your Bàba would drop it as if you weren’t the clutz of the two of you.
“Are you sure, Bāobèi?”, Minghao winced, reluctantly releasing the box into your arms. But there was no saying ‘no’ to his little one. Unfortunately, both he and Jun spoiled you a little too much to turn back now.
“I got it! I wanna keep it safe for Daddy…”, you pointed, your puppy dog eyes always doing the trick.
Sighing out his nose, he opened the door for you, eyes shifting rapidly between your arms and feet, ready to support both you and the cake at any second if he had to. Despite his paranoia, the three of you (cake included) made it home safely, Minghao scoping the scene to make sure Jun hadn’t made it home yet.
After setting the cake on the counter, he turned to you and kissed your forehead with his upturned lips, “Well done, sweet pea. Are you ready to decorate? Junnie will be home soon.”
“Can I hab another kissie??”, you stood up on your toes, just to make it a little easier for him to press his lips to your head again with an airy giggle.
Quickly, the two of you got to work, digging out your hidden party supplies and gifts. A banner here, some ribbon there and a well written card from the two of you were set out with the cake and Minghao got to work on Dinner which could cook on its own in the oven until after Jun arrived.
“Bāobèi, it’s time.”
You had to hold your breath and keep yourself from bouncing around excitedly and squealing when the door handle turned. And even more so when the door opened, the man of the day shutting it behind him as he came inside.
“Wahh….”, Jun grinned, popping off his shoes at the door and stepping toward the colorful display set out for him, “I thought you guys might be planning something.”
As he got closer, you and Minghao began singing happy birthday, setting the pleasant scene for him with all of your love. With shining eyes, he admired the decorations, easily picking out which ones were chosen by you. Your tastes were sweeter, cuter, while Minghao liked things simple or abstract, artistic, organized chaos was all that was allowed.
“Yayyy! Happy Birthday! You’re old now, Daddy!!”, you giggled, crashing into his arms. Warm arms squeezed tightly around you as he exhaled, giving you all of his appreciation in return. He’d had what felt like a million parties in his life but none of them would ever compare to something sweet and simple, planned by the two people he loved the most.
Minghao snorted quietly at the comment, putting his arms around the both of you and squeezing as tight as his recovering collar bone would let him.
“Thank you, guys. Is this my lemon cake?”, Jun peeked over your head.
“Hey!! How’d you know??”, you frowned, blinking up at him with pouty eyes.
“Daddies always know.”, he whispered, pressing his finger to his lips while glancing with smiling eyes toward Minghao.
It wasn’t as if you’d been cryptic when you called him, arguing with your Bàba over Jun’s favorite flavors.
“What’s that smell??”, Jun’s eyebrows suddenly shot straight up, his mouth watering as he sniffed the savory scent filling the air.
“Something I think you’ll like.”, Minghao snickered, pulling himself from you two with one last kiss to Jun’s cheek, then to your temple.
“You two spoil me.”, he smiled softly, resting his head against yours as you turned around in his arms to face the kitchen.
It wasn’t much. But quiet, simple and sweet was the perfect combination of three flavors and three loves.
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🧸Endnote: Guys I know I’ve been talking about Seungkwan and I promise I have been working on it when I have the time and energy but you know I had to whip something up for my special boy (and my other special boy) JunHao 🥹 and idc if you like it because I wrote it for me okay ㅠ ㅠ there really aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe how I feel about Wen Junhui. He my husband, my parasocial support boy idc ㅠ ㅠ no one will ever replace him in my heart I would die for this man. Okay anyways… I’ll shut up now. For your sake because I could talk about him to no end 🥹💖💖 Happy Birthday my love ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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junkissed · 2 years
junkissed wips.
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masterlist ->
☆ please read my guidelines before making a request! ☆ last updated: 12 july 2024. this is a list of all my current wips and projects in progress. this post will be updated frequently, so check here to see the status of your request! — if you're particularly excited for one of these and want me to make it a priority wip, send me an ask! the more interest there is in something = the more motivation i have to write, so i will try my best to get it done :) genre key: [🤍] = requested; [🐈] = requested for 1k event; [ M ] = smut; [ F ] = fluff; [ H ] = humor; [ A ] = angst; [ ☆ ] = high prio wip
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• virgin!shua corruption ☆ [ M ] - status: currently writing (1.2k)
• minghao + wedding night ☆ 🐈 [ M, F ] - status: currently writing (2.0k)
• the king's gambit 95z collab [ M , A , F ] - status: unfinished (currently 22k) planning to finish this summer!
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the fics i have started but am not currently working on; will revisit soon.
• model!woozi [ M, ? ] - status: on hold (1.5k)
• svt reaction - another member walks in on you ☆ 🐈 [ M ] - status: unfinished (2.8k)
• ex!jun x new bf!minghao (not a threesome) [ A, M ] - status: drafting
• actor!jun x actor!reader 🤍 [ M ] - status: unfinished (0.8k)
• joshua + corruption drabble [ M ] - status: unfinished (0.3k)
• college ta!hoshi [ M, F ] - status: unfinished (currently 0.4k)
• assistant teacher!seungkwan [ F, ? ] - status: unfinished (currently 0.6k)
• joshua + fake dating [ M ] - status: unfinished (currently 0.9k)
• junhao bondage threesome for bee 🐈 [ M ] - status: unfinished (currently 0.5k)
• jealous jun 🤍 [ M ] - status: unfinished (currently 1.9k)
• santa claus hoshi [ F, M ] - status: unfinished (currently 0.3k)
• mingyu + valentine's day edibles [ F, M ] - status: unfinished (currently 0.8k)
• wonwoo "a boyfriend for christmas" part 2 🤍 [ M ] - status: on hold indefinitely (0.9k)
• seungcheol "mistletoe inn" part 3 🤍 [ M, A, F ] - status: on hold indefinitely (1.9k)
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the asks currently in my inbox that i plan to write! if yours isn't listed, then i may still be considering whether or not i'll write it due to time/inspiration, or it may have been combined with another similar ask.
• bf!shua + birthday surprise 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• jun - bathroom exclusive (bedroom exclusive part 2) 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• cat hybrid!jun for mars 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• vampire!jun + royal au for mars 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• jun + ot13 exhibitionism blowjob for mars 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• husband!jun blowjob 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• jun + premature ejaculation 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• jun + horny in public for kai 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• jun + spanking/pussy slapping 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• jun + size kink 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• virgin!jun + corruption for 💤 anon 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• woozi + post-workout sex 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• woozi + manhandling for alicia 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• soft dom!hao + dumbification for mika 🤍 [ M, F ] - status: not started
• hard dom!hao + dumbification for 💤 anon 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• minghao x nude model gf [ M ] - status: not started
• mingyu + sensory deprivation for freya 🐈 [ F ] - status: not started
• dk + scavenger hunt proposal 🐈 [ F ] - status: not started
• dom!vernon + dumbification 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• vernon + marking 🐈 [ M ] - status: not started
• vernon eating you out + fingering for nova 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• sub!jun & dom!vernon threesome for alicia 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• best friends junhao poly threesome for mars 🤍 [ M ] - status: not started
• virgin!dino & bf!jun threesome 🐈 [ M ] - status: not started
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© junkissed.
33 notes · View notes
renaiswriting · 3 years
Love has no language
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Summary: You are having a difficult time learning Korean and Junhao is more than ready to help you.
Pairing: Moon Junhui/Reader/Xu Minghao
Warnings: none.
Gif is not mine.
The robotic female voice talking to you through the headphones was not clear enough to understand what it was trying to say.
You couldn't figure out if the voice was saying water or a really soft fire because the sound was way too similar.
You looked to your right; the girl (who you were almost a hundred percent sure was named Hannah) was writing hurried phrases into his notebook, easily following the class. She would probably get a perfect score on the upcoming exam.
You tried to disintegrate the whole sentence, taking it word by word to try to understand what you were supposed to translate. But both words would make perfect sense.
You left the space and went into the next sentence, which, to your relief, was a basic one: how old are you? both formal and informal.
연세가 어떻게 되세요?
몇 살이에요?
You quickly wrote down your answer and the translation. At least you were able to understand one of them.
The headphones were big enough to cover your whole ears, but even with them, you could still hear some classmates talking behind you and your teacher saying 수업에 집중하세요, (Pay attention)
Breathe, you got this.
The voice now asked, 화장실이 어디예요?, and you remembered that 어디예요 means where, but you just couldn't remember what the first word meant.
The girl, Hannah, took the headphones out of her head and closed her backpack; she was already done with the whole practice.
"Class, before you go, please remember to take your last week's exam with you."
You gave up; there wasn't much else to do. You should go to the library and keep studying there.
Hannah was walking with another student, both waiting for the big group of students to get out of the classroom and make some space for them to get their own exams.
The boy next to her took his exam and seemed really disappointed.
"제가 공부했더라면 시험을 합격했을 거에요..."
Hannah on the other hand seemed pretty happy with the result of her efforts.
"I will need your help; I screwed this up."
"Sure, 내일 공부하러 독서실에 갈래요?"
"Are you asking me if we should go to the library tomorrow to study?"
"Yeah!  See?  "You're doing better."
"I think I can skip some classes and meet tomorrow."
They kept talking next to you while you went to take your own exam, and damn, it was bad. Like embarrassing bad.
You will have to get at least 85/100 in your next exam, or you will lose the year and have to start again next year.
Hannah laughed when the teacher told her something, and you saw the chance and took it.
"Ummm, Hannah, right?" The girl looked pretty confused; she probably didn't even remember your face. "Hi, I am (y/n). I heard you are really good in this class, and I was wondering if I could take your notes? I have to retake this exam and take the one we have next week."
"Why don't you have your notes?"
Trying to put your nervous self deep down under all the Korean you have learned in the past four months, you tried your best to sound as native as possible.
"저는 지난 수업을 안 들었어요."
If you weren't wrong, you just told her you hadn't attended the last class.
Your teacher was around, so both of you tried to switch to Korean instead of English. Since this was a really diverse class with students from all over the world, it was easier to use English than everybody's native languages, and, if you remember correctly from the first class, she was Japanese.
"오늘 수업이 몇 개 있어요?"
You panicked for a second. Whenever you had to use Korean, you felt like you were having an anxiety attack. You were constantly scared to switch to informal instead of formal or sound way too foreign. What if the other person couldn't understand what you were trying to say?
It was even more embarrassing when you constantly felt like the whole class was learning so fast that you couldn't help but compare yourself with them. What did they have that you didn't that helped them have such a fast speed to learn new words and conjugate them?
She's asking you how many classes you have today; you know those words. Focus!
"이 것은 ... 저의 마지막 umm 수업이에요."
"Well, if it is your last class, then I guess you can take them and give them back to me tomorrow morning."
"Yeah, thank you, really!"
You were alone in the library; everybody was using other tables to study. But even with the distance from one table to another, almost everybody looked at you when your phone started making noise, informing you of a new call.
It was Minghao. One of your new roommates
The school provided scholarships for foreign students, giving them a place to sleep and a spot to study Korean (besides the basic subjects) at a really good university there.
You had been the last student to travel to Korea, which led you to take the last free bed. And in this case, you had to share the department with two other guys.
Xu Minghao and Wen Junhui.
Both guys were Chinese and one and two years older than you, respectively.
You went to the group chat and quickly wrote 지금 공부를 하고 있기 때문에 너랑 통화하고 싶지 않아, you had to memorize how to say something as simple as I don’t want to talk with you on the phone because I’m studying now," because they usually called you randomly through the day to make sure you didn't need anything.
You received a thumbs up as a reply, and they kept things quiet until you informed them you were on your way back to the department.
"I just wish I could express how I feel better, you know? It's just so annoying to spend more than five minutes thinking of the way I should say the words and then practice them mentally before speaking. And while I'm speaking, I'm just constantly scared that the person will not be able to understand me because of my accent."
You took another sip of the glass of water Minghao had brought you to calm you down when he saw you were almost crying when you crossed the front door.
"I always sound so dumb; you don't know how smart I am when I talk in my native language."
Minghao nodded, letting you vent all your feelings.
"Why am I even here? I didn't attend one class, and I am falling behind the whole class. Is it even worth it? I miss my family. I feel like I am missing seeing them grow up. It was my mom's birthday last week, and I couldn't be there for her. I'm so sick of this. Why do I have to keep trying?"
"Do you know how to say that? 요즘에 한국어를 열심히 공부하고 있지만 아직도 잘 말할 수 없어요, it means even though I am studying Korean hard these days, I still can’t speak well. Junhui taught me that sentence, so whenever I was on my own, I could explain to people why I was having a hard time thinking of a certain word or how to say something."
"Do you think you could write that down for me?"
"Sure, another really useful one is 아직 배우고 있어요, it means I'm still learning. And it's something you should also remember for yourself. You came here to learn, and you are still learning. It's hard, but you can't compare a language you have been speaking your whole life to one you are just starting to learn. You're smart. Nobody but yourself thinks you're dumb. You have been here for, what, five months? Give it some time."
"Is that your book?" Junhui asked, sitting next to you and opening the black book right in the middle.
"Yeah, I completed my notes today. One of my classmates passed the exam, and she had some things and sentences written down that could help me."
"They are school-related..." Minghao commented, readying the list over Junhuis shoulder.
몇 반이에요? = What class are you in?
몇 학년이에요? = What grade are you in?
저는 1-2이에요 = I am in class 1-2
저는 3학년이에요 = I’m in third grade
제일 좋아하는 선생님이 누구예요? = Who is your favorite teacher?
제일 좋아하는 과목이 뭐예요? = What is your favorite subject?
"What do you usually do when you study?" Junhui asked, looking straight into your eyes.
"I usually just read and copy all over again the things I have to study, and eventually they get stuck in my head."
"That's what you were doing when we called you today in the library?" Minghao asked. You nodded in reply.
"It just doesn't work this time. I have been reading this for more than two hours, and I still mess up whenever I'm trying to review myself. I really feel like crying."
"Okay, I think you are a little bit stressed. Enough of the book."
"You need practice; the more you talk, the more you will learn. C'mon, let me see... okay, here it is; you need to review directions, right? It's almost two; let's go and eat something. Didn't you say you knew a good restaurant near the school?" Junhui asked, standing up from the chair.
"Let's keep talking in formal; the exam won't be in informal." Minghao told Junhui, coming up from the couch and walking towards the door. "그 식당이 어디에 있는 지 알아요?"
"식당이? What was that? Junhui started moving his hand in front of him, as if he were taking food from an imaginary plate. "Restaurant?"
Junhui said a happier yes, lifting his arms in the air.
"What was I asking, then?" Minghao asked with a serious expression on his face. He was really good at masking his emotions.
"You are asking if I know where that restaurant is?"
"Exactly, try to answer in Korean."
"But I don't want to mess it up; it's embarrassing."
"(y/n) It's just us; who else could understand the struggles of having to speak in another language better than us? We have been through the exact same thing."
"Don't worry about it; try not to overthink it. If we have to correct you, we will, so stop thinking. If what you are saying makes sense, we will let you know."
"Okay, let me just remember what the Korean word for bank was."
You went to your vocabulary book, the one in which you had written down every single new word the teacher had said before.
Bank = 은행
"식당은 은행 옆에 있어요." Your voice went up at the end of the sentence, making it sound more like a question than an affirmation, but they didn't say anything about it. Junhui just nodded. Opening the door for the three of you.
"돈이 있어요?"
"네, 돈이 있어요."
"Perfect, then if we have money, we should be heading now to the restaurant."
Talking to them or trying to talk in Korean with them was really different than speaking to an actual native, who maybe didn't have the patience Junhui and Minghao had.
So, even though they were right there next to you to help you in case you didn't remember a word or got something mispronounced, you still felt your heart having a marathon inside your body.
Junhui pressed the bottom of the table, and in a few minutes, a young man was ready to take your order.
Minghao informed the man of the situation and that you were there to practice, and Junhui used that moment to reassure you that everything would be fine.
"I want samgyupsal." Minghao informed you that everything on the menu had been handled by him. Junhui wanted the same and some rice.
"삼겹살 셋개랑 밥 둘공기 주세요."
"Is it too early for soju?"
"No, I also want one. Can you order us soju, please, (y/n)?"
Looking at them both for approval, you started reciting the sentences that you had read that morning in your book, changing the word water for soju. "소주 돌병 주세요."
Junhui mumbled good job to you, and in minutes you were eating the food that you so proudly ordered.
"제가 낼게요" Junhui said when Minghao finished the last spoon of food, his eyes finally leaving his phone.
"What? Why? Today you asked me if I had money; I thought I would be paying."
"We brought you here to practice; how are we going to make you pay?" Junhui explained, laughing, that whoever walked by you would think you just told the funniest joke ever.
"Do you have enough? I can give you some." Minghao asked, wallet already in hand.
"It's okay; you can pay for the coffee." Junhui replied. With his jacket on, you three walked through the door, ready to practice even more.
You walked out of the bathroom with your hair still wet in a messy bun and pajamas on. Minghao was on the couch watching some drama on TV, but he turned it off when he saw you. "So, if I ask you who you ate with today, what should you reply?"
"저는 밥을 친구랑 저의 어머니랑 먹었어요."
Minghao stayed quiet for a minute, looking really confused at you. "You just said you ate with your mom and friend. I'm not your mom."
"I know, but that was the first thing that came to my mind. It's not like my teacher would know if that's true or not."
"I mean, considering that you're in a foreign country with a scholarship that only allows students and not their families, I'm pretty sure they will know, but you do, I guess."
"I'm nervous." You confessed.
"I know, it is normal. But you did really well today; I really think you just weren't using the right method for yourself; maybe just sitting and waiting isn't what works for you; you might need to practice more by talking with people."
"Thank you for taking the time to help me today, both of you." You added when Junhui walked out of the shower and joined you on the sofa.
"I will prepare some green tea; it will help you." Minghao replied instead, giving you a small smile and squeezing your shoulder lightly before heading into the kitchen.
"Please don't forget we are here. I'm sorry we didn't see before you were struggling. You always seemed so fine."
"I didn't want to annoy you; everybody has their own problems and things to worry about, so I just didn't want to add to your own stress with my problems.
"It's okay if you need help; everybody does at some point in their lives. I know how frustrating it can be."
"Was it like that for you too when you came here for the first time?"
"It was because I was really young and there weren't many people from my country, similar to your situation, so I had to make myself learn it and speak it. I waslike in survival mode; I didn't speak English back then, so for me it was constantly having to memorize words because I just wouldn't be able to even buy milk from my own."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. A year later, Minghao came, and we became friends really quickly. We could speak the same language, so it was easier to express ourselves, and since I already had some knowledge of Korean, I could help him. He also had it difficult; it's never easier to be away from family and friends. And even though I was there for him, it is also frustrating to constantly depend on someone else to be able to do the most basic things." Junhui looked up for a second, trying to see if Minghao was coming back. "Don't tell him I told you, but back then I would find him crying himself to sleep. He would always wait till it was so late that I would probably be sleeping to cry all his stress and frustrations away."
Junhui kept silent for some minutes, too deep in his thoughts to talk. "But yeah, that's why we are trying to help you. We know it's hard, and if we can be that support system that you might need, then we are here, ready for it." Minghao walked into the room again, three cups in hand, and, drinking the green tea, you kept quiet, letting the movie in the background fill the silence in the room.
And it was like that how you fell asleep that night.
They haven't contacted you for the whole morning, which was weird because they always made sure to send a text saying good luck whenever they knew you had an exam because you were always nervous and they knew it way too well.
But this time, nothing.
Not even a hello.
So you walked all the way to your shared department.
As soon as you opened the door, a familiar smell hit your nose, and it brought back childhood memories you had absolutely forgotten about.
The whole living room was decorated completely differently than that morning when you left the place.
It was filled with things from your country and pictures of your family and friends.
There was even a big welcome sign on the wall, written in your native language.
The TV was turned on, and a well-known movie for you was on pause, waiting for someone to press play.
And on the couch were both Minghao and Junhui, with lots of food on the table they had placed in front of them.
With a thick accent, they struggle for a bit trying to say welcome home in a language that is clearly foreign to them, and you just want to cry.
The whole department looked like a time capsule from your childhood.
There was even the music your mom used to play on a cloudy Sunday morning to listen to while cleaning the house.
What do you think?" Junhui asked, opening some of the bags with food that were in front of him and showing you the surprise.
"What is all this? When did you guys plan this?"
You were shaking, frozen in your spot, looking at everything in the room.
"You said you missed your friend and family."
"... and your favorite food." Junhui added to what Minghao was saying.
"So we did some research and found this new restaurant. I'm not exactly sure how accurate the food or taste is, but well, you will be the one who tells us."
"We talked to your mom too, and she helped us with the music and movies! We needed the help of Google Translate, but we managed pretty well."
You walked toward them and hugged them. In all those months, this was the first time you felt something warm inside you—you felt loved. You felt like they cared about you. And for a second, it really showed how alone you had felt all this time. You couldn't help but cry.
And cried.
And cried.
And cried.
And they hold you.
They didn't ask questions.
They didn't need to.
Because they knew it.
They knew it too well.
So they hold you as tight as possible, holding every piece of you, and for a moment, you were scared that if they let you go, you would break again.
The food didn't taste like the homemade version your mom used to cook you when you were younger; you didn't even know if the ingredients were from your country. But it felt nice and right.
And when you saw how happy they were to share this with you, it made everything even better.
You weren't alone.
Not anymore.
184 notes · View notes
kkami-writes · 1 year
waiting for us ― a skz social media au.
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pairing. OT8 x fem!reader synopsis. At age 16 you either get your soul mark (in the form of your soulmates name somewhere on your body) or you become a blank, someone who doesn't have a soulmate. You've long lost any semblance of hope or comfort in the magic of soulmates, despite the fact that you have 8 of them. genre. soulmate!au, college!au, social media!au + written parts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut cw. swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendos, skz should be in horny jail, eventual smut (MDNI), domestic abuse, sexual assault/harassment, implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal tendencies/thoughts, implied/referenced past suicide attempt, male x male relationships (skz are soulmates), polyamory, kms/kys jokes, mentions of homophobia + transphobia, lots of written parts, reader is really bad at feelings, ulzzang pics (this is more so to focus on the fashion), appearance of junhao, yeji and hyunjin are siblings, more to be added status: ongoing! / taglist: CLOSED! wanna support my work? consider buying me a coffee.
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yn's accounts | the boys chapter one. go to horny jail chapter two. sus chapter three. welcome home cheater chapter four. you come here often? chapter five. sk8er boi chapter six. just a coincidence chapter seven. soulmate tingle chapter eight. down bad chapter nine. avoidance chapter ten. feminine urges chapter eleven. the whole circus chapter twelve. fairy boy chapter thirteen. apologies chapter fourteen. simp behavior chapter fifteen. not slick chapter sixteen. scooby doo chapter seventeen. screwed over chapter eighteen. back off hoe chapter nineteen. the gig chapter twenty. the plan™ chapter twenty one. yn chapter twenty two. a chance chapter twenty three. good morning chapter twenty four. totally subtle chapter twenty five. opening up chapter twenty six. howls moving castle chapter twenty seven. a deal chapter twenty eight. girls daye chapter twenty nine. girl dinner chapter thirty. the clit chapter thirty one. knight in shining armor chapter thirty two. masterpieces chapter thirty three. #NPP chapter thirty four. beach episode chapter thirty five. in the rain chapter thirty six. rumours chapter thirty seven. laser tag chapter thirty eight. cat cafe chapter thirty nine. bruises chapter fourty. sunrise
waiting for us masterlist part 2!!!!
3K notes · View notes
hrts4hanniehae · 7 months
clutch || ten
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
a/n: sorry i was gone... but i'm back.
warnings: attempted assault, violence
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wonwoo had never in his life been so afraid. afraid of losing yn. yes. he had fallen for her. it only took weeks for her to break the hard shell he cast around his heart.
he couldn't bear to let her get hurt.
she was the first woman who had loved seollie with all her heart. she was the first woman her genuinely felt that he could confide in.
if comfort and security was a person, to him, it'd be yn.
and she was gone.
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yn barricaded herself in her art room. her sculpting tools would be of great use in this situation.
her stalker was jaeho. jaeho and e/n to be precise.
jaeho and e/n were in cahoots the whole time. the plan was to monopolise the 2 daughters of a rich family so that they could get money to fund their careers.
however, after jaeho successfully married chaeyoung, he realised she was going to ruin his reputation so he asked e/n to brutally leave yn so he cld be there to pick up the pieces and seduce yn.
after that, jaeho began to stalk yn o figure out her new place of residence. e/n, began to separately stalk her, in an attempt to get her back.
"yn. i told you that you were next. don't be scared. i won't do anything."
"jaeho, my parents hate me. what does attacking me do for you? you won't get ransom!"
"not from them. i'll get ransom from your precious boyfriend wonwoo."
"you aren't making any sense! if you want money, i'll just give it to you. please just get out!"
jaeho wanted to hurt her. he blamed her for his misfortune with chaeyoung.
"if you were better, i wouldn't have married chaeyoung."
"how is that my problem! what is wrong with you? i'm confused and scared and you don't make sense. pl-"
she was cut off by the sounds of crashing and something being slammed into a wall. she heard clatters of metal and shouting before she heard the comfort of a voice she knew so well.
"i'm here, yn. you're okay."
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
previous I next
tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae @hyuckxtagram @kissesfrmwonwoo @httphera
94 notes · View notes
sneakyseventeen · 5 years
Junaho ✰ High Stress
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Members: Model! Minghao x Photographer! Jun
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Word Count: 1k+
Disclaimer: deals with eating disorders and this is my first time writing btw members, hope you like it!
 ❀          ❀          ❀
Minghao loved his job. The fact that he could design then model his own clothes was a dream come true, along with his fame and success, and his boyfriend and photographer, Junhui.
Or at least that's how he pictured it. It wasn't at all like this. His company had hired a new designer for Minghao, as they didn't like his, "style". The job gave him a hectic scheduled, and he barely had time to rest. Waking up at ungodly hours, and going to sleep nearly at sunrise. They monitored what he ate nearly 24/7, which was driving Minghao to the way of an eating disorder. But the cherry on top of this nightmare sundae, was Junhui. Him and Minghao had met through their first year at collage, doing shoots for fun together, in hopes for a dream like this, but not as horrible, to happen. Suddenly, like they were both shot by cupid with an arrow, they feel in love. Being close was easy at first, but the agency/company barely allowed them time together, only during photo shoots. Not many members of the company even knew, because their relationship could ruin their career, and they hadn't even spoke and come out about it yet. Jun remembered the day Minghao did, which he will never forgot.
Jun had already known he himself was gay, when he found himself checking out dudes rather than girls in high school, and the feeling only grew when he met the younger boy. He went about 2 years wondering what Minghao was, as he was so desperately in love with him. Minghao confused Junhui, to the point of madness. He couldn't figure him out. Until one night, at around 9pm, he came home late, and walked into the apartment to hear Minghao crying. He ran into Minghao's room and found him on the floor in distress, tears streaming down his face.
"Minghao........are you ok?"
The question was so obvious, as he wasn't, not in the slightest. But he didn't know what else to say, as he'd never seen the boy like this. Minghao couldn't stop tearing, not even enough for him to speak. Then Jun sat next to the boy, and wrapped his arms around him, comforting his small frame. This made Minghao feel so safe, his crying softened.
"What's the matter?"
"It's me."
"What about you?"
"I feel so lost. I'm so confused. Jun please help me."
"What is it hao?"
The nickname Jun gave him pulled on his heart.
"I-" He choked on his words.
"I think....
UH how do I say this...." Jun didn't say anything. He stayed will his hands on Minghao's shoulders, trying to comfort and hold him up, as he stood almost shaking.
"I..... I think I might be bisexual."
Jun had a small smile on his face when the words left Minghao's mouth. He nervously looked at Jun, when Jun's words were bleak, Minghao started tearing up again and tried to loosen from his grip, but Jun wouldn't let him. He gave Minghao the warmest hug he had ever felt.
Again, he felt that safety.
Minghao continued talking, saying now Jun's favorite phrase.
"And- I..... think I love you......"
"I love you too."
The two spent the night laying in Minghao's bed, with snacks and candy, wathcing a Comedy to lighten the mood. Minghao quickly fell asleep from the previous stress, and Jun covered him with blankets, before kissing his forehead, and whispering, "Goodnight."
Jun would do anything, anything for Minghao to stop. Stop putting himself down, and stop doubting himself. Minghao was an amazing attractive guy, and Junhui was boggled how he couldn't see that. Normally he felt like he could help the other boy with his confidence. By complimenting him, showing affection, or taking photos of him. But the elder never thought 1 photo would get them to where they are now.
It all started when the two were bored on a day in spring. Minghao had just bought some clothes and decided to would be fun to have a photo shoot. He normally had no trouble setting up his tripod, and taking pictues of hinself alone, but today was one of those not so normal days. He called the only person who he trusted in taking good photos, Junhui, and after a hour of clicking, the boys had decided on one they liked, and Minghao posted it on his Instagram. What they didn't expect was for the two to wake up so close to each other, and for the picture on Minghao's account to have almost 10,000 likes. Their new jobs had sky rocketed from there. The company that they were now in recruiting the two boys, pushing them for nearly all of their adds or products. It was chaos for the both of them, but more for Minghao. He was naturally thinner than most people, but that came in handy as a model. It didn't mean he didn't receive comments though. If Minghao could list how many times someones told him he shouldn't be modeling, or that he wasn't good looking enough, and all in between, he would need more paper. But he never thought this day would come. He was eating at the bar the company had set up that day, and after accidentally skipping breakfast, he was hungry. The boss come over and pulled Minghao aside, scolding him pretty loudly. He back back out and thew away his food. He was on the brim of tears before Jun grabbed his hand and walked them out of there.
"Jun stop!"
Minghao was already upset enough, but his biggest fear is being exposed as a couple, as it wasn't accepted in China. That was the last thing Minghao wanted. Jun on the other hand, seemed more okay about it. It wasn't that Minghao was nervous..... well....it was. He didn’t know what everyone would think or view him, and he'd rather keep it that way.
"Minghao... I need to talk to you."
Junhui sounded serious. He sounded like he had on the night they both confessed. His voice was so soft, yet it felt hard like sand paper.
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
This is part 1!! Wirting part 2 currently. I've been in a really bad state lately, sorri for disappearing ! (Also I wrote this over a year ago and ive never written fanfic btw members, hope it turned out okay!)
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junhaoclub · 5 years
happy cinco de mayo🎉 + junhao painting each other's faces, please? thx!
pairing: junhao genre: fluff words: 305 prompt: face painting
send me a cinco de mayo prompt!
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“It doesn’t even feel like you’re doing it right,” Junhui mumbles, fighting the urge to pout.
“I actually studied art, so I know what I’m doing, jerk,” Minghao spits back.
Junhui rolls his eyes and giggles when Minghao slaps his arm in retaliation. “I wanna be a pretty kitty and you’re probably making me ugly.”
Minghao only grins, the brush in his hand never wavering in its strokes. “You could never be ugly, Jun-ge.”
“My pretty face is why you love me so much, don’t ruin it.”
“I don’t love you for your face,” Minghao mutters, frowning as he picks up another brush and dips it into the black tube of face paint. “Now stop talking, I’m about to put your whiskers on.”
Junhui keeps still, only smiling once Minghao focuses on his nose instead of his cheeks. Minghao has his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he concentrates, eyebrows furrowed together. It’s only safe to move when Minghao’s expression clears and he starts putting his supplies away, but Junhui waits for his all-clear anyway.
“We’re all done now. You’re the prettiest kitty on this side of the planet,” Minghao says, smiling when Junhui immediately jumps up and cheers.
Minghao’s laughing when Junhui leans down and kisses him, a messy and awkward kind of kiss due to Minghao’s open mouth and Junhui’s painted face. They make it work somehow because they’ve always made it work.
Junhui doesn’t need to look in the mirror to know that Minghao did a good job since Minghao always does an amazing job anyway, but he looks into one nearby just so that he can turn right around and watch the way Minghao flushes at his praise.
His boyfriend is so pretty.
Now Junhui wants to paint Minghao’s face and he’ll do whatever he can to make that happen.
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weird-bookworm · 1 year
a/n: been wanting to do this for a long time now, hopefully y'all will like it <3 i don't really do reader x member stuff though, so this'll just either be member x member ships or no romance at all 😅
pairing: jihancheol, junhao, verkwan
genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, romance (kinda), angst (?), mafia
warnings: slight mentions of non-graphic violence, illegal stuff obviously
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handles the covers
has a chain of legitimate businesses
the earnings make the employees' salaries
but also funds svt
adding in to the earnings from their shady businesses
belongs to a very rich family
just a successful young ceo to the world
the loud adorable member to svt
really good at singing
even better at acting
no one from his companies can tell that he is sunshine personified
because he's the cold hearted and kind but firm ceo to them
handles a few different tech firms
(including the one where wonwoo pretends he works)
recently acquired a restaurant franchise
svt had to hire more members to take care of it
because while he isn't anything less than a one man army sometimes
handling too many things is not his cup of tea
has paperwork for every member of svt
saying that they work under him
just in case the gang's compromised
they'll have actual jobs and enough money for a while
works closely with joshua
and vernon
has separate basement offices in every building he owns
for both of them to work in
sometimes wonwoo joins them
a lot of svt's recruits work under him
they work with wonwoo and vernon during missions
to get them info
so that joshua and vernon can get to work
said information is given to the rest of the group for further plan making
often works from home
helps mingyu with the cooking
and the house maintenance
questions why they don't have hired house help on a daily basis
especially since they practically live in the headquarters
which is no less than a mansion
often does weird shit unprompted
in charge of svt's money management along with jihoon
his family doesn't know about his real job either
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the doctor
because he's pretty smart
(also pretty dumb)
and very very clumsy
says it is better that his job doesn't require him to go on field
or he'll get someone killed
the members also collectively agree
saying that he cooks good food while they're away on missions
he retaliates saying that he cooks food even when they aren't on missions
secretly pleased they like his cooking
even though he knew that already
his recruitment was completely accidental
prompted by him saving seungcheol's life
was planning to attend medical college when his foster parents threw him out
was struggling
how was a 16 year old supposed to take care of himself
they didn't even let him pack his bags
or notify his previous orphanage that they couldn't afford to take care of him anymore
was wandering a dark alleyway a week later
near the bins, searching for edible food
when he found a guy bleeding out quite aggressively
(the man was seungcheol, but he didn't know back then)
the stranger had apparently gotten into a scuffle and had been shot
but the bullet had just grazed him and left a deep gash instead
helped patch seungcheol up
and helped him get back to his apartment
where joshua offered him a place to stay for a while
he was supposed to move out within a few days
was afraid they'd kick him out after a week
but no one said anything so he didn't either
felt guilty after a month and brought it up with jeonghan
who just laughed and said that he's a part of the family now
jihoon was the one to bring up his education
they sent him to a medical college like he wanted to after 2 years
used to be constantly worried about the others in the start
but now knows their pain tolerance and level headedness is higher than he thinks
and trusts himself too
once cooked dinner for the thirteen of them (hygienically) while cleaning jun's wounds
a 6 ft soft giant
swoon worthy
a total dork though
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master poisoner
in charge of poisons and drugs
not only their trade
but also their production
runs a small neat production unit under svt
where he experiments with all sorts of chemicals and whatnot
has made drugs in all forms and disguises
for example, he has one which can be used as nail polish
dries and looks like actual nail polish
dip the finger in any liquid, except saliva, for exactly 7 seconds and it dissolves
has made small charms to be hung on bracelets or to be worn as pendants or rings
they contain tiny amounts of lethal poisons
has different "homemade" drugs for different purposes
made copies of the neat list which stated the dosage, use and method of administration
stuck them on all four fridges (yes, four, they eat like ogres) of the mansion
always makes sure that all his drugs and poisons have a cure, even lethal ones
but also makes sure that said cures are only with him
another chinese
trained in chinese wushu
has won over 40 contests since he was 6
fond of reading
a talented dancer
in love with teas and wines
sleight of hand
better than his boyfriend's
often accompanies jeonghan and jun on their missions
most of the times, even his members don't realise when he slips drugs in the target's glasses or plates
great sense of fashion
sassy as fuck
✨MaTeRiAl GwOrL✨
infamous for his prompt savage rebuttals
especially to soonyoung
even though he is one of the members who babies soonyoung the most
meditation is practically a lifestyle at this point
usually calm and serene
very wise and stable
knows how to have fun though
unexpectedly kinky
(jun is his bf though so not that surprising)
part of the '97 squad along with mingyu and seokmin, a group of same aged friends with people from different ally gangs such as bts and got7
him and jun are also close friends with other chinese people in different ally gangs, same aged or not
a soft little dumpling in reality
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deals with trade and arms
along with chan
but his job, predominantly, is to overlook dealings
and trade
svt ships arms and other stolen goods
also overlooks that entire department
one of the youngers
got the hyung vibe anyway
gets annoyed really easily
specially with chan
the drama queen of the gang
very entertaining
as long as it's not you he's roasting the shit out of
from jeju-do
how he ended up in a seoul gang is still very much unknown to him
especially because he comes from an adorable middle class family
can be unexpectedly shy
the members often tease him by calling him a tangerine
gets ready to murder in reply
unless hansol says it ofc
then he just blushes
very round
very squishy
do not fight if mingyu is not around
god knows he'e the only one who can physically hold him back
another sassy bitch
and another ✨MaTeRiAl GwOrL✨
very close with his sisters
won't admit it
but pouts a lot
is forever suffering from some kind of second hand embarrassment
has an ongoing feud with mingyu
and soonyoung
and specially chan
secretly loves them though
always has some sort of blackmail on everyone
unexpectedly stupid
whipped™ for hansol
has excellent memory
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almost as good wonwoo with computers
is always on field with joshua
usually out of sight though
very calm and collected
half american
his family lives in america
so he never has to worry about them
originally worked as their fake bait
used to pretend like he is their prized boy toy
then sell him for something else
only to never let him leave at all
aka they killed the other party
they failed to do so once
he had to pretend to be shy
and sultry
while still also protecting his dignity
for a week straight
at least the bracelet he had was fitted with a microphone
and a tiny speaker
courtesy of wonwoo
so he was in contact with them the entire time
they decided to not play with another member's life after the incident
and hansol started working with wonwoo and joshua
to scam entire gangs
too good at his job
no one ever realises they even got scammed for the longest time
and when they do, it's practically impossible o trace it back to svt
very reliable
and stable
whipped for seungkwan
best friends with chan
almost more maknae then chan
one of the few people who's barely ever bullied by the members
too good at dad jokes
but they're also pretty rare
has a very strong personality
weirdly fond of hats
might be more whipped for cats than he is for seungkwan
which is saying something
svt has a cat in the headquarters
because of him
very easygoing
tends to take a long time doing everyday tasks
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except he makes and experiments with them
instead of trading
they call him their little iron man (💀)
has an insane stamina
in love with anything explosive
another hapkido back belt
in charge of training the new recruits
runs a gun shop as a side business
it's legitimate
used to train for the military
changed career courses when he found out about svt accidentally
was actually on the way to a relative's house
gave the wrong address to the taxi driver
svt, on the other hand, were waiting for a new recruit
jihoon had orchestrated a complicated surprise test for him
was very surprised when the taxi left him in front of a mansion instead of a rundown apartment building
was even more baffled when around ten men in suits who looked like they came straight from an action thriller jumped at him
fight or flight instinct was on
didn't know what was happening
but fought anyway
couldn't defeat them
but did manage to get a word in to jihoon
who was surprised to know chan wasn't the recruit
offered him a good price to join
chan accepted
never really did get around to visiting that relative though hmm
svt tends to have a upper hand in most situations
a major reason for which is their upgraded weaponry
very loved as the maknae
has to be the most bullied maknae in history though 💀
the group's punching bag (lovingly)
when i tell you they throw him around like a rag doll
(sometimes physically, he is pretty tiny)
emotionally wiser than you'd think
everyone would unanimously agree that he is the most passionate member
he is also jeonghan hyung's baby
one of the few members who didn't grow up with the group
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a/n: yikes, this took a long time. anyway, reviews are always welcome!
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