#just how far can we push caleb and hunter before they snap completely? ANSWERED.
hazyshadeofwintyr · 1 year
Spongebob Narrator: Months ago, but not many... Me: Okay so maybe the séance fic is going to be a little more than a oneshot, but that's okay! I can figure stuff out as I go along. Me: What if the situation meant they had to go to an Oracle witch. What if I made an OC. And that OC was the Oracle witch they consult. Me: Yes, excellent. Me: What if they're also a snake and use xey/xem pronouns? Oh *NOW* we're cookin' with portals! Me: Okay, so I jotted down some ideas about how xey interact with C, and some ideas for the heartscape stuff at this point, but I'm not sure how to bridge it with the epilogue stuff. Me: That's okay, I can figure it out later! I'll probably know what happens by the time I get to this chapter. Spongebob Narrator: Three Months Later Me: [finishes writing chapters 1-5] Me: Okay, so, what do I have of chapter 6? Some dialogue, a couple of exchanges, H and J stuff that needs to go in the cuts doc because I completely changed the trajectory of the heartscape subplot, okay, okay... Me: Hm, not a lot. Alright, let me just check my mental notes... Me: [looks at mental notes, grabs the one with "séance fic chapter 6 ideas" written on it] Me: [unfolding the note] So what do we have here?... The note: idk figure it out u've written the first five chapters u should know what happens next lmfao Me: [shaking fist at sky] Damn you, past me!!!
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monstersandmaw · 7 years
Deaf Werewolf (Part Two) (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Part One 
Very slight NSFW at the end, nothing explicit.
You stared out of the window, watching the lone wolf sniffing around, until she snapped her head up, tail bristling.
A truly huge wolf burst over the orchard’s stone wall, and rammed into the stranger. Your hand flew to your mouth as you watched them scrap, snarling and biting, tearing up the ground and lashing at each other with their jaws and claws. Eventually, though it was probably only minutes later, the red wolf ran, tail between her legs.
Breathing hard, the dark wolf turned and trotted up to your door. You fled the window and raced to let him in. He chuffed softly, almost like a laugh, as you fussed over him, and he nosed at your trembling hand, his tail swishing gently as he stood on all fours on your doorstep.
“Are you hurt? You want to come in?” you asked. He nosed more insistently at you, his head coming halfway up your torso despite having all his paws on the ground. “God, you’re even bigger than Rowan,” you commented.
He snorted at that, clearly amused, and whined something so low and insistently that you didn’t need to speak ‘wolf’ to understand him. Your cheeks flushed crimson.
He pressed his nose between your legs for a moment, almost at the top of your thighs, and wagged his tail playfully, growling softly, warmly. Then he stuck his cold, wet muzzle against your neck, reaching up easily. His hot tongue rasped across your neck and made you shudder. His teeth were so close to your skin. He could kill you with a single bite.
You felt the same intoxicating mix of lust and fear you’d felt on first seeing Rowan in his enormous wolf’s form. He gave you one last friendly push, and turned to lope back down the path. At the gate, he paused, nodded, and disappeared into the night.
You got a text from Rowan later that night explaining that Lilian was a rogue wolf who had tried to court him a while back, and who had left the pack in anger and shame when he had politely refused her advances. He was mortified that she was now sniffing around your door and putting you in potential danger, but you brushed it off, replying that you wouldn’t be staying much longer anyway.
The thought of returning to the city was almost enough to bring on a panic attack, but you breathed your way through it this time. You’d have your memories of this extraordinary time, and hopefully you could at least keep in touch with the two of them when you left.
Two days later, there was a knock at your door.
You put down the novel you’d been reading, curled up beside the log burner as the afternoon faded to evening, and crossed to the front door of the cottage.
Your heart leapt when you saw Rowan standing there alone, looking sweetly shy. He was taller than you, but the front step of the cottage put you almost at his eye level. He waved once, slightly awkwardly, and held out a piece of paper. You invited him inside, partly because your reading glasses were balanced on the book you’d just abandoned, and partly to be polite. You were struck by how beautiful he was as he paced silently past you.
He watched you put them on, and as you glanced up over the top of the frames, he smiled, tapped his temple and then put his palm over his heart.
“You like my glasses?”
He nodded.
“Well, that makes one of us. Anyway, let me read this. I’m kind of a slow reader though.”
He waved his hand as if to say ‘no worries’, and limped over to the window to stare out at the orchard behind the house. The limp wasn’t as pronounced as you’d expected it to be, but perhaps werewolves healed faster or something.
You turned your eyes back to the note in your hands. It began with your name artlessly scrawled in his terrible handwriting.
I just wanted to drop by and thank you once again before you go home. I hope you don’t think I’m intruding or overstepping.
Honestly, I cannot say what would have happened if you hadn’t brought me inside. I run alone a lot, when I probably shouldn’t. Caleb is always scolding me for going beyond the range of our wolf-communication. When I stumbled into your orchard, I’d been running for what felt like hours from that hunter, and if they’d found me, I’d have been skinned alive and turned into a grizzly rug for their trophy room or something.
I don’t know how I can repay you, since you don’t seem to want anything from me. Please, this is my number. Text me if you ever need anything, and you already have Caleb’s number. Call him too if either of us can ever help you in any way. I’d like to get to know you better. I feel like all we’ve done is talk about ourselves when we’ve been with you. I’m sorry. When do you leave? Where do you live? I hope it’s not far away. We can try to talk more when you’ve read this.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Ever yours, Rowan.
You smiled and looked up, and found him staring at you with those level blue eyes. He saw so much it made you afraid. If he have known you were been a hair’s breadth from cracking, from losing it at the thought of leaving him and Caleb and this wonderful place, he’d probably just have thanked you and walked away. Yet here he was, with those eyes, staring right at you.
It made you want to cry.
He took a step towards you, brows crinkling into a concerned frown. “Ok?” he mouthed silently, his hands forming the word.
You shook your head, tears bubbling up from somewhere deep inside you, somewhere you’d thought you’d locked and bolted, shuttered and barred. You’d kept it all at bay, everything, for months. Coming here was supposed to be a break from all that. And yet his overwhelmingly kind eyes pierced right through you and laid you open.
You burst into tears, covering your face with your hands.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, and drew you close to his chest. He threw off heat from his body like a furnace, a comforting scent billowing around you. You cried until you had nothing left in you to cry.
He didn’t let go of you completely as you pulled back, instead thumbing the salt-water from your cheeks and smiling. He stroked your hair back off your stinging face and asked you silently with his whole body if you were better now.
You nodded, apologising, babbling inanities. He placed his finger gently on your lips, shaking his head and smiling. Then he drew your face to his own and kissed you. It was chaste, yet somehow full of feeling. It took your breath away. Made your brain stall and your heart lurch.
You were so surprised, you couldn’t kiss him back. Then you came to your senses and jerked away. “What about Caleb?” you blurted.
He laughed then, a strange sound, raw and real. He tapped his temple with his fingertips.
“He knows?”
He nodded.
He moved his palm to his heart and placed the other hand over the top.
“I don’t understand.”
He held up the index finger of his left hand, and the index finger of his right hand. He kept them a foot apart, and then brought them slowly together, mouthing the word, “One.”
“But I don’t understand why you’d kiss me, when you’re with him…”
He rolled his eyes in frustration. He drew out his phone from his pocket and began to type out a text. He showed it to you once he’d sent it.
Caleb, any chance you can come and explain how it’s ok if either of us wants to kiss our new friend if both of us are cool with it? I’m failing spectacularly.
While you were reading it, a reply bounced back. I’m at work for another hour. Any chance you two can amuse yourselves til I get there? Say I’m cool with it if that’s a worry. Say it’s a pack thing maybe? Love you x
“A pack thing?” you asked, looking up at him. “So this is normal for werewolves?”
He made a little side-to-side movement of his head and shrugged. He held up two fingers, nodded, then three, and shrugged again.
“Two’s normal, three is… not uncommon?”
He beamed a smile at you that almost knocked you off your feet. His palms moved back to cup your jaw and he drew closer. Inches from your face, he paused, clearly seeking permission, and you nodded breathlessly.
This time when he pulled away, you smiled giddily. It had been a very long time since anyone had kissed you like that.
He chuffed a little lupine laugh, soundless this time, save for the soft hiss of breath, and jerked his head towards the stairs.
“You really are going to take Caleb up on his suggestion of keeping ourselves amused til he arrives?” you joked as he took your hand and led you up the stairs towards your room.
You had just screamed your second orgasm when you heard the door go. You were in no condition to stand up, let alone answer the door, so you told Rowan that Caleb was there, but he just tapped his temple again.
“You little shit,” you breathed, careful to move your lips enough to let him know what you’d said.
He grinned mischievously. Caleb had kept you waiting, you supposed, so it was only fair that he wait a few moments longer while Rowan kissed the insides of your thighs and nipped playfully at your sensitive hips and pebbled nipples.
When he was finally let in, Caleb smelled sex in the air, and it didn’t take him long to strip Rowan down to match your nakedness.
Rowan came into Caleb’s mouth minutes later with a harsh, primeval cry that echoed off the bare, plastered walls of the bedroom.
Caleb didn’t wait for Rowan to stop twitching before he swallowed him down, and moved to kiss you. You could taste Rowan on his lips and his tongue, and as you raked your nails over Caleb’s incredible pecs with one hand, you reached out to Rowan, still breathing heavily on the bed beside you, and linked fingers with him.
There was no way you would be willing to leave any of this behind.
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