#just her own separate scientist character who would’ve related to him but they weren’t the same
theshadowrealmitself · 9 months
I had a dream I was watching a movie and it turned out to be 14 hours because it was a movie and all it’s sequels
And in one of the movies, toward the 7 hour mark, the protagonist was a brunette who up until this point had been more of a side character in the earlier movies, and it turned out she was a scientist of some kind? (Up until this point, all the characters had been very average characters in comedy movies which made what the plot turned out to be for her so wild and unexpected)
Anyways, she witnesses a train crash and apparently the train came from the company she worked in and that was a really bad sign, so she goes and rushes back to work (also because this was a really weird dream, the train was sentient and evil and trying to crash into people, and although the tracks were above water, everyone else was floating in water that was just everywhere, so her rushing was her trying to swim quickly in water)
So she gets back to the building, no else is aware that there’s bad stuff happening and they’re all excited to be leaving the building in the morning because everyone was going on vacation, so the protagonist finds a place to sleep where she’s hidden (because again this was a weird dream so all employees sleep at the building), and in the morning she didn’t go with anyone else and just stayed behind, hidden, while everyone left
And it turned out other scientists stayed behind too, evil scientists, and one of them was Olivia Octavius from the ITSV movie, and the brunette was actually Spiderman (except technically “Spiderwoman” but you know my brain did not give a fuck and proudly called her Spiderman) and this was her origin story as well as sorta Doc Ock’s
Instead of being changed by a spider bite like other Spideys, she was closer to Doc Ock where she used a suit she had built (still looked like a spandex spidey suit) that latched onto her brain and mimicked the spidey powers
So she’s trying to stay hidden in her suit and figure out what’s going on, but Doc Ock finds her, and it turns out they were besties, and Doc Ock was actually in love with her and didn’t want her to get dragged into this, but ultimately she chose her evil scheme in the end and knew Spidey wouldn’t join her on this path so they had a dramatic “breakup” (the kind of breakup you have with your bestie when y’all are in love with each other but don’t realize you’re gay) while fighting and Spidey fakes her death, leaving behind a devastated Doc Ock who only meant to knock her out
(I also remember very clearly going “wow I can’t believe there was this other Spidey before the other ones, Miles should run into her at some point” during it)
Then I woke up because my roommate called me and I’m heart-broken that this isn’t a real character that everyone knows about and that I can’t go read fanfics where they get their happy ending together
(Also in the dream, because this was “origin” stuff, Doc Ock was clearly much younger, but still a couple years older than Spidey, and Spidey looked up to her and respected her as a more senior scientist before it came out what she’d been doing with her science, also I don’t think the company was Alchemax, I think it was some nonexistent origin company she worked at before joining Alchemax)
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yonkapala · 6 years
Okay. So. I was tagged by @any-shadow​ on a thing where I’d need to choose pics already on my files to describe myself and, well, I still have little to no photos or pics or memes or anything that I could use (apart from some hair selfies, larp character try-outs and other stuff like that) so unless I’d use the exact same ones I did last time, there’d be no point to doing this. BUT I was also tagged by @losttinmymind​ and any-shadow on a couple other combined things, on 10 favourite female and male characters and 9 characters I identify with and since I have a difficult time organizing characters by gender in my head, I will do a random combination of 10 favourite characters that I also maybe somehow identify with
I’m excited to see where this takes me. The stuff’s under the cut, and also tagging everyone who wants to do this (I’m curious, though, so if you do, maybe tag me so I get to read it?)
Well. Okay. So. I’m going to take three of the first characters from that thingy I was tagged way before, because I wasn’t lying when I wrote that answer and these characters are some of my favourites and also some that I completely relate to. I’m also going to try and stay at one character per fandom to make this easier and not focused on my recent discoveries.
Samwise Gamgee (the Lord of the Rings trilogy) I’m nowhere near as amazingly kind and loyal and perfect as he is, but I’m slowly finding some of that resolution to walk through Mordor for things and people that are important enough – and the willingness to hold onto hope no matter how dark and impossible things seem to get. More than a few years ago I probably would’ve named Gandalf or one of the mightier elves for their wisdom and understanding, but Gandalf is way too dramatic, most of the elves so high up on the dignity-in-appearance mount that I could never reach it and I find myself more and more enjoying the quiet, small joys of life. I don’t actually want to go on a dangerous adventure, but I will do it if it’s something I care about or people that will need some common sense to go with them if they ever hope to survive. Mordin (Mass Effect trilogy) Because, well, Mordin. I’m not a scientist, nor will I ever be unless I find an area in which I really want to drown myself in, but the way he deals with life and problems and past mistakes is so relatable. His dry humour that is easily missed due to no change in tone of voice, the confidence with which he accepts his victories and mistakes, his own strong set of morals, the way he deals with emotions…. and, of course, ”Had to be me, somebody else might have gotten it wrong”. I relate to Mordin, a lot – which is why I broke my heart while forcing through a renegade playthrough in which the krogan genophage that could not be cured. Twelve (Doctor Who, new series) Uhh. I love how I’m getting further and further away from Samwise with these… I have rarely related to a fictional character as much as I related to Twelve. I can’t even begin to explain why, because I don’t actually know which things to point at and go ”there, that’s the reason the tweflth reincarnation of the Doctor is so relatable it would actually hurt emotionally if I allowed myself to look at it a bit closer”, but. Yeah. If it weren’t for the twelfth Doctor, I would’ve gone with Donna, but yeah. There’s just something in the way Capaldi’s Doctor acted, reacted and expressed emotions that resonated with me. I’ll come back to this topic in about 15 years after I’ve had some thought put into it. Spock (Star Trek, TOS and a bit of OAS) I could go on forever about the battle between rational thinking and those pesky emotions and how the tiniest moments have told me stories about the internal battles this half-human, half-vulcan character suffers through but instead I’m just going to link to the posts I’ve tagges as ‘Spock’ and claim I can relate to each and every one of them way too much. Way, way, _way_ too much at times. Wonder Woman (mostly the new DC films) Well, Diana Prince. She’s my hero, the example I would love to follow and someone who’s pain and determination over the complexities of human nature is very, very relatable. She’s about loving and caring even (or perhaps especially) when it seems there’s no point; about not letting anyone walk over her but also not lifting herself over others. Her anger and confusion at men in power thinking they can control the lives of others; Her anger and despair at feeling powerless next to actions and events leading to the suffering of many; Her unwillingness to lay down and let despair, anger or any other weakness take over. I am nowhere near as inspiring and amazing and capable as she is, but I keep her example in my mind when I feel the darkness wash over me. Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) Edmund the Traitor, Edmund the little brother, the doubter, the reason Aslan had to die in the hands of the White Witch. Edmund the Just. I can relate to the kid having trouble believing in a magical land after going through so much loss. I can’t relate to the kid meeting the White Witch and getting greedy over things only he could have - but I can understand the need to have something just for himself, to be seen different from siblings who always seemed to fair better in the eyes of adults. I can relate on overlooking the simple truths and finding no comfort in talking animals in their simple lives and not accepting a point of view so different from what you were offered. I can relate to pride, and coldness, and slowly realizing the biggest mistake you’ve ever made; I can relate to not seeing a way out, to having been saved by someone who wasn’t involved in any way. I can relate to learning the lesson of pride before the fall and then, slowly, but permanently, of getting back up, of remembering the mistakes of the past in order to become and build something, someone better. Lucy Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia) How I found Lucy annoying in my earlier days, with her blind faith and childlike belief in good things and fluffy endings. Today I can relate to having faith in an environment that keeps telling me how there should be none, and if some, not that way. I can relate to following without a doubt, stumbling right before the answers and then somehow being lifted back up, perhaps with some reproaching but always, always, finding love and kindness and an answer to prayers. Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation) To be quite honest, I can’t exactly remember why him. It’s been a while since I watched the show, but I remember multiple occasions in which I went “relatable”. More on this once I’ve binge watched all of it again at some point. Elsa (Frozen) Yeah, yeah, I wish I had ice magic. I actually really do. But Elsa is relatable because she had to learn to deal with her emotions via acceptance instead of fear and total control. Pretty much everything about her is relatable, and I’ll just quote this: “You can’t marry a man you’ve just met!” because seriously. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) I’m not quite as serious about this as I am about the other ones, but I, too, am terrible at realizing people like-like me. I, too, am terrible with people, with letting others do stuff for me, with accepting help and/or trusting the good intentions of others. Or at least I was, I’m getting better because I don’t live in a hellish dystopia that wants to keep people separate so the rich and the powerful can enjoy their lives while others suffer and it’s all blamed on the ones who -- wait. So. Anyway. I have this hope that I have the resilience to keep going even when I really don’t want to, having no faith in the system or the powers that be and just wanting to be left alone.
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