#just a fun fact
viveela · 7 months
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I think they are all very cute and silly
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marshallmigraine · 8 months
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grown together like soldiers in a mass grave
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polygor · 1 year
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“Oh, to lie side by side in the same tomb and now and then caress with a finger-tip in the shades, that will do for my eternity!”
should’ve been a simple picture, but all of a sudden the background appeared
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waywardsunlight · 8 months
Evelyn made the portal theory. Evidence: - Philip doesn't do shit himself (literally just hires people 90% of the time) and he mostly took credit for it (saying he needed to find somebody to help him but never said who) - It was buried on Clawthorne land, next to the original portal - The Clawthornes have a strong connection to the island and are generally favored by the Titan due to their actions - The Titan says you can't escape the water of the inbetween without a portal. How would she know that if somebody hadn't been there before? - Philip doesn't have the kind of knowledge of the island or portals that Evelyn does, she's literally the portal Guy - Evelyn's motives are very unclear but she loves Caleb and if she believed creating a safer portal would improve Caleb's life (giving him a connection/way to easily travel to see his brother after the blood dried up), she would go for it - There's a slash across the eye and Philip doesn't have it which implies it was in a fight. Flapjack also has a slash across his eye.
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junotter · 10 months
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some less-than-perfect reference sheets for Roy and Jamie
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letters-of-fire · 3 months
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finally got to design my third FL character, Mary Hence!
she's 44, sapphic, and she came to London to avenge the murder of her lover. on the Surface she was a paleontologist and a campaigner for women's suffrage
she is a very no-nonsense lady, and a type that is willing to commit an arson/blow up a building/murder or die herself for a cause
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chrisrin · 1 year
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I had to draw a 12-page comic over the course of the semester for one of my illustration classes! 
(open the ‘Keep reading’ for the full comic!)
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(and a final bonus drawing for the back cover!)
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petrichormore · 7 months
I think today’s encounter with Ron could be a hallucination but the only thing that makes me hesitate to agree is Ron’s info on the federation. Info that we as an audience know is probably accurate but that q!Bad would have no actual way of knowing. He can’t hallucinate new information. Also, said information was exactly what he didn’t want to hear. If he was hallucinating a fantasy world where he didn’t accidentally kill/eat Ron, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me for his brain to include made-up federation info that actively upsets him. If it was a scary, negative hallucination maybe - it wasn’t though. Buuuut you never know I suppose. Either way I’ll enjoy it.
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snailsnaps · 1 year
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Second day of stealing peoples characters for my own amusement :) Sagittarius belongs @west-brooke
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purpl3-hlvrai · 2 years
Been on a bit of a Pokémon kick, so some au doodles for you all (don't mind me stealing the Ditto benery idea from @/tigerdrop it was just too perfect sorry)
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Can you tell I like Goodra...
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crossedwiress · 7 days
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spin me like a globe and drop your finger on me
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samglyph · 11 months
Fun fact for the king in yellow/malevolent/CoC fans: the popular yellow sign that everyone typically uses in art and what not (and that I have on my iPad case cause my friend made me a sticker <3) actually wasn’t designed until the late 80s for the Call of Cthulhu game, and has nothing to do with the original material (the design itself is also copyrighted by chaosium, unlike the story and concept which is in public domain). This is to say: if you want to design your own ‘yellow sign’ you absolutely totally should (and also, designing your own frees you up from any potential legal trouble if you want to sell it down the road)
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satzuboreas · 3 months
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nightmanatee · 8 months
btw chibnall originally didn't think of bringing the master back. he only wrote him as a character once he formed his idea about the spyfall and realised that it sounds like the master's plan!
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Ezmeralda: Yes, it’s infecting everyone. The British accent
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In the spirit of that reblog, could you tell me more about Luis? He's the primary whumper in lots of your writing and many of the war mages seem to sincerely loathe him, but then Mariano is shown to have a really trusting relationship with him and Luis clearly cares about the war mages at times. I haven't quite strung together the complexity of it all yet~
Ohhhh my god yeah this ask has activated my Cannot Shut The Fuck Up Disease so let's GO.
Luis is absolutely a complex whumper and hard to easily grasp. He has nothing but love and care in his heart for his mages. He's trained literally every single one since they were 18, and you can't not form a bond of some kind with someone in that time--and all of them know that he loves them. They know he would rather die before seriously, legitimately harming them on purpose without reason. They know he gets zero actual enjoyment out of hurting them.
Unfortunately, they're all special ops soldiers. People who, sometimes alone, are put in situations where they face capture and torture and unthinkable suffering. So Luis has to prepare them for these possibilities. He's seen what happens when you aren't prepared, back when he was one of the very first war mages on his own squad.
He's seen people give up and die, people he loved dearly. He's lost mages, Dimitri and Laredo's old squad, because there was an accident and (in his eyes) they didn't have training and clear guidance to fall back on (I will get to that in the stories though, it's something that informs the "you have to save yourself" standing order he has in place). Luis is someone who fears loss, especially loss of bright, young, talented mages. So he tortures them in a safe area with his own two hands, and teaches them how to read a torturer and captor, and how to mentally recover from the immediate aftermath, and how to escape even if it feels impossible.
He trusts his mages to follow his orders, and they trust that if they do what he wants, he'll treat them well. It's a basic sort of thing but it's necessary for their relationships, and generally he's very fair with not punishing them too harshly for silly stuff so he legitimately does build a good rapport with them all. If they get the training room, or are threatened with death, it's because to Luis what they did was just that serious.
Unfortunately, he does still butt heads with them, and he does still threaten their lives if they decide war crimes aren't something they want to do, all on top of punishing using their worst fears. Over time, no matter how much you love someone, that sort of abuse sours all the good feelings. The good feelings don't go away, bc when they're good they're good, but it makes things complicated.
Dimitri trusts Luis to not freeze him to death over simple disobedience, but he's afraid of him, and he hates him, and loves him, and if Luis approached him with an apology and changed behavior after prison? Dimitri would forgive him, because he was forgiven after making changes and working on himself.
All of the war mages feel similarly, really, because Luis' warmth and care isn't an act. They know that like them, he's also receiving orders that he can't just disregard. They may hate him sometimes, and they may disagree with him on fundamental stuff like "hey, perhaps stopping the war crime stuff could improve our lives in the long run", but they're all stuck with each other in a shitty, traumatic situation, so they make it work.
BASICALLY with Luis I'm exploring complex, complicated feelings about someone who has power over you, sincerely loves you, and who hurts you anyway bc I just think it's interesting! :)
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