#junior chamber of commerce
dedibelyegei · 1 year
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Egyből a földgolyó másik felére utazunk, annak is egy aránylag kicsi és eldugott szegletébe, Új-Kaledóniába! Hát ha hallottunk is róla, esetleg be is tudjuk lőni kb. merre van, lássuk be többségünk nem tud túl sokat erről az országról/tengerentúli területről. Így pár sorban ezzel kezdjük, úgyis később is lesz még innen bélyeg, bizonyám!
Új-Kaledónia Franciaország egyik tengerentúli területe, egy nagy és több kisebb szigetből áll, a Csendes-óceán délnyugati részén, Ausztráliától jó 1500 km-re itt:
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Nagyjából 280 ezren lakják, 90% Grande Terrén a nagy főszigeten él. Alapvetően három fő népcsoport él itt, az őshonos melanéz kanakok, idetelepült franciák, és egyéb óceániai bevándorlók. Történelmileg klasszikus gyarmati múlttal rendelkezik, nagyjából i.e. 1500 óta élnek itt a melanéz őslakosok. Mindenki békében elhegesztgetett magában a szigeten, némi egyéb polinéz keveredés mellett, egészen 1774-ig amikor ki más, mint a jó öreg James Cook ide is betette lábát (hajóját). Jelenlegi nevét is ő adta a szigetnek, Kaledónia egyébként Skócia latin neve. Eleinte nem volt rossz kapcsolat az érkezők és a bennszülöttek között, de aztán az európaiak által behurcolt betegségek elkezdték tizedelni a helyi népeket, és megromlott a viszony. Ez odaáig eszkalálódott, hogy 1849-ben az egyik törzs egy itt kikötő hajó legénységét megette! Ezután sajnos itt is beköszöntött a rabszolgakereskedelem időszaka, Fidzsire és Queenslandbe hurcolták az embereket az ültetvényekre. A XX. század elején szűnt csak meg a gyakorlat, a rabszolgakereskedők áldozatait nevezék kanakasnak, ez rövidült kanakká, mely aztán az őslakosok összefoglaló neve lett. A sziget egyébként 1853-ban került Franciaország birtokába, III. Napóleon azon törekvései okán, hogy ellensúlyt képezzen a britek ausztrál és új-zélandi gyarmataival szemben. A II. világháborúban aztán az Egyesült Államok épített ki itt erős támaszpontokat a szövetséges hatalmakkal karöltve, a japánokkal szemben, Nouméában - a jelenlegi fővárosban - volt a teljes csendes-óceáni haderő főparancsnoksága. A háború után lényegében továbbra is francia gyarmati sorban maradt a terület, a kanakok jogai és lehetőségei számtalan módon korlátozva voltak, ha nem is olyan kemény apartheid rendszer volt mint Dél-Afrikában, de annak egy enyhébb változata. Ez a '80-as évek közepére vezetett komolyabb forrongásokba, és a '80-as évek végén meg is kezdődik a függetlenedés folyamata, különböző egyezmények kimondják, hogy Új-Kaledónia fokozatosan elválik Franciaországtól, és ez elkerülhetetlen folyamat. Bevezették a külön új-kaledón állampolgárságot, csak ekkor lett az országnak külön zászlaja, címere, ami amúgy nagyon menő:
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Ez a folyamat olyannyira szépen haladt, hogy 2018-ban népszavazást tartottak a teljes függetlenedésről, melyen 80%-os részvétel mellett, több mint 56%-al a maradáspártiak győztek. Mivel azonban az eredmény szoros volt, két év múlva megismételték a szavazást, 2020-ban már több mint 85%-os volt a részvétel, és még szorosabb eredmény született: a maradáspártiak győztek, de már csak 53%-al. Így történt tehát, hogy a sziget(ek) még mindig francia terület maradt, bár azokból talán a legfüggetlenebb, jog szerint az egyetlen autonóm francia terület, a gyakorlatban a külügyön, hadügyön, rendőri ügyeken, és valutaügyeken kívül minden más területen teljes a függetlenség a francia államtól. Valószínűsíthető, hogy 10-20 éven belül régi-új teljesen önálló ország születik itt.
A bélyeg a helyi Ifjúsági Kereskedelmi Kamara 10 éves évfordulójára készült 1972-ben. Ez még értelemszerűen teljes francia kontroll alatt alakult, a 'rendszerváltás' óta már nem létezik, rendes saját Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara lett azóta, gondolom Parragh László nélkül hálistennek. A bélyegen látható alak egy 'arany kanak', egy őslakos alakja, mely címeres pajzsot tart, amin a kamara jelképe látható, egy földtérkép - számunkra - sajátos nézetből. A háttér erre reflektál a szélességi körökkel, kék alapon. A bélyeg 12 frankos, és bizony, a mai napig Franciaország tengerentúli területein (kivéve a tengerentúli megyéket), nem történt meg az eurósítás és frankot használnak még most is. Innen Magyarországról könnyen gondolhatnánk, hogy ez biztos egy nagyon értékes bélyeg, de az a helyzet, hogy nem annyira, állapottól függően 0,50-2 euró közt be lehet szerezni. Mivel évfordulóra készült, magányos bélyeg, nem tagja sorozatnak.
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trumpamerica · 19 days
Walz was only enrolled at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota until 2004 but said until 2011 that he was close to getting his doctorate
Walz Congressional Website Bio: Walz completed his master's degree in educational leadership in 2001 and is nearly finished with his doctorate at St. Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota. His approach to teaching has gained him recognition as the 2002 Minnesota Ethics in Education award winner, 2003 Mankato Teacher of the Year, and the 2003 Minnesota Teacher of Excellence as well as being named the Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Junior Chamber of Commerce for his service in the education, military, and small business communities.
When Walz ran for Congress in 2006, roughly two years after his last recorded year in the St. Mary’s doctoral program, he portrayed himself on the campaign trail and in Congress as an active student "nearly finished" with his Ph.D. A 2006 voter guide published by the Minnesota Star Tribune indicated that Walz’s Ph.D. was "in progress."
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vintagelasvegas · 2 years
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“City of Las Vegas” Aerotrain arriving in Las Vegas on its inaugural run from Los Angeles, December 16, 1956
“The newly designed Aerotrain will arrive at Union Depot at 3:40 p.m. and will be greeted by city and county officials, the Rhythmettes and the high spirited Jaycees in a typical Las Vegas welcome ... The daily shuttle service of the streamlined train is the result of two and a half years planning by Union Pacific executives, representatives of the resort hotels, and the chamber of commerce” - New Vegas Train Due, Review-Journal, 12/16/56
“It was popular with riders, partly because it offered a free buffet meal and bar service. The Aerotrain, among other inconveniences, was underpowered and required a GP7 helper locomotive over Cajon Pass. Union Pacific gave up its lease on the Aerotrain and replaced it with a conventional train in Sep. ‘57” - Union Pacific City of Las Vegas Aerotrain, Trainweb.com
Photo: Junior League of Las Vegas Collection (PH-00097), UNLV Special Collections
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lboogie1906 · 15 days
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Seaman Reby Cary (September 9, 1920 - December 7, 2018) educator, community activist, politician, entrepreneur, and WWII veteran he was born in Fort Worth to Reverend Smith and Maggie B. Cary. He has a BA in History from Prairie View A&M College. He completed the requirements for his MA in history but WWII interrupted his studies. He returned to Prairie View and completed his MA.
He enlisted in the Coast Guard, becoming one of the first African Americans to be commissioned in the ranks of apprentice seaman. He became a Radioman Second Class and was assigned to the USS Cambria. He noted that thousands of other Black women and men in WWII still had to ride on segregated trains.
He found that vocational training programs for veterans were restricted to white former servicemen only. He co-founded the McDonald College of Industrial Arts for African Americans
He was a counselor and history/government instructor at Dunbar Middle School. He became an assistant professor of history at Tarrant County Junior College and became the first Black professor hired at the University of Texas at Arlington. He led a successful crusade to remove Confederate symbols from the UTA campus.
He established a successful real estate company. He was a noted local historian who authored several books on African American history in North Texas.
He became the first African American elected to the Fort Worth School Board. He ran for the Texas State Legislature, becoming the first State Representative elected in District 95. He introduced the bill to create the Texas Commission on Human Rights to fight racial discrimination across the state. He became a Republican.
He was a member of New Rising Star Baptist Church and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He served the Boy Scouts of America, the United Way, and the Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce.
He married Nadine Spencer Cary (1945-2013). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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presleypictures · 2 years
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Elvis was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce (the Jaycees) – Holiday Inn Rivermont, Memphis, January 16, 1971.
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thatstormygeek · 2 months
The Democrats are a Big Tent Party less in the celebratory, inclusive sense, and more in the way you might feel if you arrived at a group camping trip to find that there were not individual accommodations.
“Fuck. It’s just one big tent.”
Awareness of this dynamic is acute in the party’s left wing. That’s because, at least in my lifetime, they have almost always been the losers in the internal power struggle, a minority faction alternately wheedling and hollering as the moderates and the neoliberals steered the ship confidently to the right. This was true during both the Clinton years and the Obama years. It took the ascendance of Trump, a crisis that neither party’s establishment was ready for, to weaken the neoliberals’ hold on the party’s controls. The realization that they were the ones who had fucked up the country enough to make Trump’s ascendance possible made them seem a little less omniscient than before. Even after Biden was able to beat back the challenge of Bernie in the primaries, it was clear that progressives were strong enough in the party to make real demands. Biden acquiesced to a “unity task force” that produced a set of progressive policy demands as he took office. Biden’s domestic policy team, particularly at the FTC, the NLRB, and his economic advisers, were markedly more progressive than those in past Democratic administrations. Unions had more clout in the White House. Things had ticked to the left, domestically at least. Biden was not radical enough to see his way to not helping Israel incinerate thousands of children, but he did some good economic stuff. Keynes would be proud.
Let me suggest a way for the congenitally hapless Democratic Party to break out of its natural inclination to be forever locked in a dispiriting battle between being those who want it to be a party of social progress and those who want it to be a more polite version of the Republicans, a Chamber of Commerce party without all the discomfiting talk about genital examinations in high school sports. Let me name a single constituency, a single faction, that is capable of uniting the vast majority of Democrats around it. This is a group that can pull in construction workers and engineers, house cleaners and home builders, teachers and civil servants, bank tellers and airline pilots, baristas and Hollywood actors. Yes: It is organized labor. Is it “populist?” Sure. Is it “progressive?” Intrinsically, if not in its branding. It is the big tent that Democrats aspire to be. Put labor at the heart of the Democratic Party. Build the party around that. ... Labor does not need to try to represent America. It is America. Yet neither party has thought to claim it. Republicans hate it, and the Democrats have long been happy to make organized labor a junior partner, a desperate little dog fed on scraps, an afterthought that doesn’t require much attention because it has no other choice but to stick with you, given the options.
The left wing of the party, I’m sure, would get on board with this setup. (Those who rose with Bernie Sanders over the past decade have notably evolved closer to this position in recent years, as they recognized that labor must be the foundation of any mass progressive movement.) The Hollywood liberals would accept it—they’re all union members themselves. The normies of party, the regular folks who just don’t want Trump, could easily be made to see the appeal of an institution representing every type of working person, even if they don’t know much about unions. The money wing of the party, the Tony Wests and Reid Hoffmans, would not like it. But fuck them. They should be the junior partners in this coalition. There is an entire party of capital sitting right across the street. The rich people who have enough moral fiber to not want to hop on board with fascism in order to protect their fortunes are left with one choice: the Democrats. Get on board, fuckers. If this sound harsh, understand that this is essentially the message that Democrats have long sent to organized labor itself—a group that has tens of millions of members, not just a few.
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citizenscreen · 1 year
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Bette Davis serving as an auctioneer during an Oklahoma City Junior Chamber of Commerce luncheon in September 1942 to raise funds for the War effort. #DailyBette
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nerianasims · 2 years
(It’s the best quality I could find.)
Don’t try to fit in with the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Conservatives hate you just as much as they hate Dr. Frank N. Furter.
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Chamber of Commerce
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Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce (BNCC) is one of South East Queensland's many organisations supporting local businesses. As President of the Beenleigh Yatala Junior Chamber of Commerce in 2022, I know first-hand that these organisations aim to bring the local community together and forge connections, particularly amongst small and medium-sized businesses. The BBNC currently holds monthly “Nightowls” meetings as well as other daytime events throughout the year. The concept is to host one ore more of these events at the Workshops (and The Wheelhouse once built) to bring business professionals to the Northshore to see for themselves the growing potential of the site as an Enterprise and Innovation Precinct.
Source -
Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce. (2024). Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce. Retrieved from Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce: https://www.bncc.com.au/
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stephenswisher · 4 months
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pasoroblesdailynews · 6 months
Shop local at Jr. CEO business day in Atascadero this Sunday
Over 30 local students participating in the Jr. CEO program will showcase their products and services – The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce is hosting the second annual Jr. CEO Business Day on Sunday, Mar. 24. Over 30 elementary and junior high students participating in the Jr. CEO program will showcase their products and services at the event, located next to LOL Yogurt in downtown Atascadero…
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golfbloggercom · 7 months
The First Los Angeles Open (Genesis Invitational)
The first Los Angeles Open -- now known as the Genesis Invitational -- was first played January 7 - 10, 1926
The First Los Angeles Open (Genesis Invitational) The Los Angeles Open — now known as the Genesis Invitational — was first played January 7 – 10, 1926 at the Los Angeles Country Club. (For what it’s worth, the LA Country Club is scheduled to host the 2023 US Open.) The event was sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles as part of a promotional “golf week.” The idea, however,…
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wutbju · 9 months
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James D. (Jim) Edwards, Jr., former top executive with Arthur Andersen & Co. and influential Atlanta civic leader, died July 15, 2023, in Tallahassee, Florida. He was 79.
A loving husband and father, Jim is survived by his beloved wife of 55 years, Sharon Bordelon Edwards, son David Lee Edwards of Charlotte, NC, sister Carolyn Edwards Smith (Larry) of Greenville, SC, two grandchildren, Mary Zipporah Edwards of Charlotte, NC, and David Basile Edwards of Washington, DC, nephew, Ryan Smith of Greenville, SC, and nieces Nicole Ferris of Jupiter, FL, and Erin Adams of Tallahassee, FL.
Jim was the son of Dr. James D. Edwards and Elizabeth Reynolds Edwards, and was born in Cleveland, TN, on November 4, 1943, and raised in Greenville, SC. He graduated first in his senior class from Bob Jones Academy, where he was elected senior class president and president of the student body. He graduated with a degree in Accounting, with honors, from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC.
Jim spent his entire professional career with the public accounting firm Arthur Andersen & Co. He was hired as a staff accountant in 1964 and began a stellar rise that would lead to the No. 3 position in an organization with more than 85,000 employees operating in 84 countries. Before he reached the age of 30, he was admitted to partnership in 1973, making him the youngest ever to achieve this level. In 1979, he became the Managing Partner of the Atlanta office and ushered in an era of unprecedented growth. During his tenure, the office prospered and expanded from less than 400 to more than 900 professional employees. Arthur Andersen, as the largest such firm in Atlanta, grew to nearly twice the size of their closest competitors, and were auditors of over 40% of the top 50 public companies in Georgia. In 1987, when he was 44 years old, Jim became responsible for managing North American operations comprising 85 offices and 20,000 employees, and was elevated to Arthur Andersen's Executive Committee. In 1989, he became Managing Partner for North and South America. Until his retirement in 2002, he served as Managing Partner for Global Markets.
Jim was generous in devoting time and resources to numerous civic and charitable organizations in the city he loved - Atlanta, Georgia. His service included terms as Board member or Chairman of numerous nonprofit organizations, including Central Atlanta Progress, Metropolitan United Way, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Metro Atlanta Salvation Army, Atlanta Junior Achievement, National Junior Achievement, Woodruff Arts Center, and the Cousins Family Foundation.
At the conclusion of his career with Arthur Andersen, Jim served on the Board of Directors of various publicly traded companies, including IMS Health, Inc., Crawford & Company, Cousins Properties, Inc., Huron Consulting Group, and Transcend Services, Inc.
Jim enjoyed competing in tennis and was the perennial champion of the Atlanta Country Club members' tournament. Golf was another favorite pastime, with annual trips to Scotland to play the old courses, and frequent rounds played with his wife at their home courses on Spring Island, SC, and Placida, FL. When he turned 50, he celebrated by making a coast-to-coast motorcycle trip from the Statue of Liberty in New York City to the Santa Monica pier in California. In later years, he enjoyed hiking in Colorado and spent many summer months there.
Jim was a man of rare qualities, capabilities, and interests. His life exemplified success achieved through dedication, integrity, and hard work. His professional accomplishments, outstanding character and sterling personal conduct inspired and impressed his employees, peers, business associates, and virtually everyone who came to know him. He made immense and lasting contributions to his employer, community, family and those who were fortunate to be his friend. In his passing, the world lost a true leader and a man of accomplishments; one who lived a principled life, faithfully followed Christ, and rejoiced in helping others.
A memorial service will be held at the Saint Mark United Methodist Church of Atlanta at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, July 24, 2023. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made, in memory of James D. Edwards, to Mayo Clinic for Alzheimer's Research, Mayo Clinic Florida, 4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32224.
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fitmanagement · 11 months
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I understand the challenges gym owners face when it comes to attracting new members and retaining existing ones. To thrive in this competitive industry, it’s crucial to employ a variety of prospecting methods that target different demographics and market segments. In this article, we’ll explore how and where gym owners can effectively prospect to grow their membership base.
Internal Prospecting
Get Referrals from Current Members: Encourage your current members to refer friends and family. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal.
New Service Offerings: Regularly introduce new services, classes, or programs to keep your existing members engaged and excited, and attract potential new members.
Guest Passes: Offer guest passes to current members, so they can bring friends or family to try out your gym. This provides a risk-free way for prospective members to experience your facilities.
Contacting Previous Members: Reach out to past members and offer them incentives to rejoin. Sometimes, all it takes is a friendly reminder of the benefits they once enjoyed.
Continuing Education Classes: Promote continuing education classes and workshops offered within your club. Members and non-members can benefit from these valuable sessions.
Monthly Event Calendar: Provide a marketing calendar outlining monthly events, challenges, and promotions to keep members engaged and attract potential new members.
Seminars/Health Fairs: Host seminars and health fairs open to the public, showcasing your expertise and facilities. This demonstrates your commitment to community health.
Health Screenings: Offer free or low-cost health screenings like blood pressure, body fat testing, and skin cancer checks to the public. This not only benefits the community but also introduces people to your gym.
Thank You Cards: Show your appreciation by sending thank you cards to all new members and those who considered joining but didn’t. A personal touch can make a lasting impression.
Special Corporate Presentations (Contact CEO/Human Resources)
Paycheck Stuffers: Collaborate with local businesses to include promotional materials or guest passes in their employees’ paychecks or company newsletters.
Demos/Seminars: Arrange demonstrations and seminars at local workplaces, educating employees about the importance of fitness and offering on-site demonstrations.
Health Fairs: Participate in corporate health fairs, where you can engage with employees and provide information about your gym’s services.
High Schools & Colleges
Engage with Schools: Build relationships with local high schools and colleges. Offer presentations on the benefits of exercise, provide passes to students and their parents, and participate in school events.
Write for School Newspapers: Contribute articles on fitness and health to school newspapers, showcasing your expertise.
Offer Free Fitness Evaluations: Provide free fitness evaluations to students and staff, helping them understand their health and fitness levels.
Organizations, Clubs, Apartment Complexes, Stores
Engage with Clubs: Partner with local clubs and organizations (e.g., women’s clubs, men’s clubs, Junior League, Elks club) to be a guest speaker and extend guest passes to their members.
Apartment Complexes: Work with apartment managers to include gym passes and flyers in new tenant packages and on bulletin boards.
Local Businesses and Stores: Display promotional materials in local stores and businesses. Engage with community groups and attend events.
Chamber of Commerce and Business Expos: Participate in local expos to showcase your gym to the business community.
Direct Mail and Phone Solicitations: Use lead boxes and fish bowls in various locations to collect contact information and follow up with potential leads.
Special One Week of Fitness Pass
Target Special Events: Tailor your marketing efforts to special occasions, such as Mother’s and Father’s Day, holidays, or job advancements. Offer special promotions or gift certificates to tap into these opportunities.
Admin Assistant Pass: Provide an admin assistant or secretary with a one-week membership pass, as they can be influential in promoting your gym within their workplace.
Invitations for Special Events: Collaborate with local businesses like florists, sporting goods stores, or restaurants to offer one-week memberships as part of special events or promotions.
Holidays: Leverage holiday seasons to create fitness-related promotions and offers to attract new members.
By employing a comprehensive prospecting strategy that targets various segments of your community, you can increase your gym’s visibility and attract a diverse range of new members. Remember, a combination of these methods and a genuine commitment to community health can make your gym the go-to fitness destination in your area.
Fitness Management & Consulting: A Partner in Success
To further enhance your gym’s growth and success, consider partnering with Fitness Management & Consulting. Their expertise in staff training and business development can provide invaluable guidance to help your gym reach its full potential. With a focus on operational efficiency, member retention, and strategic planning, they can assist in creating a thriving fitness facility that not only attracts new members but also keeps them coming back for the long term. By investing in professional consulting services, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ever-evolving fitness industry and ensure your gym’s continued success. Contact FMC here.
Click here for more details on financing options or call 214-629-7223 or email [email protected] for more information. Or, apply now.
Unlock Your Gyms Full Potential with the Gym Success Blueprint! Get Your Copy Now!
An Outsourced CEO, Turnaround Expert and Author, Jim Thomas is the founder and president of Fitness Management USA Inc., a management consulting, turnaround, financing  and brokerage firm specializing in the gym and sports industry. With more than 25 years of experience owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, Thomas lectures and delivers seminars, webinars and workshops across the globe on the practical skills required to successfully overcome obscurity, improve sales, build teamwork and market fitness programs and products. Visit his Web site at: www.fmconsulting.net or www.youtube.com/gymconsultant.
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lboogie1906 · 25 days
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Rear Admiral Robert Lee Toney Robert Lee Toney August 30, 1934 - November 4, 2016). He was born in Monroe, Louisiana, the second of James and Alice Toney’s six children. He attended Oroville High School, and his main sport was basketball, which he played all four years. He was a member of the California Scholarship Federation for three years. He participated in the California Cadets Corps, where he was an officer for two years. He attended Youngstown University and graduated from Chico State University with a BA in Social Science. He is a graduate of the National and International Security Course, at Harvard University. His assignments were Commander, Logistics Group One and Maritime Defense Command, and Commander, Navy Base San Francisco. He had the distinction of being selected to attend the international military college for North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries. He was the commanding officer of two naval vessels during his career. His last command was as Director for Logistics and Security Assistance, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith. He received the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Meritorious Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Vietnam Service Medal. He was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. He was the Executive Vice President of Business Development of F.E. Jordan and Associates. He was Interim President of the Bay Area Urban League; Director, of Bank of the West; Director of the Levine-Fricke-Recon Advisory Board; Director, of Junior Achievement of the San Francisco Bay Area; and Member of the President’s Advisory Board of Chico State University. He served on the United Way, World Affairs Council, Commonwealth Club, Volunteers of America, and the Oakland Boys and Girls Club. He was preceded in death by his wife Flora and is survived by his two daughters and two sons. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Journal #3- Sept. 14, 2023
Hello, blog world! I hope you are all well out there.
Along with my usual course load as a transferred junior at Saint Mary's College of Califfornia, I contacted and interviewed some folks for my article about the El Sobrante Stroll happening this weekend.
First, I reached out to Scott Tuffnell, whose real estate business in the community is a media sponsor for the event, and he shared some basic background information about past events and the happenings planned for this year's Stroll. He was very kind and forthcoming and it was a pleasant conversation! I learned that the 2020 and '21 Strolls were cancelled due to the pandemic, and that last year had been rained out.
Next, I called El Sobrante Chamber of Commerce's Marie Carayanis on Tuffnell's recommendation, and learned plenty about the roots of the Stroll nearly thirty years ago, as she had been one of the initial organizers for that first event. She informed me that the idea was hatched due to local, Mom-and-Pop businesses worrying about encroachment from newly-constructed shopping centers in the area.
Finally, I spoke with musician Raul Botello, whose group Downtown Rhythm Band is headlining the Stroll, and he offered up some positive words for the smaller venue that the event provides.
After my classes are finished for the day today, around 5:00 p.m., I will head to the college library and sit down to compose my article as a preview to the event. Today is the deadline so that the story can run on Friday the 15.
Wish me luck!
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