#just iiiiin case
your-raifu-is-shit · 4 years
Roast the primarchs
Alright, let’s do this -
Lion El’Johnson: Edgy loner, the epitome of That Guy we all knew in high school who insisted he just couldn’t get along with other people because he was “too different and special” but really was just an unlikable dick with a superiority complex.
REDACTED: Stupid fuck who REDACTED despite REDACTED, what a REDACTED mook.
Fulgrim: Narcissistic twat who could have avoided falling to Chaos if he spent 1/4th as much time engaged in critical thinking as he did on his hair.
Perturabo: Whiny bitch who never understood that other people have feelings too and aren’t just machines.
Jaghatai Khan: That douche who revs his goddamn Harley at 3am, just fuck off we’re trying to sleep you cunt. Also does not play well with others and expects his subordinates to make up for it.
Leman Russ: Broseidon, Lord of the Broceans and Primarch of the Frat Boys. Literally gave himself his own nickname of “The Emperor’s Executioner” despite Lion being the one with access all the fun doomsday toys. Also just a little bit too eager to commit genocide, even by Space Marine standards.
Rogal Dorn: Blandy McBlandface
Konrad Curze:  Edgelord Supreme, all his furniture is probably that red-and-black Gamer™-style crap from the early 2000s.
Sanguinius: .... I got nothing, Glorious Hawk Boy is perfect and unroastable.
Ferrus Manus: So horrendously bad at teaching his sons that they literally took the exact opposite position of his stance on flesh vs machinery.
REDACTED: Even more of a REDACTED than REDACTED up above. Would have been cool despite that if not for REDACTED.
Angron: Dude, seriously, chill the fuck out.
Roboute Guilliman: DIRTY XENOS FUCKER
Mortarion: Smells like day 3 of an anime convention
Magnus the Red: Too headstrong to listen to other people, too much of a pussy to help his sons when they catch the heat for his fuckup.
Horus Lupercal: “WAAAAH, I’m so strong and smart and successful that now everyone expects things of me! WOE IS ME!” shut the fuck up you pissbaby, learn how to manage expectations.
Lorgar Aurelian: Shut-in NEET that spent literal millennia faffing about in his basement despite getting a bitchin’ upgrade to Demon Prince.
Vulkan: Actually a pretty cool guy, unless you’re an Eldar in which case it’s “If you didn’t want to be burned to death then why are you flammable?”
Alpharius: Fancies himself a master of 5-D hyper chess but gets played like a fiddle by the first people to give him a task more complex than “kill these backwoods rubes.”
Omegon: Still unironically shares “We are Anonymous, We Are Legion” memes from old /b/. Probably owns at least one fedora trilby and will get really mad if you get it wrong.
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enberlight · 4 years
I just want to be better from the accident. And, like, I know it generally takes 2-3 months of treatment to get the pain levels back down and fix the injuries but. It's already been a month. And I'm not used to being this limited in how much time I can spend at a computer. It's 2-3 hours max before the inflammation in my neck gets unbearable and triggers chain problems with my head, shoulders, and arms.
And this morning I wake up well into the Hurting so I'm near the tolerance limit and swelling is Already Here and I haven't even clocked in yet and This Is Not Good For My Anxiety because my job is not simple enough or slow enough to get away with 10-20 hours a week like I've had to do and it is verily not good for the paycheck haha
But the MRI results (delayed due to busy neuroseurgeon with no openings and a power outage that caused damage delays while I was iiiiin iiiiit) anyway they came yesterday and I got to read the full terminology myself in the emailed reports this morning and
Some of the damage is possibly permanent and loads me up with frickin neck bs that's 20 years too early for me to be coping with. In any case it's way more damaged disks and joints than we thought from the xrays. So having these three weeks ago as planned would have been nice. (And it's two more weeks before I get my first steroid injection to help the main problem like haaalp.)
I saw one spot online mention it might be reversible but it was a practice ad so of course they'd say that. Otherwise it's degenerative and something that may be permanently disabling in the long run. My difficulty swallowing might be here to stay. Other option is like. Continuing chiro/pt/steroid injections for the forseeable future or always and
I just want to feel better now and not have years of repairative or alleviatory care to pay for 😥
But like I guess not
I'm not having fun today
Send good vibes?
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thewitchoftherock · 5 years
Dazed and loopy
Work on the portal continued.
They were going on Entrapta’s theory that a piece was missing- so to speak. But if they had built the portal- they were both certain that they could make the missing piece themselves.
To this end, Entrapta had scrounged every last scrap of first ones tech she had, determined to find something they could alter to stabilize the portal.
Hordak was going through data from the last few tests, hoping to pinpoint what it was that caused it to break each time. He saw in each test a steady rise in power, followed by a spike just before the portal collapsed on itself.
But what caused the collapse??
As he was pondering, something rolled over to him from the pile Entrapta was working through - a small, black disc.
He gave a low sigh, “Try not to lose any pieces.” He said as he reached down to take the disc, “we have precious little as it-“
Entrapta cried out just a little late. He hadn’t made sense of what she had said before he had the disk In his hand.
It sparked. A chill ran through him.
Then there was pain.
His entire body burned with an indescribable pain. Parts of him that had long since been amputated caught fire. A cry he couldn’t hear ripped from his throat.
Then darkness.
Of course Entrapta had kept some of the material that had messed with Adoras sword. There was so much data to be gained from it!!
But she hadn’t thought Hordak might be affected by it.
She watched in horror as his body arched back in pain, and an unnatural cry ripped from his throat.
She froze for a moment, but then jumped into action. She jumped up, latched onto Hordaks’s back, holding onto him with her hair. She took her screwdriver, popped open a little compartment on his back, and pushed the screwdriver into a small slot that had been hidden. She turned the screwdriver.
Hordak jolted, the armor loosened and fell down around him. The screams subsided, and his body went limp. She cradled him in her hair and set him gently to the ground.
“Hordak!!” She gave him a firm shake, and was about to check for vital signs but realized that she wasn’t sure what she’d be looking for! His breathing was different, his heart didn’t work the same….
As she was agonizing over what to do, his eyes fluttered open- red, but perhaps a bit more dull than before.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re awake! Are you ok? Are you in pain? Can you move??!!”
Hordak slowly sat up, his body moving sluggishly, his ears down almost parallel to the ground. His eyes were half open as he looked at her, seeming to take an extra moment to focus on her. His body leaned forward as he lifted his arm, and pointed at her, his finger pressing between her eyes.
“You,” He slurred, “have a lotta hair”
Entrapta blinked in confusion, then relaxed. Symptoms were aligned with what she’s seen in Adora, and she expected that she could probably see the same rate of recovery.
Still, Adora hadn’t been in pain like he had.
She held him by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes “are you sure your ok?”
He dropped his hand from her face, and leaned in “I’m F-iiiiine. Fine. Fine. Ff—f-f.” He bit his lower lip slightly a few times, then rubbed it. “That’s weird. That sound. It feels weird. “
Entrapta was sure he’d be fine, he didn’t seem in pain- that was good. More studies would have to be done on the effects on first ones tech.
However, testing was likely done for the day.
“Alright Hordak” She said gently, let’s get you sat down somewhere”
She pulled him gently to his feet. He stumbled, but caught himself, his body still uncharacteristically slouched.
“Nu… the” his eyes narrowed slightly in concentration. “The Portal! We have to fix the portal. “ he stumbled forward towards their work .
“Hordak, no no! You can’t work on the portal like this!” She pulled a screwdriver from his hand just as he picked it up. He stared confused at his hand for a moment before grabbing a wrench. She took the wrench and grasped his wrist with her hair. With his other hand he picked up a different screwdriver. She took that too and grasped his other hand.
“Seriously-“ She said “you have to-“
There was a knock on the door, followed by the mechanical woosh of it opening. Hordak opened his mouth to say something but Entrapta quickly silenced him with her hair and pulled him up into the darkness and safety of the rafters, her hair binding his arms to his sides.
She didn’t recognize the officer standing down below, and they didn’t stay long upon realizing Hordak wasn’t there. Which was good, yes, but she had to get Hordak out of the sanctum. Somewhere safe and private- if his officers saw him like this… well, he’d never live it down, and he’d blame her, Entrapta knew, for the whole thing.
Thankfully she knew a safe, private place she could bring him through the vents, so nobody would see him.
It took a few minutes to get through the vents with Hordak in tow, bound by her hair. He was thankfully still and quiet as she navigated to her “room” for lack of better word. She had insisted on having one when Catra took her out of the prisons, and though it was mostly a mess of spare parts and tools, on the corner was a huge, fluffy, purple, pillow like bed with lovely furry fabric covering it. It was one of the few non- essentials she had insisted on being brought to the fright zone.
She set Hordak on the bed - the rest of the room was a mess of wires and equipment- and lowered herself down carefully before finally releasing him. He sat up, and looked around in confusion “where are we”
“My..room?” Entrapta said, pensive for the moment. “This is where I sleep. I’ve secured the doors, so nobody gets In unless I want them in.
“We’re gonna work on the … on the...on the stuff here then?”
When Entrapta brought Hordak to her room, her main concern had been privacy. The infirmary was closer, but she figured a higher up might be able to get in there in case of emergency. She also didn’t know how long Hordak would be woozy- her room was cozier, and though the floor was covered in spare parts, roomier.
But what hadn’t passed her mind was safety. There was still plenty of stuff here that a dazed and loopy Hordak could use to cause some damage. He could also get out if she didn’t watch him- and she was certain he didn’t want to wander the fright zone without his armor.
“Nope!” She said cheerfully, “you’re sitting right here-“ she lifted him with her hair and sat him in the middle of the bed, plopping him down, “until you feel better!”
Interesting. There was an odd dissonance to seeing Hordak in her room, sat up And looking very confused as he slowly sunk into her bed. Adorable, she thought, though she knew he’d hate hearing that.
“I’m f-ine”he tried to snap, but his voice was too slurred, and he lingered on the f too long.
“No, you’re not. I calculate a 90% dip in focus, cognitive function, and inhibition. For your own good, I won’t let you leave.” She rose herself up on her hair. Spreading her hands and the rest of her hair in front of him, as though to block him.
He looked at her, skeptical, a low “hmmmmmm” ringing from his throat as he rubbed his lower lip. “I feel fine.” He said slowly, “but.. ur usually right.” He sat back, his shoulders hunched over as he looked at her. “So imma listen to you”
She slowly lowered her hair. She was certain he hadn’t meant to say something nice, but to her. That was actually a little sweet. Maybe sweet is his default..when he’s not trying to be all dark and tough.
“No portal work” he stated simply.
Entrapta lowered herself with a sigh of relief.
“But there’s lotsa other stuff I can get done” he said as he struggled to lift himself out of the very soft, plush bed, “I can’t just sit here.”
Patience is also down, Entrapta thought. She needed to keep him calm, sat on the bed, nice and safe. But beyond restraining him -a last resort- how could she,...
She had an idea.
She lifted herself up, plopped herself behind him on the bed, pulled him to her so he was effectively leaning back against her, sat between her legs. Then she stared playing with his hair.
She had done this once before - only once. The effect with a guarded- though exhausted Hordak had been instantaneous: relaxed muscles, a slight droop and darkening of the ears, and an overall calmer disposition. She expected the same, but as she started playing with his hair, he didn’t just relax- he practically melted against her, sinking into the bed. His ears dropped, and he gave a low, contented hum. He even went so far as to press his head into her hand.
Entrapta gave a low chuckle- worried for a moment that that would snap him out of it, but then remembered that he was loopy. “You actually really like this, don’t you?” She asked. In response, Hordak gave a little “mmhmm” which she took to be affirmative.
“Alright! “ she said, “If you can stay still and calm until you feel better, I’ll play with your hair the whole time. How does that sound?!”
Another low, soft, “mmhmm.” He honestly seemed too contented to move.
She slowly unwrapped her hair from around him.
“No” he whispered softly. Entrapta froze, thinking me meant he didn’t want his hair played with.
“Mm..leave t’hair on me.” He murmured. “I like it”
Entrapta felt her face flush suddenly, but obliged, moving her hair over his arms so he could move if he wanted to. He rested a hand over her hair, letting his thin fingers twine with the purple strands, then shifted his head, nuzzling into some hair near his face.
She smiled, and gave a soft “aww.” Before catching herself. “You’re going to hate me when you’re back to normal.”
His eyes opened, and he looked up at her, suddenly deadly serious. He lifted his hand and pointed at her, letting the tip of his finger rest between her eyes.
“I could -never- hate you.”
They started at each other for a moment, then Hordak dropped his hand, nuzzled back into her hair, and muttered, “keep playing.”
She didn’t realize at first that she had stopped. She continued. “Why do you like this so much.” She mused.
“I have feeling in my hair.”
She froze for a second, then continued, “I didn’t realize.” She said. Hordak made an ambiguous dismissive noise
“Is it like mine?” She asked, “can you grab things with yours…. if it was longer?”
“Nah… it’s more for atmospheric sensory and pressure .”
Entrapta let a long moment of silence pass before she asked, “Can I...ask you some more questions? I’m curious about your species!”
“Go right ahead”
There are times when your walking somewhere, doing something entirely mindlessly, and suddenly come too. You’re off in a daze, and suddenly you’re in looking at records, trying to recall what you’re looking for. Sometimes you’re walking down a corridor and suddenly realize you’ve gone somewhere you didn’t intend.
Sometimes, you wake up swaddled in hair, babbling about something you can’t remember while your…..Friend plays with your hair.
A jolt of horror ran through him as he tried to recall the gaps in his memory.
“Y’alright? You went quiet there suddenly.”
“This is…. your room...right?”
“Yup! Can you remember how you got here?”
He could, sort of. It was slightly dreamlike, and blurry. He had the general gist though. He sat up quickly.
“What were we talking about?” He asked. He knew he had been doing the most of the talking but ...”
“Nothing. Science stuff.” Entrapta gave him a big smile and then a quick, gentle squeeze with her hair before she released him. “Let's get back to the lab. I think i have some ideas on keeping your armor stable around bad first ones tech… and ideas for a few new improvements!!
Hordak half wanted to press further, get more details, but maybe in this case, ignorance was bliss.
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timeandspacelord · 5 years
“Things you said with too many miles between us” any ship because it sounds really sweet and/or angsty either way
Iiiiin the interest of time, I kept this short, but I could totally write more, especially since this barely answered the prompt and absolutely introduced like a whole plotline. Let me know if you want more.
You already know I did Kaz and Inej because they’re literally perfect for this one, and idk if this is sweet or angsty or both, but here you go.
It was hard to see the stars in Ketterdam. There was too much light, for one thing, with all the streets illuminated long after the merchers were asleep and buildings in the Barrel where the lights never truly dimmed. For another thing, the grime that coated the walls of buildings and the cobblestones in the poorer parts of town seemed to cling to the night air as well. But tonight, the haze that usually obscured the sky had cleared in the stiff breeze blowing in from fifth harbor, and Kaz Brekker, hidden in a dark alleyway, found himself watching the stars rather than the door across the street.
Even with the wind, it was a perfect night to go about business undetected, the moonless sky hardly adding any more light to the city, and he’d planned this stakeout accordingly. Despite the importance of the job, Kaz couldn’t help looking up at the constellations he’d seen less and less as he engrossed himself in his new life in the Barrel and wondering if Inej could see the same patterns of stars wherever she was. Perhaps she was looking at them now and thinking of Ketterdam and maybe even him, the way he was thinking of her.
A sound across the street drew Kaz’s attention, and his eyes snapped to the door just in time to catch the briefest glance of a silhouette inside before it swung shut. He swore beneath his breath, cursing himself for acting like a lovesick child, while on a job, no less. Glaring at the stars, he limped deeper into the alley and behind one of the houses. His crow’s-head cane made a soft clack against the cobblestones with every other step he took. He wasn’t thrilled with the prospect of climbing the back stairs to the secondary vantage point he’d picked out in just in case he needed to see inside the building, but the information to be gained tonight was too important for him to leave just because of a few rickety steps. He’d endured worse anyway.
Of course, if he’d had Inej with him, his Wraith, he wouldn’t have had to worry about any of this. She could’ve gotten this information weeks ago, or even just climbed onto the roof of the building and listened at the window. But Inej wasn’t in the Barrel, or even in Ketterdam. She was far away, following her dreams on distant oceans and the ship he’d bought for her.
As he hauled himself up the last step, he couldn’t keep himself from muttering, “I miss you, Inej,” to the stars that had already caused too much distraction this night, as if they could carry the message to her over all the miles that separated them. It was a foolish thought. He wondered if she knew he was thinking about her.
“Focus, Brekker,” he hissed, mentally slapping himself. “Watch the mark.”
Thanks for doing the thing!!
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scaryscarecrows · 6 years
For once, the Creepy Bad Thing at Arkham is not Dr. Crane's fault. This one time.
Harvey gives Jim a Look and hisses, “Why.”
Okay. Jim can’t entirely blame him for not wanting to come. But too bad. It’s not like it’ll be that terrible, anyway. A couple of questions, and they’ll be on their merry way. This isn’t even official or anything, technically.
They stop outside the hospital room in time to hear, “-and I could see her lookin’ about to ask for help, and I…I’m not a good person love, I’m so sorry, I turned ‘round and speedwalked into another aisle.”
There’s wheezing and coughing and a rasped, “Don’t make me laugh, Kitty, it really hurts.”
“Sorry…but anyway, that’s why we don’t have ice cream at home.”
O-kay, then. You know what, he doesn’t want to know.
He makes Harvey knock-Harvey’s knocks are scarier, and the look of betrayal is hilarious-and calls, “GCPD, can we ask a few questions?”
“Come in.”
Crane looks tired and washed out but lucid and decidedly annoyed. Jim can’t entirely blame him-Arkham has enough problems without a fire, and Crane has been busy. Last time they met was shortly after a near-breakout, actually, and the place has only taken more patients since then.
But there was that fire-Firefly, funnily enough-and he’s now here for observation. Jim’s hoping the nurses won’t throw them out before they’re through.
“What did you-” Crane interrupts himself with a dry hack. “need. My apologies, I lost my voice.”
“I told you not to call and demand information…” Richardson sighs. Crane jabs a skeletal finger against her forehead and she laughs, swats him off.
“She’s not helping.”
“I suffered Wal-Mart for you! Alone! It was Hell, literal Hell, and that’s the thanks I get? Fine. I’m reading the next few chapters of Doctor Sleep without you.”
Crane turns, if possible, paler.
She rolls her eyes and pats his head.
“Relax, love, I wouldn’t. What did you need?”
“Just a couple of questions.” Harvey keeps shooting Jim looks as though it’s his fault they’re here. Which, okay, it kind of is, but Haaaarv Firefly was supposedly sedated how did he get out and set Arkham on fire? How is that not suspicious?
Crane shrugs, thin fingers shredding a tissue in his lap, and turns unblinking eyes to Jim.
“Of course.”
Jim’s not gonna lie, Crane…really, really creeps him out. He doesn’t blink. There’s no family to be found, not even a random cousin. And it’s weird that all it takes to control even the more violent inmates is his turning up. Charitable people would say he’s clearly good at his job, that his presence is calming and means that all will be right with the world.
Jim is not charitable.
“Firefly is responsible?” Crane nods. “How? Wasn’t he sedated?”
Crane visibly counts to ten, patting the shredded tissue into a little mound on the blankets.
“I do not expect you to understand the finer points of psychopharmacology.” he rasps, and now Jim’s pretty sure he’s not blinking on purpose. “I do, however, expect you to understand that it is not ‘insert medicine iiiiin-” He coughs and tries again. “Into patient, receive instantly docile individual’. For the more violent inmates such as Mister Lynns, a sufficient surge of adrenaline may keep them awake-and destructive-for a longer period. Long enough, in this case, to get his hands on some highly volatile materials and nearly burn the place to the ground.”
Hm. He’ll have to look into that.
“There’s no way he might have…I don’t know, not taken anything?”
Richardson snorts.
“We use needles as much as possible to avoid that risk,” she says shortly. “And I assure you that my nurses are competent individuals. Arkham is an underfunded asylum, Detectives. There are dangerous, occasionally…unusual…individuals in it.”
“Accidents will happen,” Crane finishes, and the way he says it is just…Jim’s getting warning sirens. “If you want to ask me aaaaanyth-anything else, I will be spending the next few days at home.”
“With a pen and paper. Stop talking.”
He shrugs and drops his tissue-mound in the trash can.
“Good afternoon, Detectives.”
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activatingaggro · 6 years
levret/kua iiiiin. Pale.
Levret’s teal, that’s 2low for him --
Easiest possible way for Levret Kua to work, I think, is placing Levret in a position where Kua feels responsible for him, and despite him being green, is unlikely to actually flake. So! First step would be to make sure it’s amusing enough for Kua to actually fucking pay attention, which means..
Levret’s sent out with Malili to check in on the Rickshaws, and make sure they’re all following imperial laws. Except they have the incredibly bad luck of picking the wrong area to go to, at exactly the wrong time. Levret and Lili board their unlucky, unlucky Rickshaw just a few hours before dawn, as a storm rolls in. They’re forced to stay the night as a thoroughly unseasonable, unexpected storm strikes..
.. and the Rickshaw gets raided by Kua and his lot, because oops, Levret just stepped into a fucking turf war. Items are stolen! The guardian lusus has obscene graffiti and “COURTESY OF II-J” spraypainted into her fur! Particularly promising looking wrigglers are abducted! And someone has been drinking, because somehow, Levret ends inside a trunk, and when II-J’s salvage team pops it open the next day, he is revealed.
And he is furious.
Kua, on his account, is probably absolutely fucking endeared. Levret’s a legislacerator, and they just stamped their damn name on the raid, so they can’t just off him. And he’s so angry. It’s great. He loves it. Kua sees this as a hilarious opportunity, until Malili makes his way to II-J - because he is absolutely not sending any of his people out to meet an angry clown at sea, thanks, the angry clown can come here! - to work what he views as his charisma magic. Can he convince Levret that they’re all perfectly legal, and win him over to his side?
Can his red charms pull off another win? =;V
This is potentially just “Kua hits on Levret red-ways, because getting the number of the police officer you’ve accidentally abducted is exactly his fucking aesthetic”. It ends up pale, in this case, because Kua is not especially picky, and he knows Oglian will find this absolutely fucking hilarious.
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starry-clown · 6 years
2, 8, 13, 23, 36, 52, 72, 84, 86, 97, 100? (sorry for so many!)
(haha it’s fine! but holysh*t)2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?hell yes it’s one of the best feelings… it’s like i feel serenity8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?i draw or i use photography to express my feelings13: what’s something that made you smile today?it’s silly but i got a cute message from a cute person and cute ppl always make me smile no matter what kinda mood i’m in haha23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?(you mean everyday haha) I just draw, go outside and try to take aesthetic shots of myself but end up crying about how non photogenic i am :’}i play dragon age,  skyrim or animal crossing too. sometimes i just lay in my bed while watching random vids on youtube36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?cigarettes after sex is a whole mood they’re my favorite band 💜52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?i fuckin love that pikachu ‘oh’ meme and the LET ME IN LET ME IIIIIN meme so much rn72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?my memory is so good actually but just in case, I write down passwords and extremely important info84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?i wanna be covered in tattoos I’ll just name the important ones cuz the rest is just ones that i think will look cool haha1. a gasmask underwater surrounded by jellyfish2. a poem that someone dear to me wrote about me3. a panda under the stars4. my cat toby5. the words “in time you will be fine.”6. something from the manga oyasumi punpun86: do you like concept albums? which ones?i love them! mostly ones from twenty one pilots97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?myer briggs type: MEDIATOR PERSONALITY (INFP -T)Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.zodiac sign: Cancer ♋hogwarts house: Ravenclaw100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?i choose 5 years into the feature… because going into the past would fuck up my learning experiences of being human. such as break ups, toxic people, tramatic experiences… IMO we all have to learn from these things in order to move on and try not make the same mistakes againHOLY SHIT I DID IT  :’}
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toyboy-molloy · 8 years
The One With The Interruption
John: *knocks on Sherlock's bedroom door*
Sherlock: *in a sexy voice* Come iiiiin. I've been waiting for youuuuu.
John: *enters* Hey, I was just wondering- *shouting* for God's sake! *backs runs out in horror* what the hell are you doing?
Sherlock: *following, pulling on a dressing gown; annoyed* What does it look like? I was- I was taking a nap.
John: *averting his eyes* Since when do you take naps in that position? *groans* tPlease tell me you weren't waiting for me...
Sherlock: *frowns* Don't flatter yourself. I'm seeing someone from work *thinking* I'm seeing a woman from work!
John: *impressed* That really fit Hopkins woman?
Sherlock: ...
Sherlock: Sure.
John: *quickly* Well, in that case, just give me a second and I'll be out of your hair. I'll just get a jacket and when I get back, I don't want to know anything.
John: *grimaces* Maybe that's her... *approaches the door*
Sherlock: *panicking* Okay, umm...
John: *opens the door*
Sherlock: *relaxes* It's just Grant and Mycroft...
John: *frowns* I thought you two were at dinner?
Greg: Well, we were! But Mycroft was talking so loudly on his phone they told us to leave.
Mycroft: *texting* I had to talk loud because that awful music was loud!
Greg: *frowns* It was important.
Mycroft: *sighs* They'll be other meals, Gregory.
Greg: *narrows his eyes* You'll be lucky.
Molly: *entering, happily; flipping a bottle of champagne, giggling to herself*
Molly: *sees everyone; suddenly shy* Oh...um... *grins widely; falsely excited* I'm so glad you're all here! My lab finally got new scalpels!
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heroicidean-archive · 8 years
I was tagged by @tol-sam ...thanks!
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke, but preferably neither. I’m not a big fan of soda
2. Disney or Dreamworks: aaah I love both, but I probably prefer Disney
3. Coffee or Tea: Both, but it depends on the time of day. Mornings are for coffee and contemplation, after all lol
4. Books or Movies: Booooooth, but if the movie is based off the book it better be good side glare at the Hobbit franchise
5. Windows or Mac: Windows, for sure
6. DC or Marvel: Both? I don’t really have a preference
7. Xbox or Playstation: don’t really care. I’ve never really played video games
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: ?¿?
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: NIGHT OWL!!!
10. Cards or Chess: Cards. Definitely
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate (i am eating mnms atm)
12. Vans or Converse: Converse!!!! I only have one pair (i need to get more...someday) but I love them
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar:  ?¿? what
14. Fluff or Angst: Both....for both reading at writing. Though I find angst (or angst-adjacent) more compelling to write, whether it be for fics or my own books
15. Beach or Forest: Forest
16. Dogs or Cats: DOGS
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain of course
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Cooking. Although I hate that I cook for a living lol
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Spicy? but not too much? like you know when it’s just heat with no underlying flavor, that I don’t like...but if it tastes good and lights my taste buds on fire then I am iiiiin
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas. Halloween was frowned upon in the churches I spent the majority of my life in so I never really celebrated it
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: TOO COLD GIVE ME ALL THE SWEATERS AND BLANKETS  AND FUZZY SOCKS MOTHERFUCKER I AM HERE FOR THAT
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I’m gonna be basic and say invisibility
23. Animation or Live Action: hmm, both
24. Paragon or Renegade: i am in a glass case of confusion?¿?
25. Baths or Showers: Showers all the way
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Iron Man 
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: both, but I prefer to read/write fantasy and watch sci-fi
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they:
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” -- J.R.R. Tolkein 
“A writer is a world trapped in a person.” -- Victor Hugo
29. YouTube or Netflix: this is like choosing a favorite character. I can’t....both
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: y u do dis 2 meeeee....I love them both, okay THEY’RE BOTH BEAUTIFUL
31. When You Feel Accomplished: When I finish working on a scene...and double the satisfaction if I’ve had writer’s block...multiply that by like ten if I’ve finally finished a full draft for a book (it feels so good, guys). When I’ve finished picking up my apartment (something I have to do tomorrow before I go insane) and it’s all nice and tidy. When I clock off of work the day/night before my day(s) off, which will be tomorrow for me :)
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Both. I loved Star Trek first, but now I lean toward Star Wars
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: I used to say only hardback, but I’ve changed my ways....I refuse to discriminate based on whether a book is paper or hardback
34. Handwriting or Typing: oh god, both. Typing is nice for stream-of-consciousness writing, and handwriting it good for when you really want to get something to stick in your mind. 
35. Velvet or Satin: I’m indifferent?
36. Video Games or Movies: Movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? jfc...this is hard. I think I’d rather own one. But I would have to live in some secluded cabin in the woods in northwest OR or southwest WA
38. Sunrise or sunset: sunset. I like the colors then a whole lot more
39. What’s your favourite song? there are literally so many songs that I love, it’s hard...I guess it shifts based on my mood atm? my current mood is telling me Lucifer by SHINee (I get to see them live in six days I’m gonna throw up I’m so excited)
40. Horror Movies yes or no: no thank
41. Long hair or short hair: hoo boy short. short short short
42. Opera or Theatre: As much as I would love to see a live opera at least once in my life, I’m gonna have to say theatre
43: Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? It’s a tossup between HP and LOTR
44: Are you scared of thunderstorms? Why? oh hell no I love them
45: If you were going to move in the next two months, where would it be and why? casually ignoring the fact that I’m moving to a new apartment in like five months I would love to move to Oregon. Like, that’s the dream. I love the climate and just general atmosphere and the creativity there? I visited Newport a couple of years ago and just fell in love with it. I know I said earlier that I prefer forests to beaches, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like beaches, too lol Plus, Oregon as a whole is a lot more liberal than my current and past towns and I think I would feel more at ease if I moved there
New Question: 46: What is one superpower you should never be allowed to possess? Why?
I tag: @yurionquads  @glowingdean @bela-talbot @prayforjensen @royalrowena @envydean (y’all don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, of course)
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