#journalism fellowship
scholarshipportal · 5 years
Sanskriti - Prabha Dutt Fellowship
Sanskriti - Prabha Dutt Fellowship supports young ladies columnists who wish to examine and inquire about on any subject of contemporary pertinence. This association is given each year. The colleagues may take a shot at a book or monograph for ensuing production inside the given time period. The cooperation program keeps running for 10 months and the colleagues are paid a concede of INR 1,00,000.
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The work can be executed in Hindi, English or any Regional Language. The main portion will be given at the season of initiation of the partnership. The second portion will be given at the season of accommodation of the total task. The hopeful ought not to be holding another association or taking a shot at some other venture in the meantime. The candidate should consent to an arrangement with Sanskriti Pratishthan relating to a customary stream of work amid the cooperation time frame. An advancement report will be required after the initial four months.
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back-to-the-books · 3 years
the fruityship of the ring
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bitem4 · 2 years
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Details of a beautiful brazilian edition of The Lord of the Rings 🍂
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hawtchocolate · 3 years
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Started working on a fellowship app at this coffee shop last weekend. They had cute spooky decorations and put chocolate whip cream on my cocoa!
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strawberryvulture · 4 years
LOTR AU where Boromir survives, and he and Éomer give really long, embarrassing, drunken toasts at Éowyn and Faramir’s wedding
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griddlebutch · 3 years
fuck it i'm making pizza rolls and crying myself to sleep
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deebabe85 · 3 years
I want my son home sound and safe.
I want my family all in one place.
I want this world not to see race.
I want religion to not cause chafe.
I want the lines between right and wrong
To stop from dissipating,
And morals from evaporating!
I want the bible to be taught in schools
And God no longer blamed for ignorant fools!
I want people to understand that the world is not currently under Gods command.
I want the Devil held responsible for his crimes,
Tossed into the fiery pit and chastised!
I want Gods Kingdom to come and
Satan's reign to be done!
I want paradise on earth to be restored and our creator Jehovah, God to rightfully be adored!
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cumi-creation · 3 years
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Unique Journal. Uncover the truth about who God says you are. 180pages (45 illustrated bible verses, 135 lined pages) Thread sewn binding 18 x 24cm Hardback FSC 'Let Us make man in our image and likeness'. How amazing is that! You are amazing and fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and likeness. There is a radiance and purpose inside you that God has created, not seen in mirrors hung on walls but reflected in the pages of God’s Holy Word. Maybe you've forgotten who you are or you’ve believed cunningly packaged lies. Let the truths in this journal renew your thinking and perception, wash over you and inspire and strengthen you with freedom to be yourself. #unique #Journal #bible #biblejournal #identity #fellowship #bestjournal #truth #2021Journal #illustratedjournal #you https://www.instagram.com/p/CTgnle1DuAq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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invisiblerambler · 4 years
Well I just submitted an application to a fellowship I could be really good at, so hopefully maybe it works out?
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55thinkertinker55 · 4 years
Well a 48 hour power outage in a snow storm has made me very productive with my reading.
I finished The Little White horse by Elizabeth Goudge. I watched and loved the movie as a kid and I can say they mauled the movie and the book was better. Despite the fact that she ends up marrying her cousin and having ten kids, it was an enjoyable kids book.
I also finished the Fellowship of the Ring and started Two Towers. It was wonderful as always
I started reading Pride and Prejudice but it was late, I had no light and that print is VERY small for such convoluted grammar, so I didn’t get very far.
I’m hoping to read more classics this year that I’ve been wanting to read for ages. So far I’ve got a strong start on 2020! I don’t read as much as most “readers” do but I don’t want to pressure myself and just read when I feel like it and read what I want.
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Announcing our 2020 Creative Fellow
Announcing our 2020 Creative Fellow
We’re delighted to announce PPL’s new Creative Fellow: Kelly Eriksen, a Providence-based multimedia artist with a background in glass and an interest in “how the things that we interact with every day can be viewed as materials with which we can work and play.”
Over the coming 8 months, Kelly will do research in our Special Collections and design a sound installation related to the topic of…
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back-to-the-books · 3 years
bilbo: well like i guess i HAVE to leave the ring behind,,,,,or else the joke will be ruined
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sfsucw · 5 years
Foglifter Journal Youth and Elder Fellowships
Fellowship Criteria:
18–25 for youth fellowship;     50+ for elder fellowship
Prose, poetry, or hybrid writer
not currently enrolled as a full-time student
has not published a book
has no more than 10 publication credits
interested in publishing
interested in intergenerational conversations
Bay area proximity
$1,500 stipend
Link to apply: https://foglifter.submittable.com/submit.
Deadline: July 1.
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strawberryvulture · 4 years
ok ok ok. i’m rewatching “Fellowship” right now, and i noticed something about the Council of Elrond. so we all know that Legolas and Frodo have very little interaction in the movies, barely any actually, but Legolas is the SECOND person to volunteer himself for the fellowship, the second person after Aragorn. and this sequence had already hinted that movie!verse Legolas and Aragorn had been acquainted prior to the council. all of this makes me think that Legolas didn’t volunteer because of Frodo or Frodo’s mission, he volunteered because of Aragorn. and if that’s so, he either did it in a “how dare you even think about doing any orc killing without me” kinda way, or in a “i won’t let you do something this dangerous without me there to keep you safe” kinda way. or both. idk. just my thoughts. there’s a 95% chance i’m overthinking this.
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sneaky-peach · 5 years
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July 21st, 2019
I joined a friend’s group of coworker/friends. We did a Harry Potter themed escape room. It was potions themed too, my absolute favorite!
We went bowling after, and I definitely got ‘most improved’. I went from bowling 30s to 100s haha.
The group is called ‘the fellowship’ and we each have a character from Lord of the Rings. I chose Gimli because I’m husky and angry. The bowling alley even started playing Two Towers whole we were there.
It was a blast. We’re planning on going to the beach in a couple days. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll be driving and I’m planning on taking Mary with me.
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