#wip: from the earth to the morgue
hazyshadeofwintyr · 1 year
Spongebob Narrator: Months ago, but not many... Me: Okay so maybe the séance fic is going to be a little more than a oneshot, but that's okay! I can figure stuff out as I go along. Me: What if the situation meant they had to go to an Oracle witch. What if I made an OC. And that OC was the Oracle witch they consult. Me: Yes, excellent. Me: What if they're also a snake and use xey/xem pronouns? Oh *NOW* we're cookin' with portals! Me: Okay, so I jotted down some ideas about how xey interact with C, and some ideas for the heartscape stuff at this point, but I'm not sure how to bridge it with the epilogue stuff. Me: That's okay, I can figure it out later! I'll probably know what happens by the time I get to this chapter. Spongebob Narrator: Three Months Later Me: [finishes writing chapters 1-5] Me: Okay, so, what do I have of chapter 6? Some dialogue, a couple of exchanges, H and J stuff that needs to go in the cuts doc because I completely changed the trajectory of the heartscape subplot, okay, okay... Me: Hm, not a lot. Alright, let me just check my mental notes... Me: [looks at mental notes, grabs the one with "séance fic chapter 6 ideas" written on it] Me: [unfolding the note] So what do we have here?... The note: idk figure it out u've written the first five chapters u should know what happens next lmfao Me: [shaking fist at sky] Damn you, past me!!!
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sammyloomis · 3 days
ash you know i gotta get some snippets my guy 🌤️ and 🌧️ perhaps? for any project you're excited to talk about!!! :P
ohoho well, if its snippets you desire, then its snippets you shall recieve
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
PFF god, im realising how little dialogue i have written for anything right now fghj BUT heres something from an Extremely self indulgent crossover fic ive barely started i think u might find fun :]
Tara’s eyes flick to something just behind her which is about all the warning Ashley gets before a pair of hands drop onto her shoulders like sacks of flour and make an embarrassingly high yelp jump out of her throat. “Well, well, well,” Josh says, giving her shoulders a squeeze before dropping onto the bench beside her. “Surprised to see you out in the sunshine for once, Ash. You set off the smoke alarm in the dorms again?” If he was bothered by the glare she was firing his way, he didn’t show it, a familiar grin on his face that told her he was about to do everything in his power to embarrass her. “Oh, hi, Josh,” she monotones. “I’m fine, thanks for asking. Please. Take a seat.” “I’m already sitting, you silly goose.” She watches him turn to Tara, flicking a thumb towards Ashley in a clear expression of ‘get a load of this guy’, and sighs. So much for first impressions.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
ohh tee hee, this is from one im excited to get back to :]
As far as Tara knew, after Amber’s burnt and mangled body had been identified by her father, he’d had her quickly cremated and that was that. It was kind of ironic. She didn’t know where he’d scattered the ashes, if anywhere, or if the remains of the girl she once thought she’d spend the rest of her life with were crammed into a box in an overpriced urn, in the back of some moving van that was travelling farther and farther away from her. Or maybe he’d kept her close, in a locket or a ring, some capsule he could grab onto every now and again to remind himself of the daughter he had, once upon a time. Tara didn’t know. He’d never struck her as a sentimental man, Amber’s father, the few times she’d had a conversation with him that lasted longer than a few strained words as they both waited for Amber to get ready for whatever movie or concert or sleepover they were going to. He hadn’t been able to look her in the eye, that one visit he’d made to the hospital, no matter how hard she’d bored her own into the side of his head. Maybe, even then, he’d been wondering what to do about Amber’s body, already rotting in the morgue a few floors below. All of this to say, there was no gravestone for her to visit. No marker in the cemetery for her to kneel at and stare into the cold, compacted dirt like, if she tried hard enough, she could see past the mulch and the worms and the cedar and velvet and watch Amber essentially melt into the earth around her, like she’d wanted everyone to see. No, there was nothing. There was no memorial for her at school, no candles or yearbook photos or candid selfies next to Wes and Liv’s, no post-it’s stuck to her locker with kind words from people who pretended to have know her. Not even a mention in the obituaries, and Tara had been checking. It was almost like she’d never existed at all.
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Aaaaah! All your titles are so intriguing! xD I want to know about them all 👀 But I'll leave other people a chance to ask xP So I'll just go with "Voices in the Library", since I LOVE books and libraries ;b
Hello hello! Thank you, I'm glad they've intrigued you. 😊
Voices in the Library
Alright so, this is one of the few WIPs in the list that I've started posting on ao3 (here)... though I haven't updated for over a year. 😅 It's on hiatus. I was unexpectedly gifted this fic as a sort of prompt by a fellow ao3 user in early 2021 (here) - they actually used to pop by this blog on anon. They were known as the lentil anon. 😂
The ghostly and historical elements of the prompt really appealed to me, I won't lie! I have a lot of this fic plotted out and do occasionally tinker with it. Even now, I'm not sure exactly how many chapters it'll be, especially as I set myself the task of having relatively short ones (around 1K each). 2021 was really not my year and so I can't pretend I'm actively working on Voices in the Library at the moment. However, one day? I do hope to write more and complete it. Hell, it's been so long since I posted the first bits I'll probably end up editing them a tad, just to improve the writing if I can.
The story? If I do it right (which is a big if) it'll make my fellow Rivyan shippers all weepy. 😂 That's the goal, anyway. It's about spooky shit in dusty old libraries and creepy university morgues, yes - and it's also about Rick and Vyv being very, very gay - but underneath that it's about the finality of death, even in a world with ghosts, and learning to live and love despite knowing it can't last forever. And also, it's about choosing to live furiously and passionately for those who didn't get very long to live on this earth themselves. IS THAT SAD AND PRETENTIOUS ENOUGH FOR YOU, SCUMBAGS? 😂
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Everything about the hiatus being true, here's a tiny snippet from the unfinished third chapter:
“So, let me get this straight.” Vyvyan smirked to himself. “You spent Armistice Day – the first one, that big moment in modern history that historians love to wet their knickers over – running, screaming around the university quad like a girlie, covered in alcohol and stomach acid?”
There was a splutter of indignation from the spotty ghost in front of him.
“Well- of course not- I mean… that’s not all I did!”
It was Friday, almost midday, and Vyvyan’s first week of library service was nearly complete. He supposed he hadn’t done so badly, having managed to ignore the two resident ghosts here for four days. It was the next four months he was worried about now.
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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hazyshadeofwintyr · 1 year
fuck it we fic
The following words were suggested by @meadowziplines: ice, flower, warm, space, hug. "Space" was the only one that pinged in my Sandman snippets doc (at least... in terms of things that I'm considering posting at some point).
Ice (from the earth to the morgue, chapter two)
He collapsed to one knee, instinctively curling in on himself, attempting to staunch the bleeding. Flapjack animated again, trying to pull at the displaced lock of hair that hung over his face, but the pain from that was negligible considering the sharp ice filling his guts. Ph-philip— he gasped as (not-)his brother approached him once again.
Flower (also from the earth to the morgue, chapter two)
"Hooty, it smells like the rafflesia is blooming," Willow said, pinching her own nose shut. "Why don't you see if there are any worseflies?" Rafflesia was one of the human realm plants that most interested Willow; she'd been sorely disappointed to discover that they didn't grow in Connecticut and, even if they did, Camila wouldn't let her try to keep a flower that mimicked the look, smell, and texture of rotting flesh anyway. The plant growing by the Owl House wasn't a rafflesia, per se, but a Boiling Isles native that Willow carefully bred to resemble the flower. It was her pride and joy.
Warm (still from the earth to the morgue, this time chapter one!)
Hunter prayed to the Titan that the warmth in his face wasn't a blush. "I'm okay, Captain. Really."
Space (from "dark chocolate" which I am probably going to post... some... day... ? it's 100% Dreamling nonsense. Dream is literally about to eat 100% cocoa baker's chocolate because it's my toxic trait.)
"There's no need." Dream crossed the space, stopping heartbeats behind Hob. He reached toward the shavings and pinched a few between his fingers. "I may be known to... enjoy chocolate."
Hug (again... from the earth to the morgue, chapter one)
Luz suppressed the urge to squeal in delight, because this was not the time for that. She just nodded. Stepping forward, she embraced both witches in a tight hug. "Thank you, Eda'n'Raine," Luz said, the names blurring together into one.
If anyone wants to pick it up from here uh... lock, rot, blush, heartbeat, rain (optional challenge mode: Raine doesn't count).
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hazyshadeofwintyr · 1 year
good news: i have finally titled the owl house séance fic! it's title is from the earth to the morgue
...which is, of course, a lyric from my chemical romance's demo "desert song"
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