#just YEETS your anxiety levels through the roof
six-of-ravens · 1 year
oh, I drank coffee before breakfast today. that's why I'm insane 🙃
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So....what are some of your headcanons for Ranbutler?
(everything else under the cut because there is a L O T )
Butler's human form is predominant(which unfortunately means he does not have a tail :(), but he can make Ender noises/speak Galactic. He's got a bunch of stims and tics, and making the Ender noises is one of them! He often makes them to fill the silence, or in times of high emotion(positive or negative. just imagine a Butler bouncing on his toes while excited Ender chirps keep coming out of his mouth, or he's rambling about something and half of it is layered with Galactic). Following from that, Butler has something that Billiam calls the "monochrome form". If he's under high levels of stress, whatever dark tint of color is in his right side will start spiking into the left side, making his skin darker(and, if he has enough color in his skin from NOT FUCKING OVERWORKING HIMSELF, it can get dark enough to blend into shadows) and spreading from the little black scales on his neck and cheeks and hands(which are already claws, that's why he wears gloves), and if he's really stressed/pissed, little horns are gonna start poking out of his skull and he's gonna be completely gray/black, his teeth are already deadly but they're gonna get sharper and if you look him in the eyes he will s c r e a m and very likely tear you apart if Billiam isn't there to hold him back/calm him down.
Speaking of! Butler very much dislikes eye contact. It makes them extremely uncomfortable and the Ender part is gonna start screaming to attack attack attack and the pupil-slit thing is gonna happen. Unfortunately, he's frozen by the eye contact and cannot move of his own free will, it's all going to be instinct to either get away or attack, if he moves at all. And the moment the eye contact is broken, he starts to calm down and all the screaming in his head starts to dissipate, so he doesn't really get the chance to consciously act on the Ender side's instinct.
NEXT OF ALL, throwing canon out the window and saying BILLIAM AND BUTLER ARE FOUND-FAMILY. The way they acted in the episode is just that, an act. In reality, they actually Care each other Very Very Much and have adopted each other into their respective hybrid groups(i.e Endermen have their hauntings, Piglins have their sounders{that part's not canon to mc but i yoinked it from a fic}). Hubert jokes about how Billiam accidentally adopted Bu as his son, but both Bu and Bi deny this. Hubert also got Liaria and James in on the joke and now these two are being constantly triple-teamed.
ON THAT NOTE Liaria and James know about the Egg. It happened at the tail end of Bu's first masquerade when they started accusing Billiam of committing all the murders, and Bu kind of panicked and outed himself as the killer, he pulled out the knife and everything. Billiam admitted that he knew about this, and showed them the Egg as explanation. Now Liaria and James willingly give up their bought lives to the Egg on the regular(we might get into the lives thing later{it was also something i yoinked from a fic, and then I gave it more explanation}) to keep Billiam and his family alive, but they're not all that affected by it due to not even being near it half the time.
AND ON THAT NOTE, let's talk about Butler's relationship with the Egg! Bad. It's bad. Absolutely terrible, the two despise each other immensely. I like to say they're the closest thing to caliginous that a teenaged hybrid that lived off spite and an ancient crimson demon can be. The Egg's hurt Bu a lot, and honestly that's part of the reason his contempt and fear for it is so high. But that's also part of the reason why Billiam was pulled out of its influence despite living right above it. Because he cares for Bu, a literal child that's suffered severe mental and physical trauma at the hands(well, vines) of the Egg. Honestly? Billiam wouldn't be the way he is now if he didn't have to take trips to the Nether. Short explanation, too much time away from their home realm gets hybrids really really sick. So, about a few months or so after Bu arrived, he had to yeet back there for a week and just told Butler and Hubert to take care of the mansion. And you know what Hubert did, that bitch? He took advantage of both Billiam's absence and Butler's skill and pampered himself while throwing the entire load onto the child. And then like halfway through the week, he got the idea to introduce said child to the Egg, who before then has had no idea it ever existed aside from the crimson red aura around the mansion(it's a whole thing about Endermen and magic but again, another thing I might get into later). He hadn't even attended a party before then. So, yeah, Hubert just left him down in one of the old cells for three days. Didn't even check on him, that bitch. And then when Billiam game back, suffice to say he was PISSED. He may be a rich bastard who causes murders biweekly, but even he has standards, and hurting a damn 7-8 year old child that bad was not one of them. he can't be held responsible for child labor, bu followed him home by his own choice. again, another whole backstory thing
Bu's genderfluid! He usually switches between he/him and they/them, and the direction he nods is a little indicator of which one(up for gender, down for no), but sometimes he uses she/her. Adding on that, due to Weird Enderman Genetics, he can manipulate his hair to grow real fast and likes to experiment with it in the mornings for Maximum Gender Euphoria This means that one day his hair could be barely touching his neck, and the next it's all the way down to his waist. It's a fun little anomaly and sometimes Billiam likes to play with it when it gets longer :3 travelling on the lgbt train, Bu is also ace/aro! This doesn't have much impact story-wise(usually), but it's just a fun little tidbit :3 On other, more Ender notes, he has pretty much all the traits an Enderman does, even if he looks fully human aside from being 6 inches taller than Sir Billiam himself. With the eye-contact thing, I've got a headcanon that Endermen can kind of read minds to an extent if they look into another entity's eyes, but it gets loud and borderline painful if anything but another Enderman does the same. Meanwhile, Bu's about the perfect mix of an Enderman and a Human(later called Players and Villagers depending on their capabilities) to be able to take at least a few seconds of eye contact. He can also teleport! To about the same extent as Endermen, if not a little less. Unfortunately, spending too much time in the void between teleportations(i.e a few hours for him, though an hour in the void is a minute in reality. It's why teleporting happens in the blink of an eye to anyone but the user) has some adverse effects. Bu's either glitched, gotten some sort of void-sickness like a flu but worse, and/or lost large chunks of memory each of the separate times he stuck himself in there for too long. Pure-blooded Endermen have a longer tolerance, but even they can succumb to the void with enough time.
Bu's also hurt by water, and the first time Billiam really figured this out is when he dragged him to the roof because it was raining and for some reason, Bi really likes the rain. Bu, on the other hand, was hospitalized for a day once Billiam actually realized, "oh, he's burning" Unfortunately, Bu can still produce tears, so he's got some scars on his cheeks and hands from those, Luckily, though! Billiam got him some gloves and a facemask reminiscent of cc!Ranboo to hide those scars because bu's. really self-conscious about them :,D
But also he's got TOE BEANS,
[ahem] So Endermen are basically giant block-holding teleporting cats and no one can convince me very much otherwise. So on the one hand, they have giant hands shaped for holding blocks. On the other hand, T O E B E A N S
So Bu's got beans on the pads of his fingers and feet(which also end in claws with a black gradient because Peak Character Design <3). Billiam likes to hold his hands on the rare occasion he doesn't wear his gloves because mans likes to stim with those toe beans. Meanwhile Billiam himself has nicely-textured hands because of his Piglin hooves and Bu also likes to stim with them, so just. them holding each others hands for mutual stimmage
[ahem] anyway
Bu stims!! He flaps his hands and does thing really rapidly and harshly when he's really high-strung, which doesn't happen often, at least in front of people. Boy's got anxiety so he's had his fair share of panic attacks :,D he just knows how to disguise them so people don't see, but Billiam knows the signs at this point. But he also has a lot of vocal stims/tics, mainly lots of Enderman noises, some popping and a little screechy thing here and there. Sometimes he picks up a sound and then repeats it a whole bunch because it feels nice on the tongue :] there's also these poofs of particles that happen when he's happy, they look like mini purple fireworks and they're like an expulsion of magic, he can feel when they happen and it feels nice :]
(cw for self-harm in this paragraph and the followed copy-pasted convo)
[ahemhemhem] So y'know how Butler's an Ender-hybrid? His hands and feet reflect that(along with the ears, the eyes, the height, the abilities, but we're talking about about the hands here). Part of why he keeps those gloves on almost 24/7 is to dull his claws, which are not so much an intentional danger to others rather than an unintentional danger to himself. He's got tics and stims and is very neurodivergent and has anxiety(me projecting? noooo /hj), so he gets very nervous very easily. And one of his nervous habits rather than wringing his hands, fidgeting, and (if really bad)a heightened amount of tics, he tends to scratch at his arms. His claws can tear through the fabric easily, and more than one or two suits have been sent back to the tailors for repairs to the sleeves. However, having both padded sleeves and padded gloves nullifies that, so he always wears them special-made. If he didn't have that habit, he likely wouldn't have the gloves on as often as he does.
Friend Hey good headcanons 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 Also ohhhh my god Billiam fussing over him and his gloves until he gets them to be the right amount of padded where Bu can still do things but also not hurt himself
Me gbfhdgbhgsfhbgsfdhdf He keeps examining them every time the tailors try but it doesn't feel right until That Specific Try so he just plops the gloves back on the counter and says "Do it again"
Friend They spend an entire day doing nothing but making gloves while Billiam & Hubert take turns watching Butler to make sure he stays safe
Me Absolutely Problem is Butler can feel eyes on him. And eyes make him nervous :,) so when he gets nervous. he starts to scratch at his arms again and anxiety is too much for him to ask them to stop watching him
Friend It ends up with them just having to hold his hands, looking at random things (they can go sit on the balcony or something so they have something pretty to look at)
Me That hold on actually that's adorable-
Friend Fhhdjdjdjsjsj they're friends your honor
Me Absolutely Even Hubert contributes to keeping him safe. And Hubert's afraid of even being near Butler
Friend And then we get bonding via the oh no Billiam is busy and Hubert has to take care of Bu for the next 3 hours
Me GHDSFGSHFGS THAT IS A GREAT IDEA Butler insists he can do everything himself, nothing's different about the routine, and then he has a mental breakdown when he tries to make food without anyone else in the kitchen- Cause usually Hubert's there, even if he's making something else. There's at least another presence, and that's the sort of thing that's calming for Bu. But Hubert's off setting up the table for lunch/dinner or something and Butler makes One minor slip-up and spirals from there until he's struggling even handling spice mixing The same thing happened with cookies one time, and both times Hubert found him borderline unable to function because he panicked too much and helped him out of it.
Friend Butler is just curled up in the kitchen, trying to have a quiet panic attack because he can't cause the others any more trouble than he already is, and Hubert is very quietly upset about helping him because he was doing so good at avoiding Bu but here he is again being the only thing that's letting this kid breathe
Me Absolutely
Friend Do you think Bu passes out on him? Like Hubert (probably reluctantly) gives Butler a hug cause those help, and Bu was just supposed to stay there until he felt better, but panic attacks are exhausting and he fell asleep at some point-
Me Oh my gods he would though, especially with the amount of sleep he gets He'd have to try so hard to even stay conscious, much less do things in the manner he usually does, and Hubert just quietly tells him that it's okay to sleep; he'll take care of everything. Hu never forgets that of course Bu's always in danger around him - he has fleeting thoughts and quite often knows how to act on them - but he stands up holding an exhausted child and takes him to his room so he can rest. Butler may want him to stay; Endermen usually want someone around when sleeping. It's the security of having someone watch for nightmares, but Hubert doesn't stay. He has to go back to the kitchen and finish that meal Bu was making. But if he's still asleep by the time Hu's done with everything, he might linger outside his door, listening in for anything bad.
(Okay the cw is over now, you may now go back to your regularly scheduled content :,D)
Also, one last thing: Billiam gives Butler a bunch of gold things(including the masquerade mask) because that's what Piglins do with their sounders, they cover them in gold to show they care. And after Bu finding out the reason why Billiam's been handing off a bunch of gold things to him he does not cry, because that would hurt his face, but he does feel quite a lot of things that make him want to because holy shit Billiam feels the same
Butler is Billiam's sounder and Billiam is Butler's haunting, they are family your honor
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teaguoe · 6 years
Crap Me And Friends Say/Do(ne)[BBS Version]
Evan/Vanoss: Caw Caw Motherflocker
Jon/Delirious: Diet talking is making me wanna DIEt.
Craig/Mini: Where there’s a will there’s a way, there is no Will here so there is no way.
Tyler/Wildcat: Anxiety is a biatchith
Brian/Terroriser: Anyone wanna give birth with me?
Brock/Moo: My stress levels have been through the charts. Charts? I meant roof.
Lui: *accidentally burns self on toaster oven while putting M&Ms on a pancake*
David/Daithi: I’m in degrees Kevin.
Marcel/Basically: If Jesus were here he’d get deported.
Scotty/407: Happy New Yeet.
Luke/Cartoonz: Yeet Haw.
Ryan/Ohm: *stabs self with a spoon while trying to get the seed out of an avacado*
John/Kryoz: Miscarriages are just unplanned abortions.
Jaren/Smii7y: *drawing and starts laughing* This is what you see in your nightmares.
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bluemoonnightmare · 6 years
Heroes--A Chat Noir x reader fanfic. Chapter 3
3rd Person
The British duo wasted no time in rushing out of the class and down the steps of the school. In less than a minute both teens were crouched in an alley a couple of buildings away from their new school. 
"Heh, Paris couldn't even go two days into our arrival without needing us." Garlian laughed quietly as he pulled his goggles down, to hang loosely around his neck.
(Y/n) nodded. Excitement heavy in her heart as she revealed the necklace she usually kept hidden beneath her clothes.
" Ready to show Paris what we're made of?"
" Hell yeah! SHADOW, FANGS OUT!"
Chat Noir and Ladybug stood side by side on the roof of the school, watching QuickStep hit people with glowing music notes, turning them into dancing slaves.
"What's her problem? Think soembody beat her at Just Dance?" Chuckling at his own joke earned him a flick on his bell.
"Now isn't the time for your sorry excuse of humor Chat. We've got to stop this akumatized villain." Ladybug glared at her masked partner as Chat sighed sadly.
"At least it looks like one of Hwakmoths villains, and not one of..." They shivered. "Cat fish's." About three weeks ago a new villain appeared in Paris from what seemed to be nowhere. He was Hwakmoths Partner, and he was a powerful adversary. The people he akumatized were dangerous, they were people with a mission to hurt others. They weren't random negative feelings. They were planned.
"Let's go Kitty. We've got this. " Chat Noir nodded and smiled as they both jumped down to street level running after Quickstep.
"They aren't very intimidating, are they?" 
"I know, I've seen puppies scarier then them. And just look at their suits! They wouldn't be able to handle actual villains even if they tried."
"Hey Happy Feet! Over here!" Quickstep turned around angrily, her neon blue balletoutfit seemed to glow as she snarled.
"It's Quickstep to you, stupid cat." Quickstep took a couple of steps back before she began dancing, causing glowing notes to attack Chat. Her movements were swift and graceful, hypnotising Chat. Golden notes began to swirl around him, before it all switched, in a heart beat Chat was being scratched and thrown around by the notes. Jumping away Chat hissed as he wasn't able to avoid them all. Pain stung his arms and legs, and a cut was visable on his cheek. His leather suit sizzling as he stared up in horror.
He prayed at Ladybug would step in, and his prayers were answered. 
"Back off you nasty Ballerina!" A yo-yo knocked Quickstep off her feet as Ladybug landed next to Chat, helping him up she stated in fear at her partners sizzling suit. Patches of pink skin were now visable and his eyes looked wild. 
"Careful, the notes burn." Ladybug took a deep breath and canceled out her anxiety as she stated at the akumatized villain before her, trying to find we're the akuma might be hidden. A peackock feather was visable in the girls hair. Thinking that might be the akuma Ladybug told Chat to aim for the feather. 
"You'll pay for that!" Quickstep screamed as she created a giant music note in the sky, music beginning to pour into the streets of Paris. Ladybug was surprised when she heard Chat's battle cry, turning to see him rushing at Quickstep with his batton; only for Quickstep to Grab him by the ears abd throw him into a nearby wall. Frowning she rushed to help her feline friend.
The ground around the street was starting to pulse a sickening green and the sky seemed to get darker. Cracks appeared in the concrete and blinding jets of light reached into the sky as far as the eye could see. 
"We need to help them. They're useless against Catfish."
"Wait until the right moment"
"Ahgh!" Ladybug screamed as she was thrown into a wall that was glowing a dull red. Her back was burning and her body was starting to ache. Despite the pain she stood up straight.
"Lucky Charm!" In her hands landed a pair of ladybug themed sunglasses.
"Freaking Sunglasses?!" Chat exclaimed as he slid down on his Bayton only to pull ladybug up to a rooftop, out of Quicksteps sight.
"Leaving so soon? Cowards!" The akumatized girls voice was enough to provoce the heroes.
"We need to get back out there." Chat pointed away and hissed.
"We can't! If only I knew what to do with theses stupid sunglasses!" Ladybug cried out in exasperation throwing her hands over her head.
"I'm scared Chat..." Ladybug spoke quietly letting her hair fall over her eyes. A warm sensation suddenly engulfed her body and her words got caught in her throat.
"So am I Ladybug, but we've been through too much to give up now. We must go back out there." Chat spoke confidently yet gently as he smiled at his Partner in justice. A real smile.
"You're right Chat. Nobody but us can save Paris, Its up to us!"
Less than a minute later the Ladybug and the back cat were pinned to the ground with treble clefs. Their weapons knocked from their hands and burn marks peppered across their bodies. 
'This is it. This is the end' Those were the thoughts of Ladybug and Chat Noir as they struggled. Quickstep hurried over intent on snatching vtheur miraculous and showing the road who they were.
Quickstep and the miraculous holders stopped for a moment, confused by the whizzing sound that was approaching rapidly. 
Unexpectedly, something smashed into the ground and a giant blanket of Smoke settled over the area sending the three into a coughing fit. Quick footsteps encircled the three. Moments passed when there was a silent.
"Yeet!" Something slammed into Ladybug and ChatNoir sending them scleveral feet away and out of the smoke.
"Who's there? Who are you?" Quicksteps voice echoed through the street before a sudden breeze swept the smoke away revealing Quickstep who had just finished spinning and two people.
Ladybug and Chat Jumped to their feet scanning the area frantically for their weapons. But it was no use. 
The girl was wearing a suit that was comprised of a purple material, with tinted blue chain mail. Her boots were metal and her chest plate, knee pads and shoulder pads matched. Black stretched along her hips and neck, but the armour seemed light and fit the girl like a glove. Her hair was pulled back into a braid and the tips of her bangs were blue. Here irises were dark blue and surrounding them was a lighter blue. Her mask was purple and it was adorned with blue swirls. And to finish of her look a mechanical dragon tail trailed behind her.
To her left was a boy with a suit that almost mirrored her own. The armour on his boots, knees, shoulders and chest was black, and the material that Clung to his body was grey. Over his shoulders and features was a wolf skin cloak, and hanging around his kneck was a pair of steam punk goggles. His weapon was a bow and the satchel of arrows was hidden beneath the cloak, along with a wolf tail. The boy had dark features and his hair couldn't be seen. The way the two heroes carried themselves was unnerving.
"We're sorry for stepping in like this but we thought you could use some help?" The girl had an indistinguishable accent and the heroes found it hard to look at her or her partner properly as the lights around them reflected off of whatever their armour was made out of, blinding them. (The description above is for you, reader, not the actual characters!)
"You." Quicksteps voice seemed to waver and black coils wrapped around her legs. Ladybug and Chat didn't know what was going on. The world seemed to be spinning for the Parasian heroes. There where other miraculous holders?
Time seemed to speed up as a song began playing and the street began shaking.
Just dance: Dance or die edition.
-To be continued-
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