#juno tbb
wrenkenstein · 1 year
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From a twitter request thread: Tech and Juno discover the wonders of Furbies.
And accidentally gave one sentience. :p
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eggdrawsthings · 3 months
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commission for @wrenkenstein ❤️
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zaana · 1 year
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I drew this as part of an art trade for the lovely @wrenkenstein I'm a big fan of their OCJuno and wanted something soft and cozy, I'm happy how it turned out!
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echojedis · 6 months
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a whole bunch of juntechs i've drawn for @wrenkenstein recently :D
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junowritings · 3 months
Been going through a bit of a bad batch kick and got inspired by a prompt so I wanted to try my hand at writing a lil something!
Huge thanks to @itscanonfellas for helping me with this and putting up with my rambling!
A Reprieve
Tech X Reader
Warnings: None, just pure fluff really
Prompt: 1. Firefly outside on a dark night.
prompt list x
With the Empire a constant threat breathing down your neck, respite was a luxury rarely afforded and often downright ignored for the sake of survival. It was to be expected, you knew what you had signed up for traveling with your wayward band of misfit clones - but with each day of endless running and hiding, it was becoming harder to remember times that you weren’t bunged up in the Marauder for a mission or being chased down on a supposedly ‘safe’ planet.
Whether it was your own wishes spoken into existence, or something out there in the universe had taken mercy, your break finally came in the form of blaster fire.
You were never good with technology, but judging by Echo’s grumbling as he assessed the damage on the monitor, it wasn’t very good, whatever had been hit. Something about being a pain in the shebs to fix, but manageable. You didn’t speak much Mando’an but you felt you could connect the dots on that one.
The ship would have made the journey back to Ord Mantell just fine if a little slower than wanted, but with the job done and no one particularly eager to return to Cid’s parlor, there was no rush to get back planetside just yet.
Instead Hunter had relented, landing the Marauder for a quick pit stop, settling onto the first small planet that was far enough away not to draw unwanted attention.
This temporary stop is probably the most peace you’ve had in months. Dense treelines stretch out as far as you can see on all sides, rich with flora of all kinds that Hunter double checks are safe before he lets anyone even get a foot off the craft.
There are small bodies of water dotted across the grassy terrain and you can’t take a few steps without stepping in one on your path through the grass. They go no deeper than knee-length, a fact quickly discovered when Wrecker had jumped straight into the nearest one - expecting a puddle only to sink straight down to his boots, water flooding through the crevices much to his annoyance.
You and Omega had laughed at his plight, until he’d rounded on you both and you’d scattered, avoiding your own watery fate from the hands of your bomb expert. Once the initial scan of the immediate vicinity flagged no dangers – and the three of you had made a fine show of kicking up water, Hunter had allowed you to take off to - for the lack of a more professional word, play.
It’s nice to see Omega get to be a child, the moments are few and far between and the girl is so clever, it’s hard to remember she’s only been around for 13 cycles.
You allow yourself this moment, splashing around and soaking your fellow teammates whilst the ship is getting fixed. Hunter watches from the sidelines - supervising to make sure they don’t get too out of hand.
At least until Omega catches Hunter in the watery crossfire that was originally meant for you. You both freeze. Wrecker bellows with laughter somewhere behind you all. Hunter slowly turns to face Omega, hair dripping into his face, covering his tattoos so he looks positively menacing.
Omega takes off running first with a cackle, already anticipating when Hunter follows in hot pursuit. It’s an unfair fight, Hunter’s legs are longer and the man’s got unnatural speed, but Omega’s crafty and uses the terrain to her advantage.
Of course, just as you start to cheer Omega on, she trips head first into the puddle at her feet, disappearing in a spray of water. Hunter trudges his way through the marsh and pulls her out by the collar, much like a bedraggled Lothcat.
That signals the end of the battle for the new planet; Hunter tucks Omega under one arm and takes her back to the safety of the Marauder.
From inside the vessel, there are very loud complaints that water should be kept outside of the ship and that included Omega in her current state. This of course is ignored.
“Well, party’s over.” Wrecker wades his way back to dry land, beckoning you to follow which you do - at a much slower pace.
You’re both sopping wet when you reach the grassy bank and you decide you’re not going to risk Echo’s or Tech’s wrath on this one, leave that for Omega and Wrecker. “I’ll just be a few, if you need me you know where to find me.”
Wrecker shrugs, like he doesn’t understand the want to be outside alone, but allows you this piece of solitude “Don’t forget, this ain’t over, next planet we’re on it’s victor against victor.”
Technically, there had been no victor - Maker you weren’t even aware it was a fight for the title, or what this title was. Still, you’ll allow Wrecker to have this. You shoo Wrecker away with a grin. He jabs his two fingers at his eyes and then towards you, which you mimic before he disappears inside the ship.
“Wrecker, for the last time you are not a mop, wring yourself out before you step foot on this ship.” 
Even from outside the ship you can hear the impending scolding and you snicker as your own shoes squelch with each step.
The last slivers of sun are gone by the time you flop onto the bank, squeezing out what water you can from your hair and clothes, before splaying out onto the grass. 
A chill settles in now that you’re not stomping through puddles, but the cool breeze is welcome after your tussle on the marshy battlefield and you stretch out, breathing deep. The air smells of wet soil and fresh grass and you give yourself a moment to just enjoy something that isn’t stale air and smoke.
Almost on instinct, your eyes flutter closed, basking in the feeling while you have it. Your senses are nowhere near as refined as Hunter’s - which, considering how loud things can get on the Marauder, the poor man must suffer terribly - but like this you catch the little things. The wind simpers, making a low howling sound as it blows softly through the breaks in the treeline, masked only by the dull hum of the ship. 
If you strain your ears you can make out the commotion inside - can hear Wrecker arguing that his armor’s still good to wear even though it had been dripping buckets earlier. You catch Omega grumbling something about drying her hair herself and grin, knowing that the kid’s not going to escape Hunter’s grip till she’s not a walking water balloon skulking around the Marauder.
The bickering is playful, void of any of the stress that’s been bubbling among the crew for too long. The batch had needed this excursion even if at first it had been an inconvenience - things were content, relaxed for the first time in a long while.
All too soon, however, this tranquility would be over. No doubt it won’t be long before you get the call to head back and the illusion of peace will shatter. You frown. It’s a sobering thought, an unpleasant reminder of the routine the whole team will fall back into once you leave this planet behind. You want it to last longer - to forget about anything that exists past this planet's atmosphere, so the galaxy doesn’t feel like it’s crumbling apart for once and it’s not your job to try to patch up the cracks. If for just a few more hours.
With a sigh, you run a hand through your hair – damp but thankfully not soaked. With any luck you’ll be able to sneak onboard without catching as much flack as Omega and Wrecker did-
“Have you been banished from the ship for any particular reason?”
If anyone asks, no, you don’t almost jump out of your skin at the sudden noise, and you definitely don’t narrowly avoid slipping down the bank as you dig your heels in and scramble to look up. You have to crane your neck back to see his face, but your blood pressure is still cussing out Tech for the scare the moment you recognize the clone standing behind you.
“Me? Banished? Never.” You mock gasp taking the shock in stride as you clutch your chest - partly for dramatics but also to check that your heart’s still beating. Somehow that doesn’t seem to convince him - not that you have the best track record anyway - so you shrug. 
“Thought I’d dry off before getting onboard. Wouldn’t wanna add to the indoor pool Omega and Wrecker have got going on in there.”
Tech looks positively miserable at the reminder of the mess, sighing. “Well the sentiment is appreciated. At least one of you has the sense not to risk waterlogging the ship.”
You go to argue that he’s exaggerating - it wasn’t like they’d been that badly drenched. Until you remember Omega was more water than girl by the time Hunter had carried her back into the ship, and Wrecker wasn’t any better with half the marsh stuffed in his gear. Point taken.
You half expect Tech to herd you back onto the ship. If he’s out here, then that means the Marauder’s patched up and ready to go - Tech’s never one to leave a job half finished. But he doesn’t. Instead he pads over to the space beside you, making sure it’s dry before taking a seat on the bank, unclipping his datapad from his belt and bringing it to his face.
Blinking you roll over to get a better look at him, watching Tech tap away at the screen with no urgency. The wind picks up, ruffling his hair and cutting through the silence that stretches for a moment. When had his hair gotten so long? It had been short and slicked back when you had met so many moons ago, now it curled just past the ear - still kept meticulously out of his face. You supposed there weren’t many options out in deep space, you couldn’t imagine being caught by the Empire with half a head done.
And you weren’t about to trust Wrecker and his clippers either.
The silence is almost comfortable, settling between you until Tech speaks again, not sparing a glance from the machine.
“I suppose statistically there are worse planets to land on.” He muses, almost to himself. You were sure he was until he gave a sideways glance in your direction “Though we won’t be interrupting its tranquility for long, we will be space worthy within the hour.”
“Ah. Done already?” Propping your cheek in your hand, you tilt your head trying to catch a glimpse of his screen - with no luck. You’ve always wondered what he types away on that thing. Maybe it’s his diary.
The image of a teenage Tech writing all his secrets in a data pad, hiding away what he had done that day or who had gained his highest admiration, makes you smile, and you hide it in the palm of your hand.
“They were simply routine repairs” Tech reassures “The blaster fire compromised a few controls. Nothing I could not fix, naturally.” from anyone else that would be bragging, but knowing Tech it’s as easy for him as he makes it sound, probably could have done it in his sleep if he was so inclined. Not that he does, mind you.
A pause, then he glances up from his data pad finally in your direction. “You sound disappointed?” there’s a questioning to his tone, like he’s unsure why exactly you would be disheartened having to leave this little haven.
“Well I don’t think any of us wanna be stranded, Tech.” Absently you run your hand through the grass, tugging a few blades between your fingers. Maker, how long had it been since you’d gotten to touch real grass? “Just a shame is all. I was getting used to it.”
“Yknow, this” You gesture around. “The peace and quiet-”
As if on cue, a crash rattles the Marauder, Wrecker’s cackle echoing from inside; making you startle and Tech sigh like he was expecting it. After a moment it settles, the rocking slowing and you turn back to Tech.
“Okay maybe not quiet - you know what I mean.”
Tech gives a hum of acknowledgment. “I understand. Between missions from Cid and maintaining a low profile, there’s been little else. Rest has been difficult.”
For him more so than most, you want to add. You can’t remember a time since joining the crew that Tech’s had more than a Powernap. You’ve found him curled up in the pilot’s seat a few times, or face down on his datapad for a couple clicks when things quiet down. But anything longer than that? Maker, you can't tell if that’s just a Tech thing or if the rest of the batch have the same struggle. 
You wouldn’t blame them, not after everything they’ve been through.
“Though the amount of water brought back aboard is less than ideal, this brief excursion has been…” Tech trails off, like he’s trying to find the right word. “It’s…nice.” He decides and you chuckle.
“Eloquently put from a man of many words.” 
You catch him rolling his eyes behind his goggles, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips, but he doesn’t comment further on the sarcastic comment.
Conversation lulls so your attention wanders elsewhere. The water around you has settled without several pairs of boots stomping through it. You can see why Wrecker thought they were just puddles - the only indication otherwise is the reeds that sprout up around the marshy underbrush, standing tall and almost glowing against the deep blue reflection of the-
There’s a blue light beginning to glow between the reeds, which is new. You change directions; lying flat on your belly so you can peer over the edge into one of the little pools, trying to make out what the source of the light is and where it’s coming from. Tech begins leaning closer as if to pull you back from the edge.
“I wouldn’t advise-“ Tech goes to warn you but you beat him to it with an excited gasp.
Sure enough the source of the light is indeed fireflies, or at least, something that resembles them. There’s dozens of them; they weave in and out of the reeds, appearing from small pockets around the pools and slowly rising up into the darkened sky, generating a hazy blue bioluminescent light. 
You lean back at the revelation, pushing yourself a safe distance from the waters edge as they begin to emerge and fan out across the terrain, their numbers increasing with every second. What had once been a sea of browns and greens, is now an artwork of azure blue.
There have been many wonders that you have come across exploring the galaxy, only multiplied further by the arrival of the batch. And yet sights like these never get old - little pockets of something far removed from the chaos of the universe just waiting to be discovered.
In another life you could stay here, longer than an hour, longer than a day, if only for the promise of such a sight waiting outside of the ship every night. But with that a distant wish you settle for just now, entranced by the vibrant hues that makes the whole place glow like it’s alive.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen something pretty that hasn’t immediately tried to kill us.” Your sigh is wistful as you pull your legs up to your chest, chin resting on your knees as your eyes trace patterns of the lightshow generated by the myriad of luminescent insects.
“I agree. Though what you have found ‘pretty’ in the past has been notably questionable.”
You clutch your non-existent pearls at the jab, mouth aghast.“Really? Name one time I’ve been questionable!” 
“I distinctly remember you calling a rancor ‘adorable”. The quotation marks Tech makes with his free hand earn him a glowering look as you jab an accusatory finger at him.
“Muchi was adorable!”
“Was that decided before or after almost being trampled in her rampage?”
…Fair point. That point of course is promptly ignored as the sky is suddenly far more fascinating than deigning him with a retort that just proves him right again.
With night rolling in, many of the fireflies have wandered from the marshes, meandering overhead and dotting about the skyline above you. They blend into the sky, merging alongside the myriad of stars until you can hardly differentiate the two in a canvas of breathtakingly dark hues. It’s a humbling kind of beauty, and you take your time idling the moments away admiring the sapphire speckles of light buzzing through the air for a while, mesmerized by the simple wonder before you turn to see if Tech’s watching too.
Only to stifle a chuckle.
A firefly has perched itself on the rim of Tech’s goggles, a tiny little thing that casts a soft blue glow over the yellow tint of his lenses. He hasn’t noticed, face still half buried in the datapad in his hands, laser focused on whatever he’s working on.
As much as you’d love to see how long it takes to notice his new companion, as the seconds tick by the urge to point it out is too great and a minute later you cave.
“Tech.” He hums in acknowledgment but doesn’t look up. It’s only by the third call that Tech finally deems it necessary to tear his gaze away from the device, and there's no hiding the little grin on your face when he tilts his head to face you.
“I think you’ve got something there.” you tap a finger beside your temple just above your right eye, mirroring where his goggles rest on his face. 
Of course he connects the dots quickly, and on instinct Tech brings a hand up to adjust his goggles. You half expect the firefly to take off the second he does so, and though its wings flutter briskly to keep itself balanced it doesn’t budge. In fact the little bug uses the gesture as a bridge to climb across the frame and onto his glove, pattering delicately down the fabric before coming to settle on one of his knuckles, where it stops with a deciding flutter.
Whether emboldened by their fellow firefly or drawn in by its light reflecting off of Tech’s glove, it doesn’t take long for a few other fireflies to break from the formation above your heads and move to join the insect.
Before you know it, several of the little things have come to rest on the back of his hand, essentially using the clone’s hand as a landing pad. For what it’s worth Tech doesn’t even flinch at the development, even though the glow is now bright enough that he looks blue right up to his wrist.
If Tech wanted to, he could easily ward them off with a shake of his hand. Surprisingly, he doesn’t. Instead he places his datapad onto his lap, maneuvering his hand to better view these miniscule guests who have made his hand their temporary perch.
Fearless little things; they hardly move an inch as he does so. This time your laugh at his plight doesn’t go unnoticed and Tech gives you a side glance at the soft sound, wordlessly questioning what you find so amusing with an arched brow.
“They must like you.” You tease, grin a little squished with how your cheek presses against your knee when you tilt your head.
“Unlikely.” Tech is quick to dissuade you of the notion, no doubt pulling on the well of knowledge knocking around in his brain as he continues.
“It is merely a lack of socialization.” He explains, twisting his hand to allow you a closer look. “This planet would rarely see interference from outside influences, and natural predators are limited in such a way that they lack the reservations for caution. Simply put, they have no reason to fear us.”
You nod sagely, like you understood more than the last third of what he’d just said. You’re more focused on admiring the fireflies now that they’re a little closer. Though there’s some distance between the two of you, you can make out that the light the fireflies admit isn’t one stagnant color. No, they instead seem to cycle through several shades of blue - from azures to royal tints that remind you all too fondly of the tumultuous hues of deep oceans.
When you look up to point it out you’re surprised to find Tech's attention is solely on you. Warm brown eyes regard you intently through tinted lenses, and you instinctively give yourself a once over to check that you don’t have any bioluminescent plus-ones of your own. Upon finding none you’re puzzled and begin to ask what’s wrong; only to pause when he nods as though resolving an internal matter in his head.
“Very well - come closer.”
“What?” Brows furrowing your expression scrunches up in confusion. What is he-?
He doesn’t explain, instead shifting positions so that his whole body is facing you. “It will only take a moment. Just raise your hand - like so.” 
Curiosity wins out and you do as he asks, scooting closer and holding out your hand with the palm facing upwards as Tech demonstrates. Your legs knock against the knee pads of his armor and you have to readjust yourself a few times to get comfortable, but eventually you get settled so you’re sitting face to face.
Satisfied with your cooperation Tech’s free hand moves to catch your wrist. It’s a small gesture, but your whole arm prickles like a shot’s gone through your system as you freeze. His touch is gentler than you’d anticipated but the weathered material of his gloves takes some getting used to as he steadies your hand, the warmth a stark contrast to the cool night air.
“Do I need to ask what you’re doing?”
“You can, though it is far easier to show you if you are patient. Now try not to move.”
Easier said than done when he’s holding your wrist like that, and even more so as he brings both hands to cover yours. Your gaze snaps up to Tech’s face, attempting to gauge what’s going through that brain of his. His expression is frustratingly neutral so you have nothing to clue you in on his train of thought. You’re about to bite the bullet and just ask when-
“There we go.”
“Huh?” blinking, you glance down at your connected hands and finally realize what he’d been doing.
The fireflies have taken advantage of the new connection and transferred from Tech’s hand to your own. They tickle as they pad across the bare skin of your palm, leaving it tingling in the wake of their tiny legs as they fan out along your palm. A faint prickle settles all the way up to your fingertips as they potter about, reminding you vaguely of static - you have to wonder if that’s got anything to do with the electrifying colors that they display.
You giggle, wiggling your fingers slowly and their wings flutter at the motion, that fascinating light flaring up brighter and bathing your fingers bright blue. No doubt your face paints a similar picture of the vibrant hue as you lean in to get a closer look, eyes alight in the dance of the emanating glow with a reverent awe.
“I believe they must like you too.” You catch the amused lilt in Tech’s voice as he speaks, breaking you from your reverie and echoing your own words back to you. You snort at the irony.
“Hey, that’s my line-“ you prepare yourself for another teasing jab, grinning despite yourself when you glance up and-
Oh. Oh. He’s a lot closer than before.
Tech’s hunched forward, assuming the usual posture when studying something of interest - definitely not good for his back, but that complaint has fallen on deaf ears for a few months at least. Now though he’s close enough that your faces are only a couple inches apart, and while Tech is focused on your hands you can’t tear your eyes away from him.
The soft blue glow of your surroundings highlights the sharper edges of Tech’s features, azure running along his cheeks and glinting off of his goggles turning them a deeper hue than the usual yellow. Beautiful, is the first word that comes to mind, eyes running along the curve of his jaw as he speaks.
“While it does not happen often, I must concede that you were right in your assessment.” There’s a hint of praise in his words, and that really doesn’t help your brain from overthinking this gesture.
It takes a second to remember how to breathe - since when has breathing suddenly become a conscious effort? Your inhale is sharp as you will your pulse to stop pounding in your ears - with no luck.
“Uh, Tech?”
“The bioluminescence they generate is both aesthetically pleasing and practical-”
“Tech you’re a bit-”
“-That is to say, yes, they are rather pretty.”
You startle at how fast his eyes are back on you, that intent gaze from before settled on you with enough intensity that you feel as though you’re under a damn spotlight. The hand cupping your wrist still holds you with a gentle firmness, and you’re pretty sure that your heart shoots straight up into your throat when you feel Tech brush his thumb along the radial pulse.
What were you even going to ask? Were you going to warn him of the close proximity? If you were you’ve no doubt that Tech would be quick to rectify the issue - but was it really an issue? Somehow the thought alone of him moving an inch away is a disheartening prospect.
You force the lump in your throat down, swallowing hard as your lips part with half formed thoughts before you think twice. “I…Tech, do you think-”
A calmer person wouldn’t have jumped at the sudden interruption, would have heard the call coming from a mile away. You aren’t that lucky - you shoot up so fast that your head bumps against Tech’s with an audible click. The reaction is immediate, both you and Tech groan in pain; shooting away from each other to avoid any other potential collisions and the fireflies instantly scatter to the wind.
Fucking ouch.
You clutch at your head, the point of impact throbbing beneath your touch. That’s going to leave a mark for sure.
Your attention snaps over to the ship to locate the owner of the voice and cause for your newfound injury, just in time to catch Omega as she pokes her head around the hatch from inside the Marauder. Her hair’s curled thanks to the earlier dunk, messy blonde strands framing her face and slightly frizzed no doubt thanks to Hunter’s attempt to dry her off. The man probably scrubbed every last drop off of her poor kid.
“We’re ready to go!” She waves you over excitedly.
Just as quickly as she appears the young girl vanishes back within the ship’s interior, leaving you staring at the empty space she had just inhabited.
Just like her brothers - causes chaos and leaves just as quickly.
You look back over to Tech who is also clutching his own head; you’d gotten the worst of it, but the bump had clearly caused Tech some discomfort as well. He rubs the spot with a pout, wincing under the touch.
The situation is so silly, like something out of a holofilm and, despite the pain, you can’t help but smile a little. Still you at least have half the mind to make sure your skull hasn’t done any lasting harm to Tech. Once you’re sure there’s no more surprise interruptions imminent you shift to check in on Tech, bringing a hand to cup the side of his face angling his head to survey the damage. 
“You okay? Didn’t cause too much damage did I?” His skin is a little rosy from the knock but thankfully there’s no imminent bruising - you don’t think anyone would be particularly happy with you if you’d injured the beloved brains of the group, Tech especially.
Tech waves off your concern with ease, though doesn’t pull away as you tilt his head this way and that. “I am fine, though the impact - while accidental - was less than desirable.”
An understandable sentiment, and an obvious one that makes you chuckle. “Well you can thank your sister for that one.” Saying this you give Tech’s cheek a pat, adding, “Or stay out of headbutting range next time.” 
Tech huffs a little at the sarcasm but returns your smile with one of his own. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“I’m sure you will. Now come on before they decide to fly off without us.”
While you clamber back to your feet on the bank Tech is in no such rush, taking the time to retrieve his datapad before rising to his feet. You move to head back towards the Marauder, taking a few steps before realizing that you’re making the trip alone. Looking back you see Tech staring out over the glowing landscape for a final time, quickly typing something into the datapad now safely back in his hands. 
Tech mutters something as he does so but you don’t catch what. A click later he’s seemingly satisfied with the result and clips the datapad back to its rightful place on his belt, catching up and coming into step beside you in a few brisk strides.
The idea of a peaceful walk back to the ship all but goes out of the window the second another shudder rocks the spacecraft, and Tech’s sigh is one of knowing resignation as his pace picks up. Making a beeline to the hatch you can practically see the gears in his head turning, already forming what you’re sure is a warning on why giving the ship more damage than what it landed with isn’t a good idea.
Shaking your head you follow behind, a smile still tugging at your lips as you prepare yourself for what you’ll find the moment you step onto the Marauder. No doubt a new brand of chaos - but you don’t think you’d have it any other way.
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raevulsix · 6 months
Gonna just let these two take over
Smol gift for @wrenkenstein ✨
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99aceace · 7 months
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Juno and Tech decided to visit the genetics lab at my university.
Drawing for @wrenkenstein
Juno is their OC and she's absolutely awesome. I couldn't resist. I just had to draw her.
Black and white version under the cut.
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coldbrewarts · 6 months
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Needed to make something sad ig? @wrenkensteins OC Juno with Tech’s Goggles….
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Happy OC Sunday!
Into the Techiverse has two chapters left in it. Then I'll start publishing the Moana/TBB crossover, maybe the longfic sequel, who knows!
In between Techiverse and the next longfic, I'd like to think that Tech has stayed friends with the Techs from different multiverses.
So, after a fun visit to Pabu to celebrate one's wedding, Tech gives out another invitation to one of the other Techs to pay him a visit. But this time, he's been intercepted.
Because Juno Caheere (from @wrenkenstein) and Tech are scheduled to come into Medina Station: Juno was promised new lungs via this one, and she's coming in for a consultation before the operation.
A tour of Sjael's labs and greenhouses are in order as a result!
As a senior chemical engineer who focuses on crafting sucrose and flavonoids for human consumption, it is crucial for Sjael to be able to produce sweeteners and other foods naturally before recreating them.
She's proud AF of her lab's botanical garden as a result, and thus, has some corrections when she hears Juno's Tech try to explain things. Meanwhile, Juno is happy to see her Tech so engaged, and Sjael's Tech? Loves seeing his fellow Tech doing his thing and beaming over both his new home and his wife.
PS - As I previously mentioned, Belters from The Expanse (like Sjael) have an almost inhuman body structure (very long and very lean) as compared to normal humans, thanks to growing up in low gravity. It's a good thing Sjael never fights hand to hand with anyone, she would be on the floor within seconds.
See here:
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dezgate · 1 year
Because I want to post this here; Here’s a drawing I did of Juno! OC belongs to: @wrenkenstein
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Juno Supremacy!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
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versindotech-blog · 3 months
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Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Surabaya mulai merealisasikan pembangunan terowongan bawah tanah penghubung antara Terminal Intermoda Joyoboyo (TIJ) dengan Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS). Pembangunan Terowongan Jalan Joyoboyo ini dijadwalkan mulai tanggal 15 Juni - 11 Oktober 2024, proses pengerjaan dimulai dari sisi tengah atau median jalan. Kemudian pengerjaan dilanjutkan bersamaan menuju arah sisi utara di pintu masuk KBS dan terminal pada sisi barat. 
Sabtu (06/07/2024) proyek tersebut sempat terkendala dengan adanya kebocoran pipa yang merupakan  imbas dari pembangunan proyek terowongan di kawasan Joyoboyo. Hal ini juga berdampak pada kondisi lalu lintas yang padat merambat, karena pengendara roda empat dan dua harus mengurangi laju kendaraan saat melintasi genangan.
Versindo berupaya memberikan layanan service kalibrasi maupun sewa alat survey yang terkalibrasi presisi agar kejadian gagal konstruksi seperti di atas tersebut bisa dihindari. Manfaat dari kalibrasi alat survey untuk alat Tota Station, Digital Theodolite, Waterpass / Automatic Level serta GPS Geodetic sebagai berikut:
Kalibrasi merupakan proses verifikasi bahwa suatu akurasi alat ukur sesuai dengan rancangannya. Kalibrasi biasa dilakukan dengan membandingkan suatu standar yang terhubung dengan standar nasional maupun internasional dan bahan-bahan acuan tersertifikasi. Tujuan kalibrasi adalah untuk mencapai ketertelusuran pengukuran.
Produk/Layanan Vertikal Survey Indonesia
Jual-Sewa-Service-Kalibrasi Alat Survey & Pemetaan Kadastral-Topografi-Hidrografi-Geographic Information System(GIS)
Surveying Instrument & Mapping Equipment
Total Station :
Total Station Topcon GM 55, 52
Total Station Topcon OS 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Total Station Topcon ES 101, 102, 103, 105, 107
Total Station Topcon GTS 102N, 105N, 235N, 255N
Total Station Topcon  GPT 7501
Total Station Sokkia IM 52
Total Station Sokkia FX 101, 102, 103, 105
Total Station Sokkia CX 101, 102, 103, 105
Total Station Sokkia SET 02N, 05N
Total Station Nikon DTM 322, 352, 362
Total Station Nikon Nivo 3m, 5m, 3c, 5c
Total Station Gowin TKS 202
Total Station Cygnus KS 102
Digital Theodolite :
Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 205, 205L, 209, 209L
Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT 540, 740, 940
Digital Theodolite Nikon NE 100, 101, 102, 103
Digital Theodolite Ruide ET 02, 05
Digital Theodolite South ET 02, 05
Digital Theodolite Minds CDT 02, 05
Automatic Level :                                                                                            
Automatic Level Sokkia B-20, B-30, B-40
Automatic Level Topcon AT-B2, AT-B3, AT-B4
Automatic Level Nikon AC2S, AX2S
GPS Navigasi / Maps :
GPSMAP Garmin 65S
GPSMAP Garmin 62SC
GPSMAP Garmin 78S
GPSMAP Garmin 79S
GPSMAP Garmin 67
GPSMAP Garmin eTrex SE
GPSMAP Garmin eTrex 32x
GPSMAP Garmin eTrex 22x
GPSMAP Garmin Montana 700
GPS Garmin Etrex 10, 20, 30
GPS Garmin Montana 650
GPS Garmin Oregon 550
GPS Garmin 585 Echosunder
GPS Trimble Juno SB, SC, SD, 3D
Fishfinder Garmin 350c
Hypsometer Nikon Forestry Pro
Binoculars Nikon
Compass :
Kompass Suunto KB-14
Klinometer Suunto PM-5
Tandem Suunto 360PC
Compass Geologi Brunton 5006, 5008, 5010
Battery Charger :
Battery Topcon BT-32Q, BT-52QA, TBB-2, BDC 70
Battery Sokkia BDC 25, BDC 35, BDC 46B, BDC 58, BDC 70
Battery Nikon BC 65, BC 80
Battery South NB-10A, NB-20, NB-10B, NB-20A                                    
Charger :
Charger Topcon BC-20CR, BC-27CR, TBC-2, BC-G1C, BC-19B,
Charger Sokkia CDC 68, Dual Charger CDC 68
Charger Nikon Q-75E
Aksesoris :
Prisma Polygon Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Prisma Single Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Alumunium Tripod  Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon
Pole Stick Prisma Topcon, Sokkia, Nikon, Leica
Rambu Ukur 3m, 4m, 5m
Alat Survey & Alat Geologi Lainnya :
Meteran Stilon Yamayo 50M
Meteran Tajima 100M
Leica Disto D3ABT
Leica Disto D210
Palu Etswing
Plagging Tape
Diagonal Eyepiece
Reflective Sheet
Handly Talky ICOM V-80
Pemesanan dan mengetahui harga anda bisa menghubungi kontak ADMIN dibawah ini
Versindo Admin Jakarta   0812-8400-2004
Versindo Admin Bogor    0812-8400-2007
Versindo Admin Bekasi    0812-8400-2007
Versindo Admin Balikpapan  0812-8400-2004
Versindo Admin Makassar   0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Batam  0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Surabaya  0813-2377-0626 
Versindo Admin Semarang   0859-3914-2000
Versindo Admin Yogyakarta  0812-8400-2004
Versindo Admin Palembang   0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Padang  0813-2377-0626
Versindo Admin Medan/Aceh   0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Manado  0813-2377-0626  
Versindo Admin Cikarang   0812-8400-2007
Versindo Admin Banjarmasin  0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Kendari   0813-2377-0626  
Versindo Admin Samarinda   0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Denpasar   0813-2377-0626   dan  0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Riau   0813-9004-2005
Versindo Admin Jambi  0813-9004-2005
Untuk minta di buatkan penawaran harga bisa lewat Email di bawah ini
Versindo Admin Jakarta   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Bogor    [email protected]
Versindo Admin Bekasi    [email protected]
Versindo Admin Balikpapan   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Makassar   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Batam   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Surabaya   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Semarang   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Yogyakarta  [email protected]
Versindo Admin Palembang    [email protected]
Versindo Admin Padang   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Medan/Aceh   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Manado  [email protected]
Versindo Admin Cikarang   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Banjarmasin  [email protected]
Versindo Admin Kendari   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Samarinda �� [email protected]
Versindo Admin Denpasar   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Riau   [email protected]
Versindo Admin Jambi  [email protected]
0 notes
wrenkenstein · 1 year
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A cover for @techslander for their Juntech fic, “Close”, which you can read here! It takes place in a modern!au and is short and so soft. I had to draw something for it! 
Read it here: https://t.co/ZKoT9RH1wv
Please go support Dax and their work, they’re an exceptionally talented writer and have more than just that on their archive! :)
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wrenkenstein · 1 year
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Nothing much, just some Juntech doodles while I recover from my work weekend! :)
Some soft vibes to help with that post S2 depression. Juntech is how I cope. xD
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wrenkenstein · 1 year
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Testing out some new style stuff with Tech!! I really like how I drew him here, and I hope he remains consistent as I drew him more!
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wrenkenstein · 6 months
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Redraw of one of my most popular pieces from 2023, made exactly a year ago today! Here's the original for comparison!
These two mean so, so much to me ;w; they've helped me better understand the appeal of romance as a whole, come to terms with my own identity and have led me to meeting some of the most incredible and talented people I've ever met in my life. The impact they've had on the fandom blows me away, and I'm so excited to share many more years of Juntech content with you all! ;v;
273 notes · View notes
wrenkenstein · 9 months
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oughhhh juno and tech staring at each other which was really me studying side profiles,, and then i was like wow i actually want these two stem nerds to kiss so bad
238 notes · View notes