#just had to make this to share my fave lyrics of theirs
clairedaring · 8 months
when you get this you have to answer with 5 of your favorite songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same. only if you want too.
I got tagged by @troubled-mind - thank you for thinking of me kat ╰⁠(⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠╯
my music taste changes like the weather so... you're getting 5 top songs i'm temporarily obsessed with at the moment.
#1 BUS - Because of You, I Shine
at first listen, i just had the impression that it was an easy listening bg debut t-pop song. i ended up subconciously hitting play every time I went onto youtube and there's a new performance mv for the song (they have so many versions it's insanity, nadao really dropped everything to make this passion boygroup project of theirs). because of you i shine is just such a positive vibes upbeat song. i think bus will be the next IT bg from thailand.
#2 SNOW MAN- Dangerholic
if this song had been on spotify, it would 100% end up as my most played song of 2024. 'dangerholic' is the theme song of brilliant 2023 j-drama trillion game (that i think EVERYONE should check out). played at the end of every episode, i was so obsessed with the song, i never hit skip to the next episode and sit through the preview to listen to dangerholic. brilliant drama, fantastic ost, both featuring MEGURO REN. everyone, please watch trillion game ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
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sf9's latest title track 'bibora' is so quintessentially 2nd gen kpop-coded. like the mv opens beautifully with strings, the edm chorus toplines, the heartbreaking lyrics, everything is very reminiscent of 2nd gen kpop and i'm so here for it. absolute banger outro too.
#4 The Flob - VEGAS
i love love love viet alternative rock. if you like alt rock or vocaloid music, please check out this little bop. whenever the lead singer does his lil growl, it gives me the absolute chills (positive).
i've always been a lyrical >>>> melodic rap girlie so when my favorite (and imho the best vietnamese lyrical) rapper dropped his sophomore full album after almost 5 years since his last album, i lost my marbles. bóng ma góc nhà is a conversation between a ghost living in the corner of a house and his friend - a human boy. the song discusses about how fears of adulthood is much more terrifying than any ghosts. and that just hit so close to home ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
it only hit me after listing out all the songs that my current fave songs are mostly boygroup/band songs but i swear i do listen to soloists too. hopefully the next time i get to share my fave songs it'll be a good balance of solo/group songs.
no pressure tagging @tipsyjaehyun @hoppipolla
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ulliell · 2 years
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I Love You - Fontaines D.C.
“It’s like the most normal title ever. I wanted to write a song called “I Love You” because I thought that it was a challenge that interested me to write a song about so kind of an ostensibly cliché topic and attempt to make it interesting and my own, unique. It just turned out to be another song about Ireland, of course.  I kind of feel like it’s in two parts. Spiritually, there are two parts to it. I’m in a position where I’ve made something of a career from trying to connect with and render the culture and country that I come from and try and express it and in turn and in doing so, understand it myself and help other people understand it. That’s what I think I’m doing.” - Grian Chatten
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pebblysand · 2 years
Hi! For the ask challenge thing, I'd like to ask questions 3, 26, 39, and 44. Also 12! my favorite title of yours is "watch (the minutes tick, tick, tick and we couldn’t save you)", cause it says so much without giving away what exactly it means!! Anyway, have a nice week!
Hello!! Okay, I meant to answer this yesterday, then didn't have time. Here it goes!
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
Oh, jesus. So many. Dirgewithoutmusic's character studies (ROAR as a series is literally plagiarism), anything by orbythesea (she was also my beta for a few years so I guess she had the most influence on my writing), Six Months by Violet Hills, we only make tsumanis by dis0rdely... Those are just the ones that come to mind off the top of my head. Literally all the fics I read and enjoy inspire me in some way.
12. Tell the author your favorite fic title of theirs (not the fic, strictly title). Author: what’s your favorite title you’ve come up with and why?
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! I'm a bit of a cheater, I have to admit, because apart from watch (which you quoted) and the rare firing of wild canons, most of my titles are song-related, at the moment. Basically, I take a lyric from a song I like, and steal it, haha. I used to be a "one-word title" kind of person for a very long time, then I decided: you know what, maybe I should try something different. It's been fun coming up with longer titles lately, though I still think that if I ever write a proper book, it'll have a one word title. I like the idea of choose just one word to symbolise a story. It's ambitious, but it's fun when it works.
On that note, I think my fave title is probably "castles." There's just so much meaning and symbolism in that one word. It's rebuilding after the war, both literally and figuratively, and I like it :).
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
UGH. My phone. It gets put on flight mode and locked away in my bedroom when I need to focus. 🙄. Though I did notice that sometimes mindless scrolling isn't necessarily as mindless as it seems. Sometimes I reach for my phone because my mind needs those five minutes of shutting off to come up with new stuff. It's an interesting balance.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I've said this before, I think I'm good at character. Like, knowing who people are, what they think, how they function. It's my favourite part, anyway.
44. Rant about something writing related.
Babe, I have a whole podcast and list of tumblr posts to share my writing rants. I think you've heard enough 🤣.
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
As usual, thank you @vishcount for letting me do this as well!! ❤ I always love talking about my music. I tried to narrow it down to songs that I’ve added to my playlist(s) in the past 2-3 months. 
Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
Am breaking the rule and not tagging that many people, but only my usual suspects: @cortue, @the-cloud-whisperer, @intyalote, @isabellaofparma, @sassyassassy, @not-saying-revolution-but - no pressure to anyone, I just thought maybe someone wants to share their music as well (which I’d be happy about)!
I continue under the cut:
I mmortale by Måneskin
I’ve noticed that I prefer  Måneskin’s slower songs but they sure have a few bangers. This is one of them, I’ve only recently added it to my playlist and I’m lowkey obsessed? 
A dvice  by Taemin
am absolutely obsessed with this one? Taemin never disappoints but with this one I felt like it was sepcifically tailored for me for some reason. I love the manic dark energy of this, but at the same time it’s a chill enough song to just listen to on a daily basis? a masterpiece
M askhara  بشار مراد مسخرة  by Bashar Murad
This is the mood for summer tbh. Depressed but funky? Let’s make the best of it. I absolutely adore his voice and I sincerely hope he’ll release more songs because I need them to live. Am also very much into his political and queer themes, so I dearly recommend for everyone to check him out!
J 'ai demandé à la lune ft. Louis-Étienne Santais by Ghostly Kisses
I’ve always adored Ghostly Kisses and her voice is so stunning? French fits her quite well. I think I even added this to my wkx character playlist? we love a multifacetted man. 
U nderneath The Mask by Royal & The Serpent
Another one from my Wen Kexing character playlist - i think this is kind of self-explanatory? This song is amazing with headphones and high volume. I’m always very much into songs that capture wkx’s valley master energy. 
S un Goes Down by Lil Nas X
while Montero/CMBYN was absolutely iconic, this song just made me bawl my eyes out? it’s so lovely and I wish it was longer. somehow he managed to captured this queer coming of age feeling perfectly and i’m very much sensitive to that. bless his soul ❤
T orna a casa by Måneskin
along with Vent’anni, this is my favourite song of theirs. I could listen to this on loop (which I do) and I never grow tired of it? The way the song steadily builds up and reaches this peak near the end is absolutely amazing. This also sort of became an inspiration for my Wen Kexing and Gu Xiang fic? The lyrics somehow speak for them, it’s so sad and tender and wow, I want to bury myself in this song. 
A Different Kind of Love by Son Lux
Son Lux are artists I never grow tired of and their recent releases have been amazing as usual. This too, made it on my wkx character playlist - as you see I’m putting a lot of songs here that are on there. Son Lux does that haunting atmopshere so perfectly and I think wkx’s fragile view of love fits right into this.
K in by CLANN
Until recently, CLANN was an artist that I had exclusively listened to while writing a little mermaid AU two (?) years ago - especially their album Unseelie was perfect for the vibes I needed. Howevery recently I’ve listened to the album Kin Fables while writing and I’m very happy I rediscovered them. I dearly recommend to simply put on their albums and listen to them in one go, it’s a magical experience.
I ntrovert by Little Simz
I know a few songs by her and she is so damn cool, I really want to get into her music properly at some point. All I’ve heard so far is exactly my taste and I realised that I don’t listen to much rap by female artists which I want to change. Gosh this song is just so powerful. 
D eath No More / Смерти Больше Нет by IC3PEAK
I dig IC3PEAK so much, truly one of the best gems I’ve discovered in the past few times. Absolutely adore the combination of visual and musical medium, which makes a stunning art piece? Also their creepy vibes fit to my wkx playlist once again. I remember finding them on youtube and just going through all their videos, it’s just so good. 
D im by SYML
Am stilll so grateful that dear Vishie showed me SYML back then because they quickly turned out to be one of my fave artists? Every song is so wonderful sigh. And yes, this too, is on my wkx playlist and I’m incredibly happy about it. the lyrics just scream for it, tell me I’m wrong
O rgel오르골  by SHINee
recently I’ve been in my SHINee mood again and rediscovered this song for me. I think The Misconception of Us is one of my favourite albums of theirs and Orgel is just so groovy? Am obsessed with the instrumentals and their voices playing off them. Idk mate, am just SHINee trash
thank you again! gosh this was fun but I noticed that I barely had time to discover new music in the past months which is so sad. I’ve only been relistening to artists on loop like Brockhampton, Gazzelle, Tamino and Shinee, but I’ve barely added new? Am surprised however that Sevdaliza, The Dumplings and BEWHY are msising from this list because I’ve discovered those some time ago.
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Okay, idk if saying this is controversial or offensive in any way but like nobody around me UNDERSTANDS and I want to see if anyone like agrees or maybe even loves and does this too??
Okay so I'm guessing pretty much every person who is a fan of rap or just a rapper in general has heard of diss-tracks and everything (all the "beef" and back-and-forth) that goes with it, and probably have a favorite.
Maybe one person's cuz it's from their fave rapper (bit of a cop-out if its the only reason, but understandable), maybe another's cuz the flow is so good and the bars are savage af (probably the most common reason!), OR maybe you're like me:
If you're like me -- You adore the song/diss-track, in your eyes THIS diss was the song put an end to the "feud" and was better than it's competition, it ALSO happens to fit all the reasons listed above for why it is that great. But that is not why it's my favourite!
Before I tell you why, you need to know the song we are talking about, which is:
Killshot by Eminem
Yep! Em's reply to MGK's Rap Devil (which to be fair: not a bad song at all! very catchy! *nods* just not something you use against fucking eminem. either way he did pretty good so no hate here. plus from what I've seen he's been able to find a different, better-fitting niche/genre of music since this--so major kudos to him!), is my favorite for a variety of reasons---most of them normal like the one's listed above, or, if you want to ask, one's I can speak with you about!---but one big reason is rather unique (though maybe not??), and that would be: one particular (glorious) line + the reaction videos.
And it is these two things paired together that gets me. My reaction varies, sometimes I just laugh, sometimes I full-out fucking cackle in like borderline evil laughter, sometimes I'm laughing so hard I'm falling out of my bed or chair while rolling and wheezing, and I ADORE it.
(NOTE: This is the part I'm a more-than-a-little scared that I'll phrase wrong and offend people by trying to explain. There are so many "descriptive" words people say are and aren't offensive these days that I get so confused and that's only partly my autism I think the rest is just normal human confusion. So, if I use the wrong words, or say the wrong things or if this is just offensive period, tell me, I want to know and I want to learn.)
It can't just be any video though, to illicit this response! It has to be a REACTION video for one, and a first time listen. The better reactions come from men listening to the song, for some reason. The BEST reactions come from black men listening to the song, especially older black men who know all about what was going on in the rap world back when we were all either toddlers, infants, in-utero, or nonexistent, because they catch the line I'm about to tell you and Dear LORD do they REACT.
This line is, of course:
"But Kells the day you put out a hit is the day Diddy admits he put out the hit that got 'Pac killed,"
I have watched like a hundred reaction videos for this song at this point. The less fun ones (but still good! Cuz some people don't even catch the line! Like, wtf???) just look shocked, play it back a couple times, or say some variation of "He said what now??!?" The really fun ones (which im gonna try to list some of their YT names(? pages? handles? tf they called? what is wrong with me???) that I like rewatch, scream or even shriek upon hearing the line. There's a LOT of (very hilarious) vehement claims of not being able to handle this and leaving the room. Lots of stunned silences and cussing--in the same video. Really, just TONS of glorious content. Plus, of course, everyone laughs, (sometimes kind-of hysterically) at the songs ending, "Oh, and I'm just playing Diddy. You know I love you," always, everytime.
But yeah that's why it's my favorite and I wanted to share it and see if anyone else did the same? Or wanted to start?
(2ND NOTE: This isn't to say that a man or a woman of any race/ethnicity couldn't or haven't put out a Killshot reaction video that is not only worth watching, but also knows all this background info and therefore catches all these "hidden" (and not so hidden) twists in Em's lyrics -- and therefore reacts in a way that I enjoy or makes me laugh until I cry. They have, its just not really as common.)
If you were curious about possible recommendations for Killshot reactions:
ScriptWorks - Theirs is probably my absolute favorite reaction, they take the time to explain shit that we (read: I) are simply not old enough to know/understand and are entertaining af. Also, if I remember correctly their video is the reaction that started it all, lol. It might also be one of the walk-out ones lol. (Their walk-out reactions are always so funny, for instance: their reaction to ERB: MJ vs. Elvis -- fucking hilarious.)
No Life Shaq - I laughed the entire fucking time. When I say walk-outs I usually mean out of the view of the camera -- if his camera didn't show his whole room he would have like 10, with every one as hilarious as the last. However even with the wide view of the camera, he is one of my beloved Reaction-ers who were like "NOPE! NO." and walked the fuck out leaving me cackling.
Lael Hansen - always good if you want a good hip-hop or rap review or reaction! I loved her Killshot reaction, she knew what was coming and did not disappoint!
LawTWINZ - Pretty sure Em drove these two to drinking, lol. Their reaction made me laugh so hard. At first I though it was another walk-out... Nope! More like they had been shot at or something. Very much worth watching!
There are many more, but those are the main ones! Enjoy!
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beachesgetpeaches · 4 years
fave folklore lyrics
So, I did this on July 27th so idk maybe I’ve changed my mind about some today but listening on repeat will do that to you right..? 
Anyway below you can find my fave lyrics off the album and then I wanna tag @keiraknighted​, @rawrkittenpurr​, @petals-to-fish​, @myluvfortaylor​ to share theirs aaand I am sorry can’t remmeber who else on my dash had a meltdown over the album but if you have please do it and tag me I wanna stay on this high foreveeer
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the 1
We never painted by the numbers, baby But we were making it count You know the greatest loves of all time are over now
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs The smell of smoke would hang around this long 'Cause I knew everything when I was young
the last great american dynasty
Fifty years is a long time Holiday House sat quietly on that beach Free of women with madness Their men and bad habits, and then it was bought by me
I'm not your problem anymore So who am I offending now? You were my crown Now I'm in exile seein' you out I think I've seen this film before
my tears ricochet
You know I didn't want to Have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels That I gave you As you bury me
And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
Please picture me In the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream Ferociously Any time I wanted
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away Like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine
Back when I was living for the hope of it all For the hope of it all "Meet me behind the mall"
this is me trying
They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that
illicit affairs
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else Don't call me kid, don't call me baby Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
invisible string
Time Mystical time Cutting me open, then healing me fine
Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
mad woman
No one likes a mad woman You made her like that
Just one single glimpse of relief To make some sense of what you've seen
I'm only seventeen I don't know anything but I know I miss you
You heard the rumors from Inez You can't believe a word she says Most times, but this time it was true The worst thing that I ever did Was what I did to you
Our coming of age has come and gone Suddenly this summer it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions
All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret
You knew the password, so I let you in the door You knew you won, so what's the point of keeping score? My only one My kingdom come undone My broken drum You have beaten my heart
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mysurveys · 7 years
Random Qs
Survey #27 on the Countdown to 2018!
This survey was also done last Tuesday.
What’s the date today?
It's April 4th now.
Are you wearing jeans?
I'm wearing PJs right now.
What comes to mind when I say the word "pink"?
Cherry blossoms and one of my old OFCs named Sakuya Momoka.
Do you believe in finding the good in people?
I've only ever been unable to find good in one person. I didn't get to know them on a personal level nor did I want to so it's not like it really matters that much.
There's obviously both good and bad in everyone, though. Having a black and white mentality about others is just childish.
Has anyone let you down recently?
No, not really.
If you married the last person you rode in a car with, what would your name be?
The last person I rode in a car with is my mother and we share the same surname.
What jewelry are you wearing and where did you get it?
I'm only wearing my fave ring that I got from my maternal grandmother. She bought it at LifeWay.
What was the last thing someone said to you?
I have no idea.
What was the last thing someone asked you?
I really don't remember that either, besides the obvious.
Did you sleep alone last night?
Yes, I did, as per usual.
What will you be doing tomorrow around 2 PM?
I don't know yet.
Was the last person you spent the night with male or female?
I last stayed the night at my maternal grandmother's while our AC was out.
Have you ever kissed that person?
I haven't even kissed her on the cheek.
What're the last four digits of the number of the last person to call you?
I'm not telling you parts of people's phone numbers. It's pointless anyway.
Where was the last place you went today?
Market Basket.
Do you tan?
I don't tan at all. I only ever burn from exposure to the sun.
Have you ever spent the night on a rooftop?
I haven't.
Have you ever played hide and seek in a cornfield?
I haven't and I wouldn't want to either.
What's the nearest big city to you?
DTD makes this difficult to remember since I don't normally pay attention to such. Beaumont? I'm not aware of the population number.
What do you consider your hometown?
I first lived in Beaumont, but that was so brief that Nederland is more so my hometown.
Are you still living there?
I'm still in Nederland, but we want to move out of southeast Texas.
Do you live within twenty minutes of your best friend?
I live with my mother who's been one of my besties since I became an adult, but the rest of them are out-of-state or in Japan.
Are you wearing socks at the moment?
I'm not since I usually take them off as soon as I get home.
Have you ever taken any foreign language classes?
I never had any formal classes for Japanese, but I picked it up fluently from my friends. It was the next best thing to being dropped in Japan and learning out of necessity.
I'm not solid with the written form yet just because it's so complex, though. And I'm not really that dedicated to learning it either. It's not entirely necessary.
Were your parents married when they had you?
Yes, they were and they were trying to have a baby too.
Are they married now?
Yes, they are.
Would you marry someone 30 years older than you if they had millions?
I wouldn't marry someone just for their money since I'm not a gold-digger.
What was the last irresponsible thing you’ve done?
I don't often act irresponsibly of my own volition, but I did use my Zeroes as a crutch last month. There were so many physical pains going on in my body that I noticed how Zeroes alleviated it with an emotional feeling.
That's part of why I'm going to schedule an appointment with a new therapist soon. I need better coping mechanisms.
How long were you employed at your last job?
I've been on disability since I was seventeen so I've never had a paid job. Someone with Bipolar insomnia, dyscalculia, DTD, and long-term memory problems can't really hold a steady paid job. The only "work" I do is for my nonprofit group as a result.
Are you very stressed at the moment?
I'm not really feeling stressed right now, but I am pretty tired.
Who was the last person to make you cry?
It was partly due to my mother's lack of understanding and assistance, I think. That was sometime last year.
At least I'm guessing the last time had something to do with all of my hormonal issues involving endometriosis, hypothyroidism and diabetes. That was before I finally got a hysterectomy to alleviate some of my problems.
Did they apologize for it?
She did multiple times, but I discovered that they were empty words until the point that I had a mini breakdown. And even after that I had to lose my cool again after she was being a bitch about helping me get a non-drowsy pain medication.
Not only did it say it would make me drowsy and dizzy, it was one I was allergic to. She'll be callous like that out of nowhere.
How're things between you and your ex?
Which ex? I only speak to two of them who're my besties. One is moving on and looking for love locally. The other is obsessive and still stuck on me despite my best efforts to dissuade him. I really can't do anything more to help him let go.
How long have you been in your current relationship or been single?
I can't remember exactly when I broke it off with Sasuke M. last year. Or was that this year? Math if I know.
Have you ever fired a gun?
I haven't. I understand the dynamics, though.
Do you come from a town with a population of less than 3K?
No, I don't.
How far is it to the nearest Walmart?
Not very far, but I couldn't tell you in numeric terms due to dyscalculia and DTD.
What was the total of the last check you wrote?
I don't think I've ever done that outside of Home Ec. so I obviously know how, but I prefer not to be involved in writing them since I have dyscalculia.
Mom mixes my finances with theirs all the time because I trust her with it. I only monitor all of my entertainment purchases very closely because that pertains to my personal budget.
Do you ever donate to charities like the Salvation Army?
I think Mom drops them some change sometimes, but I prefer to donate strictly to smaller local charities when I can.
Charity begins at home and should extend to the community around you. Paying into big corporate charity groups is an unnecessary risk.
"The Salvation Army wants people like me (gay, trans, and mentally ill) dead. So no, and I hope everyone who supports them dies an agonizing death and burns in their christian hell." ← Do you believe everything you hear without validating it for yourself?
For everyone's future reference, the verse in question is Romans 1:32 which has nothing to do with physical death.
"They know God’s Law says that anyone who lives like that should die. But they not only continue to do these things themselves but also encourage others who do them." That's the Easy To Read Version.
It's speaking to Christians about various sins and sin itself causing a person to lack eternal life through salvation in Christ. Living in sin without repentance equates to eternal damnation and death. That's not the same thing as physically dying.
Why would Christ die on the cross for people He hates or wants to die physically? That doesn't even make any sense.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
That's inescapably clear about the context of Romans 1:32 and the Bible says that kind of thing quite often. So don't believe everything you hear.
There will never be a deficit of humans who misinterpret God's Word without meaning to be malicious or those who misuse the Bible for their own evil ends. 
If you want to know what the Bible says about anything, open it up and start reading it for yourself. That's what you have to do with literally everything else, right?
What're some lyrics from a song you've recently listened to?
"No magic can make you reappear, but in the song of the whales you are always here." That's a lyric from Return To Me from Winx Club: Beyond Believix and it's about Musa and her mother.
Do you consider yourself flexible?
To some extent, but I ish teh fat. I can surprisingly touch my toes without bending my knees, though. That's pretty good for a fatty.
Have you taken any medicine today?
I haven't taken anything since the clock hit 12 AM.
What were you doing at 5 PM?
Yesterday I was online for a bit, but it's only 2:54 AM right now. (Why am I awake!)
What's a song that reminds you of a friend and can you describe the memory it brings up?
There are only a few that remind me of past romantic relationships. I more often relate music to fictional charries.
How old were you when September 11th occurred?
Ugh, math and timelines. I was born in 1986 on May 27th so you can calculate that yourself.
Does rain make you feel depressed?
It never has that effect on me, but I sometimes want it to end if it goes on for days or if I want to go outside.
How about winter?
I love winter. It's the oppressive heat of the summer that I hate even though that season still has its merits.
What’s the nearest holiday to your birthday?
Easter falls near it just to name a major holiday here, but Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day and Memorial Day are all closer to the date of my birth with the last one being the closest. However, Ramadan is on the actual date.
If you found out you were pregnant, who would you tell first?
That's not even possible as I have no uterus.
Has anyone given you flowers in the last six months?
Definitely not, but I don't want to receive anything that's dying and senselessly killing things to show love is gross.
How did you meet the last person to leave you a comment?
I don't even pay attention to such and I spent a lot of last month away from all social media sites too.
How long have you known the last person to call or text you?
I've known my mother since I was conceived. I was very much alive and growing at the time.
How old's the last person you rode in a car with?
Mom is 66 or 67 right now. Dyscalculia and long-term memory problems mean that I'll never get a fix on that.
What did you do when you hung out with the last person you kissed?
That was well over a decade ago so there's no way I can recall that.
What grade are you in at the moment?
I'm 30 and I never even went to a typical high school. I was in an all-grade Christian school before making an attempt at homeschooling via the web, but I pretty much knew it was useless regarding math and science. They finally let me quit.
Where's your phone right now? Who's your provider?
What was the last chore you did?
Something to do with my cats, I'm sure.
Do you prefer online classes or real classes?
"Online classes are real classes." ← This. I tried homeschooling via the internet, but I just dislike formal classes altogether.
What's the nearest red object to you?
The label on a bottle of Ozarka spring water.
What was the last board game you played?
I'm assuming it was Monopoly since that was the only board game I ever really loved. I'm great with the logical aspects of economics, but I really should've been paying other players to count my money. LOL
What're you doing after this survey?
I might do another survey or try to get some sleep after this, but I really don't feel so tired right now. I'm pretty sure that I've gone into the point of Bipolar insomnia.
I might end up watching some TV after this if I can't find another survey that looks good. Or I'll just migrate all my LJ stuff over to DW instead. Sleep eludes me.
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